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106 N. Western Ave. Girard, KS 66743 Tel.


Weekly Bulletin


Saint Michael Church, Girard

GIRARD Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 10:00 am Sat. 2:00-2:45pm

ARMA 4:00pm 8:00 am 3:15-3:45pm

Weekdays before Mass; anytime by appointment.

STAFF Fr. Roger Lumbre Pastor Janel Scales Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor Faith Paoni Secretary Rectory Office Hours Tues-Fri 9AM-Noon Closed on Mondays Tel. (620) 724-8717

Notes From the Pastor: I hope many of you have already reflected and commented on our draft Mission Statement. After the parish council will have read, reflected, and prayed over your comments we will appreciate each of them according to their merits and if we need to incorporate them to either our identity, purpose, function or future. So far I havent read any comment yet. I am hoping this week I will be able to read some. I am glad that our parishioners-participants included in the statement in the function aspect We commit ourselves to be generous stewards of our faith, our parish, and our community. To be generous stewards of our faith includes both growing in the faith by studying our faith, and handing on the faith to our children by teaching them which includes our catechetical program in our parish. As to the studying of our faith, what opportunities for adults do we have in our parish? Last year we have bible study one Wednesday a month and That Man Is You every Friday. We thank Jerry Hanson and Dr. Paoni in leading these study sessions. This year we will continue both programs and will try to provide more opportunities. Thank you again to Jerry and Dr. Paoni for expressing their intent to continue to handle these activities. Our Bible study will now be two sessions, both on Thursday evenings, right after the Meals, so 7PM. The first session will be every 3rd Thursday of the month and will be on the New Testament. We are planning to use Jeff Cavins format focusing on the Gospel of Matthew. The second bible study session is every 4 th Thursday of the month. We will reoffer Jeff Cavins The Great Adventures which was studied last year, so those who have not attended it yet and those who want to have a refresher will have an opportunity to take it. Something new that we will do in the bible studies is that Jerry will collect questions that cannot be answered or hard to answer at the group discussion from the participants at the end of each session and give them to me. The next meeting, I will try to answer the questions before they will proceed with the next topic. We also thank Chris Sponsel for his intent to assist Jerry in these activities. Also, since starting October 11, 2012 will be the Year of the Faith, we are planning to present the series of Dr. Marcelino DAmbrosios I Believe every 2 nd Thursday evening. I will handle this myself. All these programs are open to all parishioners and noncatholic who are interested of the catholic faith and those who are considering of becoming catholic. We will announce the details next month when these programs will start. Next Sunday(8/26/2012) 10:00 AM T. Paoni, A., E., C. Doherty, M. Murphy, I. Muia Anna Goble Denny Heidrick Tim & Marilyn Hey Family In the meantime I hope you will be planning to come. You can come earlier before 7 and have free dinner with the Meals In His Name. If you intend to participate to any of these please let us know in advance, or more so, if you would like to volunteer to help in these programs, let us know as well. Also mentioned in the draft Mission Statement is the phrase faithful disciple. In our present time, to be true as such is of course to obey the will of Christ especially as expressed in the Gospel imperatives like what Christ tells us to and what not to do. One cannot truly say he/she is doing the will of God without at least being conscious of and avail of every opportunity to connect ourselves with our diocesan bishop. A "diocesan bishop" is entrusted with the care of a local Church (diocese). He is responsible for teaching, governing, and sanctifying the faithful of his diocese, sharing these duties with the priests and deacons who serve under him. To "teach, sanctify and govern" means that he must (1) oversee preaching of the Gospel and Catholic education in all its forms; (2) oversee and provide for the administration of the sacraments; and (3) legislate, administer and act as judge for canon-law matters within his diocese. He serves as the "chief shepherd (spiritual leader) of the diocese and has responsibility for the pastoral care of all Catholics living within his ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Being a true disciple, we are given this opportunity once more, to unite ourselves with

Next Saturday(8/25/2012) Altar Servers: 5:30 PM Molly & Mitch Adams

E. M. H. C. Lectors: Gift Bearers:

Sharon Giacometti John Duling Doug & Jenni Diskin Family

4:00 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 7:00 AM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 8AM-6PM 8:00 AM 8:30AM-4PM 7:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM

Mass Schedules & Intentions for August 18th-26th:

Aug 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Leona Thomsen Marion Lowe Edward Stefani Pro Populo Marion Lowe John Albertini Marion Lowe Eucharistic Adoration No Intention Eucharistic Adoration Marion Lowe Francis Buche Marion Lowe Julia LaSota Pro Populo Arma Girard Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Girard Arma Arma Girard Arma Girard Arma Girard

COLLECTIONS Last Week Contributions Children's Offering Expenses Over/ (Under)

Saint Michaels Upcoming Events Finance Council Tony Stonerock-Chair 2nd Thursday of Month, 5pm Rosary Altar Society Next meeting, Aug. 27th At 6pm in the Hall. Helping Hands Need help or want to volunteer, Call Carrie Smith, 724-6684 Parish Council Dale Coomes-Chair Next Meeting, TBA Knights of Columbus 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm St. Michael Parish Hall Daughters of Isabella Call Marilyn Bradshaw, 724-7133 That Man in You Friday mornings at 6am

July 2012 to date $19,337.63 $228.76 $11,703.74 $7,862.65

$2,703.00 $36.00

Important Dates August 26 all catechists are invited to attend the Catechists Fair at Our Lady of Lourdes September 8/9 Bishop Jackels will be visiting our parish and will celebrate the weekend masses with us; September 9 Mass will be at 10:30 AM with Bishop Jackels; installation of our catechists within the mass; Parish Picnic follows at the hall and church ground food, band, and games! Please plan ahead and unite with one another! September 12- CCD Classes starts That Man in You All men of the parish are welcome to attend this gathering. It will start again on September 7th at 6:00am. Online Calendar If you have an upcoming parish event that you would like posted on our St. Michaels website calendar, please call Nancy Bauer at 724-8533. Remember, our web address is and in addition to the calendar of parish events, you can find photos of parish events, bulletins, parish information and more! St. Bernard: Patron of Candle-Makers Bernard was born in a castle in Burgundy, France in 1091. At an early age, he was sent to the best schools where he studied theology and Holy Scripture. After his mothers death, fearing the temptations of the world, he decided to become a monk. One day, his Abbot sent him with twelve monks to found a new monastery to be called the Abbey of Clairvaux. Soon, Bernard was appointed the Abbot. Hardly a day passed that Bernard would ask himself, Why have I come to this monastery? He never allowed himself to forget that his main duty in this world was to lead a holy life and to save his soul. His holiness spread and soon people from all walks of life sought his advice, including kings, bishops, even Popes. The Pope commanded him to preach a crusade throughout Germany and his homeland of France. Bernard founded many more monasteries and his powerful writings earned him the title of Doctor of the Church. He was devoted to the Blessed Mother and composed several prayers in her honor, including the beautiful prayer called The Memorare. (Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary) St. Bernard died on August 20, 1153. His feast day is this Monday. Article by Marcel Normand

Bishop Jackels this September 8 and 9 where he will be presiding over in all our masses and to connect us to the diocese in our celebration of its 125th year anniversary and the 100th year anniversary of the completion of the cathedral, and also the universal churchs celebration of the year of faith! I hope you have tried to rearrange your schedule so our bishop will have a chance to meet you and your family. Attention parish council members and finance council members, although I will write you a letter about this, this will be your advance notice that your presence is highly required at the dinner with the bishop on September 8, Saturday at the hall, right after the 5:30PM Mass. Non council members, if you plan to join in this Saturday dinner with the bishop, please call our parish office. If not please join us in our parish picnic on September 9 th. Once more I am counting on your presence! Gods blessing be with all of you always! Fr. Roger Benefit for Steve VanLeeuwen A benefit hog roast and auction will be held on Saturday, August 25th at the St. Michaels Parish Hall. Food will be served from 5pm to 7pm, with the auction starting at 7:30pm. Free will donations will be accepted. Ladies of St. Michaels Parish Anyone who can donate one or two pies for the benefit dinner for Steve VanLeeuwen. Please have them to the hall by 3:00pm. Thanks so much for helping out.


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