The Missing Week... (Week 15)

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They say, they want heaven They say, they want God I say, I got heaven Well I say,

I am God
The Weeknds Heaven Or Las Vegas

Monday, August 20th 1:43 AM Jay is crying as he sits on the edge of his bed in his bedroom. His bedroom is a mess and his lamp is on the floor lighting up the dim room as he trembles in a crying fit. Jay is screaming, I didnt mean to kill her! I am so sorry, Lola Jay runs over to a wall in his bedroom to punch a hole in it and he then flips his bed over, rips his television off the wall, punches another hole into a wall, and he throws his side night table into a wall. The table crashes into at full speed wall and a bottle of pills rolls out of the draw of the table. Jay franticly dives to the floor for the bottle. Jay wrestles the top off of the bottle only to pour two black pills into his left hand. The pills are black mercy and Jay then pops both pills into his mouth. He wipes the running tears from his face and then says, Maybe this will help me to relax. Jay curls up on his bedrooms floor like a dog. Jay calmly close his eyes and hums himself to sleep as hes still trembling.

2:01 PM Jay is sweaty with a towel wrapped around his head, a tie around his neck, silk red boxers, and one black shoe on his left foot and white sock on his right foot. Jay is very peaky as hes talking on his cellular phone. Hes saying, Whats up, home dawg? Ya gonna give me that eight? What?! What do you mean you cant sell to me? I didnt snitch on Slim Jim Fats. I just warned Po-po of his lethal shit. That shit was the bomb, yo! What are you talkin bout, this is how I talk! I am not fuckin with you, my nig! Okay, maybe I was fuckin with you just then but cmon, son, calm down. We good. So are you gonna give me that eight? Fuck ya mean no?! I got good money. Stop bein a beeotch and let me cop that. I am not a snitch! I killed my friend so I had to get my life right but now I am back to this life so whats good, playa! I keep tellin you I talk like this! Says who? So you gonna let ya boss cheat ya outta a few grand? I really need my China like now. Cmon work with me!

Yes you can sell to me! Cmon! Just one eight! Cmon! Please! Ill find someone to sick ya dick! Fuck you! Ill find someone else to buy from. What do you mean no one wont sell to me in Cali? Shit! Who the fuck is this boss? Whats his number?! Let me talk to him?! * Hello? Hello? Hello? HELLO! Jay throws his cellular phone into a wall and it shatters to pieces and he then punches another hole into his wall. Jay runs his hands through his hair in frustration and he then halts with his movement. A big smile appears on his face followed by a lite chuckle. Jay then says, Or I can do that. Tuesday, August 21st 6:37 AM Jay is leaning on a customer service counter trying to be cool in an airport for an airport attendant. Jay is wearing a grey suit with a white shirt and black Converses on his feet. The young Caucasian attendant is blonde with glass, a very cute young lady. She smiles at Jay and then says, You have an hour until your flight boards, Mr. Wong. Anything else I could help you with? Jay looks at the attendants large breast and then smile only to say, What time do you get off? Attendant says, Excuse me, Mr. Wong? Jay says, Ya wanna fly with a big dawg? Attendant says, I am sorry, Im married.

Jay says, No. No. I wasnt tryin to flirt with ya. Attendant says, OhWell, your gate to Las Vegas is gate fifteen. Jay says, Okay. Thanks. But if ya change your mind, ya husband can watch while I fuck ya. Attendant looks at Jay with disgusted look on her face as she says, Mr Wong! Oh my god! Please! Go! Go! Jay smirks then says, Okay, okay but the invitation is open for the both of yall. Its not cheatin if hes watchin. Attendant says, Please dont make me call security. Take your tickets and go! Jay says, Okay. Okay. Im goin. Just to let ya know, I killed my friend by accident. Attendant throws Jays ticket at him as Jay stand in front of her with a goofy smile on his face because hes still high from black mercy. Jay stumbles away walking towards his gate as the attendant shakes her head in disgust. 1:00 PM Jay is in a hotel lobby with big tinted sunglasses on that covers a good amount of his face. Hes looks very shifty as he stands next to the Asian young man whos a bellhop for the hotel. Jay looks over his shoulder and then says, PsstPsstPsst. The bellhop turns his head to look at Jay and then points to himself. Jay then says, Yeah you. Bellhop says, Um, how can I help you, sir? Jay says, Do you know where I can some candy from? Bellhop looks around with an uncomfortable look on his face as he says, At Rite Aid down the street. Jay says, No. Candy. Candy candy. Bellhop says, Like a Hersey bar? Jay sighs and then shakes his head in frustration. Jay then says, White candy, dammit!

Bellhop says, White chocolate? I dont know if Rite Aid has that. You can go check. Jay says, Shhhhhhh! Listen, son. I am takin bout, candy for the soul that goes up your nose that also brings on hoes. Bellhop says, Youre an Asian rapper too! Oh shit! Let me spit some bars for you! Jay says, NO! I am lookin for China White! Bellhop says, I can ask if China White checked in for you, sir. The Bellhop begins to walk away and Jay pulls him back by his arm. Jay then says, NO! Listen, yo! Jarad told me to come see you, Rich; the only Asian bellhop in this hotel. Your name is Rich, right? The bellhop nods his head yes and Jay then says, So I need six eight balls of China. Money aint a problem for me. Bellhop says, Sorry, sir, I dont know what youre talkin about. I dont know any Jarad. Jay sighs and then says, Fuck this! Jay pulls two dollars out of his back pocket and gives it to the bellhop. The Bellhop smiles and then says, Youre in the loft suite, right? Jay says, YES! Bell hop says, Ill call it in and have it delivered to your room. Welcome to Vegas, sir. Jay smiles as he says, My man! Friday, August 24th 1:12 AM Jay screams Whoooooooo! As hes in his loft suite surrounded by naked women of every race partying. There are a few men including the Asian bellhop who are partying also. A naked Caucasian brunette is lying across Jays lap. There are lines of cocaine on her buttocks. The woman is giggling as shes saying, Go head, baby, take another taste. Jay says, Oh I am and afterwards I am gonna taste ya sexy ass. Woman says, Whenever youre ready, baby.

Jay snorts all the lines off of the womans buttock like a mad man. He then buries his face between the womans buttock cheeks causing her to giggle. Everybody at this party is doing some form of drugs as the loud music blasts in the background. 11:48 PM Jay is sitting at a bar with a drink in his hand next to a Caucasian man with black hair, clean face, and ocean blue eyes. The man is wearing a blue collar shirt tucked into his black pants. Jay is talking to the man next to him. Jay says, I cant believe I killed my friend. Like really! She took my death shine away from me. I was plannin to do a Jim Belushi and Chris Farley rolled in one but she took that shine away from me, yo. I hate the fact in life you never know when ya gonna go. The thought of not knowin when death is at ya door is scary. Any day could be ya last day and I hate this feelin. The feelin of death breathin behind me causin the hairs on my neck to stand up. I cant believe I killed Lola while I am stuck here waitin to die. The man next to Jay says, Life and death is one tricky thing but the element that lie in between the two is key to life. Jay says, What the hell does that mean? The man next to Jay says, What if I tell you I know how to bring your friend back to life? Jay says, I would say I am drunk and youre smokin some good shit. The man next to Jay says, No. I am serious, what if I tell you I have the capability to extend and recreate life? And I am selling to grieving people like yourself, what would you say? Jay stares at the man with a blank look on his face as the man stares back at Jay. The man gives Jay his business card. Jay looks at the business card and then says, Resurrection Men? What the hell is that? The man is getting up from his seat as he says, Call us and we will help you with your situation, Jay. The man walks away as Jay looks at the man leaving with an awe look on his face. Jay then says, I never told ya my name. A beautiful, sexy Latin woman in a short black dress sits next to Jay where the man was sitting. Jay turns to the woman to say, Hey you

The woman ignores him and then he says, Excuse me, lady sittin next to me. The woman is still ignoring Jay. Jay then says, I know you hear me, yo. Excuse me! The woman says, What?! Jay says, Are you a call girl? The woman says, What?! What the fuck are you tryin to say, Jet Li?! Jay chuckles and then says, Ya know, workin girl. Vegas legal hooker. Ya know what I mean? The woman says, Fuck no! Get the fuck outta my face wit that perv shit! Jay says, Is that right? The woman says, Leave me alone creep before I spray ya ass! Jay pulls out a rubber banded bundle of hundred dollar bills and places it on the bar between him and the woman. Jay smiles as he looks the woman into her eyes and then says, Sup? Saturday, August 25th 12:01 AM Jay and the Latin woman are back in Jays hotel loft. The woman is under the white sheets moving her head up and down between Jays legs as his toes are curling and eyes are rolling to the back of his head as he lies in his bed totally naked. Jay then moans, Oh Lola! Oh Lola! Oh Lola! Oh Lola! I loe ya lips! Lola! Oh Lola! The woman peaks her head out from under the sheets to look up at Jay as Jay looks down at her. She says, My name aint Lola! Jay says, Shut the fuck up and finish suck my dick! Do what I paid ya for! The woman gives Jay a cold stare then goes back under the white sheets continuing to give Jay fellatio. Jay moans,

Oh Lola! Oh Lola! I love you, Lola! 3:15 PM Jay is in his bed in his hotel loft suite. The loft is totally ruined with trash, empty bottles, bloody needles, old food, broken televisions, and many other random things are on the floor. The call girl is gone from Jays bedroom. The bed is wet from Jay cold sweating during his sleep. Jay jumps out of his sleep screaming, Aaaaaaaaaaah! Lola! Jay heavily pants as hes franticly looking around the lofts bedroom with fear and depression painted all over his face. Jay says, Where am I?

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