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Not a single European nation, tribe or kingdom is responsible for the presence of Blacks in the Americas. The very first people of Negroid/African race arrived in the Americas over thirty thousand years ago, according to National Geographic's article on THE PEOPLING OF AMERICA and the revelation that more than fifty skulls representing Africans and people of Africoid-Aboriginal type similar to that of Melanesia and Australia were found in Brazil. Furthermore, according to the Gladwin Thesis, the first Blacks may have arrived in the Americas as early as about 75,000 B.C. and they were called "Dimunitive Blacks" or people similar to the Pygmies of Africa and Agta of the Philipines. A Black Australoid type, an Black African type, A Black Melanesian type also migrated to the Americas according to the Gladwin Thesis (see the text, "A History of the African-Olmecs," pub. by 1stBooks Library, One of the most ancient Black nations of the Americas lives right here in the State of Louisiana, they are called the Waschitaw Nation and before the Louisiana Territory was illegally sold by France for three cents an acrem, knowing that the Waschitaw owned about one million square miles, the entire region belonged to the Moundbuilding Waschitaw who were recognized by both Spain and France. Yet, the hunt for Black slaves in the Americas and for the "Descendants of Ham" who were to be enslaved brought about the taking of the lands of the Waschitaw and other Black nations and the enslavement of many of them. According to I. Rafinesque (American Friends, 1833 "Black Nations of America,' a number of Black nations existed in North America and when Louis and Clarke explored west of the Mississippi, some were seen. Two well known Black nations were the Jamassee who had a sizable kindgom in what is today Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama and Northern Florida. The Black Calafians of California (Black Mojave) also owned lots of land and fought with the settlers up to the 1880's (see the pictures at "BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF ANCIENT AMERICA." Many others existed as well and they are all listed in the logs of some of the very early explorers who were either French or Spanish, or fur trappers. So, the idea that the white man brought Blacks to this continent after Columbus is one of the biggest lies of history. The fact is they were looking for slaves in Brazil even before Columbus and the saw Blacks along the South American coast, in the Caribbean and in parts of the Southern U.S. As for Black civilization in the Americas, it is a fact that the Olmec or Mende-Shi, are of African origins and they contributed to the

building of the Olmec civilization in Central America and Mexico. This occurred from about 3113 B.C. to about 400 A.D. While about half a million slaves were brought to the U.S. and many millions to Latin America and the Caribbean, there were large numbers of Blacks in the Americas who had been here for thousands of years and who also fell victim to slave raiders and invaders. Read more on this from the text, "A History of the African-Olmecs," pub. by See pictures of the Olmecs, Black Mojave, Afro-Darienite, Olmecs and other Blacks of the Americas who existed here before Columbus "BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF ANCIENT AMERICA."

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Enjoy! ROOTS Ras_Joe: Appreci-love Thanks Queen RainMan: Well, i definitely missed that article. I enjoyed reading the post, Joe. Thank you very much. Peace. Navigation [0] Message Index

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