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Mrs. Mitchells Classroom Contract for 8th Grade ELAR REQUIRED MATERIALS: 1.

Pen or Pencil for EVERYDAY use (ONLY black/blue pen can be used on Formal Writing). 2. Notebook paper 3. 1.5-2 Binder with 5 sections/dividers one gigantic one for all of your classes. 4. Spiral/Journal(1 subject) 5. Kleenex 6. A library book for silent reading PROCEDURES THROUGHOUT THE ROOM: Students will follow the General, Beginning, Middle, and End of class procedures in order for the class to function in an acceptable and organized manner. GRADING POLICY: 20% Formative assignment 80% Summative assessment Extra Credit opportunities must relate to mastery of the intended learning objectives.

8th Grade Expectations: 1. Be on time and prepared for learning every day. 2. Be in your seat and working on Bell Ringer before class begins. 3. No food, drinks, or gum in the classroom. 4. Make good choices and take responsibility for your actions. 5. Respect yourself, others, and property of Bowie Middle School. All students are expected to be positive, contributing members in the class. Be polite and thoughtful to one another as well as to yourself. If your behavior is anything other than what is mentioned above, consequences will be enforced. Consequences: 1. Verbal Warning and redirection given 2. Second verbal warning, conference with Mrs. Mitchell, and 1st parent contact. 3. Teacher detention 15 minutes and 2nd parent contact. 4. Teacher detention 30 minutes and 3rd parent contact. 5. Office Referral REWARDS: Praise Positive notes and phone calls home Prizes Other various positive perks throughout the year


Mrs. Mitchells Classroom Contract I have received and discussed the rules and regulations that will be followed by Mrs. Mitchell in English. My guardian and I know that I will need the following supplies to be successful in her class:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Pen or Pencil for EVERYDAY use Red Pen to keep in class Notebook paper 1.5-2 Binder with 5 sections/dividers You may use one gigantic one for all of your classes. Spiral/Journal to keep in class(1 subject) Kleenex (for a free homework pass) A library book for silent reading

My guardian and I know that she can be reached during her conference period from 10:13 am 11:10 am at 972600-3052 or via e-mail,, at any time.

(Cut here, Keep the top in your class divider and return the bottom by Tuesday, Sept. 4th Thanks!!) Name: ________________________________ Due: September 4, 2012 Period: _________

Mrs. Mitchells Classroom Contract I have received and discussed the procedures and expectations that will be followed by Mrs. Mitchell in ELAR. This document included necessary supplies and contact information.

Student Signature Parent Information (Please print) Parent Name: Phone # (home): Phone # (work): Phone # (cell): e-mail: Best time and place to reach you if necessary.

Parent Signature

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