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Social change refers to an alteration in the social order of a society.

It may refer to the notion of social progress or sociocultural evolution, the philosophical idea that society moves forward by dialectical or evolutionary means. It may refer to a paradigmatic change in the socio-economic structure, for instance a shift away from feudalism and towards capitalism. Accordingly it may also refer to social revolution, such as the Socialist revolution presented in Marxism, or to other social movements, such as Women's suffrage or the Civil rights movement. Social change may be driven by cultural, religious, economic, scientific or technological forces. More generally, social change may include changes in social institutions, social behaviours, or social relations. An institution is any structure or mechanism of social order and cooperation governing the behavior of a set of individuals within a given human community. Institutions are identified with a social purpose and permanence, transcending individual human lives and intention by enforcing rules that govern cooperative human behavior.[1] The term "institution" is commonly applied to customs and behavior patterns important to a society, as well as to particular formal organizations of government and public services. As structures and mechanisms of social order among humans, institutions are one of the principal objects of study in the social sciences, such as political science, anthropology, economics, and sociology (the latter being described by Durkheim as the "science of institutions, their genesis and their functioning").[2] Institutions are also a central concern for law, the formal mechanism for political rule-making and enforcement. social behavior is behavior directed towards society, or taking place between, members of the same species. Behavior such as predation which involves members of different species is not social. While many social behaviors are communication (provoke a response, or change in behavior, without acting directly on the receiver) communication between members of different species is not social behavior. The umbrella term behavioral sciences is used to refer to sciences that study behaviorality disturbance in general. In sociology, "behavior" itself means an animal-like activity devoid of social meaning or social context, in contrast to "social behavior" which has both. In a sociological hierarchy, social behavior is followed by social actions, which is directed at other people and is designed to induce a response. Further along this ascending scale are social interaction and social relation. In conclusion, social behavior is a process of communicating.[citation needed] Among specific social behaviors are regarded, e.g., aggression, altruism, scapegoating and shyness.[1] 'Monosociality' describes social relations (or preference for such relations) with the same sex of a (putatively) nonsexual nature. 'Bisociality' describes social relations (or preference for such relations) with both the same and opposite sexes, also of a (putatively) nonsexual nature. a social relation or social interaction refers to a relationship between two (i.e. a dyad), three (i.e. a triad) or more individuals (e.g. a social group). Social relations, derived from individual agency, form the basis of the social structure. To this extent social relations are always the basic object of analysis for social scientists. Fundamental inquiries into the nature of social relations are to be found in the work of the classical sociologists, for instance, in Max Weber's theory of social action. Further categories must be established in the abstract in order to form observations and conduct social research, such as Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft (lit. "Community and Society") or "collective consciousness". Disputes over the conduct of investigating social interaction relate to the core debates in sociology and the other social sciences: positivism (quantitative research) against antipositivism (qualitative research), structure against agency, structural functionalism against conflict theory, as well as the philosophy of social science itself. Needs of the Elderly There are a number of aspects that are involved in taking care of elderly or aged people. Having a good amount of awareness about the various possible needs and requirements of the elders, is extremely important for those people who have the responsibility of taking care of their aged family members, parents or relatives. In this article, we will have a generic look at the type of assistance and help that elderly people commonly require, in addition to a few elderly special needs.

Financial Needs If elderly individuals happen to be living on their own, i.e. without anyone else's support, it is but natural that they will have a certain amount of financial needs. They will need to fend for themselves for everything such as food, groceries, medicines, etc. Pensioners would have the benefit of a steady source of monthly income (whatever be the amount trickling in). However, those senior citizens who do not have any pension facilities or any other sources of income, would have to live entirely on the basis of their savings or through special senior citizen government finance schemes. Health Care Requirements Senior health is the most important requirement when it comes to elderly needs. With advancing age, the body tends to slow down and becomes less efficient. Elderly people are prone to a few age-related health issues. This is a normal aspect of life and one cannot help it. However, through proper care and nursing facilities, one can definitely help in keeping most of these health issues in check and preventing them from causing any serious harm. Regular medical checkups is necessary. They can help in anticipating potential future health-related issues. At the same time, they may help in identifying serious health problems at an early enough stage during which treatment is possible. Dietary Requirements As people age, their digestive system gradually starts weakening. Aged and elderly people especially, face this problem wherein they start finding certain foods indigestible or difficult to digest. What one must realize is that their diet can no longer be the same as it was say, twenty years ago. Their diet should now be modified accordingly such that it remains a nutritious, balanced diet and yet, contains foodstuffs that their system is able to accept, without causing them any discomfort or problems. Often, the diets of elderly people need to be altered depending on their medicinal prescriptions. Nursing Requirements If you have an elderly family member whose mobility has become limited due to aging, he or she would require a certain amount of assistance in his or her daily routine. If it is not possible for someone in the family to be around the aged person the whole day long, you could consider having a full-time nurse to assist the elderly person. This could be beneficial, especially if the elderly person requires assistance in basic activities like walking, eating, bathing, dressing, etc. Social and Other Needs One thing that you should keep in mind is, to shower all your love and care on your elderly relative or family member. Just because they have become old and slow, does not mean that you should ignore them or let them be confined to themselves. Remember, a few years down the line, you yourself will be in their position. Spend time with them, chat with them and make them feel wanted, cared for and loved. Pay special attention to their room. You could consider installing a few senior citizen friendly appliances which they would be comfortable using. Also, you should consider installing certain medical alarms that are specially made keeping in mind elderly citizens. My experience with care giving and the elderly is that often times the emotional needs of their loved ones are missed. In a nursing home, there is not enough staff. At home, often the family is over worked and stressed. They are barely coping with the strain of it all. Many times they do not realize how their mom or Dad is feeling with the loss of their independence and rights. This article I hope helps family members to see a side of the situation they are missing. Feeling Important: Your mother or father took care of you for years. Now in their advanced age and health condition, they need to be taken care of. They cannot walk well, talk well, their memory is fading, they may be in a wheel chair or bedridden. They cannot do much for you or for themselves so they feel useless. They often feel they have really nothing to live for and are just taking up time and space. They often have no say in their life, even when to take a shower. They are treated like children and talked down to. I have watched while spouses and children talked in front of the patient as if they could not understand or hear. Most often they do understand or understand enough for these comments to hurt. It causes them great pain and emotional distress. Find ways to make your parents feel important. Ask their advice, even if you don't want it or doesn't make sense. It's the idea you are considering their opinion and their view. It's for them not you. Give them tasks in the family that they are capable of doing such as helping with cooking or dishes, watching the kids, be creative.

Give important consideration to the way they want the house, and how they want to live. I have seen kids go in and redo a house they way they like it, completely ignoring the feelings of their parents. In some cases it is necessary such as to remove rugs they might trip on, or put grab bars in the bathroom but often it is changed to match the view of the children. I took care of one man where the daughter took over the house. All was fixed to her view with no consideration of how her father felt. It is still their house and their life. Children need to remember that. It is your role to make life easier but not to take over their life completely. Again in some cases, as they get worse, you do have to take over every little detail but while they are able, give them the right and choices. Talk to them in the tone of being respected and revered not being condescending. Many cultures such as the Asians, the Hispanics, and the Indians view their parents with respect and dignity giving them importance for their role in the family. Those of us not from this culture need to copy the way they deal with their aging parents. Listen to their requests. They may seem unimportant to you but are very serious to your parents. When you have little joy in life left, those small joys are important. It may be using a special plate, or wearing a certain blouse, or going to church, or a particular TV program. Requests may be a special way to prepare their food, where they want things kept in the house, or how their day is scheduled. Try to accommodate them if possible within your schedule. The Need to Be Touched; Often in nursing homes, your loved one suffering from disease or bad health may not smell good. I know all too well the smell of people dying of cancer. You must overcome that, to give them what they need which is to be touched. It is as important as food to many of them. They get little of it from the nursing staff. Hug them, stroke their hand, and lay your hand on their head with love. The Need for Company; All too many times in nursing homes or even in their own home, people stop visiting. Often it is because friends are uncomfortable during the visit because the patient cannot communicate well, can't remember much, and doesn't smell good. The atmosphere on the bottom floor called skilled nursing is pretty grim. People are dying and crying out and suffering. A lot of people cannot handle it. You need to get past your own feelings to give them what they need- your time. You need to put their needs first. There are people in skilled nursing who never have visitors including family that could visit more often. It is neither fun, nor easy but you have to do it anyway. Remember, someday you will be old and not smell well. How would you want to be treated? If you're friends of that person, visit as often as possible. It is the highlight of their grim existence. Bring them flowers from your garden, bring the church program, or a magazine. Wheel them out on the patio for a few minutes of sunshine, share with them your news about their community or just have a laugh. If they don't understand it all, it's OK, for you are there and it makes them feel loved. If they are dying, give them comfort, bring them a treat, stroke their hand, let them talk about their fears, and last wishes. The Need to Still Feel In control: Try to guide your parents in their decisions as you can. Give them a say in as many of the decisions as possible. Consult them gently while trying to show them the way. It's hard for them to admit their need for help, their need for physical help, their need to have help in managing all the details of their life that once was not a problem. Don't take over the house, unless it is necessary. Let them keep their house as they enjoy it even if it is a little cluttered. It is still their house and their life. Accommodate them on how they like things done, where they want things placed, and the schedule of activities The Need for Independence: Let them struggle a little. Allow them to do things, even if it is difficult and takes them longer. Allow them to do all they can do while they are able. Do not rush in to tie their shoes or help them get up from the chair. They need to do it, if they can. That is a hard one for families and care givers as well.

Most myosin molecules are composed of a head, neck, and tail domain.

The head domain binds the filamentous actin, and uses ATP hydrolysis to generate force and to "walk" along the filament towards the barbed (+) end (with the exception of myosin VI, which moves towards the pointed (-) end). the neck domain acts as a linker and as a lever arm for transducing force generated by the catalytic motor domain. The neck domain can also serve as a binding site for myosin light chains which are distinct proteins that form part of a macromolecular complex and generally have regulatory functions. The tail domain generally mediates interaction with cargo molecules and/or other myosin subunits. In some cases, the tail domain may play a role in regulating motor activity.

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