Tri Volley Talkies-Edition 07-Aug 26 2012

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Cost: Priceless HACIENDAS HIGHLY IRREGULAR DAILY Edition 07, Aug 26 2012

Printed At: Commons Press That is pure dedication. I am impressed. Said the CMD of TPS when he came to know about the incident from our reporter when he had come to collect the TPS recovery fee. However, it would have been good if he were replying to our once-in-a-while emails. He continued. When asked if the core committee would be taking any action, he said Since I know the reason now, I will use my veto power in the committee meeting and not suspend him. Thank God he went absconding! said one person who did not want to be named fearing threat to his life. I get to play in his place now. he said with a smiley. As the news of his penance spread like wild fire within TPS and beyond, everyone was all praises to Pradeep for his initiative and dedication. However when the TPS collector tried to catch hold of Pradeep at his house to collect his monthly membership fee, All he found was a note on his door which read Perception is reality.

-Special Correspondent

Pleasanton: TPS Patriots captain, Pradeep, has gone into hiding since the BATA tournament in June. Sources say that he had taken this decision because neither of the TPS teams could win the tournament.

News of his sightings all over the US including the East Coast have been confirmed. However, not even his shadow was seen at Creekside Park,the regular hub of TPS. Under the given circumstances, the TPS core committee was hell bent on taking strict action against such irregularities. In fact, it was rumoured that some of the committee members tabled a motion of suspension provided under the Core Committee Autocratic Act,2012 Sources very close to his house(in fact,opposite) said that he had taken to tough penance since the loss and had been working day in and day out in the hope that our team could win atleast the next tournament.


-Local correspondent
Pleasanton: In what appeared to be a takeover of the various positions in the TPS core committee, the new comer Jagadesh, created ripples inside TPS within a few days of his induction. Jagadesh, who started off as a bystander, slowly came into the folds of the TPS and started making some rapid advances in the group. First, he took over Kamarajs forte of keeping the score. With his unparalleled ability to drag the game longer by repeating the score for a minimum three times, he made sure everybody including the evening walkers took note of him. To emphasize the same, he started telling wrong scores thus cementing his position very strongly as the Pointer of TPS. Kamaraj, who was at the receiving end had nothing to say. That was something that I was doing very well. I was not even given a notice of termination. He said with blood red eyes. But Jagadesh had bigger ambitions. As soon as he effortlessly stole the pointer position, he aimed next at the office of the Chief Mailer Demon (CMD) of TPS which is currently occupied by Anand. This alarming development was immediately taken note of by the TPS core committee and an emergency meeting was convened by the CMD which no one attended. At a later press conference with our reporter, the CMD, visibly shocked and sleepless said, Yes. We have been seeing a flurry of emails from him which generally I used to send out. We are trying to work out a strategy to keep my job safe. said the CMD with a shaky voice.

On being asked if TPS was doing something for Kamarajs loss, he told that TPS was planning to offer him the post of receptionist (mentioned by our reporter in the previous edition) temporarily. However he was confident that Kamaraj will get his pointer position back soon. Nowadays Jagadesh is concentrating more on game than on scores thus messing it all up. The committee is noting it down and has also typed the firing orders. Its just a matter of time now if I am still the CMD until then. He said with an air of uncertainty. Jagadesh was not available for any comment. Our reporters tried to reach him but to no avail. Sources say that he has been diligently mugging up all possible score combinations to make sure he holds on to the post he has acquired.


The TPS teams seem to be having lot of problem with the quarters. This fact was proved beyond doubt when the team was knocked out in the quarter finals of the Bay Area Tamil Manram volleyball tournament after defeating the champions of Spandana in the previous round convincingly. TPS was planning to take expert consultation from its quarters specialist, Wingless Cmdr Dr.Shelar. The core committee is also planning a signature campaign to eliminate the quarter finals round in the future tournaments. Talks of Spikerzz-III is in the air. After the grand successes of the first and second editions, the folks are all enthusiastic about the third edition. TPS is planning to bring more external teams into the foray but are trying to make sure they dont win the coveted TPS trophies. The goal is to make them drive all the way to Pleasanton and beat them with no mercy.


Hello folks! Here we are, back with a new edition of our very own TVT. Lot of things have taken place since the last edition. However, our reporters did not provide me with the news to publish. Apparently, they were skeptical about losing their jobs just like one of the TPS members and had gone underground along with the news articles. They came back to TVT only after I assured them that TVT will not be taken over by anybody. The result of which you have finished reading just now. I am happy to announce that we in TVT, are doing a great job by sticking to our timeliness in a very justified manner. I promise to keep that culture alive. Like always, keep sending in your comments and feedback. Of course, none of them will be read or taken into consideration. You can also provide your feedback online at Until next time, keep reading. Keep talking. Because the more you talk, the more you read!

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