EB MPM: August 9, 2012

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Executive Board Meeting Minutes Per Meeting August 9th, 2012 Start Time: 4:05pm Exchange of Documents None

ne Matters of Concernment Ellyse: Feels people are not preparing for the coming year Ysraels Standards for Order Presented Budget Promotional Items Robert: There is no update Robert will send out an email tonight inquiring about the buttons and he will call Student Life Monday 3:0 Vincent: The new Treasurer step in and create both reports since the outgoing Treasurer has not been able to uphold his responsibilities. Robert: The first week of every second month, the report needs to be due. Rescinded: Ellyse: The bi-monthly reports are due at the end of the second month. 3:0 Robert: The report is due on the last EB meeting of the last week of the every second month. General Body Meetings Rescind Vincent: The person who chairs the general meetings come up with the icebreakers. 1:2 Ellyse: We play I Rise, I fall Rescind - Ysrael: We play Guesstures as the second activity. Ysrael: We play Pictionary as the second activity. 3:0 Robert: We do a paper airplane icebreaker. 3:0 Ellyse motions to table the second icebreaker until the next meeting. Future Meetings 3:0 Ysrael: We will have a movie day once every month during the main modules. (September, October, December, March, April, May) 2012-2013 Workshops Domestic Violence Robert gives update Rescind Robert: The Domestic Violence is a panel. Gay Resume Building 3:0 Ysrael: Vincent creates a committee and figure out the details for this workshop. Gender Roles Mathew: We bring in someone who knows about Human Sexuality from the Sociology Department to come in and speak about the subject. 3:0 Ysrael Amends: We contact David Troy to figure out how to establish the workshop.

Events J.Cs Event Update: Ellyse and Robert were unable to attend. She contacted him but he has not responded. National Coming Out Day Update Vincent: No update; will contact the appropriate person Bullying Panel Update Mathew: No update Transgendered Topic: 3:0 Elyse: We hold a movie and a discussion afterwards. Guest Speaker No Update Tree is definitely willing to be the guest speaker. We just need to figure out when to hold the event. Tabling 3:0 Ellyse: We table September 19th and 25th *Tabling will be from 11 to 2pm in the Breezeway New Business None Adjourn 6:45

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