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National Federatio n of Junior

Philippine Institute of Accountants

PIC PA Bui lding, 700 Shaw B oulevard, Mandal uyong City


Description These awards will be given on the 15th National Midyear Convention to recognize the efforts that the regional councils, local chapters and delegates exerted to bring JPIAns to be the best in the said event. Moreover, this is in line with our goal of promoting the concept of well-roundedness, that aside from the academic excellence that each of us is aiming for, we are also giving value in developing camaraderie and personality development. General Guidelines: The Midyear Awards for Local Chapters and Regional Councils shall be composed of the following categories: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Merit Award for Excellence in Academics Merit Award for Excellence in Non-Academics Most Participative LC and RC Biggest Delegation Most Outstanding Delegate

In the whole duration of the convention, a SCOREBOARD shall be provided which will show the updates of the scores in all categories. This board shall be updated by the Midyear Awards Committee every 6:00 pm and will be visible before entering the dining area. The awards will be given on the awarding of winners in the Mid-Year Convention. Mechanics 1. Merit Award for Excellence in Academics & Non-Academics These awards will be given to the Local Chapter and Regional Council who exemplified outstanding performances in the Academic and NonAcademic competitions during the Midyear National Convention. Any special awards other than major awards that may be given in some contests will be given 2 points per award. The following points will be used in determining the winner: 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 10 8 6

National Federatio n of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants

PIC PA Bui lding, 700 Shaw B oulevard, Mandal uyong City

4th Place 5th Place

4 2

2. Most Participative Local Chapter / Regional Council CRITERIA: Most Participative-RC & LC A. Attendance in Seminars, Talks and Other events B. Participation in Academic and Non-Academic Contests TOTAL

50% 50% 100%

Corresponding points per participant in criteria A Exactly on time (based on the Itinerary) Within 15 minute grace period Late for 16 minutes onwards 1.5 1.0 0.5

Attendance in Seminars, Talks and Other events 50% This refers to specific seminars and events such as Team Building, NonAcademic Events and Corporate Talks, Opening and Awarding Night. NOTE: The points shall only be awarded if the participant stayed until the end of the event. A registration sheet shall be provided at the start and at the end of the event. The participant must LOG OUT through his signature in order for his points to be counted. More importantly, the participants must follow the required attire for them to have points. Participation in Academic and Non-Academic Contests 50% This includes participation in Academic and Non-Academic contests. Each participant will be given 1 point. The LC and RC garnering the highest points shall be the basis for transmuting the percentages. 3. Biggest Delegation LC and RC This award will be received by the LC and RC who has the highest number of registered delegates in the 15th National Midyear Convention. 4. Most Outstanding Delegate This award will be given to the delegate who showed exceptional performance as a delegate in the Midyear Convention.

National Federatio n of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants

PIC PA Bui lding, 700 Shaw B oulevard, Mandal uyong City

CRITERIA Academic Excellence Non-Academic Excellence Total 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place 5th Place Participation

60% 40% 100% 10 8 6 4 2 1

NOTE: Special Awards given in some contests shall be given the same points as participation. The TOP 3 will be recognized during the Closing / Awarding Night. The Highest scorer shall be proclaimed as the MOST OUTSTANDING DELEGATE while the two runners-up will be proclaimed as OUTSTANDING DELEGATES.

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