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PICPA Building, 70 0 Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong City

National Federatio n of Junior Philippine Institute of Acc ountants


The search for the Most Outstanding JPIAN recognizes the accountancy student who has exhibited the true traits of a JPIAn: a well-rounded person who excels in his academic as well as extracurricular activities. This search is open to all registered member of NFJPIA FY 2012-2013. He/ she must attend the 15th Mid-Year Convention and the 30th Annual National Convention. Each Local Chapter can nominate at least one candidate for his category and a maximum of three. Incumbent Regional Council Presidents and Incumbent Local Chapter Presidents are not allowed to apply in this category. The candidate must properly secure the following documents in hard copy. 1. Duly signed endorsement letters from the College Dean, Incumbent JPIA Adviser and Incumbent JPIA Local Chapter President. 2. Fully accomplished application form. 3. Certified True Copy of Grades or Transcript of Records with Grading System 4. Comprehensive Resume with two 2x2 colored picture. 5. Summary of Top Achievements (including past years as long as he/she is a JPIAn) 6. Photocopy of all corroborating certificates supporting all claims and assertions made in the bid. (it must be in chronological order). Photocopies or pictures of Medals and Plaques are not accepted. It must be numbered and arranged chronologically (for it is needed on the reference page part of summary of achievements). 7. Certificate of Good Moral Qualifications: 1. Must be a bona fide member of NFJPIA FY 2012-2013. 2. No non-passing grades in all subjects taken including non-academic subjects. 3. GWA of 85% or above or its equivalent. No dropped subjects. Major subjects retaken will be given 6 units allowance. Units in excess will be grounds for disqualification. 4. Subject initially marked as incomplete would be fine as long as the completion grade is passing. 5. The candidate must not be involved in any criminal case brought upon by any competent course of jurisdiction. Each qualified candidate will be subject to the following eliminations: FIRST Elimination- selection of 10 Outstanding JPIAns (This will be held during the 3rd National Executive Board Meeting) In case there are only less than 19 applicants, the top 50% (rounded off to the nearest whole number) will be selected. FINAL Elimination- selection of the Most Outstanding JPIAn. (This will be held during the 30th ANC) Selected Top 10 (or 50%) must attend the Annual National Convention for FINAL SCREENING. He/she must confirm his/her attendance 30 days prior the 1st day of 30th ANC. Failure to attend or confirm on the said date ceases his/her right to be in the Top 10 (or 50%) and such right will be given to the person who garnered the highest percentage next to him/her. The top 10 (or 50%) will be announced 3rd National Executive Board Meeting.

PICPA Building, 70 0 Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong City

NOTE: Scanned Copies of requirements #2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 must be emailed to 10 days before the 3rd National E.B. Meeting. Failure to do so will be subject to 0.5 deduction in the Final Score (Elimination Round) for every 1 (one) day late. Hard copies must be submitted to the Regional Heads who will be attending the E.B. Meeting or if RC Heads failed to come, the applicant may send it to the address of Vice President for Audit. ELIMINATION ROUND (Selection of the Top 10 Outstanding JPIAns) Criteria for Judging: Scholastic Grades (All Subjects) Academic Involvement Won and Participated Contests 90% Attended Academic Events 10% Non-Academic Involvement Won and Participated Contests 90% Attended Non-Academic Events 10% Leadership Involvement Social Responsibility Total

National Federatio n of Junior Philippine Institute of Acc ountants

30% 20% 20% 15% 15% 100%

Scholastic Grades would be computed based on the submitted Transcript of Records. The candidate must also secure the equivalent grades imposed by his/her local chapter (e.g. If given a grade of 1= 100%). Computations of grades are cumulative. In the case of a transferee from another course, only the grades obtained from the Accountancy course or in the curriculum of Accountancy course shall be included in the computation. Academic and Non-Academic Involvement Contest/s won and participated that the candidate would wish to include as his TOP ACHIEVEMENTS will be verified through the certificates that he/she will present (in photocopy only). From local chapter to international achievements (accounting and/or business related in terms of academic achievements) and NFJPIA related contests will be recognized. Only the 20 Most Significant Achievements of the applicant should be included here. The special committee will be composed of the VPAudit, VP-Communications for Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao and NCR. The candidate who garnered the highest points will be the BASIS of transmuting the PERCENTAGE EQUIVALENT. The examples of Attended Academic and Non-Academic Events are symposia, technical talks and seminars. Pointing in this part will all fall on the Participation part of the score board indicated below.

International National 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Participation 40 30 20 10 24 18 12 6

Regional 20 15 10 5

Provincial 16 12 8 4

University/ School-Wide

College/ Department

Local Chapter /Organizational

12 9 6 3

8 6 4 2

4 3 2 1

PICPA Building, 70 0 Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong City

Leadership Involvement refers to the Leadership affiliations and positions held by the applicant. Only the 15 Most Significant Achievement of the applicant should be included here. International National President VP / Major Position* Minor Positions** Member*** 40 30 20 10 24 18 12 6 Regional 20 15 10 5 Provincial 16 12 8 4
University/ School-Wide Local Chapter /Organizational College/ Department

National Federatio n of Junior Philippine Institute of Acc ountants

12 9 6 3

8 6 4 2

4 3 2 1

*VP-Major Positions: VP for (Academics, Non-Academics, Executive, Finance/Treasurer, Audit, Communications/Promotions, Membership, Media & Documentation, Internal, External) **Minor Positions: Standing Committees, Committee Heads, Event Organizer (excluding Social Responsibility events) ***Member: Membership/volunteer in organizations like National Youth Commission, Red Cross, and the like. In cases where position held is not enumerated above, please attach a photocopy of the portion of the Constitution where such position is described in terms of duties and scope of responsibilities. Social Responsibility refers to any activities/events he/she attended and organized in relation with social responsibility and awareness. Only the 15 Most Significant Achievement of the applicant should be included here. International Organizer Participation 40 25 National 24 18 Regional 20 15 Provincial 16 12
University/ Local Chapter College/ School-Wide /Organizational Department

12 9

8 6

4 3

NOTE: Entries in the Application Form with no supporting certificates will be considered null and void. The following must be signed (at least) by: a. LC President & Adviser - RC President & Adviser: ACADEMIC & NON-ACADEMIC contests won & participated b. Student Affairs Head, Organization President & Adviser - LEADERSHIP & SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY c. attendance in NFJPIA activities for the federation year will be monitored by the YEA Special Committee ****Photocopies must be CERTIFIED TRUE by the schools student affairs head or its equivalent Summary of Achievement. This summarizes the Top Achievements of the candidate. Form on this part will be provided by the organizer (to be specific, NVP for Audit). Incomplete details in the form (such as no date, no description) will be subject to 5% deduction to the final score. Again, only claims with certificates or proof will be honored and given points. Note: All claims and achievements should come from those years that the applicant is an accredited member of the National Federation. It may come from first year to fifth year.

PICPA Building, 70 0 Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong City

FINAL ROUND (Selection of the MOJ).
Criteria for Judging: Elimination Round Interview: Academic Function Non-Academic Function Leadership Excellence and Skills Social Awareness and Responsibility TOTAL 50% 40% 20% 20% 20%

National Federatio n of Junior Philippine Institute of Acc ountants

50% 100%

Interview. The interview will be held on the 30th ANC. Candidate will be given a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes tell/ introduce himself/herself and another thirty (30) minutes for the question and answer portion. The interview score will be in percentage per category based on its equivalent point. The total percentage will be multiplied to the equivalent percentage (50%) to get the final score. The three (3) applicants who garnered the highest percentage will be selected and two (ranks 2-3) of which will be the Outstanding JPIAn and the one who achieved the TOP spot will be the Most Outstanding JPIAn.

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