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ORGANIZATION 1.1 Project Profile 1.2 Company Profile

Page No.

2 5 6 7 8-17


EXISTING SYSTEM 2.1 Limitation of Existing System


PROPOSED SYSTEM System Overview Scope Objectives Feasibility Study Hardware Software Platform 3.5.1 Technology to be used 3.5.2 Hardware and software requirement 3.5.3 Software Specification 3.6 Purpose 3.7 Advantages SYSTEM ANALYSIS 4.1 Use-cases 4.2 E-R Diagram 4.3 Data flow Diagram 4.4 Process Specification 4.5 Data Dictionary SYSTEM DESIGN 5.1 5.2 5.3 REPORTS Database Design Interface Design Structure Chart 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5


18 19-37


38 39-56

6. 7.

57-63 64 65-70 71-72 73 74

SYSTEM TESTING 7.1 Testing Principles & Methods 7.2 Test Cases FUTURE ENHANCEMENT REFERENCES 9.1 Bibliography 9.2 Webography

8. 9.

Quotation & Service Management

Chapter 1: Organization

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1.1 Project Profile

Project Title

: Quotation & Service Management System


: WITS IT Solutions

Team Members

: 1 Student

Project Duration

: Feb-2010 to April-2010

: Rohan Raj Badri Submitted By


: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008


: Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Documentation Tool

: Microsoft Word 2007

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1.2 Company Profile

WITS IT Solutions
WITS IT solutions a software development company established in April 2008 in Surat, Gujarat. Its a partnership venture. The cornerstone of company's strategy is balancing combination of onsite presence & service delivery. WITS IT solutions develop custom software solutions based on a range of platforms & technologies including Windows, .net, etc. Our Team: WITS IT solutions believes that people are the key for successfully provided high level software development services & more importantly maintaining ongoing relationship with the clients. The team built with Software Professionals judiciously meets the client's multi-dimensional technological requirements. We are known for our ability to understand the client's business objectives thoroughly and completely, in translating them into successful business websites, applications and targeted designs, and in delivering on time, within the budgeted costs.

Our Vision: Integrity: Honesty is how we deal with our clients, & each other. Candor: Be open & upfront in all our conversations. Keep clients updated on the real Situations. Service: Consider ourselves successful not when we deliver our client final product but when the product is launched & meets success. Kindness - Go the extra mile. Speak the truth with grace. Deliver more than is expected or promised Competence - Benchmark with the best in the business. Try new and better things. Never rest on laurels

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Growth: Success is journey & not the destination. Seek to multiply/increase what we havewealth skills, influence and our clients business. Our customers in our success: Sarita Sagar Sankool, J. B. Diamonds, NASA Gems, Shaswat Stone, Vinpeace Cable Network, Agrawal Threads, Nakoda Textile Ltd., Om Satya Impex, Mahavir Intermediates,, IVISION Finance Services, Sadadiwala Finance Services, Gini Gems, R. Suresh & Co.,, BJP Surat and our 219 reputed schools all over the Gujarat.

Chapter 2:Existing System

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2.1 Limitations of Existing System

The Shops Existing System is Manual which requires many complex tasks to be performed.

As mentioned existing system of the Shop is manual, the system holds Paper-Work. This Paper-Work holds the data about number of people related to Shop, each person with his/her all Details, information of various Computer Items, make a Quotation, keep track of attendance of working employees and manage Complains.

Currently all the status of the shop work is maintained on paper.

Reports are generated manually for that.

Moreover, it has all the disadvantage of being a manual system

Like, 1. Time Consuming. 2. Increased Paper Work. 3. Difficult To Maintain Report & Record. 4. Require lots of Human Effort And also, High Data Redundancy No Data Security No Data Integrity The storage of all the information on paper is not feasible as the chances of manipulation are more & it requires more space.

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Chapter 3:Proposed System

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3.1 System Overview

Quotation & Service Mgt. System is a system which tracks the record of Quotations ,Complaints, automatic Inward & generate Bills. Systems Criteria : Quotation Generation Makes Quotations with the lowest prices of particular product

Track of Other Useful Data Stores Information about Customers, Suppliers, Products, Companies etc.

Complaint Management Stores complaints date wise Allocates Complaints to employees

Bill Generation Generate bills with proper information System can easily count bills & can print them

Inward Generation System generates automatic Inward when order placed

Reporting System holds various kind of useful reports

Employee Attendance Tracks Employees daily attendance

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3.2 Scope
The main function of the proposed system can be divided into 4 modules which are as follows

Customer Master The Main functions of the Customer Masters module are to Create/Update customers. Its multiple location and information of contact persons working at specific location of Company.

Quotation Master The main functions of the Quotation master module are to generate various quotations according to the need of the customer. This module helps to generate the quotation which includes the lowest price of the products from our suppliers.

Service Master The main functions of the Service Master module are to record the complaints from the customers and create a service reports according to the warranty of the products.

Employee Master The main functions of the Employee Masters module are to Create/Update Employees. It tracks the information about Employees attended complaints.

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3.3 Objective
Computerized System is efficient and accurate then manual so this system is very Accurate and can reduce manual works.

The goal of the system is to reducing the paper work The system also tracks records of complaints

So Quotation management, Service management and reducing paper work are the main objective of this System

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3.4 Feasibility Study

3.4.1 Technical Feasibility: Issues to be studied are, whether the work for the project will be done with current equipment, existing S/W technology and available personnel? If the new technology is required, then what is the likelihood that it can be developed? This Quotation & Service Management System software is technically feasible. The primary technical requirement includes the availability of Windows XP Professional version of operating systems installed in the network. SQL Server is also required which was already installed. Reliability, access power and data security was also available. Thus, through all the ends technical feasibility was met.

3.4.2 Economical Feasibility: Issues to be studied are, whether the new system is cost effective or not? The benefits in the form of reduced cost? This Quotation & Service Management software is economically feasible. As the hardware was installed from quite beginning, the cost on project of hardware is low. Similarly, the software loaded for this project was used for many other applications. The software cost was under budget. As student trainees were developing the application, there were no major personnel costs associated. Moreover, the technical requirements were already available so there was no further expenditure for buying software packages.

3.4.3 Operational Feasibility: Issues to be studied are, is there sufficient support for management and users? Is the current method acceptable to users? Will the proposed system cause any harm? This Quotation & Service Management software is operationally feasible. This application provides the necessary information to the user such as how to enter the information regarding different operations performed on the database. The application was planned in such a way that no prior knowledge was required to go through the various operations. The user just needed to have the basic knowledge of computers. TY BCA 2011-12


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3.5 Hardware & Software Platform

3.5.1 Technology Used for Development

Windows 7 Ultimate Operating System 2008 as Front Hand SQL Server 2005 as Back Hand Crystal Reports tools MS Visio 2007 for Diagrams Infragistics Controls 2008 as 3rd Party Design Tool

3.5.2 Hardware Software Requirement

Hardware Requirement Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or higher 256 MB RAM or more 40 MB HDD space or more for Application Installation Printer (Optional)

Software Requirement Microsoft Windows XP with SP2 or higher SQL Server .NET Framework 3.5

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3.5.3 Software Specification

Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition is a comprehensive set of tools that accelerates the process of turning the developer's vision into reality. Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition was engineered to support development projects that target the Web (including ASP.NET AJAX), Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, The 2007 Microsoft Office system, SQL Server 2008, and Windows Mobile devices. The number of platforms that developers must target to meet business needs is increasing rapidly. Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition provides the integrated toolset for addressing all of these needs by providing a superset of the functionality available in Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition. The Microsoft Visual Studio development system is a suite of development tools designed to aid software developers--whether they are novices or seasoned professionals--face complex challenges and create innovative solutions. Today's developers face the challenge of targeting a broad range of platforms and crafting applications that quickly deliver value to the business. Integrated designers and language features in Visual Studio allow developers to build the connected applications demanded by today's businesses while taking advantage of the .NET Framework 3.5 to reduce development time.

Design high-performance applications Connect to the data you need, regardless of its location, and build data driven applications using Language Integrated Query (LINQ).

Build great client applications Develop compelling solutions that leverage the user experience and capabilities of the 2007 Microsoft Office system and Windows Vista.

Build powerful Web applications Build rich, interactive applications using the ASP.NET AJAX interactive Web interfaces.

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Feature Highlights Build applications for Windows, the Web, the Microsoft Office system, the .NET Framework, SQL Server, and Windows Mobile with integrated drag-and-drop designers Visual Studio integrates Visual Basic, Visual C#, and Visual C++ to support a wide variety of development styles Editor features such as Edit and Continue and Microsoft IntelliSense simplify the cycle of designing, developing, and debugging an application Deploy client applications easily with ClickOnce, which enables developers and IT Pros to deploy an application and its prerequisites and then ensure that the application remains up-to-date Build applications which target the .NET Framework, shortening development time by reducing the need for infrastructure code and helping to enhance application security.

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3.6 Purpose
Existing system is manual therefore having very time consuming tasks to be performed, other than this there is need for the new Computerized System due to the drawback found in the existing Manual system. Compactness There is no need for possible voluminous papers files thus not require large storage. Speed The machine can calculate, retrieve & update data for faster than a Human. Accuracy Accurate, Up-to-date information is available on demand at any time. Analysis Analysis of data is much simpler & in ready report format as well as Up-to-date. Complete Data must be complete & it should include all the Facts. Security Security should be applied to all the data with different security level.

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3.8 Advantages

Without Authentication no one can enter in the system. There is a like window base security system. You can also change the password

This system stores all information of the Customer, Suppliers, Employees, and Material/Parts of the Computer in the Shop.

System provides facility to user to create the dynamic quotation for the Customer.

System keeps records about attendance of the Employees.

System is made almost capable to keep records of the Complain i.e. New Complain, Complain Forward, and Solved Complain.

Daily prices of the Computers parts are taken from the suppliers and kept in the database. At the time of making of new quotation the latest and lowest price is taken back from the Database for the material that has been selected by the Customer

The system provides the Intra messaging system. Means when other user log in the system he sees the messages that has been sent by the before user to him.

This system has provided maximum reports with all Information about all System.

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Chapter 4: System Analysis

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4.1 Use Cases

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4.2 E R Diagram

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4.3 Data Flow Diagram

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4.4 Process Specification

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4.6 Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary is a repository that contains description of all data objects consumed or produced by the software. It contain following information: Name: The primary name of data or control item, the data store or an external Entity. Alias: other name use for the first entry. Where used/How used: A listing of the processes that use the data or control item and how it is used (e.g. input to the process, output from the process, as a store, as an external entity). Content Description: A notation for representing content. Supplementary Information: Other information about data type, present values, restrictions or limitation.

Name Alias

LogIn None Input to LogIn process Output: Provide access to System

How used/Where used

Content Description Supplementary Information

Uses Uid,Pwd UserId + Password

Name Alias How used/Where used

Employee None Input to create an employee Output from Employee

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Content Description Supplementary Information

Stores the information about Employees EmpCode , EmpName, EmpMobile, EpBDate, AdminStat, User, Pwd. EmpAddress, EmpEmail,

Name Alias How used/Where used Content Description Supplementary Information

Quotation None Input to create Quotation Output from Quotation Creation

Employee can create Quotation using this. QuotCode ,CustCode, Date, Remarks, Confirm, QuotBy, TotProfit, SystemQuot, ReferenceBy,ProfitMethod

Name Alias How used/Where used Content Description Supplementary Information

Complaint None Input to Complaint generation Output from Complaint Creation

Employee can generate complaint using this. ComplaintCode, CustomerCode, Date, AttendedBy, SolvedState, SolvedDate, Description

Name Alias How used/Where used Content Description Supplementary Information

Product None Input Product Details Output to Add Product Process

Employee can Add Products. ProductCode, ProductName, CompanyCode, CategoryCode

Name Alias How used/Where used Content Description Supplementary Information

Category None Input Category Details Output to Add Category

Employee can Add Category CategoryCode, CategoryName

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How used/Where used

Input Supplier Details Output to Add Supplier

Content Description

Employee can Add Supplier

Supplementary Information

SupplierCode, SupplierName, Contact Person, supplierAddress, PhoneNos, Email


Supplier Price


None Input to Supplier Product Price Details Output to Add Supplier Product Price

How used/Where used

Content Description

Employee can Add Supplier Product Price

Supplementary Information

SupplierProductPriceCode, SupplierCode, ProductCode, PriceDate, Price, PriceTakenBy

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Chapter 5: System Design

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5.1 Database Design

1) EmpMast :
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Field EmpCode (PrimaryKey) EmpName EmpAddress EmpMobile EmpEmail EmpBDate AdminStat UserName Constrain PrimaryKey Not Null Not Null Can be Null Can be Null Not Null Not Null Not Null DataType Smallint Varchar(40) Varchar(255) Varchar(2) Varchar(70) Datetime Bit Varchar(10) Description Primary key for Employee Indicates Employees Name Indicates Employees Address Indicates Employees Mobile No. Indicates Employees EMail Address Indicates Employees Birthdate Indicates Employees Stat(Admin/Employee) Indicates Employees User ID


Not Null


Indicates Employees Password

2) CustMast : No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Field CustCode CustName CustAddress Mobile OfiiceAddress PhoneRes PhoneOff BirthDate Email Constrain PrimaryKey Not Null Not Null Can be Null Can be Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null DataType Bigint Varchar(30) Varchar(255) Varchar(30) Varchar(255) Varchar(30) Varchar(30) Datetime Varchar(80) Description Primary key for Customer Indicates Customers Name Indicates Customers Address Indicates Customers Mobile No. Indicates Customers Office Address Indicates Customers No.(Resident) Indicates Customers No.(Office) Indicates Customers Birth Date Indicates Customers EMail Address

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3) CategoryMast : No 1 2 Field CategoryCode CategoryName Constrain Primary Key Not Null DataType Tinyint Varchar(30) Description Primary Category Indicates Name Key for


4) CompanyMast : No 1 2 3 Field CompanyCode CompanyName CompanyServiceCenterAddr ess Constrain Primary Key Not Null Not Null DataType Tinyint Varchar(40) Varchar(255) Description Primary Key for Company Indicates Companys Name Indicates Companys Service Canter Address

5) ProductMast : No 1 2 3 4 Field ProductCode ProducName CompanyCode CategoryCode Constrain Primary Key Not Null Not Null Not Null DataType Tinyint Varchar(30) Tinyint Tinyint Description Primary Key for Product Indicates Products Name Indicates Companys Code Indicates Categorys Code

6) SupplierMast : No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Field SupplierCode SupplierName ContectPerson SupplierAddress PhoneNos Email Constrain Primary Key Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Can be Null DataType Tinyint Varchat(100) Varchar(40) Varchar(255) Varchar(100) Varchar(60) Description Primary Key for Supplier Indicates Suppliers Business Name Contact Person Name Indicates Suppliers Address Indicates Suppliers Phone No Indicates Suppliers E-Mail Address

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7) SupplierProductPriceMast : No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Field SupplierProductPriceCode SupplierCode ProductCode PriceDate Price PriceTakenBy Constrain Primary Key Foreign Key Foreign Key Not Null Not Null Not Null DataType Bigint Tinyint Smallint Datetime Money Tinyiint Description Primary Key for SupplierProductPriceMast Indicates Supplier Code of SupplierMast Indicates Product Code of ProductMast Indicates Price taken Date Indicates Product Price Indicates Employee Name who has taken the Price

8) QuotMast : No 1 2 3 4 5 Field QuotCode CustCode Date Remarks Confirm Constrain Primary Key Foreign Key Not Null Can be Null Can be Null DataType Bigint Bigint Datetime Varchar(255) Bit Description Key for Primary Quotation Indicates Customer Code from CustMast Indicates Quotation Date Indicates Remarkable Information Indicates whether Quotation is confirmed or not Indicates Employee Name Who took Quotation Indicates Total profit of Quotation Checks whether Quot. Is System Quot. or not Indicates Reference Name of Quotation Indicates Profit Method

6 7 8 9 10

QuotBy TotProfit SystemQuot ReferenceBy ProfitMethod

Not Null Not Null Can be Null Can be Null Not Null

Smallint Money Bit Bigint Char(10)

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9) Param : No 1 2 3 Field DefaultProfitPer DefaultProfitRate No. Constrain Not Null Can be Null Primary Key DataType Tinyint Bigint Tinyint Description Indicates Profit Percentage Indicates Profit in Rupees Primary Key for Param

10) QuotTran : No 1 2 3 Field QuotTranCode QuotCode SupplierProductPriceCode Constrain Primary Key Foreign Key Foreign Key DataType Bigint Bigint Bigint Description Primary Key for QuotTran Indicates QuotCode from QuotMast Indicates SupplierProductPriceCode from SupplierProductPriceMast Indicates Profit per unit Indicates Quantity of a Product

4 5

Profit Qty

Not Null Not Null

Money bigint

11) ComplaintMast : No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Field ComplaintCode CustomerCode Date AttendedBy SolvedState SolvedDate Constrain Primary Key Foreign Key Not Null Not Null Not Null Can be Null DataType Bigint Bigint Datetime Smallint Bit Datetime Description Primary Key for ComplainMast Indicates CustCode from CustMast Indicates Complaint Date Indicates Employee Name who has taken Complaint Indicates Complaint Solved Stat Indicates Solved Date if Complaint is already solved Indicates Description of Complaint


Not Null


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12) ComplaintTran : No 1 2 Field ComplaintTranCode ComplaintCode Constrain Primary Key Foreign Key DataType Bigint Bigint Description Primary Key for Indicates Complaint Code from ComplaintMast Indicates Employee Code from EmpMast Indicates Attend Stat Indicates Attend Date Indicates description of Complaint Indicates if Complaint is Forwarded without solve

3 4 5 6 7

EmpCode AttendStat AttendDate Description ForwordWithoutSolved

Foreign Key Not Null Can be Null Not Null Not Null

Smallint Bit Datetime Varchar(200) bit

13) BillMast : No 1 2 3 4 Field BillNo Date Remarks CustCode Constrain Primary Key Not Null Can Be Null Foreign Key DataType Smallint Smalldatetime Varchar(250) Bigint Description Primary Key for BillMast Indicates Date of Bill Indicates Remarkable Information Indicates CustCode from CustMast

14) BillTran : No 1 2 3 4 5 Field BillTranCode Billno InwardTranCode Price Qty Constrain Primary Key Foreign Key Foreign Key Not Null Not Null DataType Bigint Smallint Bigint Money Tinyint Description Primary Key for Indicates BillNo from BillMast Indicates InwardTran Code from InwardTran Indicates Price of a Product Indicates Quantity of a Product

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15) InwardMast : No 1 2 3 4 Field InwardNo Remarks Date QuotCode Constrain Primary Key Can be Null Not Null Foreign Key DataType Smallint Varchar(200) Smalldatetime Bigint Description Primary Key for InwardMast Indicates Remarkable Information Indicates Date Indicates QuotCode from QuotMast

16) InwardTran : No 1 2 3 Field InwardTranCode InwaedCode SupplierProductPriceCode Constrain Primary Key Foreign Key Foreign Key DataType Nchar(10) Smallint Bigint Description Primary Key for Indicates InwardCode from InwardMast Indicates SupplierProductPriceCode from SupplierProductPriceMast Indicates Price of a Product Indicates Quantity of a Product

4 5

Price Qty

Not Null Not Null

Money Tinyint

17)AtendMast : No 1 2 3 4 5 Field AtendId EmpCode AtendStat InTime OutTime Constrain Primary Key Foreign Key Not Null Not Null Not Null DataType Tinyint Smallint Bit DateTime DateTime Description Primary Key for AtendMast Indicates Employee Code from EmpMast Indicates Attend Stat Indicates In Time of an Employee Indicates Out Time of an Employee

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5.2 Interface Design

Main Form

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Login Form

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Employee Registration

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Complaint Registration

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Adding Products

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5.4 Structure Chart

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Chapter 6: Reports

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Employees Reports Card Format

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Customers Birthday for Current Month

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Quotation Print

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List of Suppliers

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Chapter 7:System Testing

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7.1 Testing Principles & Methods

Testing is software quality assurance activity. Which is a very important to work the system successfully and achieve high quality of software. The main objective of testing is to find yet an undiscovered error and at the same time checking the quality and reliability of system. System testing makes logical assumptions that if all the parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved. The system should be checked logically. Validations and cross checks should be there. Avoiding duplications of records, which cause redundancy of data.

This system is tested by the following steps and prepared for the final implementation.


Using review at different stages we ensured that

Errors in function, logic or implementation are uncovered. Software meets its requirements. To achieve software that is developed in a uniform manner

Unit Testing

In the web based application smallest testable unit is Web page itself. So the web pages of the site are to be unit tested. Each web page contains content, navigational links, and processing elements (scripts, event handlers, etc.) .The testing will be driven by the content processing, and links contained in the site.

Using black box testing technique web pages are tested unit by unit for whether they receive Input properly and give output in proper format or redirect to specific web page. It is also tested that the error message are properly displayed and give user-friendly information.

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Integration Testing We have used top down testing strategy for integrating web pages. The separately generated web pages will be integrated and for checking that they work properly after their integration, tests will be conducted to ensure their proper functionality.

Using dummy web pages it is checked that whether output of page will redirect to specific web page

After that regression testing strategy help us to ensure that changes do not introduce unintended behavior or additional errors.

System Testing

The uncovered weaknesses that were not found in earlier tests are removed in system testing. The system is corrected such away that it does not affect the forced system failure. This testing is done with low volume of transaction based on live data. Finally the total system is also tested to ensure that no data are lost.

Following testing on the completed system will be performed in order to find the errors before they become defects and correct them. In order to eliminate navigational errors the site will be reviewed and tested. The use cases scenarios that we have developed in the same document while requirement analysis activity will be considered to uncover errors in the navigational links.

Web pages of the site will be unit tested. For the web pages sometimes the smallest testable unit is the single web page itself. Each web page contains content, navigational links, and processing elements (scripts, event handlers, etc.) .The testing will be driven by the content processing, and links contained in the site.

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The separately generated web pages will be integrated and for checking that they work properly after their integration, tests will be conducted to ensure their proper functionality.

The functionality of the site will be checked with the different versions of the Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, etc. and wherever necessary it will be attempted to change the implementation of the not working for some browsers fir some case and of course without loosing the purpose of the functionality, if possible.

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7.3 Test Cases

Functions Expected Results Actual Result

Login(Admin, Employee)

Check inserted user id and password should be filled. Check user id is registered or not.
As Expected

Functions Save Button Expected Results Actual Result

All fields should be filled except description. As Expected Check required fields should be filled.

Functions Expected Results Actual Result

Save Button

All fields should be filled except remarks. Check required fields should be filled. Check whether the Quotation is System As Expected Quotation or not.

Functions Expected Results Actual Result

Save Button

All fields should be filled except complaint description. As Expected Check required fields should be filled. Check whether the Quotation is System Quotation or not.

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Functions Expected Results Actual Result

Save Button

All fields should be filled. Check required fields should be filled. Check whether the Birthdate is valid or As Expected not.

Functions Expected Results Actual Result

Save Button

All fields should be filled except description. As Expected Check required fields should be filled. Check whether the Employee is admin or not. Check whether the Birthdate is valid or not.

Functions Save Button Expected Results Actual Result

All fields should be filled including Category & Company As Expected Check required fields should be filled.

Functions Save Button Expected Results Actual Result

All fields should be filled except description. As Expected Check required fields should be filled.

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Chapter 8:Enhancement

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Quotation & Service Management is still under development, some of its modules is still pending which will require about 3 months. o o o o Service Management

It is to be enhanced in such a way that the complaints are the assigned area wise to the employees. If an employee is on a call and a new complaint is registered in that area then the employee will get sms about that complaint. Employees will get daily sms about their calls Employee Management

Automatic attendance management will be done for employee using Fingerprint Reader. Quotation Management

o o

For pending Quotations the system will give repeatedly alerts. Quotation Management will also give suggestions for the Products which are of good Quality.

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Chapter 9: References

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9.1 Bibliography

Books Referred Visual Studio 2005 Black Book SQL Server 2008 Bible by Paul Nielson Software Engineering (5th Edition) by Roger S Pressman


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