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Read the following recipe carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Baca resipi berikut dengan teliti dan jawab soalan yang berikut. Anis likes to bake cakes and make biscuits. She has just got a new recipe from her aunt. She is trying it out in her kitchen. Ingredients 250 gm self raising flour 200 gm sugar 55 gm cocoa powder Salt 180 gm butter 7 eggs 2 cups of water Half cup of creamer milk Method 1. Mix the butter and sugar in a mixing bowl. Beat the mixture until soft and creamy. 2. Add in the eggs, one at a time. Beat well 3. Add in the self-raising flour, a little at a time so that the mixture will not sink. 4. Mix the cocoa powder and milk with hot water. Pour into the mixture and mix well. 5. Add a pinch of salt. 6. Set oven at 180 Celsius and bake it for 45 minutes.

1. The recipe is most likely A for baking butter cookies B for baking chocolate cake C for baking chocolate candies D for making chocolate pudding

2. Why must the flour be added a little at a time? A So that the cake will rise better before it is baked B So that the cake will be tastier C So that the mixture will not sink D So that the cake will be lumpy

3. What are the ingredients that must be mixed before adding in the cocoa powder A butter B butter and sugar C butter, sugar and eggs D butter, sugar, eggs and flour 4. The word it in the passage most likely refers to A the biscuit B the mixture C the recipe D the flour 5. Anis bakes the mixture at 3.30 p.m. She can probably serve tea at A 4.00 p.m. B 4.05 p.m. C 4.10 p.m. D 4.30 p.m.

Read the following story carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Baca cerita yang diberi dengan teliti dan jawab soalan-soalan berikut. Peter Lim is an old man. He lived with his pet dog in a quiet neighbourhood. The dog loved Peter because he treated it well. One day, a man asked Peter for some water. Peter took pity on the man and went to the kitchen to get a drink for him. The man followed Peter into the kitchen. There, the man pushed Peter down and asked him for all his money. Peter was an old man. He could not fight with the man. So, he took all his savings and gave it to the man. The man was very happy. He quickly took the money and ran away. Peters dog was tied to a chain outside the house. It saw the thief and barked. It wanted to jump at the thief running out of the house but it could not. The thief quickly ran away. The dog was struggling. It finally broke the chain. The thief saw what had happened and was frightened. The dog chased the thief and jumped on him. The thief fell down and the dog began biting his hands. He tried to get away from the dog but could not. Finally, a policeman who was passing by, saw what had happened. He pulled the man away from the dog. At that moment, Peter Lim came. He told the policeman that the man stole some money from him. The policeman checked the man and found all the money. The policeman took the thief to the police station. He told Peter to follow him to the police station to lodge a report. Peter went to the police station with his dog. He was happy that the dog helped him to get his money back.

1. The man asked Peter for water because he A. was hot. B. was thirsty. C. wanted to trick Peter. D. wanted to talk to Peter. 2. Where did the man push Peter? A. in the bedroom. B. inside the hall. C. in the kitchen. D. outside. 3. Why did the dog love Peter? Peter ________________. A. was lonely. B. treated it well. C. was a good man.

gave the dog a lot of food. 4. What did the dog do when it saw the man running out of the house? It ________________________. A. barked. B. jumped at the man. C. wanted to jump at the thief. D. freed itself and ran after the man. 5. What happened to the man after the dog jumped at him? He ____________________________. A cried. B fell down. C shouted at the dog. D hit it with a stick.


Read the following poem carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Baca puisi yang diberi dengan teliti dan jawab soalan-soalan berikut. Chomp, chomp, chomp! Thats the sound of a munching crocodile, With rows of teeth shining like a smile; If you dare to swim in the river, You could be its next dinner. Stomp, stomp, stomp! Thats the sound of an angry elephant, With a big body, looking like a giant; If you get under its stamping feet, You could end up like a sheet. Romp, romp, romp! Thats the sound of a rushing rhino, You may think it is clumsy and slow; It from its path youre not quickly gone, Youll surely be stuck to its horn. Clomp, clomp, clomp! Thats the sound of an orang-utan, Stumbling from tree to tree just for fun; If you stand too close to stare, You may be hugged like a teddy bear. By Prakash Kumar, aged 12

1. The poem is mainly about A the strange animals. B the noise made by wild animals. C being careful when we see animals. D what to do when we see the animals at the zoo.

2. The sounds stomp, stomp, stomp tell us that the elephant is most probably A stamping its feet. B catching its victim. C eating bananas. D stamping its feet.

3. Which word would best give the meaning suggested by the phrase like a sheet? A wide B clean C flat D rectangular 4. The writer tells us to be quickly gone from the path of a rhinoceros probably because A it can run quite fast. B it runs in a straight line. C it is clumsy when it is rushing. D its horn is sharp and dangerous. 5. The orang-utan is having fun by A starting closely at people. B making sounds on the ground. C hugging people like teddy bears. D swinging clumsily among the trees.

Read the notice below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Baca notis di bawah dengan teliti dan jawab soalan yang berikut.

Attention to all pupils of Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Ismail Cleanliness Campaign (13 January 2008 to 27 January 2008) Beginning of the third week of the semester, our school will hold a Cleanliness Campaign. Every class is entitled to participate in three competitions, which are: 1) The Cleanest Class 2) The Best Decorated Class 3) The Best Class of 2006 First prize for competitions (1) & (2) RM200 and reading materials worth RM200 Second prize RM 100 and reading materials worth RM100 Third prize reading materials worth RM100 Three consolation prizes reading materials worth RM50 Special prize for The Best Class of 2006 RM300 and the latest set of Macmillan Encyclopedia worth RM250 Get the entry form from Miss Dewi at the general office.
1. How many weeks will the Cleanliness Campaign be held? A One week B Two weeks C Three weeks D Four weeks 2. The word entitled in the notice can be replaced with A forced B invited C allowed D encouraged

3. The competition will be held at the A school B canteen C garden D general office 4. Reading materials in the notice refers to A pens B papers C books D exercise books 5. Which competition gets the top prize at the Cleanliness Campaign? A The Cleanest Class B The Best Class of 2006 C The Best Decorated Class D All the competitions

Read the passage below carefully. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Baca petikan di bawah dengan teliti. Kemudian jawab soalan yang berikut.
Mokhtar Dahari was a famous football player. He was one of the best players in Asia in the seventies. Mokhtar showed interest in playing football at an early age. He played for his school and later for his home state, Selangor. He was only nineteen years old when he first played for Malaysia in an international game. Mokhtar helped his state win the Malaysia Cup ten times and scored 177 goals altogether. In international games, he helped Malaysia score a total of 125 goals. He was the best striker in Malaysia. Unfortunately, Mokhtar died at a young age after falling ill. He was only thirtynine years old. Malaysia may never find another footballer like him.

1. Who was Mokhtar Dahari? A A singer B A coach C A football player D A doctor 2. How old was Mokhtar when he first played for Malaysia ? A 19 years old B 90 years old C 9 years old D 29 years old

3. Which statement in the passage shows that Mokhtar was a good striker? A Mokhtar Dahari was a famous football player. B He played when he was nineteen. C He played for Selangor. D He was the best striker in Malaysia. 4. Which of the following statements about Mokhtar is not correct? A He played for Malaysia when he was in secondary school. B He died very young. C He helped Selangor to win Malaysia Cup. D He started playing at an early age. 5. International games refers to A Play against other club. B Play together with other country. C Play against other countrys team. D Play outside Malaysia.


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