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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT During doing this Additional Mathematics Project Work, many people have helped me when I face some

problems. Finally, I have finished it by their helps. So, I would like to express my highest appreciation to them. First of all, I would like to thank my Additional Mathematics teacher, Pn. Nurhaya Binti Md Hussein. She has given me many advices and helps when I am doing this project. When I face some problems, she always teach me patiently until I understand my problems. Thats why I could finish and handle up my project on time. In addition, I would like to thank my parent who have given me many support during doing this project. They have given some advices to me when I am doing this project. Because of their supports, I wont give up easily. Finally, I would like to thank my friends who have help me when I am doing this project. They are Mohammad Khairul Azahar and Oon Khai Shian who have lend me a hand and give me many ideas to finish this project. Thank you again to my teacher, family and friends who have helped me to finish this project.

Humans have used herbs for food and medicine for all of recorded history. Gardeners in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome all included them in their courtyard plots or in containers to have them close at hand. In Europe during the Renaissance, knowledge of early civilizations came to light through texts and manuscripts. Herb gardening is becoming more and more popular every day, and for a good reason. There was a great interest in useful plants, and herbs began to be collected, classified and studied as never before. The first physic garden was built in 1543 at the University in Pisa. Later gardens were created in Padua, Florence and in England. The Chelsea Physic garden, near the banks of the Thames in London, was built by the Royal Society of Apothecaries in 1673. Most of these gardens still exist today and are open to the public.

Herbs have played an important part in man's life for countless years -- in his politics, romance, love, religion, health, and superstition. Early settlers brought herbs to America for use as remedies for illnesses, flavoring, storing with linens, strewing on floors, or burning for their pleasant fragrances. Some herbs were used to improve the taste of meats in the days before preservation techniques were developed. Other herbs were used to dye homespun fabrics. Herb gardens were almost an essential feature of pioneer homes. They were placed in sunny corners near the house to be readily available to the busy homemaker. As the population of the new country grew, people from many nations brought herbs with them. This resulted in an exchange of slips, seeds, and plants. Herbs have practical value, serve a purpose, and with herb gardening you can actually

use your plants. When most people think of herb gardening they automatically think of cooking, but herbs are also grown for their pleasant aroma and their beauty. One important part of herb gardening is drying the herbs for use during the winter months, especially if you plan on cooking with them. First the tops of leafy herbs have to be cut, washed, and hung up for the water to evaporate. Then, tie stems together and hang up in a paper bag to dry. After two to three weeks they must be removed; crumble the leaves, dry them out in the oven, and store in a glass jar.

One of the most common herbs gown in herb gardening is basil. Dark Opal and regular green basil are beautiful additions to any garden and often used as decoration. Dark Opal has light pink flowers and dark red leaves. Basil isnt just used for its looks; it is used for extra flavor in tomato juices and pastes.

Chives are very petite looking and resemble a blade of grass. They are much stronger than they look, however, and will grow well through a drought and a drought. Their toughness and sturdiness makes Chives a perfect plant for herb gardening, especially if the gardener doesnt want plants that require a lot of hassle. Chives are good used in salads, egg dishes, and many different sauces.

Mint is also very simple to grow and is good to use in mint jelly, mint juleps, lemonade, and any other kind of fruity drink. Mint is also good in herb gardening for its unique minty smell. Two herbs that appear in nearly everyones herb garden are thyme and sage. Both of these herb gardening favorites are used for flavoring soups, chicken, turkey, pork, and other sausages. Sage is also grown sometimes for its beautiful blue spiked flowers.

Lavender is probably the best smelling herb in all of herb gardening and is often used in candles, as a perfume scent, and to improve the smell in linen chests. The light purple flowers smell absolutely lovely. Other types of herbs often grown in herb gardening include borage (used in salads), chervil (used in egg dishes), sweet marjoram (flavors lamb, fish, salad, and soup), sesame (flavors crackers, cookies, and bread), and dill (flavors meats and used in pickles). Herb gardening allows gardeners to use herbs from their own garden for cooking, looks, and smell. Herb gardening will produce much fresher herbs with more flavor than store-bought herbs, and are a lot cheaper.

PART 1 Polygon are evident in all architecture. They provide variation and charm in buildings. When applied to manufactured articles such as printed fabrics, wallpapers, and tile flooring, polygons enhance the beauty of the structure itself. (a) Collect six such pictures. You may use a camera to take the pictures or get them

from magazines, newspapers, internet or any other resources.

Petronas Twin Tower and Angkor Wat Temple with the mixture of cone and cylinder.

Building with triangular design. sphere design.

Building with

Building with rectangular design.

Building with mixture of cone and rectangular design.

Building with the design of hemisphere.

Building with the mixture of hemisphere and cylinder.


Give the definition of polygon and write a brief history of it. Strategy: Apply knowledge obtained from Additional Mathematics and also consul resources from the internet. Answer:
A polygon is traditionally a plane figure that is bounded by a closed path, composed of a finite sequence of straight line segments (i.e., by a closed polygonal chain). These segments are called its edges or sides, and the points where two edges meet are the polygon's vertices (singular: vertex) or corners. An n-gon is a polygon with n sides. The interior of the polygon is sometimes called its body. A polygon is a 2-dimensional example of the more general polytope in any number of dimensions.The word "polygon" derives from the Greek (pols) "much", "many" and (gna) "corner" or "angle". (The word gnu, with a short o, is unrelated and means "knee".) Today a polygon is more usually understood in terms of sides.The basic geometrical notion has been adapted in various ways to suit particular purposes. Mathematicians are often concerned only with the closed polygonal chain and with simple polygons which do not self-intersect, and may define a polygon accordingly. Geometrically two edges meeting at a corner are required to form an angle that is not straight (180); otherwise, the line segments will be

considered parts of a single edge however mathematically, such corners may sometimes be allowed.

Not a Polygon Polygon (straight sides) Not a Polygon (has a curve) (open, not closed)

Simple Polygon

Complex Polygon

Regular Polygon

Irregular polygon



Self-intersecting or Crossed

Names of Polygons

Some special polygons also have their own names; for example the regular star pentagon is also known as the pentagram. If it is a Regular Polygon... Name Triangle (or Trigon) Quadrilateral (or Tetragon) Pentagon Hexagon Heptagon (or Septagon) Octagon Nonagon (or Enneagon) Decagon Hendecagon (or Undecagon) Dodecagon Triskaidecagon Tetrakaidecagon Pentadecagon Hexakaidecagon Heptadecagon Octakaidecagon Sides 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Shape Interior Angle 60 90 108 120 128.571 135 140 144 147.273 150 152.308 154.286 156 157.5 158.824 160

Enneadecagon Icosagon Triacontagon Tetracontagon Pentacontagon Hexacontagon Heptacontagon Octacontagon Enneacontagon Hectagon Chiliagon Myriagon Megagon Googolgon n-gon

19 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1,000 10,000 1,000,000 10100 n

161.053 162 168 171 172.8 174 174.857 175.5 176 176.4 179.64 179.964 ~180 ~180 (n-2) 180 / n

History: Polygons have been known since ancient times. The regular polygons were known to the ancient Greeks, and the pentagram, a non-convex regular polygon (star polygon), appears on the vase of Aristophonus, Caere, dated to the 7th century B. C. Non-convex polygons in general were not systematically studied until the 14th century by Thomas Bredwardine. In 1952, Shephard generalized the idea of polygons to the complex plane, where each real dimension is accompanied by an imaginary one, to create complex polygons.

historical image of polygons (1699)


There are various methods of finding the area of a triangle. State for different methods Answer:

Method 1 1 x base x height 2

Area =

Let say the length of base is a cm, the height is h cm, then the area is calculate by

1 x a x h. 2

Method 2

Area = a*b*sin(C)/2

h=b*sin(C) so using the result of 1 above gives the area of the triangle as a*b*sin(C)/2.

Method 3

Area = a2*sin(B)*sin(C)/(2*sin(B+C))

In the result of 2, there was nothing special about which angle and adjacent lines were used, since the same area will result, so we have Area = a*b*sin(C)/2 = b*c*sin(A)/2 = c*a*sin(B)/2. This in turn leads to the sine rule: a*b*c/(2*Area) = a/sin(A) = b/sin(B) = c/sin(C). [This turns out to be the diameter of the circumcircle of the triangle (not proved here) so if this was D then the Area would be a*b*c/(2*D) = D2*sin(A)*sin(B)*sin(C)/2, providing two extra formulae.] So we can use b=a*sin(B)/sin(A) to get the area of the triangle as a2*sin(B)*sin(C)/ (2*sin(A)). However A=-B-C and sin(-X)=sin(X) so sin(A)=sin(B+C), giving the result that the area of the triangle is a2*sin(B)*sin(C)/(2*sin(B+C)).

Method 4

Area = sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)) where s=(a+b+c)/2 is the semi-perimeter.

From the diagram (and Pythagoras's theorem) we have a=d+e, b2=h2+d2, and c2=e2+h2. So d=sqrt(b2-h2), and c2 =(a-d)2+h2=a2-2*a*d+b2=a2-2*a*sqrt(b2-h2)+b2, which gives h=sqrt(4*a 2*b2-(a2+b2-c2)2)/(2*a) and with some rearrangement h=sqrt((a+b+c)*(-a+b+c)*(a-b+c)*(a+b-c))/(2*a). But from the result of 1, the area of the triangle is a*h/2, i.e. sqrt((a+b+c)*(-a+b+c)*(a-b+c)*(a+b-c))/4, i.e. sqrt(((a+b+c)/2)*((-a+b+c)/2)*((a-b+c)/2)*((a+b-c)/2)), which is sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)) when s=(a+b+c)/2. This result is called Heron's formula. It could be rewritten as sqrt(2*(a2*b2+b2*c2+c2*a2)-(a4+b4+c4))/4.

PART 2 A farmer wishes to built a herb garden on a piece of land. Diagram 1 shows the shape of that garden, where one of its sides is 100m in length. The garden has to be fenced with a 300 m fence. The cost of fencing the garden is RM 20.00 per metre. (The diagram below is not drawn to scale )


Calculate the cost needed to fence the herb garden. Strategy:Find the cost needed to fence the 300 m herb garden by using the information given. Answer: 1m = RM 20.00 RM 20.00 x 300 RM 6000.00

300 m = =

Conclusion: The cost of fencing the garden with 300 m fence is RM 6000.00.


Complete table 1 by using various values of p ,the corresponding values of q and . Strategy: Find and area of the herb garden by using formula with different values of

p and q given. Answer: p(m) q(m) (degree) Area(m)

50 55 60

150 145 140

0 28.2516 38.2132

0 1887.4586 2598.0762

65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150

135 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50

44.8137 49.5826 53.1301 55.7711 57.6882 58.9924 59.7510 60.0000 59.7510 58.9924 57.6882 55.7711 53.1301 49.5826 44.8137 38.2132 28.2516 0

3092.3292 3464.1016 3750.0000 3968.6270 4130.6779 4242.6407 4308.4220 4330.1270 4308.4220 4242.6407 4130.6779 3968.6270 3750.0000 3464.1016 3092.3292 2598.0762 1887.4586 0


and area of the herb garden with different values of p and q given. and area of the herb garden will obtained by using

Conclusion: Different values of

different values of p and q.


Based on your findings in (b),state the dimension of the herb garden so that the enclosed area is maximum. Strategy: Compare and construct the area obtained in Table 1 from Question 2 (b) and suggest the best answer. Answer: From the Table1, the maximum enclosed area is 4330.1270m2, with 100m on three sides and the value of of 60

Conclusion: From the Table1, the maximum enclosed area is 4330.1270m2, with 100m on three sides and the value of of 60


(i)Only certain values of p and of q are applicable in this case. State the of values of p and of q.


Strategy: Obtain the range of range of p and q that is suitable for herb garden by compare and construct with application of logic from Table 1. Answer: range of p = 50 < p < 150 , range of q = 50 < q < 150 Conclusion: From Table 1, the range of p = 50 < p < 150 , range of q = 50 < q < 150. (ii)By comparing the lengths of p , q and the given side, determine the relation between them. Strategy: Compare the length of p , q and the given side, obtain the relation between them with application of logic. Answer: From the table, to form a triangle, the three sides must satisfy the following conditions: p + q > given side p + given side > q q + given side > p For example, P= 100, q = 100 p + q = 200 > given side

p + given side = 200 > q q + given side = 200> p In a triangle, the longer side is across from the larger angle. In a triangle, the larger angle is across from the longer side. Conclusion: To form a triangle, the sum of two sides must longer than third side.

(iii)Make generalisation about the lengths of sides of a triangle. State the name of relevant theorem. Strategy: Apply knowledge obtained from Additional Mathematics and also consult resources from the internet. Answer: The sum of the lengths of two sides of a triangle must always be greater than the length of the third side. In a triangle, the longer side is across from the larger angle. In a triangle, the larger angle is across from the longer side. The theorem is Triangle Inequality Theorem. Conclusion: The sum of the lengths of two sides of a triangle must always be greater than the length of the third side. The theorem is Triangle Inequality Theorem.

PART 3 If the length of the fence remains the same 300m, as stated in part 2: (a) Explore and suggest at least 5 various other shapes of the garden that can be constructed so that the enclosed area is maximum. Strategy: Compare different shapes of the garden and obtain the maximum area of each shapes. Answer: a) Quadrilateral

2a + 2b = 300m
a + b =150m Area = a b a 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 b 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 Area= a b 4400 4725 5000 5225 5400 5525 6000 5625

The maximum area is 5625 m

b)Regular Pentagon

Given the perimeter is 300 m. 300 m = 5 (side) 300 m = 5 x x = 60 m -

Area =

Sub into

Area =

= = 6193.7 m2 The maximum area for regular pentagon with perimeter of 300 m is 6193.7 m2.

c) Regular Circle

Given the perimeter is 300m 300m = 2 r r r = = m -

Area = r2 - Sub into Area = = = =7161.9724 m2 The maximum area for the circle with perimeter 300 m is 7161.9724 m2.

d) Regular Hexagon Given the perimeter is 300 m. 300 m 300 m x = 6 (side) =6x = 50 m -

Area =

Sub into

Area =

= = 6495.1905 m2 The maximum area for regular hexagon with perimeter of 300 m is 6495.1905 m2.

e) Regular Octagon Given the perimeter is 300 m. 300 m 300 m x = 8 (side) =8x = 37.5 m -

Area =

Sub into

Area =

= = 6789.9756 m2 The maximum area for regular octagon with perimeter of 300 m is 6789.9756 m2. Conclusion: When using circle as the shape of herb garden, Circle will give the
maximum area of 7161.9724 m2. When using regular quadrilateral as the shape of herb garden, quadrilateral will give the maximum area of 5625 m2. When using regular

pentagon as the shape of herb garden, pentagon will give the

maximum area of 6193.7 m2. When using regular hexagon as

the shape of herb garden, hexagon will give the maximum

area of 6495.1905 m2. Octagon will give the maximum area of 6789.9756 m2.When compare this various shape, circle gives tha highest maximum of area which is 7161.9724 m.


Draw a conclusion from your exploration in (a) if: (i) The demand of herbs in the market has been increasing nowadays. Suggest three types of local herbs with their scientific names that the farmer can plant in the herb garden to meet the demand. Collect pictures and information of these herbs. Strategy: Apply knowledge of herbs and also consult resources from the internet. Answer: Ginseng Introduction Ginseng is a perennial herb long known for the reputed medicinal and aphrodisiac properties of its aromatic root. The genus name Panax reflects the reputed value of various species of ginseng as a cure all--or panacea. The

unbranched stem is 20 - 40 cm (8 - 15 in.) high and is topped by a single whorl of 1 to 5 palmately compound leaves. Usually, three compound leaves are produced, each with five serrate (pointed and toothed) leaflets. The tiny flowers are produced in a single, ball-like cluster in the fork where the leaf stalks meet the stem. The five-petalled flowers are white or greenish-yellow and are scented like lily-of-the-valley. They appear from late June to mid July. The fruits, bright red drupes one cm (0.4 in.) in diameter, are easily seen in the fall. (Ginseng plants less than three years old usually bear no fruit, and it takes 18-22 months between the time when the ripe fruit drops to the ground and the time the seed will germinate.)

Plant growth habit/cultivation

Ginseng favors cool, well-drained soils of rich, moist deciduous woods. It may also be found on rocky talus slopes. Among the specific habitats in Massachusetts are a variety of rocky habitats, including the tops of ledges, rocky talus slopes and jumbles, and rocky rich mesic woods; along a creek at the base of a fern-covered slope; and various rich mesic forest habitats, including ones at the base of a dolomitic limestone ledge and one in a ravine. None of the current sites is in full sun.

Medicinal uses Ginseng has been studied over the past 30 years in many countries, its remarkable ability to help the body adapt to mental and emotional stress, fatigue, heat, cold, and even hunger is confirmed and documented! The major

constituents in Ginseng are Triterpenoid saponins, Ginsenosides (at least 29 have been identified), Acetylenic compounds, Panaxans, and Sesquiterpenes. Taken over an extended period it is used to increase mental and physical performance. It is medicinal and therapeutic for the whole body. A very powerful medicinal herb, it both stimulates and relaxes the nervous system, encourages the secretion of hormones, improves stamina, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels and increases resistance to disease. The ginsenosides that produce these effects are very similar to the bodys own natural stress hormones. It is used in the treatment of debility associated with old age or illness, lack of appetite, insomnia, stress, shock and chronic illness. Ginseng also increases immune function, resistance to infection, and supports liver function. The leaf is emetic and expectorant. The root is candied and used as a an edible medicinal kind of candy.Ginseng stimulates and increases endocrine activity in the body. Promotes a mild increase in metabolic activity and relaxes heart and artery movements. Stimulates the medulla centers and relaxes the central nervous system.


Centella asiatica (pegaga) Introduction This plant and its preparation have been in use since ancient times especially in the Ayurvedic medical system of India and in the folk medicine of China and

Madagascar. The outstanding importance of the usage of this plant in the tradition medicine of India is implicated by its Indian name "Brahmi" which means 'bringing knowledge to the supreme reality" and it has long been used for its medicinal properties and as and aid to meditation. It is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the most important medicinal plant species to be conserved and cultivated. In Malaysia, although it has been used by our traditional healers in their herbal remedies, but its popularity is confined more as traditional vegetable or 'ulam' especially among the Malay communities rather than a medicinal plant. Uses of Centella asiatica (pegaga) Centella asiatica or the local name 'pegaga' grows wildly under a wide range of conditions, some races prefer light shade, while other do well in open sunny areas. Some even grow under more harsh conditions like on stone walls. In the wild, most of these plant are found in wet or moist surroundings like swamps, along the margins of lakes, ponds and have also been seen growing in paddy fields. Plant growth habit/cultivation Pegaga easily propagated asexually by using rhizomes/runners with at least 2 nodes. Although the plant can be grown in full sun but most of their races prefer at least light shade and moist soil. Growth is favoured in sandy loam with high organic matter. Harvesting can be recommended after 60 days of planting. The whole plant is normally harvest when the reach full size.

Centella asiatica (pegaga)

Aloe vera (syn. A. barbadensis)(Lidah Buaya) Introduction The local name is known as 'Lidah Buaya'. Due to its exceptional healing properties, Aloe Vera is also known as "the little of the desert", "the plant of immortality", "the first aid plant" and "the miracle plant". Its also one of the most important crude drug history and is still extensively used in modern medicine. It contains the same painkilling and anti-inflammatory compound as in Aspirin. Aloe vera is also a nutrient-rich-plant, containing more than 200 active-components, vitamins, minerals, essentials amino acids, enzymes and other plant chemicals which is said to gently strengthen, sustain and encourage cellular activity in body. Plant growth habit/cultivation This plant is very tolerant to drought and therefore doed not need much watering especially when grown in the open. Aloe vera requires well-drained soils and does very poorly in clayey soils. It is propagated through separation of the suckers. Harvesting is carried out after 6 month. Harvesting begin from the

bottom leaves, which are the broadest and the largest. The rest of the plant is left until the leaves mature in thickness and size for the subsequent harvest. Medicinal uses Aloe vera (syn. A. barbadensis) is commonly used externally to treat various skin conditions such as cuts, burns and eczema. It is alleged that sap from Aloe vera eases pain and reduces inflammation. Scientific evidence on the effects of Aloe vera sap on wound healing is contradictory. A study performed in the 1990s showed that the healing of a moderate to severe burn was sped up by six days when covering the wound on a regular basis with aloe vera gel, compared to the healing of the wound covered in a gauze bandage. In contrast, another study suggested wounds to which Aloe vera gel was applied were significantly slower to heal. Many cosmetic companies add sap or other derivatives from Aloe vera to products such as makeup, moisturisers, soaps, sunscreens, shampoos and lotions. Aloe gel is alleged to be useful for dry skin conditions, especially eczema around the eyes and sensitive facial skin. In addition, it has been used for treating fungal infections such as ringworm.An article published in the British Journal of General Practice suggests that Aloe Vera is particularly good at treating long suffers of athlete's foot. The topical application of Aloe vera is not an effective preventative for radiation-induced injuries. Whether or not it promotes wound healing is unclear, and even though there are some promising results, clinical effectiveness of oral or topical Aloe vera remains unclear at present.

Aloe vera (syn. A. barbadensis)(Lidah Buaya)

Conclusion: Three types of local herbs with their scientific names that the farmer can plant in the herb garden to meet the demand are
Ginseng, Aloe vera (syn. A. barbadensis)(Lidah Buaya) and Centella asiatica (pegaga).

(ii)These herbs will be processed for making by a company. The design of the packaging plays an important role in attracting customers. The company wishes to design an innovative and creative logo to promote the product. Draw the logo on a piece of paper size A4. You must include at least one polygon shape in logo. Strategy: Apply the knowledge of arting and marketing by using creativity and innovative in design.

The cost that needed to fence the herb garden is RM 6000.00. From the table, the maximum area of the garden is 4330.1270 m2 with given perimeter of 300m.when the enclosed area of the herb garden is maximum, the value of p and q is 100 m and the

value of

is 60. The range of values of p is 50 < p < 150 ,

range of values of q =50 < q < 150. The relation between the length of p and q are p + q > given side, p + given side > q and q + given side > p.For example,p = 100 and q = 100, p + q = 200> given side, p + given side = 200 > q and q + given side = 200 > p. The theorem that I got is Triangle Inequality Theorem which the sum of the lengths of two sides of a triangle must always be greater than the length of the third side. If the length of the garden remains the same 300 m, 5 various other shapes

of the garden that can be conctructed so that the enclosed area is maximum is circle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon and octagon. Circle will give the maximum area of 7161.9724 m2. Regular quadrilateral will give the maximum area of 5625 m2. Regular pentagon will give the maximum area of 6193.7 m2. Regular hexagon will give the maximum area of 6495.1905 m2. Regular octagon will give the maximum area of 6789.9756 m2. When compare this various shape, circle gives tha highest maximum of area which is 7161.9724 m. Three types of local that the farmer can plant to meet the demand are Ginseng, Aloe vera (syn. A. barbadensis) (Lidah Buaya) and Centella asiatica (pegaga).

REFLECTION While I am doing this project, I have learned some moral values that I practice. This project has taught me to be responsible to my works which are given to me to complete. When I am doing this project, I have faced some problems but I dont give up and finally I successful complete it. My Additional Mathematics teacher, Pn. Nurhaya Binti Md Hussein, my family especially my parent and my friends who are Oon Khai Shian and Mohammad Khairul Azahar have gave me many ideas and advices when I am doing this project. So, I would send my highest appreciation to them who have help me very much. Although I suffer and feel very stress when I am doing this project, they give me their priceless support and let me finish this project. I also feel very happy because I have done this project. When I am doing this project, I know and learn more about Additional Mathematics. Eventually, I get more interesting in Additional Mathematics

Kohs Herb Garden

Name I/C no. Class Mentor Hussein. : Koh Zhuan Lun :950528-05-5341 :5 Alpha : , Pn. Nurhaya Binti Md

School Name : S.M.K Sungai Pelek

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