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James Madison University

LTLE 370 Instructional Technology

Class will be delivered online in a synchronous format, in Blackboard. The Fall 2012 semester lasts from 08/27/2012 - 12/14/2012. Our final exam is scheduled for Thursday, December 13, 2011 from 10:30am 12:30pm.

Instructor Information
Instructor: Tonia Dousay Learning, Technology and Leadership Education Department Office Hours: via Skype (tadousay) 12:30-1:30 Tue/Thu 3:30-5:00 Tue/Thu Email: or Phone: 706-352-9459 (Google Voice)

I am available to chat online during office hours or at other times by appointment to discuss course-related matters. While I make every attempt to be online during office hours, I may have an unannounced conflict. So, please schedule chats in advance when possible. I prefer being contacted via email, and attempt to respond to all messages within 24 hours. Please allow this amount of time for my response. Phone calls will be returned within 48 hours.

Welcome and Resources

Welcome to LTLE 370! In this class, you will use modern technologies to plan, produce, and edit multimedia products used for teaching and learning. As a basis for our work, we will explore the field of instructional technology (also called educational technology), and the relationship between how people learn and the design of instructional media. You will have the opportunity to develop new products and participate in peer reviews. In addition to learning how to use technologies, instructional technologists work hard to analyze and solve problems both independently and collaboratively. They appreciate the details and how to information almost as much as the creative process of designing new, instructional interventions. With experience and reflection, instructional technologists begin to develop a personal philosophy of proper design. Although learners enter this course with varying degrees of technical skill, all can be successful in the end. Those who are most successful consistently demonstrate creativity, problem solving skills, resilience, and attentiveness during instruction. To maximize your learning experience in this course, implement practices that help avoid distractions, find a consistent, quiet workspace in which to attend all synchronous sessions, attend office hours, and try to solve problems independently before asking for help. Each of these strategies will make for a more enjoyable and meaningful semester. This course will challenge you to learn new software skills and to consider how to design effective teaching and learning experiences in face-to-face and online environments. By the end of the

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course, you will have a basic understanding of how to edit imagery, design a website, create instructional presentations, and produce and edit digital audio and video. These skills are typically transferrable to the workplace. You will be expected to synthesize what you know into an electronic portfolio that may be of interest to potential employers. This is a hands-on course that requires your active participation. It is about making and doing rather than passively listening and observing. For this reason, attendance and participation are mandatory. Attend class sessions prepared to learn and create. Make sure your course materials are accessible during each class. Given the rapid rate of emerging technologies, the need to quickly test and evaluate applications for educational use is significant. The study of instructional technology is an ongoing process. There is never a dull moment! Perhaps this will be the beginning of your lifelong study of emerging technologies for learning. Since this class is online, we will use Elluminate, accessible via our Blackboard (Bb) course. Elluminate enables us to engage in audio discussions, chats, file sharing, presentation delivery, whiteboard activities, and collaboration via breakout rooms. We will meet synchronously throughout the semester with a number of asynchronous sessions interspersed to allow for individual workdays. As such, you are expected to work through the material and assignments at an appropriate pace on your own in order to meet course deadlines. This course does not have a required textbook. You will, however, need the following resources: 1. A headset with microphone, such as the Microsoft LifeChat LX-1000, is required in order to interact in synchronous class sessions via Elluminate or to record audio in Adobe Presenter. You may also find the headset useful during the video project and at other points during the semester. This device should be in-hand by the second class session. If your personal computer is equipped with built-in speakers and a microphone, you may elect to use this option. However, please keep in mind that you will need to attend synchronous class sessions in a quiet area to avoid unnecessary background noise from disrupting class. Before the first class session, setup your microphone and playback audio levels by going to Bb > Elluminate > Session Name > Tools > Audio > Audio Setup Wizard and follow the instructions. 2. An 8GB or larger SanDisk USB drive or external drive may be useful for storing course files for use on multiple computers. In lieu of purchasing a drive, you may consider using online services for cloud storage such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or SugarSync. Please keep in mind that these services all offer paid and free versions with varying terms of service that should be read entirely before agreeing to use the service. 3. Having an 8GB SanDisk memory card may also be helpful to you, particularly during the video project, because the cameras we use store video in this format. This purchase may not be necessary if you have the appropriate cables to connect the camera directly to your computer to transfer files. 4. The Adobe CS6 and Adobe Presenter software packages will be used throughout the course to create many of the assignments. There are three options by which you may obtain access to the software: (1) one of the computer labs on campus with applications installed note that not all labs have all software applications or the most recent version installed, (2) download a trial version of CS6 and Presenter 8 on your personal computer note that the trial versions are only valid for 30 days, (3) purchase a student license of CS6 through the JMU bookstore. NOTE: If you opt to download a trial version or purchase the software, please select the Design & Web Premium version. 5. JMU Library resources will be required throughout the semester. If you plan to access these resources from an off-campus location, you will need to first log in to set up a VPN. Students accessing these resources from an on-campus location may disregard these instructions.

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6. Tutorials available through Atomic Learning will be assigned as homework throughout the semester to help familiarize you with the software. 7. JMU Educ webserver space may be used to host your electronic portfolio. If you do not already have an account created and plan to use this option, submit an online request by the end of the first week of class. 8. You can get help this semester by contacting the JMU Helpdesk at 540-568-3555 or visiting the Computing Get Help. You can also get just in time help, by conducting Google searches to resolve technical problems. Using a variety of backup storage sources is highly recommended. You must keep up with your files for the duration of the semester, adding them to your portfolio as they are completed. Lost work cannot be graded. So, carefully consider how you will back up your projects in this class.

Catalog Description
Principles and procedures of a teaching/learning process designed to provide reliable, effective instruction to learners through systematic application of instructional technology. Includes selecting, producing, evaluating and utilizing non-print media and equipment for application to the instructional process.

The purpose of this course is for learners to develop competencies that will enable them to systematically plan for the selection, utilization, and evaluation of instructional media and to reflect on and design for the learning process. The successful completion of the course should result in the acquisition of reflective decision-making and problem solving skills, and technical skills.

Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Use electronic technologies to access and exchange information 2. Identify, locate, evaluate, and use technology resources that support learning and teaching, and assist in the management of information 3. Use software for scripting, storyboarding and presentations, problem solving, decisionmaking, communication of an instructional message 4. Plan and implement instructional interventions that integrate technology to meet the diverse needs of learners in a variety of educational settings 5. Discuss knowledge of ethical and legal issues relating to the use of technology 6. Operate a computer system, utilize modern software and apply knowledge of terms associated with educational technology 7. Apply the principles of instructional development to the process of analyzing learners, developing objectives, acquiring and evaluating instructional resources, enabling the use of resources and technology, fostering learner interaction, and assessing progress 8. Use current periodicals, electronic databases, and the Internet to learn about new educational technologies and their implementation in instructional environments

1. I expect you to silence all cell phones and hand-held devices as soon as you launch Elluminate, and to avoid texting, emailing, instant messaging, surfing, or engaging in other activities that may distract you from the content in this course. Of course, I will work these technologies into our sessions when appropriate, because they are very much a part of our lives, and for many they are both motivating and relevant. LTLE 370-002 (Dousay) Fall Semester 2012 Page 3 of 8

2. I expect you to follow all rules of any classroom or lab you may use for course work. 3. I expect you to attend synchronous sessions regularly. If you must miss class, please let me know in advance and see the Attendance policy in this syllabus. 4. I expect you to take responsibility for your learning. This means attending synchronous sessions prepared to actively participate, following the JMU honor code, completing all assignments when due, and taking time to reflect in a meaningful way on your learning. 5. Unless otherwise stated by the instructor, I expect you to complete all assignments as they appear in the course schedule with or without reminders to do so. 6. I expect you to contact the JMU Writing Center if a paper is assigned. Papers must adhere to APA style. Please note that the JMU Speech Services Center is available to help with public speaking skills. You may be expected to present information to your classmates this semester.

Late Submission Policy

The late submission policy is intended to help those who have issues beyond their control submit a quality assignment with minimal interruption to the class. Assignments should be submitted promptly by the due date and in the expected format. Work not submitted on the specified due date, and in the expected format, will lose the equivalent of a full letter grade (ex. highest possible score becomes a B instead of an A). If an assignment is submitted 7 days late or in an incorrect format, the equivalent of two letter grades will be deducted. Assignments received 8 or more days after the due date will be assigned a 0. Keep in mind that in the workplace, grace periods are rarely allowed. Submitting assignments late can cause gaps in learning new material; and can delay the grading process in this course. The instructor may modify this policy in any way, should students choose to take advantage without documented evidence of need.

Regular attendance, promptness, and active participation are important for successfully mastering the course objectives. They are a critical part of this course and will be required in your professional lives, so we will practice them here. If you know that you will be delayed logging in to synchronous sessions due to commuting or other obligations, let me know as soon as possible. Excused absences are possible when the student and instructor discuss in advance and approval is given. Unforeseeable absences may be considered excused with a doctors note or a note from the Deans Office. Please check with me before missing class and see me afterward to know if the absence was excused. Late or absent students are expected to make up assigned work and to learn what was missed. Synchronous sessions will be recorded and made available for all students. Each unexcused absence will result in a 2-point deduction of the Participation grade.

Weather Policy
Decisions to close university operations will be made by the President or a designee. To know if the University is delayed or closed, when it will reopen, and any other related information, visit the JMU homepage, or call the JMU Weather Line at 540-433-5300. More information about closings can be found in the JMU Policies. Should the University be closed during a synchronous session, our class will continue to meet online as scheduled. Our class will only be canceled in the case of a widespread power or telecommunications outage.

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JMU Honor Code

Making references to the work of others strengthens your own work by granting you greater authority and by showing that you are part of a discussion located within an intellectual community. When you make references to the ideas of others, it is essential to provide proper attribution and citation. Failing to do so is considered academically dishonest, as is copying or paraphrasing someone elses work without proper citation and reference. The consequences of such behavior range from receiving a 0 on an assignment to failure in the course to dismissal from the University. Because the sharing of ideas is valued in this course, you will be encouraged to collaborate and share ideas and to include the ideas of others in your writing. Please ask if you are in doubt about the use of a citation. All students are expected to read and comply with the JMU Honor Code. If you break the honor code, you will receive a 0 on the assignment and the violation will be reported to the JMU Honor Council. This policy is strictly enforced. Violations include but are not limited to copying an authors words as your own without proper quotations, citations, and references; copying another students course work; and working collaboratively on an individual assignment. Do not be afraid to learn and apply the material honestly in this course. You will be asked to sign a pledge submitting that you have followed the honor code for class assignments. This is the pledge:
I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance during the completion of this work.

In this class, it is understood that I Pledge with signature is an agreement to the above statement.

If you are a student with a documented disability who will be requesting accommodations in this course, please make sure you are registered with the Office of Disability Services (Wilson Hall, Room 107, 568-6705) and provide the course instructor with an Access Plan letter outlining needed accommodations. Please be aware that an access plan that is generated for oncampus courses may not adequately address field experiences. If you have not yet done so, please meet with Director of Disability Services in order to discuss reasonable accommodations and develop an appropriate access plan for this course.

Class Schedule
Notes: 1. You are expected to have adequate Internet access and all course materials accessible for each class session. 2. Homework is indicated in the syllabus. You may or may not receive a verbal reminder in class about assigned homework. However, failure to submit all homework will result in a lower course Participation grade. Numbered homework refers to Course Content modules located in Bb. 3. Allow for additional time outside of class to meet specified deadlines. Topics highlighted in yellow are asynchronous sessions. We will not meet together on those days.

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Date Week 1 08/28/12 08/30/12 Week 2 09/04/12 09/06/12 Week 3 09/11/12 09/13/12 Week 4 09/18/12 09/20/12 Week 5 09/25/12 09/27/12 Week 6 10/02/12 10/04/12 Week 7 10/09/12 10/11/12 Week 8 10/16/12 10/18/12 Week 9 10/23/12 10/25/12 Week 10 10/30/12 11/01/12 Week 11 11/06/12 11/08/12 Week 12 11/13/12 11/15/12
1 2

Topic Design for Learning Self-Assessment, Syllabus, & Introductions History of Instructional Technology Principles of Graphic Design Royalty Free Images & Graphic Design Photoshop & Assignment #1 Features of Photoshop Photoshop Workday Peer Reviews & Instructor Assessment 1 Features of Dreamweaver Website Design Dreamweaver & Assignment #2 Online Portfolios Dreamweaver Workday Dreamweaver Q&A Learning Theories Upload/Test Portfolio & Peer Reviews Types of Learning 2 Instructional Design Instructional Design Process Analyze and Design & Assignment #3 Electronic Presentations Design and Develop PowerPoint Workday 3 Features of Presenter Instructional Design for eLearning Presenter & Assignment #4 Publishing eLearning Presentations Presenter Workday Publish Presenter Lessons & Peer Reviews 4 Video Planning Topic, Team Selection, & Assignment #5 Storyboarding & Scripting Video Production Production Techniques Video Editing & Publishing

Homework 1.1.5; 1.2.7 2.1.8 2.1.6; Atomic Learning Photoshop CS6; A, B, C, D, E, J 2.2.3 Atomic Learning Dreamweaver CS6; A, B, C, D 4.1.1



9.1.4 Adobe Presenter Tutorials

12.2.1 12.2.5; 14.1.1

Assignment #1 due Assignment #2 due 3 Assignment #3 due 4 Assignment #4 due

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Date Week 13 11/20/12 11/22/12 Week 14 11/27/12 11/29/12 Week 15 12/04/12 12/06/12 Week 16 12/13/12

Topic Thanksgiving Break No class Video Editing Video editing Editing Workday Finalizing Portfolios Editing Q&A Finalizing Portfolios Final Exam Video Presentations 5 [1:00PM-3:00PM]


This section lists and explains assignments due and points possible. See the Late Submission Policy section if you are unable to submit an assignment on time. All assignments should be submitted via a discussion posting in Bb, and should be posted by 11:59PM on the date it is due. Assignment #1 #2 Description PowerPoint Design Template Using Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe Photoshop, design a presentation template. Online Portfolio Using Adobe Dreamweaver, create an online portfolio to organize and display all assignments created in this course. Instructional Presentation Using Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe Photoshop, create an instructional presentation over an educational topic of your choice. eLearning Presentation Using Adobe Presenter and Adobe Photoshop, create an eLearning presentation over an educational topic of your choice. Video Using the video production and editing software of your choice, create a digital story appropriate for educational. Your video should tell a story (not simply instruct); have a beginning, middle, and end; and identify the age of your audience. Due 09/13/12 10/04/12 Points 15 15










Assignment #5 due

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Assignment Professionalism


Description Due Professionalism includes, but is not limited to, N/A maintaining a positive attitude, avoiding distractions, effectively collaborating with others, meeting expectations on the syllabus, being accountable, making issues known to the instructor in private when they arise, communicating with the instructor when help is needed but only after documenting the problem details, and attempting to resolve independently first, etc. Participation includes, but is not limited to, N/A attending synchronous classes and logging in promptly, becoming engaged in class discussions, actively attempting to solve problems before asking for help, asking for assistance after systematically determining the specific problem and exhausting other solutions, assisting others with basic problem solving needs, attending office hours as appropriate, etc. TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE

Points 10 6

10 7


Grading Scale
The grading scale for this course includes pluses and minuses as follows. Final scores will not be rounded up. Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF Points 100 95 94 91 90 88 87 85 84 81 80 78 77 75 74 71 70 68 67 65 64 61 60 0

Please note that the syllabus is a working document to help guide us through the course content in a meaningful way. The instructor reserves the right to modify this document at any time.
Professionalism points will be deducted for failing to meet expectations at the discretion of the instructor (See Expectations). 7 Participation is assumed and points will be deducted for failure to actively participate in the course (See Attendance).

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