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Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

Acknowledgement This one goes out to all my comrades who have showed me love and continue to show love in my life. As I walk this path, your love sustains and motivates me.

Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ... 6 PART ONE - WAR Chapter One - Born ......... 11 The Two Realms. 11 Chapter Two - The Struggle 13 Soldiers of Light and Soldiers of Darkness............... 14 Sleep State... 16 Chapter Three - The King... 18

About the Kings Name.... 18 Chapter Four - Weapons of The Light (Armouring up).. 20 Chapter Five - The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (The BIBLE). 22 Chapter Six - Holy Assassins.. 24 Guardians of Light...................25 Chapter Seven - The Church... 27

The Atmosphere of Fellowship.. 29 Chapter Eight - Attitude.. 30

Optimism versus Pessimism.. 30 Chapter Nine - Science & Technology... 33

Television (TV)/ Radio............... 35 Chapter Ten - The Day, The Weather & The Animals... 38

Chapter Eleven - Ghosts.. 42

Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens Chapter Twelve - Destiny & Fate 44 Cause and Effect.. 45 The Book of Light (also known as the Book of Life). 46

PART TWO - TRAINING Introduction 48 Chapter Thirteen - The Spirit. 49 Prayer ................ 50 Fasting................ 51 Studying the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. 53 Meditation.. 54 Chapter Fourteen - The Mind.. 56 Thought... 58 Wisdom 59 Knowledge and Understanding.. 60 Chapter Fifteen - The Body (The Vessel) 62 Power.. 62 Speed.. 63 Skills 63 Sexual urges. 63 Self-Touching (Masturbation). 64

Controlling sexual urges. 65 Chapter Sixteen - Pain. 67 Reflections. 67

Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

Chapter Seventeen - Love (The control indicator) 68 Another Level of Love. 69 The Feelings of Love & Improvement . 71 Watchers... 73 Chapter Eighteen - Gratitude.. 75

PART THREE - DIVISION Introduction 77 Chapter Nineteen - Religion.. 78 Holy Trinity.. 80 Versions.. 81 One and the same. 82 Chapter Twenty - Race 84 Chapter Twenty one - Status.. 86 Chapter Twenty two - Appearance.. 87 Chapter Twenty three - Death..90 In This Ongoing Struggle.91

Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

INTRODUCTION As I write this the year is 2008 and from the time I was born up until now the world has made many discoveries to help humanity survive longer, better and more efficiently. The world as it is seen now is headed into a new technological era, where things will be made to better humanity more or maintain it. As each human being lives their lives, most fail to realize or have forgotten that from the time of creation, Heaven and Hell have been at War with each other and Earth is the battlefield. Earth is also our initiation ground where mankind has to decide which side of the War they choose to be on. Life as we know it is not just to live and die but in between we must fight. There are many who will think that this is utter nonsense, there are many who would like to know more, and there are many who will seek to challenge these recordings. No matter what their state of mind, all people should know or be reminded that, there is something to know. The recollection of my age when this revelation first came to me escapes me but at the time of these recordings, I have been fighting for 26 years now. I have gained a lot of experience and have studied a lot of teachings to be able to testify to the struggle of this War called Life. As it is known, throughout history all battles and Wars were recorded by soldiers, generals, civilians and survivors. These people would write in journals, diaries, and letters or tell stories of what happened. Everything, not only battles or Wars, got recorded for generations after them to always remember what happened on those War grounds. It was their testimony to tell the world to always be strong. Part of being initiated on this ground called Earth is to bring acceptance to fear. Through this acceptance, everyone may be inspired or encouraged to summon up courage to overcome adversity by having a strong mindset. All battles were recorded and that includes spiritual ones. These recordings that you are reading now were written from my own viewpoint and experiences in this War called life. You must understand that spiritual battles are everyday occurrences. It is mankinds way of life because life is a War. It is true that humanity can learn from each other, so understand that these recordings that you are reading now were written to encourage, motivate, inspire and to wake you up as you become observant and aware of the happenings around you. Some of you will Love or Hate me for this but you will soon realize that this is also an effect of the War between Heaven and Hell. You will realize that this too is part of life. Humanity is caught between this War, not only that but humanity are instruments in it, too. We all must fight! This, if anything, is my testimony, my recordings and my plea.

Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens Like everything in this world, there is a beginning. If evil was not recognized then neither would good but it wasnt like this in the time of creation. At the time of creation there was only purity (no good or evil). At the time of creation there wasnt a War on Earth but an event or action triggered it.

How the War Began

The Recognition of Evil The recognition of evil began at the beginning of time, when the first man and woman were recorded. The man was called Adam and the woman was called Eve (because she would become the mother of all the living). Evil was released into existence in man and woman when Lucifer (also known as Satan), one of the Archangels, decided to tempt the woman to disobey the Creator (God). He influenced her to eat from a tree that the Creator called the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This tree is evidence that evil existed before man was created because the tree was called knowledge of good and evil. This implies that anyone who ate from the tree would know about evil as well as good. Therefore, the tree did not create evil but merely made mankind aware of it. By now many will question if these recordings are true or not. Many will say if this is true then why would the Creator put a tree of good and evil in the garden in the first place if He didnt want man or woman to eat from it? It is a good question and logical to ask. All questions have answers and the answer to this one is due to the existence of loyalty. Humanity needs to realize that the Creator tests the loyalty of His creations. Man and Woman (His creation) were being tested. This was the beginning of their initiations to see just how loyal they would be in using their freewill. So the tree stayed. The greatest freedom in this world is in knowing that you can do whatever you want. This can be defined as freewill; the willing use of freedom to make things happen. The Creator doesnt force people to turn to Him. He doesnt pressure them to turn to Him either so He left the one thing that would allow mankind to express sincerity and loyalty to Him, freewill. As the records show, man and woman failed the test by eating from the tree. They disobeyed the Creator and ate a fruit from the tree. Although the action was done, this did not stop their initiations. They were to be tested throughout their lives on this initiation ground. The tests were to go on until the day they died because loyalty and freewill are constant things; humanity will have these, amongst many other constant characteristics, until the day they die. It was Adam and Eves disobedience, made by their freewill, that changed the purity of life into the two entities known as good and evil. Therefore it was good and evil that created the struggles of life. The struggles of life are evidence that this War is about good and evil, which in turn proves that Heaven and Hell are influencing factors. Heaven and

Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens Hell dont force, they influence. They cannot force because by forcing humanity to choose sides, freewill becomes useless. For mans and womans disobedience the Creator changed one of the privileges of the man and one of the privileges of the woman. He made it so that man must struggle to provide and woman must struggle to give birth. This was not to kill man or woman but to make it hard for man and woman. This was their punishment and punishments are never easy going. Punished or not, now all men and women are being initiated. This will continue until we return to dust. From time to time, humanity may be redeemed from their wrong doings if they use their freewill to turn to the Creator and apologize. This is known as repentance. Mistakes and wrong actions are done because of the struggles of this War. There are no good or bad people, just the struggle. This statement wasnt put down to justify wrongdoing but to express repentance. Repentance With the entire struggle going on, God has been merciful to allow man and woman to redeem themselves through an act of self-submission. Repentance is the act of showing that you are sorry for being weak in the moment of circumstance. To repent, one must first acknowledge the wrong that has been done. This, if anything, is the reason for feelings and emotions. Repentance shows determination in trying to be a stronger vessel (body) in this War. Many mistakes will be made in this War and it has been recorded throughout history that anyone who acknowledges their mistakes and uses their freewill to ask for forgiveness, will be forgiven. The act of repenting does not reach the Creator sometimes because there is no sincerity or humility behind it. Even if it does reach the Creator there may be a long wait to be forgiven due to the lack of sincerity and humility behind the prayer (ask yourself why the Creator should forgive someone who truly isnt sorry. Would you? Ask yourself how a person who isnt truly sorry be forgiven). Even in prayer there is a struggle. The War goes on with every move we make. As long as the Earth stays alive, there will always be War (struggle). If there is but one thing you take from the recordings of creation, it is that the temptation of Adam and Eve to disobedience was a conspiracy set up by Lucifer (one of the Archangels now a fallen Angel) to start another War. The devil split purity of man into two entities so that evil may be recognized. Sides So the situation was that now man and woman are capable of evil through the acknowledgement of evil and this makes it easier to get Soldiers for this War on each side. The first attempt of Lucifers rebellion began when Lucifer (Satan) decided one day to influence one-third of the Angels to overrule the Creator. They failed in their attempt

Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens and were cast out of Heaven. The second attempt was about Lucifer influencing 200 Angels to try again. They also failed and were cast down to Earth. The devil (Lucifer) and many damned Angels now roam the earth trying to influence men and womens freewill to turn against the Creator in a third attempt to rebel. Many people still wonder why the Creator did not kill the devil instead of just casting him out to roam the earth. Well, when the devil rebelled against the Creator and failed, the Creator was about to kill him but the devil begged for his life. The Creator decided to keep him alive but banished him into everlasting punishment. He cast the devil down into darkness where he was to remain for eternity. The place where the Creator cast him down was Earth. This was before there was light and existence on this battlefield. Then one day the Creator said, Let there be light, and He added all types of things on Earth. The devil had created his own world in darkness called Nod. This is also known as Hell. Not only that, but the Creator also kept the devil alive to use him as a determining factor to separate those who are for Him and those who are against Him. The devil still has to answer to the Creator (after all the devil was created by the Creator) but like everything in creation the devil also has freewill. The devil has made his choice and has chosen by freewill to be against the Creator (God). Occasionally the devil will ask God for permission to test those who are doing extremely well in pleasing Him as a way to prove that the person can be influenced to go against Him. This leads to a question: if the devil still has to answer to God does this mean that God promotes evil done by the devil due to a test? In terms of this question, all that should be remembered is that Gods purpose is for Good. My testimony is not to prove the Creators plan, or to preach, and it is not to convince but to testify to the occurrence of this War (struggle). We cannot lean on our own understanding. We must not lean on our own understanding because of this War. We cannot read the mind of the Creator but we can seek His guidance. Although this question stimulates a debate, the question to go against this question is: if God allows the devil to do what it wants through permission, then what actions are truly determined as evil and what are truly determined as good? A lot of questions can be asked and many will be answered by choosing a side. The purpose of God is Good and the purpose of the devil (Lucifer the fallen Archangel) is bad. With the struggle now created, those who choose to purposely do good are on the side of the Creator and those who choose to purposely do bad are on the devils side. Whatever purpose you seek from life, know but one thing and that is, we all have to choose a side. Those who do not choose or believe are the true victims of this War.

Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

CHAPTER ONE - BORN Out of 500 million sperm you were born and at the time of your birth the universe was aligned in a certain way to commemorate the day. The stars were aligned a certain way and events and circumstances took place everywhere because of cause and effect. This cause and effect had to occur because you were somebody new that came into the world; therefore, the world had to make adjustments. One thing that you can take from astrology is that the day you were born was a very special one. When a child is born, he or she is born with freewill and joins the struggle (War) which is life. Each child is born into the War and depending on the childs upbringing or environment the childs side may be quickly determined. Because of the nature of the struggle, the child will change sides many times throughout his or her life. In other words, a child who chose to be good may end up bad and one that chose to be bad may end up good. This struggle goes on until the day the child dies. The child will undergo many changes unless he or she strengthens himself or herself on the side that he or she wants to remain on. When we were young there was something we called innocence. Innocence can be described as the purity of a man and woman. As a child, this innocence is strong, so strong that we are gullible to almost everything we see and hear, and a child can actually see and hear the unseen. When we are growing up we find it harder to see or believe in anything. The world degrades the notion of children seeing something when they cry saying they see monsters, goblins and anything considered bizarre. People disregard the possibility that the child may have seen something. The wide-eyed innocence of children can help them to see the unseen. As we get older it becomes harder to see the unseen because of the filth (disbeliefs) that we add to the purity of innocence. The Two Realms There are two realms that make up our reality, the spirit realm and the physical realm. In the spirit realm there are constant battles between Angels and Demons, Good versus Evil and influencing factors that penetrate into the physical realm. The physical realm is what we see, feel and do. Whatever happens in the spirit realm affects the physical realm. Whatever we do in the physical realm also helps us in the spirit realm. When good is exercised in the physical realm, the victory in the spirit realm increases and evil decreases. Freedom has two paths that freewill can use. One path leads to righteousness and the other leads to wickedness. The righteous bring good things and the wicked bring all things bad.


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens Yet no matter how far a person goes down one path, there is always a starting point. When a person uses their freewill to change their mind, they go back to the starting point. Being at the starting point always reveals the two paths of freedom. It is this starting point that is known as the crossroads.


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens


The devil tries to manipulate everyone but the success of the manipulation depends on how strong (or weak) the individual is. A strong vessel (the body) will be able to resist getting possessed or being easily influenced. This enables such vessels (bodies) to resist being manipulated. If a person chooses to be for or against the Creator, they will always face a struggle. This struggle exists so that the freewill of the individual doesnt get influenced to switch sides. In other words, a person who chooses to be on the Creators side and strives to do good will struggle to remain on the Creators side because their freewill is being influenced by evil (the opposite of good) to oppose the Creator. This is what the devil wants. A vessel that chose to be on the Creators side will strive to be a strong vessel to remain on the Creators side. By being a strong vessel it will be harder for their freewill to be negatively influenced to join the devils side. Conversely, a vessel that chose to be on the devils side will strive to be a strong vessel to remain on the devils side. A person who uses their freewill to choose the devils side will not be easily influenced to cross over to the Creators side. However way you look at it, being a strong vessel will be a good instrument for both sides; but one thing to remember is that freewill will always be influenced because of the constant struggle between good and evil. Therefore people who were for the Creator may decide to be against the Creator and those against the Creator may decide to be for the Creator. This is the true essence of life. Angels and Demons fight hard against each other in the spirit realm and the effects can be seen in this physical realm. Humanity helps this fight by constantly exercising good and evil. Doing good tilts the scales to the Angels and doing evil tilts the scales to Demons. By looking around us and observing how a person behaves, the effects of this War can be seen. There are many things that cannot be explained so humanity creates more theories and resorts to science, the very subject they created. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people or great things happen to good people due to the effects of this War. Bad things happen to good people because it is evils way of trying to dominate the good in the persons life and influence the persons freewill to cross over to the devils side. For example, a good person who always experiences bad episodes in their life could be influenced to use their freewill to turn against the Creator because they believe that the Creator (God) isnt helping. Or they could blame the Creator for what happened to them while forgetting about the existence of evil.


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

Life is one big initiation and the Creator watches those who are truly for Him and helps those who are truly sincere when they turn to Him. The question is: who will be left standing by His side when the review day comes that He has prepared for? This review day will be a Day of Judgment. On the Day of Judgment, in this physical realm, the true nature of the War in the spirit realm will be clear for all to see. But before that day comes, the Creator has given mankind as much time as possible to exercise their freewill to be on His side. The Creator will allow mankind one final chance to be accepted by Him before this War ends. This War will end in the destruction of the initiation ground, Earth. Since mankind has knowledge of evil the earth is now an initiation ground until the Day of Judgment comes. The dead cannot escape judgment; they await transition to be judged. Their contribution to the War depends on the type of person they were (character). Depending on how the dead person lived, a vessel (body) which died and had a good character would be remembered by many if not all. This influences other vessels who are living to use their freewill to do good and to stand firm on the side of good. A dead person who had a bad character at death will also influence the living. When they are remembered, they could influence the freewill of those who have chosen to do bad to stand firm on the side of bad. Sometimes the devil will use the image of the dead person (vessel) to try to influence those who are for the Creator to cross over to his side. Memories and the character of the dead bare great importance because the memory of that person can encourage the living to do good or evil in this War. Good things could happen to bad people because of the evil they did to get what they consider to be good. For such people anything could be considered good when the process in which they get these good things is bad.

Soldiers of Light and Soldiers of Darkness Those who have chosen to be on the side of God are defined as Soldiers of Light and those who choose the side of the devil are defined as Soldiers of Darkness. Light is used to see so a person doesnt stray from the path and stumble on objects that could be avoided.

In darkness nobody can see where they are going and they stumble over everything because they cant see. Their inability to see where they are going could cause them to get lost. Therefore, a light is lit to help them see. This is a good thing and anything good is referred to as Gods work.


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens In darkness you cannot see because your eyes have not been lit to see, and this is a bad situation. Nevertheless, some people like it this way and consider it good. The word good here is not to say that they are not doing Gods work but good in the sense that it makes them happy. In the physical realm, to switch on the lights of the eyes in the spirit realm, one must strive to do good and please the Creator who is the source of good. There are those who have chosen not to believe in anything; they believe there is no right or wrong, or light or darkness, and freewill requires no discipline because it is free. These types of vessels are weak. They dont put up a fight because they believe there is no fight. Such vessels are easily possessed and anything they do, they call it an impulse or a spur of the moment type of situation. They dont realize they have left themselves opened to being controlled by Soldiers of Darkness who take over their bodies (vessel). At the same time, the Soldiers of Light strive to influence them to fight for positivism in this War. When evil possesses these non-believers they either cause havoc or cause the person (vessel) to commit suicide because this takes them out of the War (struggle). Through suicide their freewill cannot be used for good. By doing good deeds, light shines in a vessel (body) and gets brighter and brighter as the good deeds continue. The darkness (evil) in the vessel decreases due to the effects of these good deeds creating more light in the vessel (body). The evil in the vessel then struggles against these good deeds; it struggles against the light and tries to consume the light to regain full possession of the vessel. It does this to use the vessel to do more things against the Creator. So through the act of good deeds those who do not believe are saved. The sad thing is that they dont know it because they do not believe there is a struggle (War). When the possession (evil) loosens the non-believer, it feels so good and increases their well-being. When this happens such casualties of war deem it a good day unaware that it was because they were on the side of the Creator (God) for a brief moment doing good things. All vessels have good and evil in them because they acknowledge good and evil. A weak vessel shown by a Soldier of Light is a strong vessel for Soldiers of Darkness because this means they can easily influence, manipulate or consume the vessel. Therefore there is a great possibility the Soldier of Light may become a Soldier of Darkness. A weak vessel shown by a Soldier of Darkness will be influenced by the light so that they become a Soldier of Light. The struggle is always there. The road to righteousness is the path of light and the road to wickedness is the path of darkness. At the crossroads, freewill is left with a choice.


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

Sleep State When a person is in the sleep state they are between the physical realm and the spirit realm. Being in the sleep state makes it easy to dream and have visions because the spirit realm is touched. In the sleep state some people (vessels) are easily possessed because evil spirits penetrate them from the spirit realm. The vessel (body) is a good conductor of energy and matter and if a vessel is weak it becomes a shell for evil spirits to take over and cause havoc in the physical realm when the person wakes up. In other words, the person becomes possessed. This is noticeable in a person because they start behaving out of character. Someone who would never hurt anyone, starts hurting people and everybody wonders why. When a person (vessel) behaves out of extreme character then something is wrong. The spirit realm is not without Angels and their presence has a different feeling and effect when coming through during the sleep state. An Angels aim is not to possess the body but to be a guide in a dream or a vision. They come to teach, bless or give warnings by explaining certain occurrences or events that are happening or going to happen in the physical realm. I have received such guidance before. This is why I can give this testimony. In my dream (sleep state) a guide showed me around and explained certain things to me. The place felt familiar but it didnt look familiar. When I woke up, I didnt really know the meaning of the dream but I felt good. I could not see the person (an Angel) in the dream properly and I couldnt make out a face but I knew I was safe. There was another time during my sleep state when I was in an unknown room fighting demons and chopping them up with an axe. Soon another person joined me in the fight. I almost axed this person but he looked me in the eyes and that automatically proved to me that he was there to help. As a matter of fact my vessel felt it. When I awoke that day, there was a change in me. I felt like something had been conquered but didnt know what it was. Such experiences have occurred in my life since I was a youth. Weak, possessed vessels still have a chance to be saved because of the struggle. That struggle is inside all of us because there is good in everyone as well as the capability to do evil. Therefore, these evil spirits that come from the spirit realm to possess the individual merely enhance or increase the capability to do evil. They do not eliminate the good in the vessel but decrease it. This decreased good constantly fights the enhanced evil in the vessel; the struggle is there because the vessel is trying to maintain control and not do things it wouldnt normally do. On the other hand, if the vessel has chosen to be a Soldier of Darkness, the


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens struggle would be to decrease the good in them so their freewill would not be influenced to become a Soldier of Light. Soldiers of Darkness do nothing to help the light so they struggle to stay against the light. Depending on the hold the evil spirit has on a vessel the person may be out of character forever. In order to save the person, the Holy Assassins of Light are called. It is not yet time to go into great detail about the Holy Assassins of Light because there are certain things about this War that need to be understood. So for now, all that should be known is that there are people out there who are very effective in this War (life).


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

CHAPTER THREE - THE KING In every war there is a King (the leader). The Soldiers of Darkness have their own King, the devil. The devil was created by the Creator and was very powerful. The Soldiers of Light have their own King, the Creators son. At this point, many people will roll their eyes, raise their eyebrows or just feel a little doubt in them, thinking that I am speaking nonsense. They will whisper under their breath and say that the Creator has no son. This is understandable. Before all of this I was also a man who questioned everything. But bear with me through these recordings because it is important to understand the Kings of these two sides. Understanding the struggle will make it easier to cope with the struggle. Yes, the Creator had a Son, not for fun but to be the King of Light. The reason for this is because the Creator lives in the spirit realm. So in order to be seen in the physical realm in the form of man (flesh and blood), the Creator had a Son. For the image of the Creator to come through from the spirit realm to the physical realm a birth had to happen and His Son (His image) was born. The word image in this sense is used to describe flesh and blood; it is not used to describe appearance. About the Kings Name The King of Lights birth was no ordinary birth. He was born out of spirit and flesh so he could be between the spirit and physical realm, not just in sleep state. This was done so he could affect both realms at the same time in a different way. While on Earth, the King of Light demonstrated the secret to spiritual power and taught Soldiers through parables and examples. Through understanding, Soldiers and the King of Light could tap into such powers. To put it simply, when the King of Light (Jesus the name He bears) was on Earth, He was God in Man. In the spirit realm, Jesus is the name that the King of Light bears and He is the recognized power and nature of the Creator. In the physical realm the King of Light is known as the Son of God and the Way, the Truth and the Life. Therefore, by following the King of Light there is power, and the power against this power is from the King of Darkness and his soldiers. There are recordings of this Kings initiation time on Earth including confessions that He and the Creator (His Father) are one and the same. They are the same through spirit, hence why he was born by spirit and as flesh. During His initiations, on this initiation ground (Earth), the King stopped many demons and evil spirits from revealing this truth because He had the capacity to fail His initiations. He was a mere man, a mere mortal, so all the understanding and every power He gained had to be earned. Just like Soldiers in this War He was born into struggle and freewill but his birth was different. The stars and the Earth revealed this.


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens The body is weak but the spirit is willing. So the capacity to fail His initiations was very much in Him. Through this understanding revealed by the son, the Father (the Creator (God)) now understands how hard it is for humanity in this War (struggle). As the King of Light vouches for humanity, more and more the Creator (God, the Father) knows what humanity endures because His son (Himself) went through it. It was this understanding of the Creator (God) that allowed Him to give humanity time to use their freewill to be on His side. The deadline is Judgment Day.


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

CHAPTER FOUR - WEAPONS OF THE LIGHT (ARMOURING UP) In all Wars, Soldiers suit up in armour and carry weapons for protection. Depending on how the weapons are used, Soldiers become very efficient in attacking their opponents. There is a set of recordings gathered together and called the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE). These Recordings contain the legacy of kings and men of faith and how they became victorious in wars and battles. This BIBLE also has instructions on how to prepare in this War between Heaven and Hell. The Recordings cater to the Soldiers of Light while Soldiers of Darkness follow their own recording(s). To be a strong vessel in the physical and spirit realm, certain characteristics must be exercised in the physical realm for the vessel to be effective in the spirit realm. The characteristics that need to be exercised in the physical realm are: salvation, righteousness by living righteously, always telling the truth, having faith and keeping it, understanding the word of God (the Creator) and always being prepared and ready for evil. Exercising these characteristics in the physical realm allows you to be armoured up in the spirit realm. In the spirit realm, this War between Heaven and Hell can be adversely affected. When the characteristics are manifested in the physical realm, the following things happen in the spirit realm: *Salvation becomes a Helmet to protect the head (mind), *Righteousness becomes a Breast-plate and allows any impact to be cushioned, *Truth becomes a Belt and allows Soldiers to be secured to your gear, *Faith becomes a Shield and protects against attack, *Understanding the Word of the Creator (God) written in the Recordings becomes a Sword and is used for initiating attacks, and *Readiness becomes war shoes to enable a Soldier to stand firm. To exercise these characteristics in the physical realm, the meaning of each characteristic must be understood. By understanding the meaning, the characteristics can be identified. The Meaning of Salvation Salvation is the act of maintaining or a state of keeping yourself from harm.


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens The Meaning of Righteousness It is living in accordance with accepted standards of morality or uprightness. The Meaning of Truth The quality of speaking genuine, actual or factual information. The Meaning of Faith Strong or unshakeable belief in something. The meaning of Readiness Always being prepared, organized and alert. When a Soldier of Darkness does or chooses any of these characteristics by accident, they start to feel an impulse towards the light. Soldiers of Darkness have their own characteristics to suit up with and this can be determined by looking at the characteristics that the Soldiers of Light use. Salvation deals with the head, Righteousness deals with the heart, Truth deals with stability, Faith deals with protection and Readiness deals with firmness and courage. For a Soldier of Darkness to armour up in the spirit realm they use factors that destroy the characteristics peculiar to Soldiers of Light. For example, Salvation can be affected by jealousy, envy, anger, and any other emotion that influences the head. These are the helmets of Soldiers of Darkness. Righteousness can be affected by hate, stress, depression and any other emotion that affects the heart. These are the breast-plates of Soldiers of Darkness. Truth can be affected by lies, therefore instability occurs. This relates to the stability of Soldiers of Darkness. Readiness can be affected by fear, lack of preparation, disorganization and any other characteristic that affects the feet. These are the war shoes of Soldiers of Darkness. The Word of the Creator can be affected by disobedience hence there will be no sword (no weapon). Disobedience is the sword of the Soldiers of Darkness. The only weapon that can be used by both sides is Faith. The Soldiers of Light believe they will defeat the darkness and the Soldiers of Darkness believe they will defeat the light. Both sides have shields (faith), hence there is a constant struggle. When a Soldier of Darkness feels the light, they struggle to stay in darkness so that their freewill is not influenced to cross over to the side of the light. This War is ongoing until the day we die, or until the day the Creator has set for everybody to be judged.


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

CHAPTER FIVE - THE BASIC INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE LEAVING EARTH (THE BIBLE) In the days of old, wars helped or commanded by the Creator (God) were recorded. Also when kings, prophets and priests were ordained by the Creator, these events were recorded. All rules, laws and commands made by the Creator were recorded. The Creator set these rules, laws and commands to make the way of life, this War, easier for the people. Dreams and visions were recorded as well as the prophesies of the King of Lights coming - His birth, His initiations, His death and His resurrection. The King of Light was brought back to life after experiencing death to provide a testimony to the Creator and Soldiers about death. All these recordings were continuous, from the time the Creator chose and made covenants with a nation who worshipped Him, until the time the King of Light went through His initiations. The King was part of this nations bloodline. All these recordings made up the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth and its called the BIBLE for short today. At the time of the Kings initiations these recordings were more widely known as the scriptures. Whoever takes into account the rules and regulations contained in these recordings becomes a strong vessel. Also, whoever heeds the rules and regulations and follows the example and teachings of the King to an extreme or continuous extent (meaning the influence of the darkness has very little effect), becomes a Holy Assassin of Light. The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth was translated into different languages. The sole purpose of this was not power but understanding and obedience which brings forth power. There are many who say that translating the instructions into different languages tampers with the original language. It is true that words lose meaning because different words mean different things in different languages. It is also true that the trust of these Basic Instructions is questionable compared to the days of old, where humanity didnt translate, therefore watering down some powerful words. Yet it has to be said that there is no power gained without understanding. Understanding brings knowledge and knowledge brings power. This makes a vessel very strong. It really shouldnt matter because the Creator understands all languages; it was Him that created and divided the languages. A person who prays in French will be heard just like the person who prays in English. However, there is only one word in the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth which is a common word, a password, and is a proven giver of protection. It also brings forth power, and that is the name of the King of Light. Now, I dont mean to make you feel like this is a sermon but if there is one thing to understand and gain power from, it's focusing on the King of Light.


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

This common name is the name Yashua (Jesus) and is what the King bears. His name is the common word for everybody to use to get power. All the recordings from the time of creation until the time of His resurrection tell how His name eventually gained power to be used. It was prophesied; it was part of His initiations.


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

CHAPTER SIX - HOLY ASSASSINS Holy Assassins of Light are those who chose to maintain the light and maintain discipline by learning and gaining knowledge in using the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE). Their works are not in vain. When Holy Assassins armour up in the spirit realm, they seem to be the ones with the biggest weaponry because at all times they exercise the characteristics of the light. They are always suited up in the spirit realm. In the physical realm Holy Assassins mostly come in the form of priests, evangelists, pastors, prophets, deacons, bishops and exorcists. It doesnt mean they are perfect; it doesnt mean that they do not have to struggle, because all they have is a title and titles do not determine character. Some are called by the Creator (God) because of the large contribution they may give during this War and some are called because of their availability. So any Soldier of Light can become a Holy Assassin of Light, not by title but by character. Regardless of that, the holiness of the Holy Assassins of Light can mostly be seen in the spirit realm (hence they are called Holy). These Holy Assassins of Light are called to help other Soldiers in the struggle. They attempt to increase the good in a vessel that is finding it hard to maintain control because of the increased evil in them. Holy Assassins of Light are most feared by Soldiers of Darkness. These vessels are very powerful and can withstand big attacks from the Soldiers of Darkness. Holy Assassins of Light, claim they have seen the King of Light through dreams and visions. They claim and have a strong belief in Him. Sometimes Holy Assassins of Light appear in other Soldiers dreams and visions. I know this because many people have testified to it and it has happened to me. They appear in dreams and visions to help in the struggle to help a vessel maintain control or influence a Soldier of Darknesss freewill to choose to be a Soldier of Light. Although they are the most feared they must struggle against the Soldiers of Darkness. This is because the Soldiers of Darkness have their own feared Assassins. The Soldiers of Light struggle very hard against them. These Assassins of Darkness consist of witches, devil worshippers, mermaids, sirens, reptilians, and Nephilim. The worst of this bunch are devil worshippers. They believe that the rightful Heavenly throne belongs to the devil. With that said, these individuals in the physical realm and spirit realm are hard to be influenced because they believe they are the true light going up against the fake light. Some if not most of you are probably frowning right now thinking or saying there are no such things as mermaids, sirens or witches. Well, all you need to know is that in the


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens physical realm the Soldiers of Darkness exercise characteristics that they need to exercise in order to be mermaids, sirens or witches in the spirit realm. The rules in the spirit realm (if there are any) are totally different from rules in the physical realm. Mermaids and sirens are those who trap Soldiers of Light through sex acts. They take the desire of the man away from loving his woman. The mans sexual desires are spiritually attached to the mermaid or siren even when they are in love with another woman. Such a man who wants to make love to his woman, becomes impotent. Mermaids or sirens calls are usually heard in the sleep state. They cross over during the sleep state from the spirit realm to affect their victims sexually. The potency of their victims will go at these moments. A man who is a victim will function only for her. A Soldier of Light who marries or partners up with a Soldier of Darkness without knowing it becomes linked or bonded to them. They will spend the rest of their lives trying to influence each others freewill so they can each cross over. Both partners will be more determined to get their partner on their side instead of focusing on the love they have for each other. The love they have for each other is the element that bonds them in the first place. Soon they fall apart. This is one reason why it is better to unite with someone who is on the same side of the War (struggle). But then again, this doesnt matter because of the struggle. Either or both of them may have their freewill influenced to change sides. When a Soldier of Darkness partners up with a Soldier of Darkness they become even more deadly. Soldiers of Light partnering up with each other emit a stronger radiation of light to stop the Soldiers of Darkness. Together they are stronger, so much so that for a brief moment there seems to be no struggle. But this concept only applies to those who truly understand the GIFTS and the powers of Love. Love is beyond this physical realm, it comes with power. Despite how unified a couple may be, they will still struggle to maintain the unity because of this War (struggle). Once again, allow me to state that being a Holy Assassin of Light is about conduct and how strong the vessel is or becomes, its not about titles. Even a child may be a Holy Assassin of Light depending on his/her way of life and how strong their vessel is able to stay on the side they chose. Guardians of Light Some vessels (bodies) in this War (in this struggle) have a unique essence that protects other Soldiers and Holy Assassins of Light. Guardians of Light usually have high empathy levels and they are more in tune with their emotions and feelings than anybody else. Through their own emotions and feelings they can determine that something is wrong with a certain situation. Its like a sixth sense to them. For example, such people (vessels) can feel when something is wrong with a family member or loved one when they are not physically there. Their emotions and feelings act like a warning or alert system to tell them something is wrong.


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens My own mother is a prime example of a Guardian of Light. Back in Africa, where she had us (my brother and I) and where she was raised, a Grandmaster witch came to her begging and pleading with her to leave the area because my mothers spirit was getting in the way of her spells and magic. This witch was casting a spell on a person (vessel) to cause suffering or death on that person. My mums spirit and essence was protecting that person and they didnt even know it. A Guardian of Light just needs to be connected to a person through love or bonding and their vessel becomes more connected to that person through emotions or feelings. My mum has been very prayerful from the time she was young until the time of this writing so it is no surprise that the influence of her spirit would be so powerful to protect and guard others. My path has crossed others with the same abilities. Their presence and essence is a shield against darkness. If such vessels are influenced to cross over to the darkness, they do not lose this ability. They merely are removed as Guardians of Light. Guardians of Light protect the fellowship (the church) without knowing it. Soldiers and Holy Assassins of Light can be Guardians of Light but some are more in tune than others.


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

CHAPTER SEVEN - THE CHURCH When all the Soldiers of Light continually come together, it creates unity in this War. This unity becomes a big light source and this light source intensifies and gets stronger and stronger with the number of Soldiers of Light who come together to fight the Soldiers of Darkness. When the Soldiers of Darkness are influenced to cross over to be Soldiers of Light, they add to the strength of the light. The intensity of the light goes up and down because of the struggle. When two or three Soldiers come together, a fellowship is created. This fellowshipping is known as the church. A church is not a building but vessels (bodies) coming together. For all churches who acknowledge the King of Light, know that He is the head of all fellowshipping (churches) no matter what type of practice they do to show this. This is because He is the King, the leader. A vessel who chooses to be a Soldier of Light places himself in a position for a spirit to be given to him. This Spirit will help in the struggle to stay in the light. This spirit counsels the soldiers, directs the soldiers to repentance, and inspires them to uphold the faith in the King of Light. It is the King of Light who sends the spirit down by the use of His name. A Soldier must ask for the spirit. The recordings shows how the King of Light was tempted 40 days and nights by the devil to see what sort of vessel He had (weak or strong) and to see if He was suitable to be King. This type of spirit that is sent down is called the Holy Spirit. The Holy Assassins of Light seem to be the ones who can use it the most. The sole purpose of the Holy Assassins of Light is to motivate every Soldier of Light to keep radiating and never succumb to the darkness (the devils side). They continue to remind everybody (those on the side of light and those on the side of darkness) that someone has passed this initiation ground to earn His existence. They continue to proclaim the King of Light either through conduct or words. Its no surprise that Soldiers of Darkness know about all of this. So sometimes they try really hard to influence the freewill of the Holy Assassins of Light so they can choose to cross over and be Soldiers or Assassins of Darkness. If the Soldiers of Darkness succeed in influencing Holy Assassins of Light to cross over, they gain a chance to destroy the fellowship through false teachings. Through these false teachings they can influence the freewill of many Soldiers of Light to cross over and be Soldiers of Darkness. They would do all of this within the fellowship.


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens To easily destroy the fellowship, when a Holy Assassin of Light becomes a Soldier or Assassin of Darkness within the fellowship (the church), teachings about money are given more than anything else. Teaching about money is not a bad thing because one cannot learn to be rich or wealthy if they dont know how money flows or is generated. The bad situations may arise if money is the main focus. A vessel cannot have two masters; its either they choose the Creator (God) or the devil. For Soldiers or Assassins of Darkness, teachings about money are strategies because the love of money is the root of all evil; it triggers all other emotions from contentment to greed. Evil supports the devil. What a person (vessel) thinks shows where their heart is. So with the teachings about money, the heart focuses on chasing money instead of concentrating on the fight (the War). The more money oriented a Soldier of Light becomes, the more Greed is likely to appear. Greed is a weapon of darkness hence Soldiers of Darkness will try to create it to influence a Holy Assassin of Light to cross over to the side of darkness. Holy Assassins of Light teach and preach within the fellowship (the church) so if they get influenced to cross over within the fellowship, they will destroy the fellowship (the church). A person who wants more is never satisfied so the wanting consumes them and leads them to do anything to satisfy their wanting (their greed). This is why greed is one of the most deadly weapons of Soldiers of Darkness. A Soldier of Light who is being consumed by greed will hardly repent because they still feel a part of the light as it arises. Greed works even while a Soldier of Light is being a strong vessel in the light. It consumes the light bit by bit as the Soldier of Light wants more and more. If its not noticed, it cant be dealt with. Nevertheless there is still hope because the struggle is still there. This is weird for me to state because the word struggle seems like a bad thing. But do understand that every vessel going through this struggle has not been defeated. To live is to fight! The moment a Soldier of Light, who is being consumed by greed, performs an act of giving or shares a moment of kindness, in that brief moment they realize greed is there. By knowing that greed is there, it can be dealt with. This realization is a feeling of awakening. A vessel becomes aware that they are in a struggle (War). It has been recorded that the Creator has said that whoever helps the poor, the widows and the orphans will be blessed. The Creator has also said that people who give money (or things they value) will also be blessed. So to stop greed amongst Soldiers of Light the Creator made it so that some money (or anything of value) should be dedicated to Him. This will stop greed from arising in the first place because the act of giving is being initiated by giving to the Creator. So, through an act of kindness a person has the opportunity to repent from greed. For kindness is the opposite of greed. Therefore, to defeat greed (this weapon of darkness) kindness is used (the act of giving).


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Some Soldiers of Light follow the words of Holy Assassins of Light so blindly that they dont even know when they are being motivated to do the wrong thing. The Soldiers of Darkness know this so they try very hard to attack the Holy Assassins of Light within the fellowship (the church) because they can get to the masses (all vessels) that way. The worst case scenario is if many Soldiers of Light come together to form a church (a bigger glow of the light through fellowship) and their freewill is influenced to cross over to be Soldiers of Darkness. It is no longer a church of the light but a church of darkness. Once the darkness consumes priests, evangelists, pastors, prophets, deacons, bishops and exorcists then they can influence the gathering to accept darkness. Whoever is reading this, take heed! When this happens the War (struggle) will seem to tilt to the side of the devil. The Atmosphere of Fellowship When fellowshipping (coming together to form a church) occurs, an atmosphere of hope, love and well-being is created and in this atmosphere anything is possible. Miracles happen! The church building is a place where Soldiers of Light go to worship the Creator (God) together. A team with the same goal in mind will accomplish their task and their mission. Soldiers of Light worshipping the Creator under one voice and one purpose will easily received answers to all of their prayers. Blessings can easily pass through or settle upon such atmospheres. Such atmospheres are created by worshipping the Creator. If there is but one reason to gather in a church building, it is to create and use a holy atmosphere to pray. Even recordings show how the King of Light said that when two or more Soldiers of Light (vessels) gather together, He will be there. Therefore the radiance of a vessels light will be increased. Although unseen, the King will be in the midst of the fellowship and this kind of atmosphere will allow the spiritual essence to circulate. In these holy atmospheres, evil spirits are cast out and curses placed on others by Soldiers of Darkness will be easily broken. Using the Kings name in this atmosphere brings great results. It is hard for darkness to influence or even consume the light under such atmospheres. Soldiers of Darkness, who destroy fellowships of the light, greatly affect the radiance of the light. It is clear that Soldiers of Light in a church building have different motives (therefore giving different prayers) but the purpose and aim is the same and that is to worship the Creator. Such atmospheres bring great blessings for the different motives.


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

CHAPTER EIGHT - ATTITUDE In this War, in this initiation, the only thing that will enable a vessel (body) to become strong or stronger is attitude. Attitude combined with freewill gives confirmation of the side that a vessel has chosen. Attitude is very important; it is the factor that determines happiness. A person may be showing characteristics of the light but if they are not happy then their vessel is weakened from sadness. Therefore darkness struggles to overtake them easily. During sad times most people (vessels) curse out the Creator (God), or they just turn their backs on Him. Soon people even decide there is no Creator and once that choice is made then guidance (connection) is lost. Nevertheless, such people can still be effective in the fight because they still armour up due to the continuous exercising of the characteristics of light. Such vessels still remain strong but there is no weapon because they neglected the Creator and His words. It is the attitude to continue to fight that will determine victory. The first thing that Soldiers of Light and Soldiers of Darkness must have is the right attitude. With attitude both sides can change the environment. Shining bright is the attitude of Soldiers of Light and spreading darkness is the attitude of Soldiers of Darkness. Both express their attitude to win this War (struggle). Everything consists of a struggle and the struggle in the case of attitude is between pessimism and optimism. It is already known by many that a pessimist is someone who has low self-esteem and low confidence. An optimist is the opposite of a pessimist (high self-esteem and high confidence). The pessimistic person has a weak vessel because such vessels find it hard to believe that they can win this War despite how strong they could be. These vessels may start off strong, at first, but because they doubt this War can be won, they are not effective in using any weapons given to them in the spirit realm. Such vessels dont bother to use the weapons because of a lack of will to do so. An optimistic person is the complete opposite. They may have a weak vessel (because they havent suited up yet) but still be effective in the War because they believe that whether they are strong or not, they will win this War regardless. Optimism versus Pessimism Then there are people who are called disabled. One of their vessels functions may not be working but they are not useless in this War (struggle). They are still vessels contributing to this War. They still have freewill and their freewill can also be influenced. If they were useless then it would be a waste of time influencing their freewill.


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

Disabled people have that label because some part of their vessel is not functioning in the physical realm, but in the spirit realm they are whole (just like everybody else). The issue is how such vessels can be effective in the War, and not how much they feel sorry for themselves, thinking they are useless. Everybody is held accountable in this War (struggle). This War isnt going to stop for anybody whether a side has been chosen or not. Back and forth all soldiers will struggle with their choice, therefore experiencing both light (good) and darkness (evil) each time. Control is about maintaining sides. One of the control factors is attitude (love being the greatest one). Attitude is exercised by Soldiers of Light and Soldiers of Darkness because both sides believe they will win this War and that they are on the right side of the War. Hence the struggle to stay on the side they chose will always be there. The disabled, the little children, and everybody (every vessel) can be very effective in this War (struggle) provided that they have the right attitude (optimism and confidence). This applies to both sides. Attitude shows how strong faith is. The optimistic attitude makes a vessel strive for self improvement. For example, when you work out and dont have a positive attitude then the result planned for will be compromised. An attitude of fear, doubt and disbelief stunts or paralyses every Soldier in this War. This pessimistic attitude affects the Soldiers of Light and Soldiers of Darkness. Their vessels get weak. If a Soldier of Light and a Soldier of Darkness is afraid of losing, and doubt they are going to win, or dont believe they are effective in this War (struggle), then they are (or become) weak vessels. For the vessel to become strong its attitude must include faith, hope and belief; this is an optimistic attitude (the opposite of a pessimist). The optimistic attitude can counteract the effects of a pessimistic attitude and strengthen the vessel after being weak. The struggle here for Soldiers of Light and Soldiers of Darkness is to repel the pessimistic attitude and remain strong vessels. In the spirit realm and the physical realm, fear, doubt and disbelief slow the vessel down. The Creator uses fear for obedience. Obedience can save. The devil uses fear to create doubt and disbelief in Soldiers of Light, making them ineffective in this War (struggle). This allows Soldiers of Light to be easily influenced. You may be asking why would or should the Creator use fear at all. Put it like this, if the Creator had made the tree frightening, Adam and Eve would have exercised their will to stay away from the tree due to the fear of it. They wouldnt have eaten from it whether the devil said to or not. The fear would have made them obey automatically. Faith and the right attitude are based on an absence of doubt and disbelief because under a faithful state the King of Light can easily guide. Faith is the channel that allows


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens guidance to be felt. Soldiers of Light who make their vessel weak by being pessimistic will need to watch out for greed. The Soldiers of Darkness know that when they are under the influence of this weapon, all attitude and freewill concentrates on it to feed it (definition of greed means never being satisfied). Although fear, doubt and disbelief are bad attitudes for the Soldiers of Light and Soldiers of Darkness to have, these can still be created by putting it into them. In other words, if the Soldiers of Light can make a Soldier of Darkness feel (experience) the fear, doubt and disbelief, then they have a better chance of influencing their freewill to convert them into a Soldier of Light. This could happen because the Soldier of Darkness vessel becomes weak. The same concept applies to the Soldiers of Darkness influencing Soldiers of Light in this case. For those who do not believe there is a War, their attitude is not for the light or darkness. Their attitude is determined by what they see in front of them and what science has to offer. There is good and bad in everyone (every vessel) because of the struggle, so irrespective of the attitude of these non-believers, they still contribute to this War. They dont know this because they dont believe. A non-believer can still be pessimistic and optimistic and this is how they contribute to the War without knowing it. Everything is a struggle and everybody is held accountable, everybody!


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens

CHAPTER NINE - SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Mankind is always creating from thought (spiritual) to reality (physical). New technology can be seen all the time because mankind is always creating. Mankind creates to make life easier and to better its surroundings. Even with technology there are influences from the light and darkness. It doesnt matter how easy life is made to be, there is always a struggle. For example, the internet can be used to influence people to choose the light or darkness. The internet holds vast amounts of information on good and bad things. Science is a means to understand and create using numbers and formulas or even nature itself. It has nothing to do with spiritual interactions. It only deals with facts, not the unseen. This War is not about what facts or even logic can do, it is about freewill, faith and persistence. It has been recorded that many prophets and disciples have seen the end of this War (this struggle). At the end of this War the Creator (God) will win but that wont stop the devil from leaving causalities along the way. It also wont stop the devil from trying once more to rebel against the Creator. These recordings are very interesting indeed, because they pose the following great question: if the Creator wins and the devil has no prospect of winning, then why should the Creator go through this War? This War, struggle, initiation, whatever you want to call it, can and has caused too much suffering. The meaning of life is unclear to many people because of a War (struggle) that has already been won, yet its still being fought. It makes no sense but then again, this entire struggle started from disobedience. Evil got recognition. Humanity are mortal beings not heavenly beings so if there is but one thing you take from science and technology, it is that they are man-made and can be used on both sides to influence freewill. Science can also be used to strengthen a Soldier of Light and a Soldier of Darkness. There are technologies in this world which can enhance the mind and body (the vessel). There are also technologies that can help Soldiers (light or dark) stay in tune with the Spirit. Technology may be created for the purpose of good but it can also be used for bad. The Creator is not against creation, and mankind is an extension of Himself. The Creator expects His creations to create because it glorifies Him, because He created that which creates. However, not all of mankinds creations glorify the Creator because the devil can influence. Mankind has learnt how to create weapons in this physical realm and this was a result of another rebellion that occurred a little after the beginning of creation. It has been recorded that when the number of women increased after creation, some of the Angels (Heavenly Beings) fell in love with them and they used their freewill to leave Heaven (the House of the Creator) to live and get together with these mortal women. The


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens Angels (who became fallen angels) and the women gave birth to half-heavenly beings and half-human babies called Nephilim (giants). They still exist in the spirit realm. These Angels taught the women witchcraft, charms and sorcery of everything and they taught the men about science & technology, how to make weapons and anything of that nature. Naturally, men and women teach each other things so the knowledge of such things spread quickly among the whole population. Nephilim were giants, and the animals they faced or lived with were called dinosaurs. Although dinosaurs varied in shapes and sizes, the majority were as large as the Nephilim.

A picture of a Nephilim The recordings also said it was at this point that the Creator sent down four Archangels to get rid of these sinful Angels and their sinful ways (having babies with the mortal women was a sin). The four Archangels were known by the names: Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael and Archangel Uriel. Before the devil dropped from his position, he was an Archangel. Being an Archangel means these angels had the highest rank in the Heavens. The question a few of you may be thinking is: how do you get rid of immortal beings, even if they sin? Well, you banish them. Keep them locked up forever so they do no more harm. Thats not to say that if the devil finds out where they have been banished to, he wont set them free so they can join his side. So here we are now in the present time, with information at our fingertips. How it will be used is all part of the War (the struggle). Yes, mankind has learnt how to create weapons and these weapons cannot be taken into the spirit realm but they can be mimicked. By exercising the characteristics to armour up in the spirit realm some of the weapons may look like the ones in the physical realm. Many scientists, engineers and inventors claim the world was made from a big bang and human beings evolved from bacteria. These bacteria apparently evolved into apes which eventually evolved into human beings. Once again, this is mans own claims and socalled findings, which have nothing to do with faith or the unseen, but everything to do with what can be solved or explained. The question for all those who believe in these claims is: if this is so, where did the bacteria or elements come from to cause the big bang? If your answer is that there was a Supreme Being then you might want to rethink


Life Is Not A Prison: The Chosens the whole claim that this is the cause of creation alone because this Supreme Being is also known as the Creator (God). Science & technology also gave birth to devices and the most influential ones are the television and radio. Television (TV)/ Radio The internet is not the only useful tool that Soldiers can use in this War. The internet serves as a medium to communicate with all people (vessels) around the world. This device is a new product that was made after compressing television, radio, books and games into one. Not only that, but a person can also use the internet to communicate with people all around the world. This means sermons can be held or posted online. However, in spiritual terminology, the internet is a powerful device that can be used to...


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