LMPD Reorganization

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All Personnel Steve Conrad Chief of Police August 24, 2012 LMPD Reorganization General Memorandum # 12-012


LMPD Reorganization To start working towards my vision of creating the Safest City in America, I have determined that some necessary structural changes need to be made to improve our efficiency and effectiveness. Elimination of the Sector System The LMPD has functioned under a Sector System for several years. The purpose of the Sector System was to provide geographic responsibility to LMPD sworn members for crime control and crime prevention. While eliminating the sectors, the LMPD will maintain our patrol officers geographic responsibility by keeping the same number of patrol beats. Officers will still be expected to proactively address crime issues and work to solve problems on their assigned beat. Under the Sector System, lieutenants and sergeants were assigned supervision duties related to geographic patrol sectors. Lieutenants were also expected to be responsible around the clock for the elimination of criminal activity and crime prevention in their assigned sector. While the Sector System served us well in recent years, I believe the new deployment framework will make us more efficient and will provide additional resources for targeted crime-fighting efforts. Sergeants will have additional time for direct supervision and proactive crime reduction details. Lieutenants will be available 24/7 to respond to high-risk situations, supervise and hold employees accountable and offer developmental guidance to sergeants and officers.


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Elimination of the Sector System (CONTINUED) At the close of business on September 29, 2012, the LMPD will no longer employ the Sector System. This change is not expected to have any effect on the assignment of officers to shifts or beats. Officers will remain on their shift, riding the same beat, except in unusual circumstances. Beat assignment will still remain at the discretion of the individual patrol division commanders, as has been our practice. Patrol Division Deployment Under the new Shift Accountability System, each patrol division will be allotted a standard deployment of three (3) lieutenants and ten (10) sergeants. The new standard deployment framework will include one (1) lieutenant and two (2) sergeants on each patrol division platoon. Shift lieutenants and shift sergeants will have division-wide responsibility for crime control and crime prevention during their shift time period. Additionally, each division will be assigned a detective sergeant, flex platoon sergeant, administrative sergeant and a division specific-purpose sergeant. The division specific-purpose sergeant will be assigned by the division commander to address unique division needs, such as adding a second detective or flex sergeant. Exceptions to the standard deployment plan include the addition of one (1) lieutenant and the retention of two (2) sergeants in the First Division to focus on downtown concerns and the retention of one (1) HALO sergeant in the First Division and one (1) HALO sergeant in the Second Division. Patrol Services currently has 92 sergeants assigned to patrol divisions. This new deployment plan requires 84 sergeants. Eight (8) sergeant positions will be removed from Patrol Services for deployment to other functions within the LMPD. Redeployment of Patrol Sergeant Positions and Assignment of Patrol Platoon Sergeants Sergeants will have the opportunity to apply for several new positions in the LMPD that will be created from departmental reorganization and recent retirements. The eight (8) sergeant positions displaced from Patrol Services will be reassigned to other duties as outlined in the following paragraph. Each specialty unit sergeant position described below will be posted and filled following competitive interviews. One (1) sergeant will be assigned to the Traffic Unit to assist with the supervision of Traffic Guards. We employ 118 Traffic Guard positions that are currently supervised by one (1) civilian supervisor. Among other duties, this sergeant will conduct additional inspections of school corners to ensure that employees are timely and performing appropriately.

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Redeployment of Patrol Sergeant Positions and Assignment of Patrol Platoon Sergeants (CONTINUED) One (1) sergeant will be assigned to the reorganized Special Victims Unit. Five (5) sergeants will be assigned to the newly created Violent Incident Prevention, Enforcement and Response (VIPER) Unit. One (1) sergeant will be assigned to the newly created Crime Information Center (CIC).

Each division will have six (6) sergeants assigned to patrol platoons. These six (6) sergeants will be assigned to their platoons within their currently assigned divisions through a bidding process that considers the choice of the sergeants first, time in rank second and departmental seniority third. The shift bidding process will be handled as follows: Example 1: Step 1 The first factor considered will be the choice of the sergeant. The division commander will ask all platoon sergeants to rank their first, second and third preferred shift assignment. Step 2 The second factor considered will be the sergeants time in rank. If two (2) or more sergeants were promoted on the same date, the additional determining factor will be those sergeants departmental seniority. The division commander will review the ranked seniority list and will assign a numerical ranking to each platoon sergeant based on time in rank, with the most senior sergeant numbered 1, progressively until the most junior sergeant is assigned the highest number. In the following chart the most senior sergeant (Sergeant 1) is assigned to the second platoon and the most junior sergeant (Sergeant 9) is assigned to the third platoon.

Example 1 - Division Platoon Sergeant Assignments First Platoon 4 6 Second Platoon 1 2 Third Platoon 5 8

7 3 9

Step 3 The division commander notifies Sergeants 7, 8 and 9 they will be reassigned, because they are the three (3) most junior sergeants. These three (3) sergeants are placed on deck as the bidding process starts.

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Redeployment of Patrol Sergeant Positions and Assignment of Patrol Platoon Sergeants (CONTINUED) Example 1 - Division Platoon Sergeant Assignments First Platoon 4 6 Second Platoon 1 2 Third Platoon 5 VACANT On Deck: Sergeants 7, 8 and 9.

Step 4 The vacancy that now exists is on the Third Platoon. The division commander will refer to the list where sergeants requested their first, second and third platoon choices. If Sergeant 1 does not want to move to the Third Platoon, Sergeant 2 has that opportunity. If Sergeant 2 does not want to move to the Third Platoon, Sergeant 3 will be moved to the Third Platoon. Sergeant 3 may not bump Sergeants 4 or 6 from their assignment since a vacancy on that platoon did not occur.

In this example, Sergeants 1 and 2 did not want to move to the Third Platoon, so Sergeant 3 was moved to the Third Platoon. In the conclusion of Example 1, the basic staffing of the division platoon sergeants is complete.

Example 1 - Division Platoon Sergeant Assignments First Platoon 4 6 Second Platoon 1 2 Third Platoon 5 3 On Deck: Sergeants 7, 8 and 9. Example 2: In Example 2, Sergeant 4 applied, interviewed and received a position in the VIPER Unit. This created a vacancy on the First Platoon. Example 1 - Division Platoon Sergeant Assignments First Platoon VACANT 6 Second Platoon 1 2 Third Platoon 5 3 On Deck: Sergeants 7, 8 and 9.

Step 1 The vacancy that now exists is on the First Platoon. The division commander will refer to the list where sergeants requested their first, second and third platoon choices. Sergeants 1 and 2 have indicated their preference to remain on the Second Platoon, so they need not be considered further. If Sergeant 3 requested an assignment to the First Platoon over an assignment to the Third Platoon, Sergeant 3 will be

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Redeployment of Patrol Sergeant Positions and Assignment of Patrol Platoon Sergeants (CONTINUED) transferred to the First Platoon and a vacancy will occur on the Third Platoon. That vacancy will be filled by seniority, by reviewing the shift preference requests of Sergeants 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in order of seniority. Step 2 Vacancies on shifts will continue to be filled by seniority, if more senior sergeants leave the platoons for other assignments such as becoming an administrative sergeant or transferring to the Traffic Unit to supervise the Traffic Guards. No bumping will occur if a vacancy does not exist.

Once all of the vacancies have been filled, sergeants that have not been given an assignment, because they were not chosen for a specialty unit position or were too junior in time in rank, will be transferred to available positions in other patrol divisions. Once most assignments are fixed, unassigned sergeants should consider making specific transfer requests to other divisions where positions are open. This is another attempt to offer assignment by choice to the affected sergeants. These transfer requests should be made using the Request for Transfer form (LMPD #04-00-0413) and sent to Police Human Resources. Copies should be scanned and emailed to the sergeants current division commander and the Deputy Chief of Patrol Services to ensure timely consideration. If any involuntary transfers of sergeants from patrol divisions are necessary, those transfers will occur at the close of business on September 29, 2012. Assignment of Patrol Division Lieutenants Each patrol division will have three (3) lieutenants assigned to uniformed platoons. These three (3) lieutenants will be assigned to their platoons within their currently assigned division: first by choice of the lieutenant, second by the lieutenants time in rank and then finally by departmental seniority in the event that two (2) lieutenants in the same division were promoted on the same day. Violent Incident Prevention, Enforcement and Response (VIPER) Unit Louisville has recently experienced an increase in violent crime, particularly in the area of aggravated assaults. This trend has continued in 2012. As part of a holistic approach to reducing violent crime, the LMPD will form the Violent Incident Prevention, Enforcement and Response (VIPER) Unit. The VIPER Unit will address violent crime in our community by focusing on hot spots of violent criminal activity, identifying and arresting the worst offenders and addressing gang activity that they encounter. The VIPER Unit will not become solely focused on narcotics trafficking. This unit may work some investigations, but situations requiring long-term investigations will be handled by other units within

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Violent Incident Prevention, Enforcement and Response (VIPER) Unit Violent Incident Prevention, Enforcement and Response (VIPER) Unit (CONTINUED) the department. Another major function of the unit will be to apprehend fugitives that are known violent offenders, thus reducing their ability to re-offend against our citizens. The VIPER Unit will be staffed by one (1) lieutenant, five (5) sergeants and 25 detectives. Four (4) sergeants will supervise five (5) detectives each, so we can achieve maximum coverage of days of the week and hours of the day. These squads will be devoted to proactive policing in areas that are considered to be prime areas where violence is likely to occur. The remaining sergeant and five (5) detectives will focus solely on the apprehension of Louisvilles most dangerous offenders. All commanding officer and detective positions in the VIPER Unit will be subject to competitive interviews. The VIPER Unit will begin operations at the close of business on September 29, 2012. The VIPER Unit will be part of Patrol Services and will report to the Deputy Chief of Patrol Services. Crime Information Center (CIC) Officers and detectives need quality intelligence to assist them in their efforts of identifying crime hot spots and to help them identify and locate the worst offenders. The LMPD will be developing a Crime Information Center (CIC) that will analyze multiple sources of data and will provide officers and detectives with actionable intelligence to assist them in their efforts. The staffing of the CIC will include one (1) sergeant, the departments crime analysts, two (2) detectives that will serve as intelligence analysts and a number of volunteers. An Intelligence Liaison Officer for each division will be identified and used to facilitate the information flow between the divisions and the CIC. The CIC will begin operations at the close of business on September 29, 2012. The CIC will be a part of the Administrative Services Division and will report to the Planning and Technology lieutenant. Special Victims Unit (SVU) Reorganization We recognize the serious nature of domestic violence assaults, sexual assaults and abuse and exploitation of our senior citizens. We will better serve victims of these violent and personal crimes by combining the Sex Crimes Squad, the Domestic Violence Unit and the Crimes Against Seniors Squad. An extra sergeant will be added to the unit to provide additional supervision and support. The reorganized Special Victims Unit (SVU) will remain a part of the Major Crimes Division and will be led by Lieutenant Carolyn Nunn. Interviews will be held to fill the new sergeant position in the SVU. The reorganized SVU will begin merged operations at the close of business on September 29, 2012.

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Robbery Unit and Financial Crimes Squad Reorganization The Robbery Unit will merge with the Financial Crimes Squad to become the Robbery/Financial Crimes (RFC) Unit. This reorganized unit will remain in the Major Crimes Division and will be led by Lieutenant Jennifer Coe. The RFC Units two (2) squads will continue to focus on their individual missions, as described in the LMPDs Standard Operating Procedures. The RFC Unit will begin merged operations at the close of business on September 29, 2012. Narcotics/Intelligence Division Reorganization The Narcotics/Intelligence Division will be renamed the Narcotics Division. The Violent Crime Interdiction Unit will be eliminated because their primary duties will be handled by the newly created VIPER Unit. The Street Enforcement Unit will also be eliminated. A new unit, the Complaint Response Unit (CRU), will be created. The CRU will include a Narcotics Complaint Squad (NCS) that will focus on narcotics complaints, mid-level drug investigations, vice/human trafficking investigations and investigations outside of the scope of patrol division flex platoons and a Script Squad that will continue to focus on the emerging crisis of prescription drug abuse. The CRUs staffing level will be one (1) lieutenant, two (2) sergeants and 14 detectives; this deployment includes adding four (4) detectives to the Script Squad. The sergeant and eight (8) detectives in the Script Squad will continue to focus on their current duties as described in the LMPDs Standard Operating Procedures. This reorganization will also allow the addition of one (1) detective to the Interdiction Team, two (2) detectives to the Major Case Unit, one (1) sergeant to Technical Operations and one (1) sergeant to focus on asset forfeiture, especially related to seizure/forfeiture cases that are initiated by patrol officers and detectives. This reorganization will occur at the close of business on September 29, 2012. Through this reorganization, the Narcotics Division will lose one (1) lieutenant and ten (10) detectives. All reorganized positions within the Narcotics Division will be filled through competitive interviews of personnel currently assigned to the Narcotics/ Intelligence Division. These detectives and commanding officers are eligible to apply for the VIPER Unit, other positions in the Narcotics Division and other vacant positions posted in the LMPD. Displaced personnel who are not interested in or not selected for one (1) of these opportunities will be reassigned to Patrol Services. If any involuntary transfers of personnel from the Narcotics/Intelligence Division are necessary, these transfers will occur at the close of business on September 29, 2012.

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All members having computer access are responsible for reading, understanding and acknowledging receipt of this General Memorandum, using the VigilEnt LMPD Policy Center. Members without computer access shall continue to sign an accountability roster, as they have in the past. All commanding officers shall ensure that their personnel are made aware of this information. This General Memorandum shall be posted in each division, section or unit for a period of ten (10) days. Please refer any questions through the appropriate chain of command.

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