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ast CONTENTS ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF GROUPS..2 ‘CONVERSION EQUIVALENT TABLES INSIDE BACK COVER ORDERING PARTS. (QUICK REFERENCE CHART INSIDE FRONT COVER USING THE PARTS BOOK... PARTS BOOK 34.06 crore SERIAL NUMBER 9001 TO 90u439 REVISION PUBLISHED DECEMBER 1984 (CATERPILLAR TRACTOR CO. PUBLICATIONS DW.--SERVICEG.O, FORM UEGO728S. Quick REFERENCE GUIDE TO MAJOR SECTIONS BASIC ENGINE LUBRICATION system COOLING system INTAKE & EXHAUST SYSTEM. FUEL SYSTEM & GOVERNOR pe ‘STARTING & ELECTRICAL SYSTEM GENERATORS pe ‘ATTACHMENTS & SERVICE EQUIPMENT }___< f___¢ p—__- ENGINE Ccetepsr engines ae ientfed with SERIAL NUMBERS snd AR IDENTIFICATION RANGEMENT NUMBERS. In some cas» MODIFICATION NUMBERS BN Re used, Thee tums are sown. onthe sia oumber plate mounted onthe engine. The Spesieton Section atthe bck of hs Fats Book inate the Coterplr dealers ned al of thet numbers to determine which components wer include Genuine er was eseombled atthe factory. Tis permis acaratetentifiaion of Teplacement pre nue ORDERING Gusity Cotepllar Replacement parts ae avalae from Catriar desert PARTS. ® Ghovgheut the words Ther part stoeks are uptodate ad ici ll pte Rycedy reared to protect your ivestment in Cateriar engines, When cxsering parts your oer should spciy he quantity, part numbet pat name and thes cease Btatigmant nmber and radiation numberof the engine fot which the pars ae ecsea’ vin doubt about the pat oumber, pane provide your dealer with 2 complete “srption ofthe need tem Indeted Within each ustation Is = Part Names porte ist ienting each se ‘eeble parti the ustation ‘hen 2 prt name i indeted inti st, freans tht sarveale em 2 part of the ‘Sites tern under whi i i indented HOW TO USE THE Caterpilar Parts Books PARTSBOOK include iustations of bie whieh make up tho engine. Thee Tesations show the Handard comoonents ‘lus many of the ataehments arable for the engine Abbreviations and Symbols ‘The ahabetcal index located in the front & Used 10 cll ttntion to adtons ae re eeeid be owd to deter, @ formation shown diewhee with ‘ine the page number_on whic specific in theustaton Fae ee ra eee cence wo those RH. Right Hand Reles tothe side 0 Doge wil identity cach of the individual er. UH LeftHand the engine a vows ‘enable pars om the tly Cceotions ‘The cation under each sur: © —_‘Indiates change frm the previow tion identias the part number sation of the same grouP © sand same ot the group oF assembly show ‘seem Itmore than one iastation ir inctuded fr 020+ Ouse Dias Gn oup, the cotion detest spaciie De Inside Diameter Sruine serial numbers to wich each ils: NS Not Seid {ration epi Insome casi fenot pons; Asem. Assembly Bie to determine the spate engine sei iO. ch humbers to wien diferent tations are ft Foot Sppicable: in tho caus the caption dente 6 Cente ieattelMacratonsa teat Type" Second Ossie Moet te felewre othe unl goon Now Continuing norovment_ and a DMenwiyneasnryinthew emer geter Yreemetofposie age may ce cine ides cele tie Ee Inte nis puieton. Each publi Cention provide sion! infomation Sot terinwe sd teed a eget SoBe bag monte wer rvatoneot pint and neae tee change i SP cectie ae dows intonation re Sate : Seeding guns wad and other norma rene, # cuelon ay ee 19 pla proof pute tion intended to assist the user in deter- please consult your Caterpillar dealer for th rinng pre ned. Beare etoaton TIFICATION Tous fs moteurs Catrpillar portent un NUMERO DE SERIE et un ‘WOTEUR”" NUMERO" DE VERSION. Dane cetais ca, is paoventéolerent voi de: NUMEAGS DE MODIFICATION. Cer numero igurot Sr fs plagues 4, mr te moteur Pour eanatve emplacement des logue snags, se eporte au ‘Src imina"Spacitetons” afin Catalogue de ers (Smt Re Saptoyes re du montage use nt trauer plus faclement le nurs des ‘ae vechange, MMANDE Lex consesannsves Caterpliloefurnistnt danse monde enti des pies PIECES. recnange Caterpilar Le stocs de pecs sont pepdtrlement emis ‘omotens touts ls pier ndewies pour neuer In bone mare devote sur Carian Lo's de communes Se piers, mentionnee la quant, Te numero det “Srienom et namo dere, fe muni de vrson ete fencant fe undro oe mo “tion tz moteur conenrn. En eas de doute sr Terumo de piace concentra Ge four ‘Slemetslonnare une descitan complte dea piace en question TLISATION DU Le Catlogue de pices Abevations et symboles TALOGUEDE. comporte des shat — g "Syrale utlaé pour ate fat ces tions des groupes ou aon sur une formation p> ‘ramble eu compe imenae figure seus is moteur. Let iomrtions repre Sane titestaton. ies comporants standard put ies sce oy, GaGa “Wu depuis Texte ‘sdsponbes CH: GBtegnuehe mit vane du mo lone coremondanes Toutes les pigees Indus I changements pt r- Swotur eve ture numios Tgent port's iteration peleeente eet Chaque uteation comporte une 0,0, Brame extéieut | nde commrenane mami ge 0.” Blame ior ensmble, Si un groupe donnd cores Nam Bates sine ata aa pow xkme types ete Pour” determiner gender inciquentéglement les nam de page dn plane derourensebie et nae uate ot ues renseignements tint afer Fubar altro Ms son es pcs nicest tala mar compare pe pect Gussaitouetten seers i? presente publication Les avons ultrieres ‘te Lovsqéune Geagnation de En eg de out ai un otal de votre mo eet en vara de cate ste, esa veut tur Caterpln ou tf tent ela peente Sue article on eord fat parlece Fen. pbication, adrenevous 2 vote. cones ‘ola sous ol igure onnare Catron. MOTORES Los motores Citerpilir se Sencan por asio de NUNEROS DE SERIE En algunor cro, ombidn se tlzan NUMEROS DE MODIFICACION. Estos nimeros muerran en lac dit nomero de sere mont nl motor. La bieacion de at placard namoros de sre nda on ln tseion de Expeciicusones en lo pate de at de fst Catdlogo do Pleas {ordinributoresCateriliarnecetanastornimers pra poe eterminar qué componente: t= incuyeron teh motor cra fe a2 an fibrin Este pera etiecion ‘eaten or namero de psn eos rpaceon COMO PEDIR Los disrbuidores Caterpitar en todo of mundo tne dsponibespeza de [REPUESTOS epuesta Caepilar eldad, Sor sxrtencto extn ectelrdaseIncluyen {ode ot plesas nowmalmente rogues pare prope iverson en motors Cater I pedi epuetos,epenique on su paiga in canted, nme Se pera, nombre dee Dletny fare de si, mero de depsictn y cig numero de odiiscén de ‘Mote par cl st ncestan os raporston Stone fdas con repect al Ramer de Di, ‘Deine a datibuidor una Gesaipclon completa dea pleza qu nares COMO USAR Los CatslonosdePeras Nombresdepieza Dentro de cada tustrs ESTECATALOGO Cxepilir ison tat Indentador ion aparece una Ite de Sortsione de ae gre fBerar qu dente cad pot o conjuntr que omponen al motor. plaza que ce summa incada en as Eftertuamaconesmotreniorcomponentesracibn, Cuando el rombre de una Pitza 302 fstinder ademas Ge muchos Ge lou somrorioee indenago on st Ita, sien Qu Siponbler part motor ‘Si poe forma parte lates qe ss Trindade el eal se ha Trend. [Rbrviatrery imbolos ‘Se debe vtlnr ol igi sfabétco en te ‘Valea pars inea que hay infor Dare anterior de est eatiiogo para deter Inocion adios! al fespeto en a Far rumera dea gia en a ue sre tune otra porte de fa fustacion Gon s turwclones conespondants Emo RM. Lodogerecho. Se reflee alle hus pigiarse Gentica cde unadelaeple CHL ado iequierdo. det motor, wate fave se sumintan Gensel oxo orepondiente a “Twos Et titulo debsio de ends stra. © Ila cambios gon reesto 8 ‘on sentinel de piece Macon anterior smo GU yl nombre del grupo o conjunt indo, oo cont. Biya cusses grupo we incaye mis de O20. Diameto exterior tnt Toseecton, a itso wentca fox me MD, keto inion Muon dese del motor corepordien. NS Novesuminisrs {vss tstoctn,Enaiguns enone er Asem. Coniuno Done determina ox nameror de serie del in. Pula ater eovupondcner aia ditents fle Mnteisnes Ene cin lo ens’ em Getimetro Ne ntuwtcion comoPiner po" "Se dm Cecio Bea ri cae tris eterse ol Note: Las continua moras Jos avonce pure Oe io en afer eto evar para one dst dels productos podran abe Fee ena Qatucion se eke win, tando cambios surat Que tl ve ‘atm inuios an xa pubiaion Cod ‘eoteaton servis yacuain env. Los sftlos suministan informacion ad necro, para incur estos cambior en Sonal como ox omer de tes Bf ones posterior Slaton ow arc, antasons Cand ton aura pmo es Bem oe aSejcnton Tos cantdades uit san motor Covers, 0a ete Pu Sade y Sends Sys pre yudor une ein, srse congue ldisbuidr Cte tow eteminar es Dizas © repueston_pilor 3 fin de cbteer i iformcion mt IDENTIFICAGAO 0: motors Catia so ientifizadss por NUMEROS OE SERIE © BOMOTOR "00 AAMANJO. ‘Em alguns enor hs sinds um NUMERO DA MODI FICAGAO. Eset nirtos exo estos a paca do numero de ‘4 exist no motor A foeaizarSo deun pen emt indent na eee de Eapecticaen na are de tds deste entcooo Os ruandedors Caterpillar neostam exe nimeros para determina que companetes tora’ orginsimenteinstlados no moter Iso permite un identienao extra dos Mo como 0s revendedores Caterpilar no mundo into tém disponivespecas OBTERPEGAS —sobresalotes Coterpilr, de Qislidade Os seus etoques so ole ‘tos eincloom toda ae paras normaimente aces prs protae © ‘4 ioventmanto no produtos Caterpillar Ro fazer om pedo de pest specie aoa rime de rnc «ona dap como gat eo ano 6a modiiagio or houver! do motors Gun i peat Sst, Se ver Sida ‘quo 20 mero de elréncla uma pea, of 0'my revered ura dino completa Diam denice, como usar o (Os catslogos de do 0 nome da pars aparece erbutide(nit EATALOGO DE PEGAS pos” Calerilar pars dantol sputicn ges a rece pode se Incite Gbeidsepradomenn, Sern at nc 3s dor grupos ou conjuntos de ques comm ano mn soba al 6 nome ets ead fem, motores Eras hustaedes tos {ram or componente standard tuo Sot Siirios saponin par is AbrevistaratSimbolos © inde attabétic no inicio do caiiogo dé aos para indicr que existe in © nimero dt pines pga rm gues em ferns alone cute be Eonite uma eetrminad lustre. Verio {ed lusts, este pigines 3e pode Hdetitar cade uma RM. “Right Hand” (Lado Disto) Jis"peeae individias que existe S senda. LM. “Lett Hand (Udo Exner) (Rete a 20 tao do motor visto Lasenda das A legos de cada Wise nee o volo) Niopdes fo ideniica o numero s'2 C —"Ghange Indice modifiaes0 a ome do gue mostada. Se iusto anterior do mess ase wr mais wa istardopte en ‘oueonknta 00,8 lgendo cierto nimeros deere O.D. “Duta Diaete Din. extema) 1D. “inside Diameter” (Diam, nein) NS "Not ‘Servced™ (NO aeponiel tim wre de ustragdee Em tis ‘sporadamanis} ‘os ae legendas as eiicar ‘coma Asem. “Asmbl (Conjunto! Fis Typs"(Primira ipa), "Second Type en polgn| [Segundo Tipo, ee. Sereno necessio #€°——"Yoot” “ipt'de.eomprimento. — ‘fei a grupo os conju rel pare 308 em ver qua ailustraco ue se ae. Nts 1s legends 0 sind informedes ac _O continuo procs de dasovolvimento & sou, ts como onimeros de panna onde mainors "Son produtos pode earners Iuswapdes de sub cnjuntos slo encoira. danas em su ctuipemento ase ao enn lus infrmaes sobre uantidadesuadase sings induides ste ettone. Cade nove as mais que pos ajodar no pedo de tals reveal pars atic inl eset woe ‘modiisrde. ores de Peras Cada hsrucio aprsan- Quando am aivide sobre 0 seu produto {mbutios "wut sta e todos Catepl ou esta publcato, comic’ Pesan correspondents seu" fevendedar Catepiis Pars oot ‘ue exit 8 vend inividslmente Gus ima informarSo spe e ‘woroR. ‘Ale CatepiarMotoran_wardan durch SERIENNUMMERN (SERUAL IDENTIFIKATION NUMBERS) und BAUGRUPPERNUMMERN (ARRANGEMENT NU BERS) denser. tn sngen Fallen wurden nan auch ANDERUNGS NUMMERN {MODIFICATION NUMBERS) gopeden, Dist Nurnmern befindan seh wu de Serena er, ie Lap er Pa dA Sesion ‘ise Parts Book apogee, ‘le CaecpilarHindlr benign diese Nurmern, um fesrutten, welche Bavtle bel de Peer Be idnors em mek verwendet wurden, oe um di chien Exsteinarmern fi ‘Senza konnen BESTELLEN VON Catepila-Evatztile von hoher Qual sn boi den Catritar Handle: QRSATZTENEN weet etaltich, Ive Exatztellagerbetindon wih aut dem neve ‘Stand ue es sind Teil trbr, de roxmalesweie nt sind, um wanteen, df sch der Kat inves Catepieotore gion hat. ei der Beslan von Panne cae i, Tenure, Bezechnung nd de Seriermurmer, BAugUDPENDUTE Ur de ee sida “Anaerurgunme des Motors angageben ween, (dase Tol bend eens ale Serennurmerraht genau fesgetelt werden, mB der Handler eine gees Ueseveiong es benotgen Tels ehalten, GEBRAUCH DES In den Caerilar Parte Elngurickte Tee In jeder Abbitiina Df SERRASE ES Ucttyetnden sh Abs berechmungen det sch cine Eat Digorgen der Gaur Ste, der ale tro pen, aus deren seh ter'otorzusommen: Teil ufgetvt werd, Wenn sie Bez Ben er amen engen de Sten tung in oat Ute singerickt Dede Fee eee tren Motor a dit, dat des emaprechende Tel 2 « ‘Slbuen Zoeatesusomunge, ‘Gruppe geht, unter dere einer W & sur apnuctice eae veri SEkiengen und Sb eaten ae aa ee Go nb Abbi x gut nda so ey asp te seamed ao A (Ween ung blinds, Durch Deeretemnden Tele uy, iets Di etapecnende Sait th c enti werden {intr Moors om Sehoung Nirgeshon BezsehnatAnderungen een islgenen ie Legende unter jeder Ab Geryermergen Asblgung desl Baye ee ure und ‘Tear dortben BavrUPP= ezeichnung dor Tek over ger Saugruppe 0.0. Aulerer Durcinaie Bere ee heme Abbioumy omer .D. Innere urement seekers baogruone im Buch befindet, NAS Meh leat ee oer gence ce gene Se: Anam. Zusamongeststes Te een ae or moren aust, aot Zot foe igang pecan inane FU Fe eet Aer moplen, die Saienrume em Zentimete, Fallen corn fntustcian, aut aiosen dm = Dazineter sinless aboitungen Becher, In J Bldumerchrt werden diese Abblsonaen Bie type, Type 2” var. Menta. Tug Fa mu Beaug aut a8 Te oe Hine: Verbesieungen, de stindia an Wentotoren vrgesommen warn, wee" amerungen ata Motor 20 BSben ie mogicnerwase i dieser Vo ntigetyppe “genommen werden, UM fontichung rent eraannt snd Jed Ve Sule "aate Abit wee nlhang wi ay ti ts tenures bende Gidaindan Futun _ Tot RONEN EASES Wetemin ben di etretsrappen ge: Wenn Sie Frgen in ezua sal en Co see ete a iekncat won de sol|_ pil mown oget ae Verafent ene lt werden, rah ax Dente ben, wanden Sie sch bite a Tren C= INDEX ENGINE ARRANGEMENTS ARE LISTED STARTING ON PAGE Heat Engine rer Serene Eon E Barer Guar ‘ee eet, 2 ieee z Resciait coco B ieheer 3 ited z See coy at ee = Ee 2 Lubrication System ‘ro — 2 Basia 2 Soe & ane 3 BEES cane 4 aks & BRB nora 3 Cootng Systm race 0 Ses 2 Boa 8 Intake & shave Systm tort! comer @ Ree ia 8 oe & eS esa is Smee 2 ox 8 ems aa 93 oak 2 PROB igi Wy Sea ES here 2 te & TARSEEES ie 8B Foal System & Governor ‘tom to sean Oe we a Fel Fer 108-18 eto So Memes pond Generators Soe : trace an Sanaa 1s a Semele i Seems ooiear anne 1988 Mer soc Swe asa RO ‘Attochments & Starting ond Electric! ‘Service Equipment sjetem ites erage 8 = eee ge 2 ‘Air Starting Motor | ae ree io Reet Botha S Ree aa Saou 3 cent oe at Boe @ Reece feats ae Sie a See Tcmeaas | fei 7 eset = Saas = Steg Tee = Speen eee a 2 INDEX ALPHABETIQUE LES VERSIONS FOURNIES PAR LES USINES SONT INDIQUEES PAGE a Moteur de base ug re ide de ova 2 (rege 17) ee 3° z ication tee rt fboulonraris) = 28 Aire 2 camer 2 a Seve a Sa a pce n or inrewe is rs 17 Convertor! 3 Somer svat Eines Ge Bocas oracle du carts de vl Eaoae Enron do io loan Jeux do joints ea Je ds aban Pole‘e amartaor do “iratone Sarr, moteur scopes suv Seepes or Ze tanmande Support Wieecin Velo Circuit de graissage (Page 35) Aspieteur de vapeus dil Ctra die ire 8 hala do gris Fotin dea pore ® bile ‘ie devote Shale Pompe 8 Rule Renters Circuit ‘Poge 41) Canatnations do Censlzstione Saas (igen odin cltom Seon (teen Lecce) comers Ere 2 rotetsnment fchenguur de empl Ecce dra Fone fa Editar hl ds fui cnn ot rotons sulla! done Dhssptin rose Refridimur Sila ° Résonsiedwipnion eA Nertloeur asian a VenilSur Soon ‘Admission et échappement (Page 86) Bcd, déchappament 103 _ Canaheaions die % Cresson: date ‘2 ferbocompresour & Calecteur edison # Colectur féchopparané 98 Goud s'échoppement 100 Fire 3 si cH Five & sie rouge de monte) ” Pris 5 Reccord d'échappement 1.12103 Teboconprenaur 8 Tiyou d¢chopperent 12 Alimentation en carburant et régul (Pose 104) utbe dasigne de cromoltr, he CCimaaton de five rburent 10s anata exiles ‘Se cerburant Commerce fest do Carbure Ester ois Fire 9 courant Uitear diction Ranga satan mmpe demorgege Régulteur (entoeeni) 12 Régiatecr of enrnarant do ‘Pompe discon Ho Waulater ot pompes injection 111 2égultour (imonere exterior} ve slater Weodmard 1% jets digestion Ie cabaret 107 Démarrage et installation électrique (Page 136) ornatour 4 Aah carsmande ‘reumatique 150 vt desert (difaud ‘de prenion Shale ede de tompsratre «189 swat ot dpe avtematquee 140 ugies de procheufage led mmende poeumatiqns 137 “anfactve [reson dtl ch temperature eau) 16D ‘ntocewr de setagime 138 sigue 13 i ‘ences dadmson atle de groupe dlecrogéne’ |. 14l Slnsise art 158 Alternateurs (Page 175) Alternators ‘Atomaters [groupe de montage Divers (Page 199) ‘Arbre de volont Canalo casei Scmpressut sir Gcmmprewr denrtion oracle ictritoment seconds) ome ydrsaue Eeranoner de tchyie Extent a Inchon Inement is eonle Fae onneent Tables dinsromarie Techy Bechgue Tacha, igraupe do monte) INDICE LA.LISTA DE CONJUNTOS DE MOTOR EMPIEZA EN LA PAGINA 13 Motor Bésico (Pagina 17) ch do lves 2 las pstones a (ogee del nator tr fe dsantoe 2 Ca del wolante Cheese Corie Sao coe ngrensios de Sinibucén 176 us 208 208 218 doe 307 207 19 206 210 202 2 203 212 209 209 None Pies Heresies de ‘oi dae 2 Juegos de ampoqiatadirs "20 Mecanismo de Ir valor... 28 Pole omertguedoe torecisn 2 Selo del cighefal 20 Sepere Ed Tepe de cje dal vloni’ 0002. 38 i 7 m Sistema de lubricacién (Paine 35) ome del ait, » Flv del ocste 3 arias parol monisje de Ta"bombe dish acoe del cee Verilanccadore dl ivl loca 8 Sistema de enfriamiento (Pagina 41) fombs autor 2 fombe dal a Contes ‘amior ym “ Enirador ” niador del ening p a letercambindor da etlor oo. 85 Manso del venadce 2 s ue do expansién 2 Tope del star ‘ie rfrinmiento 5 uberis del agua 4 Tuboras del agua de ‘entlador be adrisén “ ‘uberis dat agin’ dl eiindor ‘el rbostientadr 2 Ventlador inufodor 8 Ventladar do seein a Sistema de admisién y escape (Pégine 86) ‘Adeptador de fro de ire... 91 Aste % fide dp eicopo 103 Gods ‘desea 100 Genes doo 103 Fite dos 2 Maple de adniion 2 Matiple 4 * Tuberise del % ° 102 % Contr de elacion ‘al combusts 14 Contr del relador 2 Fito de combo Mando: do accervior Nem sion tendo del regulsdor na fando del reguedor y do las Bombat de combustible 110 ‘gulodery bomber do Thyeccion del combuble 111 gulacor Woodward ie ‘Sorte aul poe ‘obracargo del regulador 134 spe del ster ‘combustible 108 eros da ta ie. combustible 10s bie de inyeccion el combuet ble 107 cierto Hexbies el combustible 108, Sistema de arranque y eléetrico Uedsina 136) emedor los rranguey parade dulomiios 140 te de grup dectrgeno tat "ine incandocantes, 12 “e veloadad bs nicl de pretién ‘oi def egre eo ntl be actionader de sie 137 nie dab altrodr, i Stor do aronque eéctiso 138 Stor de aranque por ore, 48 ‘od sutomstics sccionads tor le reson del aceite a Fempectare dl age 189 Parada por ebturacién dol 6 sision Sarciador ‘el sire aranave ideice Solnoide de parade Accesorios y equipo diverso (Pagina 199) Caeomanias appro ae ge Erpecfescines Insrmentos Mando susiter Mando de bombs hdrdlca Meidor de saricio Montaia do tactmetro Mun da sie Peles dal mando ausor Tablro de Tctrmentos Tesémetro elataes Topo de secon Tein de taesetra Tiberor del eompresor de ie (NDICE (0S ARRANJOS DO MOTOR ESTAO RELACIONADOS A PARTIR. DA. PAGINA 13, Psne 180 ter a 156 6 05 Motor bésico (Pagina 17) ‘Awore de comand ‘Sor valle 2 de manele 9 Bila e pstso a Bloco do mater 7 Cabesate 2 Gaia dbs engrenagens Fy cata do olan a Cieer do leo % » de douigeo 2 dogos do fates 2 Mecano da vole 2 Ota de lvantamento 2 Polis « amortcedor 2 Suporte » Tampa da cana do wise... 33 Tape dos angtenagore ‘de diatbuigio a Tampa do blocs do’ motor’ 17 Tompa do mecarisme ‘de vales ” Vedadar do avore “de ranean 20 Volante M Sistema de lubrificagao (Pégioa 35) Bemba de deo 6 Forrogonsrifidas pare mentagom ‘le bombs de seo 38 Fro dele 3 Respro ” Tubulagdes do oo a7 erate ‘de avel do seo 35 Ventilngse ‘do cbrter 0 Sistema de arrefecimento (Paging 41) Datsnache Pie Aralocedor do sdnitio ...... 47 ‘Arelecedor do leo e Aquecedor agua do neler © sorte et Bomba auiiae a Rebs doque a (Comando do_vntilador & Permutadr de calor rs Rediador Tampa to orefecadot rt Teague de expanséo 5 Tubor dSou0 4 Tibos d gue de arefocodor da edit 4“ ‘Tubs d'Sgua da Bindager do. furbocompressor 2 Ventindor inetd %% Ventlador sucionador a Sistemas de admissio fe escape (Pagina 88) ‘Adoptodor 0 Colston de ainda a Goletor de escape 96 ‘Cones do secopamanto 103 CCotoveln de aecopamanto 100 Fange do eecopomanto. 103 Prtpurfeadr % Puricodor do or 2 Tubo de descorge 102 % o.ubocamprasior ” Turbocompresor ee Sistema de combustivel © regulador de velocidade (Pagina 104) Batento da cremalhice be Bombe de purgebo Go Combustvel tos Borba de trnsferéncis do combust toe CComando de scesirios, 10 Comende do reglador de velecidede 2 Comando do regslad © do bombs ijtora 110 CContole do reguladr de welocidase 12 Fito de combutival 18 Limiteder do combustvel 134 Rogulador de velcidade Woodward a9 Reguladore bomba injtora 111 Tampa provitca no regulador do veloidode 106 Tabor instores 107 Tobulagoes de ‘comtbustive axis 10s Tubulagier do fre ‘de combative so Sistemas elétrico e de partida (Pagina 136) Altemador re ‘Aivador preimslica do roguleder de volocidade 137 Bate de grupo elerégano «14 Digestive da parade de sagurange 19 Dispative de parade Bor elogamento 10 Interuptor de a ‘bs proves do leo fenperstirs d spue Interpor de sequence ‘be rotagio Motor de aranque slice Part 9 or comprinide, Pari porada astomslicos Slonciodor de at Sistema de paride truco Solensica Suporte do alteredor Vela de aquecimento Geradores (Péigina 175) Gerador Intslagio do Serdor 10 ae be ie 0 ma 13 156 m 1. 6 5 Acessérios e Diversos (Pag Amore carte Comendo aie Gomands da bomb hidrice Gomando do toccmaie, Gompresor do ar Decalcsmanian Enbreagern Expecifiagses orem Iectrumontos Paina de instrumentoe Polis do comando de acesirio. Stporta do tacbmatte Tacometo satice Tampa do comand tbe acorn Tuber de do compraser v9) 208 302 210 an 199 a7 207 21 212 203 209 209 207 206 INHALTSVERZEICHNIS MOTORAUSEOHRUNGEN SIND AB SEITE 13 AUFGEFOHRT Motor (Seite 17) Aafiager Diingeitne Halt Hubése Kurbawale Kurbawelndichiung Moterblock Moterblackdackel Noctenwale Obanne Peuel und Kelban Rismenschabe und Dimer Schwungicheibo Schoungschaibengehbisn Schwungscheibengahverdackl Stimrad Stenradgshivie Stinradgehaveedactl Ventidecil Vertiateverng 2ylndrtopt ‘Schmiersystem (Sette 35) Enidunster Enter Hite Olltongen Olmadsteb Schmieriter Schiarpumpe » system (Sette 401 ‘Asaloichtonk 8 ” 5 Kiheystomdechel st Kchivasterheiung und -erbaw, 84 Ldeltishler, wossergolahit. «47 Literati Oller oe Sovglfier a Wirmeaustuscher 6 Weasseritangen “4 Wostratungen fi Turbeladerhling “0 Westoraitungen tame Ladelfkar “6 Wesserpunpe “ Zuahpomoe a ‘Ansaug- und Abgasaniage (Seite 66) Anoughnmer 9 ‘Acrplfoogen| 100 ‘Auipuflonch 103 ‘Asrpffiting 193 ‘Auipufrmer 8 Aspire Druclufiatungen Lifrsnigoe Ltn Turbo Tarboaderlaiangen Vereiiger roouchh Seite Decleldor Eipritaniage Keafutlfcnsptipume ‘pd Reser Kroittferapitisinngen Krfisttenongsponpe Krolitlfiter Kefistofiteretinges Ktistoterderpompe Krotiotigeniehoger Kraitffitungen,slatich Recler und eatiotpumpenantel Realrantieb eglrtovering Stouerntiea Woodwerd Reglor ahnstangenaachlag Anlasser und elektr. Anlage (Seite 136 Abstotelenid ‘AarmvoricMung, idle und veonertempertarabharaig ‘Asitser, sete ‘Ansaugaepler 106 07 109 104 05 109 4 108 110 i. ra 108 9 4 156 160. be 1 Autom, Star Stop-Adage. Drahtrmlchimarchine Draclftobechalter Dructtartor Druclsteerung iihtere Hygeaubatorter chtneschranoufngung 0 a 150 ue 07 1a iy m1 Notabichalter drabrhlebhsngig 126 Notobichaler, lec and ‘wetaromporatrathingig Unorouu fr Shomeggroget Lichtmaschin (Seite 175) Lchtmaschine Lchimaschne inbouait Wartungsgerit und ‘Zubohér (Sette 199 Abiohildor ‘Araigen ‘Armaturesbrait Drokssesar, lai. Drehtahwaterantie Dreltalstereuthinging Hiydeauitpumpenened Kepplung Lulompresoe Liflanprestceitungen Nebenanti Riamanschoibe des ‘Nebenantnebe Steverantabadectl Stowell Technische Daion Wertngsmenser 159 Mi 18 5 20 207 28 207 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 8 Soeiac wos Sout 70.0091 ie Na ENGR PROCLRBIENT ARRANGEMENT POSS Ps Gh AARNCEMEN NUMBER AKO SEMI Maa NS “ CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE |} Ss er cetr : 2 [1 Heat Fes ieee cs eee z | 1 aecoe Frewt Houstna Fasten GRou es: ze ape erenere x | 1 aise FeteNect Housing Seven éaoue® tan! “228 BA ENGINE ARRANGEVENT Pan 1 of 2 ‘seal No, fut io sNG env Aha at INE ng IO Ete Pom er te ONE RARANGEVENT ROMER AND SEPAL WOMB CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 6 1 Gaod covennon ang Furs Pun Bx ive Gxoue os e-11k Sst no, oS nc ato RE EE So erat a ace AADONT Fron Housing GnaUP vee 20 Ghee’ Front Sosront Grate mS ‘aidces | poctey ano Danwen Gnaee GTC AGGoT Fron coven Grave wrevsescersescesssceos SMD ‘Rcoce Pron Noustne Faavenen Ghose seccelsitt) 28 19620 Pewee GROUP» ~ it? BASIC ENGNE ARRANGEMENT Put + Swain south pur a aetSe SANE? Eons octet Argues aon fags 15 a NOTE" MEN OFELANG Pats OVE TARAUSEIENT NOMOER AND SEMAL MUMEER CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 158 1 av7ea) On. Cooter Grou +. . 30 1 Shoes Eoscns'Sraren Coven Gnas s s TAKE AD OUIAUST SYSTEM 1 Bers ste ‘Lines. aera 2 = “0958 BAS ENGINE ARRANGEMENT Pan 16 CAIERPILLAK 3406 INDUSIRIAL ENGINE 1 fitege Fork" twseetian Eines Snoue’ ove cree 2 tO 1 GiSi0 Contina Seana Cowen Govescsesreceliil) St 1 Rieti Vitex’ twee Grourcenrrencasen. (20000000) ae Crammorn teas Eotaret ine Ros ano PLaron Govenvon ao Fueu twoeervon Pave “aN6191 ENGINE PROOUREMENT ARRANGEMENT ates mare pelea er CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 16h 4 abo? Bhs Gnu Peg Ges fiaitsiias "ie EGNE PROCUREMENT ARRANGEMENT ‘ees for a pcre, urbectares, stant 18 APM Ele Sat "RELAIS Panes OVE ASRANEMENT MOUBER AND EARL nae 16 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 3 13082 Durer Guow PLuo GnouF rae eerie gene 2 Noe ‘Sisto inten Reveecauuen Gove Tn Me heat Crernacn Ouaex coven Geode coset ot) AB I chvecuLaTIGiS TO aS250 EASTE ENeINE”ARRASELEN 1 Seo En ny eke Hi Cootins Searen Coven Vee eres desecee deserves eee ‘hus ENGHE PROCUREMENT ARRARGENENT ‘Sain are ve AaceMENT HUMBER BASIC ENGINE BASIC ENGINE 20 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE aC URSUT SoH tre bee |e aaa oes | som [sam acm Sem | war at SETHE (CATERPILLAR 3408 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE ‘ha4@e CONNECTING ROD ASSENLY ‘Ser No. s0uz25—Up ts Repose for Bh id8 es Assembly Page 21 BASIC ENGINE a tex CONNEGTING ROD ANO PISTON GROVE Renae ‘ava 90082S" Up Fotis Replacement 2 6N}EZE Red Asay Oe cats og Aesemoly Pape 08 “WATS CONNECTING ROD ANG PISTON GAOUP_< Paquad Far Bets alacant ot ON t828 Rod hana ser SN2408 Rod Assen Page 208 SOS! 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ROUSE MOTO ADAPT TO CLAM EQUEMENT "TORDUE CONVERTERNO. AND 17 WM CLUTCH AW ATTACHMENT BASIC ENGINE onset i Foye Hous 300 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE onse wens r/o tRataMegon Ok COOL on Pv a Coo Se se rt FRONT SOUP ENGNES Vo “OL LEV GAUGE GROUP —LH—Tw LUBRICATION SYSTEM snot ‘anatracHMeNT ‘usb OL FILLER GROUP ‘Nor Fonusewm Mtoe SSOLANT FILTER GROUPS 38 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE a] PET = ee fa r nine See Te eu) ew eerste ° | BhS3 FLANGE GROUP Trades Fon use win mug TRANSMASION it COGLER GRO SHOWN ON PAGE Som eso mth Enonan hg Wacoed Vrs AW ATTACIOENT = 3 = 3 LUBRICATION SYSTEM an CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE anges ao apm a0 LUBRICATION SYSTEM CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE axsuvoytiy wy oat, dhadO BSL NO eo20N0 aun a lor LUBRICATION SYSTEM woot ewoian Wose 122 eH (48 16] “qicioa FUMES DSPOSAL GROUP Ere Proves tunes daa outta ra tesogepoel beet o izeainone ona area eee on CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE pt OL RAN LINES GROUP. ron use wie SASE Wt QaiTnOUT ENCLOSURES ‘32 COOLANT DRAIN LINES GROUP, ronuse vin MSEeASE var gRMtNGUT EnCLOSUnES Sacre eee A WBRICATION SYSTEM 408 eae MERRIE Grove Stow oursce CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE ssn ‘ay CDOLAT FLTER GROUP Toe, ron Jee nGOT Sean an COMPRESSOR SS, Nopacenan aa St oP Rin CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE “Th COOLANT FLTERGROUP Tp onuse wat Eee ener HOUHTED INSTRUMENT FANE AND WWTDAOR OE On TAN CANNOT SE USED WITHGEAR OREN A Fee SATA Oty SIDE FRAME MOUNTED BATTERY PACK. ELEMENT RE ASSENT GHART-Pope sO" AN ATTACHMENT CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE aor CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL 40H co ENGINE 1 “ou982 COOLANT FILTER GROUP: goss7 be (@e19 Gate) on2306 5709 Ls (18422 Gat) 2367 ett Us (22030 aL.) ou267 ‘GOOUANT PUTER ELEMENTS rom use ov enanes wit fa £5.45" DIRE 29 0 70 GAL} COOLNG SYSTEM TNE OER ato hoses ane To we FuRNSheD By tee CUSTOMER Tot Rebeca Crt pawn raga ao AN ATTACHMENT _ COOLING SYSTEM “ATES ATER OUR GON CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 2 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE “nous Gann waivn PR COOLING SYSTEM z 2 3 8 8 “ CATERPILLAR 2406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM. CATERPILLAR 9406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM aso CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE "AN ATTACHMENT wom CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE Ist Cnt abou on Pape S30 AN AFTAGPRAERT CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 82 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE i i 1 I ' ' | i {3084 SUCTION FAN GROUP 10 ipoh—Tyon eter to Char shown on Page S98 AR ATIAGHMENT ‘COOLING system on © CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE os CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE {1 stoom Weaten--240 Yours, 2 Kreovarts SRD JAGKET WATER HEATER AD WOUATNG GROUP “nego Aer WATER MEAT NOTING OROLP—ipo 1 enor CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE Seal {5865790 JACKET WATER HEATER GROUP _120V0 Sonata 2 Regus {8570 JAGHET WATER NEATER GROUP 240. Kowalo—2 Rone CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE ‘oie Engine rangement had or Pages 15 and 155 INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM ony Lid fell detail CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE on INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM | eit covets aROuD WaDuWNoOgENE 8289 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE aay 2 oaks 16 /n 203i one SPOAYROORENL BZSND INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM 1 20%. —pcomm ii LesoN ou YEDKWOCRNNL 815N9 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM oe INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM © recececeucsuaca ll mens come us oe SL aa 90 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE an of NSN ar uD Erg iste on Ful a 0k “wisi TURBOO-ARGER OL UNS GROUP—Type 1 Prosser W arangarts “4073 TURBOCHARGER OL UNES GROUP type 2 ar hui ana ln Ene Peer Seager "ie on Page i ad TA INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM mn a A “aha i GLEE GRGUP—iypa 2 on USE Witt HOT MANORS sare’ Cem oon Poe 89 ‘CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE ‘smrosnynosngooys.iia nin 88 Sa 10N are otes—sceene Wat ttn ans anv UN stan A_| INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM r = a = co CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE ut ENE At Cuno A ATTACHMENT eNeao ARCLEANER GROUP—iype arto RAB A nana AN RFTACAMENT INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM om TyaToe AR GLEANER WOUNTING GROUP wot Fonte arenggaueo MANFoxDs ee CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM oa (NSSBO HEAYY DUTY A CLEANER CHART {7N6331 AB CLEANER GROUP “Rr Gra shannon Fag 94 foteagy INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 4 O INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM EXHAUST SYSTEM oan INTAKE AND INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM 940 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM 8 a Be PRE EMR assewen om use vir ansS8 ik CLONER AOaE TEN AOU SHOW AN ATTAGHOIENT 65:1 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM (Eg pRE-CLEANERGROUP. ‘otr tenses cna shownonPape ufo eaue Siac Tara PRE LEANER GROUP ANATTAGHMENT CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE pamgey uy semen 0 6 te ORS US cam of mr Spek wt se INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE falc to ens Sat Shaan 08 4 fro Si ara 1 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE [I _wio7s MUFFLER GROUP_win Out Eacor [NOT FOR USE WITH WATERCOOLED MANIFOLDS AN ATTACHMENT aNG70 MUFFLER GROUP mt Ector [Nor FOR USE WiTHWATERCOOLED MANIFOLDS, ANATIACHMENT INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM oor “ROATRLNES GROUP TRRAPIACHMENT =F \ eaeagt ‘ies EXiAUST MUFFLER GROUE FORUSE WITH PACKAGE GENERATORET WITH AN ENCLOSURE ‘AN ATTACHMENT CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE “ni UNS OU Sel No, 20 to ge nce Pa of NEES Bee joe Arangerert tse on expel ant altar Eno pase Sows an Pane T6F Sah Sopbae da Soles oy INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM pein Sind owt 0 5 Sma vo wove om Sad ms re om Py a aa MR tebe Sha on ws INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE fe totes a INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM ‘004 FORUSE WaTh WATERCOCLES TUFHOGNAAGEN AN ATTACHMENT NOT FORUSE Wrih WATERCOOLED MANIFOLDS, AN ATTACHMENT INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM 101 Pan Stanedtehrunescrmshown anbage 7 Yoz CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE {soto Siro a “soot aust Eco ny tpt pa encod nr a INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM 103 1038 ‘CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE "wb Ex AUST PIPE GROUP—Wuon Dt ator Nor ron SEW WATERCOOLED MANIFOLDS AN ATFACHMENT 97 Exealsr pipe RGUR_Rr uw, Sct Nor Fon USE WiTAWATEACOOLED MANIFOLDS, ANATFACHMENT INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM 1008 O WERE OO AUST PPE GROUP Wah Gam Best Nor FORUSE With WATERCOOLES MANIFOLDS AN ATTACHMENT fay fe Nor FonUSE With WATEACOOLES MANIFOLDS AN ATTACHMENT Tot CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE “2264 ACCESSORY DAVE GROUP Type! I ATTACHMENT “Raa AGCEBON OVE GHOUP—ia8 2 ‘068 ASSEBSORY Ove GROUP TSU ATIACHMENT FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR 1041» ca Ly! foco2 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE (anaes poe {17204 PrMany FUEL FLTERGnOUP—type FomUSE Wi a9 MOUNTING GROUP AN ATTACHMENT ‘847204 Pan EUEL EL TER GROUP—_yp FORUse wiry exsio MauNTiNG Got VAN ATTACHMENT FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR 0403 Fonust wit antacs Moun GPOUP AN ATEACHMENT FORUSE itl aNo4S MOUNTING GROUP. AN ATTACHMENT. FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR sou, seri Sf OY LSTRUDHE noah BN STAG FORUSE Wnt if04 PRIVARY FUEL FILTER GROU.AN ATTACHMENT CATERPILLAR 2406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE SE SRIN Tiron FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR 10s 10s CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE : 4 co © SMS FLENRLEFUELOLNESGROUP—iype! \. a tus net soe Pt ot anazs Se ting Araya ue oo Pages 1 and 150 ‘Oy comatose FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR 1088 a FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR 107A CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE \/ on Poe 15 “ance FUEL NECTION Nes GmOUF le cate oy Ses Ar Pan of enzo at Ena Arar tee FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR ton ate on Page et of ANAz, NE, SE, USE and CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR wossoveromow nocnonggg gd REN eg gen onvovamasnucsxme CATERPILLAR 9406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE ‘yoo 20¥4 Ho navoHs anowo san NOwosEM! aM blah ONY NZLSAS 7294 NOWORPNILORLIOMLIM3EN HOS INO HS HO aN pk ins Sis UnOUS IVE IE HLM FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR 1090 ‘aio FURL TRANSFER Fu GROUP Tae NTS) CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR 112 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE na na FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE A FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR no CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE me 1 98 Jno nd ROUSING ESI FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR 190 von of Se SN SES OER van ia CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR na CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE us tag uo unos 9 ae ou GAZE erm ean ables OLDS TN BOONE FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR nas FUEL IUEGTION PUMP GROUP Fe ete Pn oe sown eo Poe 1144 FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR man FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR nse FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR a | Fy ‘CATERPILI JIBS nis CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE Clini —— eee eSeeeceeeea| ‘hur to Wnie eae at of ese 20 ie Gur SF ron Paw Gos ie CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE [eet aE “acer GoUERNOR TORO, SPRING Ty 3 at of ange, sty SAREE OTD ES Gots rd Fut nection a Seu shows Panes Wt, Ne, i24" a8 wd 18 ‘Si Sop ats vd oe CHL} LL penser — as ae GREE roo ae, Se esygce Sy nae a i FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR 120 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE “mics GOVERNOR GROUP Pan Tye, TOON OP Pnaan on Pages 2A and 118 an of aha ard esr Covemar aro 208 FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR ti 2664 uo wos oe sued FURY FiIaNy ru ou ves song wo uns en Sa toa ‘dan FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR agro seen pe sn aeTOUS TORINO HONGAROO H6ZENY 2 g g 6 va CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE “qua GoVERNOR ONTTOL GROUP Ramat ana Powe Lacuna AH ize CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE iis) ees —iaaS5 GOVEANOA CONTROL GR UE Post cing AM 127A CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR ua ae soverien Som, SRO —138 380 55 eas SPS coven: Santa Grain snow on Page 136 “22177 GovERNOR CONTHOL GROUP Prone Thon Ho Gover CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR vata 1288 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR 19 — : seeeeseceee — 1446907 Woobwano Govenvion Sour. 130 eer WONG COVER FRRRNGENENT Woo Hor ie terrence Gol tw Eee Sat Agen "Sy Sto ma eron. AN ATTACAMENT Poss wreoccs ton Bate Set Rapin ‘ey sap prs sia. AN ATTACIOVENT 130 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE vo po ul Wena Soran Arges va si ae fe RE _pisez2 OODWARO GOVERNOR GROUP—T}001 Se a eowars Govetne ou “222 WOODWARD GOVERNOR GROUP Type ao eesea Sodus Sov: Grou? CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE I INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEM 13081 -———— invieas woSawano GovERNoR STE GROUP Fm OOONNTD ELECTIIG GOVERNOR aN ATTACHMENT FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR woe vmod eS ‘aoa 1308, 1m FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR Er Wey we ou Sap BUDGD BeweSOM Bw Wea “oud uowudhoo axwncioon so CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE (ng 0 amanda My HBOS GM Ove ZO We Oy FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR ce te oy unui RED Et ery ey Woah CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE sxe FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR 13> CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE "Re ARENT nee wooowARD rasTENER GROUP ae ‘og Fue ma CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE ‘651 con para sown Page 1346 FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR ‘wer wis wo an oye amg NE te FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR uo umous sao nue oueu ona 9CONG 048 OLZLNY Ea iy anu We NOD uv Tas BLOMNY CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE ar Due 4 stag wo uno edovg aap iy ons Sea BU DIN 1 4 "stu Srou soulngo cue aes sao 185 FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR ‘it Be ve tea go ana sary ay oumy 4 Bea Fo OLN Ps ‘oth, eS SouNco Guve ans ea CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE tov Ny wanovpfonuepjeraseenspueanzinr eure Ne toca eID ouN s ELD FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR np ie remnase oni Cups .cowrot argue. CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE ‘2601 STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Pond Sago woiounos easutuano af FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR 1364 68 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE {2N008 AIR ACTUATOR GAGUPType2 FOPSTSAESSAL Asan cont Grace FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR ‘vac sted uo nous et es ean HAY AY BEOENE “BERS ERRS CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 178 ees tay uo una t t S maow ny 000M "SOU UAL WON Oedono nd 950 UO OR otit=ahous Touins9 soneancD eOLaN oma FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR 1s7AID FUEL SYSTEM AND GOVERNOR vce stag no nove alt Bld Reulnoo wouynuoy wy ozzeNs “eaoviay ‘3702 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE {SRSA ARAGTUATOR GROUP ‘ype Partot ane? Governor Sontrl eas ‘g2m9 AR ACTUATOR GROUPType? ot Sue70s Governor Cone sup 376 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 257287 ELECTRIOSTARTER GROUP24 Va) L368 Mots prt se Shown on Pope =i 1757727 ELECTRIC STARTER GROUP—2¢ vol Huy Ouy—Typed ‘STETES Motor parts re Showon Page 6K STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ; i est “NSH Saring wot area wen on gee MED sso “nso ELESTRIG STARTING MOTOR GROUP—32 val Type ‘Hincotttorpans we snownon Pepe 1618 STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ve, a a i CTT ls ea] Se it i a! ee eee jee L J be : oe 2089 HEAT START SwnTCH GROUE ug085 venga pas eon on Poe 157 av aiagrarent 13001 CATERPILLAR AN ATAGIMERT ron eh ASL OE RAE SOS Sacto 1608 _efiouesgonsns SiC aan pa 29 we :AO MOUS SAIN CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE i at Be Z et a 55 ‘ 5 3 i i 'So8te CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 08.18 STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM WY yl a CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 15083 STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1So8.30 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE ro CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE sone vspuvroogunu a3.NnoM ¥34N30 i peat SAaae! 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OFF 601 ENOID GROUP fear Fone vith Shes ASCP GU SOHN ONPXGE 1D 62 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 62h STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM OTULE 182A1 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 1s2n2 STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 16243 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 52K STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE +0051 9864 vo psu nov dasa pot eds 0 Nantoviiy wy wabuypooswnL cannon wvaM KLuKasn Hos aden toon igus swenenciouedoay Tedkr=iog 20 re—shOWO SOLANGE GPSENE STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Tray iay wy wapuysoDeunaauNrOn a MOY aaah cho HOTS AY PrN sete onzt wre ghowd 340178 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 98 z z g 9 2 © < CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE "nt tng uo pS HO uy SY veeNe ut ony tS yon eo se anow® Seb LM wy ePSIN 982 STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ‘sonca CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE vw9e- STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM nN 130-2 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE ‘ou oogsn, GHNRON UNO Ham 250 woe Sadhimton 21 anous asorumie aN etSINS STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1510.09 STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Fern vaaresoemrst SSD rents STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ss CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 1596 uaguvroouaLasiNnOn BINGO Haim 389 40s SBR reanoun sa0-IniS whe ONE ‘0 ‘CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE & RRS 156 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE Fon use with NGALE APRIGATON EMRE: AN ATTACHMENT Pan of Sree a itt Page 0 tena Goa sown Age tak Toine STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM " aio002 SOLENO® SrA GROUP—12 Vol —Tyee 2 HE 1562 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 18603 -—— ina SOOO BT OE ‘meas 156.4 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE ibaa GATTERY GUPPORT GROUP—Type 1 Fon use wr ee URL TAR ANE GAGE GRU BNET ON PAGE 4141 2440 BATTERY SUPPORT GROUP Tyee 2 ron use in sie Fu TA ERAGE GROUP SLEIN ON PAGE 141K aN "SUPPORT GROUP Tyr. 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Gros an0N2009 ‘tet Sion niten Group sbownon Pages 158 and 180A ss CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE Treen Mos Sony Sa oe 01 An Pt ed Pat nae at of susto StotSiog Anggun, eta Salty Sng and SNe Aim ot rt fd ov Pe rT Can how on Pa 158 STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM sse12 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE “ses CONTAGTOR MOUNTING GROUP—1 aotantso ia Sop aguante Salty Sha Sand 3N89} Aa ‘etacor roused on Pages ao 158 ele to Char shown ot Pape 08 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE oa Nao LAY Ne “L451 ogo waa oe Shed HO BE ere 4u0:sM WORMS iLsivs SumUVASINaL WALI ONY SoTSEBN YO OEE 590 STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TRaNADYLLY AN, NOISANOD Ye eo ante WONYHOBN ALB#VS SUOUYERE gowsanoo 4 AuIMASA HOS tag ue mays om etd wus oor SStemany Sunesaua 10 30eN CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE sou WonwnOan Svs Sun [CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE senor soate STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM r CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE s60nt0 angnovtiy wy » yor ae Se Sa aus 10 InowD wo1s¥iNoD Sone ss0nte STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM coesn 1 yor! abe oo ORSUE an 012) STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 188h02 “a8 CONTACTOA MOUNTING GROUP sc oat ge ae 008 aoe STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8c =] ee Eo | ee “iad THE DELAY CONTAGTOR GROUP 24032 SRASEAeT onsite: Pave 1 2weH7 Time Oey Mounting up, 190 9064 Terminal © 2193ra Terminal ou Spasae Wie Su Spstze We “ onsoee Sut 4 ASI Boeing Asouby ameter “ieee TNE DELAY CONVERSION GROUP_Fle sialon provtasa one taping teal presse tina Sly eat evisu Bo“ gAOU ONUNON NTBO SIL HME 3 g STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1 hoes 2 aise conasars oF 2 teat Jemmnce 72 Sete) © MEE De tio, ede Counaeron Mowe ms Gaour 130 sounoe ee sa CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE A Raber “pizeeo HARNESS ASSEMBLY Par Aeterto Shan ohen ss Page NOMI age 1598 STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM THEWHOWY NY oe Pett ME maa 18961 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 15902 STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE asec Tied Sihanasee Sean ocseNe STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE so9e STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM svomsnge iyo Stee aaa 0! CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 1880 sxanvowniy ny org ea und OS PARSON SSBNSYH BHLLNG STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Wo CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE "age 120,56 ATTACHMENT “Seen Oi, PRESSURE Avo WATER TRAPERATRE CONTACTOR GROUP ‘nse QNGT3e Salo Soon me SNOT! Alam Cat Ces on “sa i PRESGURE AND WATER TEMPERATURE CONTAGION GROUP ‘Win dhon fobe A ATTACHMENT. STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1604 lf _—_e_W {G75 OL PRESSURE AND WATER Pee agarmes tons an show ATURE COWTACTOR GROUE nage HOA AN ATTACHMENT STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 12 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE a CLOW PLUG GROURa Pais ‘yah. gt HU lhe, 9 AO, a, ae at ii Ene reeset ted nag 1th on 8 Bano as Gon Pn om sewn Pa ah soa STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM lv nv Zo, sag oo aps ttn ig WD eee ele al a 1 anos suas tin poe ora Pies ANCES ON ‘Shoes Ors MOND AAV CEN ex CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE fice Hee T es ed Consists of Grose Wie 200M 2LR049 Terminal No. 10Sc10) 2leost Termialesie" sero) Late? Terminal ei Seow) 2Latst Tamils" Sere Used with No.6 We) ‘Laces Terminal. 10Scrom (Use with He TOW) 2La076 Tarminal fe. YoSeren}(Ueed wit Ne ee) Srazse Connecor(.75" Lona) ‘Connector 150 Long) 2ug724 Gip(2s0" Lore) ftee%9 Tiss" Long) 38200 T(r." Log) 25106 Buttinauiates Snot Tecable 15) i ‘rat Sau Pas ot eRSB9 iow Pug Noting Gras STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM eae ates ome tr "ea GoW Pia wo GhaUP_apendtz00—Pos =D 162 CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE ‘ag SSW FA SAOUP—F2 Yok 3emed Le Le I ] STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM “YiSuo ora nono seein tes CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 1556699 ALtemuron Grou « ana ALTERMATOR GROUP FOR NSS Sanne uceD mitt Phot Ponch TAKE FF Ak ATTACHMENT eocas by anogann Poe e'9 FOR ace WM aaa ALTERNATOR Waite GROOP unt Paces tae TT ac ATEN CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE yea STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 16415 fe STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1643 Cc sae eee aerar eee | STARTING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM CATERPILLAR 3406 INDUSTRIAL ENGINE 1 ung —owauy oy dhe aNOUD UOLYRUAL TY 205NS Z

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