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The Woman in White e os aT a * A Wilkie Collins Retold by Christopher Hall by Frederick Garland sd by Paolo D’Altan Editor: Teresa Vaughan Design and art direction: Nadia Maestri Computer graphics: Simona Corniola Picture research: Laura Lagomarsino Picture credits: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C.: 4; Museo d’Arte Moderna di Ca’ Pesaro, Venezia / Bridgeman Art Library: 55 (© 2008 BLACK CAT PURLISHING, Cideb Eaktrice, Genoa, Canterbury © Published by EDICIONES VICENS VIVES, S.A. Legal Deposit: B. 44.212-2008 ISHN: 97884-316.9021.2 ‘VV. Order N' AQ24 This seork is protected under the Copyright Law ("RDI 1/1996") of 12 April, which passes the Texto Refundido de Ia Ley de Propiedad Incletual, and under the Copy Law CLEY 23/2006") of 7 july, Offenders against the acknowledged rights of the holder, or beneficiaries of the ©, are liable to prosecution under articles 138 to 141, of the aforesaid Law, punishable according o articles 270, 271 and 272 of the Penal Code. No Dart of this publication may be reproduced in any form ot by any means, including Storage in a retrieval system or by meant of electronic word processing systems. ‘All Publisher's rights reserved to publi loaning, lending or any acher form of granting the ‘se of this copy. Produced by VICENS VIVES. Avda. de Sarr, 130, 08017 Barcelona, Printed in Spain by Graficas INSTAR, S.A,

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