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July - August


Nutritional impact of pellet binders

A fresh perspective on UK milling wheat

In this issue:
Generating added value by extrusion Health & safety in the working environment Powder Containment

Technological expertise
Understand enzyme recovery in pelleted feed

A subscription magazine for the global flour & feed milling industries - first published in 1891




July - August 2012

Published by Perendale Publishers Ltd 7 St Georges Terrace, St James Square Cheltenham, Glos, GL50 3PT United Kingdom Tel: +44 1242 267700 Fax: +44 1242 267701 Publisher Roger Gilbert Tel: +44 1242 267707 Associate Editor Alice Neal Tel: +44 1242 267707 Design and Page Layout James Taylor Tel: +44 1242 267707 Circulation & Subscriptions Manager Tuti Tan Tel: +44 1242 267707 International Marketing Team Darren Parris Tel: +44 1242 267707 Lee Bastin Tel: +44 1242 267707 Latin America Marketing Team Ivan Marquetti Tel: +54 2352 427376 Pablo Porcel de Peralta Tel: +54 2352 427376 India Marketing Team Assocom-India Pvt Ltd Tel: +91 47 675216 Annual Subscription Rates Inside UK: UK70 Outside: US$140/ Euros110 More information


GFMT hits the road 4 ForFarmers acquisition of BOCM PAULS approved 4 Hygienic designed weighfeeder for ease of cleaning 5 Kiotechagil improves its Neutrox integrated mycotoxin elimination system 5 Feed Industry joins new FAO partnership effort to harmonise measurement of livestocks environmental impacts 6 School children get inspired thanks to HGCA and nabim 7 World expert says watch the bigger market picture 8 AB Vista launches a fully automated online corn quality service 9 Ojoka CSA Bvba: Neovia distributor in Belgium 9 APW process weighers supplied to Egypt 9 secures sole uk distribution of HyRack 10


Nutritional impact of pellet binders Generating added value by extrusion HEALTH & SAFETY in the working environment Powder Containment short course A fresh perspective on UK milling wheat Technological expertise helps to understand enzyme recovery in pelleted feed

12 16 18 22 24 26

Raw material outlook, by John Buckley 32 42 44 46

iNdustry eveNts
Preview - VIV China Preview - Animal Farming Ukraine

iNdustry Faces
DELACON appoints Business Development Manager and Head of Communications Oscar J. Rojas Martinez named IFEEDER scholarship recipient John Laing joins Schenck Process as Head of UK Sales Light Industries 48 48 48

Grain & Feed Milling Technology is published six times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom. All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies, the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of information published.

Copyright 2011 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form

or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner.

volume: 123 number 4

issn no: 1466-3872


Guest editor - Raj Kapoor, Assocom-India Pvt. Ltd.

s Perendale Publishers Ltd and Assocom-India Pvt have recently concluded a partenership agreement for focused promotion and distribution of GFMT in India; joint participation at focused exhibitions throughout the world and joint global events; I am privileged to be the Guest Editor for this issue of GFMT. Investment in agriculture is the need of the hour The evergreen revolution is indeed possible provided we support agriculture Indias proposed National Food Security Bill aims at providing legal entitlement over subsidised foodgrain to the poor. In fact, it has the potential to become a benchmark for the rest of the world to follow. The step is the largest because the Bill covers about 70 percent of Indian households, the highest proportion of households covered by such programme anywhere in the world. Assocom India was established in 2001, and started working as a support service provider for US based farmers organisations Raj Kapoor and co-operatives, Managing Director and a resource for Assocom-India Pvt. Ltd. national associations of Editor of Wheat Update, wheat-based industries. Soya Update and Food Processing & Safety Update Conducting training programs across the country became a major activity, together with work in areas like event management, trade fairs, exhibitions, promotion, market study, publications, etc. Assocom-India has been continuously enhancing areas of work in activities related to grain, food business, food processing, fruits and vegetables, feed and ingredients, and related fields. Assocom India edits and publishes Wheat Update, Soya Update, Food Processing & Safety Update which are monthly magazines for trade and industry. Raj Kapoor

India is the second most populous country in the world, with over 1.21 billion people (2011 census), more than a sixth of the worlds population. Already containing 17.5 percent of the worlds population, India is projected to be the worlds most populous country by 2025, surpassing China, its population reaching 1.6 billion by 2050. Its population growth rate is 1.41 percent, ranking 102nd in the world in 2010. The demography is rapidly changing too. India has more than 50 percent of its population below the age of 25 and more than 65 perecent hovers below the age of 35. It is expected that, in 2020, the average age of an Indian will be 29 years, compared to 37 for China and 48 for Japan. The last past 50 years, India has witnessed unprecedented progress . Key achievements include: Increased agricultural production: food grain production has increased about 5 fold, from 50 million tons to 252 million tons. Higher real income and reduced prices Reduction in poverty by 40 percent Life expectancy doubled to 64 years Currently, India is self-sufficient in cereals, though deficient in pulses and oil seeds. However, India has challenges to fight malnutrition and feed an ever-increasing population: 30 percent of the Indian population (mostly women and children) are malnourished Two thirds of India lives in villages and depends on agriculture A nine percent growth in GDP can be supported if GDP grows at four percent

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2 | July - august 2012

July - August 2012


GFMT hits the road

A blog dedicated to professionals - including nutritionists - in the transportation, storage and milling of grains, feedstuffs, rice and cereals, globally. t the end of June, several of the team from Grain & Feed Milling Technology magazine escaped our Cheltenham office and headed north. Stockport to be precise, to pay a visit to the Satake Europe Ltd office. After a minor set back when the sat nav directed us to a Post Office depot, we met our host for the morning, Peter Marriott, General Manager Vision Systems. First of all, Peter took us on a tour of the companys best-known equipment. We had a close up look at some Interlock sieves which, unlike other plansifter sieves, have a positive sealing system that eliminates the need for felt and wood. Satake is well known for its range of Optical Sorting machines and we were lucky enough to see several models side by side. It was interesting to learn about the applications these machines have away from grain milling such as sorting coffee beans and nuts. However, the highlight of the visit was undoubtedly the roll servicing room. The huge factory floor is one of the UKs largest roll refurbishment centres. The room was filled with rolls from mills from

Hello Millers It has a busy month for the Global Miller. At the start of July, the blog was treated to a redesign and emerged looking slicker than ever before. We have also started a regular video section which has proved very popular with the blog readers. Meanwhile, the GFMT Facebook page has been booted into action and looks great (even if we do say so ourselves). Log on to find out whats going on at the magazine and its associated titles.

This month the Global Millers cant get enough of AFIA announces first pet food facility manufacturing certification program certificates. General Mills are making a concer ted drive towards sustainability. In this video, the Global Millers learned how waste products from Cheerios production, in this case oat hulls, are being used as biomass. NAMA boot camp registration is now open. Dont worry; its not pushups in the park. This boot camp focuses on the agri-marketing industry. ZCME is to change its name to ZHENCHANG from August 2012. New app revolutionises AB Vistas Vistacell Calculator.

across the UK which had been sent in for regrinding and fluting. Although Satake UK Ltd. was established in 1991 through the acquisition of Robinson/ Simon many of the machines used for regrinding still bear the distinctive Simon or Robinson logo. Seeing such familiar brands from the past was a timely reminder of the rich heritage UK milling has. After lunch, we popped across the Peak District to Schenck Process UK in Doncaster. Paul Markwell, Marketing Manager was keen to fill us in on the recent merger between Clyde Process and Redler which are now both part of the multinational Schenck Process group. The company can now supply products from nine different brands across the Schenck Process Group, allowing them to create bespoke packages. The transition seems very positive and we are looking forward to seeing what the bulk handling company does over the next few months. We always enjoy meeting the faces behind the big names in the grain and feed industry and returned to Cheltenham brimming with new ideas. What a success.

ForFarmers acquisition of BOCM PAULS approved

The European Competition Authorit y and the Jersey C o m p e t i t i o n Re g u l at o r y Authorit y have approved the acquisition of UK feed c o m p a ny B O C M PAU L S by ForFarmers Group. The transfer of shares took place on July 11, 2012. T h ro u g h t h e ac q u i s i t i o n of the activities of BOCM PAU L S , F o r F a r m e r s w i l l become t he l arge st feed company in Europe with 8.8 million of tonnes of feed, of which 6.5 million tonnes is compound feed and 2 .3 million tonnes is straights and co-products. BOCM PAULS will continue to operate in the market in the same way as it has done in the past. With its 'Total F e e d B u sine s s' conce pt , the company is capable of supplying animal nutrition in whatever form required by its customers, with the focus on maximising farmer customer profitability. By exploiting economies of scale, the ForFarmers Group aims to continue its ambition of maximising its contribution to farm yields and returns. The basis for this approach is a combination of maximum efficiency and the optimum use of knowledge and technical expertise.

We would love to hear from you. Tell us what you think at

Take a look at our newly re-vamped Facebook page, that now covers updates from GFMT as well as all of the very best of The Global Miller's news!

4 | July - august 2012

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July - August 2012

Hygienic designed weighfeeder for ease of cleaning
he MULTIDOS L Weighfeeder from Schenck Process delivers outstanding results for gravimetric feeding or when recording mass flows of materials. The product is ideal for compact installation locations as it is space-saving as well as being very economic to run, virtually maintenance-free and can be dismantled and re-assembled in just seven minutes for ease of cleaning. The MULTIDOS L is available both as an open design or with a dustproof housing variant and can be supplied in standard designs or in special designs for a host of different industry sectors. This weighfeeder is an individual, customised solution for any application. The MULTIDOS L is available with a hygienic design which satisfies the most stringent hygienic requirements of the food industry with FDA certified product contact parts. For example, the weighing module is very easy to dismantle and assemble, saving time and effort for frequent cleaning intervals and wet cleaning. All relevant parts for cleaning are secured with easy to use plug connections. The casing can be taken off and the mechanism removed to the side. This allows the MULTIDOS L to be dismantled and re-assembled in just seven minutes. T h e ove r r i d i n g f e a t u r e s o f t h e MULTIDOS L Weighfeeder are its versatility and extreme flexibility. The

standardised modular system with a band width of 300 to 1,200mm and wheel bases of between 1,000 and 3,500mm available in stainless steel. The maximum output is 170m/hr with high-precision measuring and feeding of between 0.25 and 0.5% Whether used in the food, plastics or chemical industry, MULTIDOS L can be perfectly adapted to a large number of applications. The weigh module is used as a measuring and feeding system. By integrating weighing technology from Schenck Process, the system precisely handles a wide variety of products such as cocoa powder, cereals, salt or freezedried vegetables. The open variant of the MULTIDOS L model is also used for special applications in the meatprocessing industry, for example when making mincemeat or sausages where those processes requiring the most stringent of hygiene standards. The proven control unit DISOCONT or the new INTECONT Plus electronics are used with the MULTIDOS L for feeding or measuring systems. The control electrons are fully compatible to interfacing with modern BUS connections such as Profibus DP, Ethernet or DeviceNet thus making linking to on-site process control systems simple. EasySer ve configuration and parameterisation software also offers the user help in a user-friendly way.





Kiotechagil improves its Neutrox integrated mycotoxin elimination system

iotechagil, the international supplier of high performance n at ur a l fe e d add i t i ve s , h a s reformulated and improved its Neutox, broad spectrum toxin binder w h ic h h a s ad d e d m o u l d co n t ro l . Neutox combines highly ef fec tive ingredient s to help overcome the problems of mould contamination in animal products. O ur im proved N e u t ox produc t comprises four active components which aim not just to control an existing problem but to remove the problem wherever possible, says Kiotechagils Mike Rogers. The four active components of Neutox are aluminium and magnesium silicates, which specifically bind polar mycotoxins such as Aflatoxin, Orchratoxin and Fumonisin. It is critical to minimise the impact of these toxins which can affect the liver and kidney. The second is purif ied primar y

grow th yeast cell wall and is effective in binding non polar toxins - commonly field mycotoxins, which are predominantly based on Fusarium grow th. The third, Kieselguhr amorphous silicate compliments the activity of the mineral silicates and maintains the free flow characteristics of the product and finally propionic acid which, in a safe to handle form, inhibits new mould grow th and prevents new toxins in feed and raw materials. In research comparing the ef f icacy of mycotoxin binders, our reformulated Neutox g ave t he bro ade st spe c t r um of ac tivit y a g ain s t m ajor mycot ox in pro b le m areas for both polar and non-polar toxins , s ays Mr Roger s. Neutox d o e s n o t ju s t co n t ro l a n e x i s t i n g problem but its components act t o g e t h e r t o re m ove t h e p ro b l e m and boost animal per formance.




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July - august 2012 | 5

July - August 2012



Feed Industry joins new FAO partnership effort to harmonise measurement of livestocks environmental impacts

Mixing at the highest level

by Michael Tremp, Product Manager Bhlers Sanimix is synonymous with homogeneous and hygienic mixing. Thanks to various configurations, the customers are offered a mixer that perfectly suits their individual requirements. Whether you are mixing powders, flakes, or granular products the horizontal mixing process of the Bhler Sanimix is synonymous with an unparalleled homogeneous product blend, achieved within an extremely short mixing time. Available as a paddle or chopper mixer, the Sanimix mixer MRMA is optimally equipped to handle both dry and specialty mixes. Its unique trough geometry combined with reliable mixing tools ensures consistent and repeatable high blending accuracy. Even when adding shortening, liquid or block fats. An outstanding mixing performance is the standout feature of the Bhler Sanimix. The horizontal mixing process provides a fast mixing cycle and remarkable blending procedure, while the discharge flap with its large opening allows an emptying time of just seconds. With four machine sizes, two surface finishes and multiple options, customisation to individual requirements are easily possible.

ommon indicators and guidelines for environmental assessments will lead to shared understanding of livestocks environmental impact and better policymaking The International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF), together with the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) and the European Compound Feed Manufacturers Federation (FEFAC), has joined a new UN FAO-led partnership to improve how the environmental impacts of the livestock industry are measured and assessed. This is a vital and necessary first step in improving the sustainability of this important food production sector, says Professor Frank Mitloehner from the University of California, Davis, representing the feed industry, who has been elected as the Chairman of this partnership for the first year. Livestock raising and the consumption of animal products make a crucial contribution to the economic and nutritional wellbeing of millions of people around the world particularly in developing countries. Yet the need to improve environmental performance of the livestock sector will continue as the FAO estimates that demand for livestock products will continue to intensify over the decades to come. Meat consumption is projected to rise nearly 73 percent by 2050; dairy consumption will grow 58 percent over current levels. On starting his one-year Chairmanship, Professor Mitloehner highlighted that the FAO offer to facilitate dialogue among the private sector, governments and NGOs as an important step to bring together all available expertise on the latest advances in LCA research. Professor Mitloehner believes this will help bring about a robust, harmonised methodological approach on measuring GHG emission linked to livestock production, which would be a tremendous step forward in helping feed companies to develop credible and consistent LCA calculation tools. How to feed the world sustainably in 2050 is one of the central challenges we face, and it is vital that we continue to improve the efficiency of the use of natural resources and to better our performance in terms of sustainability across the whole feed and food chain, said Mario Sergio Cutait, IFIF Chairman. Mr. Cutait added The FAO-led partnership to improve how the environmental impacts

of the livestock industry are measured and assessed is an important step to tackle this challenge, and only by working together with all partners in the feed and food chain can we meet the demands of 60 percent more food by 2050 and do so sustainably. FEFAC President Patrick Vanden Avenne highlights the research benefits of this partnership could lead to changed diet patterns and composition for farm animals and fish reducing further GHG emissions attributed to livestock production. Mr. Vanden Avenne recalled that the global feed industry has already achieved enormous progress in reducing feed conversion rates for the production of meat, milk, eggs and fish, but that there was still great potential to reduce nutrient losses the in/out protein ratio through improved feed processing and better use of special feed ingredients, like additives and other products. AFIAs President and CEO, Joel Newman, underlined that the feed industry proposal to set up an LCA database for the most important feed ingredients used in animal nutrition, will provide a key contribution to improve the overall data quality in present LCA analysis. Mr Newman added all consortium partners look forward to contribute to this important task, which addresses one of the current weak links in LCA reports on GHG emissions from the livestock sector. Currently, many different methods are being used to measure and assess the environmental impacts of animal raising, making it difficult to compare results and set priorities for the continuous improvement of environmental performance along supply chains.

Working together to agree on a harmonised framework to foster sustainable development of the sector
The Feed Industry will work with the FAO and other governmental, private sector, and nongovernmental partners on a number of fronts to strengthen the science of environmental benchmarking of livestock supply chains. Activities planned for the initial three-year phase of the project include: Establishing science-based methods and guidelines on how to quantify livestocks carbon footprint, covering various types of livestock operations and rearing systems: Creating a database of greenhouse gas emission factors generated for the production of different kinds of animal feed feed production and use offer significant opportunities for reducing livestock emissions. Developing a methodology for measuring other important environmental pressures, such as water consumption and nutrient losses. Initiating a communications campaign to promote use of the partnerships methodologies and findings.

The entire inside of the mixer is seamlessly welded and therefore completely gapless. No cavities exist where any product might settle. In combination with Bhlers well-proven stainless steel design, the mixer meets the most rigorous sanitation standards. And of course the machine is absolutely low-maintenance: easy to operate, easy to clean, and easy to maintain. With the new Sanimix MRMA, Bhler offers its customers a sturdy yet elaborate high-capacity mixer that exceeds state-of-the-art sanitation. At Bhlers Grain Technology Center in Uzwil, Switzerland, customers can run trials on paddle and chopper mixers.

6 | July - august 2012

&feed millinG technoloGy


July - August 2012


School children get inspired thanks to HGCA and nabim

New website for Lallemand Animal Nutrition, suppliers of grown yeast and bacteria for the animal feed industry. The new www. site offers an improved user experience and includes a news section, blog, media centre and directory. School children and teachers learn more about the milling process at Bugbrooke Mill in Northampton visit at their Northamptonshire mill, s aid : I come from a long line of millers and cant emphasise enough the importance of keeping the industry alive and what better way than a competition like this it not only shows youngsters what we do, but hopefully will inspire them to becoming bakers of the future. The winners also bagged the prize of baking monkey bread which is a sweet or savoury dough, with BBC Great British Bake Off baker Paul Hollywood and 500 for each school to invest in kitchen equipment for cooking activities. Units 1 and 2 of the IAOM Correspondence Course in Flour Milling are now available in Spanish. Work is under way to translate the remaining six units into Spanish over the next several months. In addition, the unit on Wheat Flour Milling (Unit 3) has been translated into Arabic and is now available for Arabicspeaking millers. The Cargill team at Hales Point, USA has opened its $25 million grain elevator modernisation project. Cargill has tripled the amount of grain it can handle.

chool children and their teachers learned more about the milling industry after they won the chance to have a tour of a 1,000 yearold mill thanks to HGCA and nabim. The Inspire competition , which saw four schools from Belfast, Edinburgh, Wigan and Banbury win t h e t o p d ay o u t w a s organised by HGCAs and nabims educational project, Rob Heygate, of Heygates Limited Mills who hosted the


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July - august 2012 | 7


July - August 2012

by George Chancellor


World expert says watch the bigger market picture

a t c h ke y s h o r t and long-term indicators with particular care to plan your crop sales in what promises to be a very volatile market this season and be prepared not to sell at harvest if they suggest otherwise. This was the firm ad vice from inde pe nde nt world trade expert, Dan Basse of Chicago-based agricultural market specialists, AgResource at Cereals 2012.

global middle class particularly in Brazil, Russia, India and China as much as world population as a whole. World corn, wheat and soya consumption has increased steadily over the past 10 years, from an average of under 270 kg to over 300 kg per person. Per capital gross domestic product (GDP) is rising rapidly in China and India. With average per capita spending on food only around a quarter that of the

Feeling increasingly optimistic over the medium-term outlook for wheat

Speaking to more than 350 growers and advisers at a special A grii seminar, the leading comment ator and adviser to both US and Chinese governments said he was feeling increasingly optimistic over the medium-term outlook for wheat. At the same time, he was very bullish about the prospects for oilseed pricing over the coming winter. Explaining the reasoning behind this, Dan Basse clearly signposted growers to the most important indicators to watch in making the most of their crop marketing opportunities against a background of clear price volatility. We see a slight downside risk for world wheat prices under $240 /tonne (160 /t) FOB (delivered to port) in the immediate future, he explained. However, all our forecasts suggest a valuable upside above this level as we move into the winter, albeit with considerable short-term volatility. A gricultural commodities remain in a structural bull market. This is being fuelled by a massive expansion in the
8 | July - august 2012

US and Europe, however, there is considerable potential for further demand growth in the rapidly-developing world. Unlike the recent past, Dan Basse stressed that US ethanol production is no longer the force it was in world grain markets. Nor will Black Sea wheat set world grain price trends in 2012/13. Instead, he sees the key market drivers being weather and trade by which he really means a combination of adverse weather and demand from China and India, in particular. A g a i n s t a l l p r e v i o u s predictions, US blended gasoline consumption is currently in sharp decline, he pointed out . Af ter several years of phenomenal growth, US corn use for fuel ethanol has peaked and there is little or no need for additional acres of corn to serve this market. To such an extent that the US has recently become a significant exporter of nonbeverage ethanol. In 25 years Russia went from being one of the worlds largest importers of grain to one of its

leading exporters, Dan Basse continued. Serious drought across some of the regions le ading produc tion are a s this season, however, means Former Soviet Union (FSU) production and exports are forecast to be down by almost 20 percent. It all goes to show the extent to which weather as well as policy makes this part of the world an unreliable grain producer, fuelling considerable world market volatility. Overall, adverse weather in Europe, Russia and parts of China has already cut 2012 wor ld w h e at p ro d u c t io n estimates by 30 million tonnes, bringing it below forecast demand for the first time since 2006. While year-end stocks are expected to remain much higher than the lows of 2006 and 2007, they are set to decline for the fourth year in a row. These factors are likely to have a particular influence on market sentiment if continuing adverse weather in North America, Europe and Asia leads to further down-grading of 2012 production estimates. As could the potential shortage of high protein wheat Dan Basse sees from the US and Canada, depending on the weather at harvest. So they will clearly be

requirements from an increasingly affluent population is forecast to push Chinese corn imports up from 5 million tonnes in 2011/12 to 10 million or even 15 million tonnes in 2012/13. For the first time in its history, China will become a net importer of rice this year. And Chinese soybean imports are set to rise to an all-time record of around 60 million tonnes. Despite the record world corn crop of just under 950 million tonnes anticipated this year and the declining influence of US bio-ethanol production, the huge underlying food demand from China and other rapidlydeveloping countries gives Dan Basse growing confidence for wheat prices going forward. To feed t his demand, he reports that world vegetable oil consumption is growing at around five times the pace of that of wheat, coarse grains or rice. Yet the USDA soy bean new stocks /use ratio has declined to a record low of little more than four percent t his ye ar. U nder these circumstances, he has even more confidence in the outlook for oilseed rape prices. With the huge level of shortterm volatilit y we see in

The fundamental driver of both the world grain and oilseeds market now and for the foreseeable future is import demand from China,
key indicators for marketing decision making. The fundamental driver of both the world grain and oilseeds market now and for the foreseeable future is import demand from China, he insisted. Indian demand will also be an important influence. Coupled with government ince nt ive s , grow ing food agricultural commodity markets these days its vital growers are on-the-ball in understanding the most important drivers of international trade and weather if they are to make the most of the market, Dan Basse warned. Crucially, they need to be as well-informed in these respects throughout the year as those to whom they are selling.

&feed millinG technoloGy


July - August 2012


B Vista has launched a unique real time global Corn Quality Service. The service uses Near InfraRed (NIR) spectroscopy to predict quality of corn. The Corn Quality Service has been developed by AB Vista and their sister company Aunir who are world experts in Near Infra-Red (NIR) spectroscopy. NIR provides an alternative method to wet chemistry for analysing corn quality. Aunir has developed a database of NIR spectra from which

AB Vista launches a fully automated online corn quality service

proximate component values can be predicted and energy values estimated based on quality parameters. The results of NIR analysed via the Corn Quality Service provide AB Vista customers with instant and accurate predictions. This facilitates decision making and enables adjustments to be made in real time meaning that customers can optimise ingredients and additives use in diet formulations. The Corn Quality Service is a sophisticated web-based tool that delivers results to the customers instantly. This in turn enables the AB Vista technical team to offer advice on how to maximise output from a particular batch of corn. The results will be better managed in an online system which can be accessed remotely or onsite. Finally, the development of this service will allow a greater number of samples to be analysed, meaning that more of AB Vistas customers can benefit from this service and knowledge. Commenting on the launch, Dr. Tiago Santos, Technical Services Manager for AB Vista, said; The launch of the online, fully automated Corn Quality Service has made the process faster and more accessible customers. AB Vista is looking forward to being able to offer support and advice to more of its customers with this service. For more information about accessing this ser vice and creating an account, contact a member of the AB Vista team by emailing

eovia feed additives specialist has announced that it has entered in an exclusive agreement with Ojoka CSA Bvba for the distribution of its products portfolio in Belgium, from July 1, 2012.

Ojoka CSA Bvba: Neovia distributor in Belgium

This partnership will support the development of Neovias products por t folio which mainly consists of B -Safe, an exclusive copper-basedconcept growth promoter, T5X, a comprehensive solution

to alleviate mycotoxins effects, Oilis, a plant based solution for coccidiosis management. Johan de Paepe, Managing D ire c t o r o f O jo k a C S A commented: Neovia products are innovative and will bring a strong advantage to Belgium customers. We look forward

to a rewarding partnership with Neovia in the Belgium market. This new agreement will strengthen Neovia distribution net work in Europe . The company is already selling in 13 European countries, including six INVIVO NSA affiliates.

APW process weighers supplied to Egypt

ith a reputation for providing precision and versatile throughput weighing solutions in the flour milling sector, Nottingham-based Chronos BTH has supplied more of their CHRONO-WEIGH APW process weighers to a milling complex in Egypt. A total of seven CHRONOW E I G H A P W p r o c e s s weighers of the latest three loadcell design have been installed to provide a variety of roles within this milling complex ; from f irst break weighing through t o f l o u r b l e n d i n g. T h e s e process weighers form an integral part of the weighing a nd p ac k a g i n g e q u i p m e n t that have been installed by Chronos BTH. A CHRONO-BULK AW/ VW weigher controlled by a PC456i controller is providing bulk intake weighing of grain into the milling complex. Downstream of the milling process a CHRONO-FILL

K4. 2 Carousel pack ing system with RV packer is providing high-speed flour packing, at rates matched to the output of the mill. The order was secured by Issam Baydoun based in Jordan and comprises of equipment supplied from v a r i o u s C h ro n os BT H manufacturing locations around the world. All APW Weighers are designed for simple integration into new or e x i s t i n g m i l l s a n d a re capable of freest anding operation. APWs can also be interfaced with any mill control system and their compact design, features integral feedgate and discharge doors. Chro nos BTH L imi t e d incorporates Richard Simon Limited, Ver ville and Premier Tech Chronos - America for European spares, refurbishments, service, installation and commissioning.
July - august 2012 | 9

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July - August 2012

News secures sole uk distribution of HyRack has gained sole UK distribution rights of the popular HyRack pallet following Belgian pallet manufacturer IPS acquisition of the moulds and machinery from DS Smith Kaysersberg in France. Well known for its enhanced r ack ing per formance and durability, the HyRack pallet is a reliable workhorse; it has a static load capacity of 7,000kg, a dynamic load capacity of 2,000kg and is capable of supporting up to 1,000kg in beam and edge racking systems, making it the racking pallet of choice for a diverse range of industries. Moulded as a single piece measuring 120 0 mm ( L) x 1000mm (W), the HyRack pallets open flow-through top deck has no internal cavities where mould, dust and other contaminants can collect and is easily cleaned, which is why it is favoured by food ingredients and pharmaceutical companies. The design also incorporates lead in ramps on the internal edge of the base runners, ro u n d e d b l o c k s e c t i o n s , optional edge lips and anti-skid plugs and can be personalised through moulded-in logos or screen printing. The pallets rigid base offers easy four-way access for fork lifts and pallet trucks and due

to its rigidity and solid structure it is well suited to conveyor systems and other automated handling operations. Jim Hardisty, Managing Director of, said: We have a great partnership with IPS and can rely on them to produce exceptional quality products due to their technical k n ow l e d ge a nd i n je c t i o n m o u ld i n g e x p e r t i se . T he HyRack pallet is a welcome addition to our range of heavy duty plastic pallets. As Europes leading experts in low pressure injection moulding, IPS has 20 enormous moulding machines that are capable of producing over one million plastic pallets per year and has a 15,000 sq. m. warehouse facility, which can hold large volumes of stock a huge benefit for companies placing big consignment orders. In fact, IPS reputation and expertise recently secured the company an order for 4 0 0,0 0 0 specialist plastic pallets from Dutch beverage industry pooling association Dranken Pallet Beheer (DPB) who decided to replace all of its wooden pallets with the more durable plastic pallets. In addition, Goplasticpallets. co ms re ce n t w a re h o u se expansion means that the HyRack pallet will be available in the UK immediately from

stock and that the company is ready to meet demand as more and more companies go plastic. The first HyRack pallet hits IPS production run in July, initially as a six runner cruciform base version in recycled black, and will be available for delivery from in August. To f ind out more about t he HyR ack pallet , c all 01323 744057 or visit www.

10 | July - august 2012


&feed millinG technoloGy


JANUARY 29 - 31, 2013 | Georgia World Congress Center | Atlanta, Georgia USA




Nutritional impact of pellet binders

by Thomas S. Winowiski, Technical Application Manager, LignoTech, USA
ellet binders are used primarily for their ability to improve pellet quality but they often contribute nutrients as well. For example, lignin sulfonate may contain metabolizable carbohydrate (AAFCO, Morrison) and ureaformaldehyde may be a source of slow-release nitrogen for ruminants (Gribbins). In contrast, wheat and whey are used primarily for their nutrient value but are also known to have a positive binding effect. The nutrient contribution of a binder should be recognised and included in the formulation, but the real reason for using these ingredients is because of the impact physical form of the pellet has on animal performance.

Fine segregation
Good pellet quality is necessary to prevent segregation of ingredients. The importance of uniform mixing is well documented (Table 1). Broilers fed poorly mixed feed with a CV of 40.5 percent had poorer performance than those fed adequately mixed
Table 1: Impact of poor mixing on 28 day growth assay Salt CV, % ADG, g Feed/Grain Mortality, % 40.5 23.6 1.82 12.0 12.1 30.0 1.72 0.0

feed with CV of 12.1 percent (McCoy). It stands to reason that unmixing could have a similar negative impact. Figure 1 shows how fines segregate when they are transferred. (In this case a small amount of carbon black was added to a corn/ soya mix prior to pelleting so that the pellets would contrast with the undarkened fines.) This occurs every time bulk pellets are dropped into a cooler, truck, or silo. Fines dont roll as easily as pellets and stop in the first space they fall into. These fines typically contain higher levels of mineral and fat; mineral because pieces are likely to break out of the pellet and fat because it is more likely to be associated with poor binding. This is even more critical when fat is applied after the pellet press. When fines fill the spaces between pellets they may hinder flow. Figure 2 shows how fines remained in a silo allowing the pellets to flow out first. In this test a bulk truck unloaded two shipments of Turkey Grower pellets into similar farm silos. The feed was then removed and sacked off. Every tenth bag was screened to measure fines. Inclusion of a binder

Figure 2: Segregation of fines exiting a farm silo

Figure 3: Shift in pellet durability measured by two different methods

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Figure 1: Segregation that occurs when pellets containing 20 percent fines are transferred.


Quality pellets make a difference

Do the animals get all the costly feed ingredients you have carefully chosen for them - or is some of your pelleted feed lost as fines during production, storage or transport?
Improve your pellet quality and pelleting efficiency with our high performance pellet binders and lubricating aids, suitable for all feeds! For more information about our pelleting aids and other feed additives, visit our website or contact us!

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Further information is available from Borregaard LignoTech: E-mail:

Table 2: Effect of process changes on pellet durability Production Factor Batch X1 DDGs 0 10% 0 10% 0 10% 0 10% X2 LS Binder 0 0 1% 1% 0 0 1% 1% X3 Temp, C 79.1 78.8 79.0 77.7 82.8 85.2 91.7 91.3 Pellet Durability New Holmen 85.1 82.7 90.5 89.6 86.8 85.2 91.7 91.3 KSU Tumbler 92.0 90.9 94.1 93.8 92.3 92.2 94.8 94.5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

reduced delivered fines from 21.3 percent to 9.7 percent and was a positive step toward reducing segregation (Winowiski).

Binding benefits
Quality pellets reduce segregation and increase productive energy. It has been clearly demonstrated that fast-growing birds fed pellets spend less time eating and more time resting (Skinner-Noble). Just like us, this behavior helps them to pack on the pounds. By reducing the energy required for prehension of their food they shift calories from maintenance to production. Broilers

fed good quality pellets have been shown to have significantly increased gain while those fed low durability pellets performed the same as those fed unpelleted diets (Lemme). Shifting 10 units of fines into pellets has been shown to increase the effective caloric value (ECV) of the feed by 18.7 kcal/kg (McKinney). This is simply the result of birds spending less of their energy eating. Suppose adding 0.5 percent pellet binder could cause a 10 unit shift in fines at the feeder. That would mean that 5 kg of binder effectively contributed 18,700 kcal per metric ton of feed; each kilo of binder therefore effectively contributed 3,740 kcal to the diet. Are pellet binders really that effective? That remains to be measured, and the type of segregation that is illustrated in Figure 2 makes it obvious that simply collecting a few samples might give a misleading result. Pellet durability testers can be useful for testing binders, as well as determining the impact of other factors such as adding distillers grains or increasing conditioning temperature. The Tumbling

Can method (Kansas State University) and the New Holmen method (Borregaard LignoTech) are both effective tools for measuring durability and predicting the amount of fines that will be delivered to the farm. Their ability to measure quality changes in a corn/ soya pellet was tested in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial experiment (Winowiski). The changes were: adding 10 percent DDGS; adding one percent lignin sulfonate (LS Binder); and increasing conditioning temperature by 5C (Table 2 and Figure 3). Each of these changes was expected to cause a change in pellet durability. The point of this test was to measure the relative impact of each factor and the ability of the two methods to clearly show the response. There was good agreement between the two methods, but the effect on pellet quality was easier to observe with the New Holmen method. Most pellet binders can make some nutrient claims. However, the main reason for using a commercial binder is to secure the benefits associated with good pellet quality. The choice to use a particular product should be made first based on its binding performance. This is its purpose and this is where its real value lies. It should be possible to measure a binders performance directly at the feed plant by use of a pellet durability test. A positive response should then be confirmed with field samples. Only after a product has been selected based on its performance is it time to consider the nutrients it may contribute.

AAFCO - Association of American Feed Control Officials. 2010. Official Feed Definitions 87.2 Lignin Sulfonate and 87.19 Urea Formaldehyde Condensation Polymer. Gribbins, M. F. 1954. Ruminant Feed Composition. U.S. Patent No. 2,687,354. Lemme, A., P. J. A. Wijtten, J. van Wichen, A. Petri, and D. J. Langhout. 2006. Responses of male growing broilers to increasing levels of balanced protein offered as coarse mash or pellets of varying quality. Poultry Science 85:721-730. McCoy, R. A., K. C. Behnke, J. D. Hancock, and R. R. McEllhiney. 1994. Effect of mixing uniformity on broiler chick performance. Poultry Sci. 73:443-451. McKinney, L. J., and R. G. Teeter. 2004. Prediction effective caloric value of nonnutritive factors: I. Pellet quality and II. Prediction of Consequential Formulation Dead Zones. Poultry Science 83:1165-1174. Morrison, H. L., P. W. Waldroup, D. E. Green, and E. L. Stephenson. 1968. Determination of the Metabolizable Energy and Feeding Value of a Lignin Sulfonate Pellet Binder. Poultry Sci. 47:592-597. Skinner-Noble, D. O., L. J. McKinney, and R. G. Teeter. 2005. Predicting effective caloric value of nonnutritive factors: III. Feed form affects broiler performance by modifying behavior patterns. Poultry Science 84:403-411. Winowiski, Thomas. 1988. Wheat and pellet quality. Feed International, July, pp. 43-44. Winowiski, Thomas, and E. J. Bernal. 2011. Comparison of pellet durability methods. LignoTech USA, 29 September, 2011.

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Generating added value by

by Christopher Rubin, Head of Product Management and Marketing, Pasta and Extruded Products business unit, Bhler, Switzerland

xtrusion applied in the food processing industry serves for upgrading carbohydrate- and protein-based raw materials. In the field of carbohydrate-based raw materials, starch by far accounts for the largest share. Grain-based foods are staples throughout the world. Day in, day out, millions of tons of grain are processed in food production plants. In addition to baking flour, dark flour and bran are also obtained during grain processing, especially with wheat. Extrusion technology is a possible way of further processing flour and the by-products obtained in the process. Extruders are used in a wide variety of flour processing applications. The most important resulting products are breakfast cereals, baby food, breadcrumbs, croutons, plus modified flours and starches used, for example, as soup or sauce binders or in the bakery industry.

If the correct amount of thermal and mechanical energy is introduced into the product in the extrusion process, this will enable end products to be made which are soluble either in cold or hot water and have a certain bandwidth of viscosities. Swelling flours are used as binders, fillers, or freshness extenders in baked goods. The extrusion process is particularly suited to the modification of flours because it does not require the use of any chemicals whatever. These flours are therefore suitable also as ingredients in products subject to a clean label policy. When using extruded swelling flours, it is enough to declare wheat flour on the ingredient list.

Bhler presents new twin-screw extruder

The goal of our development efforts was to offer an extruder which would satisfy customers needs in the respective segments they are engaged in while still being a much simpler solution than the comparable all-rounder PolyTwin, explains the development engineer in charge.

Extrusion as an alternative
Another possible use is the production of breadcrumbs. Extrusion technology enables breadcrumbs to be produced on the basis of a wide variety of raw materials. Whereas high-protein flours such as wheat or rye flours are needed for developing a gluten framework in the traditional production process, it is basically possible to apply all starchcontaining products in the extrusion process. This also allows the use of lower-grade wheat flours or corn (maize), rice, or potato flours. In this case, the dough is caused to rise on the one hand due to its expansion at the die.

Modified and still a clean label

Modified flours are also called swelling flours. Swelling flours are characterised by their modified water absorption capacity and their solubility properties. The viscosity of flour-and-water suspensions can be adjusted to the specific applications by selection of the suitable extrusion parameters.
16 | July - august 2012

The PrioTwin has been designed for continuous production with few product changes. Thanks to its new modules and its leaner design, it is particularly easy to operate. It combines proven processes using simplified modules, which reduces the capital investment cost. In developing this new design, careful attention was also paid to integrating the extrusion process optimally in the upstream and downstream process stages in order to offer integral solutions with a high customer value.


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FEATURE Extruded Bran Sticks a by-product transformed into valuable food flours as well as wheat bran are as a rule sold at low prices to the feed manufacturing industry. The extruder enables also such by-products to be upgraded into high-grade foods. Both by-products can be processed into breakfast cereals, but are also used in a modified form as ingredients in other foods. Bran flakes are highly popular today. Extruded wheat bran, for instance, can fetch double the price of wheat bran in its native form. The opportunities that wheat bran presents as a high-grade food are significant. The high dietary fiber content of wheat bran gives the product an aura of health. The basis for making all the products mentioned above is grain flour. This is what the extrusion process has in common with conventional bakery processes. The difference however lies in the dough texture. The dough framework of conventional bakery goods is based on proteins such as gluten and pentosans. The texture of extruded products is based on starch. The raw material must have a starch content of at least five to ten percent in order to ensure a stable end product texture. The protein content may be low, that is, below ten percent. Flours with such protein contents are typically unsuitable for baking. As the flour price is among other factors also influenced by the protein content, low-protein flours are less expensive than high-protein ones. The extruder therefore allows also inexpensive flours to be processed.

On the other hand, dough rising can also be controlled through specific chemical or physical agents. Fluctuations in the raw material quality are easier to balance in the extrusion process. In addition, it is possible to accurately adjust the texture, colour, and particle size. Moreover, extrusion is a highly energy-efficient process. The much lower water contents in the product formula in comparison to traditional production, in conjunction with short retention times, ensures low energy costs, especially during subsequent drying. The energy costs per ton of finished product based on

a capacity of two metric tons per hour are twice as high in the traditional process as in the extrusion process. In addition, the extruder offers the flexibility required to produce related products such as baking peas and croutons or even bread chips on a given processing line by selecting an appropriate configuration.

Extrusion increases value generation

Even very dark flours (low-grade flours) and wheat bran are suitable as raw materials for processing by the extruder. Low-grade

More InforMatIon: Christopher Rubin, Bhler AG

Tel: +41 71 9551111 Fax: +41 71 9553851 Email: Website:


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he agricultural workplace is full of hazards, with farmers at particularly high risk of work related injuries, illnesses and even death. It is vitally important therefore that the right precautions are taken consistently to protect the health and safety of everyone in the farm environment, be they farmers themselves, those that work for them, both employees and contractors - as well as visitors and family members. Taking farm safety and security seriously is a key part of any successful business plan in the agricultural sector. Get it right and things go much more efficiently. Get it wrong, even for a second, and things can easily tip into disaster with tragic consequences for individuals and indeed the whole business. Of course attention has to be focused on the big hazards that can maim and kill, but accidents like slips, trips and falls, chronic poisoning, eye injuries, cuts and crushing can all happen in an agricultural setting, so it is important to raise everyones awareness and help prevent these accidents from becoming a regular occurrence. And farming is one of the few high-risk industries where the workforce has to share its working environment with the family; most farms are homes as well as workplaces and the dangers for children especially are ever present.

in the working environment

to plant when and where, as well as making regular assessments of risks such as pests and plant and animal diseases. The management of health and safety is no different. This is why a risk assessment is integral to ensuring that the agricultural workplace continues to run smoothly, as well as providing the business with a credible action plan for the future. If assessments are suitably comprehensive, they will not only pick up risks from hazards such as farm machinery, electricity and animals, but will also help to pinpoint any fire risks and help assess the best and safest way of storing fertilisers and other hazardous substances.

by Roger Bibbings, Occupational Safety Adviser, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, United kingdom
health damage, for example, lung diseases, noise-induced hearing loss, skin diseases, and certain cancers associated with chemical use and prolonged sun exposure. When it comes to working out what action needs to be taken to prevent these things happening, carrying out some basic risk assessments is a good place to start so that you can manage the risks sensibly and maintain a safe and sound working environment. The law is pretty clear. The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HSW Act) puts a duty on all employers to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of employees and any others who may be affected by what they do. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 backs this up with key management tasks. Self-employed people also have a duty to look after themselves and others. But it is not really about the law. Taking sensible precautions is the right thing to do. And if the resources and effort are properly directed at the main threats, it makes good business sense too. After all, healthy quality crops and animals are what keep the farming industry thriving and they enable farmers and growers to stay in business. So how much more important is it that those who deliver these outputs should be healthy and safe too? Effective agricultural practice is all about good planning, such as focusing on just what

Hidden hazards >

Many hazards are obvious but it is vital that everyone on the farm, especially new starters and those who are new to the industry, know about hidden dangers such as oxygen deficient atmospheres in confined spaces, such as those found in grain/forage silos and bins, slurry pits etc. These enclosed spaces can be accidents waiting to happen and in some cases people have been killed just because they were ignorant of the hazard. Serious injuries can result from fires, near drowning in pools or asphyxiation from being crushed by bales etc. When carrying out an assessment, ask yourself: can the work be done another way? If it involves substances hazardous to

Risk assessment >

It is not just about accidents. Farming also brings with it a high risk of work-related
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FEATURE health like solvents, can it be done outside? Alternatively, check the area in question has adequate ventilation before starting and in case of the worst case scenario happening, make sure you have proper emergency arrangements in place and provide rescue equipment. people. For example, if tractors, farm vehicles and other workplace vehicles fall into the wrong hands, the repercussions can be lethal. Obviously, these vehicles should be properly maintained and suitable training given to all operators. Remember, in agriculture the most common cause of serious and fatal injuries involves moving and overturning vehicles. Proper guarding is absolutely vital, for example, to prevent the terrible accidents that can occur with PTO shafts. Incidents occur when the vehicle has been left unattended; always check the vehicle braking system and make sure it is properly maintained. It is also advisable to use the safe stop procedure whenever you leave a vehicle; handbrake on and controls in neutral, before turning the engine off and removing the key. Each vehicle and piece of machinery needs to be assessed against actual conditions of use so that safe systems of work can be put in place.

Getting caught out >

But it is often the apparently mundane and routine things that catch people out. That is why it is so important to constantly check that work areas are free from obstructions such as trailing cables and that buildings are kept in good repair. And remember to think about visitors safety as well; once they have set foot on your premises their safety becomes your responsibility. Toilet and welfare facilities should also be provided and cleaned regularly as well as a clean drinking water supply maintained. Microbiological hazards are critical too. It is not just the well known zoonotic infections such as brucellosis or ring worm, but the need to maintain awareness of the threat of infection from animal wastes and other materials that can harbour hazardous micro-organisms.

Avoiding falls >

Falls are the second highest cause of death in agriculture, but most fall injuries can be avoided. To stop your farm losing out on time and money as a result of fall injuries, ensure that all work at height is planned and supervised, with competent people in charge. Falls often happen from roofs, ladders, vehicles, bale stacks, among others, so it

Machinery and vehicles >

Farm machinery continues to increase in size, power and sophistication. Often it is complex and highly expensive. Its use needs to be restricted to trained, competent

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FEATURE is important to be risk aware and follow the law: Avoid work at height where you can If not, use work equipment or measures to prevent falls If not, use work equipment that minimises the distance and consequences of a fall. Forward planning here goes a long way; for example, stacking materials is a skill and requires trained staff to carry out the job safely and properly. Thorough inspections and correct use of ladders for access to the load will help to minimise the risk of injury, as will ensuring that full loads are secured before leaving the field. A falling bale, for example, can kill quite easily, so remaining alert is a must when unloading and destacking so that no people are hurt in the vicinity. It is also necessary to check that the ladders which you are using are set up on level ground, free from obstruction so that they are not leaning against a fragile surface and secure enough to prevent them from slipping. trained to associate people with feeding, grooming or exercise. Handling aids such as bull poles and halters are not a bad idea and no one should ever enter an enclosure when a bull is loose - as it can kill.

Health & Safety in the mill

When weighing, milling and mixing animal feeds it is important that employers, the self-employed and contractors comply with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH). This law exists to protect workers health when coming into contact with high dust levels produced by the moving and processing of grain and seed. Lung diseases such as asthma can ensue as a result of short-term and longterm exposure to the dust which contains bacteria, fungi and insect residues. Controlling the level of exposure is the best way to help prevent occupational lung diseases from developing. If breathing in the dust is unavoidable, the use of respiratory protective equipment (RPE) is advised. Workers should receive training on how to use RPE properly, including the importance of keeping it clean and stored away from dust. Some dusts, such as barley, can irritate the skin. Only trained people should be present during the milling process and there should be plenty of ventilation, typically five to 10 air changes per hour, with a through draught. The equipment should also be checked for signs of damage, ensuring that the dust extraction and gauges work properly. A ventilation engineer should examine the extraction and test its performance at least one every 14 months and non-disposable RPE should also be examined and tested at least once every three months. Keeping records of these examinations and tests for at least five years will highlight where preventive maintenance may be needed. Ensure you have the up-to-date safety data sheets for all chemicals and products and plan for as well as practise emergency procedures. Include supervisors and managers in health and safety training and supervise your workers, making sure they know what to do if something goes wrong as well as following the correct work method. Above all, make sure you consult them to get their views, ideas and buy-in. More information can be found at: agriculture/resources/coshh/ ag3-animal-feed.htm

Prevention: education & training >

In summary, despite less than 1.5 per cent of the working population being employed in agriculture, the sector is responsible for between 15 per cent and 20 per cent of fatalities to workers each year. According to the HSE, in 2010/11, there were 42 fatalities reported, which is consistent with the agriculture average over the past five years. To reiterate, the main causes of death to workers are being run over by agricultural transport or a vehicle overturning. This is closely followed by falling from a height and being struck by moving or falling objects such as bales. So what is the answer with regards to reducing this number of incidents? Fundamentally it lies in education and training and encouraging individuals to make significant changes to their behaviour. It also requires leadership by example by farmers themselves and farm managers. Do not be afraid to ask for help. There are many bodies out there; suppliers, major customers, RoSPA, the NFU, safety groups, and colleges that can all help you to take stock of where you are now and where you can make improvements. Remember, safety is no accident. If you fail to plan for safety, then you are planning to fail. More

Livestock dangers >

Another area that needs to be assessed to make it safer and more efficient is that of livestock handling. The handling of cattle in particular needs great care and attention as it always involves a risk of injury. There have been many incidents of crushing, kicking, butting or goring of humans by cattle and many people have died as a result. But the risk of injury is greater if the animals have not been handled regularly and there should be a culling policy in place for temperamental animals. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) states that all bulls should be

Website: For more information on agricultural health and safety, visit www.

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Health & Safety in the mill

Powder Containment
September 25, 2012
by Pam Davison, Associate Consultant Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology, PJD Process
What is your role in Powder Containment?
My role is to work with manufacturers to reduce the health risks to workers when working with particulates and powders. It can include assessing and documenting the risks for a specific material and process, prioritising the problems and finding cost effective solutions. Materials can be very different in their potential to harm. Particle size, dustiness, the process, equipment, amount of material, how many and what manual operations are done can be different for different products. These things affect the potential exposure. If there isnt much experience of successful dust problem solving in a company it adds uncertainty. Talking to a specialist can help to keep costs down and make sure that industry standard solutions are considered of weakness and look at the impact of ergonomics on design and how worker behaviors can affect the airborne particle level. There is a tour of the Wolfson Centre pilot plant and a chance to meet senior staff. Powder blockages and flow problems can lead to releases of powder when lines are opened to clear them or equipment fails. Sometimes solving an underlying processing or equipment problem means airborne powder issues can be eliminated. There is a surgery for individual advice at the end of the day.

Who is the Powder Containment course aimed at?

Its aimed at people who work in industries using organic or inorganic particulates, mixtures, blends or powders in their processing as raw materials, intermediates or products. They may be managers, supervisors, safety, engineering or other technical staff making the business case for change, responding to process developments and/ or providing and installing solutions.

What are the themes of the Powder Containment course?

The main themes are; perceptions and consequences (for example, did you know that flour dust can cause asthma?), capture and containment, equipment selection and performance expectations. Fire and explosion risks are mentioned but not dealt with in any detail. There is a separate in- depth one-day course available on this topic entitled Dust Explosions how to manage DSEAR/ATEX compliance. There are also sections on this important subject included on the Biomass Handling, Feeding and Storage course, as well as briefly on the general Overview of Particulate Handling Technology course.

With so many training courses available, why should people attend a Powder Containment course?
For powders and particulates the devil is in the detail. Understanding is often built up over time by experience in the workplace. Industry and regulators now expect a faster, more accurate and cost effect response to problems as Health and Safety is involved. This course gives a good grounding, provides tools for immediate use and references and contacts for follow up questions.

What are you most excited about for Powder Containment?

Every course brings a new mix of industries so I always learn something new about a different set of materials, products or processes. It is good for people to realise that others have similar problems and that solutions can cross over between different types of industry where they may be tried and tested.

What can participants expect to see and do?

Attendees often come from very different industries. We encourage participation and ask attendees to share their issues and offer ideas for solutions. We look at some different risk assessment approaches including the UK H&SE 5 step approach, a case study and HSG258 for airflow capture systems. Barrier systems are reviewed for higher risk materials with the opportunity to discuss points
22 | July - august 2012

How has the Powder Containment course changed and developed?

Course numbers are limited to allow time for discussion and sharing of experiences and concerns. The location is the Medway campus of the University of Greenwich at Chatham Maritime in Kent.

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North America

Course content has been added to with information on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of CHemicals (REACH) legislation and its impact on manufacturing. This course is part of a suite available at the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solid Handling Technology. Other courses delivered at the Medway campus include: Storage and Discharge of Powders and Bulk Solids; Pneumatic Conveying of Bulk Solids; Segregation, Degradation and Caking; Overview of Particulate Handling Technology; Dust Explosions How to manage DSEAR/ATEX Compliance; Evaluation of Electrostatics in powder handling; Practical Powder Characterisation for Industry. All courses are also available as in-company courses, to be delivered at your place of work.


Our grain storage systems come with six continents of experience.

Westeel offers a full line of professionally engineered grain storage products and systems for international sale all backed by Westeels superior service and product support. Commercial Grain Storage Bins (up to 674,000 bushels/18,343 tonnes) On-Farm Grain Storage Bins (starting from 2,390 bushels/65 tonnes) Aeration Systems Bin Unload and Grain Handling Systems Systems Engineering and Design

More InforMatIon: September 25, 2012 Powder Containment Contact: Caroline Chapman The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology University of Greenwich Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime Kent, ME4 4TB United Kingdom
Tel: +44 20 8331 8646 Email: Web:

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A fresh perspective on UK milling wheat

by David Neale, Business Development Manager, Agrii, United Kingdom

scalating production costs and risks, uncertain premiums, growing workload pressures and attractive feed prices are all serving to undermine the confidence of even the most historically committed of UK milling wheat growers. To such an extent that a fresh industry-wide approach to quality wheat will be essential if sufficient domestic production is to be maintained. Annual HGCA surveying shows a reduction of just under 20 percent in the area of Group 1 & 2 wheats grown in the UK over the past four years from 650,000 ha in 2009/10 to less than 530, 000 ha in the most recent season (Figure 1). HGCA quality records further show 2011 was the best year for wheat quality since 2006 with 40 percent of Group 1 samples making the full 13 percent protein, 250 Hagberg, 76 kg/hl specific weight milling specification. This meant quality wheats were in reasonable supply despite the substantial shift away from milling wheat growing.

Overall, quality is likely to be far closer to the 10-year average than last year. And it might even be nearer to 2007 and 2008, when just 11 percent and six percent respectively of Group 1 wheat samples made the full specification (Figure 2). So domestic supplies are set to be tight. The current seasons difficulties and concerns are also making farmers less inclined to grow milling wheat; especially so in the face of increasingly attractive world feed wheat prices and expanding domestic feed grain markets for bioethanol. The indicative margins our farm management specialists calculate on a regular basis for our agronomists to work with their growers, indeed, show milling wheat stacking-up relatively poorly against feed wheat production even before the latest steep rises in world markets.

At a very modest 155/tonne, for instance, a 10t/ha 2011/12 Group 4 wheat is set to deliver a gross margin of 894/ha. This compares with 723/ha for a 9t/ha Group 1 at the same price. Assuming it is paid on the entire tonnage, this means a premium of 20/t is required for margin parity. However, if only 30 percent of samples make the full specification in line with the 10-year average our calculations suggest this premium will compensate for less than half the feed wheat yield difference at the base price of 155/tonne, making milling wheat a seriously unattractive proposition. Under these circumstances and with such pressures on margins and workloads, it is hardly surprising so many growers are losing confidence in milling wheat. All the more so with the premium variations and intake deductions they encounter, not to mention increasing economic and environmental pressures on nitrogen and other essential input use.

Meeting milling specifications

In addition, of course, there is an urgent need to respond to the serious black-grass challenge facing up to 20 percent of the present wheat area and the legacy of the most substantial take-all and foliar disease season in recent memory; challenges which may well necessitate alternative cropping strategies in some cases, with particular consequences for the

2012 outlook
This year, however, things look set to be very different. Protein levels and specific weights, in particular, are widely expected to be disappointing. Fusarium infections have heightened mycotoxin concerns. And the atrociously wet summer meant a challenging, delayed harvest.
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Figure 1: Group 1 & 2 Wheat Area Source: AHDB HGCA Variety Survey Results

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FEATURE Added to data from breeders and official testing, this allows us to pick varieties that will best meet our customers requirements and provide the best possible advice on their suitability for different rotational slots and conditions. It also means we can offer the most timely agronomic support to Figure 2: Proportion of Group 1 Wheat Samples help improve producAchieving Full Milling Specification Source: AHDB tion efficiency and reliHGCA Quality Survey Results ability in the face of the increasing seasonal second wheat slot in which so many milling variability associated with climate change. This detailed variety understanding furwheats are currently grown. Our industry-leading Co-ordinated ther means we can plan seed production, Growing Systems (COGS) research into and work with buyers through our partners, varietal capabilities and agronomy across Glencore and Scotgrain to secure ready different soil types is enabling us to develop markets ahead of a varietys commercial very much more reliable recipes for milling availability. That way were able to ensure wheat production for growers across the both sufficient seed supply and sufficient country; particularly so as far as meeting the end-market demand. In parallel, close working with wheat protein specification by far the most common reason for Group 1 sample failures is breeders through leading UK authority, Bill Angus is giving us a valuable edge in making concerned. We have, for instance, established indi- the most of the much more rapid varividual response curves for grain protein ety progress possible through exciting new accumulation from applied nitrogen for key genetic technologies like genome mapping, varieties on heavy and light soils over a marker-assisted selection, double haploidy number of seasons as the basis for far more and single seed descent. precise agronomy. Equally, extensive long-term black-grass Encouraging sustainable crop and second wheat management studies are valuation allowing us to support producers with the Even so, all this work alone wont be sufbest possible guidance on maintaining winter ficient to prevent the decline in milling wheat wheat viability in face of the most important growing reaching a level at which it causes agronomic challenges. serious future supply shortages. It needs Through our work were able to estab- to be accompanied by an altogether more lish early in an emerging varietys life how sustainable and predictable approach to crop good it really is and where it best fits. valuation and premium-setting. Experience, after all, teaches growers that however attractive premiums may appear for the immediate season, they cannot be relied upon for the period over which they are having to budget (2013/14 sales for crops planted this autumn). In recent years we have been involved in the development of a number of dynamic market-led examples for encouraging sufficient supplies of crops for value-added markets that could provide a model for the new, more productive industry relationship we believe is vital for the health of UK milling wheat production. Particularly attractive in this context are the arrangements that have been developed to encourage the reliable supply of specialist rapeseed and oats. Closed-loop contracts have been developed between growers and OSR crushers for High Oleic, Low Linolenic (HOLL) rape to serve the healthy cooking oil market, and between growers and millers for naked oats for human food and high value animal feeds. These offer fixed premia over standard rapeseed and feed wheat respectively for supplies meeting agreed specifications grown on specific contract; arrangements which provide growers with the assurance they will receive a set premium for a specific crop if it makes the required specification before they commit to growing it. And equally, from the processors stand-point that they can secure the supplies they need to serve their customers at a fixed premium over the commodity market. In the face of the serious production, market and environmental pressures facing milling wheat producers, we no doubt that such a thoroughly joined-up industry approach to marketing as well agronomy will be essential to the very future of UK milling wheat production.


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July - august 2012 | 25



Understand enzyme recovery in pelleted feed

by Jrme Lamoine1, expert in Product Application Technologies, Adisseo, France

eed compounders have to ensure feed safety, which requires more heat treatment than before, especially to control salmonella. But they also have to handle pelleting parameters in order to guarantee the stability of additives, particularly enzymes, pelleting being the critical phase with a major risk of loss of activity. Adisseo carried out trials2 comparing various equipment: single or double classical conditioners, thermic and mechanical treatment equipment such as compactors or expanders, with different operating parameters: duration, energy, and tem-

peratures ranging from 80C to 98C. The tests were conducted on commercial feed compounds in Europe and Asia including NSP enzyme with a xylanase activity target of 1100 u/kg. As shown in Table 1, in most cases, the xylanase activity reached the target value. But, even if the same kind of equipment were used, the results differed according to numerous processing parameters such as the length of conditioning, the pelleting equipment characteristics, the feed output and the cooling. The following explanations are taken from literature and Adisseos technical expertise.

The role of conditioning

Literature shows that, due to steam addition, the conditioning temperature has a direct impact on enzyme recovery after pelleting3. Furthermore, because of the coating effect acting like a fuse, the enzyme inactivation is not always linear. Trials show that coated xylanase can resist higher temperatures, but only up to a certain level (On Graph 1 for example, the coated xylanase is stable up to 85C, but loses 35 percent of activity at 95C; the fuse threshold is exceeded). The duration of conditioning also affects enzyme stability. Trials performed on a pilot pellet mill4 show that increasing the conditioning

Table 1: Effect of different conditioning equipments and pelleting settings on NSP enzyme activity in feed Trial conditions: Type of conditioner Feed output (tons/h) Temperature after conditioner Temperature before pellet mill Xylanase activity: After conditioner 1368 After pellet mill After cooler: units/kg (recovery vs target %) 1200 1205 1048 (95.3%) 1186 1260 904 (82.2%) Line 1 Single not reported 90C 90C 10.0 80C 80C Line 2 Line 3 Double 14.9 80C 80C 11.2 80C 80C Line 4 Line 5 Compactor 12.0 75C 89C Line 6 Expander 12.0 80C 98C 9.0 73C 85C Line 7

Target = 1100 units/kg (100.0%) 1079 1205 1052 (95.6%) Wear and settings of die and rolls impact, + lower output of the line = higher pelleting specific energy 1100 325 284 (25.8%) 700 678 542 (49.3%) no 0 0 (0.0%) sample no sample 1124 (102.2%)


Results on target

Bad cooling effect

High mechanical treatment

High mechanical and heat treatment

Moderate mechanical and heat treatment

26 | July - august 2012


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The more you increase the duration of conditioning the more you lose enzyme activity, example,thecoatedxylanaseisstableupto85C,butloses35%ofactivityat95C;thefuse saysJrmeLamoine. thresholdisexceeded). FEATURE
100% 90% 80% %ofactivityinmashfeed 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 65C 75C 85C 95C Processingtemperature Coatedxylanase Xylanase1 Xylanase2 Xylanase3


100% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

% ofactivityvsm ash

68% 100%



13% 26% 7% 15min






Processing temperature

Uncoatedxylanases1,2,and3aredestroyedatlowtemperaturelevels,whencoatedxylanasecanresistup temperature,theenzymehaslost60%ofitsactivityat15minutescomparedto30seconds. to85C.Butat95C,itscoatingislessprotective.

Graph 1: Effect of conditioning temperature on different xylanases recovery after pelleting. Uncoated xylanases 1, 2, and 3 are destroyed at low temperature levels, when coated xylanase can resist up to 85C. But at 95C, its coating is less protective.


Graph 2 : Effect of conditioning time at different temperatures, on glucanase recovery after pelleting.

Coatedenzymescanalsoresisttospecificheatandmechanicaltreatments(likecompactors The same feed has been kept at different temperatures during 30 seconds or 15 minutes. At each temperature, the enzyme orexpanders),butagain,onlyuptoacertainlevel(lines5to7inTable1). has lost

time from 30 seconds to 15 minutes leads to a 60 percent increase of enzyme loss of activity at any temperature from 75C to 95C (see Graph 2). The more you increase the duration of conditioning the more you lose enzyme activity, says Jrme Lamoine.

Thecharacteristicsofpelletingequipmentsalsohaveanimpactonenzymerecoveryinfeed. For example, an increase of the compression ratio (ratio between channel length and Filip_Anzeige_130x180mm_GB_c_Filip_Anzeige_117x191mm_US_c 16.11.11 17:33 Seite 1 diameterofthedie,L/d),improvesthepelletquality,increasesthefinaltemperatureofthe pellets, but results in higher losses of enzymes. Compression ratio and also production output(tonsperhour)ofthelinehaveanimpactontheretentiontimeoffeedinsidethe pellet die. Tecaliman has shown that extendingthe duration of retention in the pellet mill dieincreasesthepellettemperatureanddecreasestheenterobacteriacontent5.SoJrme Lamoine wonders what happened to the enzymes. His trials, achieved at a customer feedmill,provethatwhenusingtwoidenticalpelletinglines,withthesameequipment,the sieve cleaning brushes sameproductandthesametemperature,xylanaserecoverydropsfrom79%to21%(lines3 sieve cleaners with studs and4in Table1).Themaindifferencebetweenthetwolineswasthefeedflows(14.9t/hvs

60 percent of its activity at 15 minutes compared to 30 seconds.

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Pelleting equipment
Coated enzymes can also resist specific heat and mechanical treatments (like compactors or expanders), but again, only up to a certain level (lines 5 to 7 in Table 1). The characteristics of pelleting equipment also have an impact on enzyme recovery in feed. For example, an increase of the compression ratio (ratio between channel length and diameter of the die, L/d), improves the pellet quality, increases the final temperature of the pellets, but results in higher losses of enzymes. Compression ratio and also production output (tons per hour) of the line have an impact on the retention time of feed inside the pellet die.

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Feed output
Tecaliman has shown that extending the duration of retention in the pellet mill die increases the pellet temperature and decreases the enterobacteria content5. So Jrme Lamoine wondered what happened to the enzymes. His trials, achieved at a customer feed mill, prove

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July - august 2012 | 27

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FEATURE that when using two identical pelleting lines, with the same equipment, the same product and the same temperature, xylanase recovery drops from 79 percent to 21 percent (lines 3 and 4 in Table 1). The main difference between the two lines was the feed flows (14.9t/h vs11.2t/h) that due to die wear and rolls gap settings, lead to a high difference in specific pelleting energy applied to feed. enzyme recovery, with losses of activity by 13 percent to 28 percent on Lines 1 and 2 for example. He concludes that, among all the pelleting parameters influencing enzyme stability, two key indicators should be highlighted: the feed temperature before pelleting which is a good indicator for characterizing heat resistance, and the specific energy of pelleting (kWh/t) which is relevant to characterise losses during pelleting. He points that this kind of study first requires the preparation of a strict protocol for each trial, and the methodical collection of representative samples (following the recommendations of the regulation6). He also points that, when the powder form of enzymes has reached its limits in the feed mill, the liquid form can be a safe alternative.

Cooling parameters
Finally, cooling parameters also affect enzymatic activity. Jrme Lamoine shows that the cooler design (vertical or counter flow) and its settings (air speed linked to the duration of cooling) affect

1 Lamoine, J., 2011. Technological expertise for guaranteed performances. Conference during the Rovabio Expertise Tour in Brugge, Belgium. 2 Lamoine, J., and Y. Laitem, 2011. Pelleting parameters influencing enzymes stability. Adisseo trials. 3 Beardsworth, P., 2004. Coating helps to keep enzyme cold . Feed Tech 8.6 4 Inborr, J. et al, 1994. Stability of feed enzymes to steam pelleting during feed processing. Animal Feed Science Technology 46. 5 Tecaliman, 2007. Etablissement des barmes de dcontamination par un procd de granulation sur les aliments porc, pondeuse, poulet et dinde. Fiche Technique n68. 6 Commission Regulation (EC) No 152/2009 of 27 January 2009, laying down the methods of sampling and analysis for the official control of feed. Annex I Methods of sampling.

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About the author

Jrme Lamoine1, expert in Product Application Technologies, Adisseo More



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July - august 2012 | 29


In the footsteps of Broomhall

The return of 'In the footsteps of Broomhall'

You may know that GFMT has been going, in one form or another, since 1891. At our Cheltenham offices we are lucky enough to have an archive of many of our past editions. In the footsteps of Broomhall, named after a past editor, looks back over some of the highlights of yesteryear.

We the love the design and colours in this advert. After more than 100 years E R & F Turner is still going strong today under the new name of Christy Turner.

The UK has been celebrating Queen Elizabeths Diamond Jubilee this summer but back in 1952, the country was celebrating her coronation. Just as today, in 1952, many companies released special adverts to commemorate the event.

What will your job be in 2000 AD? We may be a few years late finding this article written in 1952, but back then, how close were our predictions of the industry? Read the full feature and find out at

30 | July - august 2012


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Every issue GFMTs market analyst John Buckley reviews world trading conditions which are impacting the full range of commodities used in food and feed production. His observations will influence your decision-making.
While the world wheat crop may be turning out 15/25m under initial forecasts and as much as 30/40m under last years, this market can at least draw on abundant carryover stocks from recent past, well-supplied years.

US crop disaster is a game-changer

thinking twice about the scope of its sales campaign amid its ongoing preoccupation with domestic food price inflation. That would be a pity for feedgrain consumers in Asia who have been viewing India as an alternative source of supplies to tight and expensive US maize and shrinking supplies of Black Sea (former Soviet country) feedwheat. Indias oilseed crops might also be affected, raising its draw on global oilseed supplies and possibly reducing its oilmeal exports in a year when these too will be sorely needed. Down under, parts of Australia have also had some worrying dry spells. So has Argentina. Both have reduced wheat plantings this year, suggesting these key exporters will not make up for northern hemisphere crop shortfalls. . This combination has predictably seen prices soar as much as 40% to 50% across the grain and feed markets, with more than a little help from enthusiastic investors, eager to reprise the bull market of 2008/09 (when all the major commodities in this sector set record high prices). Adding fuel to the fire, US and global consumption is not reacting quickly enough to the rise in costs with maize and soyabeans already trading at their highest ever (details below). Yet, if the worst-case yield scenarios materialise in the USA for maize and soya, there is no doubt demand will have to be cut radically to prevent

WO months ago the USDA shocked markets with a massive US maize crop forecast that promised to cap costs across the feed sector and take upward price pressure off relatively adequate wheat supplies. Two months later, Mother Nature has provided an even bigger surprise probably the worst US combination of drought and heatwaves since the 1950s possibly even since the dust bowl days of the 1930s. Crop estimates are sliding weekly. Maize production may turn out the smallest since 2006/7s 267.5m tonnes, more than 100m under the USDAs original 376m tonne target perhaps even smaller. Soyabeans could shrink to a four year low of 76/78m tonnes compared with early hopes of 87m. If that were not enough to contend with, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and the southeast quarter of Europe are suffering their own droughts and heat pressures, slashing further millions of tonnes off wheat and possibly coarse grain and oilseed harvests too. Adding insult to injury, parts of north-west Europe have seen record breaking rains, both in duration and volume which, along with some cold temperatures, have put crops back and threatened quality in the two largest supplying countries France and Germany as well as the UK. Hopefully a break in that weather as we go to press will alleviate this situation at least, rescuing the bulk of milling wheat crops from downgrades to feed though for the next few weeks, these still hang in the balance. European rapeseed and sunflower crops could also be affected. India, which a month ago seemed poised to enter the world market as one of the largest wheat exporters, has meanwhile been short-changed with its vital monsoon rains and the government there may be

32 | July - august 2012


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supplies running out completely well before the end of the season a so-called negative carryover stock situation. In reality, stocks will not be allowed to run out because prices will cut off demand well before that happens. So the big question being asked as we go to press is at what price will a satisfactory level of rationing of supplies occur? For soyabeans there has been talk of prices having to rise to from their recent near $18/bushel toward $20 or more a prospect that already has soya meal and thus the rest of the oilmeal complex- trading at record high prices. Maize

prices might have to increase from their recent $8 peaks by a fur ther 25% , i.e. toward the $10 / bushel level or higher. Wheat, as indicated above, is the odd man out. While the world wheat crop may be turning out 15/25m under initial forecasts and as much as 30/40m under last years, this market can at least draw on abundant carryover stocks from recent past, well-supplied years. In fact the stock/

consumption ratio for wheat at the close of the 2012/13 season that began July 1 is almost 27% compared with under 15% for maize (Sep/Oct season). Even so, once those wheat stocks (about 197m tonnes) start to get seriously diminished, it begs the question,

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July - august 2012 | 33

AD_IAOM.indd 1 09/08/2012 08:48

how will markets behave without that large cushion if crops happen to under-perform again next year? The prospect is not fanciful. Not only do Australia and Argentina run the risk of dry weather, farmers in the USA the largest single country producer and exporter of wheat are already starting to worry whether the legacy of this devastating drought may linger into the autumn when next years winter wheat crop is sown. These three producers are, of course, all key contributors to the quality end of the bread wheat spectrum. On the plus side, Australia and Canada might expect better pre-harvest weather than the last two years, raising the quality component of their next crops. One unusual side phenomenon of this bull

market is the way that wheat despite that relatively looser stock/use ratio has outpaced gains in the much tighter maize market. Since June 1, Chicago wheat futures first delivery month has been up by almost 55% at its recent peak compared with gains for maize of 43% and soyabeans of 33% over the same period (though soya is 53% over its 2012 low of $11.60/bu). This is partly due to wheat having been sold short earlier by speculators looking at the large carryover stock and partly due to ideas that wheat consumption will boom as a replacement for maize and, to a lesser extent, soya. With final US (and other foreign) crop losses still to be fully counted maybe millions of tonnes better or worse than the estimates

recently traded on the markets (again, see below for details) with demand still to be rationed, with funds and other outside speculators possibly only partly aware of the gravity of t hese su pply shortfalls, the grain and feed markets are sailing in uncharted waters. Prices reflect that, getting more volatile in late July at these high levels. Big political decisions may have to be made like adjusting the US renewable fuel mandate to curb some of the 125m tonnes of US maize that now gets sucked into the biofuel sector annually. The government has for the moment ruled this out but if the crop is as small as many experts now think, expect that decision to be revisited fairly soon. As one of our US sources put it, at the stroke of a pen, this could send corn prices tumbling. Feed and other traditional consumers of corn will rightly demand some action along these lines. Remember, as recently as 2005, the US only used 33m tonnes of corn for ethanol, before Mid-eastern political strife and Hurricane Katrina helped the US decide to use this feedstock to cut dependence on foreign fossil fuel fuel supplies. In addition, recent press repor ts are surprisingly confident that the lat ter objective US fuel independence might now be achievable without constantly raising use of food commodities for this pur pose , ins tead using shale gas and other reserves. One report this month reckoned these domestic sources could provide the US with at least 100 years of complete fuel self-sufficiency. Of course, that will not happen overnight and it would seem unfair and impractical to call time on corn ethanol industry without warning. However, in the context of these emerging alternatives, the constant need to supply more corn for global feed and food consumption, the need to control food price inflation etc, one might be forgiven for wondering if corn ethanol is becoming an unaffordable luxury for which the writing may be on the wall. Speculators are meanwhile taking more interest in the grain and oilseed futures markets as investments, an unwelcome development for the consumer, given their propensity to exaggerate price spikes. Banks

and other finance houses are raising medium/ longer term forecasts for feed and food raw materials and bodies like the OECD and FAO are warning about these factors threatening rising future prices. To some extent, this is all self-fuelling. However, there is no gainsaying the sheer uncertainty over current maize and soya crop outlooks, the tighter than expected wheat supply and the lack of adequate rationing of consumption mainly for soya and maize. It all gives little cause for optimism on forward grain and feed costs. This deficit will take time to sort out, probably another crop year at least, during which any further weather problems could find markets sensitive indeed.

Main commodity highlights since our last review

Wheat - not running out yet
Two key factors have dominated wheat trade in the past two months the rising value of corn and the collapse of wheat crop prospects in the former Soviet Union. Each leg up for US maize futures is immediately reflected in higher wheat prices in the US, in Europe and on global wheat export markets. The extent of the downturn in former Soviet country crops has clearly surprised markets thinking back in June that this was no repeat of 2010 when droughts, heat and wildfires slashed the regions output to just 81m from the previous years 114m tonnes. Since then, the total FSU crop forecast has dropped from 98m to 88.6m tonnes but the latest figures coming out of Russia and Kazakhstan especially now suggest the total could again end up closer to 82, even 81m tonnes. The region enters 2012/13 with about 26m tonnes of carryover stocks about the same as in 2010/11 so not much real change in that balance. In 2010/11, the main three CIS exporters shipped 13.8m tonnes, down from 35.8m the year before. This season, USDA expects them to export 23m - which now looks rather optimistic - versus last seasons 36.8m. It all sounds familiar. But how important is this export drop to the wheat market? Firstly, world import needs are already seen 13.6m tonnes lower almost equal to the drop in CIS export availability due to less demand from a whole range of countries led by the EU, China, Egypt, South Korea and Mexico. However, this lower demand figure might be optimistic too, based in part on reduced feed use of wheat (minus 17m in total). Will that actually happen if maize supplies run dangerously low? Expect to see wheat feed forecasts start to rise in the weeks and months ahead and imports with them, reducing the bearish impact of the shrinking world wheat trade factor. However, even if world trade in wheat does increase, the current seasons supply from the main

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exporters looks adequate at this stage. The USA for one, the worlds leading exporter, can sell the world a fair amount more than the 32.5m forecast by USDA (plus 4.4m tonnes) without drawing down its still large carryover stocks to risky low levels. We can also expect Canada, Europe and Australia (which still has large stocks) to maximise export opportunities. Even the CIS countries may yet surprise the markets with a more exports than the trade expects (somewhere around the 18/20m mark?). Remember that in 2010/11 the Ukraine and Russia responded to the shock of crop losses with what many saw as an excessively cautious export policy. Carrying into 2011/12s year of crop recovery (and accumulating some stocks too), this did little for the regions reputation as a reliable supplier. Remember too that the CIS region, especially Russia, has big future plans to expand its grain trade, especially into Far East Asia where export port infrastructure is being built up at considerable cost. Provided domestic cereal/bread prices can be kept under reasonable control and their crops dont fall too much further - CIS governments might yet take a bolder approach to export opportunities than markets are assuming, with a view to future trade, especially toward the latter end of this season if their 2013
Latest 2012/13 balance = USDA Main producers (000 tonnes) 2010/11 2011/12

concerns, Russian exporters have continued to make the running on recent world import deals, making the cheapest offers. Indeed in early August, the US, EU and Canada have hardly got started on their 2012/13 sales (the US is even running behind targets). Still, that hasnt stopped Chicago wheat futures rising to four year and European milling wheat to 17-month highs prices that could yet look cheap in a few months time if corn strength continues to fee this bull market.

KEY FACTORS IN THE MONTHS Maize could lose 100m tonnes AHEAD

How far will wheat consumption in feeds rise as users look for alternatives to tight and expensive US maize? Will a disappointing Indian monsoon curb its new export programme those supplies are needed to fill in for shortfalls from Black Sea wheat producers. Will dry weather worries recede in Australia and Argentina and will Australias quality improve after two years of weather-damaged crops? How high will maize prices go? However, well supplied, wheat cant ignore this trend.

China EU FSU Australia Canada Argentina WORLD TOTAL World end stocks

115.2 135.7 81.1 27.9 23.2 16.1 651.1 197.2

117.9 137.4 114.4 29.5 25.3 14.5 694.7 197.1

118 133 88.6 ..or 81/82? 26.0

Are all the Black Sea wheat crop losses yet counted?

crops show more promise. Its interesting to note that, even amid all their current crop

It has just adequate supply but will the EU have adequate 26.6 quality weather 12 key this month 665.3 or 657/658? A big US crop with plenty of hard 182.4 or 176/177? red winters and improved hard spring wheat prospects may help contain breadwheat prices globally.

Nobody two months ago could have expected to the US maize crop to sink as low as some of the recent estimates under serious consideration. Demand will have to be rationed by price and pressure, as mentioned above, is growing to take some of the strain off traditional users by reducing demand from the relatively newer corn ethanol sector. Crops in Ukr aine and Russia ( joint output about 32m tonnes) are also under stress from drought and heat and could go lower, further crimping supplies for export. On the plus side, Europe itself has a good crop on the way of an estimated 65.5m tonnes versus last years 64.6m and less than 56m in 2010. That should take some of the pressure of domestic feed users but prides will still rise in sympathy with the US/global market.

36 | July - august 2012


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July - august 2012 | 37

Maize exports main suppliers 2010/11

USA Argentina Brazil Ukraine Others

45.3 15.2 11.6 5 14.8


How will speculators respond if the 2011/12 2012/13 US /global maize and soya and world wheat 48 40/30/20? c r o p s co n t i n u e to shrink? Believe 14.5 15.5 i t or not , their 11 12.5 reaction so far has 14 14 been descr ibed 9.5 15.5 as restrained by many pundits. But they wont stand by as onlookers if the prospect of another 20% or 30% on prices looks viable.

How low will the US maize crop go 300m, 270m, even lower? This factor will probably override all else and influence markets right through to the following harvest in 3rd quarter 2013, probably preventing major price reversals

Oilmeals supply curbed by falling crush growth

Weather in August will determine whether the coming US soya crop is 80m or 75m tonnes and will thereby decide whether consumers end up paying $15/16 or $ 20 -plus per bushel for supplies. If the crop does fall to the lower end of the scale, prices will be firmer across the entire oil meal complex. On USDAs assumption of an 83m tonne crop, world soya meal production in 2012/13 (starting this October) will reach 183.5m tonnes against last years 177m. Even that will entail drawing down quite a lot of carryover stocks from last years crops. Clearly the US situation could push the figure well below 180m. The best hope for some price restraint is that South American soyabean producers, who plant from October onwards, will sow a far larger crop. The price incentive is there, they have the land. All they need is the weather

to sow and grow it. However, that relief will not be coming to the markets until the spring of 2013. In the meantime, we can expect soya meal prices to remain frisky, especially if there is any hint of a Latin American weather problem. Fortunately, back-to-back drought years in the region tend to be rare. Soya costs will also be determined by demand from the top buyer China and other leading importers of beans and meal. With soya meal hitting record high prices, global demand may be curtailed below the 181m tonnes forecast by USDA (+5m for the second year running after leaps of 9m in both 2009/10 and 2010/11). China 28% of world consumption - has been slow to cut its demand but recent signs suggest it may be on the turn lower. Second largest market Europe is expected to consume about 30m for the second year in a row. Some Asian and other buyers may cut back, however. In terms of total oilmeals, there are no obvious replacements for the soya shortfall with most oilseeds producing similar crops to last year. On the other hand, growth of world demand for protein meals in total slowed over the past season to 3.8% from the previous years 5.1% and the coming season is expected to see growth of just 2.3%. Depending on how supply and price pan out, growth could be lower still, providing some restraint in this bullish market.


How low will the US soya crop go?
At what price will demand be rationed? Its not happening at $17/bu! Chinese consumption and timing of imports remain and important influence on soya and other oilmeal costs What size this years EU/CIS rapeseed and sunflowerseed crops? Probably not enough to much sway the bull trend in the dominant soya sector. How much will Latin American soya producers plant this autumn? They could help put the brakes on escalating soya/oilmeal costs but its a long wait till they harvest in Q1 & Q2 2013!

The contribution to world corn supplies from Latin America, Europe, the former Soviet countries and India Will the US government trim the renewable fuel mandate/corn ethanol use probably if the crop estimate contracts much further and pipeline stock requirements demand it. Almost forgotten amid the US crop disaster, still potential for China to continue much larger than normal maize imports. Will global economic recession curb meat/ consumption in some developing countries, cap feed grain demand and help anchor rising grain and oilseed costs?

3 good reasons for developing the Siberian market:

Novosibirsk, Altai and Omsk have the largest arable lands in Russia Livestock breeding makes up over a quarter of the total volume of Russia A quarter of Russian milk production comes from Siberia

AgroExpoSiberia 2012: October 30 November 2, Novosibirsk/Siberia International Trade Fair for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry IFWexpo organises since 1992 trade fairs in Russia:
38 | July - august 2012 Grain

&feed millinG technoloGy

Flour Milling Training

Seven steps to success
Hygiene, Health and Safety Wheat and the Screenroom Mill Processes and Performance Product Handling, Storage and Distribution Flour
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Why retire a workhorse thats still doing the job?

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Turning ideas into opportunities. PROGRESSIVE FEED PROCESSING

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July - august 2012 | 39

Classified section
Automation Products, Inc.

Silo Construction & Engineering

Blo-Tech Ltd Cargotec Sweden AB Schenck Process UK Limited Dynamic Air Inc


Block 10 Todd Campus West of Scotland Science Park Acre Road, Glasgow Scotland G20 0XA
Tel: +44 141 945 2924 /

AquafeedClassified40_2x40mFINALrevsd Elevator Buckets


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Maximum bulk storage

Almex b.v., Verlengde Ooyerhoekseweg 29 7207 BJ Zutphen, The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)575 572666 e-mail,

Competence in Food and Feed Analysis

R-Biopharm Rhne Ltd, Unit 3.06 Kelvin Campus, West of Scotland Science Park, Maryhill Road, Glasgow, G20 0SP Scotland Tel: +44 (0) 141 9452924 Fax: +44 (0) 141 9452925,
+32(0)51 723128


Polyethylene Elevator Bucket


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AgraStrip + AgraVisionTM


Schmidt-Seeger GmbH 15:36 Silos Cordoba S.L

T:+1 314 739 9191 F:+1 314 739 5880

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Quantitative Strip Tests for

Aflatoxins Deoxynivalenol (DON) Fumonisins & GMOs

Elevator & Conveyor Components

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Anderson International Corp Amandus Kahl Andritz Feed & Biofuel Brabender Clextral Dinnissen BV Extru-Tech Inc Jiangsu Muyang Group Co Ltd.


Material Handling & Electronic Components for all Applications Hazard Monitors Level Controls Elevator Buckets & Bolts Belts & Fasteners Forged Chains & Sprockets

Systech Instruments Ltd

Animal Health & Nutrition

Alicorp SA

Teta Engineering Inc.

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2110 Low Chaparral Drive San Marcos CA92069 USA Tel: 760 736 9901 Fax: 760 736 9958 Web:

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Equipment for sale

Feed processing

Condex (UK) Ltd


Danisco Animal Nutrition Noack - Group of Companies Papillon Agricultural Products, Inc

Bulk Handling
Croston Engineering Ltd

Anderson International Corp Amandus Kahl
Turner Flaking Rolls


Croston Engineering Ltd

Tarvin Mill Barrow Lane, Tarvin Chester CH3 8JF Tel: 01829 741119 Fax: 01829 741169 E-mail: Website: BULK STORAGE, HANDLING, AND PROCESS ENGINEERS FOR THE ANIMAL FEED, GRAIN, FLOUR, BAKERY, HUMAN AND PET FOODS INDUSTRIES

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40 | July - august 2012

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Bulk Storage



&feed millinG technoloGy

Classified section
Flour improver
Alicorp SA Dr Eckel GmbH

AGRI-Associates Agribusiness Recruiters


Flour improvers Enzymes Baking premixes Advice on applications

TekPro Ltd Wallace & Associates Inc. Younglove Construction LLC

Kurt-Fischer-Strasse 55, D-22926 Ahrensburg Tel.: + 49 (0) 4102 / 202 001, Fax: -010
Ein Unternehmen der Stern-Wywiol Gruppe

A member of the Stern-Wywiol Gruppe

Andritz Feed & Biofuel BV Kay Jay Chill Rolls Pvt Ltd

John Staniar & Co.

Arodo BVBA
A Clondalkin Company

Grinder Screens
John Staniar & Co.

Level measurement
CB Packaging is a market leader of multi-walled paper sacks. With over 50 years of experience, we offer solutions for a wide range of industries, including animal feeds, pet food, seeds, milk powder, flour and root crops.

Millson Engineering Limited Muench-Edelstahl GmbH

Yingchun Group

For more information, please call Tim Stallard: +44 (0) 7805 092067

Process control Mill Design & Installation

Converteam UK Ltd Datastor Systems Ltd KSE Protech BV RED-BERG s.r.l.

Grain Silo Manufacturing
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Buhler AG CH 9240 Uzwil, Switzerland T: +41 71 955 11 11 F: +41 71 955 66 11 E:

Analysis & Control

Intake and Inline measurement of moisture, protein, temperature, structure, ash, fat, fibre, starch and colour. Recipe management and traceability records.

For maximum control and efficiency call:

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&feed millinG technoloGy

IMD 21
July - august 2012 | 41

Grinder hammers


SEPTEMBER 6th - 6th September 12
XVIIIth Annual International Conference "Black Sea Grain and Oilseeds 2012/13", Renaissance Moscow Hotel 4*, Olimpiysky avenue, 18/1, 129110 Moscow, Russia Contact: Ms. Anna Gersaimova, Orlikov lane, 1/11, Moscow, 107139 Russia Tel: +7 495 607-82-85 ext. 124 Fax: +7 495 607-83-79 Email: Web:

22nd - 22nd September 12

VIV China International Summit, New China International Exhibition Center (NCIEC), Beijing, China Contact: Anneke van Rooijen, Postbus 8800, 3503 RV, Utrecht, Holland Tel: +31 30 295 2772 Fax: +31 30 295 2809 Email: Web:

25th - 25th September 12

23rd - 25th September 12

* 2012 AFIA Liquid Feed Symposium, Grand

12th - 14th September 12
Hyatt, Denver, Colorado, USA Contact: Veronica Rovelli, 2101 Wilson Blvd, Ste. 916, Arlington, VA 22201, USA Tel: +1 703 5583563 Fax: +703 5240810 Email: Web:

VIV China 2012, Beijing, China Contact: Anneke van Rooijen, Postbus 8800, 3503 RV Utrecht, Holland Tel: +31 30 295 2772 Email: Web:

Powder Containment, The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology, University of Greenwich, Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Kent, ME4 4TB, UK Contact: Caroline Chapman, The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology, University of Greenwich, Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Kent, ME4 4TB, UK Tel: +44 20 8331 8646 Fax: +44 20 8331 8647 Email: Web:

OCTOBER 1st - 3rd October 12

Oilseeds & Oils 2012, Hilton Istanbul Hotel 5*, Cumhuriyet Caddesi Harbiye, Istanbul, 34367,Turkey Contact: Christina Serebryakova, Chicherina str. 21, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine Tel: +380562320795 Fax: +380562320795 Email: Web: oo2012/about

3rd - 5th October 12

15th International Feed Technology Symposium FEED-TO-FOOD, Building of NIS - GASPROM NEFT, Str. Narodnog fronta 12, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia Contact: Jovanka Levic, Bulevar cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia Tel: +381 21 450 781 Email: Web:

30th September 12 - 3rd October 12

24th - 25th September 12

16th - 21st September 12

IBA 2012 International Trade Fair: World Market For Baking, Munich,Germany Contact: German bakers Confederation, Neustadtische Kirchstr. 7a 10117 Berlin, Germany. Tel: +49 030 2 064550 Fax: +49 030 20 645540 Email: Web:

The International conference "Grain of Russia", Rostov-on-Don, Hotel "DONPLAZA", Bolshaya Sadovaya str., 115, 44021, Russia Contact: Irina Ozip, Chicherina str. 21, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine Tel: +380562320795 Fax: +380562320795 Email: Web: gr2012/about

2012 AACC International Annual Meeting, Westin Diplomat Hotel. Hollywood, FL, USA Contact: Rhonda Wilkie. AACC Headquarters, 3340 Pilot Knob Road St Paul. MN 55121-2097, USA. Tel: +1 651 4 547250 Fax: +1 651 4 540766 Email: Web:

6th - 8th October 12

* See our magazine at this show More information available

16th FOODAGRO KENYA 2012, KICC, Nairobi, Kenya Contact: Natasha Parek, Monarch Office Tower, Level 25, P.O.Box-333840, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai - UAE Tel: +97143721421 Email: Web:

42 | July - august 2012


&feed millinG technoloGy



Name: Ruwan Berculo Job title: Project Manager Company: VIV worldwide

Who is VIV China aimed at?

We are aiming at visitors from the top seven production regions in China. Especially the top 25 percent quality buyers from big feed mills and integrations in these regions who have the largest impact in China. Also exhibitors can expect delegations from in particular Africa, Iran, Russia, SouthKorea and many other emerging countries in South East Asia.

VIV China
September 23 - 25, 2012 Beijing, China
ways: the visitor target group that attends VIV China is made up of 75 percent Chinese exhibitors who expect to see the latest international developments. On the other hand Chinese exhibitors expect to meet international investors, which VIV China 2012 particularly brings in from Iran, Russia, Korea and many other Asian countries. So we put maximum effort in attracting Chinese and n o n - C h i n e se d e c i s i o n makers to the event. Next to that visitors can take the chance to acquire more knowledge about new products and technologies that can improve their business, VIV China will be an excellent platform for the top of the industry to meet up. In an international atmosphere participants can network among a top management level. value to its shows. This works very well. We have seen a return to high quality exhibitors and we already receive strong interest from interesting visitors. VIV

China is a stable show even in a challenging Chinese market. We have maintained the quality over the years, despite the drop in 2009 and 2010. In 2012, VIV China is back to being the international market place in the Chinese animal protein industry.

Why should people attend VIV China?

If you dont know much about the Chinese market it is difficult to start at a national Chinese show. We offer an international trade show with 20,000 quality visitors and over 400 quality e x hi b i t or s . A t r ad e show with international standards that brings in international expertise to help China overcome i t s c h a lle nge s i n t h e animal production sector is something special in China.

What are the themes of VIV China?

Next to the International China Summit the day before VIV China and a specialised Pig and Poultry breeding conference, there is a Feedtech talk enabling visitors to easily come into contact with suppliers offering the state of the art in the feed milling technology in China. Furthermore, VIV presents quite a unique concept on itself already by presenting knowledge and technology from leading international companies in the full feed to meat industry. Thus creating a one-stop shop for an ever more integrating visitor target group.

What are you most excited about for VIV China?

Im most interested in the International China Summit, a full summit on Saturday September 22, the day before the show. The aim is to bring in the right people before VIV China starts and get them to the show as well. The 300 delegates are decision makers who will be able to attain more knowledge at the summit and meet interesting suppliers during the show the day after. The International China Summit supports the aim to create a top end knowledge transfer and business platform in China.

What can participants expect to see and do?

VIV China brings in international expertise to satisfy local needs. Participants will see the latest developments in the feed to meat supply chain. The top brands exhibit. VIV China focuses on sharing knowledge so we bring in international experts to discuss global developments in the industry and their implications for the local Chinese industry. In fact the process works in two
44 | July - august 2012

How has VIV China changed and developed?

VIV China began as a biannual event in 2002. After 2008, it became an annual show. However, this lead to a drop in the quality of visitors so we returned to the biannual format in which VIV can add the most

&feed millinG technoloGy

VIVChina 2012

now for Register

trance! free en

Your portal to Chinas Feed to Meat trade Beijing, China


&feed millinG technoloGy

July - august 2012 | 45

September 23 - 25, 2012



Name: Jan van de Bunt Job title: Project Manager Company: BTO Exhibitions BV

Animal Farming Ukraine

October 31 - November 2 2012
Animal Farming Ukraine from other agricultural exhibitions in Ukraine are the dedicated product areas. While other agricultural exhibitions focus on a broad range of products, Animal Farming Ukraine focuses exclusively on those product areas that relate to animal farming. This specialisation creates synergy between exhibitors and visitors that helps them towards their common goals.

What is your role at Animal Farming Ukraine?

I am responsible for all the international sales and organisation in close cooperation with our local offices.

tion will also be a source of information about the areas of development in livestock production technologies in Ukraine and worldwide.

Who is Animal Farming Ukraine aimed at?

Animal Farming Ukraine is the only dedicated exhibition for animal farming in Ukraine and will cover all product areas that relate to animal farming.

What are you most excited about for Animal Farming Ukraine?
It is quite unique that Animal Farming hosts some 200 companies from 15 countries around the world. This makes it one the most international shows within the industry in Ukraine and other CIS countries. Also, once again there will be a Victam & FIAAP Pavilion within Animal Farming Ukraine.

How does this event compare to previous ones?

Animal Farming Ukraine 2012 is expected to increase 15-20 percent in terms of volume and number of exhibitors. Strengthening its leading position within the industry.

How has Animal Farming Ukraine changed and developed?

The event has grown each year and we have doubled the amount of visitors in three years. The Ukrainian market is improving and the exhibition is a reflection of the local market. Unlike luxury products the feed and animal markets are not affected by the current global economy

What are the themes of the event

The main themes are poultry, cattle and pig farming; animal feed; animal health and dairy farming.

What can participants expect to see and do?

For three days, the exhibition will be an epicenter of negotiations, meetings, proposals and opinion sharing. Furthermore Animal Farming offers a comprehensive conference and seminar programme during the exhibition dates.

What are you going to make sure you see/ do at Animal Farming Ukraine?
As a meeting point for the interests of various livestock industry professionals, the Animal Farming Ukraine 2012 exhibition will provide many opportunities for face-to-face communication between experts, and facilitate experience sharing in the breeding, keeping, feeding and treatment of animals, and manufacture of processing equipment. The exhibiGrain

What have been the biggest successes of previous events?

We have a relatively high rebooking rate. Some 75 percent of the exhibitors have been an exhibitor with us in the past, which underlines the success of the show.

With so many industry shows, why should people attend?

One of the important factors differentiating
46 | July - august 2012



&feed millinG technoloGy


&feed millinG technoloGy

July - august 2012 | 47

DELACON appoints Business Development Manager and Head of Communications
Markus Dedl, CEO of DELACON Biotechnik, is pleased to announce the appointment of Bernard Paumelle as Business Development Manager. Bernard will focus on business development and market entrance in new countries for Middle-East, Africa and South America areas. Bernard has a broad background in B2B Sales and Marketing of feed ingredients with different international sales positions within key companies in feed additives business. Gernot Ortmann has been made Head of Communications. With over 10 years experience at DELACON Ortmann will work closely with the President, CEO and Directors on key initiatives, including Gernot Ortmann Bernard Paumelle budgeting, best practices, key accounts and events. Ortmann will provide strong and highly visible leadership to his team and focus on managing communication strategies with organisations and decision-makers to maintain the world leading position of DELACON.


Oscar J. Rojas Martinez named IFEEDER scholarship recipient

Oscar Javier Rojas Martinez, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has been was named as the recipient of a scholarship from the Institute for Feed Education & Research (IFEEDER). The scholarship is a travel and registration grant to the Feed Industry Institute event. It is an incredible honor to be the recipient of the IFEEDER scholarship. Attending the Feed Industry Institute gave me the opportunity to learn and understand more on how the U.S. feed industry works, Rojas stated. It was wonderful to meet people from the industry who have been in the business for more than 20 years. Learning from their experience was an exciting opportunity for me, he continued. Rojas continues his studies at the University of Illinois, where he is working toward earning his doctorate degree in animal science under Dr. Stein. Current research projects include elucidating effects of feed processing on the nutritive value of diets and ingredients in pig feed. Rojas is expected to earn his doctorate in late 2014. Upon completion, he is looking to continue his career in the U.S. feed industry. Since its founding in 2009, IFEEDER has funded nearly $300,000 in projects, and has raised $1.2 million in donations and pledges.

Oscar Javier Rojas Martinez

John Laing joins Schenck Process as Head of UK Sales Light Industries

John Laing has joined Schenck Process as Head of UK Sales for the Light Industries which includes the food, chemical, plastics and pharamceutical sectors. John has a successfull track record in sales team management and joins the Company at an exciting time in order to expand the sales activities into new markets. Schenck Process UK has recently combined with Clyde Process and Redler, who are all members of the Schenck Process Group, to be able to offer a unique combination of equipment and technologies for weighing, feeding, conveying and air filtration process. The key product areas for the company are the extensive range of loss-in-weight feeders and mass-flow weighing machines which can be used in combination with the companys market leading pneumatic and mechanical conveying technologies. John has over 20 years experience in the food and chemical processing industry working with blue chip clients on major process improvement projects, including several years with the weighing specialists, Avery. Johns wealth of market knowledge and sales expertise will be used to increase the market profile of Schenck Process in the UK together with his sales team, under the direction of Martin Thomson the new Director of the IBS Light Division.

John Laing

48 | July - august 2012


feed millinG technoloGy

UNORMAK DEG. MAK. IML. SAN. ve TIC. LTD. Sti Konya Organize Sanayi Blgesi 7. Sokak No: 5/1 Konya / TRKIYE Tel: +90 332 2391016 Fax: +90 332 2391348 e-mail: WEB:

Innovative extrusion processes without limits. Bhler is the global technology partner for companies producing breakfast cereals, snack foods, or food ingredients on a commercial scale. With its extensive extrusion know-how and its passion for customized solutions, Bhler is always in a position to generate added value and success for any product idea. Bhler offers an integral range of products and services for all process stages from correct raw material handling, cooking and shaping through extrusion to drying of the extruded products. And this for all market segments from breakfast cereals and snack foods to modified flours and starches, texturized proteins, or vitaminized rice. In short: extrusion processes without limits.,

Innovations for a better world.

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