Lesson Plan 10a1 Ao1 4

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Teacher :Mrs.

Valli Class/Set: 10a1 Number of pupils: 30



Room: 26 Level:6/7

Subject: OCR AO1 Lesson 4

Scheme of Work:

Learning Objectives (WALT): Able to research how to protect data from unauthorised access Able to understand the importance of data protection Able to elaborate each data protection measure. Intended Learning Outcomes (WILF): All must be able to: You will be able to research how data protection are applied in business Most should be able to: Add text and images related data protection for students & staff. Some could: Find and include website links for students to look for more information about data protection. Keywords: from unauthorised access, passwords, access rights, firewall, anti-virus software, encryption, audit log. Reference to cross-curriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, PSHE, ECM..): Business Entry ( 2.5 mins) Starter (5 mins): What is hacking: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzC6BONJgsQ Passwords: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppNkT6sMoLA Main ( 45 mins): AO1 Lesson 4.ppt What I am looking for (WILF) Unit Scenario: You are administrative officer at your school. 5-day educational trip to Paris for the Year 1. You want to make sure that the students and staff understand about data protection in a business environment. Include text, images and web-links for each each measure (potential danger). Assume that will be given to the staff and students. Part 4: Measures to protect files from unauthorised access and modification Why do we need a password setting a password to edit files (anyone can view the file but only the person with the password can change it) choosing a strong password Examples of good and bad passwords Access rights When staff log into the gateway they see different things to pupils Write about each of these points and include images from the Internet. Measures to protect files from loss: Software protection: Firewall Anti-virus software Encryption: a method of scrambling data, only the people who have the 'secret key' could unlock the message and read it. Audit Log: Log contains details of employees actions: save, delete, change records. AO1 Helpsheet.doc Resources

Measures to protect files from loss: Physical protection: How do you make your equipment in office more secure? Consider: Locking the room, windows shut, swipe cards or keypads to activate locks, CCTV and security guards. Software protection: Firewall, Anti-virus software, User IDs and Passwords Encryption: a method of scrambling data, only the people who have the 'secret key' could unlock the message and read it. - Audit Log: Log contains details of employees actions: save, delete, change records. Write about each of these points and include images from the Internet. Plenary ( 5 mins): AFL Exit ( 2.5 mins) Differentiation (related to Learning Outcomes) G & T: Find and include website links for students to look for more information about data protection Special Education Needs: Other adult support/roles: Homework return, feedback and setting: No homework, feedback given through markbook Assessment including WILF: Look at the work another student has created. Identify two things that are particularly good about your partners work. Provide constructive feedback about two things that could be improved upon or added to the work. Make use of the checklist below: Why do we need a password Choosing a strong password Access rights Firewall Anti-virus software Encryption Audit Log Evaluation of the lesson: AO1 Lesson 4 Plenary.doc

Informal observations made by curriculum mentor [x]:

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