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Teacher :Mrs.

Valli Class/Set: 10a1 Date:15/12/11 Time/Period: 5 Number of pupils: 30 Subject: OCR AO1 Lesson 7 Scheme of Work: Learning Objectives (WALT): Able to understand the importance of data protection using password protection (files). Able to explain details of what makes a strong & weak password. - Able to understand the importance of ICT skills in business

Room: 26 Level:6/7

Intended Learning Outcomes (WILF): All must be able to: Able to take screenshots and include to AO1 evidence document and describe/ explain screenshots. Most should be able to: Produce an A4 guidance document on password protection. Include details: what makes a strong & weak password. Some could: Write down most of the meaning of terms learnt in this unit (AfL). Keywords: files, protect, directories, structure, appropriate names, sensible names, search facility, rename, screenshots, password, Adjustable, Health, Environment, Stress, Backache, Ergonomics, Rsi, Clutter, Workstation Footrest, Safety, Headache, Access, Hacker, Username, Biometrics, Security, Backup, Encryption, Auditlog, Firewall, Physical, Password, Virus Reference to cross-curriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, PSHE, ECM..): Business Entry ( 2.5 mins) Resources AO1 Word Starter (5 mins): Health & Safety and Data Security : Search Adjustable, Health, Environment, Stress, Backache, Ergonomics, Rsi, Clutter, Workstation, Footrest, Safety, Headache Access, Hacker, Username, Biometrics, Security, Backup, Encryption, Auditlog, Firewall, Physical, Password, Virus Main ( 45 mins): AO1 Lesson 7.ppt Expain WILF AO1 Password Task of the day: Protecting Files Produce an A4 guidance document on password protection. Include details : what makes a template.doc strong & weak password. Content: Title, keys to password strength, how to create a strong password that is easy to remember, images, web-links etc. Go to Moodle 10A1 Tech-ICT AO1 Lesson 6 Upload Password Guidance document. Plenary ( 5 mins): AFL AO1 AFL.doc Exit ( 2.5 mins) Differentiation (related to Learning Outcomes) G & T: watch videos about data loss news:- Special Education Needs: Other adult support/roles: Homework return, feedback and setting: No homework, feedback given through markbook Assessment including WILF: Write down the meaning of terms learnt in this unit below: 1) ergonomic designs of equipment and furniture 2) posture 3) Trip hazards 4) Back-ups 5) Firewall 6) Anti-virus software 7) Encryption 8) Audit Log 9) Access rights Evaluation of the lesson: Informal observations made by curriculum mentor [x]:

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