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WHO/UNICEF Sierra Leone Cholera situation in Sierra Leone-13 August 2012

Nameofaffected District district Population CumulativeNumberasreportedupto 11August2012 Cases Deaths <5 >5 Total 483 3715 4198 55 1734 934 2668 39 251 844 1095 28 203 476 679 11 28 97 125 4 38 242 280 4 0 31 31 3 54 202 256 16 2,791 6,541 9,332 160 Numberreportedon 12August2012 Cases Deaths >5 Total 155 176 2 13 13 0 7 7 0 5 7 0 6 6 0 22 22 0 0 0 0 40 50 1 248 281 3 Grand Total CFR Total Deaths
New cholera cases and deaths continue to be reported in the country. To date, 12 August 2012, a cumulative total of 9613 cases and 163 deaths have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO), through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MOHS). Case-fatality ratio (the proportion of cases that lead to death) based on reported cases remains at 1.7%, which is much higher than the recommended <1% for a cholera outbreak. The most severely affected districts in terms of numbers of cumulative cases from 1 January 2012, are Western Area with a total of 4374 cases and 57 deaths, Port Loko 2681 cases and 39 deaths and Kambia 1102 cases and 28 deaths. On 12 August 2012, Western Area reported the highest number of cases (176) and deaths (2) followed by Tonkolili with 50 cases and 1 death and Bombali with 22 cases. It is alarming to note that cholera cases are increasing significantly in the formerly low reporting districts of Tonkolili and Bombali. WHO, UNICEF and health partners have increased their support to the MoHS to scale up response to by strengthening social mobilization and communication activities at the community level. Refresher training on cholera case management is in the pipeline to further reinforce peripheral health units operating across the affected districts. Partners such as MSF-Belgium are supporting the establishment and operation of a network of special cholera treatment centers. Current preventive measures being used to control the epidemic include treating ill persons with oral rehydration solution as early as possible when symptoms start, providing access to safe water, and encouraging good hygiene and sanitation practices.

WesternArea PortLoko Kambia Pujehun Bo Bomabli Moyamba Tonkolili TOTAL

1,243,804 529,831 324,769 320,686 624,386 469,064 262,725 413,276 3,512,540

<5 21 0 0 2 0 0 0 10 33

4374 2681 1102 686 131 302 31 306 9,613

57 39 28 11 4 4 3 17 163

1.5 1.5 2.5 1.6 3.1 1.3 9.7 5.6 1.7

Cumulative cases & deaths of cholera, Sierra Leone, 1 Jan. 12 Aug. 2012

Trends of cholera cases, Sierra Leone, Weeks 1- 32

Message of the Day: Always drink safe water (boiled or treated with chlorine). Drinking water must be stored in a clean covered container).

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