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hello Ebad how r u ? hey stressed and you y so ? tell me I am okay in hyderababd now just work and stuff with frnd how was the seminar which seminar ? you are lucky I am you have frnds everywhere i only have enemies no not everywhere i thought you are in in india for a seminar not india baba in pakistan hyderabad is just 2hour drive frm karachi ok wht u thought I went India ?? u man... yes and y u take stress of work ? I told u leave it at work i cant when u home be relaxed its like saying , leave you passion at home what you have you cary everywhere hehehee u r good at argument i am but what I say means leave bad things and feel the good i am very clear no confution hmmm but I am ful of confusions when you open window both the bad and good smell comes in having my wisdome tooth coming out you cannot be selective in real lofe life haha painful i got 39 teeths u laughing what ?? how come ?? i have 7 wisdom theeths an i might have more hello hello u joking now every 2 years one come out not really how big jaw u have ?

and i have to pull out a couple i will go to pul it out big mouth I know u hv a big mouth hey thats y u speak a lot you dont say that y ?? you say , oh darling , when you speak , roses bloom and stars twinkle sky turns more blue sun shines more and i tremble water flow like crazy horse hahaha so what u did all yesterday and today ? running around where ? designing the book hmm well all will be done and this time will pass getting the visas oyeee that's a tough thing I know okay now and writng and travelling in the city is hell thats great actually u feeling the movement y and moving I like running all day and when u get tired u come back home which gives the best feeling of being at home well i dont have a home y don't u have a home / ? I am surprised i told you before that u roam around i roam around because i dont ahve a home so where u want to make a home ?? or not intend to ? i do where ? in europe y in Europe ? Y not in bangladesh ? u thinking now ? it doesnt feel like home was it a difficult question? my values are different yes what values Ebad ?

cultural moral religious spiritual what r those? can u share ? not really too complicated lets say , i have very traditional values r u religious? i am not modern me too I am not very much ok I am very traditional i carry values from the time of the enlightenment thats why i am more at home in europe i like european literature i like european classical music hmm because it reflects my values not indian culture ? i like european art traditions its not disconnected with european culture then which religion u follow? no one more european than jinnah or gandhi humanity yes I know classical humanity dictated by voltaire and the pholosophers of the european enlightenment u r gora then bengal renaissance was a product of european knowledge contamination very gora hate the darkies very conservative very elitist can not stand stupidity then u must not like me true hate you ha ha hate me more more is tough dont have the energy for more now u r invited to an event of hatred plz hate waheeda ha ha she is dark , middle class and not gori that takes too much i will hate you very casually and generally yyy? like hating he bad air or hot weather cause you told me too that ?

why are you telling me things that you dont want to be done then do you want me to hate you ? or not ? u said u hate darkies and I am ' yeah well i dont know that so directly propotional to hate you are making the connections no you dont know what i mean by darki hmm I am expert in making connections you are putting your judgement on me well u tell me no i think you have low self esteem trying to tempt u you are always putting yourself down dont need to i am beyond temptation seen too much tempt u to hate me done too much its not needed what ? i hate you anyways Ebad do u hate me ? i do what you tell me to do or want me to do so obedient so will u do what I say always?? i am aladins genie 3 wishes then i am gone unless you know how to hold me if I say kill me , will u do that too? genie hmmm only three wishes hard dont be childish you are just saying words today because you dont want to speak your heart so how do u feel now ? tired i still have to write some ok exercise prepare tomorrows agenda then go to bed actually not too bad accomplished a lot today logistically good boy i am super boy and crazy too

i will change the world one day and get nobel prize and all those shits I wish its a sure thing yes it is if i still care about those things that is i am loosing desire for things i get scared sometimes y? y do u feel like that ? because most thing we want are empty no they r not they can not actually give you what you really wanted they are if u fill them with love well after you shit our a big turd you fill it with love i dont its shit most of what we desire is just shit its something we thought were gold but its not love is precious i dont want to waste it in the end , only purity is true and all world wants to make you impure purity is life with shit i dont know what you just said it doesnt make sense to me life is shit without purity but most people live life in shit we make it shit actually and ask for more shit and work for shit life is we there is no life without we everything is we witout we its all a big void people who are shit makes more shit they touch shit and eat shit plz stop talking abt shit and shit shit ha ha fucking shit i am talking like a prophet now its just the wrong time for a prophet I don't know i am having a hybrid melon good for u very sweet and u talk abt shit yeah you make me talk about shit i am just reacting to you first you made me hate you

it means I can make u talk what I want then you made me talk about shit only bad stuff crying because you have to be good to make me do good no you cant I am u made me cry no thats not true you are too hard too jaded too lost you are thinking about something else you are not even here you blame me abt? thinking abt something else i am here listening to u no its not a blame its your pattern do u think am I like that ? or you are giving me the impression that i think , you are little lost I want to see ur face and not in touch with your feelings why so you can make me talk about shit again see waheeda the world is the reflection of your inner world want to see your face coz I need to see what your eyes look like you have drop your insecurities and how can u see me from behind of my computer even then u don't see me what you gonna do with my eyes --i need them still u interpret me wrong now what happens if i see you ? u will calm down then i am so sweet people can not be angry with me ha ha i am not angry ur you crazy uuuuuuu r am I ? i am not a cool person i talk fast i do things fast i think fast i live fast but I am very slow speaker i hate coolness i am red hot and you always say the wrong thing u need some coolness around u

not really one prescription dont feel all fit all and not everybody will have the energy to contain me i need hi energy people around me ok people who are sure of themselves and know what they want life is too short to mope around and complain i dont know how else to say it I know what u mean i guess, there are room for all kinda people in the wrold but there are people who generate energy it shouldn't hv to b that calculated and peple who suck them i hate suckers its obvious no calculation if I remain cool doesn't mean I am cold if you say so ok but how am i to know i only know what you are showing me and what u show ? and it cold to the point of being dead its cold you talk like you are frozen lunch meat I am ok and dont tell me now i am being angry i am not well if u say what can you do i am not arguing with you now I feel I should come to u straight (send as a message) Your chat message wasn't sent because Ebadur is offline. now I feel I should come to u straight (send as a message) Your chat message wasn't sent because Ebadur is offline. i am just saying thats how it feels from here i am just saying thats how it feels from here if you feel differently now I feel I should come to u straight act differently then and have a fight how do you wanna have a fight? pull your ears poor ears for being angry with me how should i be ?

ur talk and what can I do then other than laughing I can not be angry send me your photo now y? y not? y? I will not do any magic, I swear ? Y? well just wanted to see u y? just as u see me u can see my face and interpret things now I want to try it myself so whats so bad abt it ? y? coz I need to feel your face against mine y? to feel whom I am talking to Ebaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad y? u annoying me y? y? i am feeling little energy coming my way very surprised actually could the ice be melting... ebaaaaaaaad u r so bad i wanna bite your lips now and draw blood y do u do this to me i am very physical and my affection is physical and i am strong and big i want you to feel my strength and fragility and softness all at the same time how can I feel if u fight with me u r strong and u fight with me u cruel i bite you and kiss you all over and u don't know my strength its a rhythm its a dance when you sally forth , i retreat but, you gonna melt when i touch you touch is divine as u said but I relate it to purity are you a shy girl? yes I am very much what is so bad abt being shy ?

nothing its sweet i don't want to be bold you can be bold with me then it will lose all my aura ha ha you dont know what are you talking about you think a lot but you dont really have any experience you are inexperienced and scared its good for me I can not spoil myself ha ha you act all tough u can laugh you pretend you know everything about man and woman relationship in reality you know nothing when I said that ?? you act that I have never been in any relation so how could I say that but, you keep saying stuff and you say stuff like you know from experience waheeda which stuff ebad ? do this do that it is like this it is like that i like this i like that i dont like this in reality you dont know because its all in the head anyways well what can I say ? it doesnt matter it doesnt matter waheeda what matters then? its sweet actually the way you manage your life you choices matters your I am conservative good very conservative me too but u r liberal gora who? u aren't u ? I don't know how u call urself conservative Y? u seem liberal in your approach

as u say u had a lot of gfnd and u had enough that sounds very liberal u r liberal for yourself well mohammed had 14 wifes but not for others and he had couple of hundred mutta marriage yes all men just quote this example what else u do like him ? i am like him he is a good negotiator yes I agree u r like him coz u r man a grat statesmen this is your baggage your sickness you justify your sickness and unfullfillment by creating a man-woman opposition its old get over the blame game take responsibility of your body and mind and desires dont blame me or other men because of your bad experience with men its good I am hearing all this from u specially from u are you? i get the feeling that you are not really listening I am there are a difference between prejudiced and conservative i think you are prejudiced and mentally constipated its very hard for you to accept new ness in your life even though it correspond with your need dear Ebad something you hear that doesnt fit your narrow worldview you reject and call it a name label it why you can be you and other people can be them both can be beautiful and right I can not argue why blame no I will not it closes door it makes life smaller will not say anything well thats even wrose you will feel and think but will not say terrible this is women's life

see you did it right now its your life waheeds wheeda not womens life you choose this life its your choice many women choose different and have a diffferent life I love my life you are unhappy with it I love my truth and being innocent well , you constantly complain about it this is what makes me feel happy that I am pure i can not say anything if you are denial you are only talking about the good part now and purity is not a physical thing its a state of being its a way of being I am bad at the parts when I agree on things which are really wrong in my personality anyways yes this is what I mean we should change this topic I am true to myself ur life is your life that's y I can not lie to others i am not your doctor or your father no u r not i shouldnt say anything about it yes my father never talks to me like that so i shut up of course not its only u talking to me like that other wise you would have been different yeah , its too little too late i can not make things change and its not my job actually u must be having some nagative things but I never think about those you just told me you are happy you dont have the tool to understand those I can when u talk about yourself I wanted to hear u ebad i talk about myself constantly but , its not easy to talk to you y? you are closed and judgemental you are closed and judgemental i will say my thing darling I am not you are very judgemental and you judge from your vantage point which is okay

becuase I want u to see negative elements of my personality too i guess there you go again I am not an easy person so that u positive -negetive i dont understand why a person will say she is not an easy person no one is easy and then will not do anything about it oh this generalizations are killing me r u an easy man to handle ? this is womens life no one is easy life is purity Oh ebad we should stop it now of course i am in the right hand i told you we should stop I would love to handle u then its gonna be hard for a conservative girl a challenge is accepted to handle a conservative man ? but , one wonders why? why you would love to handle me oh long pause yes what do u think its difficult for me ? i dont want any quesion to answer a question its a sign of constipation i want a direct answer after a question if you have something to say say it or let it pass in silence no question after a question I can make u silent its coming from a girl who has no experience with a man how would you know you never been with a man you dont know anything about a man let alone me a special man how do you know to silence even a radio its not about being with man or not yeah its about plowing field and milking cow i get it hahahahahahh u r crazy ebad u r actually u made me laugh when i am so angry i thought you said you dont angry dont get angry I can shut your mouth

by a kiss the only way by a gentle kiss you have to be a lover then what it will go form there from then ur anger would go away your purity! oh your purity! I am still pure the throbbing of the heart not corrupted with my feelings you know waheeda after talking to me for so long you might get pregnant and the boy will look like me I would love to why the boy ?? why not a girl ? you will make a boy you are acidic who said that ?? if its a girl i did the expert so you are already ready to carry my baby the boy will be called wahid if its a girl: wozma y? I don't like the name wahid how many babis you want i want 11 but you are too small to make so many babies i have to find another women go away then find another for yourself ha ha I don't want u no just for having babies ha ha even if you dont want me do i still have to write the essay for your catalog otherwise I will kill u I will come straight and kill u if u don't oh i am not free then be professional i am threatened by a pakistani terrorist yess i can do that i am not i am not modern how you gonna send me the coy of the catalog ebaad y r u annoying me ?/ copy I will give it to u when u come Stockholm I will give u three copies ha ha so generous now u r enjoying

always darling but be committed after being kissed and having babies with you , you still wanna test my commitment yes I do u r volatile more babies and I am afraid i need more i wanna make love to you i am cranky i am irritable achcha , why me you have so many friends who ? who could do this which frnds? classmates i am talking abt the eassay okay you know so many people I asked only two people but you asked me i know and one is nilofur and the other is u why i know but iwonder why coz I instantly asked u when I read your writing and your field of specializing why u r curious ? you could ask a famous curator why ? you could ask even hamza to hamja ? why not no I would not they are closer to you he is like my bro yes the younger one but you dont need a lover to write its not a love letter if you don't wanna do it . plz do let me know now no i want to know why why me coz I loved your writing see good answer straght and Hamja is not a suitable person to ask for thing like that i am suitable and you knew I think you r straight so I asked you before if u could or not

you mean i am not gay heyyyyyyyyyyyy you were staright in responding you could be a gay who knows ok you are messing up your other answer was better you alway mess up you can not win I am messy you have to ruin it you have to destroy the good feeling when I messed ? wiyh bad words with which bad words ? jokes are not allowed ?? Ebaaaaaaaaaad where u gone ?

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