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Robredo laid to rest: Manila
‘He is home now’
By Joyce Pangco Pañares control his emotions during the
elaborate ceremony at the Ba-

PRESIDENT Aquino, in a rare silica Minore de Nuestra Senora
display of emotion at the state de Penafrancia. Vol. XXVI No. 167 16 Pages, 3 Sections
funeral of Interior and Local “Jesse is now with our fallen P18.00 Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Government Secretary Jesse heroes, who guide us from the
Robredo, said in his eulogy heavens. I am sure that his death
here on Tuesday the Robredo will spawn new heroes,” Aquino
family lost a husband and fa- said.
ther but he had lost a true Robredo’s remains were cre- •
friend. mated after full military honors

House to strip SC
The prelates of the Catho- that included a 19-gun salute.
lic church called Robredo “a Members of the Aquino Cabinet,
beacon of hope for the nation,” wearing barongs with black arm
and Robredo’s grieving wife, bands, attended the ceremony
Leonora, said they were dev- with thousands of people in the
astated by his death but “he is church and the streets, many of
home now, and the cheers we them weeping and waving plac-

of fiscal autonomy
heard from the streets were ards expressing their love for
enough to show that his efforts their former mayor.
made their mark.” The 54-year-old Robredo and
“His family lost a husband two pilots died when a small
and a father. The country lost plane chartered for a flight from
a faithful servant and leader. Cebu to Naga crashed off the
I have lost a brother in my of- coast of Masbate on August 18.
ficial family, and a true friend,” He is the first member of the
Aquino said, pausing several
times in his 15-minute eulogy to
Aquino Cabinet to die in office.
Next page
LP to make Sereno toe Palace transparent line
By Christine F. Herrera
Enrile pushes THE Liberal Party and the House lead-
Binay as new ership will strip the Supreme Court and
Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno of
Interior chief, the prerogative to invoke fiscal autono-
my by imposing on her the same strin-
veep declines gent budgetary requirements that they
By Macon R. Araneta did during her predecessor’s term.
SENATE President Juan Ponce “Deep inside their heart of be exempted from the rule.
Enrile on Tuesday said Vice hearts, the justices know fiscal Deputy Speaker Jesus Crispin
President Jejomar Binay was autonomy can also be abused,” Remulla added that Sereno would
well suited to replace the late said Cavite Rep. Joseph Emilio not be able to invoke the Court’s
Interior and Local Government Abaya, chairman of the power- co-equal status when it came to the
Secretary Jesse Robredo as a ful House committee on appro- budget.
result of his experience. priations, and secretary-general “Sereno has no choice but to
But Binay, the head of the of President Benigno Aquino give up fiscal autonomy in favor of
Housing and Urban Develop- III’s Liberal Party. transparency,” he said. Next page
ment Coordinating Council, Liberal and House leaders
said he was not interested in said they will make Sereno
the post, and that there were
others qualified to fill it.
account for the P2.2-billion
budget for hiring 5,357 new
Palace stands
“President Aquino has as-
signed many things to me,
employees, including 500
judges; the P5.38-billion Judi- firm on CJ’s
including the shelter sector,
illegal recruitment and smug-
cial Development Fund; and a
P559.5-million Special Allow- appointment
gling,” Binay said. ance for the Judiciary.
“I’ll have to finish those “There is no exception to the By Joyce Pañares
tasks before anything else.” rule of complete transparency,” PRESIDENT Benigno Aqui-
Enrile said Binay was famil- said Minority Leader and Albay no III will not withdraw his
iar with both the operations of Rep. Edcel Lagman, who draft- appointment of Chief Justice
the national government, being ed the reporting requirement Maria Lourdes Sereno despite
Next page into last year’s budget. questions raised about her
Lagman said it would defeat independence and psycho-
DAR vows the purpose of ousting former
Chief Justice Renato Corona
if Sereno
logical qualifications, a Palace
spokesman said Tuesday.

to distribute were to
Presidential spokesman
Edwin Lacierda dismissed the
criticism against the 52-year-old
Luisita land Sereno as “irrelevant.” Next page

in May 2013
By Rio N. Araja
AGRARIAN Reform Secretary
Virgilio de los Reyes on Tues-
day promised to distribute the
4,915.75-hectare Hacienda Lu-
isita to 6,296 farmer-beneficia-
ries in May 2013. Doubters and believers. Mem-
bers of a farmers’ group slam the
Delos Reyes said his depart- appointment of Chief Justice Maria
ment will distribute the land to Lourdes Sereno, left, while she is
farm workers after the comple- seen being greeted by high court
tion of a final master list, a land employees (right). LINO SANTOS
survey by licensed geodetic
Honoring Robredo. President Aquino presents to the late Interior Secretary Jesse Robredo’s wife
engineers, an audit of books of
Hacienda Luisita Inc. and Cen- Leonora in Naga City the Philippine Legion of Honor with the rank of Chief Commander conferred on her
husband. Below are Mrs. Robredo and her children and Mrs. Robredo holding her husband’s urn (inset).
Sereno’s High Court returns
tenary Holdings, and a determi-
nation of just compensation by
Land Bank of the Philippines.
policy of ‘dignified silence’
“Distribution may be in May By Rey E. Requejo Division, and made the rounds of
next year,” he said. the high court’s offices, where the
He said his department would NEWLY appointed Chief Justice employees greeted her.
be ready to release by the end of Maria Lourdes Sereno, the first The high court also approved
September only a preliminary female head of the highest court her request to allow her to dis-
list of beneficiaries still subject in the land, spurned media inter- close to the public her statement
to questioning by HLI and the views in her first day in office and of assets, liabilities and net worth,
farmers themselves. Next page chose to return the Supreme Court and in an apparent bid to make
to its “golden days” of “dignified the judiciary more transparent
Farmers seek She presided over the high
under her leadership.
Sereno spent her first day in
court’s regular full-court session office even as protesters gathered
to drop group and ordered the reshuffle of the
members of its divisions, assumed
outside the Supreme Court to slam
her appointment, claiming she was
as party-list rep her position as head of the First Next page

By Christine F. Herrera
THE leaders of a Negros farm-
ers’ group asked the Supreme
Court and the Commission
on Elections to disqualify the
party-list group Abang Ling-
kod, which they described as a
front for the government-funded
Revolutionary Proletarian Ar-
China may overtake PH as BPO player
my-Alex Boncayao Brigade and By Marlon C. Magtira largest players (India and the search manager at XMG Global.
several big landlords. Philippines). XMG forecasts the Philippine
“Abang Lingkod’s attempt to IF CURRENT trends continue in “This reflects how politi- industry to grow from $11 bil-
join the party-list elections is an the outsourcing sector, China is cal instability in the US has a lion to $12.7 billion in revenues
outright mockery of the party- on target to overtake India as the smaller impact on China, which from 2011 to 2012, respectively.
list system,” said Kilusang Mag- dominant BPO player in the next has actively sought out custom- The top rung still belongs to In-
bubukid ng Pilipinas–Negros two to three years, analyst firm ers in the Asian market. Industry dia growing from $59 billion in Magsaysay awardees. This year’s Magsaysay Awardees flew to Manila
secretary general Greg Ratin, XMG Global said. volume for India and the Philip- 2011 to $63.2 billion in 2012. for the awarding ceremonies. They are, from left, Ambrosius Ruwindrijarto
whose group flew from Negros In a mid-year report, XMG pines has historically focused on A close-second is China with from Indonesia, Romulo Davide from the Philippines, Chen Shu-Jiu from
to Manila in its bid to press for said China’s year growth is the gaining share of US outsourc- revenues of $45.7 billion in 2011 to Taiwan, Syeda Rizwana Hasan from Bangladesh, Yabg Saing Koma from
genuine land reform. Next page largest compared to the next two ing,” said Anna Juanillo, re- $53.8 billion in 2012. Next page Cambodia, and Kulandei Francis from India. Aaron Favila, AP

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A2 WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29, 2012 ManilaStandardToday News

Pump prices up again House... quires a lot of EQ to deal with and

being among equals,” Remulla
Administration lawmakers had Lagman twitted Tanada’s sug-
considered using Corona’s alleged gestion that Sereno be made the
misuse of the Judicial Development “perfect poster girl” to inspire
Fund and the Special Allowance for young members of the Integrated
THE oil companies on Tuesday mium and unleaded gasoline by The oil firms last week raised the Judiciary in Corona’s impeach- Bar of the Philippines to join the
P0.45 per liter. pump prices by P1.50 per liter ment trial but dropped the plan for bench.
raised pump prices by as much as The Energy Department said of kerosene, P1.40 per liter of lack of evidence. “No amount of postering and
P0.75 per liter to reflect the higher the oil “supply within the Asian diesel, P1.30 per liter of regular Abaya and other Liberal Party posturing can resolve the problem
market was deemed chronically gasoline, and P1.20 per liter of officials, including House Deputy of lack of judges. Posters are only
oil prices in the world market as a tight given the heavy refinery unleaded and premium gasoline. Speaker Lorenzo Tanada III, for politicians, not for judicial re-
result of the tensions in the Middle shutdowns in Northeast Asia and On August 7, the oil firms LP spokesman and LP party forms,” Lagman said.
East, expectations of Europe’s re- India coupled with strong de- raised prices by P0.80 per liter whips Iloilo Rep. Niel Tupas Jr. Lagman said to lure the lawyers
mand from the Middle East and of premium, unleaded and regu- and Mindoro Occidental Rep. Rey- to become judges, the Palace had to
covery from its debt crisis, and high the US Atlantic Coast.” lar gasoline, diesel by P0.40 and naldo Umali, said they would make make the pay attractive and com-
demand in Asia. The total increase in pump kerosene by P0.30. Sereno toe the Palace line to make mensurate to the risk of handling
prices for August have amounted The oil firms were supposed to public how the Judiciary spent its potentially dangerous cases.
It was the fourth upward price in separate advisories. to P3.35 per liter of unleaded and raise prices a week after Aug. 7, money. Umali said for the longest time,
adjustment this month. They raised the price of diesel premium gasoline, P4.05 per li- but decided to freeze prices for “There is one simple uniform the Supreme Court’s spending had
PTT Philippines, Shell, Seao- by P0.75 per liter, kerosene by ter of regular gasoline, P3.90 per one week in the areas flooded by standard for transparency and ac- been “beyond the reach of public
il, Total and Petron Corp. an- P0.60 and regular gasoline by liter of diesel, and P4 per liter of monsoon rain. countability which applies to all and accountability.”
nounced their price adjustments P0.25, but cut the prices of pre- kerosene. Alena Mae S. Flores at all times regardless of the person- Abaya noted, however, that even
ality of the appointing authority,” before Sereno, the Court had al-
said Abaya, who presides ready submitted reports on the Ju-
over the budget deliberations for dicial Development Fund and the
Robredo... Enrile... Governance to replace Robredo.
“I am sure Mayor Sherwin is very
much flattered with the recommen-
trained as a law enforcement person
and the police organization is under
that department.”
the national budget.
“What is important is that this
Special Allowances Fund, which
are collected from basic legal fees
the current vice president, and local dation of the MGG, but as of now I Lacson is a close ally of Presi- be institutionalized, and is not just and docket fees.
Aquino, who spent many a seasonal thing during the budget The JDF is being collected for the
hours standing near the coffin governments because he was mayor am not sure how the mayor would dent Benigno Aquino III. Roxas and
season,” he said. benefit of the members and person-
when the secretary was lying of Makati City for a long time. respond to this,” Ahna Mejia said. Abaya are members of the ruling
Enrile was reacting to reports Valenzuela City topped the Interi- Liberal Party. Tupas, who led the House pros- nel of the Judiciary to help ensure
in state in Malacanang and in ecution team in the Corona trial and guarantee the independence of
Naga, said Robredo has ac- that the Interior Department was a or Department’s Local Governance Enrile said Lacson was familiar
toss-up between Binay and Trans- Performance Management System with the responsibility required by added: “Of course we will seriously the Judiciary in the administration
complished his mission in the pursue judicial reforms. Otherwise, of justice.
world and “it is fitting that he port and Communication Secre- in 2011. The same year, Gatchalian the post because he had been ex-
everything we fought for during It is also intended to augment
enjoy the rewards for living a tary Mar Roxas. was named one of The Outstanding posed to national politics and local
“He is holding a Cabinet position Young Men for public service as a leaders. the impeachment would be put to the allowances of the members and
good life in the arms of God waste.” personnel of the Judiciary and to fi-
our Father.” which requires administrative func- result of his commitment to educa- “He has gone all over the country.
tions,” Enrile said. tion and community development. He knows the problem of law and Remulla, party whip of the Na- nance the acquisition, maintenance
He praised Robredo for be- cionalista Party, said Sereno would and repair of office equipment and
ing “a trailblazer” and said “he “If you are vice president, what Enrile said it was up to the ap- order in every area of the country,
you do is just travel around the pointing power to select the best having been the head of the police need a lot of “emotional quotient” facilities.
has proven that one can suc- to withstand the pressure of being In the impeachment com-
ceed in politics without becom- country like the late President Dios- candidate for the position. department,” Enrile said.
dado Macapagal before he became “Not only the best material but “He was once the head of the the chief justice. plaint, 188 lawmakers said Co-
ing a traditional politician.” “Sereno has got to have a lot of rona has failed to report on the
“Back stabbing is a reality in President. the trust and confidence of the ap- [National Police]. He was a mem-
“They are all capable because pointing power on the person to be ber of the Cabinet. He has been a EQ. They may all have equal IQs status of both funds, and how
politics, but Jesse showed good but being the best of the best re- these were spent.
manners in dealing with people they have experience in local ad- appointed because the one who will senator for many, many year terms
who have shown him ill will,” ministration. They all know the be appointed will be the alter ego of so therefore, he is familiar with the

Aquino said. “With him what common problems of local gov- the President,” Enrile said. laws and conditions of this country.” Sereno said she intended to just
you see is what you get.” ernments. That’s politics. You are “He is the embodiment and per- Senator Franklin Drilon said meet various units in the high court
As Robredo was laid to rest mostly involved in politics if you are sonification of the President in that he did not think the President to address the concerns of the me-
at the Eternal Garden cemetery, in the local level, but that position department. had made any decision yet on President Benigno Aquino III’s dia and the public regarding infor-
fire stations all over the country of Interior and Local Government Asked about Cavite Rep. Joseph who to appoint to Robredo’s post puppet. mation from the high court.
sounded their sirens and about portfolio does not only involve poli- Emilio Abaya, who is being pushed because they were still grieving Sereno said he had received “We will seek ways on how to
60 coast guard ships moored in tics. It involves law enforcement.” by some sectors to assume Ro- over his death. several requests and invitations best respond to the needs of media
various stations across the land Senator Panfilo Lacson is also be- bredo’s post, Enrile said he did not “But I believe that the vacancy for interviews from various media for accurate and timely informa-
blew their horns to pay tribute ing eyed to replace Robredo. know him. should immediately be filled and organizations since Friday, when tion,” she said.
to the late Secretary. On Tuesday, Valenzuela City’s “But I know Senator Lacson the President should be able to Malacañang announaced her ap- Her predecessor Corona had
After the 19-gun salute at the public information officer said quite well enough,” he said. make his decision in the next two pointment as chief justice to replace been visible in the media during his
Basilica, a band played the nation- Mayor Sherwin Gatchalian, 38, was “I think if they will tap Senator weeks ideally,” he said. With Gigi Renato Corona, who was removed appointment in 2010 and before he
al anthem as Robredo’s remains among those being recommended Lacson to head that department, Muñoz-David and Sara Susanne by the Senate on May 29 for not was removed from office in May.
were brought out and the funeral by the group Movement for Good he will do very well because he is D. Fabunan disclosing all his assets. He visited radio and TV stations
cortege proceeded to the Funeraria Sereno said wisdom led her “to to explain his “midnight appoint-
Imperial for cremation. seek to return the Supreme Court to ment” when he assumed his post
Aquino, together with Ro-
bredo’s family and members of
he Cabinet, followed the hearse
Palace... from the Judiciary or not, they have
to deal with the new chief justice,”
he added.
was natural and unavoidable.
“I believe that is just temporary.
There were expectations,” he said.
its dignified days of silence--when
its justices were heard when read
thru their writings and when [the]
and during his impeachment trial.
The SC has a spokesperson that
is tasked to deal with the media and
for the 40-minute walk to the “It’s not going to sway anyone Lacierda said the best person to Drilon also echoed the Pal- actions of the Court were best seen who is co-terminus with the chief
crematorium. A three-volley [to remove] her from the position of defend Sereno from any further ace view that Sereno would have in their collective resolutions.” justice. Sereno has yet to name a
salute was rendered by the Phil- chief justice. The constitutional pre- criticism would be sthe spokesman enough time – as much as 18 years She vowed to institute reforms new spokesperson as she extended
ippine National Police, while a rogative of the President in appoint- of the Supreme Court, not Mala- until her retirement at 70 – to carry and transparency in the high court. the term of acting spokesperson
bugler played the taps. ing Chief [Justice] Sereno has been canang. out reforms in the Judiciary. She recognized the media’s im- Ma. Victory Gleoresty Guerra “un-
President Aquino then pre- exercised,” he said. But he also appealed to critics to “It takes time, you cannot do it portant role, but expressed deep til further orders.”
sented a folded national flag to Farmers of Hacienda Luisita, give Sereno a chance. overnight. The judicial ship must concern on the implications of ac- The high court had only two
Robredo’s wife Leonora and the vast sugar estate owned by “Let’s give Chief Justice Sereno a be turned around slowly, because an cepting interviews on the consti- spokesmen in its long history: Ismael
three daughters Aika, Janine the President’s family, ques- chance to prove herself. We’re opti- abrupt change may cause the Judi- tutional role of the Supreme Court Khan and Jose Midas Marquez.
and Jillian. tioned the choice, saying that mistic that she will be up to the job cial ship to capsize,” Drilon said and the judiciary. She intended “to Sereno, being the chief justice,
As the fire stations blew their Sereno last year filed a dissent- in implementing and institutionaliz- “This is a golden opportunity minimize susceptibility to misinter- becomes the chairman of the First
sirens, Bureau of Fire Protection ing opinion to compensate Mr. ing reforms in the Judiciary,” Laci- presented by the President by pretation.” Division with Justice Teresita
chief Ruben Bearis told reporters Aquino’s family P5 billion for erda said. making this game-changing ap- “Wisdom seeks me to return the Leonardo-De Castro as working
in Manila: “We will keep him in land to be distributed under the Lacierda said. pointment to enable the head Supreme Court to its days of digni- chairman and Justices Lucas Bersa-
our hearts. We will emulate his agrarian reform program, a much “I think the critics would have a of the judiciary to institute re- fied silence--when its justices were min, Martin Villarama Jr. and Bien-
works and ideals ... for the best higher sum than was decided by better way of channeling their frus- forms,” he added. heard when read thru their writings, venido Reyes as members.
interest of public service.” the majority of the justices. tration instead of criticizing anony- Senate President Juan Ponce En- and when [the] actions of the Court Senior Justice Antonio Carpio,
Calbayog Bishop Isabelo Unconfirmed reports also said mously Chief Justice Sereno. The rile, on the other hand, said he hoped were best seen in their collective who was bypassed the second time
Abarquez said Robredo’s sim- Sereno scored low in a psychologi- best thing they can do is to work Sereno would improve the adminis- resolutions,” Sereno said. around with Sereno’s appointment,
plicity made him approachable cal test during the screening process, towards helping Chief Justice tration of justice. The “judiciary is not a political remains chairman of the Second
and people never hesitated to and was described in the results as Sereno implement the reforms In the House, Zambales Rep. Mila- branch of government.” Division with Justices Arturo Brion,
come to him, especially the being “dramatic and emotional.” that are badly needed in the Judi- gros Magsaysay said she believed “Dignified silence” on the part of Mariano Del Castillo, Jose Perez and
“last, the least and the lost.” “I think those attacks are really ciary,” he added. that Sereno will restore the faith of justices was crucial for the Court to Estela Perlas-Bernabe as members.
Iloilo Auxiliary Bishop Ge- water under the bridge. The appoint- A Palace ally in the Senate, Sena- the public in the Supreme Court, after deliver its mandate “to be deliber- The Third Division is led by
rardo Alminaza said Robredo’s ment has already been made,” Laci- tor Franklin Drilon, also came to the the impeachment of her predecessor, ate, accurate, sober and carefully Justice Presbitero Velasco and its
“seal of good housekeeping” is erda said. chief justice’s defense, saying disen- Chief Justice Renato Corona. balanced before arriving at its deci- members are Justices Diosdado
a valuable legacy, which should “She has taken her oath and chantment among the other justices With Macon Ramos-Araneta sions and in the presentation of such Peralta, Roberto Abad and Jose
be taught in schools, describing whether (the attacks are) coming who were bypassed for the position and Maricel Cruz decisions.” Mendoza.
him as a government executive
who has “become bigger than
life now that he is dead.”
“We now have a role model for
public servants,” Alminaza said.
Farmers... party-list Abang Lingkod claims
to be a farmers representative
when the truth is they have
DAR... take part in the bidding for audi-
tors despite publicized invita-
tions,” he raised.
for the auditing,” he said.
He said he was hoping Land
Bank could release its land valua-
Reacting to the outpouring “How can it possibly represent evolved into a bandit group and “There is a need for a review of He said they were prompted to tion by end of the year.
of love, admiration and praise the interest of the farmers when it private army of landlords espe- the list to see if DAR has missed out publish “our terms of reference in On April, the Supreme Court
for the Secretary, Mrs. Robredo is a recipient of some P267 million cially in areas where agrarian any names, and the management the newspapers not to invite bidders, ordered the distribution of
said: “Sobra-sobra na ito (This in peace funds from the Aquino disputes exist,” says Ratin. has to strike out non-beneficiaries but to invite proposals.” close to 5,000 hectares of sugar
is too much).” government and the RPA-ABB He said “landlords hired mem- or the farmers would cast doubts,” “We opted to invite propos- land owned by the relatives of
She said her husband has national commander and his group bers of the RPA-ABB as part of he said. als of how much do interested President Benigno Aquino III
touched the lives of many people were hired as security arm by Presi- their security forces to coerce pro- While a public bidding for a qual- auditors wanted to be paid. Re- in Tarlac
and was surprised to see “a big, dent Benigno Aquino III’s uncle, testing farmworkers, peasants and ified land surveyor is almost done, member, the Supreme Court or- All 14 SC justices, including
burly man crying over his coffin.” businessman Eduardo Cojuangco, women, especially in areas where the department is still looking for an der stipulates that the govern- former Chief Justice Renato Co-
“We will remember him as to protect his hacienda?” Ratin told there are land disputes and the interested auditing firm to scrutinize ment through Land Bank is to rona, voted for the distribution of
an exceptional man and father. the Manila Standard. masses are struggling for genuine the books of accounts of the haci- assess the land valuation, and sugar land to farmers and fixing
He died with nothing left un- “Cojuangco and other landlords agrarian reform.” enda, he noted. the management of Hacienda the valuation for just compensa-
said,” said Leonora, who has used the RPA-ABB group to harass, “Aside from landlords, the “No one has come forward to Luisita to take on the payment tion to the 1989 value of the land.
earned the admiration of many intimidate and kill the legitimate RPA-ABB stands as hired guns
people for her composure since farmers, who they now claim they are by local politicos in Negros as

the news of Robredo’s death trying to represent and protect?” Ratin highlighted by the extrajudicial “These numbers collectively $18.6 billion more than China’s, but
broke out until his internment. said. “This group committed serious killing of Judge Henry Arles last show a gradual chipping away of In- by 2012 the difference was down to
“He used to tell me he will be atrocities against the farmers.” April,” Ratin said. dia’s stronger historical dominance; $9.4, a significant reduction.
the first to go. His cup was in- Ratin called on the Comelec Recent reports said a wit- XMg said the last three years though time will tell if it will be sig- The Philippines’ modest contribu-
deed overflowing. His dreams to immediately deny the petition ness, who was identified only (2010 to 2012 projections) had seen nificant,” it said. tion rose from $8.9 billion to 12.7 bil-
for himself were simple and for registration of Abang Lingkod as “Honeybee,” had executed an growth, in the Philippines, of 25.4 At this point, China and the Phil- lion, a not-so-insignificant 43-percent
God gave him more than he whose first nominee is Joseph Ste- affidavit claiming that Rustom percent, 23.6 percent, and 15.7 per- ippines were each showing “real increase in revenue. That was only
asked for,” she said. phen Paduano, also known as Cara- Puro, a ranking member of the cent, respectively. growth” in terms of total market slightly lower than China’s 50 percent
Leonora said she and the pali Lualhati, the national com- RPA-ABB and the husband of This same period, it said, saw share as compared to India’s current revenue increase, XMG reported.
other members of the family mander of the RPA-ABB. her cousin, told her that he and growth by the other two primary dominant position, XMG said. “This trend suggests new op-
will not say goodby to Jesse. He said the RPA-ABB is en- Marvin Salve were contracted players — India showed 13.2 per- In billions of dollars, India’s last portunities for other players to
“I won’t say goodbye because gaged in peace negotiations with by the group of vice governor cent, 8.6 percent, and 7.1 percent three-year growth cycle was 54.33, gain market share as well since the
you will always be in our midst. the government. Genaro Alvarez, his son Ilog during that same period; while Chi- 59.0, and 63.2. China’s market share growth of the offshoring outsourc-
Rest well and we will love you “It is totally revolting that the Mayor John Paul Alvarez and na’s numbers were, 43.5 percent, was 35.76, 45.7, and 53.8. ing industry will remain relentless,”
forever,” she said. RPA –ABB through the pseudo Tabujara, to assassinate Arles. 63.6 percent, and 33.0 percent. In 2010, India’s revenues were XMG said.



Weathermen demand P700-m package

By Maricel V. Cruz

A TECHNOLOGY official on Tues-

day defended his department’s P10-
billion proposed allocation for 2013,
saying that a portion of the budget will
be used to bankroll the compensation
package of weather bureau personnel.
Undersecretary Fortunato dela Pena said the compensation pack-
age would amount to P700 million, thus prompting Rep. Neri Col-
menares to suggest taking the fund from the conditional cash trans-
fer, the poverty alleviation fund.
Dela Pena said the agency needed that much to comply with the
employee-benefits program of the Pag-ASA under the Magna Carta
for Scientists, Engineers, Researchers and other Science and Tech-
nology Personnel in Government. It would defeat the purpose of the
law if the package was not released on time, he said. He also com-
plained that the benefits of the DOTC employees are often delayed
or not given at all because the Budget department would want the
agency to source the funds from savings.
Colmenares, during the House committee hearing conducted
by the House committee on appropriations, said much is expected
from DOST.
“We always have typhoons and you are demanded to give weath-
er reports by the hour, respond to disasters, among others. Why
are these benefits up to DBM’s discretion when it is provided by
law? It was made into law so that these benefits will be automati-
cally provided,” Colmenares told the panel with Rep. Mel Senen
Sarmiento presiding.
Colmenares sad that instead of forcing the agency to sub-
sidize its employees’ benefits from its savings, Congress
should realign the funding for the agency’s funding needs. He
pointed to the Aquino administration’s dole out program as a
possible source of fund.
“Savings should not be used for the benefits,” he said.
Rotting rice. A caretaker at the National Food Authority’s warehouse in Pasig city shows a portion of 7,000 sacks of rice damaged by the A portion of the P700 million Pag-ASA package could also be
recent flooding. MANNY PALMERO taken from the modernization fund of the Armed Forces, he said.

RH bill cannot be contested until enacted, says Lagman IN BRIEF

PROPONENTS of the controversial church made a prophetic moral judg- human life is a great bane to our reli- tives like pills, condoms, injectables
Binay off to Tehran summit
reproductive health bill on Tuesday ment on political leadership. gious-oriented nation” the letter said. and the IUD are medically certified as VICE President Jejomar Binay on Tues-
said that the measure cannot be con- “With this prophetic declaration we “We are pro-life. We must defend non-abortive or not abortifacients and day left for Tehran to represent President
tested until approved by Congress. believe that we somehow significantly human life from the moment of con- are approved by the Food and Drug Benigno Aquino III in the 16th Non-
Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman, principal helped open the door for EDSA I and a ception or fertilization up to its natural Administration,” Lagman added. Aligned Movement Summit.
author of House Bill 4244, or the Re- window of political integrity.” end,” the CBCP said. He said neither the Constitution nor Binay’ lean entourage of five in-
sponsible Parenthood or Reproductive Today we come to a new national Lagman, however, said he is certain that any law prohibits the manufacture, dis- cludes former Senator Francisco Tatad
Health, said there could be no judicial crossroads and we now have to make a the measure would be able to pass the test tribution and use of contraceptives. as Political Affairs Director, former
scrutiny by the Supreme Court of the similar moral choice. Our President ral- of constitutionality, such as the constitu- Lagman said the RH bill is anti-abortion Ambassador Narciso Castaneda and
constitutionality of the RH bill until it lied the country with the election cry, tional provision for the State to protect “the as “the proper and regular use of medically three protocol and communication and
is enacted into law. “Kung walang corrupt walang mahirap.” life of the unborn from conception.” safe, legal and effective contraceptives re-
security personnel.
“If the bishops and their lay allies are As religious leaders we believe that there This provision, Lagman said, is in- duces the incidence of abortion by as much
United Nations Secretary-General Ban
determined to challenge the constitution- is a greater form of corruption, namely, tended to prevent both the Congress as 85 percent according to credible scien-
ality of the controversial measure, then moral corruption which is really the root and the Supreme Court from legalizing tific and empirical studies.” Ki-moon is expected to attend the sum-
they should stop hindering the bill from of all corruption. On the present issue, it abortion. According to Lagman, the proposal mit that will be attended by representa-
becoming a statute,” Lagman said. would be morally corrupt to disregard Lagman also maintained that the RH in the Constitutional Commission to tives of all NAM members as well as
“Once the RH bill becomes a law, the moral implications of the RH bill. bill is against abortion as it provides that include in the Bill of Rights a provi- observer countries.
the RH advocates welcome any ques- As religious leaders, we have unani- abortion is illegal and punishable. He sion that “the right to life extends to the While in Iran, the Vice President will
tion on its constitutionality.” mously made the moral judgment—to also stressed that the bill does not en- fertilized ovum” was not approved. also visit the Philippine embassy’s wel-
Meanwhile, the Catholic church reject the RH agenda and to choose life. dorse any method of family planning. “This original proposal was not fare center.
again called on the faithful to reject the ”We call for a fundamental transfor- “The function of contraceptives is to constitutionalized because it is clear Founded in September 1961, NAM is
RH bill, saying that the family planning mation of our attitudes and behavior to- avoid pregnancy, either by preventing a that the fertilized ovum has no vi- comprised of 120 countries, apart from
bill is “a form of moral corruption.” wards all human life especially the most woman from ovulating or the sperm from able life until it is implanted in the 19 observer countries and 10 observer
In a pastoral letter, the Catholic Bish- defenseless, namely, human life being reaching the egg, which in either case there woman’s uterus, which is the start of organizations.
ops Conference of the Philippines said formed or being conceived. The cheap- is no fertilization and no fetus to abort. conception or pregnancy,” Lagman The 16th Non-Aligned Movement
that it was almost 20 years ago that the ness with which many seem to consider “It is for this reason that contracep- said. Maricel V. Cruz Summit focuses on striving for the
interests of developing countries all
over the world. It now represents

Drilon committee nearly two-thirds of UN member-

countries and comprises 55 percent of
the world population. Eric Apolonio

OKs cash transfers PH embassy-Tokyo donation

By Macon Araneta Muslim Mindanao and in certain
THE Philippine Embassy in Tokyo
parts of the Visayas,” he added.
donated P400,000 to two non-gov-
The Senate’s finance commit- Drilon said the DSWD budget
ernmental organizations that are as-
tee on Tuesday approved the is 15.11 percent higher than its
sisting Filipino migrant workers and
proposed 2013 budget of the current appropriation of P48.63
Japanese-Filipino children.
Department of Social Welfare billion, whereas the government’s
The Department of Affairs said that
and Development amounting to main poverty reduction program,
half of the P400,000 was donated to
P55.98 billion, which includes increased by 12.2 percent from
the Development Action for Women
the P44.26 billion for the condi- P39.45 billion this year.
Network while the other half went
tional cash transfer program. “The increase will basically cov-
to Batis Center for Women.
At the House of Representa- er an additional 700,000 household
The donation came from the Philip-
tives, DSWD officials are ex- beneficiaries in 2013 reaching the
pine Embassy’s share of the proceeds
pected to testify today and target of 3.8 million from 3.1 mil-
of the Asia-Pacific Ladies Friendship
explain the “unaccounted over- lion in 2012,” said Drilon.
Society Charity Bazaar held last April
the-counter disbursements” in- Moreover, upon the interven-
in Tokyo, said Maria Teresa Lopez,
volving P3.7 billion under the tion of the committee, Drilon said
Amabassador Manuel Lopez’s wife.
conditional cash transfers pro- the department moved to trim
Lopez was chairman of the ALFS,
gram from 2010 to 2011. down from 10 percent to 8.67 per-
a Tokyo-based group bringing to-
The DWSD budget proposal cent, equivalent to P3.83 billion,
gether women from 26 Asia-Pacific
will be submitted for plenary de- the administrative cost of CCT in Wage hike. Militant workers press for action from the House of Representatives on their countries.
liberations, said committee chair- 2013. In 2012, the administrative demand for a legislated wage amounting to P125 per day. MANNY PALMERO Lopez handed the donation in Ma-
man Senator Frank Drilon. “ We cost amounts P3.5 billion.
nila and observed the organizations’
consider the budget approved. We “Through the efforts of our
programs in action. Sara Fabunan
will submit for consideration of
the Senate. I am confident that the
program can be explained well to
committee, we were able to re-
duce the cost of operation for this
program from 10 percent to 8.6
PH unmoved by China’s sea presence
the Senators, and I see no problem percent that results in a savings of By Sara Fabunan weather amid the standoff be- through establishing its Sansha REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES
in having the budget of DSWD P440 million which will go to the tween Manila and Beijing. City in June to administer more COMMISSION ON APPOINTMENTS
approved,” said Drilon. grants to cover 70,000 more fami- AMID the presence of Chinese Both countries agreed to than 200 islets, sandbanks and ANNOUNCEMENT
Data on poverty incidence in lies in 2013,” pointed out Drilon. vessels in the South China Sea, withdraw their ships from the reefs in Xisha, Zhongsha and President Benigno S. Aquino III has submitted to the Commission
2003 was very disturbing, with CCT or Pantawid Pamilyang Pil- the Philippines has yet to deter- South China Sea, but China Nansha islands and the 2 mil- on Appointments (C.A.) for confirmation the nomination and ad interim
appointments of the following officials:
the poverty threshold at P12,475 ipino Program provides cash grants mine when it would send its pulled out only its fishing lion square kilometers of sur- Justice and Judicial and Bar Council

to beneficiaries to be used for health

Hon. Aurora S. Lagman - Member, Representing the Private Sector,
annually per household, he said. ships in the disputed waters. boats and kept its vessels, rounding waters. Judicial and Bar Council, Supreme Court of the Philippines
Cabinet Secretary
If the family income falls below and nutrition and for educational Foreign Affairs spokes- erecting barriers to impose its Beijing also built its PLA’s Hon. Arsenio M. Balisacan - Secretary of Socio-Economic Planning and
Director General, National Economic and Development Authority
that level, the family is consid- expenses, noted Drilon. man Raul Hernandez said that sovereignty over the Scarbor- military garrison and appoint- Armed Forces of the Philippines
ered poor, he said. The beneficiaries were iden- there was no word yet from ough Shoal. ed its legislative body.
Nestor A. Añonuevo (nomination) and Alfredo M. Andres – Brigadier
General; Vicente Mark Anthony P. Blanco, III (PN-M), Nestor R.
Marcelino (PN-M), Jonas R. Lumawag (PN-M), Teofilo R. Bailon,
Poverty incidence in 2003 tified through the National the Coast Guard when exactly China has been claim- The Philippines and Vietnam Jr. (PAF), Antonio Celestino S. Dy (PAF), Augusto V. Gaite (PAF),
Carlos B. Evangelista (PAF), Michael J. Lorenzo (PAF), Amerigo
was 30 percent, and in 2006, Household Targeting System for the Philippines will send its ing 90 percent of the South lodged diplomatic protests A. Fabrigar (PAF), Sharon G. Gernale (PAF), Aldrick B. Dela Torre
(PAF) and Merlyn B. Solis (NC) – Colonel; Rommel Anthony SD
Reyes (PN), Zosimo DG Jimenez, Jr., (PN) and Nelson D. Panes
32.9 percent. Poverty Reduction. ships to the contested island. China Sea based on its nine- against China opposing its ag- (PN) - Captain
“In the provinces, poverty inci- It provides a monthly stipend So far, he said, there were dash line, where parts of the gressive claims over the water. The public may submit any information, written report or sworn complaints
or oppositions in forty (40) copies on the above nomination and appointments
to the CA Secretariat, 6th Floor, PNB Financial Center, Roxas Boulevard,
dence is more alarming because composed of up to P1,400, on three Chinese government maritime territories were also Meanwhile, the Chinese Pasay City, Metro Manila.
there are certain provinces were condition that they send or keep ships anchored off Bajo de claimed by the Philippines, government said that Sansha For the schedule of the public hearings, the CA Secretariat can be reached
through telephone numbers 551-7532, 831-0893, 831-1824, 834-2706, 831-
the poverty incidence was twice their children in school, that Masinloc, while the Philip- Vietnam, Taiwan, Brunei, In- city started to build infra- 1566 and 834-2713.
28 August 2012.
higher than that of the national av- their children receive immuni- pines had none. donesia and Malaysia. structure, with the view of ARTURO L. TIU
erage, specifically in the provinc- zation and that mothers avail of The Philippines pulled The China government has making the city the center of Secretary

es in the Autonomous Regions of pre-natal and other check-ups. out its ships in July due to bad aggressively assert its claims oil and fishing industries. (MST-Aug. 29, 2012)
Adelle Chua, Editor Opinion

Party-list abuse
EVEN a cursory examination of the seats in the House of the Commission on Elections the Comelec. “They cannot be though the Comelec has done
of the members of Congress Representatives to these so-called to purge 30 of the 54 incumbent allowed to participate in a party- precious little about them so far.
who gained their seats as party- marginalized groups and made it party-list groups and 10 new list system that seeks to empower And even assuming it purges the
list representatives will reveal easier for them to win election. applicants disqualified for and represent the marginalized bogus party-list groups, as Kontra
how absurd, ineffectual and The clash between theory and having done nothing for their and underrepresented sectors. Daya suggests, the relief will be
politically bankrupt our system reality, however, soon became respective sectors and for having These politicians and their clans temporary at best because the
is in guaranteeing minority apparent as politicians, television multimillionaire congressmen are already well represented powerful and the privileged will
representation. evangelists and other unsavory leading the supposedly precisely because they are already always find a way to promote their
The party-list system was put in characters abused the party-list marginalized sectors. Those in Congress.” own interests, and the flawed party-
place by the framers of the 1987 system as a quick and dirty way to included groups allied with The same anti-fraud group has list system is an open invitation.
Constitution, who envisioned gain a congressional seat. A perfect President Benigno Aquino III and objected to the party-list ambitions Beyond the obvious incongruity
it as a mechanism by which the example of this abuse was the his predecessor. of the former chief of a communist of having rich and powerful people
voiceless, under-represented election of former Pampanga Rep. “The party-list groups of assassination unit and a former pretend to represent the poor and
and marginalized groups such Juan Miguel Arroyo, the son of the politicians and their political congressman convicted of rape, marginalized, the whole concept
as the poor, laborers, peasants former President Gloria Arroyo, as clans are not and do not who tries to hide his desire for a of minority representation and the
and cultural minorities would be a representative of tricycle drivers belong to the marginalized and political comeback by claiming to party-list system is deeply flawed
guaranteed a voice in Congress. and security guards. underrepresented,” said Joe represent innocent prisoners. and a corruption of democracy,
Toward this goal, the Earlier this month, the anti- Dizon, a priest and Kontra Daya More examples of party-list which is defined as majority rule
Constitution set aside 20 percent fraud group Kontra Daya urged convenor, in a petition before abuse are not hard to come by, and representative government.

Good grief
Philippines the “Republic of Robredo”
in order to fully honor the man.
JOJO ***
A. ROBLES This, then, is why the overdone
LOWDOWN official efforts to sanctify Robredo hit
a sour note, a note that was sustained
PRESIDENT Noynoy Aquino sure until it became a fugue of state-
loves a great funeral. And why sanctioned sanctimoniousness: unlike
wouldn’t he, when death has brought previous funerals that had swept
his family such great fortune? Aquino and his mother Cory before
As Jesse Robredo’s wife herself him into power, the posthumous
said, upon witnessing the pomp and grieving over the late, great son of
pageantry orchestrated by the Aquino Naga City did not come from the
administration for the burial of her ground up, rising from the unnamed
husband: “Sobra-sobra na ito.” Indeed, masses until those in power could no
Leni Robredo plaintively remarked longer ignore it.
that the late Cabinet secretary would The assassination of Ninoy Aquino
probably be the first to shun the and the cancer-caused passing
honors so lavishly bestowed upon him of his wife Cory became popular
by the President and and ultimately
his officials—the unstoppable
same people who, expressions of
ironically, never It’s as if Aquino national mourning
showed him that that were not
much respect when could not trust instigated, funded
he was alive. or fueled by the
Surely, there is a the people to government.
lot to be said about show enough And whether one
believed in what
the way Robredo
comported himself grief to honor Ninoy and Cory
when he was among stood for or not,
us. The man was a
Robredo. the people did—
humble, industrious,
public servant who
and the people, not
Which shall perish and which shall live?
never really cared for the limelight deaths. Talking of plagiarism, the entire RH years. Thereafter, the old trend returned,
and the celebrity status that comes It was as if Noynoy Aquino idea is more than a plagiary. The original Carlson writes.
with high political office. reenacted the funerals of his parents FRANCISCO S. coinage is from the global population Early Christianity saw the rise of
Robredo deserves to be praised. using Robredo as a substitute because TATAD control lobby, which includes the most the Gnostics. The Gnostics claimed
But the pull-out-all-the-stops manner
in which the government took over
he could not trust the people to show
enough grief that would sufficiently FIRST THINGS FIRST powerful foreign governments, the
UN Fund for Population Activities,
to have a special “gnosis,” a “secret
knowledge” denied to ordinary
his funeral—because it was the give honor to the dead man. And so he WITHOUT doubt, Senate Majority International Planned Parenthood Christians. They rejected marriage as
government that made it into a Cecil had to use all the powers and resources Leader Vicente Sotto III scored high Federation, the world’s biggest supplier a child-centered institution; and they
B. DeMille production—has started at his command to ensure that Robredo in his turno en contra speech against of abortion. Minted by the lobby, it was scorned procreation.
to make even the most pro-Aquino became the first canonized saint of his the reproductive health bill. But his simply passed on to its “authors,” who This is what the RH bill is all about.
administration. opponents struck back quickly by were more than eager to adopt it as their Fast forward to the 19th century. From
loyalists gag and retch.
(It is laughable to expect Aquino to talking about him rather than about the own. 1871 to1887, Prussia’s Iron Chancellor
Aquino is still in full-time mourning
call for the same state honors given to bill. They scoffed at his story about Its ultimate purpose, never openly Otto von Bismarck instituted “reforms”
mode for his deceased secretary, admitted, is not just to create a against the Catholic Church and the
which is why, his grieving spokesmen Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, for instance, the doctor blaming the death of his five-
month-old son on the contraceptive permanent market for contraceptives family. Kulturkampf, the scientist-social
say, he cannot be bothered to appoint if she dies because this administration
pill which had failed to prevent his and sterilization agents and prevent the reformer Rudolph Virchow called it.
a replacement for Robredo. (He will not allow her to go abroad for poor from breeding. It is to create a MercatorNet provides us a short digest.
could, however, name his schoolmate, treatment. Even if Aquino can also wife’s pregnancy, and accused him of
plagiarizing a paragraph in his speech secular, extremely individualistic, and In 1871, Bismarck abolished the
Maria Lourdes Sereno, chief justice conceivably feel guilty if Arroyo dies hedonistic world in which the natural Catholic bureau of worship, and put
of the Supreme Court while deep in because he let it happen—just like from an American blogger.
Soon enough, public attention was no family, religion and morality have all Protestants in charge of government-
bereavement.) he could deservedly be blamed for been outlawed; where sexual pleasure Church relations. Then he passed the
The entire Cabinet had followed Robredo’s death—the most that anyone longer on the fundamentally flawed bill
but rather on Sotto’s alleged plagiarism. has become the central purpose of Pulpit Law which severely penalized
suit. And like many of them did when can reasonably expect is a perfunctory human life, and adultery, fornication, criticism of the government by the
they were still serving in the Arroyo statement of meaningless official The debate shifted from the facts of the
case to the senator’s alleged personal sodomy, and other forms of sexual clergy. In 1872, he placed all schools
Cabinet, they burst into song in honor “grief” from his interchangeable palace perversion have become the norm. under state control. The Jesuits (and later
spokesmen if Arroyo dies.) flaws. From argumentum ad rem to
of Robredo, belting out a karaoke argumentum ad hominem. In a less permissive age, it would have other religious orders) were expelled or
version of “Betcha By Golly Wow” Meanwhile, as many have noted, been characterized as a crime against interned. Then he broke off diplomatic
However, a cursory reading of Sotto’s
beside their dead comrade’s coffin. who’s minding the store while all this humanity, not just against Filipinos. relations with the Vatican.
speech will show that every paragraph
There was the conferment of the is going on? Who’s watching while that quotes any research study or opinion But President Aquino thinks it could In 1873, Bismarck tried to finally
Legion of Honor, the 19-gun salute, the oil companies keep raising their is properly attributed to its source. The be packaged and sold as “responsible crush the hierarchy and subject the
the water cannons, the policemen prices, to cite just one example of purportedly plagiarized text, downloaded parenthood.” It is not even an original Church to total state control. He tried
lining either side of Roxas Boulevard, opportunistic oppression of the people from the Internet, is attributed. But it construct. It is merely paganism redux. to organize his own Catholic group to
the burial at Libingan ng mga Bayani that Robredo loved while all this is attributed to Dr. Natasha Campbell- In my friend Allan Carlson’s try to replace the hierarchy. In 1875,
(thankfully declined by Robredo’s mourning is going on? McBride, MD, the original source of the highly illuminating book, “Godly he suspended all grants to dioceses, and
family). There was the non-stop But Aquino cannot be dissuaded material, rather than to the blogger, who Seed,” we see that pervasive sexual dissolved all religious orders, except
serial eulogizing by practically every from mourning Robredo, nearly two says the material is not a direct quote disorder preceded the rise of Christian those involved in nursing and social
Cabinet member, whose words of weeks since his unloved (by his boss from McBride, but her own paraphrase of civilization. In the swollen city of work. He confiscated Church properties
comfort were—I’m not making this and his colleagues) subordinate was what McBride says. Rome, writes Carlson, homosexuality and made civil marriage obligatory.
up—posted verbatim, separately and reported missing. And the President It is a simple case of erroneous emerged as an open practice. Same-sex Bismarck is dead, but the Church lives.
in full by a fawning big-media outlet. has to repeatedly—and belatedly— attribution. There was no attempt on marriage might have occurred, although What we are seeing today may be no
Guilt feelings on the part of Aquino extol the virtues of a man whom he Sotto’s part to pass it off as his own. never taken seriously in law; infanticide different from what is now part of our long
(who sent Robredo on the fateful never trusted enough to head up an Hector A. Villacorta, Sotto’s chief of and abortion were regularly practiced. history. We have all the little Bismarcks
errand that led to his death in a plane entire department when he was alive. staff, says that as soon as he realized the All this caused the Roman birth trying to establish their own kulturkampfs.
crash, hours after he gave a speech If he were alive today, Robredo misattribution, he emailed the blogger rate to plummet. In 18 B.C. Caesar But as the deepening twilight descends upon
that Aquino had agreed to deliver) would probably be tempted to apply to acknowledge and explain the error. Augustus enacted laws to punish the big imperial powers that once dominated
cannot adequately explain the mega- his slippers on the faces of his official He thought all along she was also adultery, penalize childlessness, and the Western world, we can more or less say
mourners. Except that, because he against the bill. But she turned out to be confer benefits on families with three or which institutions will stay, and which will
production. It was as if, as one wag
was such a great and humble man, he a big RH supporter. That was the real more children. These “Augustan Laws” wither away.
said, the Aquino administration would
probably never would. mistake, the real crime. were said to have slowed the Empire’s
not stop until it had renamed the demoralization for at least a hundred
But there is no plagiarism at all.


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Adelle Chua, Editor Opinion WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29, 2012 A5

Enough A local approach to HIV and AIDS

already ADELLE
cause for alarm. In 2000, the Philippines
along with 192 other nations, signed
up for the Millennium Development
Goals, a set of eight time-bound goals
Capacity is built, and that is exactly
what the program is all about: Capacity
to treat, and capacity to prevent.
To this day, there is no cure for HIV-
that sought to eradicate poverty. MDG AIDS. Once diagnosed with the virus,
only released a summary of her SALN. 6 deals with the reversal of the spread especially if the CD4 level dips below
*** of HIV and AIDS and the achievement acceptable limits, a patient must take anti-
Sometime in February this year, IN 2010, UNAIDS published a report of universal access to treatment by retroviral medicines every day for the rest
EMIL I commented on the move of the saying that new infections of HIV and the year 2015 (the other aspect is the of his or her life. Treatment, according to
P. JURADO Commission on Higher Education AIDS have been declining globally. There containment of malaria). Castro, costs anywhere between P30,000
TO THE POINT to close two flagship courses of the
Philippine Maritime Institute, the
are, however, seven countries which
are an aberration. They observed an
incidence increase of more than 25 percent
That reckoning date is three years
away and there has been evidence that the
Philippines has been making progress in
and P70,000 per person per year—a costly
exercise, and given the increasing number
of infected Filipinos, treatment funds
pioneering and oldest maritime school
in the country. compared to their 2001 levels. These the other goals. For MDG 6, however, may sooner than later dry up. Treatment
“TAMA na, sobra na!”
seven countries are Armenia, Bangladesh, performance has been bad. Not only has is mainly provided to patients through
I get this text from friends and School officials pointed out that the country not been able to decrease the international aid.
Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
acquaintances who say they have had the order affecting the courses of Tajikistan—and the Philippines. number of new cases, or slow the growth A good, parallel approach addresses
enough of all the paeans, accolades and Bachelor of Science in Maritime Data from the Philippine National of new ones. The number of new cases prevention, not just as an issue of health
honors heaped upon the late Interior Engineering and Bachelor of Science AIDS Council support this. In fact, in has been getting bigger than ever, with but one of behavior and governance.
and Local Government Secretary in Marine Engineering in the middle the month of June 2012 alone, there certain at-risk populations becoming Communities need to get past the denial
Jesse Robredo. of the school year was contrary to the were 295 new HIV cases recorded, a more vulnerable than before. and discriminatory stage—believing
There is no doubt that the DILG CHED’s own Manual of Regulations 66-percent increase from the number *** that only the promiscuous are at risk
Secretary deserves every tribute made of Private Higher Educational recorded in June 2011. This brings to How, then, to respond? and that the disease is a punishment for
to him. But including his life story in Institutions. PMI also stressed that at 1,600 the number of new cases reported Philip Castro, programme officer their lifestyle. Prevention also does not
the curriculum of public schools? the time the closure order was issued, in the first six months of this year. for HIV and AIDS of the United begin and end with making condoms
Ninety-six percent of those infected Nations Development Programme, available, for instance. A more crucial
Some sectors are even making a the school had already addressed the
this year were male, with a median age says his agency has teamed up with component is education for behavioral
joke out of the tragedy by suggesting concerns raised during inspections by of 28 years. the Local Government Academy of change, because it is a person’s behavior
that Leni Robredo, the late secretary’s CHED. Since the first case was documented the Department of the Interior and that allows him or her to place himself
wife, run for the Senate and become the PMA has filed before the Regional here in the Philippines in 1984, there Local Government to localize the or herself in risky situations.
Cory Aquino of the next generation. Trial Court of Quezon City a petition have been 9,964 individuals diagnosed government’s response to the menace. To effectively respond, Castro
Good thing Mrs. Robredo just laughed for annulment with prayer for a with HIV. Ninety-two percent were There are of course laws that mandate elaborates, an LGU has to have a local
this suggestion off. TRO or Preliminary Injunction. This infected through sexual contact, 4 a national effort especially for education policy (an ordinance), a coordinating
The only accolade now missing is was subsequently granted. With percent through needle-sharing among and information for prevention of HIV body, a local AIDS plan, a budget,
a monument. In this connection, my this development, CHED field a injecting drug users. The balance stands and AIDS. The AIDS Law of 1998, and active partnership with other
colleague from another newspaper, Petition for Certiorari with prayer for mother-to-child transmissions and which also established the PNAC, government agencies, civil society
for a Temporary Restraining Order absence of information. highlighted that issue needed to be seen organizations and the community itself.
Roy Sinfuego, who traces his roots
The PNAC report adds that as a multi-sectoral issue. It would be good to find out how
to Barangay and injunction Practically speaking, however, seriously different local government
from 2007, there has been a shift
Mabacodbacod, with the Court in the predominant trend of sexual the central government is hardly in units are taking up the challenge to
T i g a o n , of Appeals, transmission from heterosexual contact a position to oversee initiatives at build capacity in improving their
Camarines Sur, alleging that (20 percent) to males having sex with the grassroots level in all parts of the communities’ fighting chance by
suggested to the Judge Rena other males, or MSM (80 percent). country. No less than the late Secretary keeping their citizens informed. HIV-
365 Club that we
should replace
The only thing S a m s o n
Some may argue that the number of
HIV-infected Filipinos comprises a very
of the Interior and Local Government,
Jesse Robredo, in his Message for the
AIDS threatens the most productive
and most promising sectors of our
Jose Rizal’s missing is a grave abuse small portion of the total population,
and that there are many other pressing
publication “Localizing the HIV and
AIDS response,” acknowledged the
population. We must not allow faux
conservatism, or plain apathy, to
monument with
that of Robredo.
monument. of discretion
in issuing the health problems—or other problems for “explosion of the epidemic in recent lead our people to make choices with
injunction. that matter—that must first be addressed years” and said that the problems were irreversible consequences.
Manila Times before this. made worse by competing priorities and
owner Dante After several But anything that spreads this fast is lack of capacity.
Ang added that hearings, which
it might be more kept being reset
economical to put up the monument
beside Rizal’s and Ninoy Aquino’s.
Did they make these suggestions in
on motions submitted by CHED, PMI
filed this month a motion to declare the
commission in default for failure to
Libor’s trillion-dollar question
jest? I don’t know. What I know is that file an answer within the time allowed Bloomberg View the benchmark might have fallen short of their borrowing costs is crucial to
we have made Robredo bigger than by the Court. by about $75 billion or so. If the problem their profitability—and at times to their
life itself. What an overkill! In effect, until such time that the The global investigation into the lasted a few years, the shortfall could be survival.
What Malacañang is doing is the Appellate Court makes a ruling on manipulation of Libor has so far done close to $1 trillion. Complete picture
a good job of exposing how bankers Such manipulation would represent To give a more complete picture of the
height of hypocrisy. We all know that PMI’s motion, the TRO or Preliminary
corrupted one of the world’s most a big gift to payers of Libor, such as misbehavior, and to establish what share
Robredo was not even made a full- Injunction earlier approved by the important financial indicators. Now financially stretched US homeowners of the compensation burden each Libor-
fledged secretary until recently. My Court of Appeals on CHED’s closure authorities need to take a giant step whose interest costs on floating-rate reporting bank should bear, researchers
gulay, he was not even in charge of the order remains in effect. My gulay, that further: Make banks release the data mortgages would have been lower. But need access to better data on actual
Philippine National Police! should be clear enough even to non- needed to determine how much damage for bond investors, municipalities, hedge borrowing costs. If they could get records
*** lawyers! was done and who should bear the most funds and others on the receiving end of of observable transactions, they could
All of us acknowledge that newly Despite this, however, there are responsibility. Libor, it would mean major losses. Many produce an independent estimate of how
appointed Chief Justice Ma. Lourdes reports that some CHED personnel For those still not familiar with the are already trying to recoup suspected much the banks’ Libor quotes were off
Sereno must be given the chance to continue to insist that PMI’s flagship London interbank offered rate, it’s an array underpayments through litigation. on any given day. Such an authoritative
prove her independence. She must courses have been ordered closed. of benchmarks designed to provide an How much Libor was off, then, could benchmark would have many benefits:
This is the reply supposedly given to objective assessment of banks’ borrowing be a trillion-dollar question. So far, Plaintiffs, for example, could use it to
show that she is not just another
costs—information that is used to set researchers have managed only partial reach settlements with banks, avoiding
lackey of the President. She must queries by students and their parents the payments on hundreds of trillions of estimates. A 2008 Wall Street Journal legal wrangling that could weigh on the
also know that she faces the great about the status of the closure order. dollars in loans, securities and derivatives analysis suggested that three-month and financial sector for years.
task of restoring the public’s faith and The question remains: What, really, worldwide. The rates are calculated by six-month US dollar Libor —two of the Good data, though, are hard to find.
confidence in the Judiciary. is CHED’s beef with PMI that it asking banks, every workday morning most widely used rates —were understated The Fed hasn’t made information from
Ask any justice of the Supreme seems determined to bear down on the in London, how much they would pay to by an average of about a quarter its wire-transfer system public. The Libor
Court and he or she will tell you that pioneer and largest maritime school borrow money in 10 currencies and at 15 percentage point in the first four months panel banks, for their part, closely guard
it would take at least three years to in the country? Judging by its moves, time periods, from overnight to a year. of 2008. A separate study by economists at information on the interest rates they pay
grasp all the facets of the law and have the commission appears fixated about Investigators are focusing on two the New York Federal Reserve used 2007 on actual short-term loans. This is an
a working knowledge of the Judiciary. running the school down the found. kinds of manipulation. In one, bankers to 2009 data on interbank loans made odd habit, given that they are supposedly
This is why traditionally, the most *** submitted false data to push Libor in a through the Fed’s wire-transfer system. publishing their borrowing rates in
direction that would benefit their own It found a smaller average discrepancy, great detail every day for the purpose of
senior associate justice in named chief In connection with the ongoing
traders. In the other, bankers intentionally but estimated that dollar Libor rates could calculating Libor. If they’re not lying, there
justice. This is the biggest setback of controversy between the Bases lowered the reported rates, which are have been understated by more than 0.2 should be no news in the transactions.
Sereno. Conversion Development Authority published daily, to make their institutions’ percentage point in the two weeks after It’s up to the authorities investigating
The most immediate test of her and Camp John Hay Development financial positions look better than they the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Libor to break the information blockade.
leadership is asserting the fiscal Corp., lessee of 247 hectares of Camp really were. In June, for example, Barclays Holdings Inc. in September 2008. In the US, for example, the Office of
autonomy of the Supreme Court. John Hay in Baguio City, which is Plc paid about $450 million in fines after It’s worth noting that the pressures Financial Research, set up by the Dodd-
Malacañang and Congress imposed now under arbitration by the courts, it confessing that, during the 2008 financial on banks to understate their borrowing Frank financial reform act, has the
stringent conditions on the high court would do well for President Aquino to crisis, it lowered its quotes below its true rates didn’t end with the darkest days subpoena power needed to get the data
for it to use its budget to hire employees have BCDA President Arnel Casanova borrowing rates to keep them in line with of the financial crisis. Concerns about and the brain power required to crunch
for 5,167 positions including about replaced by Chairman Tong Payumo. those of other banks, which Barclays their creditworthiness flared up with the the numbers. Ideally, it would also make
Payumo is the rightful BCDA president thought were fudging even more. European debt crisis in 2010 and 2011. the data public, so independent academics
500 judges. What the Supreme Court
Measuring shortfall In June, Moody’s Investors Service and journalists could check its work.
saves would revert to the national under the law since Casanova is just a How long the lying went on, and how downgraded a number of banks that Shedding light on the extent of Libor
treasury. Such is clearly a violation of usurper. systematic it was, matters a lot. If, for report Libor rates on the grounds that manipulation is essential to restoring the
judicial independence. The law is clear in this respect, example, underreporting caused Libor to their trading activities could threaten market’s integrity. The point of justice,
Another test would be the release and if Casanova gets replaced under be artificially depressed by 0.1 percentage their solvency. Big financial institutions after all, isn’t only to punish the guilty.
of the Statements of Assets, Liabilities the law, all his actions past and point for only a few months, payments typically borrow $10 or more for every It’s also to establish the truth, so we can
and Net Worth of all members of the present would be deemed illegal and on more than $300 trillion in mortgages, dollar in equity provided by shareholders, draw the right conclusions, fix what needs
Supreme Court. Sereno herself has without basis. corporate bonds and derivatives tied to so managing the market’s perceptions fixing and move on.

Let us elect Jesse Robredos in the May 2013 elections

By Armand Dean N. Nocum government officials are servants who ride Zamboanga’s Mayor Cesar C. Climaco. public service should be like, why should are being denied for so a long time now.
bicycles, ride public buses to go home It is for this reason that his family is we settle for less? Inspired by this great hero, let us continue
IT IS hard to find rhyme and reason and personally sweep the streets; that so at peace with his kind of death and is Thus, as we mull on the untimely death the fight for good public service.
when a good man leaves us—in a tragic government officials can be lowest among not blaming anyone for it. In his lifetime, of Secretary Robredo, let us not be content Let us elect Jesse Robredos in the May
circumstance no less. us; and that people can occupy high posts Secretary Robredo had accomplished in merely talking about how good he was 2013 elections. That is the only way for us
I myself was so affected that I was in government without letting power get thrice more than his contemporaries in and how saddening it is for us to have lost to show that Sec. Jesse had not died in vain.
left shocked and was in denial these past into their heads or affect their love and local government or in the Cabinet who a public servant like that.
few days. These are times when you are loyalty to their spouses and their families. may live for a hundred but may never We must all rise up to the occasion and Nocum, a former Inquirer reporter, is
tempted to question God’s motives for We would not have known all these gain the respect, love and admiration now wake up the Jesse Robredos in each of founder of the Kristiyano-Islam Peace
removing from the Aquino administration and admired Secretary Robredo for these showered on Robredo. Dying a violent us. Like Jesse, we can all be true heroes Library ( which
the one good man who is most honest and traits had he been kicked out from office death is just an icing in the cake. A bonus. and martyrs without running for office or builds private libraries in conflict areas
committed to do good in areas of reform or had he left government following non- It is perfect ending for a perfect brand riding on Piper Seneca planes that plunge in Mindanao, rehabilitates and donates
and honesty in governance. confirmation by Congress or through of public service. to the Masbate seas at sundown. old computers and books to public school
Then it dawned on me that God must political infightings. The whole country In his tragic and dramatic death, Secretary Let us use this inherent Robredo potential libraries and communities; and finances
have precisely wanted to end Interior would not have known the sterling qualities Robredo had thus thrown us the challenge to to be heroes to help our fellowman regardless the schooling of 233 scholars nationwide.
Secretary Jesse M. Robredo’s life in of this public servant had he died in his raise the bar of public service. To give justice how lofty or lowly our circumstance in life
a blaze of glory in the watery deep of sleep or in old age. to his death, we are called upon to look for might be. More importantly, let us wake
Masbate in order to make Filipinos realize I myself who had not gotten the honor his traits and brand of public service in all up from slumber the Robredo within us
the kind of people we are inside and can of meeting Sec. Robredo, only knew politicians who are running for office in the and convert this into a VOTE POWER to
be. The kind of people we DESERVE to him for his good work for Naga City 2013 elections. Having seen that we CAN ensure that politicians who don’t possess ALEJANDRO
have in government! and which won him the coveted Ramon still have officials like Sec. Jesse serving us, the life-giving qualities of Sec. Robredo will DEL ROSARIO
The Supreme Being, in His wondrous
ways, may have wanted to show us
that there are still people like Secretary
Magsaysay Awards in 2000. It is only after
his tragic end did I get to know and was
blown away by his humility and his being
why should we settle for the dishonest, the
corrupt, the lazy, the arrogant, the abusive,
the unqualified and the stupid?
never enter the hallowed halls of the Senate,
Congress and the city and provincial and
municipal halls in the country.
Mr. Del Rosario’s column will re-
Robredo who can remain long in office truly a man for the little people, much like Ano tayo, cheap (Are we cheap)? Sec. Jesse already died giving us a sume this week.
and not enrich himself and his family; that the late President Ramon Magsaysay or Sec. Jesse has already shown us how true glimpse of the kind of public service we
A6 WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29, 2012 ManilaStandardToday News

Oil depot out by 2016 IN BRIEF

Junk raps, Morato asks
Sweepstakes director Manoling Morato
By Macon Ramos-Araneta naventura, Joel Chua, Ma. Asuncion Fu- industrial to high-intensity commer- was deferred on Tuesday after he filed
goso, Don Juan Bagatsing, Jocelyn Quin- cial/mixed use zone. a motion to dismiss raps filed against
tos, Richard Ibay, Cristina Isip, Elizabeth On February 13, 2008, the Supreme him before the Quezon City Regional
THE city council of Manila approved on Rivera, Casimiro Sison, Edward V.P.
Maceda, and Marlon Lacson.
Court declared that the oil depot should
leave its current location, because “the
Trial Court.
In postponing the arraignment,
Tuesday an ordinance ordering the so- The minority who voted for the or- reason is obvious--- life is irreplace- Branch 87 Judge Aurora Calledo also
called “Big Three” oil companies—Chevron dinance include Councilors Mon Mo-
rales, Josie Siscar, Rod Lacsamana,
able, property is not.”
“When the state or LGU’s exercise
ordered the Commission on Elections
10 days to comment on Morato’s mo-
Philippines Inc., Petron Corp. and Pilipinas Lou Veloso, Eduardo Quintos XVI, of police power clashes with a few tion.
Shell Petroleum Corp.—to vacate their premises Bobby Lim and Eunice Castro.
Isip said the council will publish
individuals’ right to property, the for-
mer should prevail,” the SC ruled in a
Morato is facing multiple election-
eering charges for using several epi-
in Pandacan district before January 2016. the ordinance the new ordinance in a decision penned by then Chief Justice sodes of his television program “Dial
newspaper of general circulation for Reynato Puno. M” to campaign for former Defense
three consecutive days, before it is sent The SC also noted that any delay in
The council’s spokesman Councilor depots, the operation of which are no Secretary Gilbert Teodoro in the 2010
to Mayor Alfred Lim for his signature. the relocation is unfair to Manila resi-
Jong Isip said said all the 30 council- longer permitted under Section 1, are If the mayor fails to sign the ordinance dents and their leaders who have cat- presidential election. Rio N. Araja
ors, including minority aldermen, who hereby given a period until the end of within 10 days, it will lapse into law. egorically expressed their desire for the
were present in the session presided by January 2016 within which to relocate Isip also claimed the three oil com- relocation of the terminals. Convict: I killed lawyer
Vice Mayor Isko Moreno approved Or- the operation of their businesses.” The panies can no longer seek a nullification “Their power to chart and control
dinance No. 7461. principal author is Manila Councilor of the ordinance before the Supreme their own destiny and preserve their lives RECAPTURED convict Rommel
The ordinance, “An Ordinance Jocelyn Dawis-Asuncion. Court because the high court had al- and safety should not be curtailed by the Lacite, who escaped the the National
Amending Section 2 Of Ordinance No. The other authors are Councilors ready ruled that they should leave the intervenors’ (Big 3) warnings of dooms- Bilibid Prisons on Aug. 15, admitted
8187,” provides that “owners or op- Dennis Alcoreza, Irma Alfonso-Juson, area after the site of the refineries and day scenarios and threats of economic to killing human rights lawyer Ernesto
erators of petroleum refineries and oil Numero Lim, Edward Tan, Ruben Bue- oil depots was re-classified from heavy disorder if the ordinance is enforced. Salunat, a governor of the Integrated
Bar of the Philippines, in 2010, a
spokesman of the Cagayan Valley

High hope police said Tuesday.

“Rommel Laciste, in the presence
of Atty. Ronald Brillantes, has admit-
cadet will ted to killing Atty. Ernesto Salunat on
July 22, 2010. The convict claimed
still recover he was paid P100,000 by a former
court judge to do the job,” said Chief
Inspector Andree Camhol in a state-
THREE days after complicated
surgery, the graduating Philip- ment, but withheld the identity of the
pine Military Academy cadet judge pending an ongoing investiga-
who was shot in the head dur- tion.
ing a robbery inside a passenger Camhol said Laciste revealed that
jeepney in Quezon City last Sat- before he killed Salunat he was de-
urday was able to move his arm tained at the Isabela provincial jail,
and lips on Tuesday, boosting but was released by a jailguard, whom
hopes that he may soon recover he identified as Judy Celestino, so he
from his critical injury. could implement the assassination
PMA Cadet First Class Al- plan.
fonso Aviles, 23, was able to
Laciste had been convicted of
move his right arm and tried to
move his lips and his eyes when killling assistant parole and proba-
PMA Superintendent Maj. Gen. tion officer Concepcion Lumanglas in
Nonato Alfredo and Comman- Isabela and was serving his sentemce
dant of Cadets Brig. Gen. Car- at the New Bilibid Prison when he
los Quita, visited him with other supposedly escaped on the same day
cadet officers, according to mil- Rolito Go and his nephew, Clemence
itary spokesman Col. Arnulfo Yu, were delacred missing.
Marcelo Burgos Jr. Lacite was captured inside the
Burgos also revealed that rice mill in Naguillian, Isabela and
the robber who shot Aviles in he claimed he was ferried out of the
the neck, with the bullet exiting
through his face, had already prison along with Go and Yu.
been identified and is notorious Florante S. Solmerin
for several crimes at the Fairview
area, where Aviles and his fellow 2 docs nabbed for hazing
passengers were robbed.
“As per our coordination A PHYSICIAN and his wife, both
with our police counterparts, officials of a school based in Rizal
the culprit who shot Cadet First province, were arrested by the
Class Alfonso Aviles has been National Bureau of Investigation for
identified,” Burgos said without their alleged role in the fatal hazing of
naming the suspect because of
the ongoing police manhunt. Missing or kidnapped. Mayor Robert Victor Seares of Dolores, Abra shows journalists a 16-year old student in 2003.
Superintendent Virgilio Fabi- a picture of his niece Nicole Ashley Bricks, who was supposedly abducted in front of the The couple, Dr. Charlie Crescini and
an, commander of the Fairview School of the Holy Spirit in Barangay Holy Spirit, Quezon City on Tuesday morning. Right wife Dr. Eugenia C. Crescini, last resid-
police station, confirmed that photo shows the driver of the vehicle that was supposedly used in the abduction. The ed at 19 Daniel St., Centerville Homes,
they have identified at least police are still investigating the incident. MANNY PALMERO Tandang Sora, Quezon City and were
three suspects who are known school officials of Heavenward Chris-

Abra town mayor’s niece missing

for staging holdups in passenger tian School in Rodriguez, Rizal.
jeepneys and buses, but also de-
clined to identify them. The two physicians were held re-
Burgos said military doctors sponsible for the death of Bien Francis
have told them that if Aviles THE Filipino-American niece of May- and took her to another street in the sister, who is currently in the US. Selva, a 16-year-old male high school
will not show complications or Robert Victor Seares Jr. of Dolores, same subdivision, crossed an empty Nichole’s mother has supposedly senior who died after he slammed
within a week, he will have Abra was supposedly abducted in front lot, transfered to another waiting car at separated from her father, Anthony, onto a tree stump during what was
high hopes of recovery. of her school inside the BF Homes the adjacent street and left the area. Seares said. described as an initiation for prospec-
Aviles, the son of a retired Subdivision in Barangay Holy Spirit, A watchman guarding the empty When asked of the possibility that the tive counselors of the school.
Marine sergeant, was to be one Quezon City Tuesday morning. lot said he accosted the group as they supposed abduction is actually a child
of the proctors in the PMA en- Five other school officials were
Superintendent Ronnie Montejo, entered the lot, but the black man said custody issue, Seares told journalists he also held liable for Selva’s death: Eliz-
trance examination last Sunday chief of Batasan Hills Police Station, said he was just bringing “his daugh- was not certain, but “if that were the case,
and had just visited his family abeth B. Belen, Engr. David C. Calpe,
said eight-year-old Nichole Ashlie ter” to the car on the next street. then (Anthony) could have just discussed
in San Jose del Monte City in Clarinda C. Calpe, and Norberto Bon-
Bulacan on Saturday when the Ricks was allegedly abducted infront The police were able to find the first the matter with us.”
of the School of the Holy Spirit around Toyota Vios and arrested its driver, Montejo said the case has been for- doc and Marxlennin B. Belen.
jeepney he was riding was held All of the seven suspects were at
up by an armed male passenger 6 a.m. by three foreigners, including a Guillermo Garcia, who yielded credit warded to the Philippine National Po-
black man who introduced himself as cards and an undisclosed amount of lice’s Anti-Kidnappig Group, but offi- large before the Crescini couple were
at the corner of Regalado Av-
enue and Mindanao Avenue at her father. United States currency. He was being cials of the unit declined to comment arrested at their hideout in Bulacan.
Fairview, Quezon City. Montejo said the foreigners took questioned by the police at press time. because they are supposedly “conduct- Macon Ramos-Araneta
Florante S. Solmerin Nichole on board a gray Toyota Vios Nichole is the daughter of Seares’ ing operations.” Jonathan Fernandez

Auditors assail Customs’ refunds

By Maricel V. Cruz of tax refunds the customs bu- portations, these imaginary duty
reau approved in 2010 although payments also covered the De-
THE Bureau of Customs ap- such refunds and deductions partment of National Defense’s
proved unauthorized duty and tax were not authorized by the Tar- importation of weapons and the
refunds amounting to more than iff and Customs Code of the equipment importations of the
P26 billion in 2011, double the Philippines. Department of Transportation
amount drawn back in 2010, ac- Earlier, Customs Commis- and Communications and De-
cording to Commission on Audit sioner Rozzano Rufino Biazon partment of Public Works and
Chairwoman Grace Pulido-Tan. said he wants to credit non-cash Highways.
Tan made the disclosure to items, specifically imaginary du- Customs officials said “up-
congressmen during the House ties from government agencies, dating” the TEF account would
of Representatives’ hearing on as part of his collections so that reduce the agency’s collection
the P8.34-billion budget she is he could meet his target. shortfall which already reached
seeking for her agency. The Customs chief explained P31.36 billion in July, the equiv-
CoA Chair Grace Pulido that the non-cash items, called alent of more than a month’s real
Tan made the disclosure, say- tax expenditure fund, is an ac- cash collection.
ing that the agency has doubled count to which duty payments The agency collected P167.25
the amount from P12 billion in from government agencies are billion from January to July as
2010, including a P10 million credited, in lieu of actual cash, against its target of P198.61
intelligence fund. It was the first for their importations. billion.
time the agency sought such a Biazon said said the agency For the month of July, only
fund from Congress. managed to collect only P688 the ports of Clark and Davao
Tan said their 2011 audit of million in non-cash items al- were able to meet their collec-
the Customs bureau revealed though TEF records showed that tion targets out the 17 collec- Former Las Piñas congresswoman Cynthia Villar inspects a basket made from dried water hyacinth
that the agency approved un- the customs bureau has P4.55 tion districts. All of the collec- during the Green Convergence for the State Of The Nature Assessment at the Environmental Studies
authorized tax deductions billion to its credit some for first tion were in the form of real Institute of Miriam College in Quezon City. Behind Villar are two young ladies dressed in a gown made
amounting to P26.072 billion, seven months of the year. cash and no revenue came from of water hyacinth. MANNY PALMERO
double the P12 billion worth Aside from the NFA’s rice im- the TEF.
Riera U. Mallari, Editor Sports WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29, 2012 A7

Federer breezes past Young Immuvit

run crown
NEW YORK—Despite some of the silver medal at the Olympics earlier
this summer, Federer returned to No.
a big favorite,’’ Federer said. ‘’But
Donald put up a great fight. He’s had
Federer said he re-dedicated him-
self after the last loss. This year, he
to Denolo
heartbreak he’s suffered here the last few 1 for the first time in 25 months. a rough year and I’m glad to see he’s comes in as the top seed, but he By Peter Atencio
years, Roger Federer has always loved His first career match against playing better.’’ considers Djokovic, the defending
these trips to New York. Young was a predictable affair, “And for me,’’ Federer said, “it champion, to be the favorite. UNIVERSITY of Santo To-
with Young trying to force the continues.’’ “It’s where he feels most com- mas standout Roger Denolo
issue by coming to the net and There were times when it seemed fortable,’’ Federer said of Djoko- bucked a sprain as he came up
Top-seeded Federer played up way,’’ Federer said. Federer taking advantage of his as if it would never end, most nota- vic, the No. 2 seed. with the fastest time in the Im-
to his billing Monday night, dis- Possibly because of matches younger competitor’s impatience. bly in 2008, when Federer won his Not to say Federer isn’t com- muvit Fearless Challenge Trail
patching American Donald Young like Monday’s, in which 20,000- He finished with 27 winners and fifth consecutive US Open. fortable on the hard courts in Run 2012 last Sunday at the
6-3, 6-2, 6-4 to open his quest for a plus fans cheered him on during 24 unforced errors, compared to A year later, he was two points New York, too. La Mesa Eco Park in Quezon
sixth US Open title, which would a breezy-but-comfortable night 17 and 30 for Young. away from No. 6 but Juan Martin “The distractions are a chal- City.
be an Open-era record. for a win that took only 1 hour, Young fell to 3-22 on the sea- del Potro rallied for a five-set vic- lenge—the wind, the humidity, The 22-year-old Denolo
“The US Open, for me, was 34 minutes. son, including a 17-match losing tory. The last two years, Federer the early matches, the really late, completed all seven chal-
always, I don’t want to say easy, “It’s a place that brings out the streak earlier this year. had a pair of match points against late matches,’’ he said. “That takes lenges and reached the fin-
but very natural and I’ve always best in me,’’ Federer said. “It’s a lot of pressure because ob- Novak Djokovic in the semifinals, some getting used to. But experi- ish line in 44 minutes and 10
looked forward to it in a big With his Wimbledon title and the viously, I’m going into this match as but was unable to convert them. ence can help with that, too.’’ AP seconds.

This earned Denolo his third
men’s crown in a trail-running
Cage champs. competition after reaching the
Philippine Basketball finish line ahead of schoolmate
Association supertsar
Edgar Bartel.
Top 4 teams see action and Petron player
Arwind Santos was “Masaya ito. Kahit na-
THE top four squads in the 75th Univer- the special guest at sprain ako, pinagpatuloy ko pa
sity Athletic Association of the Philip- the championship rin,” said Denolo as he put an
pines see action today in pivotal games game of the recent ice pack on top of his swollen
that may change the arrangement at the Victoria Court left ankle at the medic station
top of the chain. basketball league that after the race.
In a much-anticipated rematch, front- saw VC-North EDSA Among the challenges,
beating VC-Malabon, which runners went through
running Ateneo De Manila (7-1), com-
96-74, at the RFM
ing in with a five-game streak, will try to gym for the crown.
in the 10-km run included a
duplicate what it did to Far Eastern Uni- fire jump, a mud crawl, log
In the battle for third
versity (7-2) in the first round when they place, VC-Panorama hurdles, tire skips, log hur-
cross paths again at 4 p.m. at the Mall of edged out Head dles, a military wall and a
Asia Arena. Office. The basketball mud wall.
Another pivotal clash happens before tournament is part Denolo, who was in a fifth
that as University of Santo Tomas (7-2) of the company’s batch of runners of among
aims to remain close up top when it once physical fitness 500 participants who joined,
again meets De La Salle (5-3), holder of program for its gained headway after six ki-
employees. Santos lometer after clambering up
the No. 4 spot, at 12 p.m. with the telecast
is shown with the
a bit delayed at 2 p.m. Jeric Lopez members of the
a 8-foot wooden wall and
tumbling down thrice along a
champion team.
muddy and downhill trail. He
Mayor battles IBF champ hurt his ankle after Denolo got
past a 20-foot mud wall as-
FORMER World Boxing Council light
flyweight champion Rodel Mayol will
fight International Boxing Federation
Indonesia, Singapore stand in PH’s way cent and rolled down a steep
slippery route with three km
super flyweight champion Juan Carlos POWERHOUSE Indonesia home of Asian karters), Motor- while Noor follows closely Ng Yen Hui, Austin Spen- Nickson Cuyum, who was in
Sanchez Jr. in a venue some two hours and Singapore are still the star and Aeromed. with 25 points. cer Hicks, Julien Fong, Sean the eighth batch, was second in
from Tijuana, Mexico, but there’s no biggest threats to the Philip- Gabriel Arcaradine, Ander- Indonesia also leads the Hudspeth and Leon Khoo 47:49.
date as yet. pines’ bid for domination in son Martono and former ju- Formula 125 Open Junior di- Beng Koon. Cecille Yuson topped the
MP Promotions’ Michael Koncz, the third leg of the 2012 Asian nior champions Yasuo Senna vision behind Darma Mang- Current No. 3 karter Jon women’s 10-km event in
Manny Pacquiao’s adviser, told the Ma- Karting Open Championship Iriawan and Senna Sulaiman kuluhur with 72 points and Lee Xuanhao is Singapore’s 1:04.05, with Irene Rafil in
nila Standard that the 21-year-old San- set Aug. 31 to Sept. 2 at the Noor will banner the Indone- has high hopes on its young top bet in the Formula 125 second.
chez, who has a record of 14-1-1 with 7 Carmona Racetrack. sian quest for the premier For- aces Keanon Santoso, Darryl Open Junior and will be sup- Kimbert Sarmiento ruled
knockouts “has no power and I think Ro- The two countries were the mula 125 Open Senior crown. Wenas and Barichello Noor ported by Santos Bala Keris- the 5-km men’s action in 24
del has a good chance. He’s getting old biggest foreign contingents Arcaradine is the current who are currently second, nan Thevar and Jason Lu. minutes and six seconds, while
and he’s got to do it.” that arrived yesterday, bring- frontrunner in the Formula third and fourth, respectively, Hong Kong will be spear- Jonafer Real topped the wom-
Mayol is 31 years old and has a record ing in only the best karters to 125 Open Senior class with in the Mini-ROK division. headed by Chan Kwok Ch- en’s side in 43:15.
of 31-5-2 with 22 knockouts. Ronnie push their title bids in this event 46 points, while Martono, Singapore brought in nine ing Will in the Formula 125 “We hoped everybody had
Nathanielsz sanctioned by the Automobile who ruled the Asian Karting of its best karters, led by Open Senior class, along with fun. There is more to com-
Association Philippines, sup- Clark leg last year, is fifth Mohd Nasri Naufal Bin Nasir, Wong Kang Tong and Thong pleting than in competing
ported by the Philippine Sports overall with 32 points. who’s currently third overall Wei Fung Shaun, while Fred- here,” said Valerie Tan-Si-
son, brand manager of Pas-
Pondoyo, Derotas shine Commission and sponsored by
Coca-Cola, official tires Yoko-
Iriawan, who topped the
Pre-Final heat in the last leg,
in the Formula 125 Open Se-
nior class with 36 points and
dy Lawan is the lone entry
from Malaysia, which begged cual Consumer Health Care
UNIVERSITY of Cebu’s Cristian Klent hama, Sparco, Vivere (official is sixth overall with 30 points, will be backed up by Randall off from hosting this round. Corp.
Pondoyo hurdled his last two matches,

PH hosts world wakeboarding

then held off a charging top seed Tristan
Frech Ibaoc to nail the boys’ kiddies
crown, while No. 1 Glysen Derotas of
University of San Carlos dominated the THE Philippines makes its debut in the “We are leaving no stone unturned as we
girls’ side in the the 2012 Shell National global Wakeboard scene as it hosts the prepare for our first hosting of the world
Youth Active Chess Championship Vi- prestigious 2012 Cable Wakeboard World championships,” said J.V. Borromeo, chair-
sayas leg at SM Cebu Event Center in Championships on Nov. 6 to 11 at the man of the Waterski and Wakeboard Asso-
Cebu City last Sunday. Deca Wakeboard Park in Clark in Ange- ciation of the Philippines.
Pondoyo, who forced a three-way tie les, Pampanga. To jumpstart the Filipinos’ first foray in the
for the lead with No. 2 John Balbona and Around 300 riders, led by bets from pow- Cable Wakeboard Worlds, the WWASP has
Jeffu Dorog of USC after five rounds, erhouses Germany, Austria, Korea and Thai- set the Philippine Qualifying Series “PQS” on
including a victory over Ibaoc, downed land, are expected to converge at the new, Sept. 8 in Lago de Oro, Batangas, Sept. 29 in
Dorog at resumption but fell to John Bal- world-class facility established by 8990 Deca Davao and Oct. 20 in Deca Clark.
bona in the next before scuttling James housing development corporation. Sixty aspirants are expected in every leg,
Balbona and Vincent Lim to finish with The venue, which will compliment and each gunning for ranking points that would
eight points in the nine-round Swiss sys- compete with the highly popular Camsur Wa- earn them slots to the final team to the meet.
tem tournament. tersports Complex, boasts of a Rixen German “Since we are the hosts, we aim to field as
Ibaoc recovered from his fifth round made cable system with a 5-corner design lay- many as we can, at least 30 riders,” said Borro-
loss to Pondoyo, beating John Balbona, out with all the obstacles sourced from Ger- meo, expecting the Filipinos’ familiarity with
Ace Loquez, Lim and Michael Canizares many to ensure world-class and the ultimate course and environs of the brand new facility
to likewise pool an eight-point total. But wakeboarding park riding experience. built by DeCa 8990 Housing Development
Pondoyo took the title with a superior tie- JJ Atencio (left), CEO of Deca Homes, stresses a point as JV
Borromeo, chairman of the Waterski and Wakeboard Association The elite field is expected to showcase Corp. to work to their advantage.
break score with Ibaoc settling for runner- their tricks as they slug it out for top hon- Tipped to lead the charge of the hometown
of the Philippines, looks on during the launch of the 2012 Cable
up finish and a berth in the grand finals ors in the Int. 6 Star Event (1000 points) bets are 2011 Southeast Asian Games bronze
Wakeboard World Championships at the PSA Forum at Shakey’s
next month. Malate yesterday. The event will be held Nov. 6 to 11 at the Deca sanctioned by the International Waterski and medalists Samantha Bermudez, Mark Grif-
Wakeboard Park in Clark Angeles, Pampanga. Wakeboard Federation. fin and Carlo dela Torre.

September PCSO Special Maiden Race
Hagdang Bato, who swept the Triple
THE HOARSE WHISPERER (colt, RG Fernandez), Antonio Elea-
zar and Reynaldo Buñag’s Busilak Crown series this year, the first in elev-
ing the sport and the business of racing
were discussed.
want of a better monicker at this
time) has met before, but last month’s
ang Puso (colt, GA Rivera), en years since the last Triple Crown In addition to the weekly multi- meeting was historic in the level of
AS a significant part of a 2YO thor- Hideaway Farm Corp.’s Gold on champ, Silver Story. sectoral meetings held at the Philip- rapport and camaraderie among the
oughbred’s campaign, the Philippine Fire (filly, CB Tamano), Patrick Uy’s Horseowners and trainers, depending pine Racing Commission, stakehold- gentlemen present.
Charity Sweepstakes Office-backed Right Direction (colt, JB Guce), Edu- on the capability and physical condition ers have a multiplicity of venues to ***
special maiden races for juveniles are ardo Gonzalez’s Gee’s for Victory (fil- of their juveniles, will choose at what air their opinions, air grievances I should be telling you about George
much-awaited both by participants and ly, JB Hernandez), Narciso Morales’s point during the season to insert their and complaints, and talk about mat- Young Stribling, a transplanted Ameri-
spectators. Onemoretimesweety (filly, JA Guce), 2YO runners—early on for the sturdy ters that affect their specific interest can, who arrived in the early ‘80s when
PCSO’s Committee on Races under Dynamic Parts Center’s Garnet (colt, ones, and later on in the year for those groups. he was in his 60s and never returned to
lawyer Jose Malang and its Draw and CV Garganta), and Antonio Eleazar’s who need more growing up. There are An interesting and timely develop- the land of his birth, dying here on Aug.
Races Department under Carlos Castil- Security Champ (colt, VM Camañero others who opt to skip a 2YO season ment is the greater cooperation among 14 at the age of 95.
lo have carefully planned a 2YO cam- Jr). for their colts and fillies and ease them horseowners as they seek to obtain the He contributed much to the sport,
paign that has been running for several The handicapping is set weight, with into battle when they turn 3YO. collective consensus of their members in particular its conduct, raising it to
months now, with the next one to take colts to carry 54 kgs. and fillies 52 kgs. That’s the beauty of the system— on different concerns and lobby these higher standards than when he found it.
place on Sept. 22 at the Manila Jockey With the increased budget from the horses are run only when they are phys- as a united front to Philracom and the He meant a lot to us in the racing
Club’s San Lazaro Leisure Park. PCSO for its racing program—P30 ical and mentally ready (at least, this is racing clubs. community, especially among the jock-
The trial race is set for Sept. 4, with million this year compared to less what is ideal). This was evident at a meeting last ey colony. I can’t write about him yet,
the following declared entries: than P15 million last year—a major *** month of the three horseowners’ orga- it’s still too sad.
Kenneth Causon’s Princess Keni chunk goes to support maiden races Industry leaders were invited by nizations—Metropolitan Association One of these days.
(filly, to be ridden by jockey PR that will add to the prestige of the sea- Manila Jockey Club chairman and of Race Horse Owners (MARHO), ***
Dilema), Nathaniel Velasco’s Laguna son for elite 2YO. CEO lawyer Alfonso R. Reyno Jr. to Philippine Thoroughbred Owners and Email:, Blog:
(filly, AB Alcasid Jr.), Felipe Verga- Serious racing fans should watch the a multi-sectoral meeting last August Breeders Organization (Philtobo), and, Facebook: Gogirl
ra’s Able Minister (filly, KB Abobo), 2YO races, as it is from their ranks that 11 at San Lazaro Leisure Park. It was Klub don Juan de Manila (KDJM). Racing, Twitter: @jennyortuoste, Ins-
Robert Joseph Moran’s Alta’s Finest the 3YO champions emerge, such as well-attended and various issues affect- The unified group or “tri-org” (for tagram: @jensdecember

Letran’s Raymond Almazan was named 6/49 00-00-00-00-00-00 P0.0 M+
the Accel/316 National Collegiate Athletic
Association Press Corps Player of the Week
presented by Gatorade, after steering
6/42 00-00-00-00-00-00 P0.0 M+
the Knights to back-to-back wins in the
second round of the 88th NCAA basketball 6 DIGITS 00-00-00-00-00-00
tournament against Mapua (72-60) and
Pepetual Help (62-57). 3 DIGITS 00-00-00
Manila Standard TODAY 2 EZ2 00-00
Riera U. Mallari, Editor


PBA teams
back Gilas 5
By Ronnie Nathanielsz

PHILIPPINE Basketball Association Commissioner

Chito Salud is confident that the pro league’s team own-
ers will release their players for the high-level Stankovic
Cup tournament on Sept. 14 to 22 in Tokyo, Japan, where
national teams, led by Asian powerhouse China among
others, will be among the 10 competing squads.
The tournament will it’s time to put country be- teams is needed.
end before the new fore self. “The tournaments get
PBA season opens “ We have a year to go be- tougher for the Stankovic Cup
on Sept. 30. fore the crucial tournament and the FIBA Asia Champi-
Smart (FIBA Asia Championships onships next year, which we
Gilas which is a qualifier for the have a good chance of hosting
Pilipi- FIBA World Champion- here in Manila for 16 national
nas is drawn in Group A, ships), so let’s give our team teams,” said Pangilinan.
along with China, Lebanon, owners the opportunity and Salud believes that one of
Uzbekistan and Macau, the chance to convince their the reasons why the Philip-
while Group B is composed players to play and I believe pines was able to beat the
of Chinese Taipei, Japan, they will,” said Salud. United States in the Jones
Iran, India and Qatar. Two stars of Petron Blaze, Cup in a gripping come-from-
Salud told the Manila Arwind Santos and Marcio behind victory was because
Standard at a mass and din- Lassiter, have already pub- Filipino players are no longer
ner hosted by Samahang licly stated they would like awed by the Americans.
Sweep. Far Eastern University’s Basketbol ng Pilipinas to play for the Smart Gilas “This game has become
Gyzelle Sy (right) tries to set up
teammate Iris Patrona to a kill against president Manny Pilipinas national team. so global, our players have
Sandugo’s Thai import Utaiwan Pangilinan for Pangilinan noted that the become so competitive, our
Kaensing during the Shakey’s V-League. the winning Stankovic Cup is a much fans know the limits of our
Sandugo-San Sebastian College won, Jones Cup higher standard of compe- talents and until what point
25-8, 25-23, 25-13, for a sweep of the
first-round elims. LINO SANTOS Smart Gilas tition and because of this, our team can manage to
Pilipinas team, he believes the support of all the PBA win,” Salud said.

2 booters Painters send Buenafe to Meralco Bolts Bobcats

join Azkals By Jeric Lopez In the last two years, Buenafe had been a
consistent contributor and factor in Guiao’s
A probable reason why Rain or Shine
decided to give up Buenafe is because the frustrate
IN a surprising off-season move, Governors’
no non-sense system that eventually won Painters’ shooting guard and small forward
By Peter Atencio Cup champion Rain or Shine is planning to Rain or Shine its first championship in the positions are too crowded.
let go of one of its vital cogs. Philippine Basketball Association just last The Elasto Painters already have Jeff
TWO new recruits will soon
The Elasto Painters are working on month. Chan, Gabe Norwood, Ryan Arana, Ronnie
be suiting up for the Philippine
a deal that will send wingman Ronjay If the deal pushes through, Buenafe can Matias, Jireh Ibanes and now rookie Chris
Azkals national football team.
Buenafe to Meralco in exchange for a certainly boost the guard and forward posi- Tiu, who will officially sign a three-year deal DASMARIÑAS—The Cen-
Philippine Football Federa- tral Colleges of the Philippines
future first-round pick, either in 2013 or tions of the Bolts as he can play either the today.
tion president Mariano “Non- Bobcats are back on the win-
2014. two or the three spots. Meralco is a team committed in up-
ong” Araneta yesterday said ning track
Though the deal has yet to reach the In addition, his offensive arsenal will fur- grading its roster and producing a
Fil-American booters Demetri- in the 11th Games Thursday
Commissioner’s Office, the transaction ther help Meralco become a deeper squad deeper line-up. The Bolts have already (DLSU-Dasmariñas)
us Omphroy and Matthew Uy Universi- 10 a.m. • PSBA vs
is said to be a done deal between the two coming in as he will join spitfires Sol Mer- acquired the likes of Cliff Hodge and
will be around when the Az- EAC-Cavite
squads as they are just finalizing the mi- cado, Chris Ross, Mac Cardona and Mark Kelly Nabong from the draft for further ties and
11:30 a.m. • OC
kals play a series of friendlies
nor details. Macapagal in that field. reinforcement. Colleges vs CCP
against Southeast Asian foes. A t h l e t i c 1 p.m. • DLSU-D
Omphroy, an American-born Associa- vs CCP
Panamanian, who plays defender tion men’s
and last played for Toronto in the
US Major League Soccer, hooked
up with the Azkals, along with Uy
Tim, JuanMa, Cotto remain Pacman’s choices basketball tournament.
They held their ground in
the dying seconds to pull off
when the national squad went to MANNY Pacquiao’s options for their three previous encounters, Arum indicated Pacquiao’s because of his style. a 74-69 win over the Phil-
the United States for a two-week a December fight have remained but that the judges cheated him next fight will take place on Dec. This would leave Cotto, who ippine School of Business
camp and a friendly against the Timothy Bradley, Juan Manuel of the victory, even as fight fans 1 or 8 at the MGM Grand in Las lost by a 12th-round technical Administration Jaguars yes-
Chicago Inferno. Marquez and Miguel Cotto. regarded the third fight the most Vegas, Nevada, the site original- knockout to Pacquiao on Nov. terday at the Ugnayang La
Uy, a defender, was a former In an overseas telephone conver- controversial. ly picked for a planned Nov. 10 14, 2009 as the possible choice, Salle gymnasium here.
member of the US national un- sation with the Manila Standard, Pacquiao won the second by fight, possibly with Bradley. although the decision will be left Sunny Valdez got a pass from
der-20 squad. Arum said: “Everything has been re- a majority decision and the third However, Arum said earlier solely to Pacquiao. Romnick Dalisay in the last 3.8
They will don the country’s solved with all three guys and now, by a split decision. that Bradley doesn’t draw and While Cotto, who dropped a seconds and drove in for key
colors against Cambodia on Michael Koncz (Pacquiao’s adviser) Judge Burt Clements admit- that the pay-per-view networks lopsided 12-round decision to basket, sending the Bobcats to
Sept. 5 in Phnom Penh. will be talking to Manny tonight and ted he made a mistake in scoring in the US were not keen on car- undefeated Floyd Mayweather their fifth win in eight games.
“They will play against Cambo- whichever Manny decides, that’s Round 1 of their first fight, which rying the rematch. Jr., last May 5, has a fight sched- A miss would have given the
dia. The two first came in as substi- what we’ll do.” enabled the counter-punching Marquez is considered by uled for Dec. 1 at New York’s Jaguars a chance to send the
tutes. But they gave a good account The two, who won’t be picked Marquez to salvage a draw. Cle- many fight fans as a better finan- Madison Square Garden and game into overtime as they
of themselves,” said Araneta. by Pacquiao, will probably end ments said he scored the first cial proposition than Bradley, though he has refused to come were only trailing by three at
The fixture against Cam- up fighting each other, according round, 10-7, for Pacquiao, who because of the Hispanic support down to 147 pounds to face Pac- that point, 69-72.
bodia will kick off a series of to Arum. dropped Marquez three times, and the fact that his fights with quiao, there are indications he Valdez’s layup handed the
friendlies as the Azkals inten- Marquez has been aching for when he should have scored it Pacquiao did well on pay-per- may be prepared to fight Pac- Bobcats a five-point cushion
sify their preparations for the a fourth fight with Pacquiao af- 10-6, like the two other judges view, but the Mexican is consid- quiao at the catch-weight of 150 as the clock winded down in
Suzuki Cup. ter claiming that he had won did. ered the more dangerous fighter pounds. Ronnie Nathanielsz this cagefest supported by
Mikasa and Molten Balls.
With the victory, the Bobcats

Aunzo, pal pace Davao pro-am with a 70 were able to recover from a 62-
67 setback they suffered at the
hands of the La Salle-Dasmari-
DAVAO—Ferdie Aunzo and Monchit ment top electronics firm Samsung tandem with Ting Castillo in the four- nas Patriots last Friday.
Mackay used a solid backside stint to and leading retail business corpora- somes as they combined for a 76 on The win also allowed the
fire a two-under 70 and wrest a two- tion Emcor. two 38s for a share of 16th place. Bobcats to improve their record
stroke lead over three other teams at Tony Lascuna and Elmer Salvador, Unfancied Miguel Ochoa, mean- to third spot as they stayed in
the start of the P1 million Davao Na- the top two fancied pros in the 107- while, got a big boost from his partner- contention for a semifinals berth.
tional Pro-Am Presented by Samsung team field, struggled with over par ship with top amateur John Kier Ab- Ryan Magbanua showed
and Emcor here yesterday. scores and will need to rebound in the don as they pooled a 73 to trail Aunzo the way for Bobcats with 21
Starting out on No. 10, Aunzo, who last two rounds to get a crack at the top and Mackay by just three in a tie with points, while Danny Asencio
honed his talent and skills at the Apo P172,000 purse. the pairs of Boboy Jaraula-Reymond and Gio Lopez contributed 17
layout, and Mackay bucked a bogey on Salvador, winner of two legs on the Jaraula and Christopher delos Santos- and 16 points, respectively.
the par-5 14th with birdies on Nos. 15, local circuit, including the Aboitiz Kim Tae Woo. Meanwhile, the Olivarez
16 and 18 before settling for an even Invitational in Cebu last month, Four pairs carded similar 74s, in- College Sea Lions earlier won
36 at the front for that 70 in the alter- failed to get his game going with cluding Ramil Bisera-Micah Shin, by default over the Manuel L.
nate-shot format event. partner Ryan Gotan and wound up Louie Dacudao-Bayani Garcia, Jun Quezon University Stallions
Jhonnel Ababa, another home- with a 77 from nines of 38-39 while Bernis-Paul Garcia and Edwin Sa- to fortify their grip on the top
grown pro, matched par 72 in his Lascuna, the local tour’s current Or- ban-Ian Pacquin while rookie pro spot. They are two wins away
team-up with Benjie Leparto as der of Merit leader, never recovered Johvan Abano and Joel Langgamin from a 10-game sweep of the
they forged a three-way tie for sec- from a bogey-bogey start at the back assembled to a 75 for joint 15th with two-round eliminations.
ond with the Paul Minoza-Francis with Den-Den Castro, hobbling with Rey Pagunsan-Boy Paduano, Solo- The Patriots, who have a
Morilla and Albin Engino-Edsel a 78 from rounds of 38-40. mon Gines-Oliver Gan and Rene- 6-1 card, drew 31 points from
Tan tandems in the 54-hole tourna- Frankie Minoza also sputtered in his gade Casas-Tibor Marcelino. Aunzo Jeoffrey Acain in their match
against the Bobcats.



Manila Standard TODAY Ray S. Eñano, Editor

Roderick T. dela Cruz, Assistant Editor

Eton jumps 29%

as trading resumes PAL, Airbus sign
$7-b aircraft deal
By Jenniffer B. Austria on the stocks of Tanduay
Holdings Inc., which will
SHARE price of Eton Properties become the mother company of
Philippines Inc., the property the property unit.
unit of beer and tobacco tycoon Tanduay closed at P12.80
Lucio Tan, on Tuesday jumped Tuesday, after jumping in
29 percent as trading of the stock early August after the largest By Lailany P. Gomez Australia. “With these aircraft main shareholders, will provide
resumed after a three-month Philippine rum maker said it we will be able to offer more $1 billion to help fund the fleet
passengers the best the industry plan, he said earlier.
suspension due to the non-filing
of reportorial requirements.
will become a company that will
own and hold the assets of its
PHILIPPINE Airlines and Airbus signed has to offer across our Asia- PAL Holdings Inc., Philippine
Share price of Eton rose to owner billionaire Lucio Tan. Tuesday a three-year contract for the de- Pacific network. At the same Air’s parent, rose 0.7 percent to
time, we will benefit from the P7.15 Tuesday, the highest level
as high as P5.29 apiece before
closing at P4.50.
Tanduay said it was investing
in several companies owned
livery of 54 aircraft worth $7 billion at list low operating costs associated since Aug. 8. The stock gained
The Philippine Stock by Tan, namely Fortune prices, a deal touted as the biggest in the with new generation aircraft 17 percent in the past year.
and the reduced impact on the San Miguel, the nation’s largest
Exchange on May 18 suspended
the trading of Eton shares after
Tobacco, Philippine Airlines,
Air Philippines Inc., Eton, Asia
country’s aviation history. environment,” he said. company by revenue, agreed to
the company failed to submit the Brewery Inc., Philippine National PAL president Ramon Ang 100 aircraft, 26 of those to fly Deliveries of the aircraft, some buy a 49-percent stake in PAL
2011 annual financial statement. Bank and Allied Banking Corp. said the new fleet of single-aisle long-haul. We are buying. It’s of which will be used by low- for $500 million earlier this year,
The share price of Eton at that The company will change its A321s and wide-body A330-300s not lease,” Ang told reporters in cost affiliate Air Philippines, will supporting its goal to increase
time closed at P3.53 per share. name to LT Group Inc. and will were expected to be delivered in a news briefing at the Century start as early as January. Airlines sales to P1 trillion by 2016.
The PSE ordered the lifting invest in breweries, real estate, the next three years beginning Park Hotel in Manila. usually pay less than the list price The investment will help PAL
of trading suspension after tobacco, banks and airlines. 2013. The country’s biggest aircraft for new planes. raise funds for newer planes
Eton submitted its 2011 annual Eton earlier said that it was “We hope we should be able order includes 34 of Airbus’ Ang said the deal included and increase routes after losing
financial statement as well as the expecting net income to reach to get these aircraft delivered in existing A321 model, 10 of its in- options for more aircraft and talks market to budget carrier Cebu Air
first and second quarter financial P300 million this year, down the next three years. Today, we development A321neo aircraft were still under way with Boeing Inc. and facing competition from
reports. 60 percent from P733 million are buying 54 aircraft and we and 10 wide-body A330-300s. Co. as PAL works on plans to buy AirAsia Bhd. and Tiger Airways
The jump in the share price of in 2011 due to construction are still in talks to buy more. PAL plans to use the A330s 100 planes. Billionaire Lucio Tan Holdings Ltd. With Macon
Eton followed the brisk trading delays. Our intention is to buy up to to fly to the Middle East and and San Miguel, the carrier’s two Ramos-Araneta, Bloomberg

BSP says Jean-Francois Laval,

Airbus senior vice
T-bond sale raises P9b
president for sales
in Asia (second from
right), presents a THE government raised P9 billion
model of A330-300 from the sale of 7-year Treasury bonds in
inflation to Philippine Airlines
chairman Lucio
Tan. The flag carrier
Tuesday’s auction.
The debt instrument yielded a coupon
rate of 4.75 percent, unchanged from the

may rise signed a $7-billion

deal with Airbus
for delivery of 54
previous auction when the paper with the
same tenor was sold in July 17.
Done deals for the government security
aircraft within three in the secondary market fetched 4.75
By Anna Leah G. Estrada years. Also shown percent.
are PAL vice chairman Tenders for the 7-year T-bond were
INFLATION rate in August and treasurer Harry nearly three times oversubscribed
likely accelerated on higher Tan and president
at P24.693 billion, with the auction
prices of several food and chief operating
committee accepting P9 billion as
products following the officer Ramon Ang
onslaught of heavy rains during the signing
ceremonies and news “Everything is falling place for
and floods triggered by the recognition that our economy is moving
conference at The
southwest monsoon. Century Park Hotel in forward, while the market is very liquid
Bangko Sentral Governor Manila. and investors are looking for good
Amando Tetangco Jr. SONNY ESPIRITU placements,” National Treasurer Roberto
estimated that inflation, Tan told reporters, referring to the strong
which reached a six-month market demand.
high of 3.2 percent in July, Maria Bernadette Lunas
settled within a range of 2.9
percent to 3.8 percent in Hybrid rice partnership
Tetangco said the upward
price adjustments caused by
Ecozone investments up 15% to P106b SL AGRITECH Corp., the Philippines’
biggest hybrid seed producer, plans to forge
monsoon floods, increases By Julito G. Rada He said Japanese investors led Data also showed that jobs generated an agreement with Thailand and Myanmar to
in utility rates, and the peso in terms of new investments made, in the January-July period increased 12.9 develop and market hybrid rice in Asia.
depreciation could lead to a INVESTMENTS in economic zones followed by the Americans and other percent to 876,792 from 776,851 last “This is going to be comprehensive,
slight rise in the inflation. grew 14.9 percent in the first seven nationalities. year. involving all the aspects of rice production
“Our expectation is that as months year-on-year, on the back of San Pascual said one of the biggest San Pascual, however, noted that from seed production to marketing and
in the past, price increases investors’ confidence in the country, the Japanese investments in the first seven exports from the economic zones in the labeling,” SL Agritech president and chief
in selected vegetables and Philippine Economic Zone Authority months was the one made by Canon first half fell 2.2 percent to $19.8 billion executive Henry Lim Bon Biong said in an
fish as a result of supply said Tuesday. Group, which recently announced from $20.2 billion a year ago due to the interview Tuesday.
disruptions from natural Peza promotions group head Elmer the start of the commercial operation lingering effects of the decline in the Officials of Capital Rice Co. Ltd., one of
calamities would be San Pascual said investment approvals of its P20-billion laser printer electronics demand in the international Thailand’s biggest rice buyers and exporters,
temporary,” he said. in the seven-month period hit P105.7 manufacturing facility in Batangas markets. are visiting mid-September to discuss the
Data showed inflation in billion, up from P91.9 billion recorded a next year. He expressed optimism the export proposed partnership with SL Agritech.
July was also led by food year ago. “Because of this, we are optimistic of sector would eventually recover in the Lim said SL Agritech would provide
price increases, as typhoon “Most of the approved projects were achieving our previous targets this year latter part of the year. the technical support such as seeds and the
[for] expansions, accounting for almost of 12-percent growth for investments, 12 Peza was aiming for a P323 billion technology to cultivate hybrid rice. He did
Gener caused damages on
60 percent to 70 percent of the total percent for employment, and 12 percent worth of investments in 2012, a 12- not disclose the contributions of Thailand and
the agriculture sector. Myanmar on the proposed partnership.
Oil companies projects,” San Pascual said. for exports,” he said. percent increase over 2011.
Othel V. Campos
implemented a series of price
hikes in August, prompting
the transport sector to
demand adjustments in BPO companies more bullish after signing of data privacy law
public utility jeepney fares.
Tetangco assured, THE Business Processing Association of the of privacy protection.” Philippines remains competitive and in The Data Privacy Act requires the
however, that inflation Philippines, the umbrella association of the The act is based on standards set by the fact leads breakthrough initiatives in best creation of a National Privacy Commission
in August would fall information technology-business process European Parliament and is aligned with practices for the industry,” Hernandez said. under the Transportation Department.
within the lower half of outsourcing industry in the country, said the the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Angara, in a statement, said the Angara said the implementation of the law
Bangko Sentral’s target signing of the Data Privacy Act by Malacañang Information Privacy Framework. legislation supporting the IT-BPO would require the training of experts and
range over the policy into law was an important first step to increase Senator Edgardo Angara and House industry would continue to develop with development of rules and regulations.
horizon of 3 percent to 5 confidence among foreign investors. of Representatives ICT Committee the industry, citing the importance of “The greater challenge lies in its
percent. President Benigno Aquino III signed chairman Sigfrido Tiñga, co-chairman balancing the free flow of information implementation and enforcement,” Angara
“The BSP will remain Republic Act 10173 on Aug. 15, which of the Congressional Commission on with privacy rights. He also said the said of the act and its intended impact on
mindful of aggregate global requires the protection and preservation of Science and Technology and Engineering, Cybercrime Prevention Act should be the IT-BPO industry and other sectors.
demand developments, personal data collected by public agencies were the primary proponents of the Data enacted to provide “a legal framework Hernandez said the Congress and the
possible price pressures from and private organizations. Privacy Act in Congress. for the detection, apprehension, and administration had been supportive of
volatilities in commodity Benedict Hernandez, BPAP president “Because the IT-BPO industry and best prosecution of such Internet-related the industry, and recognized its role of
prices, and the impact of and chief executive, said the law “brings practice is evolving rapidly, enhancements crimes as hacking, identity theft, phishing, generating high-paying direct and indirect
shifts in capital flows on the Philippines to international standards to existing legislation will ensure that the spamming” and other crimes. jobs for Filipinos. Julito G. Rada
asset prices and the exchange

rate,” he said.
Tetangco said the PSE COMPOSITE INDEX FCurrency
OREIGN E XCHANGE R ATE Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Bangko Sentral would
make adjustments to policy
Closing August 28, 2012 Unit US Dollar Peso
United States Dollar 1.000000 42.1620 Indonesia
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Rupiah 0.000105 0.0044
LPG/11-kg tank IL Closing AUGUST 28, 2012
5200 Japan Yen 0.012698 0.5354 P47.15-P53.07
stance and adopt prudential Thailand Baht 0.032041 1.3509 40
Unleaded Gasoline
4460 UK Pound 1.579500 66.5949
measures to ensure the UAE Dirham 0.272272 11.4795
Hong Kong Dollar 0.128941 5.4364
inflation target was 3720 Euro Euro 1.249700 52.6899
protected. 2980 Switzerland Franc 1.040799 43.8822 Korea Won 0.000881 0.0371
Diesel 44
The Bangko Sentral earlier 2240 Canada Dollar 1.009489 42.5621 China Yuan 0.157312 6.6326
cut the overnight borrowing 1500 Singapore Dollar 0.798722 33.6757 India Rupee 0.017957 0.7571
P40.30-P52.20 P42.295
rate to a record 3.75 percent, 1200 Australia Dollar 1.037560 43.7456 Malaysia Ringgit 0.321750 13.5656
Kerosene 48 CLOSE
in a bid to boost lending and Bahrain Dinar 2.652661 111.8415 New Zealand Dollar 0.809192 34.1172

support economic growth 5,175.62 Saudi Arabia Rial 0.266667 11.2432 Taiwan Dollar 0.033396 1.4080 P27.20-P31.00 HIGH P42.260 LOW P42.335AVERAGE P42.309
this year. 32.27 Brunei Dollar 0.795545 33.5418
Source: PDS Bridge
Auto LPG
VOLUME 705.700M


B2 WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29, 2012 ManilaStandardToday


SM Prime advance

52 Weeks Previous % Net Foreign
High Low STOCKS Close High Low Close Change Volume Trade/Buying
70.50 46.00 Banco de Oro Unibank Inc. 59.50 60.50 59.35 59.65 0.25 1,060,340 (32,017,977.00)
STOCKS rose Tuesday, after a long break, Nobuhiko Kuramochi, head
of the investment information
Bank of PI
China Bank
BDO Leasing & Fin. Inc.
as investors bought property companies department at Mizuho Securities 23.90
COL Financial
Eastwest Bank
which announced new projects or land- Co. in Tokyo, said that traders
were not going to make major
Filipino Fund Inc.
First Metro Inv.
I-Remit Inc.
10,000 12,000.00
banking activities to support future growth. moves ahead of key events 650.00
Manulife Fin. Corp.
Maybank ATR KE
later in the week, including 102.50
Phil Bank of Comm
The Philippine Stock P4.55, after the PSE lifted US Federal Reserve Chairman 77.80 41.00 Phil. National Bank 69.70 72.90 69.70 70.00 0.43 496,210 (10,960,996.00)
95.00 69.00 Phil. Savings Bank 87.00 87.00 87.00 87.00 0.00 1,000 19,140.00
Exchange index, the 30- its trading suspension order, Ben Bernanke’s speech in 500.00 210.00 PSE Inc. 371.00 372.00 370.00 371.00 0.00 7,360
company benchmark, gained 32 making it the highest gainer Wyoming. 45.50
Security Bank
points, or 0.6 percent, to close Tuesday. Traders were also looking 1100.00 879.00 Sun Life Financial 925.00 925.00 925.00 925.00 0.00 10
140.00 58.00 Union Bank 102.10 102.00 101.60 102.00 (0.10) 6,300 (129,480.00)
at 5,175.62. Four of the six San Miguel Corp. added ahead to the release of US April-
subsectors ended in the green. 0.5 percent to P112.30. The June gross domestic product 35.50 26.50 Aboitiz Power Corp. 33.70 33.80 33.60 33.60 (0.30) 2,780,200 (174,155.00)
The heavier index, conglomerate has a stake in data set for Wednesday. 13.58
Agrinurture Inc.
Alaska Milk Corp.
representing all shares, also Philippine Airlines, which signed “Attention is on how overseas 1.70 0.97 Alliance Tuna Intl Inc. 1.34 1.38 1.32 1.37 2.24 467,000
1.62 1.08 Alsons Cons. 1.38 1.41 1.38 1.39 0.72 473,000
rose 13 points, or 0.4 percent, a $7-billion deal with Airbus for markets are faring as those Asiabest Group 23.00 23.80 22.95 23.00 0.00 46,100
to 3,442.97, as gainers led the delivery of 54 new aircraft herald major risks,” Kuramochi 138.00
Bogo Medellin
C. Azuc De Tarlac
losers, 82 to 68, with 44 issues over the next three years. said. “With Japanese exports 2.96 2.12 Calapan Venture 2.45 2.50 2.42 2.45 0.00 40,000 (24,740)
2.75 2.30 Chemrez Technologies Inc. 2.65 2.65 2.62 2.65 0.00 785,000 918,300.00
unchanged. Value turnover Meanwhile, Asian markets already declining, they will 9.74 7.41 Cirtek Holdings (Chips) 9.70 9.70 9.69 9.69 (0.10) 9,100
amounted to P4.9 billion. were mostly lower Tuesday, determine the momentum of 6.41
Energy Devt. Corp. (EDC)
Analysts expect the stock weighed down by global manufacturing issues.” 3.80 1.00 Euro-Med Lab. 2.15 2.19 1.99 1.99 (7.44) 23,000 4,380.00
19.40 12.50 First Gen Corp. 18.60 18.68 18.40 18.64 0.22 780,200 6,105,472.00
market to rebound later this worries about the impact of Stock markets in London 79.30 51.50 First Holdings ‘A’ 76.00 76.55 75.65 76.25 0.33 971,270 10,040,400.50
week. “The market may come the eurozone debt crisis, while were closed Monday for a bank 0.02
Holcim Philippines Inc.
alive by the latter part of the investors awaited the release of holiday, dampening trading 6.00 3.80 Integ. Micro-Electronics 4.03 4.03 3.99 4.00 (0.74) 72,000
2.35 0.61 Ionics Inc 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.00 64,000
week should second-quarter key US economic data. activity. Overnight, Wall Street 120.00 80.00 Jollibee Foods Corp. 97.30 99.50 97.30 98.05 0.77 201,850 (1,898,742.00)
GDP numbers exceed market The Tokyo Stock Exchange’s remained subdued, awaiting 8.40 1.04
Lafarge Rep
LMG Chemicals
500,000 45,000.00
expectations of 5.86 percent,” benchmark Nikkei lost 0.9 signals from the Fed about 1.90 1.11 Mabuhay Vinyl Corp. 1.46 1.47 1.47 1.47 0.68 6,000
3.20 1.32 Manchester Intl. “A” 2.50 2.60 2.60 2.60 4.00 2,000
analysts at Security Bank said. percent to 9,003.19. South possible help for the economy. 27.45 18.10 Manila Water Co. Inc. 27.00 27.30 26.95 27.05 0.19 823,500 14,392,280.00
Property companies led Korea’s Kospi index lost The Dow Jones industrial 18.10
Mla. Elect. Co `A’
gainers Tuesday. Ayala Land 0.3 percent to 1,912.42. Key average fell 0.3 percent to 12.20 7.50 Pancake House Inc. 10.90 10.50 9.30 9.30 (14.68) 55,600 (557,440.00)
3.65 1.96 Pepsi-Cola Products Phil. 3.41 3.49 3.36 3.45 1.17 2,185,000 (796,660.00)
Inc. jumped 4.2 percent to indexes were also down in 13,124.67. The Standard & 16.00 9.70 Petron Corporation 10.18 10.26 10.04 10.16 (0.20) 1,006,200 (5,391,836.00)
P22.35 while SM Prime Singapore, Indonesia and Poor’s 500 Index fell 0.69 point, 13.70
Phinma Corporation
Phoenix Petroleum Phils.
Holdings Inc. increased 1.2 Taiwan. Mainland Chinese or 0.05 percent, to 1,410.44. 4.42 1.01 RFM Corporation 3.95 4.30 3.98 4.14 4.81 4,125,000 1,946,540.00
3.90 2.01 Roxas Holdings 2.60 2.88 2.88 2.88 10.77 5,000
percent to P13.76. shares were mixed, while The Nasdaq composite index 34.60 26.50 San Miguel Brewery Inc. 34.50 34.45 34.00 34.45 (0.14) 190,700 13,720.00
Eton Properties Philippines benchmarks in New Zealand, rose 0.1 percent to 3,073.19. 129.20
San Miguel Corp `A’
Inc. climbed 28.9 percent to Thailand and Australia rose. With AP 0.196 0.112 Swift Foods, Inc. 0.138 0.148 0.140 0.142 2.90 14,810,000 7,100.00
14.66 3.30 Tanduay Holdings 12.72 13.00 12.68 12.80 0.63 4,185,600 (1,345,780.00)

2.88 1.99 TKC Steel Corp. 2.04 2.08 2.02 2.08 1.96 69,000
1.41 0.90 Trans-Asia Oil 1.17 1.17 1.15 1.17 0.00 2,805,000
69.20 37.00 Universal Robina 59.90 60.90 60.00 60.20 0.50 2,268,710 (56,519,216.50)
5.50 1.05 Victorias Milling 1.35 1.39 1.35 1.37 1.48 1,227,000
0.77 0.320 Vitarich Corp. 0.620 0.660 0.630 0.650 4.84 1,125,000
18.00 2.55 Vivant Corp. 8.45 7.50 7.50 7.50 (11.24) 46,200
1.22 0.77 Vulcan Ind’l. 0.93 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.00 2,864,000
1.18 0.65 Abacus Cons. `A’ 0.77 0.79 0.74 0.75 (2.60) 7,644,000
59.90 35.50 Aboitiz Equity 48.00 48.45 47.00 48.40 0.83 1,579,900 (16,654,920.00)
0.019 0.014 Alcorn Gold Res. 0.0170 0.0180 0.0170 0.0180 5.88 13,400,000
13.70 8.00 Alliance Global Inc. 11.26 11.72 11.22 11.72 4.09 31,694,900 227,560,274.00
2.60 1.80 Anglo Holdings A 2.00 2.02 2.00 2.02 1.00 75,000
5.02 3.00 Anscor `A’ 4.64 4.65 4.62 4.62 (0.43) 36,000 (13,890.00)
6.98 0.260 Asia Amalgamated A 5.00 5.00 4.95 4.95 (1.00) 21,600
2.98 1.49 ATN Holdings A 1.60 1.64 1.50 1.61 0.63 1,366,000
485.20 272.00 Ayala Corp `A’ 421.00 426.00 420.00 424.00 0.71 565,920 (13,399,928.00)
64.80 30.50 DMCI Holdings 57.15 57.60 56.25 57.60 0.79 1,388,460 (34,998,494.00)
4.19 1.03 F&J Prince ‘A’ 2.55 2.50 2.48 2.48 (2.75) 19,000
5.20 3.30 Filinvest Dev. Corp. 4.05 4.07 4.01 4.01 (0.99) 230,000
556.00 455.40 GT Capital 543.50 547.00 536.00 536.00 (1.38) 46,720 (5,049,825.00)
5.22 2.94 House of Inv. 4.67 4.75 4.75 4.75 1.71 30,000
36.20 19.00 JG Summit Holdings 33.00 33.80 33.00 33.80 2.42 135,600 1,133,575.00
5.70 2.30 Keppel Holdings `B’ 4.00 4.10 4.10 4.10 2.50 4,000 (16,400.00)
6.21 4.00 Lopez Holdings Corp. 5.07 5.07 5.04 5.04 (0.59) 6,551,700 (21,418,798.00)
1.54 0.61 Lodestar Invt. Holdg.Corp. 1.08 1.08 1.04 1.04 (3.70) 1,134,000
0.91 0.300 Mabuhay Holdings `A’ 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.00 50,000
3.82 1.800 Marcventures Hldgs., Inc. 2.36 2.39 2.35 2.36 0.00 1,031,000
4.65 2.56 Metro Pacific Inv. Corp. 4.14 4.16 4.13 4.14 0.00 7,437,000 (14,676,000.00)
6.24 3.40 Minerales Industrias Corp. 5.12 5.20 5.11 5.11 (0.20) 54,200 (102,400.00)
9.66 1.22 MJCI Investments Inc. 6.80 7.33 7.15 7.20 5.88 5,100
0.0770 0.045 Pacifica `A’ 0.0530 0.0530 0.0530 0.0530 0.00 4,980,000
0.82 0.44 Prime Orion 0.480 0.460 0.460 0.460 (4.17) 110,000
0.490 0.285 Sinophil Corp. 0.325 0.325 0.325 0.325 0.00 10,000
760.00 450.00 SM Investments Inc. 705.00 709.00 704.50 707.50 0.35 340,870 (58,117,660.00)
2.71 1.08 Solid Group Inc. 2.15 2.24 2.13 2.20 2.33 829,000
850.00 425.00 Transgrid 450.00 478.00 449.00 478.00 6.22 120
0.420 0.101 Unioil Res. & Hldgs 0.2200 0.2200 0.2200 0.2200 0.00 20,000
0.620 0.082 Wellex Industries 0.3200 0.3250 0.3100 0.3100 (3.13) 440,000
0.980 0.380 Zeus Holdings 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.00 240,000
Veterans Bank cites Cory. Philippine Veterans Bank awarded a posthumous plaque of appreciation 3.34 1.70 A. Brown Co., Inc. 3.03
3.01 2.94 2.94 (2.97) 281,000
to former President Corazon Aquino for her role in signing into law Republic Act No. 7169, which reopened 0.83 0.42 Araneta Prop `A’ 0.600 0.570 0.570 0.570 (5.00) 100,000
PVB as a private commercial bank, owned by the veterans of World War II and their heirs. Shown receiving 24.15 13.36 Ayala Land `B’ 21.45 22.40 21.35 22.35 4.20 8,575,200 (8,014,390.00)
5.62 3.08 Belle Corp. `A’ 4.76 4.84 4.66 4.83 1.47 2,025,000 1,421,470.00
the plaque are the former President’s daughters Maria Elena Aquino Cruz (third from right) and Victoria 9.00 2.26 Cebu Holdings 5.55 5.60 5.55 5.56 0.16 40,100
Elisa Aquino-Dee (second from right). Also shown are (from left) PVB chairman Emmanuel de Ocampo, Dr. 2.85 1.35 Century Property 1.47 1.49 1.47 1.48 0.68 1,347,000
2.91 1.20 City & Land Dev. 2.80 2.81 2.66 2.81 0.36 83,000
Pilar de Ocampo, former senator Agapito Aquino and PVB president and chief executive Ricardo Balbido Jr. 1.50 1.05 Cityland Dev. `A’ 1.15 1.14 1.10 1.14 (0.87) 167,000
0.092 0.060 Crown Equities Inc. 0.075 0.072 0.072 0.072 (4.00) 1,140,000
1.11 0.67 Cyber Bay Corp. 0.81 0.79 0.79 0.79 (2.47) 750,000
0.94 0.54 Empire East Land 0.780 0.800 0.780 0.800 2.56 6,345,000

Ayala Land clears Ortigas venture 3.80

Eton Properties
Filinvest Land,Inc.
Interport `A’
Keppel Properties

2.34 1.51 Megaworld Corp. 2.26 2.29 2.25 2.26 0.00 63,935,000 (15,439,440.00)
By Jenniffer B. Austria of fifth series of Homestarter launched in 2006, primary 0.36 0.150 MRC Allied Ind. 0.1580 0.1580 0.1570 0.1580 0.00 1,100,000
Bond worth P3 billion, subject targets mid-income individuals 0.990
Phil. Estates Corp.
Phil. Realty `A’
AYALA Land Inc., the real estate to registration requirements of and couples who desire to own 38.10 12.60 Phil. Tob. Flue Cur & Redry 14.62 14.62 14.60 14.60 (0.14) 500
19.94 10.00 Robinson’s Land `B’ 18.10 18.90 18.00 18.64 2.98 888,900 (2,927,766.00)
unit of conglomerate Ayala the Securities and Exchange their dream home. 7.71 2.51 Rockwell 3.58 3.74 3.58 3.63 1.40 179,000 36,200.00
Corp., said Tuesday its board Commission. Under the previous Homestarter 2.85 1.81 Shang Properties Inc. 2.74 2.75 2.75 2.75 0.36 2,000 2,750.00
8.95 6.00 SM Development `A’ 6.06 6.20 6.03 6.12 0.99 887,300 (2,053,654.00)
approved the strategic alliance The property firm tapped Bond scheme, buyers were required 18.20 10.94 SM Prime Holdings 13.60 13.86 13.58 13.76 1.18 8,684,500 (28,597,924.00)
0.91 0.64 Sta. Lucia Land Inc. 0.67 0.70 0.68 0.70 4.48 31,000
with the Ortigas family for the BPI Capital Corp., China to set aside as low as P5,000 a 4.55 1.80 Starmalls 4.00 3.99 3.98 3.99 (0.25) 53,000
development of the latter’s vast Banking Corp., PNB Capital and month for a bond subscription 0.64 0.45 Suntrust Home Dev. Inc. 0.510 0.520 0.520 0.520 1.96 100,000

4.66 2.60 Vista Land & Lifescapes 4.380 4.400 4.310 4.390 0.23 3,638,000 (6,196,950.00)
properties. Investments Corp., and RCBC over 36 months. The resulting SERVICES
Ayala Land’s board approved Capital Corp. as underwriters for P180,000, which will earn 5 4.72 1.20 2GO Group’ 1.71 1.70 1.70 1.70 (0.58) 1,000
42.00 24.80 ABS-CBN 25.00 25.00 24.10 24.45 (2.20) 176,100
the partnership with the group the bond offering. percent a year, can then be used as 18.98 1.05 Acesite Hotel 1.33 1.37 1.32 1.35 1.50 154,000
led by Ignacio Ortigas which will The bonds will be sold through downpayment for a housing unit 0.78
APC Group, Inc.
Asian Terminals Inc.
allow the company to participate a general public offering to being developed by Ayala Land 102.80 4.45 Bloomberry 9.80 9.90 9.80 9.82 0.20 2,333,800 1,410,793.00
0.5300 0.1010 Boulevard Holdings 0.1410 0.1430 0.1370 0.1410 0.00 32,850,000
in OCLP Holdings Inc., the parent retail investors. The bonds will through its residential brands. 24.00 5.20 Calata Corp. 5.99 6.10 5.79 5.95 (0.67) 145,100 28,593.00
company of Ortigas & Co. Ltd. be priced at 100 percent of face Ayala Land currently has four 82.50
Cebu Air Inc. (5J)
Ayala Land earlier earmarked value and will mature in three residential brands, namely Ayala 1270.00 831.00 Globe Telecom 1080.00 190.00 1080.00 1083.00 0.28 104,915 31,585,675.00
11.00 6.18 GMA Network Inc. 9.94 9.98 9.80 9.98 0.40 199,900
P15 billion for the strategic years from the initial issue date. Land Premier, which is geared 77.00 43.40 I.C.T.S.I. 67.55 68.80 67.15 67.50 (0.07) 812,460 (17,841,060.50)
partnership. The Ortigas group has Ayala Land said it would use towards for the high-end market, 0.98
Information Capital Tech.
Imperial Res. `A’
vast properties in Mandaluyong, the proceeds for general corporate Alveo Land for the middle-income 34.50 0.036 IP E-Game Ventures Inc. 0.039 0.041 0.038 0.039 0.00 2,084,200,000 687,000.00
3.87 1.00 IPVG Corp. 1.02 1.03 1.01 1.02 0.00 243,000
San Juan and Quezon City. purposes. market, Avida Land for the low- 0.0760 0.042 Island Info 0.0520 0.0500 0.0460 0.0500 (3.85) 140,000
Meanwhile, Ayala Land said its The Homestarter Bond income market and Amaia Land 3.45
JTH Davies Holdings Inc.
Leisure & Resorts
board also approved the issuance program of Ayala Land, first for the affordable market. 3.70 2.60 Liberty Telecom 2.80 2.75 2.75 2.75 (1.79) 3,000
2.65 1.03 Lorenzo Shipping 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 0.00 28,000
3.96 2.70 Macroasia Corp. 2.70 2.90 2.85 2.90 7.41 11,000
Manila Jockey
Pacific Online Sys. Corp.

STOCKS Close Change STOCKS Close Change 8.58 5.35 PAL Holdings Inc. 7.10 7.15 7.10 7.15 0.70 18,500
3.39 1.05 Paxys Inc. 3.10 3.05 3.01 3.01 (2.90) 787,000 18,120.00
(P) (%) (P) (%) 10.00 5.00 Phil. Racing Club 9.45 9.41 9.39 9.39 (0.63) 21,500
71.00 18.00 Phil. Seven Corp. 68.00 73.00 69.00 73.00 7.35 15,640 369,030.00
Eton Properties 4.55 28.90 Omico Corp. Warrant 0.0550 (21.43) 17.88 12.10 Philweb.Com Inc. 16.96 16.94 16.28 16.92 (0.24) 244,300 567,456.00
2886.00 2096.00 PLDT Common 2754.00 2740.00 2670.00 2720.00 (1.23) 236,110 (10,574,430.00)
Abra Mining 0.0050 19.05 Pancake House Inc. 9.30 (14.68) 30.15 10.68 Puregold 28.25 29.30 28.10 29.25 3.54 5,014,100 39,908,865.00
Roxas Holdings 2.88 10.77 Vivant Corp. 7.50 (11.24) 3.30 2.42 Transpacific Broadcast 2.70 2.70 2.51 2.70 0.00 4,000
0.79 0.34 Waterfront Phils. 0.465 0.465 0.435 0.465 0.00 20,000
Macroasia Corp. 2.90 7.41 DFNN Inc. 5.53 (7.83) MINING & OIL
0.0083 0.0038 Abra Mining 0.0042 0.0050 0.0043 0.0050 19.05 1,331,000,000 (49,000.00)
Phil. Seven Corp. 73.00 7.35 Filipino Fund Inc. 10.60 (7.83) 6.22 3.00 Apex `B’ 4.85 4.85 4.80 4.85 0.00 21,000
20.80 14.50 Atlas Cons. `A’ 17.00 17.10 16.98 17.02 0.12 377,400 (2,435,706.00)
Alaska Milk Corp. 21.90 6.83 Euro-Med Lab. 1.99 (7.44) 48.00 20.00 Atok-Big Wedge `A’ 26.50 26.90 26.90 26.90 1.51 1,000
0.345 0.170 Basic Energy Corp. 0.245 0.260 0.255 0.255 4.08 420,000
Transgrid 478.00 6.22 LMG Chemicals 2.11 (6.22) 29.00 19.98 Benguet Corp `A’ 22.90 22.90 22.90 22.90 0.00 900
34.00 21.20 Benguet Corp `B’ 22.50 22.25 22.25 22.25 (1.11) 1,200
MJCI Investments Inc. 7.20 5.88 Araneta Prop `A' 0.570 (5.00) 61.80 6.96 Dizon 23.50 24.85 22.90 23.70 0.85 132,500
1.21 0.50 Geograce Res. Phil. Inc. 0.57 0.58 0.57 0.57 0.00 1,763,000
Alcorn Gold Res. 0.0180 5.88 Nihao Mineral Resources 7.28 (4.21) 1.81 1.0600 Lepanto `A’ 1.170 1.170 1.140 1.160 (0.85) 9,095,000
2.070 1.0900 Lepanto `B’ 1.200 1.230 1.180 1.180 (1.67) 7,547,000 (1,072,930.00)
Vitarich Corp. 0.650 4.84 Prime Orion 0.460 (4.17) 0.085 0.042 Manila Mining `A’ 0.0600 0.0610 0.0600 0.0610 1.67 37,360,000
0.840 0.570 Manila Mining `B’ 0.0620 0.0620 0.0610 0.0620 0.00 14,010,000


Nihao Mineral Resources
Oriental Peninsula Res.
Oriental Pet. `A’


Petroenergy Res. Corp.
Philex `A’

FINANCIAL 6,589,055 531,289,997.98 FINANCIAL 1,281.7 (UP) 6.23 48.00

Philodrill Corp. `A’

INDUSTRIAL 7,852.63 (UP) 15.83 257.80 161.10 Semirara Corp. 225.00 225.00 222.80 225.00 0.00 31,670 (896,830.00)
INDUSTRIAL 179,918,113 737,180,685.783 HOLDING FIRMS 4,350.91 (UP) 43.98 50.00 23.05 ABS-CBN Holdings Corp. 23.55
23.70 23.05 23.30 (1.06) 3,307,800 (53,251,810.00)
HOLDING FIRMS 82,287,240 1,237,940,345.1536 PROPERTY 1,986.56 (UP) 47.51 580.00
Ayala Corp. Pref `A’
First Gen G
PROPERTY 366,736,102 847,858,822.53 SERVICES 1,743.25 (DOWN) 15.84 109.80
First Phil. Hldgs.-Pref.
GMA Holdings Inc.
271,000 (195,600.00)

SERVICES 2,136,331,582 1,372,409,915.34 MINING & OIL 21,362.42 (DOWN) 108.82 116.70
SMC Preferred 1
PSEI 5,175.62 (UP) 32.27 6.00 0.87 Swift Pref 1.15 1.18 1.18 1.18 2.61 43,000
MINING & OIL 1,447,917,279 131,848,218.107 All Shares Index 3,442.97 (UP) 23.68 0.210 0.00 Omico Corp. Warrant 0.0700
0.0990 0.0550 0.0550 (21.43) 20,000
GRAND TOTAL 4,219,779,371 4,858,527,984.8966 Gainers: 82; Losers: 68; Unchanged: 44; Total: 194 ManilaStandardToday
Manila Business WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29, 2012 B3

June imports accelerated 13.3% percent to $1.14 billion from equipment. PAL earlier said percent from $460.02 million a said in a mobile-phone message.
By Maria Bernadette Lunas
$856.5 million. the first of the three 370-seater year ago. Higher utility costs and peso
Transport equipment posted Boeing 777-300ER it ordered for Imports from Japan rose 46 depreciation may also have
IMPORTS in June rose 13.3 percent the highest year-on-year gain flights to Vancouver, Australia, percent year-on-year to $608.9 stoked inflation, which was 3.2
year-on-year, the fastest in 10 months, on among the top 10 imported Japan and Hong Kong arrived million, while those from China percent in July, he said.
items, rising 200 percent to in June. increased 16 percent to $545.76 “There may be some
the back of increased purchases of aircraft $639.48 million from $213.03 Other imported items that million. temporary pressure on inflation
by the Philippine Airlines and a rebound in million a year ago. contributed to the growth in June The peso, meanwhile, and we may also see some
“The expansion was brought included iron and steel, 33.5 weakened to 42.295 and local- reaction to potential additional
electronic product orders. about by the aircraft importation percent; industrial machinery currency bonds fell after the debt supply,” said Joric Nazario,
and higher import purchases of and equipment, 30 percent; and central bank said inflation treasurer at Philippine Veterans
Data from the National The June import figures motor vehicles and its parts and telecommunication equipment may have accelerated this Bank. “The peso is largely
Statistics Office on Tuesday brought the first-half tally to accessories,” the NSO report and electrical machinery, 18.4 month as floods disrupted influenced by external factors
showed total merchandise $30.76 billion, up 0.4 percent read. percent. food supplies. including the uncertain global
imports reached $5.10 billion from $30.65 billion in the same The delivery of Boeing jets United States remained the Consumer prices may rise as growth and whether or not the
in June, up from $4.50 billion period last year. to PAL, the country’s first biggest source of imports in much as 3.8 percent in August US will implement another
recorded a year ago. Inbound Orders of electronic flag carrier, during the month June with inbound shipments from a year earlier, central bank round of quantitative easing.”
shipments fell 5.3 percent month- products sharply rose 27.1 pushed the growth in transport of $803.42 million, up 74.7 Governor Amando Tetangco Bloomberg
on-month from $5.39 billion in percent to $1.46 billion in
May. June from $1.15 billion on
The rise in June shipments
was the highest monthly growth
since August 2011 when imports
year and were higher than
$1.44 billion in May.
The major electronics input,
expanded 13.8 percent. semiconductors, increased 33
cuts GDP
JAPAN’S government
downgraded its assessment
of the world’s third-biggest
economy for the first time in 10

Philex’s months as some analysts forecast

that gross domestic product will
shrink this quarter.

‘ecosystems Risks include a “further

slowing down of overseas
economies and sharp
approach’ fluctuations in the financial and
capital markets,” the Cabinet
Office said in a monthly report
THE country’s biggest gold and copper producer, Philex Mining released in Tokyo Monday. It
Corp., is putting its money where its mouth is, vowing to adopt cut an evaluation of the global
an “ecosystems approach” in cleaning up and rehabilitating areas economy.
affected by the tailings pond leak from its Padcal mine in Benguet. The government cut its view
Philex said it would put its manpower and technical know-how An Apple Inc. iPhone 4S smartphone (left) and a Samsung Electronics Co. Galaxy S III smartphone are on personal consumption, home-
in restoring the affected portions of Balog Creek, focusing on arranged for a photograph in Seoul, South Korea. Apple and Samsung Electronics are waging a battle building, exports, imports and
water resources management and forging partnerships with the on four continents for dominance in a smartphone market valued by Bloomberg Industries at $219.1 industrial production, while
communities near the mine site. billion. Bloomberg raising its assessment of the
Philex’s senior vice president for corporate affairs Mike Toledo labor market. The Bank of Japan
disclosed that Philex already put up tramlines and silt traps for the
cleanup, and has started collecting and transporting silt from Balog Apple wants ban on US sales next meets on Sept. 18 and 19
to review monetary policy,
while global investors are
of eight Samsung smartphones
Creek. Next steps in the restoration would involve the protection
of riverbanks, the replanting of affected areas, the stocking of flora awaiting an Aug. 31 speech by
and fauna in aquatic and terrestrial areas with endemic species to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben
be reintroduced eventually, the executive explained. Bernanke to gauge the outlook
Naturally, the social aspect in the ecosystems approach would APPLE Inc. is seeking a US as of 12:45 p.m. in Seoul Aug. 26 after the jury found for stimulus in the world’s
involve impact assessment on the lives and livelihood of residents sales ban on eight models trading, while the benchmark the company’s tablet computer biggest economy.
in the communities near the mine site—which should not be very of Samsung Electronics Co. Kospi index fell 0.3 percent. didn’t infringe the Apple design “Europe’s debt crisis is having
difficult to do considering that the mining company has already smartphones and the extension The stock dropped 7.5 percent patent on which the June 26 court- the effect of a body blow to Japan’s
initiated training programs and livelihood projects for the locals of a preliminary ban on a tablet Monday. Apple, the world’s ordered sales ban was based. economy,” said Yoshimasa
this early despite the fact that the mine life for Padcal has been computer after winning a patent most valuable company, rose 2 The jury instead found that the Maruyama, chief economist at
extended to 2020. trial against the South Korean percent to $675.68 in Nasdaq Galaxy Tab 10.1 infringed three Itochu Corp. in Tokyo. “Concerns
Not so surprising, since the mining firm has been employing company. trading Monday. of Apple’s software patents. over Japan’s economic outlook
an “out-of-the-box” approach in the way it does business—with Apple, which won more than “We will take all necessary Koh hasn’t ruled on any of the will probably build pressure on
quite successful results. Just recently, the PMA cadets—Philex $1 billion Aug. 24 after a jury measures to ensure the requests since the verdict. She the BOJ to apply more monetary
Mining Academy cadets, that is—hurdled the mining engineer found Samsung infringed six availability of our products in scheduled a Sept. 20 hearing stimulus,” said Maruyama, who
licensure exams with four of them landing in the top 10 spots. The of seven patents at stake in the the US market,” Nam Ki Yung, for arguments on the potential says the central bank could move
four, who are all graduates of the University of the Philippines trial, named the phones it wants a Seoul-based spokesman for bans, adding that the date may in October.
Diliman, copped the second, fifth, seventh and ninth spots in the barred in a filing Monday with Samsung, said in an e-mailed change depending on the scope JPMorgan Securities Japan
recent mining engineering board exams that saw 57 out of 67 US District Judge Lucy Koh in statement. of Apple’s request. Co. forecasts a 0.3-percent
examinees making it. San Jose, California. The list Samsung may have to delay Of the 28 Samsung devices annualized decline in gross
Experts were tapped to conduct the review classes for the includes several devices in the the release of new devices to Apple says are infringing, the domestic product in the three
PMA cadets—which definitely gave the new grads (all nine of bestselling Galaxy lineup. change their designs as it seeks eight targeted for a US sales months through September,
them) a distinct advantage considering the lack of formal review The effect on Samsung’s to compete with Apple’s new ban include the Galaxy Prevail, while BNP Paribas SA estimates
centers for mining engineering. The new board passers will have sales will be negligible because iPhone and possibly a smaller which was the list’s top seller a 0.9-percent fall. The median
a five-year stint with Philex—and this early, several had already its newest smartphones aren’t iPad, said Chang In Whan, by units in the US from mid- estimate in a Bloomberg News
indicated their intention to stay with the mining firm beyond the on Apple’s list of devices, president of Seoul-based KTB 2010 to mid-2012, generating survey compiled this month
period. Now that’s what you call reaping the best of the harvest. which will account for less Asset Management Co. revenue of $378 million, was for 1-percent growth,
Coming soon: New outfit in town than 1.4 percent of the Korean Apple, based in Cupertino, according to data submitted by partly supported by earthquake
Happy Hour stoolies divulged that an entertainment outfit is company’s profits next year, California, won a ban on US Samsung in a court filing. reconstruction work.
coming to town—an event that will surely light up the faces of said Mark Newman, an analyst sales of Samsung’s Galaxy Tab Apple’s list includes the Grappling with the world’s
many. This early, it is scouting for new talents to work with that at Sanford C. Bernstein who 10.1 tablet in June that the South Galaxy S II Epic 4G, ranked by biggest public debt burden,
could give the company the best local exposure possible, with a used to work at Samsung. The Korean company said wouldn’t Samsung as the third-best seller Japan’s government is also at
lean, mean staff already starting the ground work for its eventual impact would be 6.3 percent if have a significant effect on its by units in the U.S. among the risk of a financing crunch.
opening before the year is over. Apple manages to broaden a ban business. Apple, which seeks to disputed products; the Galaxy Finance Minister Jun Azumi
Actually, the soon-to-be-here outfit already has presence in over to newer devices and block 80 make that ban permanent, said S 4G, the fourth-best; and said Tuesday government funds
150 countries and it is simply putting the wheels in motion to get percent of all Samsung phones, in a court filing that Koh should the Galaxy S II T-Mobile, the may “dry up” if a financing bill
a clearer picture of the Asia Pacific market—and possibly get an he said. also bar US sales of a version eighth-best seller in the U.S. fails to pass in the upper house
even bigger share of the pie. “Samsung can live to fight of the tablet that runs on mobile during the past two years. of parliament. “We’d have to
Unhealthy drink tax another day,” Newman said in networks, even though the The other devices include the consider how to save money
Italy’s health minister is proposing additional taxes on beverages a phone interview. product wasn’t covered by the Galaxy S Showcase, the S II while trying to avoid affecting
that are considered unhealthy, saying the revenues will be used The Suwon, South Korea- Aug. 24 verdict. AT&T, the S II Skyrocket and Japanese people’s lives as much
to help in the delivery of health services. The Italian official has based electronics maker gained Samsung sought to have the the Droid Charge. as possible,” he said.
suggested a levy of 3 euros per bottle for beverages that as of the 1.7 percent to 1,200,000 won ban on the Tab 10.1 lifted on Bloomberg Bloomberg
moment have not been identified.
Critics, however, are already slamming the additional tax
proposal, calling it a copycat piece of legislation from neighboring
France, which a year ago started imposing taxes on soft drinks in
IMF advises Singapore to let inflation increase
a bid to curb obesity. Even the US—whose First Lady Michelle
Obama, has waged a high-profile war against childhood obesity By Shamim Adam monetary policy. credit growth and asset prices—should
—is said to be mulling the idea, but lately has fizzled down after “Singapore has ample policy space and be forcefully tackled, including through
great resistance from beverage industry giants. Wonder what other SINGAPORE should let its inflation rate rise large buffers to mitigate the effects of a continued recourse to macro prudential tools.
unusual revenue-generating ideas government officials will come temporarily to accommodate price gains from steeper global growth slowdown or financial Consideration could also be given to further
up with next. tighter labor markets even as those stemming turmoil,” the IMF said. “Given Singapore’s absorbing liquidity.”
Happy Hour nibbler: Seat down, please from credit growth should be “forcefully pronounced trade and financial openness, the The monetary authority estimated last
Now here’s a really thought provoking one: The proposal from a tackled,” the International Monetary Fund impact of further euro-area turmoil, abrupt month consumer-price gains will average 4
Taiwanese environment minister for men to change their bathroom said. fiscal tightening in the United States, and/ percent to 4.5 percent this year, compared
habits and “sit down” while peeing has stirred a raging debate online. Gross domestic product growth is forecast or a severe slowdown in China would be with the 3.5 percent to 4.5 percent range it
Not that the proposal is an original, because similar suggestions to weaken this year to 2.9 percent, before substantial.” forecast previously. The inflation rate was 4
have already been made in Sweden and Japan—with the Taiwanese accelerating to 3.4 percent in 2013, the The Monetary Authority of Singapore, percent in July, after holding at 5 percent or
proponent saying that the change in posture will make for cleaner Washington-based lender said in a report which uses the exchange rate to manage more in the previous four months.
toilets and improve hygiene standards, not to mention that it will Monday known as an Article IV Consultation. inflation, said in April it would allow faster “Inflation is expected to remain under
provide a more efficient way of emptying that body bag. A low unemployment rate will spur domestic gains in the currency to damp price pressures, pressure from the tight labor market and
And lest he be accused of hypocrisy, the environmental demand and inflation will remain elevated, diverging from most other regional economies lagged effects of higher prices for vehicle
protection minister Yuan Shaw-jing proudly disclosed that he it said. that had left borrowing costs unchanged or permits and real estate,” the IMF said.
practices what he is preaching both at home and in office. In fact, The Singapore government this month eased monetary policy. Singapore’s government said in 2010 that
a “jingle” has reportedly been composed to remind people about trimmed its prediction for 2012 growth to The tightening was appropriate, the IMF it aims to at least double its productivity
the importance of toilet manners. Perhaps the most convincing 1.5 percent to 2.5 percent, from an earlier said. The central bank releases its next policy growth to between 2 percent and 3 percent
argument comes from Sweden’s Left Party that said putting the forecast for an expansion of as much as 3 review in October. annually in the next 10 years, as it tries to
seat down, and sitting down to urinate, can do wonders for a percent. Policy makers across the world are “Inflation should be permitted to rise reduce the island’s dependence on exports.
man’s prostate and sex life. girding for a deeper impact from Europe’s temporarily to accommodate the increase in Policy makers have cited some industries’
### sovereign-debt turmoil, with Asian central relative prices of labor-intensive products use of cheaper, low-skilled foreign labor as
For comments, reactions, photos, stories and related concerns, banks from China to South Korea and the resulting from the tighter labor market a reason for low productivity in the prior
readers may e-mail to Philippines cutting interest rates last month, conditions,” the IMF said. “Other sources decade, and have tightened rules on hiring
putting pressure on Singapore to ease of inflation—including from transport costs, workers overseas. Bloomberg

Manila Standard TODAYEdited by Leo A. Estonilo •


House to probe taxi franchises

By Maricel V. Cruz

HOUSE Assistant Majority Floor Leader

Benjo Benaldo wants the Land Transportation
Franchising and Regulatory Board unit in
Northern Mindanao investigated over the
alleged “indiscriminate issuance of franchises
to taxis and other public transport vehicles.”
House Resolution 2490, violating Republic Act 3019
authored by the lawmaker from or the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
Cagayan de Oro, Practices Act.
takes up reports that “There is a
the LTFRB office in paramount public
the city appear to have interest to make the
violated Executive roads and highway
Order 202. in Cagayan de Oro
B e n a l d o City free from unsafe
underscored the public transport
need for Congress to vehicles as a result
revisit the mandate of the indiscriminate
of the agency and issuance of public
review the process franchises to taxis
of applications and and other public
renewals. transport vehicles,”
“EO 202 mandates the LTFRB Benaldo said.
to regulate the operation of public “In order to regulate the
utility or for hire vehicles and to alarming number of public
grant franchises or certificates transport vehicles on the roads,
of public convenience,” the there is a need to revisit the
resolution stated. mandate of the LTFRB and
Heirloom rice. An elderly woman from the Butbot tribe dries freshly harvested ‘unoy’ rice long planted by ancestral farmers in He said officials and staff review the process of applications
Tinglayan, Kalinga, in the Cordillera Administrative Region. DAVID CHAN involved may face charges for and renewal of franchises.”

Onemig, Roman Cordillera graduates shine in board exams

to face off in Bataan By Dexter A. See roster of nursing board passers,”
she told the Manila Standard.
(10 th).
Rumell Niño Sallong
those who are in need in the rural
areas,” she said. “I want to share
By Butch Gunio challenges incumbent Bataan BAGUIO CITY—Twelve She is joined by fellow Gaoaen of Easter College my expertise in health care with
2nd District Rep. Albert graduates from Cordillera schools achievers from Saint Louis and Trixia Marix Clemente our less fortunate brothers and
FORMER actor turned Garcia, son of the governor, landed in the top 10 in the board University, Maryelle Go Garcia from Benguet State sisters in far-flung villages since
businessman Juan Miguel for the gubernatorial post. exams given by the Professional Casupanan (7 th), Anna Lee University landed eighth and I witnessed their difficulties in
“Onemig” Bondoc said he Roman, on the other hand, Regulations Commission. Delmas Bantasan (8 th), Louella 10th, respectively. seeking medical attention from
will run for congressman of will have a rematch in the Vanessa Joy Palacio Gasat, Corpuz Ariola, Ebony Pinono Gasat said her parents parted the rural health unit.”
the Bataan against former congressional post against who finished cum laude at the Quinio and Hazel Monique ways when she was young, Gasat did community service in
governor Ding Roman Gila Garcia, daughter of the University of the Cordilleras, Raquedan Sayson (9th), Alexis accepting the difficult situation Kapangan and Tublay, Benguet,
should an alignment of governor. said she would serve community Nacionales Aguinaldo, Billie as eldest of three siblings. where she found residents had
political bigwigs here push Analysts agree that in a folk in remote localities. Jane Tanacio Diawan, Ma. Applying for scholarships, she to walk for hours to reach health
through. unification, Congressman “I was surprised to learn that Charmaine Cebu Fallorina was a consistent Dean’s Lister. centers that were ill-equipped
“Lalabanan ko sa second Garcia will run unopposed I was ranked fifth overall in the and Gerald Tangonan Pagaling “I will try my best to serve and lacked supplies.
district kung totoong may in the gubernatorial race
while Pascual takes the Orani
unification (I will fight in the
second district if there is a
unification),” he said.
mayorship and Congressman
Roman goes alone in her
Green climate fund mechanism discussed
Governor Enrique Garcia reelection bid. ALBAY Governor Joey Salceda said 24 Belgium, the United Kingdom and Northern Verembe here, Salceda said the choice is a
and Bataan First District Either the governor or Gila board members of the Green Climate Ireland the United States and other countries toss up among Germany, Mexico, Namibia,
Rep. Herminia Roman are the Garcia will be the unopposed Fund met last week in Geneva to discuss categorized as Small Developing States and Poland, Republic of Korea and Switzerland.
recognized power wielders in vice governor to allow ex- financial mechanisms to mobilize the $100- least developed counterparts. The Green Climate Fund was created in
the province. governor Roman to run billion allocation under the United Nations Recognized as a pioneer in Climate Change the Copenhagen Conference of Parties to the
In the present camp of Roman, uncontested as 2nd district Framework Convention on Climate Change. Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in UNFCCC in December 2011 at Durban, South
Bondoc is groomed to be vice congressman. Named by President Benigno Aquino III to the Philippines, Salceda has been designated Africa with an allocation of $20 billion per
governor to gubernatorial In this case, Bondoc will be represent the country, he joins the Asia-Pacific global champion and spokesman by the UN year in the first three years and $100 billion
aspirant, the present Vice dislodged as vice governor bet bloc along with delegates from Australia, which cited Albay as global model as well. thereafter or within the next five years.
Governor Bonjong Pascual. in the Roman lineup. New Zealand, Denmark, the Netherlands, Apart from setting access to the fund, the Salceda said the fund is directed toward
The Garcias have yet to name The Roman camp dismissed France, Germany, Japan, Norway, Czech board will also decide on the country to host low-emission and climate-resilient
their bet to match Bondoc. the gameplan as mere Republic; Poland, Hungary, Spain, Italy, the fund headquarters. development to limit or reduce greenhouse
In the intramurals, Pascual speculation. Russian Federation, Switzerland, Sweden, In a statement at the Centre de Conference gas emissions.

Senatorial Select

lineup to
House Assistant
Minority Leader
and Leyte 1st

add Ong
District Rep.
Ferdinand Martin
‘FM’ Romualdez
officiates at the
THE members of the Advocates for Good oath-taking of
Governance composed of former members of the regular teachers
8th, 9th and 10th Congress, city mayors and other under the
locally elected Department
officials, have of Education-
Tacloban City
endorsed Samar
Division. Mr.
Rep. Emil On Romualdez
for inclusion in sought items to
the senatorial cover 17 mentors
slate. for the Secondary
In a formal level, 10 for
resolution Elementary, and 5
addressed to Vice for Kindergarten
President Jojo through Secretary
Binay, former Bro. Armin Luistro.
President Joseph
Estrada and
Senate President
Juan Ponce
Enrile, as leaders
of UNA, the AGG members cited the need for
Region 8 to be represented in the Senate, as well as
Ong’s outstanding record as legislator and former
Feuding clans force 300 families to flee
constitutional convention delegate. By Florante S. Solmerin said homes were abandoned as Galido said a negotiating body has has formed a crisis committee to stop
Ong is a CPA/lawyer by training and profession, residents fled to neighboring been formed by the local government the senseless killings),” he said.
with graduate studies at the Asian Institute of TWO feuding Muslim clans shot it Barangay Banislan to avoid getting to prevent the clashes from escalating Except for one of the fatalities
Management and the Harvard Law School in out on Monday leaving four people caught in crossfire. to a full-blown conflict that could believed to be a member of the
the United States where he joined the program of killed, three others hurt and about 300 “These feuding families are the give rise to more casualties. Citizen Armed Force Geographical
instruction for lawyers. families evacuated from Barangay Manangcas and Celestes,” he said. “May crisis committee nang Unit, Galido was unable to disclose
He is a law professor at the Far Eastern Guiling, Alamada, North Cotabato, “I’ve no specific details but what we itinatag at nasa pamumuno ng mayor the identities of the other victims.
University, San Sebastian College, Lyceum the military reported on Tuesday. got here is that they’re killing each ng Alamada para gumawa ng paraan “Our troops are standing by
University and Centro Escolar University where Lt. Col. Roy Galido, commander other, this is what they called here para tumigil na ang madugong the committee to hammer out a
he taught accounting and law. of the Army’s 40th Infantry Battalion, rido.” patayan na ito (The mayor of Almada settlement,” he said.
Manila Standard TODAY home work relationship
Gianna Maniego, Editor
Dinna Chan Vasquez, Assistant Editor

Yaya Ian shows the

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THE supermom concept is nothing new. Our moms worked, cleaned
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plan. Whether you are bracing for your very first 5K race,
At the recent Samsung Heartwarming event more energy-efficient, and amazingly quiet, or have just given birth, or engaged in lifting weights and
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ambassadors for digital home appliances. The Fashion designer, columnist, socialite, phi- Read the articles, “5K Basics for a Beginning Runner”
choice of brand ambassadors—Amanda Grif- lanthropist, and you can even add singer to that and “4 Rules to Avoid Runner Burnout” which offer useful
fin-Jacob, Rissa Mananquil-Trillo, Daphne list. These are the words that commonly describe tips for the serious runner. Flip through the pages of the
Oseña-Paez and Tessa Prieto-Valdes—demon- Tessa Prieto-Valdes, though the self-proclaimed news digest to the write-up on “Preventing Sports Injuries”
strate that wives and moms can really have it all. Sea Princess is anything but common. With her which lists some common acute traumatic injuries and
Rissa Mananquil-Trillo and Amanda Griffin flamboyant outfits that would give Lady Gaga chronic ones. Know what to do if you have sustained a
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for Amanda now, and that’s why she relies on a Cleaner, cleaning her living room isn’t consid-
brand of household appliances that can help her ered a chore. With its Super Twin Chamber
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Bubble technology which makes washing more style shows; established her own brand of jew- sights, the breathtaking photo of Machu Picchu in Peru is on the
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Coping with new roles lanthropist and advocate of children’s health and trips you’ve always wanted to go on: a beautiful journey into
Rissa Mananquil-Trillo has held many po- welfare. She manages to balance all this while Petra in Jordan; a step-by-step guide to exploring Venice; a
sitions over the years: supermodel, colum- being a loving mother to her three girls. completely different side of China in the Yunnan province; an
nist, teacher, and president of the country’s When it comes to her children’s meals, Daphne amazing view of Cambodia from the Jahan Cruise and many
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oping your skills to be the best in your field, Older refrigerators need constant manual defrost- The Philippines has a lot of must-visit places as well!
Visit Albay for the gorgeous view of the Mayon Volcano,
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When Rissa gets time off from her busy of harmful fungi and bacteria. Daphne’s Samsung Over land or under water, Coron offers an endless array of
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cool, clean air. Elegantly designed, 60 percent her Digital Microwave.



Megaworld Lifestyle Malls The UP Alumni Association and


recently opened Lucky UnionBank has launched a Visa


Chinatown Mall in Binondo, the credit card for the ‘Iskolar ng


hub of trade and commerce in Bayan.’

the Philippines for centuries.


Gianna Maniego, Editor
Dinna Chan Vasquez, Assistant Editor


home work relationships

Youth ‘mindset’
reveals what
is obsolete
Lucky China-
By Ed Biado town is the
first upscale
G E N E R AT I O N shopping mall
gap is a factor in Binondo.
that people often
blame when there’s
Adages and idiomatic
expressions of old are not being
used today. Therefore, it follows
that grandparents, parents
and teachers don’t always
comprehend what kids are
saying, and vice versa.
For the professors of Beloit
College in the United States, it
doesn’t have to be that way. They
devised “The Mindset List,”
a compilation of references to
better understand the youth’s
“language” so that teachers can
adjust their teaching methods
accordingly. Every year since
1998, the “world view” of
incoming freshmen is reflected
in the list. For example, members
of the Class of 2016 (who were
mostly born in 1994) don’t
associate the word “twilight”
with “The Twilight Zone” as
older folks might. Instead, they

Get Lucky
think of vampires.
But the most interesting
insight in this year’s 75-item list
is that, in the mind of 18-year-
olds, a lot of things that used to
be necessary, basic, normal and
maybe even irreplaceable are
now obsolete. Consider this an
Luggage without rollers


– Since everything is going
digital, it makes sense that most
of today’s kids haven’t seen an
actual airplane ticket. But it’s
surprising that, according to
and Clark’s. You can also re- natowns from all over the world
the list, they also “can’t picture By Marane Plaza discover your personal style as while still maintaining a dis-
people actually carrying luggage
through airports rather than
you take pride in Filipino brands tinctly Filipino feel. The excit-
rolling it.” Binondo has been the hub of trade and commerce in the country such as Folded & Hung, Bayo, ing street development recreates
TV – Most teenagers watch for centuries. Reflecting the different faces, trends and transitions, Cinderella and Esprit. Fashioni-
stas can get their fix from Jelly-
the Chinatown of old, complete
with pre-Spanish era-inspired
TV, as older generations always
have. The difference is, today,
Binondo also breathes the authenticity and richness of the Filipino bean, ForMe, Cotton On, Oxy- architecture and authentic Chi-
gen and Penshoppe. Beauty Bar, nese stores and establishments.
many of us don’t watch on and Chinese heritage and culture. Binondo is the oldest Chinatown The Body Shop, Shiseido, and A wide variety of Chinese re-
television sets. The list says that in the world. Vivere Salon offer services that gional cuisines, as well as excel-
YouTube is this generation’s
will make you feel good about lent meat selections from a Chi-
alternative, as well as devices The retail scene in the Philip- but to shop for items they can sell tavos,” the President said in his yourself in one visit. nese delicatessen, should not be
that can play television content. pines will never be the same again in their own boutiques or tiangge message during the launching rites. Your dynamic gastronomic ad- missed. One popular franchise
Radio—The list declares that as Lucky Chinatown Mall opens in stalls. Now that Lucky Chinatown “We know that companies don’t ventures will remain dynamic with making a comeback is Keean’s
those born in 1994 “really have Binondo. is here, they, too, can engage in simply decide to spend seven bil- some of the nation’s top establish- Fried Siopao, whose irresistible
no use for radio at all.” They also Developed by Megaworld Life- some retail therapy since the up- lion pesos on a project. They do ments found under one roof. Little fried buns have traveled as far as
“never listen to music on the car style Malls, creator of world-class scale mall offers a wide selection their homework. They know that Asia, Uncle Cheffy, California Cavite since the 1980’s.
radio” because they grew up with retail and dining destinations in of international and local fashion they can build a successful mall Pizza Kitchen, and Kogi Bulgogi Vendors plying furniture, tra-
music being available digitally. the metro today such as Newport bramnds that the stylistas in Bi- here because there is a market for make sure that the customers en- ditional medicines, jewelry, and
E n c y c l o p e d i a s — Wi t h Mall at Resorts World Manila, Bur- nondo and neighboring cities have it—a market that has the capacity joy their dining experience after other interesting finds are found
information and knowledge gos Circle at Forbestown Center long been waiting for,” adds Tan. to patronize the mall,” he added. “I all-day shopping. at every corner. Ai Ren Tang one
openly accessible on the Internet, and Eastwood City Walk in Libis, Grand opening believe that as we grow, we should Lucky Chinatown adds more of the metro’s most prestigious
there really is no need for printed Lucky Chinatown redefines the The mall was formally opened be able to preserve the various, and glam into your mall entertain- authentic Chinese drugstores,
encyclopedias. According to the Philippines’ mall culture as it estab- recently in a grand launch and cele- unique, components that, together, ment options with its four top- welcomes visitors to its newly-
list, parents of today’s teenagers lishes the unique character of Chi- bration of business, fashion, dining form our national identity. Which is notch cinemas. Cinema 1 boasts established branch at the Chi-
have stopped purchasing new natowns across the globe, creating and entertainment with Filipino- why I hope that Chinatown never of its roomy, comfy Emperor natown Walk. With over 1,000
sets. This development coincides an exciting tableau founded upon Chinese festivities and traditional loses the character that makes it Twin seats that would give you traditional medicinal products
with Encyclopaedia Britannica heritage. activities, show-stopping fashion distinct,” said the President. a unique movie experience. The imported from the mainland,
ending its print edition this year. “We want to create beautiful de- shows and unique production num- The shopping experience mall also brings the excitement Taiwan and Hong Kong, Ai Ren
Tapes – Parents still call velopments that put the Philippines bers, which highlight the interna- Lucky Chinatown injects new of 3-D film viewing with two Tang brings both health and
media storage devices, like on the map as a global destination,” tional services, upscale retail prod- energy into the area as its very state-of-the-art 3-D cinemas prosperity to its customers.
CDs and DVDs, as “tapes.” said Kevin Tan, vice president of ucts and world-class atmosphere of first upscale shopping mall. The complete with crystal-clear Dol- With Lucky Chinatown,
Kids “have had to incessantly Megaworld. the newest shopping haven in the 108,000 sq m development brings by Digital Surround Sound. Megaworld Lifestyle Malls
remind” them that the term “Every location has a distinct country. President Benigno Aquino five levels of top-class shopping, The Chinatown flavor brings a unique blend of metro-
is outdated, as are the objects personality and a different life- III was the guest of honor. dining and a deep appreciation The taste of Binondo’s storied politan modernity and heritage in
(video and cassette tapes) it used style. We revolve our concepts “It is comforting to have re- for Binondo’s Filipino-Chine past can now be glimpsed in the heart of Binondo.
to originally refer to. around that—the locations and nowned companies like Mega- se heritage. one tour through Lucky China- Lucky Chinatown is located at
Print textbooks—Textbook their people inspire us. Most world affirm their confidence in Present at the mall are global town’s famed Chinatown Walk. Reina Regente St. corner Dela Reina
sales are on a decline because people go to Binondo or Diviso- our country not just through words, retail brands like Mango, Gap, This cultural haven replicates St., Binondo, Manila. The mall is
college students check the ria not to buy stuff for themselves but in the form of pesos and cen- Charles & Keith, Aldo, Payless the unique experience of Chi- open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
availability of their e-book
editions before purchasing
the paper versions. Printed
yearbooks are also considered
obsolete. UP Alumni Association and UnionBank launch card for ‘Iskolar ng Bayan’
Simple toys—
Straightforward playthings no The University of the Philippines Alumni Association Since the UPAA Visa Credit Card is a UnionBank cred-
longer cut it because “having (UPAA) has partnered with UnionBank to launch the it card, cardholders enjoy other features such as world-
made the acquaintance of UP Alumni Association Visa Credit Card for the “is- wide acceptance, installment program, auto-charge facil-
Furby at an early age, they have kolar ng bayan.” ity (automatic payment of utility bills), auto-insurance
expected their toy friends to do Graduates who sign up for the UPAA Visa Credit Card will installment plan, discounts and freebies, 24/7 customer
ever more unpredictable things.” not only support their Alumni Association but will also enjoy service hotline, internet access to the credit card account,
(Furby was the must-have toy special discounts and privileges in various establishments. various payment channels and flexible payment schemes
from holiday 1998 to 2000, with Every time the card is used, a percentage of spend is automat- among others.
over 40 million units sold.) ically donated to the Alumni Association. The donations will To apply for a UPAA Visa Credit Card, call 841-8600 or
Point-and-shoot cameras—
help the Alumni Association’s education, healthcare, liveli- fill-out an application form at the UP Alumni Association’s
As expected, kids of the digital
hood and other projects. office.
age consider point-and-shoots to
be “soooooo last millennium.”

19 Pixar fish 61 Entr’__ 12 Brief acting role

LOS ANGELES 20 “Roots” hero __ Kinte 62 Mr. who debuted 13 Familiar
TIMES 21 China’s Mao __-tung
22 Gap rival
5/1/1952, or in a way,
what the first word of the
18 Only planet with
exactly one moon
CROSSWORD 23 The Blue Jays, on
answers to starred clues
can be
22 Sensei’s teaching
25 Baloney
Across 24 *Highly charged, as 64 Hershey’s toffee bar 26 Scored a hole-in-one on
1 Short trips a topic 65 __ Gay: WWII plane 27 Unit of reality?
5 Daylong march 26 Bustle of activity 66 “See ya” 29 Silly
10 Baseball cards unit 28 Kids’ touching game 67 Sugar pies 32 Con men
14 Swiss river 30 Automaker with a four- 68 Heat-resistant 33 King of the ring
15 Stereotypical dog ring logo glassware 35 On and on and on and ...
name 31 *Sleeper sofa 69 Out of control 36 Average marks
16 __ Bator, Mongolia 34 Soothing words 37 Ice cream brand
17 *Steady, unobtrusive 38 Bk. before Job Down 40 Revealing, like the
background sound 39 Slow-moving tree- 1 Taloned bird heart in a Poe title
hanging animal 2 Pacific island on which 43 “We’re in!”
41 Fingered, as a perp much of “Lost” was filmed 45 Mess up
ANSWER 42 Arnaz-Ball studio 3 Hard copies 47 More than a
TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 44 *Nouveau riche 4 Contentious misdemeanor
46 Feudal slave confrontation 50 Hard tennis shot
48 Chou En-__ 5 Directional ending 51 Screwball
49 Intractable beast 6 Dental whitening agent 52 “Your Song” singer John
50 *Especially favorable 7 French order-carrying 53 Fur tycoon
agreement craft 55 Zubin with a baton
54 Dallas sch. 8 Former coin of Spain 59 Green Hornet’s
56 Shopping meccas 9 Cockney’s “in this place” sidekick
57 D-Day craft 10 Strict observance of 60 State west of Minn.
58 They’re often cluttered formalities 62 Get-up-and-go
in offices 11 Warning 63 Income __ ANSWER TOMORROW



Edited by Marlon Magtira


Aquino urged to sign Republic of the Philippines

Department of Public Works and Highways
National Capital Region

cybercrime bill after raid

2nd Street, Port Area, Manila
Tel. Nos: 5264725/5243924

The Second Metro Manila SUB-Engineering District through its Bids and
Awards Committee (BAC), invites contractors to bid for the following contracts:

By Marlon C. Magtira that it was fortunate that the illegal of the Data Privacy Act, which 1. Contract ID : 12OIO094
activities of the apprehended was recently signed into law by Contract Name : Construction/Completion of three (3) storey, three
(3) Classrooms at Alabang Elementary School
cybercriminals already fall under Aquino, is the main author of the
AFTER the dismantling of the biggest
(Annex), Filinvest Housing, Alabang, Muntinlupa
some of the country’s existing laws. Cybercrime PreventionAct, which Contract Location : Muntinlupa City
group of cybercriminals operating in “But there is a wide range also designates responsibilities Scope of Work : Construction/Completion of three (3) storey, three
(3) Classrooms/complete construction
of other cybercrimes—like to select government entities in
the country, Senator Edgardo J. Angara hacking, identity theft, phishing, the PNP, the National Bureau of
Approved Budget for the Contract : P5,202,613.28
Contract Duration : 90 CD

called on President Benigno Aquino III

Bids Documents Cost : P10,000.00
data interference, and cyber Investigation, the Department
2. Contract ID : 12OIO095
prostitution—that has yet to be of Justice, and the Department
to sign into law a bill passed by Congress covered,” Angara said. of Science and Technology to
Contract Name : Construction/Completion of three (3) storey, six
(6) Classrooms School Building at Las Piñas
penalizing cybercrimes. The suspects are slated to face combat cybercrimes. Contract Location
North High School, Las Piñas City
: Las Piñas City
Scope of Work : Construction/Completion of three (3) storey, six
The Cybercrime Prevention Act, Organized Crime Commission in charges for violating the Access The newly signed law is expected (6) Classrooms School Building
which is just awaiting Aquino’s the biggest operation carried out Device Regulation Act of 1998 to strengthen the country’s IT- Approved Budget for the Contract : P8,444,491.89
Contract Duration : 120 CD
signature,establishesalegalframework by law enforcement units in the (RA 8484), but authorities said that BPO industry by allowing the Bids Documents Cost : P10,000.00
for the detection, investigation, history of anti-cybercrime drive they will most likely be deported country to have International Data Procurement will be conducted through open competitive bidding
apprehension, prosecution and in the country. back to their home countries. Privacy Standards, according to the procedures in accordance with R.A. 9184 and its Revised Implementing
Rules and Regulations.
prevention of cybercrimes. The arrested suspects, who “We need to give our law Information and Communications
Last week, 357 Taiwanese were reported to have defrauded enforcement agencies not just the Technology Office (ICTO) . To bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) and
must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with the DPWH, (b)
and Mainland Chinese nationals victims globally as much as authority but also the capacity to ICTO executive director Louis Filipino citizen or 75% Filipino - owned partnership/corporation, cooperative, or
tackle this new problem. And we Casambre said the measure will joint venture with PCAB license applicable to the type and cost of this contract,
were arrested in several rented P20 million a day, have been (c) completion of similar contract costing at least 50 % of ABC within a period of
houses in Quezon City, Manila, doing international telecom and need to do so fast as cybercrimes enable the country to replicate 10 years, and (d) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC or
credit line commitment at least 10% of ABC. The BAC will use non-discretionary
Marikina, Cainta, and Antipolo financial fraud similar to the 37 grow more sophisticated and its success in call centers in other pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check, preliminary examination of bids.
by joint elements of Criminal Chinese nationals that the CIDG complex along with the evolution BPO segments such as healthcare Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their LOI’s applications
Investigation and Detection has arrested last May 27. of technology,” Angara said. outsourcing and HR outsourcing, for registration, to DPWH-POCW-Central Office before the deadline for the
recept of LOI’s. The DPWH-POCW-Central Office will only process contractor’s
Group and the Presidential Anti- Angara said, over the weekend, Angara, who is also the author where sensitive data is involved. applications for registration, with complete requirements, and issue the
Contractor’s Certificate of Registration (CRC). Registration Form may be
downloaded at the DPWH website, (
The significant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown
HTC partners With Junior Chamber International for 1. Receipt of LOIs from Prospective Bidders Deadline: September 12, 2012 @ 10:00 noon
a clean Boracay. Global maker of smartphones HTC recently 2. Issuance of Bidding Documents Date: August 29 to September 17, 2012
partnered with Junior Chamber International (JCI) Philippines in 3. Pre-Bid Conference September 5, 2012 @ 10:00 a.m.
a campaign called “SamaKa, Let’s Protect Boracay!” which was 4. Receipt of Bids Deadline until: September 17, 2012 @ 12:00 noon
kicked off by a clean-up of the island’s beaches with a record total 5. Opening of Bids September 17, 2012, 2:00 PM @ the
of 325 volunteers collecting 490 kilos of rubbish. “SamaKa” is also Conference room
an ongoing signature campaign where, for each signature, JCI and The Bidding Documents will be sell only to those interested bidders who
its partners will donate P1. The donations will go to the training log on to the Philgeps website. The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding
Documents (BD’s) at Second Metro Manila SUB-Engineering District, 2nd
ofBoracay students in environmental preservation, tourism, and Street, Port Area, Manila, upon payment of a non-refundable fee (stated
hospitality; making them the island’s next generation of green above). Prospective bidders may also download the BD’s, if available, form
the DPWH web site. Prospective bidders that will download the BDs from the
tourism experts. HTC country manager Richard Javier said, “We want DPWH website shall pay the said fees on or before the submission of their
Boracay’s beauty to be captured in HTC’s phones, which come with bids Documents. Bids must accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and
acceptable form, as stated in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.
cameras that are almost as good as conventional digital cameras.
This is our opportunity to ensure that its magnificent beaches will be Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specified
in the BD’s in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman.
photographed by generations of HTC users for years to come.” The first envelope shall contain the technical component of the bid, which
shall include the eligibility requirements. The second envelope shall contain
the financial component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest
Calculated Responsive Bid as determined in the bid evaluation and the post-

The Second Metro Manila SUB-Engineering District reserves the right

to accept or reject any or all bid and to annul the bidding process any time
before Contract Award, without incurring any liability to the affected bidder or

Very truly yours,


OIC-Construction Section
Chairman, SMMSED-BAC

District Engineer
(MST-Aug. 29, 2012)

Republic of the Philippines

PH team wins global Google marketing contest DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS
Region IV - A
Tagaytay City
OUT of 11,000 students from 86 countries campaign for a local business. The student team increased current and Tel. No. (046) 413-1347; Telefax # (046) 413-2936
who participated in this year’s Google The Philippine team, from the future sales by boosting alert sign ups
Online Marketing Challenge, the Philippine University of Asia and the Pacific in and order leads.
team emerged as winner in Asia Pacific the Philippines, under Professor Kahlil The Global Winning team from the INVITATION TO BID
divison. Corazo, were composed of Hannah Warsaw School of Economics in Poland is
Participating teams across the world Ishael Tan, Danna Anne Marie Lee, the first ever Global Winner to come from The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the DPWH Cavite II District Engineering Office,
through FY2012 R.A 10155 Special Purpose Fund 2012 CURRENT , invites contractors to bid
were given an AdWords online advertising and Kyne Darby Santos worked with Europe and helped to increase bicycle sales for the following projects:

budget of US$250 to formulate a marketing a fashion boutique, Olivia and Fifth. and brand awareness. 1.
Contract I.D. 12DG0071
Contract Name : Construction /Completion of Various Multi-Purpose Building Gen.
Aguinaldo, Indang, Naic and Mendez, Cavite (Package 029-2012)
Republic of the Philippines Contract Location : Cavite
Department of Environment and Natural Resources Major Category :
of Work
Buildings/Industrial Plant-LOW rise

MINES AND GEOSCIENCES BUREAU Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 2,997,300.09
North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines Contract Duration: 75 calendar days
Tel. No. (+63 2) 928-8642 / 928-8937 Fax No. (+63 2) 920-1635
E-mail: central @ 2.
InvItatIon to BId Contract I.D.
Contract Name :
Construction of Various Canal Linings and Riprapping at Naic, Gen.
For The Repair of Traction Motor Armatures with PR No. RS1-0712-230 &
Aguinaldo, Maragondon and Indang, Cavite (Package 030-2012)
ITB No. 1207-174-06R
Request foR expRessIon of InteRest foR Contract Location :
Major Category :
Flood Control/Hydraulics/Drainage
Schedule of Activities: RIsk assessment and pRepaRatIon of of Work Flood Control/Hydraulics/River Control
Pre-bid Conference September 07, 2012 @ 10:00 A.M. envIRonmental management plan – Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 5,898,790.95
Cafeteria, LRTA Line 2-Depot,
Santolan, Pasig City palawan quIcksIlveR mIne, Inc. Contract Duration: 99 calendar days

Submission and Opening of Bids September 21, 2012 @ 9:00 A.M. santa louRdes, pueRto pRIncesa, palawan The BAC will conduct the procurement process in accordance with the Revised IRR of R.A. 9184.
Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at the opening of bids.
Cafeteria, LRTA Line 2-Depot,
Santolan, Pasig City To bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI), purchase bid documents
1. The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB), through the General Appropriations
and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with the DPWH, (b) Filipino citizen
The Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA), through its Corporate Budget for the Calendar Year Act (GAA) for 2012 intends to apply the sum of Two Million Five Hundred Thirty or 75% Filipino-owned partnership, corporation, cooperative, or joint venture, (c) with PCAB license
2012, intends to apply the sum of TWELVE MILLION NINE HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND Five Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty Pesos (PhP2,535,930.00) being the applicable to the type and cost of this contract, (d) completion of a similar contract costing at least
THREE HUNDRED FORTY & 00/100 PESOS only (PhP12,920,340.00) being the Approved Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for RISK 50% of ABC within a period of 10 years, and (e) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal
Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the afore-mentioned contract. Bids received ASSESSMENT AND PREPARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT to ABC, or credit line commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC. The BAC will use non-discretionary
in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening. The Contract period is PLAN – PALAWAN QUICKSILVER MINE, INC., SANTA LOURDES, PUERTO pass/fail criteria in the Eligibility Check, Preliminary Examination of Bids.
one (1) year (maximum) upon receipt of Notice to Proceed.
PRINCESA, PALAWAN. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically Interested bidders are also required to present to the BAC Secretariat, DPWH-Cavite II
LRTA now invites bids from Prospective/Interested Bidders with the following details: rejected at the opening of the financial proposals. District Engineering Office, Tagaytay City the original copies of the following documents for
authentication and issuance of Bid Documents: a)PCAB License; b)Contractors Registration
Bid Security: 2. The MGB now calls for the submission of eligibility documents for the conduct Certificate; c)Certificate of Materials Engineer Accreditation; d) Latest copy of Authorizing
Cash/CC-MC Officer together with machine copy of two(2) valid IDs; e)Certificate of Safety Officer Seminar
Description Security: of a series of studies to evaluate the feasibility and possible rehabilitation from Department of Labor and Employment(DOLE); f) Philippine Government Electronic
Approved Budget for Bank draft/ Surety bond Cost of Bid of Palawan Quicksilver Mines Inc. and the formulation of an Environmental
the Contract Documents Procurement System(PHILGEPS) Order Form(Documents Request List) and g).CY 2011
guarantee or ILC (5%)* Management Plan to assist in the implementation of future rehabilitation, CPES Rating.
and/or development/maintenance measures. Interested consulting firms with
(2%)* a minimum of at least two (2) years experience in environmental risk assessment Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration to the DPWH-
and/or mining rehabilitation and similar projects or assignments must submit their POCW Central Office before the deadline for the receipt of LOI. The DPWH-POCW-Central Office
REPAIR OF TRACTION will only process contractors’ application for registration with complete requirements and issue
MOTOR ARMATURES eligibility documents on or before 7 September 2012, Friday, 1:30PM at the Office the Contractor’s Certificate of Registration (CRC). Registration Forms may be downloaded at the
(Repair of not more than of the Bids and Awards Committee, Mines and Geosciences Bureau, North DPWH website
thirty [30] units of traction Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City. Applications for eligibility will be evaluated based
motor armatures, labor, on a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion. The significant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
and materials over a PhP12,920,340.00 PhP258,406.80 PhP646,017.00 PhP11,500.00
contract period of one (1) 1. Receipt of LOI’s from Prospective Bidders : August 28 – September 13, 2012
3. The MGB-BAC shall draw up the short list of consultants from those who have 2. Issuance of Bidding Documents to registered : August 28 – September 18, 2012
year [maximum])
submitted eligibility documents and have been determined as eligible in accordance Contractors
*Project details are with the provisions of Republic Act 9184 (RA 9184), otherwise known as the 3. Pre-Bid Conference : September 05, 2012 at 10:00AM
outlined in the Terms of “Government Procurement Reform Act”, and its Implementing Rules and Regulations 4. Receipt of Bids : Deadline: September18, 2012
Reference (IRR). The short list shall consist of five (5) prospective bidders who will be entitled Until 10:00A.M.
to submit bids. The criteria and rating system for short listing are: 5. Opening of Bids : September 18, 2012 @ 2:00PM
*Only those issued by universal or commercial banks Quality of personnel who may be assigned to the project – 40% Prospective bidders may download the LOI Forms from DPWH website The BAC
Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non- Experience and capability of the Firm – 40% will issue hard copies of LOI forms at DPWH, Cavite II District Engineering Office, Tagaytay City.
discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the Revised Implementing Rules and Current workload relative to capacity – 20%
Regulations (R-IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the “Government The BAC will issue hard copy of Bidding Documents (BD’s) at the DPWH ,Cavite II District
Procurement Reform Act”. Engineering Office, Akle St., cor. Mahogany Avenue, Brgy. Kaybagal South, Tagaytay City, upon
4. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using non- payment of non-refundable fee of P 5,000.00 for project #1 and P 10,000.00 for project #2 for the
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations discretionary “pass/fail” criterion as specified in the IRR of RA 9184. proposal booklets. Prospective bidders may also download the BD’s from the DPWH website and
with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens shall pay the said fees on or before the submission of their Bid Documents.
of the Philippines. Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or
organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock The Pre-Bid Conference shall be open only to interested parties. Only those who have purchased
A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders commencing on belonging to citizens of the Philippines. the BD’s are enjoined to attend the said Pre-Bid Conference and may ask questions pertaining
August 29, 2012 until not later than the deadline for the submission and receipt of bids the project, so that they shall be properly informed of some important matters regarding the above
at the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee for the Bidding Documents projects. Bid must be accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable form, as stated
in the amount of PhP 11,500.00 only. 5. The MGB shall evaluate bids using the Quality-Cost Based Evaluation/Selection in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.
(QCBE/QCBS) procedure. The MGB shall indicate the weights to be allocated for the
Only prospective bidders who have secured bidding documents will be allowed to raise their Technical and Financial Proposals. The criteria and rating system for the evaluation Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specified in the Bidding
queries in the Pre-Bid Conference. Documents (BD’s) in two (2) separate sealed bid envelope to the BAC Chairman. The first
of bids shall be provided in the Instructions to Bidders. envelope shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include a copy of the CRC.
Submission and Opening of Bids will publicly be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ The second envelope shall contain the financial component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to
authorized representatives who choose to attend. Late bids shall not be accepted. All Bids 6. The contract shall be completed within four (4) months. the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as determined in the bid evaluation and post-qualification.
must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount The technical and financial components of the bid should be book bound and each sheet properly
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Manila Standard TODAY
Isah V. Red, Editor

MANY of those who
have watched The
Bourne Legacy are
dismayed at the film,
not because it is bad,
but mainly because
their expectations
of what they wanted Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz in a
to see in the film motorcycle chase scene shot in San
were not met,
especially the scenes
shot in Manila and
other places in the
country. Their major
complaint was the

‘Bourne’ film
film did not show
the better part of
the metropolis.
Not even Palawan,
which they said
could have wowed
the international
audience. a let down for many Pinoys
I didn’t want to argue with them disorder she suffered from the accident. ing them with the best beauty products dom’ after all. With its own set of day replays at 2 a.m. and 9 a.m. on
as apparently their love for the However, Rosa soon realizes that her and services available out there without service buckets especially its bucket TalkTV—Ch. 16 on SkyCable, Ch. 28
country has been piqued particu- hallucinations are actually being caused having to burn a hole in their pockets.” text and combo services, the plan al- on Destiny and Ch. 21 on Cignal.
larly by the film’s emphasis on the by a faceless ghost that haunts her every In addition to its medically-based ready restricts subscribers as to the
squalor and dirt of San Andres, but waking moment and also visits her in her aesthetic innovations, the brand is number of text messages he or she Guthrie in Today
that is what it is there, unless of nightmares. To banish the ghost and end also known for embracing other forms can only send, which networks to Newly assigned Today Show co-an-
course, Tony Gilroy (the director) the haunting, Rosa desperately tries to of modernizations. Flawless has also send the text messages to, as well as chor Savannah Guthrie updates us on
just chose to recreate it in a sound- find out why she is being targeted. Even- established an internal program that how many MBs can the subscriber her latest gig for the NBC network.
stage, hence he could have ignore tually, she discovers the ghost was a vic- motivates her employees and perform use when mobile surfing. Following the departure of Ann
the other details. But he wanted to tim of an unspeakable crime—and one excellently along with her. Rubby This is where the value of subscrib- Curry, who has been designated
capture the essence of Manila, the that her son is threatening to commit! has also made use of digital means ing to unlimited call, text or mobile as the network’s international news
dirt, grime and grid of lowlife in the To save her son and also free herself to build the brand, the business, and surfing services come to fore. Postpaid correspondent, Guthrie has ever
city, including the nightmarish traf- from the ghost’s dutches, Rosa must build relationships among Flawless’ subscribers should be ‘freed’ with all since shared co-hosting duties with
fic on major roads. force herself to confront the truth about stakeholders. She dedicated one team the hassle of subscribing to services Matt Lauer.
So he came and shot it in the way the accident that claimed her husband’s to take care of digital marketing and that have ‘limits’ – certain number The Australian-born American
he thought it could contribute to the life—a truth she has been running from branding—weighing heavily on social of text messages, specific number of lady journalist is no pushover in the
texture of his film, and I agree with since that tragedy. media sites to boost awareness and voice minutes, and allocated MBs. broadcasting sphere as her experience
him. The scenes shot in San Andres Enrique Gil debuts as an indie actor. promote the company’s ideals. has spanned for more than a decade
are particularly very distinct in re- “I’m excited,” he says, “It’s something “It’s important to always set high Anderson Live already.
versing the film’s atmosphere that new to me.” standards and constantly raise that. This On Friday, Cooper Anderson Then on Saturday, Lauren Gra-
are typical to action-espionage Nothing new though to Martin del Ro- is the only way that we can improve takes a look back on the most pro- ham of Gilmore Girls fame ushers
movies made in Hollywood. There sario who is on his second indie outing. ourselves,” she said. vocative guests at the show’s most in the weekend as she guests to plug
is a unique quality to them that The first was Dagim of Cinema One. outlandish moments in an episode the upcoming season of Parent-
made even the pretty Rachel Weisz Enrique and Martin play the children Powerhouse cast dedicated to highlight stories from hood.
looking grimy and. Jeremy Renner of the woman played Angel Aquino, an This include Eugene Domingo (as our inaugural season that everyone is A TV adaptation of the very suc-
nearly blends with the atmosphere indie veteran. Rosie Polotan), Ogie Alcasid (as Pol still talking about. cessful 1989 movie, the comedy-dra-
as well. The film captured even the Directed by Topel Lee, Amorosa Polotan), Gary Valenciano (as Nick Listen to Anderson as he reflects on ma series revolves around the three-
smell of a San Andres street. also stars Empress Schuck, Ejay Fal- Fuentebella), and Zsa Zsa Padilla (as the moments that left him speechless, generation Braverman family. Rumor
‘Bitin’ is the general one word con, Carlo Aquino and Jane Oneiza. Elaine Fuentebella). the guests that pushed his buttons, and has it that Ray Romano is set to do
comment given to the film. Liter- Zsa Zsa bravely marches forward the stories that he just can’t forget. multiple episodes for the fourth sea-
ally it means “hanging” and they CEO Excel knowing life has to go on even as she As we reminisce on the season that son, and Graham will surely provide
refer to the ending in which Renner Awardee for 2012 rises from the ashes of a tumultuous was, everyone’s getting excited for us more hints on the series which is
and Weisz are on a slow boat to no- The International Association of Busi- personal experience throughout the the show’s reformatted second season set in Berkeley and the San Francisco
where steered by a Filipino fisher- ness Communicators (IABC) Philippines making of this film. which is up for airing next month. Bay area.
man (Lou Veloso). For me though, recently conferred the CEO Excel Award Sam Concepcion and Tippy Dos Anderson Live premieres on Mon- The Tonight Show With Jay Leno
the ending is open ended, as most 2012 to Flawless prime mover Rubby Santos play the young lovers who got day, Sept. 10, with a brand new show airs Tuesday to Saturday 1-2 p.m. via
thrillers are, giving the producers Sy “for being one of the leaders who has their families entangled in their web of name, new set, and a new live format Satellite with same day replays at 12
an option for a sequel, if not, it just
achieved the business goals and advoca- complicity when the character of Tippy that will feature rotating co-hosts. mn on TalkTV—Ch. 16 on SkyCable
remains as is. It is a modicum in cies through the strategic use of on and (Tracy Fuentebella) finds herself preg- Anderson is on Monday to Friday , Ch. 28 on Destiny and Ch. 21 on
most films of this genre. off-line communication programs in her nant with the child of Sam’s character via Satellite at 8 to 9 p.m. with next Cignal and Ch 12 on Cable Link.
The main protagonists are able business endeavor.” (Rock Polotan). The support cast is equal-
to accomplish their goal (get the vi- IABC, through its annual CEO Excel ly excellent—Sweet Plantado, Frenchie
rus) and Aaron Cross (Renner) gets
Is Joey G leaving Side A?
Awards, confers the prestigious honor to Dy, Neil Coleta, Jaime Fabregas, Kiray
the injection, enabling him to ig- select top-level business leaders celebrat- Celis and Gerald Pesigan.
nore the blue pills he has been tak- ing a new breed of organization heads Eugene says of the film, “ito ay re-
ing. The ending also tells us that he who champion the use of effective com- galo ng Unitel at Studio 5 sa mga mahi-
is out of the project (of which Jason munication as a business strategy. hilig sa musika at mahilig magmahal.” By Nickie Wang member Joey Benin, who composed
Bourne) is part of it. Rubby has led Flawless for 11 years Uge said that for the first time, she “Forevermore,” has contributed an-
The cause of the Filipinos’ dis- now to where it is today—at the fore- did a very different bed scene with SINCE Side A frontman Joey other song to Joey G’s solo project.
appointment with the film was the front of a burgeoning local beauty in- Ogie, who plays the role of her husband Generoso joined the band 23 years In a concert, to launch Joey G’s
slew of propaganda they got from dustry. Boasting of more than 30 strate- in the movie. Sam plays the role of their ago, he has been asked many times solo album, held at the Music Mu-
whoever that the film could bring in gically located branches nationwide, all son. “It is something you have never over if he has any plans to leave the seum on Aug. 15, Side A members
thousands of tourists to the country. equipped with fully-capable staff and seen me do before. Papunta na sa ga- band to pursue a solo career. were all present to show their
To do what? To experience the traf- doctors, Flawless clinics house some of hasa,” she said laughing. And now that the singer support to their front man.
fic, take a look at the streets of San the most sophisticated aesthetic tech- Ogie says this is probably the big- has a solo album, the “This album is a long-
Andres or get lost in the sea…pick nologies in the world. gest and most difficult movie he has same question is asked planned dream of mine
your choice. “Our goal has always been simple,” ever done in his career. “I have done again. Has his answer which makes me more
says Sy. “We want to provide every so many things in my career, but this changed? enthusiastic about
A story of revenge Filipino the confidence to do more and movie-musical proved to be the hard- In an interview the whole process.
After the success of Corazon: be the best that they can be, by provid- est. And I’m not just talking of the love with the Manila When I’m perform-
Ang Unang Aswang, Star Cin- scene between me and Uge,” he said. Standard Today, the ing with Side A, they
ema’s maindie (mainstream indie) Directed by Chris Martinez, I Do Bi- voice behind classic all back me up, all I
film arm Skylight Films is back doo Bidoo: Heto nAPO Sila opens today. hits “Until Then” and need to do is to sing.
with Amorosa: The Revenge. “Forevermore” clearly This time it’s different,
This film is about the choices Telefeud 3 said that he is not leaving I’m responsible for ev-
people make and the consequences What do Globe and Smart do to keep the band. But why does he erything,” he expressed.
have a solo record? Joey Generoso While the task may seem
they must live with afterwards. the competition tighter than ever?
Following a vehicular accident The Globe All-Unli Plan is a re- “Each of us has a solo project. daunting, Joey G stressed that he
that ripped her family apart, Rosa sponse to Smart Freedom Plans. In You see me appearing on differ- is ready to face this new challenge
(played by actress/TV host Angel terms of affordability, Globe says their ent shows as guest artist. The good with the support of his family and
Aquino, who makes her horror plans are superior. thing about Side A, we are free to do friends. Aptly called, Stand, the
film debut in this movie) decides Under the Smart Freedom Plan, un- whatever we want. That’s the rea- album according to Joey G is his
she needs a fresh start. She and her limited calls to Smart and Talk ‘N Text is son why we lasted that long in this way to show his fans that he can
two sons Amiel (Martin del Ro- P500 valid for 30 days. Under the Globe industry,” the singer retorted. showcase a different side of him,
sario) and Rommel (Enrique Gil) All-Unli Plan, unlimited calls and texts to He quickly pointed out that having this time, solo.
decide to manage an old pension Globe and TM is only P599 for 30 days. a solo album does not mean the end Stand is a nine-track record
house. Under the Smart Freedom Plan, sub- for him and Side A. In fact, his band which includes his collaboration
Rosa hopes the change of scen- scribers do not have any ‘bucket’ to send mates are very supportive of his new with Top Suzara and Samantha, a
ery will bring them some much- unlimited texts to all networks. Globe endeavor. They have been significant singer he mentored in a reality tal-
needed peace of mind and heal the subscribers can send unlimited texts to all contributors to the making of his al- ent show. The album also includes
rift that formed between her and son networks including Smart, Sun and Talk bum, which is released under Warner the work of international songwriter
Rommel after the accident. She also ‘N Text for only P599 for 30 days. Music Philippines. Ned Esguerra, Diane Warren, the genius behind
wants to be rid of the hallucinations Angel Aquino plays the title role in So, in reality, Smart Freedom Plan Side A’s bass guitarist, penned one the songs “I Don’t Want To Miss A
caused by the post-traumatic stress Amorosa is not about giving subscribers ‘free- of the album’s tracks. Former Side A Thing” and “Love Will You Back.”


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