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Recruitment process

A Close View to the recruitment process of -

National Credit & Commerce Bank Ltd. Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation

Department of Finance Faculty of Business Studies University of Dhaka

Submitted To:
Pallabi Siddiqua
Lecturer Department of Finance Faculty of Business Studies University of Dhaka

Submitted By:
SL. NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NAME
Muhammad Abdul Aziz Maria Aktar Quazi Nourin Ahmed Aynul Bashar Amit Rajon Saha

ID. NO. 16-02 16-034 16-056 16-094 16-158

BBA 16th Batch

Department of Finance Faculty of Business Studies University of Dhaka

Date of Submission: Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

Letter of Transmittal
April 21, 2010 To Pallabi Siddiqua Lecturer Department of Finance Faculty of Business Studies Subject: Letter of Transmittal Madam It is our pleasure to submit this report, which you assigned us. The topic we have shed light on is Recruitment Process. We have portrayed the picture of Recruitment Process in business world by screening the process and procedure of recruitment of two of the leading organizations of this country. One of which is National Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd. And the other one is Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation. Working on this report was a great opportunity for us to make out the process of recruitment of dissimilar organizations in two different fields of the country. The recruitment processes of the two organizations are almost same. . However, recovering the acute differences between the two organizations recruitment process is a better learning objective for a Finance student. We tried to present a comprehensive picture between the recruitment processes of the two institutions.

Finally we would like to thank you for assigning us to such an interesting topic to prepare our report on. We hope that our labor has lived up to your expectation and we whole heartedly wait for any queries regarding this report. Sincerely, Muhammad Abdul Aziz On behalf of group (IV) Roll no# 16 02 Section# B Department of Finance University of Dhaka

We would like to thank the almighty at the very beginning for giving us the opportunity and making us able to accomplish such an enjoyable task of completion of this report. We show our heartiest gratefulness to our dear course instructor Pallabi Siddiqua for assigning us to such an interesting topic such as the Recruitment process. Also, because without her help, it would have been almost impossible for us to have submitted the report in due time. We would like to thank all the people who have provided us with the necessary information and helped us to accomplish the job of preparing and submitting this report in due time. The presentation of this term paper is of a great expectation in our BBA program and we are quite happy to submit it duly applying that we think should have to be included. Theoretical knowledge should be valued when it is successfully applied in practical decision-making scenario. In this respect, we found this term paper a great opportunity to deal with the recruitment processes of the two different organizations. Lastly we would like to thank our honorable course instructor Pallabi Siddiqua for allowing us to work on and submit this wonderful topic and nevertheless for providing us with the necessary information. All the members of group (IV),

Section B BBA 16th Batch Department of Finance University of Dhaka

Executive Summary
The students of Business Administration under the department of Finance of University of Dhaka have to prepare and submit a report on the study of their every course to understand the relationship between the contextual study and the practical business field. Accordingly we have prepared a report on Recruitment Process of two of the leading business organizations of Bangladesh. One of which is National Credit & Commerce Bank Ltd. And the other one is Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation. Here we have tried to show the process of recruitment and promotions, analysis of the process, comparison between the process between two organizations, identify the possible problems and barriers of the over all process. Recruitment process is an important part of personnel management and it has a tremendous influence on an employee. Efficient employee is the key to success of all organizations. Collecting competent member of staff is always treated as an ambition for human resource department. In order to that, every organization follows a structured or planned process to recruit its workers. Here we have tried to give a brief explanation of the process of recruitment. We have given the steps of the process, posts for fresher in the organization, modes of recruitment, qualifications of the candidates, their promotion process and almost all that is necessary for a fresher to know about the process followed by these two organizations.

At the end of this report we have tried to show the comparative process followed by the two institutions. And we concluded with a simple modest termination of the report.

The report has been prepared as required for the Business Communication course. Pallabi Siddiqua, course Instructor of the course Business Communication, had assigned the members of group (IV) of BBA 16 th batch to produce a report on the topic recruitment process considering two organizations. For this reason, we, the members of group (IV), have chosen to prepare a report on National Credit & Commerce Bank Ltd. (NCCBL) and Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCCI). The date of submission of the report was April 21, 2010.

Background of the report:

Personnel are the most essential mechanism of all organizations. Every business considers Human resource department (HRD) as the most complex and important section. One of the major duties of Human resource department is to collect efficient employees. For this purpose, recruitment process appears with a tremendous importance in HRD. Also catching skilled workers enhances the business speed on the way to success. In the following pages of this report, we have tried to define the recruitment process of different organizations on the mentioned purposes.

Objectives of the study:

One of the main objectives of preparing the report is to fulfill the requirement of our course on Business Communication. But it must be said that it is not all. The other objectives of preparing this report are described below:

To become familiar with the practical area of business. To acquire realistic knowledge about recruitment process. To understand the impact of recruitment process in organizations. To Draw a comparable picture of theoretical approach and practical application of recruitment process. Also to know the differences of recruitment processes among organizations.

Scope of the study:

The topic lets us choose any two organizations we might. But we thought it would be easier for anyone to understand the similarities and dissimilarities between the processes of the two institutions if it is compared between two different types of business organizations. That is why we have chosen BCIC as it is a leading govt. organization in the country and NCC because it is a private bank. No other reason has influenced us to choose these two organizations.

Methodologies and Sources of information:

Information was taken from both primary and secondary sources. Mostly the information deals with the primary information collected from the various executives working at the respective organization. Close observation also helped us collect our necessary data. Along with the primary information, help was taken from different secondary sources such as Text books, Internet, Journals, Annual reports of the company etc.

Some of the limitations that we mainly encountered are: Lack of experience of collecting exact information, which made it time consuming to collect necessary information.

Time constraints of the employees and executives made it hard to collect

data. Lack of updated and accurate information due to the secrecy of the organizations.

Recruitment procedure
Recruitment process is an overall procedure of collecting efficient employees for an organization. An efficient employee is a vital mechanism for ensuring mobility of an organization. So an organization needs to filter the best mechanisms among the many applicants. They conduct many tests including written test, viva voce and many other tests to highlight their organogram and they take special concern to make this practice fruitful.

Birds eye view of recruitment procedures:

Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation
Organograms of recruitment process: Regulatory body of BCIC follows a fixed structure to recruit fresh or experienced employees. This structure is composed of many steps which are according to memorandums of BCIC. Below we have discussed those steps Determining vacancys in different levels: R&T department of BCIC determines vacancy situation at first. But it is preplanned that at which rate would they recruit in various levels. This percentage is denoted below as a tabular form-

Levels Fresh employee(entry level) Mid level Executive level

Percentage 100% 50% outside+50% inside/promotion Deputy Manager Above manager level 30% fresh 25% fresh 0% fresh 70% 75% 100% promotion promotio promotion n

Collecting requisition: Requisition is a written memo of HR department determining required number of employee which should be recruited. In BCIC HR department is known as Personnel division(PD). Collecting requisition is consisted of two ways. They are1) Requisition letter from Chief of personnel: Chief of personnel sends a report to various concerns to highlight the required number. It is a letter which is like a mirror in the overall process. 2) Evaluating MRR: MRR is sent by factories of BCIC which gives a summary of whole manpower of BCIC. This report helps determine which employee is currently active, dead, retired or terminated. In case of death or any other vacancy, the chief of R&T dept urge for recruiting new employee.
Decision from Chief of Personnel: Chief of personnel is the head of

personnel division as mentioned earlier. Personnel division consists of 3 depts. They areDepartments Administration L.S.A R&T Explanation It is the head of all depts which controls like a head in the body Labor and staff administration Recruitment and training.

Advertisement: Advertisement is the most common and spectacular form

of processing circular for post vacancy. After taking decision from C.O.P, a circular is published in national dailies. BCIC authority consider following factors for advertising: It is published in 4 daily newspapers, among them there must be 2 bengali and 2 english newspapers

Processed by R&T department.

Receiving application from applicant: Applicants give feedback in the

form of application. BCIC receive all applications sequentially and sort out them.
Evaluating Applications: After receiving applications the authority

concerned evaluate them according to academic results and various fields. But BCIC sort out all applications as a whole before considering the performance in the written test and in viva-voce.
Committee structure for conducting tests: A committee is formed for

conducting written test and viva-voce. The committee structured for the written test and viva voce are as follows:Members 1 2 Departments Requisite department Other departments Outside the depts.

Tests Conducted by BCIC: Written test: I. Questions are prepared in M.C.Q system II. Questions are collected from public university, BUET, Medical colleges according to the committee consists of 4-5 members. III. Pass mark is generally 40% but it can be changed according to the number of examinee. IV. Generally questions are set under following mark distribution: Percentage 70% 20% 10% Subject Perspective subject General knowledge English o Viva-Voce:I. Conducted by BCIC Committee which consists of 4-5 members. They are:Number of Member Departments

1 1 2/3

Ministry of Industry Recruitment and Training(R&T) Respective departments II. Viva carries 20% marks from whole examination marks.

Selection Round: After the written test and Viva-voce worthy

candidates are finally selected. But they have to fulfill certain criteria as given as follows:I. Must be passed in written test and accumulated marks of written and viva-voce is considered to determine merit position. II. Quota Consideration:- Though applicants are selected through tests, BCIC authority emphasize on different quotas according to govt. rule. The quota rules are as follows:Percentage of Quota 30% 10% 5% Types of quota Freedom Fighter Tribal Handicapped

Delivering appointment letter:

BCIC authority send appointment letter to the selected candidates for final reporting. They allow 25+ days on an average for joining in respective department. Finally selected candidates join in their own chair.


Police verification: According to the govt rule BCIC verify the validity

of the identity given by the candidates in their C.V. Dhaka metropolitan Police seek the validity and perform other requirements according to the law.



The freshers are sent to a compulsory training camp at TIC, Ghorashal, Norshingdi after 3 months from their joining. Here they have to take a training of minimum 15 days.

Promotion: We know that fresh employees are recruited through

different examinations but at higher level BCIC do not recruit any freshblood employee. They meet the demand of higher levels through promotion activities. Following criteria are needed to be followed to get promoted:I. Minimum 3 years work experience. II. Evaluating annual confidential report. Report which is issued by branch level(Branch Manager) and head office(Departmental In charge) III. Recommendation from particular branch.
IV. Evaluating marks given by head office. The marks

distributions are:Sl. No. 1. 2. Particulars Total Marks 45 10

ACR Length of service (1 point for each year of service) 3. Academic Qualification 05 4. Institutional Exam 10 5. Professional Training 10 (For each training 2 marks) 6. Computer 05 training/knowledge 7. Interview Performance 15 Total 100 NB: Masters = 04, Graduate (Hons.)=03, Graduate = 02(1 mark for each first class in terminal degree)


Barriers of recruitment procedure

Barriers often found in the recruitment procedure are mostly as follows:1. Duration of the procedure often vary from organization to organization. Lengthy procedures often hamper the scheduled works of the organization. 2. Improper and incorrect information supplied by the candidates hesitate the authority. 3. Political pressure often make the organizations recruit inefficient employees. 4. Nepotism often hamper the advancement of the organization. 5. Sometimes information overload create barriers. 6. Sometimes lack of proper judgments of employees and lack of proper qualifications at the top level management hamper the business.

Possible solutions to the Barriers

The possible solution to the barriers of Recruitment may be as follows:1. Unnecessary waste of time can be reduced. 2. The recruitment process must be neutral and above all nepotism and political pressure. That means it must be done above board.


3. The top level management should be properly qualified and communication is necessary between the mid-level or lower- level employees and the toplevel management. 4. The authority must avoid stereotyping. 5. More than anything, honesty must be followed by everyone inside the organization.

Comparison between organizations

A brief comparison among organizations recruitment process:

Basis of comparison 1. Nature of organization 2. Priority of employees background 3. Mode of steps 4. Time Duration 5. length of process 6. References 7. Quota Consideration

BCIC Govt. Organization

Private Bank

Science and business studies background Almost same 3-4 months Longer Strictly prohibited Allowed

Graduation from any discipline

2-3 months Shorter Necessary Not Allowed


Recruitment process is a complex and a vital procedure at an institute. Because collection of efficient employees depend much upon the over all recruitment process. The prosperity and advancement of an organization largely depends on it. However the recruitment procedure vary from institution to institution. The organizations try to recruit efficient employees through their own methods, work policy, objectivity and mode of business. Therefore, it requires to be significant in learning process. In this modern competitive world, the recruitment procedure have become very complex and it has become complex enough to collect efficient employees. Therefore, it should be kept in mind that the organizations need to modernize their methods, ideas, policies and modes of business in order to collect required efficient employees. In addition, to utilize our merit of new generation and to protect it from brain drain, we have to create a positive job environment and give maximum facilities and reduce barriers in Recruitment Process.


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