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1o my sor, Lob,
a rumber crurcler ir
spirit arJ professior.
loreworJ ix
AckrowleJ,merts xi

Careers for Number Crurclers: Wlere tle Jobs Are 1

1rackir, Debits arJ CreJits 17

Mara,ir, Morey arJ Casl llow 33

CuiJir, lrvestmerts 53

Luyir, ir tle Workplace 67

Marketir, arJ Sellir, ir tle Workplace 81

Applyir, Quartitative 1lirkir, 1O1

Calculatir, lrobabilities arJ lisks 127

lrvesti,atir, tle Liolo,ical arJ llysical Lriverse 1+5

Slarir, Number-Crurclir, lrow-How 165
For more information about this title, click here.
Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.

Mara,ir, Quartitative Careers 185

Number Crurclir, ir
tler lrofessiors 2O3
About tle Autlor 2O9
viii CN1LN1S
umber crurclers are a urique breeJ. 1ley appreciate
tle subtleties of statistics; tley erjoy tle lo,ic of com-
plex matlematical formulas. lor rumber crurclers,
quartitative puzzles are a claller,e, rot a clore.
lf you slare tlis ertlusiasm for rumbers, you may be lookir,
for ways to apply your quartitative skills to a rew career. lf so,
your optiors are rearly limitless. lirarce, eJucatior, forestry,
sciertific researcl: every fielJ reeJs rumber crurclers. Number
crurclers balarce our books; tley preJict tle weatler; tley
observe rew sciertific pleromera. So wlatever your ultimate
job Jescriptior, Jevelopir, arJ applyir, your rumber-crurclir,
krow-low car leaJ you to ar excitir, rew career.
1le LJitors of \CM

Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.
Lriar Leckmar Serior Actuarial Aralyst, Courtry Mutual
Slelva LoyJ 1eacler, lellows Llemertary Sclool
Merle LrerJelarJ lurclasir, Mara,er, Sauer-SurJstrarJ
Hollace L. Lristol Associate lrofessor of Matlematics,
Nortlwesterr Correcticut Commurity
Clris Lurrett lrJeperJert Corsultir, lorester
Mar,aret Lurrett CarJer Desi,rer for Courtry Lstates
lobert Carosso Staff Lr,ireer, Lull WorlJwiJe
lrformatior Systems
Jaret Clemmerser Serior Systems Aralyst, lowa State
Al Cuoco Albert Cuoco Jr., ClA
lam Daale Meteorolo,ist, Wl-1\
Deboral L. Duke lrJeperJert Computer Corsultart
lobir Dye Serior Sales Mara,er, Newark Llectrorics
Lisa Lttlir,er Serior Major Accourt lepresertative, MCl
Mike larley City AJmiristrator, Huxley, lowa
Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.
Lee loster Sales lepresertative, Cortractor arJ
letail Lumber Sales, Cla,ror Lumber
arJ Home Certer
James Cill \ice lresiJert of lirarce,
SLCDorolue, lrc.
Arrel Hallauer llart LreeJer arJ Cereticist, lowa State
Lriversity (lSL)
Corrie Hilts ffice Mara,er/Lookkeeper, Jim Wa,rer,
lrc., Lircolr-Mercury-Nissar
Dear lsaacsor HeaJ, Departmert of Statistics, lSL
Ll,ir Jolrstor lrofessor of Matlematics, lSL
LJwarJ S. lapror lirarcial AJvisor, lruJertial Securities
Dale leever Marketir, lesearcl Mara,er,
lowa State Lottery
Steve lir, Clief lirarcial fficer, lowa State
Carol Leirir,er Clirical lesearcl Statisticiar, SarJoz
llarma AC
Saral J. MaJisor Serior Accourt Lxecutive, WaJJell &
Clarles Maurer District Coursel, lrterral leverue Service
Slelli Murr ffice Mara,er, Murrs LuilJir, Certer
Mike Ness Director of Materials Mara,emert, Mary
Creeley MeJical Certer
Marit Nilser- lrofessor of Lioclemistry, lSL
lay Nortl CoorJirator l-12/lesource 1eacler of
CifteJ StuJerts, Ames Commurity
Saral Nusser lrofessor ir Clar,e, Survey Sectior,
Statistical Lab; Assistart lrofessor, lSL
Departmert of Statistics
Lauri llatter Luyer 1rairee, lareway Stores, lrc.
Dale lalfelJt le,istereJ lrvestmert AJvisor arJ
CertifieJ lirarcial llarrer, lalfelJt
Courselir, arJ lrstructioral Service
lelli Sampsor Mort,a,e Loar Sales lepresertative,
MiJlarJ Savir,s Lark
Sam Slaver Decorative Housewares Luyer, Yourkers
Departmert Stores
DaviJ Slau,lter lresiJert arJ Clief Lxecutive fficer,
lSL CreJit Lrior
Dor StarforJ Director of lrterratioral Marketir,,
Ml1 lress
Lrert C. Sterrs Sales A,ert arJ A,ercy Mara,er,
Slelter lrsurarce
Cary 1arcy Sciertific Associate, Alcoa 1eclrical
Certer, Alumirum Compary of America
Jerrifer 1aub- 1ax Mara,er, Cortirertal Cablevisior, lrc.
Lecky 1sclartz Customer Service lepresertative, Ames
Savir,s Lark
1ory \arJer zyl Matl 1eacler, Ames Hi,l Sclool
Mary Letl Willis Assistart Mara,er, MiJlarJ Savir,s Lark

Careers for Number
oulJ you just as soor work witl rumbers irsteaJ of
worJs` Wlile your frierJs stru,,le witl calculators,
Jo you solve problems ir your leaJ` Do you like to
maripulate rumbers-balarcir, equatiors, solvir, puzzles, cal-
culatir, oJJs arJ probabilities` Do people seek you out because
youre ,ooJ witl rumbers, askir, you to teacl tlem low to
approacl a problem or irterpret tle tax tables`
1lis book will lelp you JeciJe if a career witl rumbers is
wlat you wart. You lave a ,reat mary cloices about tle forum
ir wlicl you cloose to work-private busiress arJ irJustry, tle
public sector (local, state, or feJeral ,overrmert), or rorprofit
or,arizatiors. You also lave a rar,e of cloices ir tle fielJs; a few
fielJs ircluJe accourtir,, barkir,, er,ireerir,, irsurarce, mar-
ketir,, meJicire, securities, arJ irvestmerts. ArJ, firally, you
lave cloices about combirir, tle forum arJ tle fielJ. lor
example, you car work as a statisticiar for tle L.S. Departmert
of Labor or for lruJertial Securities. You car work as ar accour-
tart for tle lrterral leverue Service or for Cereral Llectric.
You car teacl computer scierce ir a local li,l sclool or for tle
L.S. Navy. You car work as ar appraiser for your local real estate
tax boarJ or for your states Divisior of Natural lesources. You
car work as tle buJ,et Jirector for lew Claritable 1rusts or for
tle local commurity colle,e. lr otler worJs, your possibilities
are wiJe oper. 1lis book talks about rumber-crurclir, careers

Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.
by lookir, at some of tle fielJs ir wlicl you car stuJy arJ work
because most of tlese fielJs lave jobs ir public, private, arJ ror-
profit forums.
lr ,ereral, people wlo cloose tle jobs JescribeJ ir -
- - reeJ to lave a
facility witl rumbers. However, tley also reeJ some otler
importart skills: tle ability to tlirk lo,ically; tle labit of reat,
orJerly work; arJ effective skills ir oral arJ writter commurica-
tior. ver arJ over a,air, tle professiorals irtervieweJ for tlis
book stresseJ tlat urJerstarJir, arJ commuricatir, quartita-
tive corcepts were more importart tlar beir, able to maripu-
late tle rumbers. 1ley saw rumber crurclir, as a mears to ar
erJ-recessary, but rot tle erJ ir itself.
- - -
lf youre irteresteJ ir accourtir,, you mi,lt be well suiteJ for a
job tlat irvolves trackir, Jebits arJ creJits. 1le jobs irtroJuceJ
ir Clapter 2 rar,e from beir, a bookkeeper for ar auto Jealer
to beir, ar accourtart wlo owrs tle compary, from a tax mar-
a,er for a ratioral corporatior to ar attorrey for tle llS. 1le
most recert fi,ures from tle L.S. Departmert of Labors Lureau
of Labor Statistics irJicate tlat positiors ir accourtir, are likely
to ,row about as fast as tle avera,e for all occupatiors tlrou,l
tle year 2OO8. You will firJ tlousarJs of job operir,s arrually.
- -
A lar,e rumber of careers require tlat you be skillful at mara,-
ir, morey arJ casl flow. lr ,ereral, sucl jobs irvolve rot orly
keepir, track of low morey is spert but also makir, rec-
ommerJatiors about low to sperJ it. 1le jobs irtroJuceJ ir
Clapter 3 rar,e from a city aJmiristrator ir a small MiJwest
commurity to a clief firarcial officer for a state lottery, from ar
office mara,er for a builJir, supplies busiress to a bark teller.
- --
lf youre irteresteJ ir tle stock market arJ like tle iJea of irves-
ti,atir, tle potertial ,rowtl of a compary, you mi,lt erjoy a
career tlat irvolves ,uiJir, irvestmerts. You mi,lt wart to be
a Wall Street accourt executive workir, for a major brokera,e
louse, or you car use tle same skills for workir, as ar irJeper-
Jert firarcial aJvisor. Clapter + Jiscusses jobs sucl as mort,a,e
officer, accourt executive, firarcial aJvisor, arJ creJit cour-
selor. 1le rumber of positiors ir fielJs sucl as securities arJ
firarcial sales sloulJ ,row mucl faster tlar tle avera,e for all
occupatiors tlrou,l 2OO8 as a result of tle ,rowir, array arJ
complexity of firarcial proJucts.
lf you like tle pressure arJ excitemert of workir, witl people ir
a fast-paceJ ervirormert as mucl as you like workir, witl rum-
bers, you mi,lt corsiJer a career ir wlicl you will be buyir,.
Clapter 5 iJertifies jobs sucl as buyers arJ purclasir, a,erts.
AccorJir, to tle most recert fi,ures from tle L.S. Departmert
of Labors Lureau of Labor Statistics, tle JemarJ tlrou,l 2OO8
for buyers arJ purclasir, a,erts will rot keep up witl tle risir,
level of ecoromic activity. Computers row Jo mucl of tle
paperwork irvolveJ ir orJerir,, wlicl las reJuceJ tle reeJ for
low-level buyers. 1le exceptior is buyers for ,rocery stores, sirce
mer,ers arJ Jirect slipmert Jo rot affect tlis irJustry as Jras-
tically as tley Jo otlers.

leople irvolveJ ir some aspect of marketir, or sellir, usually

are corfiJert arJ out,oir, arJ able to ,et alor, witl people.
Clapter 6 iJertifies jobs ir marketir, researcl, retail arJ com-
mercial sales, arJ irsurarce. AccorJir, to tle most recert fi,-
ures from tle L.S. Departmert of Labors Lureau of Labor
Statistics, tle reeJ tlrou,l 2OO8 for some kirJs of sales workers,
sucl as real estate a,erts, brokers, arJ mara,ers, is expecteJ to
,row more slowly tlar tle avera,e for all occupatiors.
Mary careers focus or problems tlat require rumeric calcula-
tiors arJ maripulatiors as part of tle solutiors. lf tlis sort of
matlematic irvesti,atior appeals to you, tler you mi,lt erjoy
usir, quartitative Jesi,r as part of your work. lr Clapter 7 youll
learr about tle quartitative aspects of various kirJs of computer
pro,rammir, arJ er,ireerir,. 1le employmert opporturities
for mary types of er,ireers arJ teclriciars will be ,ooJ tlrou,l
2OO8. lor example, more electrical arJ electrorics er,ireers arJ
teclriciars will be reeJeJ because of tle ircreasir, pace of
irrovatior arJ tle ,rowir, importarce of electrorics ir mary
- - --
Maybe youve always worJereJ low irsurarce comparies set
rates JeperJir, or tle Jemo,raplic claracteristics of tleir cus-
tomers. lf problems sucl as tlese irterest you, tler a career
calculatir, probability arJ risk woulJ ,ive you tle opporturity
to solve similar problems. Clapter 8 Jescribes jobs you mi,lt
corsiJer as ar actuary or a statisticiar. Altlou,l employmert
,rowtl for actuaries is expecteJ to be slower tlar tle avera,e for
all occupatiors tlrou,l 2OO8, tle rumber of positiors for actu-
aries ir mara,eJ lealtl plars will ircrease.
- -
- -
Careers tlat focus or irvesti,atir, tle plysical uriverse erable
you to pursue irterests ir plysical arJ biolo,ical ratural sci-
erces, all of wlicl require some quartitative skills. Clapter 9
irtroJuces a rar,e of careers, ircluJir, work as a bioclemist,
forester, plart ,ereticist, arJ meteorolo,ist. li,ures from tle
Lureau of Labor Statistics irJicate tlat tle rumber of profes-
siorals reeJeJ ir all of tlese fielJs is ,oir, to ircrease tlrou,l

Some people ,air a tremerJous amourt of satisfactior by slar-

ir, rumber-crurclir, krow-low. Clapter 1O Jeals primarily
witl jobs for teaclir, matl arJ computer scierce ir elemertary
sclools, secorJary sclools, commurity colle,es, arJ uriversities.
1lrou,l 2OO8, some ircrease ir tle reeJ for aJJitioral teaclers
will be especially eviJert ir irrer-city arJ rural areas.
- -
Lvery or,arizatior las mara,ers, arJ tlese mara,ers lave to
Jeal witl a rumber of quartitative elemerts sucl as buJ,ets arJ
operatiors. Clapter 11 corcertrates or mara,ers, from tle clief
executive officer of a creJit urior to ar assistart bark mara,er,
from tle vice presiJert of ar ervirormertal corsultir, compary
to tle Jirector of purclasir, for a major meJical certer. le,arJ-
less of tle size of ar or,arizatior, tle people at tle top are ulti-
mately resporsible for everytlir, tlat lappers ir tleir offices,
Jivisiors, or Jepartmerts.
Not all careers tlat require quartitative krow-low are as obvi-
ous as tlose ir accourtir, or er,ireerir, or astroromy. You may
prefer a career tlat requires quartitative skill but ir wlicl tlat
skill is Jistirctly secorJary. Clapter 12 focuses or jobs witl
rumber crurclir, tlat Jort sourJ as if tley lave mucl to Jo
witl rumbers, sucl as careers ir book publislir,, eJucatioral
aJmiristratior, arJ larJscape Jesi,r. All of tlese fielJs lave
positive prospects for ,rowtl.
Work requirir, quartitative skills rar,es from ertry-level jobs
tlat proviJe or-tle-job trairir, (for example, workers or a
marufacturir, lire wlo are resporsible for cleckir, computer
prirtouts for eacl proJuctior rur) to aJvarceJ positiors tlat
require a ll.D. (for example, a specialist ir biomeclarical er,i-
reerir, aralyzir, Jata about a prostlesis). A few jobs tlat
require quartitative skills are available to li,l sclool ,raJuates
witl ro previous experierce, tlou,l tle comparies typically
proviJe or-tle-job trairir,. Lrforturately, jobs of tlis type
ofter offer little opporturity for aJvarcemert witlout furtler
trairir, arJ eJucatior. lor most careers tlat require quartita-
tive skills, you reeJ eJucatior beyorJ li,l sclool. lr fact, all
but a few of tle li,lest-payir, jobs require a colle,e Je,ree, arJ
,raJuate Je,rees are ofter requireJ ir upper-level positiors.
\ocatioral-teclrical sclools as well as two-year arJ four-year
colle,es offer a variety of pro,rams tlat proviJe irtroJuctory arJ
aJvarceJ course work to strer,tler your quartitative skills.
Mary pro,rams ircluJe co-op jobs arJ irterrslips so tlat stu-
Jerts ,et opporturities to put classroom krowleJ,e irto prac-
tice. Some jobs also require ,raJuate course work; masters arJ
Joctoral pro,rams offer opporturities for more tleoretical stuJy
arJ clarces to corJuct researcl.
You Jort recessarily lave to ,o from li,l sclool to colle,e to
,raJuate sclool to a job. You car learr quartitative skills ir
otler places. Some people cloose to serve ir tle military, wlere
tley obtair specializeJ trairir, tlat may ircluJe quartitative
skills. Arotler possibility is to start work for a compary tlat
offers excellert ir-louse trairir,; takir, compary courses
Joesrt make up for more formal colle,e courses, but ir-louse
trairir, ofter proviJes specializeJ irformatior tlat relates
immeJiately to your work.
Havir, quartitative ability mears more tlar beir, able to bal-
arce your cleckbook arJ Jo your owr ircome taxes. Quartita-
tive ability is rot simply a collectior of meclarical skills-beir,
able to rattle off formulas ir ,eometry, calculus, arJ clemistry
or krowir, tle multiplicatior tables tlrou,l tle twerties.
latler, its a way of tlirkir, tlat ircluJes tlese meclarical
skills but a ,reat Jeal more as well. 1lis more" ircluJes urJer-
starJir, rumeracy. As matlematiciar Jolr Aller laulos, autlor
of commerts ir tle irtroJuctior to lis
book, Matlematics . . . proviJes a way of viewir, tle worlJ, arJ
Jevelopir, a matlematical corsciousress or outlook car
erlarce our Jaily rourJs."

You car locate jobs ir a variety of places. Newspaper aJs ,erer-
ally are aimeJ at a broaJ auJierce. 1le aJvarta,e of rewspaper
aJs is tlat tleyre reaJily available; lowever, tlese aJs cart pro-
viJe mucl irformatior, arJ eacl ore may ,ererate lurJreJs of
resporses so tlat your letter arJ resume may rot ,et a ,reat Jeal
of attertior. AJs also appear ir mary professioral jourrals arJ
rewsletters. Altlou,l tlese aJs, ofter for aJvarceJ or special-
izeJ jobs, ,o to a rarrower auJierce, tley usually lave more
irformatior about tle job. You also car learr about available
jobs from a,ercies-your state's Jivisior of employmert as well
as a rar,e of private professioral employmert a,ercies. Lrlike
state a,ercies, tlese private a,ercies always clar,e a fee-some-
times to tle prospective employee, sometimes to tle employer
wlo is lookir, for a rew employee-but tley also car be very
lelpful. You car make Jirect cortact witl comparies by ,oir, to
job fairs, wlere comparies set up table Jisplays arJ exlibits so
tlat prospective employees car learr about tle compary, talk
witl recruiters, leave copies of a resume, arJ, ir some cases,
arrar,e for ar irterview. You also car learr about employmert
possibilities if you subscribe or lave access to electroric lists of
available jobs ir specific career areas or witl specific comparies.
re of tle most accessible places to learr about jobs is your li,l
sclool or colle,e placemert office. Most placemert offices keep
up-to-Jate files about available jobs, ofter arrar,e or-campus
irterviews witl recruiters, arJ keep Jata sleets arJ resumes
about your experierce arJ eJucatior or file for prospective
employers to review. lirally, you ofter learr about tle best jobs
by worJ of moutl, tlrou,l irformal retworks wlere someore
you krow krows someore else wlos lookir, for a persor witl
just your qualificatiors. So it pays to let people krow tlat youre
lookir, for work.
Wlat occupatiors are expecteJ to lave fast ,rowtl arJ li,l
pay` AccorJir, to tle L.S. Departmert of Labors Lureau of
Labor Statistics, tle occupatiors listeJ ir 1able 1 are amor,
tlose projecteJ to ,row fast arJ proJuce lar,e rumbers of rew
jobs, ir aJJitior to lavir, li,ler tlar avera,e earrir,s." Mary
of tlese jobs are irvolveJ witl computer teclrolo,y, lealtl care,
arJ eJucatior, witl systems aralysts at tle top of tle list. 1able
1 iJertifies tlose tlat most typically require quartitative skills.
- -

--- --
- --
- - -

-- -
-- -- -
Source: AJapteJ from L.S. Departmert of Labor, 2OOO.
Wlat occupatiors are projecteJ to lave tle lar,est job
,rowtl, re,arJless of ircome` 1able 2 iJertifies occupatiors
tlat-accorJir, to tle L.S. Departmert of Labor's Lureau of
Labor Statistics-will slow Jramatic ,rowtl tlrou,l 2OO8. 1le
table slows tlat tle lar,est arJ fastest-,rowir, job market is ir
irJustries tlat proviJe services, mary of wlicl require quartita-
tive skills:
busiress services, ircluJir, computer-support services, Jata
processir, services, aJmiristrative services, arJ firarcial
lealtl services, ircluJir, rursir, arJ a variety of teclrical
Lookir, at tle statistics ir arotler way, you car see tlat our
ecoromy reeJs mary more employees wlo lave quartitative
skills to work botl ir private irJustry arJ ir ,overrmert. 1le
followir, cate,ories are listeJ ir JescerJir, orJer of projecteJ
,rowtl, witl tle ,reatest ,rowtl projecteJ ir professioral spe-
cialties (27 percert ircrease ir tlese jobs tlrou,l 2OO8) arJ tle
least ,rowtl projecteJ ir a,riculture, forestry, fislir,, arJ relat-
eJ areas (2 percert ircrease ir tlese jobs tlrou,l 2OO8).
-- - - Jo jobs rar,ir, from
computer systems aralysts arJ computer er,ireers arJ
sciertists to special eJucatior teaclers (projecteJ 27 percert
,rowtl tlrou,l 2OO8).
- - - proviJe teclrical
assistarce to er,ireers, sciertists, plysiciars, arJ otler
professioral specialty workers, arJ tley operate arJ pro,ram
teclrical equipmert (projecteJ 22 percert ,rowtl tlrou,l
Source: AJapteJ from L.S. Departmert of Labor, 2OOO.
2O O +O 6O 8O 1OO 12O

--- --
- --
- -
- ----

-- -
-- -- -
- work ir busiress, lealtl, arJ social
services (projecteJ 17 percert ,rowtl tlrou,l 2OO8).
- -
establisl policies, make plars, Jetermire staffir,
requiremerts, arJ Jirect tle activities of busiresses,
,overrmert a,ercies, arJ otler or,arizatiors (projecteJ 16
percert ,rowtl tlrou,l 2OO8).
-- - sell ,ooJs arJ services,
purclase commoJities arJ property for resale, arJ stimulate
corsumer irterest ir career areas rar,ir, from trarsportatior
to public utilities (projecteJ 15 percert ,rowtl tlrou,l
- - - mary of wlom reeJ
quartitative skills, work ir jobs sucl as maclire arJ velicle
operatior arJ material movir, (projecteJ 9.+ percert ,rowtl
tlrou,l 2OO8).
- - - ircluJir, clerical employees,
ofter reeJ quartitative skills, Jue mostly to teclrolo,ical
clar,e. 1ley ircluJe bookkeepir,, accourtir,, arJ auJitir,
clerks arJ office arJ aJmiristrative support supervisors arJ
mara,ers (projecteJ 9 percert ,rowtl tlrou,l 2OO8).
- - ircluJe
meclarics, irstallers, arJ repairers, corstructior traJes
workers, arJ blue-collar worker supervisors; virtually all of
tlese jobs require some quartitative skills (projecteJ 8
percert ,rowtl tlrou,l 2OO8).
- - - ircluJe
people wlo cultivate plarts, breeJ arJ raise livestock, arJ
catcl arimals, virtually all of wlom reeJ quartitative skills
(projecteJ 2 percert ,rowtl tlrou,l 2OO8).
- -
Youll firJ two kirJs of irformatior ir tlis book: facts arJ case
stuJies. 1ley work to,etler to ,ive you a ,ooJ serse of wlat
mary jobs are like.
Youll firJ job Jescriptiors, irformatior about trairir, arJ
eJucatior, arJ tle earrir, potertial for mary jobs tlat lave a
stror, quartitative comporert. Some of tlis factual irformatior
comes from publicatiors available from specific professioral
or,arizatiors arJ associatiors. However, most of it comes from
tle Lureau of Labor Statistics, wlicl is part of tle L.S. Depart-
mert of Labor.
1le Lureau of Labor Statistics is a valuable resource for ary-
ore irteresteJ ir learrir, about jobs ir tle LriteJ States. 1o
visit tle website of tle Lureau of Labor Statistics, ,o to
www.bls.,ov. Here youll firJ lirks to a series of publicatiors arJ
researcl papers tlat are extremely useful if you wart to learr
about mary aspects of employmert arJ occupatiors. 1le follow-
ir, list iJertifies some of tle lirks you mi,lt wart to access.
1le publisleJ ir a rew
eJitior witl upJateJ statistics every two years, is available
or-lire: www.bls.,ov/oco/lome.ltm. You car also firJ a
prirt copy ir your local sclool arJ public libraries. 1lis is a
searclable site, so you car easily locate JetaileJ irformatior
about virtually all occupatiors ir tle LriteJ States. 1lis
larJbook Jescribes wlat workers Jo or tle job, workir,
corJitiors, tle trairir, arJ eJucatior reeJeJ, earrir,s, arJ
expecteJ job prospects ir a wiJe rar,e of occupatiors.
-- available at www.bls.,ov
/oco/c,/lome.ltm, proviJes irformatior about sever out of
every ter jobs ir tle LriteJ States. 1le irformatior is
or,arizeJ by irJustry. You car learr about tle rature of tle
irJustry, workir, corJitiors, employmert, occupatiors ir
tle irJustry, trairir, arJ aJvarcemert, earrir,s arJ
berefits, employmert outlook, arJ lists of or,arizatiors tlat
car proviJe aJJitioral irformatior.
Dort be put off by tle elemertary look of tlis Lureau of
Labor Statistics career irformatior site: www.bls.,ov/k12/
ltml/eJu_matl.ltm. 1le lirks are remarkably useful: job
Jescriptiors, pay rar,es, similar jobs, arJ resources for more
irformatior about l-12 eJucatior careers ir matlematics.
is a searclable site, so if
tle occupatior youre irteresteJ ir isrt or tle currert list,
you car searcl for it. 1le site is available at
1le most irterestir, arJ useful irformatior ir tlis book,
tlou,l, comes from tle more tlar forty lr tle Workplace" se,-
merts tlat appear tlrou,lout. 1lese Jescriptiors of real people
arJ tleir jobs ,ive you a feel for wlat it mi,lt be like to be ar
accourtart, retail buyer, clirical statisticiar, or televisior meteo-
rolo,ist. leaJ tlese case stuJies carefully, tler rereaJ tlose tlat
irterest you tle most. 1le Jetails arJ examples ir tlem will ,ive
you more irsi,lt irto rumber-crurclir, careers tlar all of tle
facts ir tle rest of tle book. 1lese stories of real people slow
you tle complexities of tle workplace arJ tle larJ work tlat
people put irto tleir careers, but tley also slow people wlo love
wlat tley Jo arJ wlo are corstartly claller,eJ arJ exciteJ by
tleir careers.
Wlatever tleir areas of specializatior, tle more tlar forty
womer arJ mer irtervieweJ for tlis book a,ree tlat if you wart
a career witl a stror, quartitative emplasis, you sloulJ corsiJer
tle followir, su,,estiors:
1ake as mary scierce arJ matl courses as you car.
1ake courses ir busiress arJ computer scierce.
Develop your commuricatior skills ir writir,, public
speakir,, arJ ,roup Jiscussior.
Learr to work effectively as a collaborator arJ ir small
larticipate ir irterrslips, work-stuJy pro,rams, arJ
apprerticeslip pro,rams to ,air workplace experierce.
Learr more tlar tle Learr tle arJ tle
1ley all a,ree tlat ,ooJ rumber crurclers krow tle reasors
for wlat tleyre Joir,, car explair tleir processes, arJ car rec-
o,rize ways to apply tleir rumber crurclir,.

laulos, Jolr Aller. -
- New York: AlfreJ A. lropf, 1991.

1rackir, Debits arJ
e krow tlat societies lave valueJ accurate firarcial
recorJ keepir, for more tlar five tlousarJ years,
Jatir, all tle way back to arciert Labyloria, lloe-
ricia, L,ypt, arJ Creece. lr fact, some of tle earliest writter
recorJs tlat exist are a,ricultural arJ slippir, recorJs. 1le jobs
irtroJuceJ ir tlis clapter rar,e from accourtarts arJ tax attor-
reys to a variety of firarcial recorJs processors. lrcreaseJ pro-
Juctivity ir tlese fielJs results from wiJespreaJ use of improveJ
computer teclrolo,y arJ software. As computers take over some
of tle maclire operatior, tle reeJ for ertry-level clerks arJ
recorJ keepers will Jecrease; lowever, tle reeJ for well-eJucateJ
arJ traireJ professiorals wlo urJerstarJ tle processes will
Accourtarts are resporsible for preparir, or supervisir, tle
preparatior of all of tle firarcial reports of ar or,arizatior-for
example, profit arJ loss statemerts, balarce sleets, arJ tax
reports. Lecause accourtir, is a li,lly specializeJ fielJ, you car
work ir a rumber of Jifferert areas:
- are resporsible for tle overall firarcial
recorJ keepir, of a compary.

Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.
- lelp to create rew buJ,ets witlir a
compary arJ review experJitures to make sure tlat tle
buJ,et is followeJ.
- - Jetermire tle per-urit cost of proJucts or
services, keepir, track of costs for proJuct Jevelopmert,
marufacturir,, promotior, arJ Jistributior, arJ tler
corsiJerir, factors sucl as equipmert Jepreciatior, irflatior,
arJ employee berefits.
- keep recorJs of equipmert arJ
property, trackir, factors sucl as Jepreciatior.
-- - Jesi,r arJ implemert accourtir,
systems for or,arizatiors tlat lave special problems.
- prepare local, state, arJ feJeral tax returrs.
Accourtarts may work ir public, private, or ,overrmert
accourtir,. - work irJeperJertly or for ar
accourtir, firm; tleyre lireJ by irJiviJuals or comparies tlat
wart a rar,e of accourtir, services: preparir, tax returrs, auJit-
ir, books, arJ offerir, aJvice about taxes arJ irvestmerts.
- (sometimes calleJ or
- - mara,e tle firarcial recorJs for a
specific compary tlat employs tlem. -
work witlir irJiviJual ,overrmert a,ercies or Jepartmerts.

Most accourtarts arJ auJitors reeJ to lave at least a baclelors
Je,ree ir accourtir, or a closely relateJ fielJ. Mary employers
expect a masters Je,ree ir accourtir, or a masters ir busiress
aJmiristratior witl a corcertratior ir accourtir,.
1o be eli,ible to take a certifieJ public accourtart (ClA)
exam, carJiJates must lave completeJ a mirimum of 15O lours
of colle,e (tle equivalert of a five-year baclelors pro,ram or a
masters pro,ram) arJ, ir most states, must lave at least ore year
of workplace experierce. 1le four-part, two-arJ-a-lalf-Jay Lri-
form ClA Lxam is prepareJ by tle Americar lrstitute of Certi-
fieJ lublic Accourtarts.

AccorJir, to tle Lureau of Labor Statistics, ore-lalf of all
accourtarts arJ auJitors earreJ betweer $3+,29O arJ $56,19O
a year ir 2OOO. Salaries may be as low as $28,19O for tle bottom
1O percert arJ rise to more tlar $73,7OO a year for tle top 1O
Here are tle meJiar arrual earrir,s ir tle irJustries
employir, tle lar,est rumbers of accourtarts arJ auJitors:
Accourtir,, auJitir,, arJ bookkeepir, $38,1OO
State ,overrmert, except eJucatior arJ lospitals $35,9OO
leJeral ,overrmert $+3,1OO
Local ,overrmert, except eJucatior arJ lospitals $36,+OO
Commercial barks $35,7OO
Al Cuoco is tle sole proprietor of lis owr accourtir, firm,
Albert Cuoco Jr., ClA. His busiress offers accourtir,, tax, arJ
relateJ busiress services to tle ,ereral public, ircluJir, irJiviJ-
uals, partrerslips, corporatiors, arJ trusts.

Al brou,lt a ,ooJ Jeal of experierce to lis owr compary wler

le JeciJeJ to oper it. He las a baclelors Je,ree ir matlemat-
ics arJ a masters Je,ree ir taxatior. lr aJJitior to beir, a ClA,
1lACllNC DLLl1S AND ClLDl1S 19
Al is ore of about twerty-five ClAs ir tle courtry wlo lave
passeJ tle exams tlat erable tlem to be licerseJ to practice law
ir L.S. 1ax Court.
Als professioral career starteJ witl tle lrterral leverue Ser-
vice (llS), wlere le workeJ as ar a,ert (later ,ettir, promo-
tiors to li,ler ,raJes). He says tlis job was professioral arJ
varieJ but very re,imerteJ. Altlou,l tlere was a li,l level of
job security, tlere were also ecoromic restrictiors. lor example,
teaclir, accourtir, at a local four-year colle,e-wlicl le las
Jore for mary years-was tle orly allowable form of aJJitioral
employmert. He coulJ rot act as a tax corsultart or prepare tax
returrs because of tle potertial for a corflict of irterest.
After rire years witl tle llS, Al accepteJ a positior as Jirec-
tor of taxes for Computervisior, lrc., ore of tle rapiJ-,rowtl
comparies ir tle li,l-tecl loop surrourJir, Lostor ir tle
198Os. Al says tlis job was completely Jifferert from workir, for
tle llS. Hi,l-tecl comparies are ofter seer as li,l-stress ervi-
rormerts; Al says tle stress is causeJ, ir part, by a compary tlat
is ,rowir, very rapiJly. 1le job was claller,ir, because of tle
rapiJ ,rowtl. However, tle ecoromic Jowrturr ir tle Nortl-
east re,ior of tle courtry ir tle late 198Os resulteJ ir lu,e lay-
offs, arJ tle turmoil from tlose layoffs resulteJ ir corporate
Al tler opereJ lis owr busiress. re of tle tlir,s le likes
most about beir, lis owr boss is tlat les resporsible for lis owr
policies arJ successes. As sole proprietor, le selects lis owr
clierts arJ makes as mucl or as little as tle time arJ effort les
willir, to experJ.
Durir, a typical year, Al prepares tax returrs for about 25O irJi-
viJuals, 25 corporatiors, arJ 2O various partrerslips arJ trusts.
Al explairs tlat lis ,oal is to ersure tlat my clierts fulfill all of
tleir various tax obli,atiors arJ mairtair aJequate recorJs to
presert firarcial irformatior to barks, creJitors, owrers, arJ
taxir, autlorities." 1lese obli,atiors typically ircluJe resporsi-
bilities for ircome tax, sales tax, arJ employmert tax.
lr orJer to assist lis clierts ir tle accurate arJ timely com-
pletior of tleir tax returrs, Al ofter lelps tlem iJertify arJ
or,arize tleir firarcial recorJs. 1ler le car presert tlis irfor-
matior ir a format tlats acceptable for barks or creJitors wlo
may use tle irformatior to make busiress juJ,merts or plar
strate,ies. A typical cliert for Al is a small busiress tlat Joes
about $5OO,OOO to $1 millior of busiress a year arJ las betweer
five arJ ter employees. 1le busiress is usually a sole proprietor-
slip or a partrerslip tlat las bark loars arJ some outsiJe
irvestmerts, primarily ir real estate.
1le most excitir, part of lis work comes, Al says, wler people
buy or sell busiresses. 1lese trarsactiors-wlicl ircluJe mer,-
ers, acquisitiors, arJ reor,arizatiors-terJ to be tle most com-
plicateJ. 1ley also terJ to irvolve tle lar,est amourt of morey,
wlicl ,ives lim a ,reater opporturity to save morey for lis
Arotler claller,e comes ir keepir, complicateJ corflicts
witl tle llS out of L.S. 1ax Court. lr practice, le says tlat
98 percert of tle cases rever ,et to trial." lesporsible accour-
tarts arJ attorreys ofter work to reJuce tle amourt of liti,atior
by settlir, out of court. Lsually tle llS is orly irteresteJ ir
,oir, to court wler tle case irvolves very lar,e sums of morey
or wler it irvolves a prime issue"-tlat is, a preceJert-settir,
le,al case.
lf you wart to be ar accourtart, Al su,,ests tlat you erroll ir
tle most ri,orous pro,ram you car firJ. He also ur,es stuJerts
to take courses ir lo,ic arJ problem solvir,, wlicl are ofter
1lACllNC DLLl1S AND ClLDl1S 21
offereJ by Jepartmerts of plilosoply or psyclolo,y. Wler you
,raJuate, first work for tle llS or for a very lar,e public accourt-
ir, firm because of tle ,reat breaJtl of experierce tlat you ,air.
Not orly is tlis experierce lookeJ or favorably wler you move
to arotler positior, but youll lave ar opporturity to meet
potertial clierts you mi,lt work for later."
Mary attorreys Jeal witl quartitative matters ir tleir roles as
aJvisors arJ aJvocates. lor example, attorreys may specialize ir
irsurarce, cortract re,otiatiors, trusts, mort,a,es, or taxes.
tler specializatiors also may irvolve quartitative elemerts; for
example, a commuricatiors lawyer represertir, public utilities
may appear before tle leJeral Lrer,y le,ulatory Commissior to
testify about utility rates.

All attorreys must be licerseJ, wlicl rearly always irvolves
passir, a bar exam arJ ar etlics exam. 1o be eli,ible to take tle
bar exam, a persor must complete at least tlree years of colle,e
arJ ,raJuate from law sclool, wlicl takes arotler tlree years.
1le Multistate Lar Lxam is requireJ ir forty-six states (all except
lrJiara, lowa, Louisiara, arJ Waslir,tor) ir aJJitior to wlat
is typically a six-lour locally prepareJ state bar exam, wlicl may
ircluJe a tlree-lour essay exam (tle MSLL-Multistate Lssay
StuJerts irteresteJ ir a particular aspect of tle law will prob-
ably firJ relateJ courses useful. lor example, er,ireerir, arJ sci-
erce courses coulJ be useful for a prospective patert attorrey;
accourtir, coulJ be useful for a future tax attorrey. As youll see
ir tle irterviews tlat follow, some tax attorreys also earr
Je,rees ir accourtir,.

1le most recert eJitior of tle ccupatioral utlook HarJbook
reports tlat tle meJiar salary for all attorreys is about $88,3OO.
1le meJiar salary for attorreys workir, for tle feJeral ,overr-
mert is approximately $87,OOO, wlile tle meJiar salary for tlose
ir state ,overrmert is approximately $6+,2OO. A rumber of fac-
tors affect tlis broaJ rar,e of salaries: acaJemic recorJ; special-
izatior; arJ type, size, arJ locatior of tle employer.
Jerrifer 1aub-Corville works as tax mara,er ir Cortirertal
Cablevisiors corporate leaJquarters ir Lostor. Cortirertal
Cablevisior, wlicl proviJes cable televisior to almost tlree mil-
lior L.S. subscribers, las more tlar $1 billior ir arrual sales.

Jerrifer set out to be ar ervirormertal lawyer, lavir, earreJ a

L.S. ir ervirormertal scierce before sle wert to law sclool.
However, orce sle was actually ir law sclool, sle became more
irteresteJ ir tax law arJ JeciJeJ to corcertrate ir taxatior, tak-
ir, courses sucl as corporate taxatior arJ liquiJatior arJ mer,-
ers. Wly tax law` Jerrifer says sle las always laJ stror,
matlematics skills for rumber crurclir,. Law sclool proviJeJ
me witl tle ability to use tlose skills to aralyze tax problems arJ
Jo researcl."
After ,raJuatir, from law sclool, Jerrifer workeJ as a tax
aralyst for Artlur ArJersor & Compary, wlere sle was pri-
marily resporsible for preparir, arJ reviewir, clierts tax
returrs arJ for corJuctir, tax researcl. Wlile sle workeJ as a
tax aralyst, sle also completeJ ar M.A. ir accourtir,, corcer-
tratir, ir persoral arJ corporate taxatior. After tlree years,
Jerrifer accepteJ a positior as tax mara,er witl Cortirertal
Cablevisior, partly because sle likeJ its corporate plilosoply of
1lACllNC DLLl1S AND ClLDl1S 23
teamwork arJ slarir, arJ partly because sle warteJ tle oppor-
turity for a job witl ircreaseJ resporsibility arJ a li,l Je,ree of
At Cortirertal Cablevisior, Jerrifer las a rumber of resporsi-
bilities. Sle says tlat approximately +O percert of ler work
irvolves tax plarrir,, tax forecastir,, arJ tax researcl. Her
forecastir, allows tle future tax positior of tle compary to be
estimateJ, wlicl cortributes to well-timeJ busiress Jecisiors.
lor example, tax forecastir, car lelp Jetermire tle most bere-
ficial perioJs ir wlicl ar irvestmert sloulJ be solJ or a rew sys-
tem acquireJ. Jerrifer also corJucts researcl ir various tax
areas-partrerslips, corporate tax, property tax, arJ sales tax-
tlat affect tle Jay-to-Jay operatiors of Cortirertal Cablevisior.
Arotler 25 percert of Jerrifers time is spert workir, or tle
tax aralysis of mer,ers, acquisitiors, arJ irvestmerts. Sle
reviews tle possible tax ramificatiors of proposeJ mer,ers arJ
acquisitiors arJ works witl corporate attorreys to ersure proper
tax Jisclosures arJ irJemrificatiors. Arotler 25 percert of ler
time is spert supervisir, arJ reviewir, tle preparatior of cor-
porate tax returrs by tle four professiorals ir Cortirertal
Cablevisiors tax Jepartmert.
1le firal 1O percert of Jerrifers job irvolves workir,
witl cable associatiors sucl as tle Natioral Cable 1elevisior
Associatior ir Waslir,tor, D.C., or tax le,islatior as it affects
tle cable irJustry. lor example, sle workeJ witl collea,ues ir
otler cable televisior comparies to coorJirate tle cable irJus-
trys positior or proposeJ clar,es ir tle tax laws. 1ler sle met
witl represertatives from tle aJmiristrative arm of tle L.S.
1reasury to presert tle cable irJustrys positior or tle proposeJ
lr explairir, ler work, Jerrifer says, Numbers are belirJ wlat
l Jo, but tle majority of my job irvolves researcl aralysis, memo
writir,, arJ tleorizir,-workir, or a corceptual level." Sle
applies tlis researcl to practical situatiors. lor example, Jerrifer
laJ meetir,s over a tlree-mortl perioJ witl tle tax coursel for
ar irvestmert ,roup tlat warteJ to irvest $+OO millior ir Cor-
tirertal Cablevisior. 1le tax coursel for tle ,roup warteJ to be
able to assume a level of comfort about Cortirertal Cablevisiors
tax liabilities. Actir, as Cortirertal Cablevisiors represertative
Jurir, tleir various corversatiors arJ meetir,s, Jerrifer aJviseJ
tle irvestmert ,roups tax coursel about tle cable irJustrys
positior or llS policies arJ substartiateJ Cortirertal Cablevi-
siors listoric arJ currert tax positiors.
Jerrifer says sle loves ler job but tlat its larJ work, tle lours
are JemarJir,, arJ keepir, irformeJ about tax law clar,es is
ar or,oir, part of a tax professiorals life. Jerrifer re,ularly
takes cortiruir, eJucatior courses offereJ by law arJ accourt-
ir, associatiors ir specializeJ areas of law sucl as mer,ers arJ
acquisitiors arJ irterratioral tax. Aryore irteresteJ ir tax law
reeJs a stror, ability to aralyze, to re,otiate, arJ to urJerstarJ
tle irterplay of rumbers ir applieJ situatiors. 1oo mary people
overestimate tle importarce of matlematical calculatiors to
corJuct aralyses arJ urJerestimate tle importarce of beir, able
to write reports tlat clearly Jescribe arJ explair tlese aralyses
arJ to review arJ Jraw implicatiors from researcl.
1le overall furctior of tle office of clief coursel of tle lrterral
leverue Service (llS) is separateJ irto tlree areas: collectior,
1lACllNC DLLl1S AND ClLDl1S 25
prosecutior, arJ liti,atior. Clarles Maurer is ar attorrey witl
more tlar twerty years of experierce ir tle office of tle llS
District Coursel. His primary resporsibilities are to proviJe le,al
aJvice to tle llS arJ to represert tle commissiorer of tle llS
ir tax court. He Jescribes lis job as lavir, tlree primary furc-
tiors: lirst, attorreys ir lis office are irvolveJ ir tle collectior
of tax liabilities. SecorJ, tley are irvolveJ ir tle crimiral pros-
ecutior of corporatiors arJ irJiviJuals wlo violate crimiral
statutes. 1lirJ, tley are irvolveJ ir civil cases witl tle llS
Lxamiratior Divisior, wlicl attempts to Jetermire if people or
comparies owe more tlar tley lave reporteJ.
Clarles Jifferertiates tle work of tle Jistrict coursel, wlicl
irvolves lawyers larJlir, liti,atior, from tle work of tle Jistrict
Jirector, wlicl irvolves accourtarts larJlir, auJits. AuJits are
part of ar aJmiristrative process; people or comparies witl tax
returrs tlat may lave potertial problems receive a Statutory
Notice of Deficiercy. 1le office of tle Jistrict coursel may
review tle rotice before it is issueJ. 1le irJiviJual or compary
receivir, tle rotice may tler ,o to tax court, wlere Clarles or
ore of lis collea,ues represerts tle llS.

Clarles starteJ work for tle llS after earrir, a baclelors Je,ree
ir listory arJ a juris Joctorate (J.D.) wler le ,raJuateJ from
law sclool. Like otler attorreys rew to tle llS, le took part ir
tle llS iritial trairir, pro,ram; le wert to ore- to two-week
trairir, sessiors Jurir, lis first year. Sirce tler le las re,ularly
participateJ ir arrual tlree- to four-Jay re,ioral trairir, pro-
,rams for upJates about rew issues arJ pro,rams relateJ to le,al
aspects of taxatior. He also takes part ir or,oir, trairir, for
specializeJ cases arJ irterests. Cortiruir, le,al eJucatior is
available tlrou,l colle,es as well as from professioral or,ariza-
tiors sucl as tle Americar Lar Associatior arJ its state affili-
ates. Clarles is irvolveJ ir irsurarce cases, so le makes a special
1lACllNC DLLl1S AND ClLDl1S 27
poirt of atterJir, two or tlree irsurarce irJustry trairir, ses-
siors every year.
1le lar,est amourt of Clarles's time-le estimates up to +O
percert-is taker up by trial preparatior, workir, or tle Jetails
of specific liti,atior. 1le actual liti,atior takes orly about 5 per-
cert of lis time. 1le remairJer of Clarless time is spert as ar
aJvisor for tle llS Jistrict Jirectors office, wlere le may work
or ore bi, case or mary small cases. Less-experierceJ llS attor-
reys usually work or simple cases arJ are also members of a team
witl li,lly experierceJ attorreys, sucl as Clarles, to examire
corporatiors. Havir, ar accourtir, back,rourJ is ar aJvarta,e
for llS attorreys, but tle lack of it is rot a JisaJvarta,e.
Clarles says tlat ir lis work, tle quartities arJ tle relatior-
slips-tlat is, tle proportiors-are ofter far more importart
tlar specific matlematical calculatiors. Ar llS attorrey Jeals
witl lots of corceptual, quartitative work, wlicl irvolves iJer-
tifyir, rumeric trerJs arJ patterrs.
- ---
lirarcial recorJs processors ircluJe a rar,e of jobs: billir,
clerks, bookkeepers, accourtir, arJ auJitir, clerks, arJ payroll
arJ timekeepir, clerks.

lirarcial recorJs processors are li,l sclool ,raJuates wlo lave
vocatioral trairir, ir accourtir,, bookkeepir,, or busiress Jata
processir,. 1ley also may lave trairir, from postsecorJary
vocatioral sclools, commurity or jurior colle,es, arJ busiress
sclools. A few comparies will lire irJiviJuals wlo lave ro for-
mal trairir, ir firarcial recorJs processir, arJ JeperJ or or-
tle-job trairir, to teacl tlem tle recessary skills.

AccorJir, to tle Lureau of Labor Statistics, tle salaries of firar-
cial recorJs processir, clerks vary corsiJerably, irfluerceJ by tle
re,ior of tle courtry, size of city, type arJ size of tle establisl-
mert, level of teclrical expertise, arJ complexity arJ urique-
ress of a clerks resporsibilities. MeJiar arrual earrir,s of
full-time firarcial recorJs processir, clerks are slowr ir tle fol-
lowir, list:
Lrokera,e clerks $27,92O
layroll arJ timekeepir, clerks $2+,56O
Lookkeepir,, accourtir,, arJ auJitir, clerks $23,19O
Lillir, clerks $22,67O
rJer clerks $21,55O
Lillir, maclire operators $2O,56O

Corrie Hilts works as ar office mara,er for Jim Wa,rer, lrc., a

Lircolr-Mercury-Nissar auto Jealer tlat typically sells betweer
ei,lty-five arJ rirety cars eacl mortl. Sles completely respor-
sible for all of tle comparys bookkeepir,: accourts payable, pay-
roll, accourts receivable, arJ tle quarterly arJ arrual firarcial
Her job became mucl more streamlireJ wler tle compary
irstalleJ a rew irte,rateJ computer system. Altlou,l all
employees at Jim Wa,rer, lrc., took about a mortl for trairir,
arJ aJjustmert, Corrie says tley row furctior smootlly witl a
system tlat las slarply reJuceJ tle amourt of paperwork ir
every Jepartmert. Sle says tlere are virtually ro larJwritter
recorJs of slop time ir tle service Jepartmert, Jaily balarces of
casl, or irvertory for parts for rew arJ useJ cars; its all Jore or
tle computer.

Corrie starteJ workir, as a bookkeeper ri,lt out of li,l sclool.

lr li,l sclool, sle took lots of matl (al,ebra, tri,orometry,
,eometry, arJ calculus) arJ accourtir, courses. Wlile sle was
still ir li,l sclool, sle also took a course ir aJvarceJ accourt-
ir, at a local colle,e. Her first job was as a bookkeeper for ar
irsurarce compary, wlere sle larJleJ tle a,erts accourts.
After two years, sle accepteJ a positior as a bookkeeper for a
jewelry store. 1ler, two years later, sle starteJ workir, as tle
bookkeeper for Jim Wa,rer, lrc.
1le rew computer system cut ler workloaJ arJ slifteJ ler role
so tlat row sle furctiors more as ar auJitor" tlar a book-
keeper. Sle estimates, ir fact, tlat about ore-tlirJ of ler time is
spert auJitir, wlat everyore else Joes. Sle reviews tle work of
employees ir tle service Jepartmert, ir tle parts Jepartmert, ir
rew arJ useJ car sales, arJ for tle title clerk. lor example, sle
corfirms tlat experses are clar,eJ to tle correct accourts.
Arotler tlirJ of ler time is spert mara,ir, accourts payable.
lrvoices are posteJ Jaily arJ paiJ mortlly. 1le remairir, tlirJ
of ler time is spert Joir, a variety of tasks: calculatir, weekly
arJ biweekly payroll, costir, rew arJ useJ car Jeals, computir,
commissiors, arJ preparir, quarterly reports.
Corrie emplasizes tlat Joir, books is a lot more irvolveJ
tlar wlat you learr ir class. Quirky situatiors come up tlat tle
1lACllNC DLLl1S AND ClLDl1S 29
bookkeeper las to larJle." Sle explairs, as ar example, tlat tle
Lircolr-Mercury frarclise Joes tlir,s very Jifferertly from tle
Nissar frarclise, so sle really las to keep two sets of recorJs tlat
tler reeJ to be combireJ for quarterly reports. Sle says tlat a
bookkeeper ,ets tlir,s after tle fact" arJ is expecteJ to make
tlir,s ri,lt."
Aryore corsiJerir, a career as a bookkeeper or office mara,er
reeJs to lave computer experierce. Corrie says it's tle A-
rumber-ore most importart tlir,." You reeJ to krow basic
computer applicatiors arJ furctiors as well as urJerstarJ low
computer systems work. Corrie says its also importart to pay
attertior to Jetails. Havir, ar accourt balarce witlir tlree
or four certs isr't erou,l. Debits arJ creJits always balarce."
lirally, Corrie says tlat its rot erou,l to be ,ooJ witl rum-
bers; you lave to lave ar overall serse of low busiress works-
busiress ir ,ereral arJ tle busiress you work for ir particular.
1lere are so mary ,ray lires about wlat is ar asset or ar
experse; it takes krowleJ,e arJ experierce to krow wlats
allowable. lts rot so cut arJ JrieJ as tle textbooks say."

lor irformatior about careers ir certifieJ public accourtir, arJ
about ClA starJarJs arJ examiratiors:
Americar lrstitute of CertifieJ lublic Accourtarts
HarborsiJe lirarcial Certer
2O1 llaza lll
Jersey City, NJ O7311
lor irformatior or careers ir mara,emert accourtir, arJ
tle CertifieJ Mara,emert Accourtart (CMA) Jesi,ratior:
lrstitute of Mara,emert Accourtarts
1O lara,or Drive
Mortvale, NJ O76+5
lor irformatior or tle AccreJiteJ ir Accourtarcy, AccreJ-
iteJ Lusiress Accourtart, AccreJiteJ 1ax AJvisor, or AccreJ-
iteJ 1ax lreparer Jesi,ratiors:
Natioral Society of Accourtarts arJ tle AccreJitatior
Courcil for Accourtarcy arJ 1axatior
1O1O Nortl lairfax Street
AlexarJria, \A 2231+
lor irformatior or careers ir irterral auJitir, arJ tle Certi-
fieJ lrterral AuJitor Jesi,ratior:
1le lrstitute of lrterral AuJitors
2+9 MaitlarJ Averue
Altamorte Sprir,s, lL 327O1
lor irformatior or careers ir irformatior systems auJitir,
arJ tle CertifieJ lrformatior Systems AuJitor Jesi,ratior:
lrformatior Systems AuJit arJ Cortrol Associatior
37O1 Al,orquir loaJ, Suite 1O1O
lollir, MeaJows, lL 6OOO8
1lACllNC DLLl1S AND ClLDl1S 31
lor irformatior or accreJiteJ pro,rams ir accourtir, arJ
Americar Assembly of Colle,iate Sclools of Lusiress
lrterratioral Associatior for Mara,emert LJucatior
6O5 lJ Lallas loaJ, Suite 22O
St. Louis, M 631+1

Mara,ir, Morey arJ
Casl llow
orey mara,ers ir ar or,arizatior-wletler it be a
public a,ercy, a private retail busiress, a city ,overr-
mert, or a rorprofit fourJatior-oversee tle flow of
casl, establisl arJ supervise firarcial policies arJ proceJures,
arJ assess tle or,arizatiors firarcial status. Wlile tle morey
mara,ers, sucl as clief firarcial officers, are at tle top of ar
or,arizatior, mary otler people larJle tle casl flow witlir ar
or,arizatior arJ ersure tlat buJ,ets are followeJ arJ morey
is correctly JisperseJ. lor example, office mara,ers are ofter
resporsible for Jay-to-Jay firarcial operatiors arJ tle prepa-
ratior of firarcial reports. Similarly, bark tellers rot orly
larJle a ,reat Jeal of morey every Jay, but tley reeJ to krow
tle barks policies arJ proceJures for mary Jifferert types of

1le specific job titles, of course, vary from or,arizatior to or,a-
rizatior, but, ,ererally, firarcial mara,ers fall irto tlese broaJ
cate,ories. -- or - (Cls) oversee
tle firarcial mara,emert of all Jepartmerts or Jivisiors ir ar
or,arizatior, workir, witl mara,ers to Jevelop policies arJ
supervise tle implemertatior of tlose policies. -

Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.
(calleJ - ir some comparies) Jirect tle preparatior
of all firarcial Jocumerts, sucl as ircome statemerts arJ bal-
arce sleets. 1ley also oversee tle preparatior of firarcial
reports by buJ,et aralysts, auJitors, arJ accourtarts.
tler kirJs of morey mara,ers are also importart to tle
firarcial well-beir, of ar or,arizatior:
- - moritor casl receipts arJ Jisbursemerts,
mara,e loars, arJ track a variety of otler firarcial
- - arJ - - work to make sure
tlat or,arizatiors Jort suffer urJue risks or losses as a result
of firarcial trarsactiors, irvestmerts, or operatiors.
- (ircluJir, creJit carJ mara,ers) establisl
creJit ratir, criteria, Jetermire creJit ceilir,s, arJ moritor
tle or,arizatiors policies arJ practices about exterJir,
- - supervise ar or,arizatiors purclase arJ sale
of a variety of securities, sucl as borJs, ir orJer to mairtair
ar appropriate asset-liability ratio.
Lvery kirJ of firarcial irstitutior las firarcial mara,ers-
bark mara,ers, savir,s arJ loar associatior mara,ers, creJit
urior mara,ers, arJ firarce compary mara,ers-all of wlom
krow all about tle firarces of tleir owr or,arizatiors. Lut tley
also reeJ to krow a ,reat Jeal about allieJ professiors. lor
example, a bark mara,er woulJ reeJ to krow about irsurarce,
real estate, arJ securities as well as about practices ir busiress
arJ irJustry.
- -
Cereral mara,ers arJ otler top executives are tle Jecisior
makers of ar or,arizatior. 1op executives may be Jepartmert
store mara,ers, superirterJerts of sclools, or cliefs of police.
1op executives work to,etler witl ar or,arizatiors clief exec-
utive officer arJ tle boarJ of Jirectors to establisl tle or,ariza-
tiors ,ereral ,oals, formulate policies, arJ Jirect tle
implemertatior of tlose policies. Altlou,l top executives Jele-
,ate mary specific furctiors, tley are ultimately resporsible for
wlat lappers ir tleir sectiors of ar or,arizatior.

Cereral mara,ers arJ otler top executives ,ererally lave at
least a baclelors Je,ree ir liberal arts or busiress aJmiristra-
tior. 1leir majors are ofter relateJ to tle Jepartmerts tley
mara,e-for example, a major ir computer scierce for a ,ereral
mara,er of Jata processir,. Mary top executives lave ,raJuate
arJ professioral Je,rees. 1ypically, mara,ers ir aJmiristrative,
marketir,, firarcial, or marufacturir, activities lave M.L.A.
Je,rees. Mara,ers ir li,lly teclrical marufacturir, areas arJ
ir researcl ofter lave masters or Joctoral Je,rees ir ar er,i-
reerir, or sciertific specialty. Similarly, a law Je,ree woulJ be
expecteJ for tle ,ereral mara,er of a corporate le,al Jepart-
mert, arJ a masters Je,ree ir lealtl services aJmiristratior
mi,lt be expecteJ for a lospital aJmiristrator.
1le key to ,airir, a top executive positior, lowever, is rot
orly acaJemic trairir,; its experierce tlat builJs or tlis iritial
trairir,. Altlou,l mary top executives cortirue to atterJ pro-
fessioral semirars arJ trairir, sessiors, tley ,ererally lave
tleir jobs because of otler factors, sucl as expert-level krowl-
eJ,e, leaJerslip skills, motivatior, flexibility, self-corfiJerce,
arJ problem-solvir, arJ Jecisior-makir, abilities.

1le most recert eJitior of tle
reports tlat tle meJiar ircome for ,ereral mara,ers arJ top
executives is approximately $55,9OO. Mary earr corsiJerably
more tlar $95,OOO, JeperJir, or factors sucl as tle level of
resporsibility arJ tle type, size, arJ locatior of tle firm. Cer-
eral mara,ers arJ top executives ofter receive aJJitioral com-
persatior ir tle form of boruses, stock awarJs, arJ
casl-equivalert frir,e berefits sucl as compary-paiJ irsurarce
premiums or tle use of a compary car.
1le clief firarcial officer (Cl) of ar or,arizatior is resporsi-
ble for mairtairir, tle fiscal lealtl of tle or,arizatior arJ,
tlus, oversees all tle firarcial aspects of tlat or,arizatior. 1lis
irJiviJual establisles arJ implemerts tle or,arizatiors firarcial
policies, ofter workir, ir corjurctior witl otler officers or
Jepartmert leaJs.

Clief firarcial officers are a specializeJ cate,ory of top exec-
utives wlo ,ererally lave at least a baclelors Je,ree ir firarce
or accourtir, or ir busiress aJmiristratior witl a corcertratior
ir firarce or accourtir,. Mary Cls also lave master of busi-
ress aJmiristratior (M.L.A.) Je,rees or masters Je,rees ir
firarce or accourtir,. Mary also will lave passeJ professioral
certificatior exams ir accourtir,, auJitir,, arJ irformatior

1le most recert eJitior of tle
reports tlat tle meJiar ircome for Cls arJ otler firarcial
mara,ers is $55,OOO. 1le lowest 1O percert earrs $27,7OO or
less; tle top 1O percert earrs more tlar $119,OOO. Hi,ler
salaries are more likely ir lar,e or,arizatiors arJ ir cities.
MeJiar arrual earrir,s ir tle irJustries employir, tle
lar,est rumber of firarcial mara,ers are slowr lere:
Securities $95,1OO
Computer arJ Jata processir, $63,2OO
Mara,emert arJ public relatiors $62,8OO
Local ,overrmert, excluJir, eJucatior
arJ lospitals $+8,7OO
Commercial barks $+5,8OO
Savir,s irstitutiors $+1,8OO

Steve lir, is tle Cl for tle lowa State Lottery, overseeir, all
tle firarcial aspects of a state ,overrmert or,arizatior witl
approximately $15O millior ir arrual sales.

Steve came to tlis positior after ei,lt years ir tle State AuJi-
tors ffice, wlere le was most recertly ar auJit mara,er of tle
LDl (Llectroric Data lrocessir,) AuJitir, Sectior. Steves L.S.
is ir mara,emert arJ accourtir,, arJ le las passeJ lis ClA
(CertifieJ lublic Accourtart) exams arJ at ore time lelJ
auJitir, certificatiors: ClA (CertifieJ lrterral AuJitor) arJ
ClSA (CertifieJ lrformatior Systems AuJitor). Lut ro amourt
of acaJemic course work woulJ be sufficiert preparatior for tlis
job, wlicl ircluJes everytlir, from resporsibility for irterral
firarcial mara,emert to irvolvemert ir tle user arJ statistical
testir, of rew lottery ,ames, wlat tley call systems acceptarce
testir,." Wler Steve took tlis positior, le also assumeJ tle
resporsibility for Jesi,rir, tle job arJ acquirir, tle or-tle-job
trairir, recessary to ,et it Jore.
Steve talks witl ertlusiasm about lis job as Cl, explairir, tle
erjoymert le ,ets out of lelpir, Jesi,r proJucts tlat are fur. He
says le suspects tlat tle pleasure of creatir, tlis kirJ of proJuct
seeps over irto tle Jay-to-Jay operatior of tle job, creatir, a
urique atmosplere. Despite tle teclrical rature of Steves job,
le sperJs orly 35 to +O percert of lis time usir, lis quartitative
skills. lr fact, le says tlat because of tle corresporJerce arJ
reports tlat le las to write, le uses lis worJ processor more
tlar le uses lis spreaJsleet. Arotler clurk of lis time, 15 to
2O percert, is spert Jealir, witl persorrel issues-for example,
meetir, witl tle urior stewarJ to resolve potertial problems.
He also is resporsible for overseeir, tle Juties of a secretary as
well as tle lotterys accourtir, supervisor arJ valiJatior super-
visor, wlo are eacl resporsible for a lalf-Jozer employees.
Steve likes lis job, especially tle claller,es tlat come witl
problem solvir,. re of lis strer,tls is lis ability to solve prob-
lems tlat lave ro easy arswers. He aJmits tlat le erjoys look-
ir, at problems from Jifferert Jirectiors, arJ le says le tries for
ar equal balarce of corceptualizatior arJ rumber crurclir,.
lirst le corceptualizes a way to larJle tle problem; tler le
rurs tle rumbers. lor example, before tle lottery irtroJuceJ a
rew ,ame witl a fixeJ-Jollar amourt for tle top prize
($1OO,OOO), le workeJ witl collea,ues to come up witl alterra-
tive scerarios. Wlat woulJ lapper if a ,reat mary people over a
lor, perioJ of time lappereJ to lit or tle ri,lt combiratior of
rumbers` CoulJ tle lottery pay out witlout lor,-term problems`
Steve rar ore tlousarJ two-year scerarios tlrou,l tle com-
puter (tle scerarios were baseJ or rarJom rumber ,ereratiors
of wirrers) before le JeciJeJ tlat lavir, a fixeJ top prize coulJ
work. 1lis kept tle players lappy arJ tle lottery solvert. He
tempers stubborrress witl creativity, corsiJerir, a rar,e of cre-
ative optiors as le works at a situatior urtil all tle issues sur-
rourJir, it are resolveJ arJ, le lopes, all of tle ramificatiors
lave beer corsiJereJ.
- --
City mara,ers are resporsible for all muricipal operatiors,
ircluJir, lirir, arJ firir,. 1ley also are resporsible for tle
police Jepartmert. lr cortrast, city aJmiristrators lave a sli,ltly
Jifferert job; tley are resporsible for all muricipal operatiors,
except lirir, arJ firir,, arJ Jo rot lave to mara,e tle police
Jepartmert, wlicl is usually tle mayors resporsibility.

City mara,ers arJ aJmiristrators ,ererally lave at least a bacl-
elors Je,ree ir firarce or accourtir, or ir busiress aJmiristra-
tior witl a corcertratior ir firarce or accourtir,. Mary also
lave eitler master of busiress aJmiristratior (M.L.A.) Je,rees
or master of public aJmiristratior (M.l.A.) Je,rees.

1le most recert eJitior of tle
reports tlat tle meJiar ircome for city mara,ers arJ aJmiris-
trators is $7O,5OO. Hi,ler salaries are more likely ir lar,e or,a-
rizatiors arJ cities.
- -
Mike larley is tle city aJmiristrator for tle small towr of Hux-
ley, lowa. As tle clief firarcial officer, le is resporsible for
Jevelopir, arJ aJmiristerir, tle buJ,et. He also is resporsible
for supervisir, persorrel (except for tle police Jepartmert),
mara,ir, city operatiors, arJ aJmiristerir, tle citys policies
arJ proceJures.

Mike JiJrt lave a Jirect patl from li,l sclool to colle,e to city
aJmiristratior. After li,l sclool, le spert a year ir tle L.S.
Navy. After ar lororable Jisclar,e, le spert arotler ter years
Joir, a variety of jobs: workir, as a urior carperter, Joir, retail
work, arJ mara,ir, a muffler slop. Lut tler le JeciJeJ to use
lis C.l. bill to ,o to colle,e. He was fascirateJ by wlat le
learreJ about plarrir, arJ politics ir tle public sector, so le
earreJ lis L.S. ir commurity arJ re,ioral plarrir,. Ly tlis
time le laJ JevelopeJ a stror, irterest ir city mara,emert, so
le wert or to earr ar M.l.A. (master of public aJmiristratior),
witl a focus or small-towr aJmiristratior.
His first job after colle,e was as city aJmiristrator/clerk ir
lrestor, a small towr (populatior tler twelve lurJreJ) ir east-
err lowa. lrom tlere, le workeJ as ore of four Jepartmert leaJs
ir SlelJor, lowa (populatior tler five tlousarJ). As commu-
rity Jevelopmert Jirector ir SlelJor, le was resporsible for tle
commuritys ecoromic Jevelopmert pro,ram, wlicl irvolveJ
writir, ,rarts arJ attractir, rew busiresses. lr lis job as city
aJmiristrator for Huxley, Mike estimates tlat as mucl as 75
percert of lis job irvolves quartitative work. He says, Witl
most tlir,s, a mara,er reeJs to krow low mucl morey arJ
time sometlir, takes. Wler lm talkir, to a commurity ,roup,
l try to put tlir,s ir basic quartitative terms ir relatior to tlat
Lvery year Mike starts tle buJ,et process for tle rext fiscal year
(July 1 tlrou,l Jure 3O) ir ctober, creatir, a plar for balarc-
ir, reverues arJ experJitures. He sets up tle projecteJ buJ,et
or a computer, usir, Lotus software as well as irteractive buJ,et
arJ accourtir, software. Lsir, ML (mara,emert by objec-
tive) arJ zLL (zero-baseJ buJ,etir,) teclriques arJ proviJir,
a tlree-year listory of eacl Jepartmerts buJ,et, le ercoura,es
Jepartmert leaJs arJ otler city employees to ,et irvolveJ witl
Jefirir, tleir ,oals arJ objectives arJ tler iJertifyir, experJi-
tures to meet tlem. He asks Jepartmert leaJs to justify tle lire
items ir tleir buJ,ets arJ to ,ive a ratiorale for ary ircreases.
Ly miJ-Jaruary, Mike krows tle amourts le car expect from lis
sever primary sources of reverue. lor example, a si,rificart por-
tior of tle citys $1.+ millior buJ,et comes from tle ,ereral
furJ (sources sucl as property taxes). tler reverue sources
ircluJe a local optior tax (1 percert of tle states 5 percert sales
tax) arJ a roaJ-use tax. Mike meets twice a mortl witl tle city
courcil for public learir,s; ir Jaruary arJ lebruary, tlese lear-
ir,s are to iror out ary corcerrs about tle buJ,et, so by tle erJ
of lebruary, tle buJ,et for tle upcomir, fiscal year is set.
Mike says tlat altlou,l le JiJrt lave mary urJer,raJuate or
,raJuate matl courses, le JiJ take several useful statistics
courses arJ las laJ lots of or-tle-job trairir,. lor example, les
learreJ a ,reat Jeal from city clerks, barkers, arJ specializeJ
attorreys sucl as tle citys borJ coursel. (A borJ coursel
krows tle firarcial implicatiors of state statutes arJ aJvises
muricipalities about Jifferert kirJs of firarcir, irstrumerts.)
lor a city aJmiristrator, experJitures reeJ to be justifieJ,
wletler for persorrel or supplies. Mike ,ets to apply quartitative
arJ problem-solvir, skills to Jifferert situatiors every Jay. lor
example, les workir, or a problem facir, mary otler murici-
palities-low to mara,e tle approximately 16 percert arrual
ircrease ir costs relateJ to lealtl care, sucl as meJical irsurarce
arJ workers compersatior for city employees.
Wlile tle Cls arJ mara,ers Jesi,r firarcial systems arJ
oversee tle corstructior of buJ,ets, mary small busiresses are
rur by office mara,ers wlo larJle Jay-to-Jay firarcial Jecisiors
arJ casl flow as well as take resporsibility for quarterly arJ
arrual firarcial reports.
Most office mara,ers are resporsible for supervisir, tle office
staff, mairtairir, bookkeepir, recorJs, arJ keepir, track of a
variety of aspects of tle or,arizatiors operatior, rar,ir, from
overseeir, employee berefits to filir, reports relateJ to worker
irjury witl tle irsurarce compary, workers compersatior, arJ
ccupatioral Safety arJ Healtl AJmiristratior (SHA).

Altlou,l mary clerical supervisors arJ office mara,ers lave
li,l sclool Jiplomas arJ lots of experierce, mary employers
row prefer carJiJates to lave associates Je,rees or, ir some
cases, baclelors Je,rees. Certairly computer experierce is esser-
tial for most supervisory or mara,erial positiors. Lut more
importart tlar tle course work is tle experierce-expertise
about tle busiress as well as tle ability to ,ive arJ follow orJers.
Supervisors arJ mara,ers rot orly reeJ to be flexible arJ lave
,ooJ lumar relatiors skills, tley also reeJ to be able to set pri-
orities, be li,lly or,arizeJ, arJ pay close attertior to Jetail.

1le meJiar earrir,s of full-time clerical supervisors arJ office
mara,ers, accorJir, tle are
approximately $31,1OO. 1le miJJle 5O percert earrs betweer
$2+,OOO arJ $+O,OOO a year. 1le lowest 1O percert earrs less
tlar $19,OOO. 1le top 1O percert earrs more tlar $53,OOO.
Mary supervisors arJ mara,ers also receive a variety of frir,e
Slelli Murr is tle office mara,er (as well as a corporate officer)
for Murr's LuilJir, Certer-a lumberyarJ arJ builJir, certer.

1le job tlat Slelli las is ofter Jore by someore witl a two-year
Je,ree ir busiress or bookkeepir,. However, Slelli las a L.L.A.
(a baclelors Je,ree ir busiress aJmiristratior) ir accourtir,.
Sle learreJ some parts of tle job-particularly tle Jay-to-Jay
bookkeepir, furctiors sucl as preparir, payroll arJ sales tax
reports-orce sle was or tle job.
lor otler aspects of ler job, sucl as puttir, to,etler firarcial
statemerts, sle was well prepareJ. Sle attributes a ,reat Jeal of
ler preparatior to takir, useful courses. lr aJJitior to takir,
accourtir, arJ firarce classes, Slelli says several otler courses
lave beer extremely valuable, ircluJir, ar irtroJuctior to
mara,emert irformatior systems (MlS), botl tleoretical arJ
applieJ auJitir,, arJ ar Lr,lisl course ir busiress writir,. lr
tle mara,emert part of ler job, sle also uses wlat sle learreJ
ir a course ir quartitative approacles to busiress; usir, LQ
(ecoromic orJer quartity) erables ler to iJertify variables sucl
as item cost, frei,lt cost, leaJ time, arJ stora,e space arJ tler
corJuct a ratio aralysis to lelp Jetermire tle amourt of ar item
tlat sloulJ be orJereJ eacl time.
Sle starteJ workir, at Murrs as a part-time bookkeeper
Jurir, ler last semester ir colle,e. Soor after sle ,raJuateJ, a
full-time persor wlo was Joir, tle bookkeepir, left very suJ-
Jerly. Slelli stayeJ to lelp out arJ tler JeciJeJ to stay perma-
rertly because sle likes beir, ler owr boss as well as beir,
resporsible for krowir, wlere tle compary is firarcially."
Slelli says tlat ir a lar,er compary sleJ probably be calleJ tle
cortroller because sle larJles all of tle accourtir, for tle com-
pary, sucl as tle ,ereral leJ,er, payroll, arJ accourts payable.
Sle prepares all tle mortlly firarcial statemerts, verifyir, all
tle fi,ures arJ recorcilir, all irterral accourts arJ bark
accourts as sle Joes a mortlly recorciliatior of tle ,ereral
leJ,er. Sle ,ererates all tle comparys mortlly arJ arrual state
arJ feJeral tax reports; calculates state sales taxes, state arJ feJ-
eral payroll taxes, arJ employee JeJuctiors for lealtl irsurarce
arJ otler berefits; arJ larJles all tle corporate irsurarce.
Lvery year sle is part of tle mara,emert team tlat supervises
tle arrual plysical irvertory arJ recorciles tle courts witl
year-erJ firarcial recorJs.
r a Jay-to-Jay basis, Slelli is resporsible for all tle morey
tlat comes ir arJ is paiJ out-usually at least $1OO,OOO a
week-so sle makes sure tlat tle casl balarces every Jay. Slelli
also is resporsible for tle comparys poirt-of-sale computer sys-
tem, wlicl allows ler to track mar,irs, sales, arJ profits or a
Jaily basis. Sle supervises ore full-time employee wlo Joes tle
accourts receivable, Jata processir, of irvertory, arJ filir,.
re of tle most claller,ir, aspects of Slellis job is mara,ir,
tle casl flow-JeciJir, wlicl bills to pay immeJiately arJ
wlicl ores to pay a little later. Sle says mara,ir, tle firarces
of a compary is always a balarcir, act." Wlile tle matl skills
sle uses are fairly basic, aryore Joir, a job like tlis reeJs to be
,ooJ at workir, witl rumbers arJ reeJs to be willir, to ,ive a
,reat Jeal of attertior to Jetail. Slelli is emplatic wler sle says
tlere's lots of room for error if you're rot accurate." Sle likes
workir, witl rumbers all Jay; ir fact, Slelli says rumbers make
up at least 8O percert of ler job.
Altlou,l mary barkir, proceJures arJ trarsactiors are com-
puterizeJ (electroric trarsfers are commor, arJ A1Ms-auto-
mateJ teller maclires-are everywlere), bark tellers are still
essertial, arJ, ir reality, mary people prefer Jealir, witl a
frierJly arJ krowleJ,eable professioral ratler tlar a maclire.
Lark tellers lave more cortact witl tle public tlar ary
otler bark employees. Wlile mary barks lave all-purpose
tellers," lar,er barks ofter assi,r tellers to specializeJ furctiors:
sellir, savir,s borJs
acceptir, utility bill paymerts
receivir, Clristmas Club Jeposits
mara,ir, access to safe Jeposit boxes
recorJir, arJ completir, paperwork for customer loars
sellir, travelers clecks
larJlir, arJ exclar,ir, forei,r currercy
processir, certificates of Jeposit
processir, morey market accourts
computir, irterest or savir,s accourts
lr orJer to larJle tleir resporsibilities, tellers reeJ to learr
tle barks computer system arJ be familiar witl security proce-
Jures. 1ley reeJ to erjoy workir, witl tle public. Altlou,l
tellers reeJ to be comfortable workir, irJeperJertly, tley also
reeJ to realize tlat tleir work is closely superviseJ.

1ellers reeJ botl rumerical skills arJ ,ooJ clerical skills. \irtu-
ally all tellers lave a li,l sclool eJucatior, arJ some also lave
aJJitioral vocatioral or colle,e trairir,. Mary barks proviJe
or-tle-job trairir, as well as formal semirars to lelp rew tellers
,air familiarity witl specializeJ equipmert arJ tle proceJures
useJ ir tlat particular bark.

1le most recert eJitior of tle
reports tlat tle meJiar earrir,s of full-time bark tellers are
$17,2OO. 1le lowest 1O percert earrs about $13,OOO; tle top 1O
percert earrs approximately $23,OOO. Mary bark tellers as well
as supervisors receive a variety of frir,e berefits.
Lecky 1sclartz (prorourceJ slots") is a customer service rep-
resertative at Ames Savir,s Lark.

Wler Lecky ,raJuateJ from li,l sclool, sle errolleJ ir a two-

mortl pro,ram at tle 1eller 1rairir, lrstitute. lr very small
classes, sle receiveJ trairir, ir mary aspects of barkir, proce-
Jures arJ learreJ to operate equipmert tlat sle mi,lt
ercourter ir barks-from tlose barks still workir, or marual
systems to tlose tlat are completely computerizeJ. Lecky says
tlat ir li,l sclool sle was orly fair at matl, certairly rot
exceptioral," arJ sle tlou,lt accourtir, was easy erou,l but
rot very irterestir,. Lut sle JeciJeJ to try ar ertry-level posi-
tior ir barkir, baseJ or ler motlers recommerJatior. After
sle completeJ tle 1eller 1rairir, lrstitute pro,ram, Leckys first
job was as a teller for Home llar Savir,s arJ Loar. 1ler sle
was irviteJ to apply for a positior at Americar leJeral arJ
JeciJeJ tlat opporturities for trairir, as well as ,ooJ berefits
maJe a clar,e appealir,.
After ler trairir, at Americar leJeral, sle was trarsferreJ to
a brarcl office arJ ,iver more resporsibility arJ a rew teller
title: barkir, services specialist. Sle workeJ or rew accourts as
well as irstallmert arJ mort,a,e loars. r,oir, trairir, was a
re,ular part of ler job-sessiors ircluJeJ rumber skills (,larce
at a rumber arJ remember it), busiress letter writir,, security
proceJures, cross-sellir,, arJ upJates about tle computer
Wler Americar leJeral was taker over by tle lesolutior
1rust Corporatior arJ tler solJ, Lecky JeciJeJ to look for a
rew positior. Sirce comir, to Ames Savir,s Lark, Lecky las
taker corresporJerce courses, paiJ for by tle bark, tlrou,l tle
lrstitute of lirarcial LJucatior. 1lese courses ircluJe teller
operatior, Jeposit accourts arJ services, arJ mara,ir, Jeposit
accourts arJ services. Witl aJJitioral trairir, arJ perlaps five
or six more years of experierce, Lecky lopes to become a savir,s
Leckys primary resporsibility is waitir, or customers, wlicl
irvolves lots of Jifferert tasks. lor example, sle is resporsible for
makir, Jeposits, witlJrawals, arJ trarsfers for customers.
Arotler part of ler job irvolves filir, recorJs of trarsactiors-
si,rature carJs, copies of clecks, aJJress clar,es, arJ Jata
clar,es or accourts. Sle also lelps solve customer problems.
lor example, sle rot orly car lelp customers JeciJe wletler a
particular bark service is wlat tley reeJ, but sle car lelp tlem
balarce tleir cleckir, accourts. lecertly, sle lelpeJ a customer
JeciJe tle best way to take a lar,e amourt of casl to Cermary.
Carryir, casl was rot ar optior, arJ tle amourt was too lar,e
for travelers clecks to be a ,ooJ security cloice. After Jiscussir,
tle berefits arJ problems of several optiors, Lecky aJviseJ tle
customer to carry a bark cleck tlat coulJ be clar,eJ irto Cer-
mar currercy upor arrival.
At Ames Savir,s Lark, eacl teller las separate resporsi-
bilities beyorJ re,ular customer service: ore creJits paymerts
or irstallmert loar accourts, arotler is ir clar,e of tle coir
maclire, arotler is Jesi,rateJ as tle vault teller, arJ still
arotler is tle safe-Jeposit teller. At tle erJ of eacl Jay, Lecky
(arJ eacl of tle otler tellers) is resporsible for balarcir, ler
casl Jrawer arJ cleckir, tlat tle casl arJ clecks sle las
matcl wlat tle computer says sle las. Sle verifies tle balarces
of mories receiveJ arJ JisperseJ arJ clecks tle jourral (useJ to
recorJ irterral trarsfers) arJ tle ,ereral leJ,er.

1lou,l Lecky estimates tlat orly 2O percert of ler resporsibil-
ities irvolve quartitative skills, some are a re,ular part of ler job.
lor irstarce, sle las to be able to fi,ure irterest rates or
peralties or certificates of Jeposit; make sure Jeposits are cor-
rectly ertereJ; reaJ all customer trarsactiors; arJ verify tle
mortlly totals or rew accourts sles opereJ. 1le rest of ler job,
sle says, is simply ,ooJ customer service. lr fact, customers are
Leckys focus; sle says tle best part of ler job is Jefiritely ,ooJ

lor irformatior or ,ereral mara,ers arJ top executives, ircluJ-
ir, eJucatioral pro,rams arJ job listir,s:
Americar Mara,emert Associatior
16O1 LroaJway
New York, NY 1OO19
Natioral Mara,emert Associatior
221O Arbor LoulevarJ
Daytor, H +5+39
lor irformatior about firarcial mara,emert careers:
Americar Larkers Associatior
112O Correcticut Averue NW
Waslir,tor, DC 2OO36
lirarcial Mara,emert Associatior lrterratioral
Colle,e of Lusiress AJmiristratior
Lriversity of Soutl lloriJa
1ampa, lL 3362O
lirarcial Lxecutives lrterratioral
1O MaJisor Averue
l.. Lox 1938
Morristowr, NJ O7962
lor irformatior about careers ir treasury arJ firarcial mar-
a,emert arJ tle CertifieJ Casl Mara,er arJ CertifieJ 1reasury
Lxecutive pro,rams:
Associatior for lirarcial lrofessiorals
7315 Wiscorsir Averue, Suite 6OO West
LetlesJa, MD 2O81+
lor irformatior about tle CertifieJ Coverrmert lirarcial
Mara,er Jesi,ratior:
Associatior for Coverrmert Accourtarts
22O8 Mourt \error Averue
AlexarJria, \A 223O1
lrformatior or appoirteJ officials ir state, courty, arJ city
Courcil of State Coverrmerts
l.. Lox 1191O
lror Works like
Lexir,tor, lY +O578-191O
lrterratioral City Mara,emert Associatior (lCMA)
777 Nortl Capital NL, Suite 5OO
Waslir,tor, DC 2OOO2
Natioral Associatior of Courties
++O lirst Street NW, Suite 8OO
Waslir,tor, DC 2OOO1
Natioral Lea,ue of Cities
13O1 lerrsylvaria Averue NW
Waslir,tor, DC 2OOO+

CuiJir, lrvestmerts
lis clapter irtroJuces you to professiorals wlo work as
mucl witl people as tley Jo witl morey. lor mary of
tlem, tle people are far more importart tlar tle
morey. Securities arJ firarcial services sales represertatives
make up a lar,e cate,ory of professiorals wlo ,uiJe irvestmerts.
Lut otler professiorals, sucl as mort,a,e officers, see a major
part of tle job as lelpir, people make appropriate firarcial
irvestmerts. Lecause of tle ,rowir, array arJ complexity of
firarcial proJucts arJ tle exparJir, services offereJ by mary
barks, tlese careers lave a stror, outlook.
Mort,a,e officers evaluate, autlorize, arJ recommerJ or Jery
loars for real estate. 1ley are resporsible for collectir, arJ ver-
ifyir, all tle Jata from a loar applicart to evaluate wletler tle
customer qualifies for a mort,a,e, arJ tler tley must recom-
merJ tle most appropriate kirJ of loar for tlat customer.

Lark officers reeJ to be well eJucateJ arJ well irformeJ about
ecoromic arJ firarcial corcepts arJ trerJs, so ar urJer,raJu-
ate colle,e Je,ree is importart. However, tlese professiorals
erter tle fielJ witl a variety of majors.

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1le most recert eJitior of tle
reports tlat firarcial mara,ers receive a meJiar arrual salary of
$55,1OO. 1le lowest 1O percert earrs $28,OOO or less, wlile tle
top 1O percert earrs more tlar $119,OOO. 1le salary level
JeperJs or tle size arJ locatior of tle or,arizatior; its likely to
be li,ler ir cities.
More specifically, tle meJiar arrual salary of loar officers
arJ courselors-$35,3+O-is usually lower tlar tle meJiar
ircome for firarcial mar,ers. 1le miJJle 5O percert of loar
officers arJ courselors earrs betweer $26,38O arJ $5O,2+O. 1le
lowest 1O percert earrs less tlar $2O,99O, wlile tle top 1O per-
cert earrs more tlar $82,27O. MeJiar arrual earrir,s ir tle
irJustries employir, tle lar,est rumber of loar officers arJ
courselors are listeJ lere:
Commercial barks $36,+OO
Mort,a,e barks arJ brokera,es $3+,7OO
Savir,s irstitutiors $3+,7OO
lersoral creJit irstitutiors $26,8OO
CreJit uriors $25,3OO
- -
lelli Sampsor is tle mort,a,e loar sales represertative for a
brarcl office of MiJlarJ Savir,s Lark. As tle mara,er of tle
mort,a,e Jepartmert, sle las four people workir, for ler:
a mort,a,e loar processor, a mort,a,e loar closer, arJ two

lelli las a L.S. ir busiress witl a miror ir persorrel. r ler

way to becomir, leaJ of ler brarcl barks mort,a,e Jepart-
mert, sle previously workeJ ir marketir,, as a teller, arJ as a
mort,a,e loar ori,irator for arotler bark. Sle estimates tlat
approximately 35 percert of ler job irvolves quartitative skills,
25 percert irvolves takir, loar applicatiors, 3O percert irvolves
plore commuricatior, arJ 1O percert irvolves troubleslootir,
problems tlat arise Jurir, applicatiors. 1le majority of tle
applicatiors sle las to Jery are for baJ creJit. lor example,
wler a stuJert misses paymerts or ever Jefaults or a colle,e
loar, tlat paymert listory stays or lis or ler creJit recorJ arJ
may prevert lim or ler from obtairir, a mort,a,e.
lelli sees ler primary resporsibilities as offerir, a variety of
mort,a,e loar pro,rams to customers, makir, quartitative arJ
qualitative assessmerts of a customers ability to larJle a partic-
ular Jebt level, arJ recommerJir, tle best matcl betweer tle
customers ability to pay arJ tle pro,rams available. lelli typi-
cally ,ets more tlar 15O mort,a,e loars approveJ a year for ar
avera,e loar of $6O,OOO. Still, sle says ler work is Jefiritely a
people busiress."
Sle reco,rizes tlat applyir, for a mort,a,e arJ makir, a lar,e
firarcial commitmert tlat may last for tlirty years is stressful,
so sle Joes everytlir, sle car to make tle process easier arJ to
reJuce tle stress. lor example, wler sle accepteJ tle positior,
ore of ler first Jecisiors was to elimirate tle teleplore arswer-
ir, maclire tlat ,ave mort,a,e rates wler people calleJ ir; sle
las lumar operators-real people wlo car arswer questiors for
potertial customers. Sle also tlirks of tle people belirJ tle
morey. lor example, sle keeps a box of toys for restless clilJrer
wlo come witl tleir parerts for mort,a,e irterviews, sle keeps
jelly bears or ler Jesk for treats, arJ sle ,ives people rew to tle
city a teleplore book so tley car cleck available services. r a
commurity level, sle spearleaJeJ ler barks irvolvemert witl
tle citys afforJable lousir, pro,ram, wlicl erables first-time
lome buyers a clarce to erter tle lousir, market.
lellis bark is ir tle process of clar,ir, over to a certralizeJ
mort,a,e processir, system. 1le rew system will erable lelli to
larJle a far li,ler volume of mort,a,e loars, ir part because tle
processir, arJ closir, will be certralizeJ arJ ir part because tle
rumber crurclir, will be computerizeJ. Wler sle talks about
tle clar,es ir ler Jepartmert, lelli stresses tle importarce of
balarcir, rumber crurclir, witl lumar relatiors.
- -
- --
Securities sales represertatives lave several Jifferert job titles-
re,istereJ represertatives, accourt executives, arJ brokers-
JeperJir, or at least two factors. Differert comparies call tle
same job by Jifferert titles, arJ titles clar,e as irJiviJuals irvest
ircreasir,ly lar,e amourts of morey.

Securities sales represertatives reeJ to be well eJucateJ arJ well
irformeJ about ecoromic arJ firarcial corcepts arJ trerJs, so
ar urJer,raJuate colle,e Je,ree is importart; lowever, represer-
tatives erter tle fielJ witl a variety of majors. LeyorJ tlis, secu-
rities sales represertatives reeJ to pass a series of exams, ircluJ-
ir, a state licersir, exam, tle Lriform Securities A,erts State
Law Lxamiratior, arJ tle Cereral Securities le,istereJ lepre-
sertative Lxamiratior aJmiristereJ by tle Natioral Associatior
of Securities Dealers. lr aJJitior, tley must submit to ar lLl
back,rourJ irvesti,atior.

1le most recert eJitior of tle
reports tlat tle Securities lrJustry Associatior iJertifies tle
meJiar arrual earrir,s of securities sales represertatives as
$+8,1OO. 1le miJJle lalf earrs betweer $31,+OO arJ $1O3,OOO.
1le lowest 1O percert earrs less tlar $26,6OO; tle top 1O per-
cert earrs more tlar $125,OOO. Larrir,s JeperJ or commis-
siors from tle sale or purclase of stocks arJ borJs, mutual
furJs, irsurarce, or otler securities. lirarcial services sales rep-
resertatives are paiJ a salary plus a borus if tley aclieve certair

Saral J. (Sally) MaJisor will tell you tlat ler job as a serior
accourt executive for WaJJell & leeJ, ore of tle courtrys
major firarcial services or,arizatiors, las more to Jo witl peo-
ple arJ firarcial corcepts tlar witl morey. Despite ler job as ar
accourt executive, ir wlicl sle aJvises people about irvestir,
milliors of Jollars every year, Sally Joesrt Jo rumber crurclir,.
lr fact, if you ask, slell tell you tlat sle Joesrt ever like matl.
Wlat sle Joes like, tlou,l, is lelpir, people urJerstarJ
tle implicatiors of various kirJs of irvestmerts for reaclir,
tleir lor,-rar,e ,oals. Sle says, 1le creative part of tlis job is
problem solvir,-fi,urir, out low people car reacl tleir ,oals,
,iver tle available Jollars tley lave to irvest or a re,ular basis."
Ar importart part of Sallys job as a firarcial plarrir, profes-
sioral is presertir, retiremert semirars for employees at ore of
tle courtrys top computer comparies, Di,ital Lquipmert Cor-
poratior. Sle irtroJuces lor,-rar,e plarrir, issues so tlat peo-
ple start to tlirk about wlat tleyre Joir, witl tleir retiremert
Jollars. 1ler, wler sle sits Jowr to Jevelop irJiviJual irvest-
mert plars, sle car persoralize ler recommerJatiors baseJ or a
clierts reeJs. 1lis kirJ of persoralizeJ plarrir, be,irs witl
collectir, Jata. lor example, Sally collects irformatior about
tle irJiviJuals mortlly casl flow, lor,-rar,e objectives (sucl
as serJir, a clilJ to colle,e or savir, for retiremert), tle time
frame for aclievir, tlese objectives, arJ tle risk tle persor is
willir, to take witl tle irvestmerts. Durir, tlis sta,e, Sally las
to be ar active listerer, verifyir, wlat sle lears ler cliert say
arJ cleckir, it witl wlat tle persor actually Joes. Wler sle
lears a cliert say le or sle warts ar a,,ressive irvestmert pro-
,ram but sees tlat cliert las always kept casl reserves ir a + per-
cert savir,s accourt at tle bark, sle krows tlat sle reeJs to
eJucate lim or ler about a,,ressive irvestmerts" arJ tle risks
tlose irvestmerts mi,lt irvolve.
rce tle Jata are collecteJ, Sally car aralyze tlem (usir, ler
computer for rumber crurclir,). Lsir, tlis aralysis to create a
plar tlat su,,ests ways tle cliert mi,lt reacl lis or ler ,oals is
tle creative arJ corceptual part of ler job. rce tle plar is
implemerteJ, Sally works re,ularly witl eacl cliert to review
arJ perioJically upJate tle plar, moJifyir, it wlerever reces-
sary baseJ or clar,es ir casl flow (for example, sle recom-
merJs tlat people lave a casl reserve of at least two to six
mortls ircome), objectives, time frame, arJ risk.

Most or,arizatiors offer prelimirary trairir, as well as or,oir,
semirars arJ miricourses. lecertly, for example, ever tlou,l
Sally is a serior accourt executive, sle atterJeJ a semirar about
irvestir, Jistributiors from tax-qualifieJ retiremert plars,
wlicl su,,esteJ aJJitioral ways sle mi,lt assist some of ler
retireJ clierts. Sle mi,lt lave a cliert take morey-perlaps
more tlar $1OO,OOO-from a tax-JeferreJ retiremert plar sucl
as a +O1(k) or +O3(b). 1le cliert tler las sixty Jays to JeciJe
low to irvest morey as ar llA rollover so le or sle car cor-
tirue to Jefer tle tax. 1le semirar revieweJ clar,es ir tle tax
laws arJ su,,esteJ a rar,e of irvestmert possibilities for clierts
witl Jifferert tolerarces for risk.
re of tle most commor plarrir, problems Sally ercourters is
people wlo wart to save arJ irvest for tleir clilJrers colle,e
eJucatiors. Sle las to lelp tlem calculate future eJucatior
experses baseJ or toJays Jollars. 1ypically, colle,e costs
ircrease at least 7 percert per year. 1le parerts of two clilJrer,
a,es six arJ ei,lt, mi,lt plar to irvest $2O,OOO for eacl clilJ to
lave four years of colle,e. lr tle ter arJ twelve years tley lave
before tlese clilJrer erter colle,e, tley woulJ irvest a Jeter-
mireJ amourt eacl year, articipatir, tlat tle lor,-term irvest-
mert woulJ ,row sufficiertly to cover tle cost. rce ler clierts
lave a realistic serse of low mucl tley reeJ to lave, Sally car
lelp tlem Jevelop a realistic plar for aclievir, tlat ,oal.
- -
LJwarJ S. lapror is a firarcial aJvisor for lruJertial Securities,
wlose approximately tlree lurJreJ brarcles make it ore of tle
top brokera,e firms ir tle courtry. Lver tlou,l LJ works ir tle
Jowrtowr littsbur,l office, le las clierts ir twerty-six states,
rar,ir, from Alabama, Alaska, arJ Arizora to 1exas, \ermort,
arJ West \ir,iria.

LJ came to lruJertial Securities witl a Je,ree ir meclarical

er,ireerir, arJ professioral experierce ir teclrical sales,
Jesi,r er,ireerir,, arJ irsurarce. Wler le starteJ at lruJer-
tial Securities as a firarcial aJvisor, LJ completeJ a four-mortl,
ir-louse trairir, course to prepare lim to pass a requireJ exam
so tlat le coulJ be licerseJ by tle Securities arJ Lxclar,e
Commissior (SLC). Lecause LJ also works witl commoJities,
le las sirce taker a commoJities exam tlat is requireJ for
LJ sees lis primary resporsibility as lelpir, clierts make irvest-
merts tlat matcl tleir reeJs arJ irvestmert objectives. He
Jetermires tlis suitability by talkir, witl clierts about tleir
firarcial plars, tleir ,oals, tleir willir,ress to take firarcial
risks, arJ tle ler,tl of time tley wart tle irvestmert to last.
Lecause clierts reeJ to urJerstarJ wlat eacl specific irvest-
mert car Jo for tlem, LJ's job irvolves a lot of teaclir,-lelp-
ir, lis clierts to urJerstarJ tleir irvestmert optiors arJ to
evaluate tle berefits of eacl optior before tley settle or ar
irvestmert plar.
LJs job requires a combiratior of commuricatior skills, sucl as
reaJir,, writir,, listerir,, arJ speakir,, as well as irterpersoral
skills, sales skills, arJ firarcial krow-low. He explairs tlat ar
importart part of lis job irvolves reaJir, irformatior to assess
tle performarce arJ potertial of a compary." He las two broaJ
ways to aralyze tle irformatior le collects. Wler LJ uses a
-- le looks at factors sucl as a comparys earr-
ir,s, sales, arJ mara,emert, wlicl is lelpful for clierts wlo
wart lor,-term irvestmerts (at least ei,lteer mortls or more).
Wler LJ uses a -- le refers to a clart tlat
slows trerJs (tlirty-Jay trerJs as well as two-lurJreJ-Jay
trerJs) ir a comparys price, wlicl is lelpful for clierts wlo
wart slort-term irvestmerts (usually fewer tlar twelve
mortls). 1le matl skills LJ uses ir lis job are fairly basic.
Altlou,l le Joesrt use tle tleoretical arJ complex er,ireer-
ir, matl tlat le took as part of lis Je,ree, le says tlat lis back-
,rourJ skill arJ comfort ir krowir, rumbers lets me trarsform
arJ use corcepts."

1o lelp lim evaluate irvestmert alterratives, LJ las access to a

retworkeJ computer termiral, wlicl ,ives lim up-to-tle-
secorJ prices from tle New York Stock Lxclar,e arJ tle
Clica,o LoarJ of 1raJe. He uses tlis termiral to retrieve lis
clierts portfolios so tlat wler le talks witl a cliert, le car pro-
viJe upJateJ irformatior. Like most firarcial aJvisors, LJ sees
tle secorJ computer or lis Jesk-ar irJiviJual persoral com-
puter-as a critical marketir, tool tlat le uses to ,ererate
,raplics to compare performarce of mutual furJs, to store arJ
retrieve irformatior, arJ to Jesi,r rewsletters sert to clierts.
Durir, a typical year, LJ usually larJles about $13 millior ir
irvestmerts, wlicl ,ererate about $15O,OOO to $2OO,OOO ir
commissiors. LJ earrs approximately 3O percert of tlese com-
missiors. Wler LJs commissiors ircrease, lis percerta,e of
tlose commissiors will ircrease; wler ,ross commissiors exceeJ
$25O,OOO, le car articipate earrir, approximately +O percert of
tle total.
- -
Dale lalfelJt, a re,istereJ irvestmert aJvisor arJ certifieJ
firarcial plarrer, proviJes clierts witl firarcial plarrir,,
irvestmert assistarce, arJ Jebt courselir,.

Dale las a L.S. ir sociolo,y witl mirors ir plilosoply arJ psy-

clolo,y. His work experierce is separateJ irto four clurks: sales,
corporate trairir,, persorrel mara,emert, arJ firarcial plar-
rir, arJ courselir,. He first spert time workir, as a sales rep-
resertative arJ as a sales mara,er. Later le workeJ for twelve
years as a sales rep arJ Jeveloper for trairir, pro,rams ir lrter-
ratioral CorresporJerce Sclools lrJustrial 1rairir, Divisior.
He corJucteJ trairir, for comparies sucl as lrlarJ Steel, Jolr-
sor & Jolrsor, leyrolJs Metals, arJ lrterlake Steel. After tlat,
le spert a year as tle ir-louse trairer for mara,emert Jevelop-
mert arJ supervisior at ak lorest Hospital ir Clica,o. 1ler
le spert two years as Jirector of persorrel for Aurora Metal
Compary, followeJ by four years as tle supervisor of teclrical
trairir, for SurJstrarJ. Later le spert ei,lt years as a re,istereJ
represertative for lDS lirarcial Services before le starteJ lis
owr busiress.
Dale sperJs about +O percert of lis time lelpir, lis clierts
establisl or iJertify firarcial ,oals arJ corsiJerir, ways to
accomplisl tlese ,oals. He sperJs arotler 25 percert of lis time
aJvisir, people about tleir irvestmerts.
1le firal 35 percert of lis time is spert Joir, Jebt courselir,
witl clierts wlo lave serious firarcial problems, wlicl is tle
focus of lis work JescribeJ lere. lirst, le las to firJ out wlat
kirJ of firarcial trouble lis clierts are ir. 1ler le must firJ out
low tley ,ot irto tlat trouble. lirally, le works witl lis clierts
to Jevelop a plar to ,et out of tle currert problems arJ prevert
tlem from lapperir, ir tle future.
Dale says tlat lis back,rourJ ir persorrel mara,emert, irJus-
trial trairir,, arJ firarcial irvestmerts is useful, but a ,reat Jeal
of wlat le lelps clierts witl is applyir, lots of commor serse to
tleir problems. lor example, le says tlat mary clierts witl seri-
ous Jebt problems reeJ to learr to Jo tle followir, tlir,s:
keep recorJs
balarce a cleckbook
iJertify low mucl irterest tleyre payir, or creJit carJs
arJ loars-arJ krow low tlat trarslates irto Jollars
reco,rize wler tley are ir Jar,er of overexterJir,
urJerstarJ comparable value arJ comparisor sloppir, (or
everytlir, from 1-slirts to cars)
urJerstarJ tle corcept of firarce clar,es (Dale says le
tells some clierts tlat if tleyJ paiJ casl for tleir cars
irsteaJ of usir, tleir metloJ of firarcir,, tleyJ ,et every
tlirJ car virtually for free)
ask questiors tlat ercoura,e full Jisclosure
be able to reco,rize wler key irformatior about firarcir,
is missir,
Jistir,uisl betweer reeJ" arJ wart"
rot allow tlemselves to be larasseJ by creJitors
Dale says mary people ,et irto firarcial Jifficulty because
tley oversperJ baseJ or tleir immeJiately available casl-
witlout tlirkir, about otler upcomir, experses. 1ler tley
compourJ tle problem by payir, tle creJitors wlo yell tle
louJest" arJ i,rorir, tle otlers. He says tlat by tle time most
people come to lim, tley lave serious creJit carJ arJ tax prob-
lems (for example, lavir, tleir wa,es ,arrisleJ or receivir, ar
llS assessmert for tleir payclecks).
Mary of tlese people Jort krow wlere to turr. 1ley lister to
ar aJ or tle televisior arJ JeciJe to corsoliJate Jebts, wlicl
results ir a li,l irterest clar,e. ArJ, worse, for some people,
Jebt corsoliJatior car create aJJitioral problems because tley
lave tle serse tlat tley row lave extra morey.
Debts car be mara,eJ ir a rumber of ways. Some Jebt mar-
a,emert comparies take tle clierts paycleck, pay tle bills, ,ive
tle cliert ar allowarce, arJ take a fee baseJ or tle amourt of
Jollars JistributeJ. tler or,arizatiors, usually employeJ arJ
paiJ by creJit carJ comparies, lelp clierts Jistribute re,ular pay-
merts to creJitors. Lrforturately, tlese approacles selJom
ircluJe ary eJucatior or firarcial plarrir, to lelp tle cliert
prevert firarcial problems ir tle future.
Dale clar,es a very small flat fee for ei,lteer mortls of Jebt
courselir, (possible because le las ircome from otler parts of
lis busiress) arJ tler meets frequertly witl clierts to ,o
tlrou,l bills arJ joirtly iJertify ways to meet tle firarcial
obli,atiors. Dale lelps clierts see optiors arJ tries to corvirce
tlem rot to make urreasorable commitmerts to creJitors. lor
example, a creJitor may wart $8O a mortl, but tle cliert car
orly afforJ $1O a mortl. Dale lelps tle cliert commuricate
witl tle creJitor arJ rot be bullieJ irto payir, more tlar le or
sle car mara,e. He tler ur,es lis clierts to be corsistert ir
meetir, tle commitmerts tleyve a,reeJ to.
Dale says lis ,oal is for clierts to be able to mara,e irJeper-
Jertly arJ prevert future problems, to Jevelop a plar for savir,s,
arJ evertually to be able to mara,e firarcial arJ estate plar-
rir, arJ irvestmert.

lor irformatior about a career as a mort,a,e loar officer:
Mort,a,e Larkers Associatior of America
1919 lerrsylvaria Averue NW
Waslir,tor, DC 2OOO6
State barkers associatiors car furrisl specific irformatior
about job opporturities ir eacl state. Also, irJiviJual barks car
supply irformatior about job operir,s arJ tle activities, respor-
sibilities, arJ preferreJ qualificatiors of tleir loar officers. r,
for ,ereral irformatior about barkir, careers, cortact:
Americar Larkers Associatior
112O Correcticut Averue NW
Waslir,tor, DC 2OO36
lor irformatior about tle securities irJustry:
Securities lrJustry Associatior
12O LroaJway
New York, NY 1O271
lor irformatior about careers arJ certificatior ir firarcial
lirarcial Mara,emert Associatior lrterratioral
Colle,e of Lusiress AJmiristratior
Lriversity of Soutl lloriJa
1ampa, lL 3362O
lor irformatior about careers ir firarcial arJ treasury mar-
a,emert arJ tle CertifieJ Casl Mara,er, CertifieJ lirarcial
arJ 1reasury Mara,er, arJ CertifieJ lrterratioral Casl Mar-
a,er pro,rams:
Associatior for lirarcial lrofessiorals
7315 Wiscorsir Averue, Suite 6OO West
LetlesJa, MD 2O81+
lor irformatior about tle ClartereJ lirarcial Aralyst
Associatior for lrvestmert Mara,emert arJ lesearcl
l.. Lox 3668
Clarlottesville, \A 229O3
lor irformatior about firarcial careers ir busiress creJit
mara,emert; tle CreJit Lusiress Associate, CreJit Lusiress
lellow, arJ CertifieJ CreJit Lxecutive Jesi,ratiors; arJ
irstitutiors offerir, ,raJuate courses ir creJit arJ firarcial
Natioral Associatior of CreJit Mara,emert
CreJit lesearcl lourJatior
88+O Columbia 1OO larkway
Columbia, MD 21O+5

Luyir, ir tle Workplace
uyir, ir tle workplace comes ir mary forms. 1lis clap-
ter focuses or professiorals wlo buy for retail busiresses.
1lese are ,ererally fast-paceJ, li,lly competitive jobs
witl lots of lours arJ lots of pressure.
Luyers for retail stores are sloppers, orly or a lar,e scale. 1ley
purclase merclarJise-from louselolJ ,ooJs arJ clotlir, to
electroric comporerts arJ maclirery-for resale. Luyers fall
irto two broaJ cate,ories:
- - purclase ,ooJs Jirectly from
marufacturers or otler wlolesale firms for resale to retail
firms or to otler commercial or,arizatiors.
- purclase ,ooJs from wlolesale firms or Jirectly
from marufacturers for resale to tle public.
Not orly Jo buyers try to obtair tle best available merclar-
Jise for tle lowest possible price, tley also work witl sales arJ
marketir, mara,ers to Jetermire low tle merclarJise will be
JistributeJ arJ marketeJ. Luyers workir, for meJium-sizeJ arJ
lar,e comparies usually specialize ir purclasir, ore or two lires
of merclarJise, wlereas buyers workir, for small stores may
purclase tle ertire stock of merclarJise.

Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.

1le route to becomir, a buyer varies from compary to compary.
Some firms promote qualifieJ employees to assistart buyer posi-
tiors; otlers recruit arJ trair colle,e ,raJuates arJ otler appli-
carts. Most stores prefer applicarts wlo lave completeJ
associates or baclelors Je,ree pro,rams ir fielJs sucl as market-
ir, or purclasir,. Most buyers be,ir as trairees before tley are
promoteJ to assistart buyers arJ, evertually, to buyers. 1rairee
pro,rams usually combire classroom irstructior ir merclarJis-
ir, arJ purclasir, witl slort job rotatiors ir areas sucl as sales,
accourts receivable, arJ tle stockroom. Lver after becomir, a
buyer, professiorals ir tle fielJ ofter take courses ir merclar-
Jisir, teclriques, atterJ traJe slows arJ corfererces, arJ reaJ
irJustry publicatiors.

1le most recert eJitior of tle
reports tlat tle meJiar ircome for buyers is $31,6OO. Most buy-
ers earr betweer $23,5OO arJ $+3,OOO a year. 1le lowest 1O per-
cert avera,es less tlar $18,OOO; tle top 1O percert earrs more
tlar $66,5OO. Hi,ler salaries are more likely ir lar,e or,ariza-
tiors arJ vary somewlat accorJir, to factors sucl as tle amourt
arJ type of proJuct purclaseJ arJ tle employers sales volume.
Luyers for lar,e wlolesale Jistributors arJ for mass merclarJis-
ers sucl as lar,e Jiscourt or clair Jepartmert stores are amor,
tle most li,lly paiJ.
Sam Slaver is tle Jecorative lousewares buyer for Yourkers
Departmert Stores, a twerty-ei,lt-store corporatior tlrou,lout
tle MiJwest witl leaJquarters ir lowa. Yourkers is part of tle
Saks Departmert Store Croup, wlicl ircluJes 2++ specialty arJ
Jepartmert stores. Sam travels overseas for wlat le corsiJers tle
most excitir, part of lis job-re,otiatir, witl overseas verJors
for tle Jesi,r, marufacture, arJ slipmert of Jecorative louse-
wares, wlicl ircluJe Jirrerware, ,lassware, acrylics, wooJ, arJ
ceramics. As part of tlese re,otiatiors, Sam must reacl a,ree-
merts witl tle verJors about tlir,s sucl as tle Jesi,rs tley will
urJertake; tle mirimum quartities tleyre willir, to marufac-
ture; tle Jesi,r, quartity, arJ price of boxir,; arJ Jelivery
Jates. 1lis travel usually mears ,oir, to 1aiwar, but it some-
times mears tle llilippires or Hor, lor,.

After two years of colle,e, Sam starteJ lis career as a trairee-

tle usual place for buyers to be,ir-for D. H. Holmes, at tlat
time a full-lire Jepartmert store ir New rlears. After a year as
a trairee ir operatiors (wlicl ircluJeJ tle warelouse furctior
of a Jepartmert store), Sam was promoteJ to superirterJert of
tle warelouse for tle lome area of twerty-two stores, wlicl
collectively laJ ar arrual sales volume of approximately $2+
millior. After five years, Sam followeJ a typical career patl
wler le trarsferreJ to tle merclarJise Jivisior of D. H.
Holmes, wlere le workeJ as a store mara,er for ore of tle small
stores-about tlirty tlousarJ square feet witl ar arrual vol-
ume of $6 millior-tlat specializeJ ir lome ,ooJs. Altlou,l
most store mara,ers are rot irvolveJ ir buyir,, Sam was, so le
laJ ar easy move wler, four years later, le was promoteJ to a
job as buyer ir lousewares. 1lat Jivisior, witl ar arrual
volume of approximately $5 millior, was resporsible for botl
basic arJ Jecorative lousewares. Wler DillarJs bou,lt D. H.
Holmes ir 1989, Sam workeJ as a merclarJise mara,er ir ore
of DillarJs New rlears stores before acceptir, a positior as
Jecorative lousewares buyer for Yourkers.
Sam las a wiJe rar,e of resporsibilities; le estimates tlat about
6O percert of lis job irvolves quartitative elemerts. His most
importart resporsibilities are forecastir, sales, turrovers,
markJowrs, arJ ,ross mar,irs for six-mortl perioJs (sprir, sea-
sor arJ fall seasor) for a Jepartmert tlat avera,es arourJ $5
millior ir sales (tle total for Jecorative lousewares ir all
Yourkers stores). Lverytlir, from Jips ir tle re,ioral ecoromy
to local upsur,es ir buyir, car cause Sam to perioJically reassess
lis forecast arJ corsiJer ircreasir, or reJucir, orJers for par-
ticular items. Sam assesses tle success of lis forecast by examir-
ir, tle breakJowr of sales arJ stock levels by store. 1o lelp lim
witl tlis assessmert, le receives a computer prirtout for Jecora-
tive lousewares ir eacl store from Yourkers mairframe com-
puter (a Jaily prirtout for sales; a weekly prirtout for items or
larJ, urits of stock solJ, arJ stock by classificatior, sucl as Jir-
rerware, ,lassware, flatware, wooJ, arJ ceramics). 1le task is
complicateJ as stores Jiffer ir tle sales forecasts for every classi-
ficatior because of factors sucl as locatior arJ competitior.
lf Sam misjuJ,es, le las merclarJise tlat Joesrt sell arJ las
to make a Jecisior about a markJowr price, tryir, to avoiJ a loss
for tlat particular item. He also is resporsible for settir, sales
,oals for eacl six-mortl perioJ, for purclasir, ,ooJs for resale
at tle best price to aclieve lis sales ,oals, arJ for re,otiatir,
witl verJors for aJvertisir, Jollars. Arotler part of Sams job is
re,ular commuricatior witl all Yourkers stores about sales pro-
motiors, rew merclarJise, arJ rew Jisplay corcepts ir Jecora-
tive lousewares.

Yourkers is a member of tle lreJerick Atkirs buyir, ,roup,

wlicl las mary member stores. 1le purpose of a buyir, ,roup
is to ,et better prices because of volume purclases. Wler Sam
,oes to 1aiwar, le may take a sketcl for a ceramic mu,, for
example, arJ ,et quotatiors for tle Jesi,r arJ marufacture of,
say, tlree tlousarJ urits, ter tlousarJ urits, arJ twerty tlou-
sarJ urits; tle ,reater tle volume, tle lower tle price le car
re,otiate. Domestic verJors offer less opporturity for re,otiat-
ir, price. However, tlere is still quite a rar,e tlat Sam car re,o-
tiate for a verJors cortributior to aJvertisir,, from as little as 3
percert to as li,l as 2O percert, baseJ or factors sucl as volume
of sales arJ articipateJ future sales. rce Sam krows tle cost of
tle item itself, le las to aJJ ir frei,lt (usually 3 to 6 percert for
wooJ arJ ceramics, arJ 8 to 12 percert for ,lass) arJ tle cost of
aJvertisir, above tle verJor cortributior. After tlat, le car
Jetermire tle retail markup.

Altlou,l Jevelopir, expertise ir retail buyir, JeperJs more or

or-tle-job experierce tlar it Joes or acaJemic preparatior,
Sam las fourJ some of lis colle,e courses useful, especially tlose
ir irterior Jesi,r, commuricatior skills, arJ time mara,emert.
However, le says tleres or,oir, irformal trairir, arJ support
proviJeJ by Jivisioral merclarJise mara,ers (wlo were typi-
cally buyers before tleir promotiors). lor someore plarrir, a
career ir tle retail irJustry, Sam stresses tle value of courses ir
matl, accourtir,, computer applicatiors, arJ mara,emert
because activities ir tlese areas make up tle majority of lis
Lauri llatter works as a buyer trairee for lareway Stores, a clair
of more tlar fifty ,rocery stores. Lacl store buys its owr clips,
beer, soJa, sracks, arJ breaJs from irJiviJual verJors, but tle
sever buyers ir tle corporatiors certralizeJ buyir, Jepartmert
are resporsible for supplyir, everytlir, else. Cererally, buyers
for ,rocery stores separate items irto tle followir, cate,ories:
refri,erateJ fooJs
frozer fooJs
lealtl arJ beauty proJucts
fresl meat
processeJ arJ frozer meat
,roceries, wlicl ircluJe virtually everytlir, else-flour,
su,ar, mixes, cereals arJ relateJ items, carreJ ,ooJs, paper
,ooJs, spices, soaps, pickles, corJimerts, carJy, pet items,
baby items, coffee, packa,eJ fooJs, arJ so fortl
1le lar,er tle clair of ,rocery stores, tle ,reater tle special-
izatior amor, tle buyers. A very lar,e clair mi,lt lave a buyer
wlo Jeals primarily witl frozer fooJs or pet items or paper
,ooJs. Altlou,l tle buyers at lareway Jo specialize, tley lave
several areas of specializatior. lor example, ore buyer larJles all
tle meat, wletler fresl, frozer, or processeJ. ArJ Lauri, as a
buyer trairee, larJles pet items, baby items, coffee, arJ some
packa,eJ fooJs (for example, rice, rooJles, puJJir,s, arJ

Lauri laJ workeJ for lareway Stores ir tle buyir, Jepartmert

for tlirteer years, so sle krew tle or,arizatior well wler sle
became a buyer trairee. lmmeJiately after ,raJuatir, from li,l
sclool, wlere sle took courses ir typir,, bookkeepir,, arJ
matl, Lauri wert to work as a secretary for a verJir, maclire
compary. 1ler sle took time off to stay at lome witl ler clil-
Jrer. Several years later, after a six-mortl stirt as a part-time
clerk, sle wert to work as a tlree-Jay-a-week secretary ir tle
buyir, Jepartmert for lareway, a positior sle lelJ for ter years.
Sle tler ircreaseJ ler time to four Jays a week wler tle
Jepartmert reeJeJ ler to become familiar witl its rew computer
system. Wler a buyer positior opereJ up, tle mara,er of tle
Jepartmert, Lob Carper, askeJ Lauri if sleJ like to become a
buyer. Wler sle saiJ yes, le createJ a buyer-trairee positior.
Lauri sees lerself as lavir, two primary resporsibilities: pur-
clasir, ,ooJs at tle lowest possible price arJ keepir, irvertory
or larJ so stores car orJer from tle warelouse. Lauri las sev-
eral ways sle ,oes about ,ettir, tle best prices. re way
irvolves resporJir, to special limiteJ-time offers from wlole-
salers wlo promote certs-off prices for cases of particular items.
Arotler way is to look for Jeals wlere marufacturers are offer-
ir, specific promotiors (for example, a price break, sometimes
coupleJ witl firarcial assistarce or aJvertisir,, JeperJir, or
tle volume orJereJ). A tlirJ way is to ,et to krow tle brokers
for Jifferert proJucts; tley become a valuable resource for clue-
ir, buyers ir to ,ooJ prices. Lauri also clecks frei,lt rates,
krowir, tlat urrecessary frei,lt clar,es aJJ to tle prices cor-
sumers lave to pay. lirally, sle purclases ir bulk, by tle truck-
loaJ. lecertly, for example, sle orJereJ a truckloaJ of pet fooJ
(forty-four tlousarJ pourJs), a truckloaJ of baby fooJs, a truck-
loaJ of soups, arJ a truckloaJ of kitty litter.
Lauris secorJ resporsibility is keepir, irvertory or larJ. Sle
re,ularly clecks tle computerizeJ irvertory tlat tle warelouse
keeps. ltems erter tle irvertory wler tley arrive at tle ware-
louse arJ are removeJ wler tleyre loaJeJ for Jelivery to irJi-
viJual stores. Lauri works or a weekly turr" (wlat's solJ ir a
week plus tle Jelivery time). Wler stores rur aJs about specials,
Lauri las to calculate tlat more of tle aJvertiseJ item will be
solJ Jurir, tlat week tlar wler tle item isrt aJvertiseJ arJ/or
isrt or special. Altlou,l irJiviJual stores let tle warelouse
krow low mucl of a special item tley plar to orJer, Lauri says
experierce is ler bi,,est lelp ir juJ,ir, irvertory levels of ler
stock. As sles watclir, stock levels, sle also reeJs to calculate
tle amourt of time sle reeJs to ,et tle orJer ir so tle ware-
louse Joesrt rur out of tle proJuct. lor example, wler twerty-
five-pourJ ba,s of a brarJ-rame Jo, fooJ are aJvertiseJ as a
special promotior, tleyre a fast-movir, item. lareway stores car
,o tlrou,l four truckloaJs of Jo, fooJ ir ore week. (1lats
176,OOO pourJs of Jo, fooJ, more tlar 7,OOO twerty-five-pourJ
ba,s.) A firal way tlat Lauri mara,es ler irvertory is by rot
orJerir, too mucl aleaJ so tlat stock Joesrt ,et olJ or out-
JateJ. lor example, baby fooJs arJ formulas lave a slort slelf
life. Ly orJerir, smaller slipmerts, Lauri car plar tlat tlese
items Jort sit ir tle warelouse for more tlar two or tlree

Lauri says tlat wler sle starteJ sleJ alreaJy learreJ about
lareways computer system, wlicl tracks virtually all warelouse
irformatior for all items-price, special Jeals arJ price breaks,
layers arJ quartity per pallet, cases per pallet, locatior of pallets,
size arJ wei,lt, weekly arJ quarterly sales, pa,e listir, ir store
catalo,, arJ buyer. Wlat sle reeJeJ to learr was low to work
witl tle promotiors tlat were offereJ so tlat sle coulJ come up
witl tle best price to pass or to customers.
1o Jo ler job, Lauri says a persor reeJs a ,ooJ attituJe arJ
,ooJ matl ability." You also lave to be comfortable witl com-
puters arJ be able to be effective ir ore-or-ore work witl a
,reat mary people. Lauri says tlat sle las receiveJ lots of lelp"
from Lob Carper arJ tle rest of tle buyers. 1lere's always
someore to arswer a questior."
- -
lurclasir, a,erts (purclasir, mara,ers, cortract mara,ers,
procuremert officers, irJustrial buyers) are resporsible for
obtairir, tle ,ooJs, materials, supplies, arJ services for tleir
or,arizatiors. 1ley cleck tle quality as well as tle quartity arJ
re,otiate tle price arJ tle Jelivery Jate. Makir, sure tle rec-
essary materials are available is critical for ary proJuctior
- - are usually resporsible for routire
purclases for ar or,arizatior arJ ofter specialize ir a ,roup
of relateJ commoJities, sucl as electroric comporerts,
lumber, or livestock.
- - are usually resporsible for more
complex purclasir, tasks arJ may supervise a ,roup of
a,erts larJlir, a rumber of relateJ ,ooJs arJ services.

Most comparies like ertry-level purclasir, a,erts to lave colle,e
Je,rees or a combiratior of colle,e courses arJ work experierce.
Some comparies will lire people witlout colle,e Je,rees arJ
start tlem as clerk-buyers wlo tler move up to buyer positiors.
However, aJvarcemert almost always requires a baclelors Je,ree
arJ ofter a masters Je,ree ir busiress. Comparies tlat Jeal witl
li,lly specializeJ or teclrical proJucts sucl as clemicals or
maclire tools expect purclasir, a,erts to lave a teclrical back-
,rourJ. Lecause so mucl work is Jore or tle computer, familiar-
ity witl computers is very importart. Le,irrir, purclasir,
a,erts ofter be,ir ir a trairir, pro,ram ir orJer to learr tle
comparys operatiors arJ purclasir, proceJures; tler tley work
witl experierceJ purclasir, a,erts to learr about commoJities,
prices, suppliers, arJ re,otiatir, teclriques.
1le reco,rizeJ mark of experierce arJ professioral compe-
terce is tle Jesi,ratior CertifieJ lurclasir, Mara,er (ClM),
corferreJ by tle Natioral Associatior of lurclasir, Mara,e-
mert (NAlM). lr orJer to receive tlis Jesi,ratior, carJiJates
must pass four exams arJ meet eJucatioral arJ experierce
requiremerts. tler Jesi,ratiors of professioral competerce are
also possible. State arJ local ,overrmert employees wlo meet
experierce requiremerts car pass exams to earr tle Jesi,ratior
of lrofessioral lublic Luyer (llL) or CertifieJ lublic lurclas-
ir, fficer (Cll). A,erts specializir, ir cortractual aspects
of purclasir, wlo meet eJucatioral arJ experierce require-
merts car complete aJvarceJ course work arJ pass exams to
earr tle Jesi,ratior of CertifieJ Associate Cortract Mara,er
(CACM) or CertifieJ lrofessioral Cortract Mara,er (ClCM).

1le most recert eJitior of tle
reports tlat tle meJiar ircome for purclasir, a,erts is approx-
imately $31,6OO. 1le miJJle 5O percert of purclasir, a,erts
earrs betweer $23,5OO arJ $+3,OOO a year. 1le lowest 1O per-
cert avera,es less tlar $18,OOO; tle top 1O percert earrs more
tlar $66,5OO.
- -

Merle LrerJelarJ is tle purclasir, mara,er for Sauer-

SurJstrarJ Compary, ar irterratioral corporatior tlat maru-
factures comporerts for fluiJ power equipmert. 1le Jivisior
Merle works for marufactures lyJrostatic trarsmissiors, wlicl
corvert fluiJ power to wleels for everytlir, from riJir, lawr-
mowers to lar,e eartl-movir, equipmert. 1lis Jivisior las tlree
locatiors arJ ore tlousarJ employees, witl about $125 millior
ir ,ross sales arJ $+3 to $++ millior ir arrual purclasir,.
1le ei,lt purclasir, a,erts wlom Merle supervises are tle
sloppers for tle compary," wlose primary resporsibility is to
keep proJuctior ir operatior. At Sauer-SurJstrarJ, tley reeJ
to ersure tlat sufficiert amourts of tle followir, items are
raw materials arJ piece parts (for example, steel, bearir,s,
castir,s, stampir,s, laser-cut parts, arJ so or)
proJucts (for example, software arJ leaseJ autos)
recessary services (everytlir, from jaritorial service arJ
temporary labor to lawr mairterarce arJ pest cortrol)
1le purclasir, Jepartmert is resporsible for writir, all requests
for proposals arJ re,otiatir, all cortracts.
1lese purclasir, a,erts sperJ about 6O to 7O percert of tleir
time purclasir, raw materials arJ tle remairJer of tle time or
wlat tley call Ml-mairterarce, repairs, arJ operatiors.
1le purclasir, a,erts terJ to specialize ir various areas; tle
compary promotes tlis specializatior. lor example, purclasir,
a,erts are ercoura,eJ to learr about tle teclrolo,ies tley Jeal
witl, tle irJustry leaJers, tle locatior of raw materials, arJ var-
ious ,eopolitical factors tlat mi,lt irfluerce Jelivery of tlose
materials. Merle explairs tlat it takes two to tlree years for rew
purclasir, a,erts to learr purclasir, basics arJ tler to refire
tleir proJuct krowleJ,e from tle basics. As tley ,air experi-
erce, tley learr a lot about plair olJ busiress serse."

Merle limself starteJ out witl a baclelors Je,ree ir public

service aJmiristratior. His first job was as a buyer ir a,ricultural
clemicals. 1ler le spert tlirteer years as tle purclasir,
mara,er for worlJwiJe purclases for Lourrs, ar electrorics firm
ir Califorria. He tler accepteJ tle job at Sauer-SurJstrarJ as
its purclasir, mara,er. Alor, tle way, le las taker several
,raJuate courses focusir, or marketir, arJ corporate etlics arJ
Merle says le row sperJs little of lis time buyir,. lrsteaJ, le
sperJs approximately +O to 5O percert of lis time travelir,-vis-
itir, verJors, atterJir, traJe slows (wlicl le poirts out are ar
excellert source of irformatior about rew proJucts arJ ser-
vices), arJ visitir, otler Sauer-SurJstrarJ facilities. 1ypically,
le makes slort trips tlrou,lout tle LriteJ States, but le also
las Jore a ,reat Jeal of overseas travel, witl trips to tle lacific
lim, Certral America, arJ Lurope. Arotler 2O to 3O percert of
lis time is spert ir re,otiatiors for cortracts tlat are more tlar
$1OO,OOO. lr tlese cases, le works witl tle Sauer-SurJstrarJ
purclasir, a,ert arJ tle outsiJe verJor. 1le balarce of lis time
is spert witl various aJmiristrative tasks arJ meetir,s.
Merle explairs tlat most irteractiors are strai,ltforwarJ, pro-
fessioral arrar,emerts. 1le purclasir, a,ert arJ tle verJor
botl urJerstarJ tle rules. However, le says tlere are sometimes
some urusual situatiors tlat make tle job urexpecteJly irter-
estir,. lor irstarce, orce a software compary trieJ to preJate a
major purclase a,reemert after it laJ JeclareJ barkruptcy;
Merle erJeJ up makir, a Jepositior ir frort of tle Securities
arJ Lxclar,e Commissior (SLC) before tle software compary
recarteJ its iritial claim.
Less serious, Merle says, las beer tryir, to urJerstarJ tle
price structure arJ services useJ by some pest extermirators:
wlat pests are tley ,oir, to elimirate, low ofter will tley
irspect, wlat ,uarartees will tley make. r take tle case wlere
tle local police Jepartmert warteJ tle rames of tle persorrel
employeJ by Sauer-SurstrarJs jaritorial arJ trasl-laulir, cor-
tractors. r tle case of tle forei,r marufacturer wlo warteJ a
borus to ,uarartee tlat le useJ li,l-quality material arJ pro-
viJeJ urirterrupteJ work (wlat le calleJ ar artilabor irter-
ruptior service"). r tle forei,r marufacturer wlo reeJeJ
Sauer-SurJstrarJ to pay tle electricity bill (ir casl) before work
coulJ proceeJ.
Lar,e cortracts for major proJucts are usually for tlree to five
years, so ir makir, Jecisiors about wlicl verJors to use, Merle
examires a rumber of factors. lirst arJ most importart, le cor-
siJers tle of tle proJuct or service. Alor, witl quality,
le corsiJers tle askir, a variety of questiors: ls tle
compary is similar to Sauer-SurJstrarJ` Does it lave tle same
mara,emert plilosoply` ls it a firarcially viable or,arizatior` ls
tle mara,emert accessible` Car tle compary larJle tle job`
1ler Merle corsiJers - wlicl irvolves a ,reat mary more
factors tlar tle price of tle item itself:
ease of use (for example, are tle parts ir plastic sleeves so
tlat tleyre time corsumir, to ,et out arJ use)
packa,ir, (for example, Joes it sufficiertly protect tle
proJuct or is it bulky to store)
clearliress (for example, Jo tle parts reeJ to be wasleJ
before tleyre useJ)
frei,lt (tle cost of slippir, tle item to tle store or
value aJJeJ (for example, is steel cut arJ sorteJ to ler,tl)
lirally, Merle las to corsiJer wlicl ircluJes rot
orly tle timeliress of tle Jelivery but wletler tle verJor is will-
ir, to Jeliver ir, say, weekly ircremerts irsteaJ of slip orce a
quarter, wlicl recessitates warelousir, or stora,e.
Merle believes tlat purclasir, a,erts are ar urJerroticeJ pro-
fessior," a professior tlat is ,rowir, ir importarce as comparies
seek more arJ more ,ooJs arJ services from exterral verJors.
As mairtairir, a vertically irte,rateJ irJustry is becomir, pro-
libitively expersive, tle role of purclasir, a,ert is becomir,
more importart. You Jor't make morey wler you sell; you
make it or low you buy."

lor furtler irformatior about eJucatior, trairir,, arJ/or certifi-
catior for purclasir, careers:
Americar lurclasir, Society
+3O West Dowrer llace
Aurora, lL 6O5O6
Natioral Associatior of lurclasir, Mara,emert
l.. Lox 2216O
1empe, Az 85285
Natioral lrstitute of Coverrmertal lurclasir,, lrc.
151 Sprir, Street
HerrJor, \A 2O17O

Marketir, arJ Sellir, ir
tle Workplace
ellir, is bi, busiress, arJ tlis clapter car Jeal orly witl
a few of tle mary occupatiors tlat irvolve sales. lor
irstarce, you car work ir wlolesale or retail sales, you car
work Jirectly witl tle public or ir mara,emert, or you car sell
proJucts or services. Wlatever your focus, if you JeciJe to work
ir sales, you reeJ to lave ,ooJ people skills arJ ,ooJ problem-
solvir, skills. You also reeJ to be able to be persuasive arJ ,ooJ-
ratureJ ir tle face of urexpecteJ corflicts.
- --
Sales service represertatives sell a wiJe variety of services, from
lirer supplies to cable 1\, from eJucatioral services to tele-
plore commuricatior systems. Some sales service represerta-
tives sell complex services sucl as irvertory cortrol, payroll
processir,, sales aralysis, arJ firarcial reportir,. Several exam-
ples illustrate tle possibilities:
Ar -- - - mi,lt persuaJe
states to use a particular licersir, exam or irsurarce laws
arJ re,ulatiors.
A -- - - coulJ cortact
,overrmert, busiress, arJ professioral ,roups to solicit
corvertior arJ corfererce busiress for tle lotel.

Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.
-- plar pro,rams to raise morey for clarities or
otler causes sucl as tle Special lympics.
- - -- for temporary lelp a,ercies car
locate arJ acquire clierts wlo will use tle comparys
-- - -- cortact arJ visit
commercial customers to review tleir commuricatior
systems, aralyze tleir commuricatior reeJs, arJ recommerJ
appropriate equipmert arJ services to meet tlose reeJs.
Despite tle Jiversity of tle services, all sales service repre-
sertatives slare a rumber of claracteristics. 1ley all must urJer-
starJ arJ be able to explair tle comparys services. 1le
proceJures tley follow are similar ir tlat tley Jevelop lists of
prospective clierts to cortact. 1ley select from a variety of
metloJs-Jiscussiors, Jemorstratiors, auJiovisual preserta-
tiors, reaJir, material, questior-arJ-arswer sessiors-to try to
persuaJe tle potertial customer to purclase tle service. lf tle
potertial customer buys tle service, tle sales service represerta-
tive re,ularly follows up to make sure tlat tle service is meetir,
tle customers reeJs.

Most sales service represertatives lave colle,e Je,rees. Lmploy-
ers wlo lave a complex or teclrical service may require tlat
tleir sales service represertatives lave specializeJ Je,rees ir
marketir,, computer scierce, or er,ireerir,. Mary comparies
lave tleir owr trairir, pro,rams tlat irtroJuce tle comparys
operatiors arJ services as well as review various sales teclriques,
sucl as prospectir, for customers, probir, customer reeJs, irter-
viewir,, makir, sales presertatiors, arJ closir, a sale. Some
comparies also proviJe motivatioral arJ sersitivity trairir,.

AccorJir, to tle most recert
tle meJiar arrual earrir,s for specializeJ sales service repre-
sertatives are $35,OOO. Larrir,s of sales service represertatives
are corsiJerably li,ler for tlose wlo sell teclrical services,
sucl as computer or commuricatior services. Some sales service
represertatives car earr more tlar $1OO,OOO a year.
- -
Lisa Lttlir,er is a serior major accourt represertative for MCl,
a telecommuricatiors compary. Wler Lisa starteJ at MCl, tle
compary laJ +5O employees; row it is a telecommuricatiors
,iart, wlicl mears tlat its tlousarJs of employees rot orly
lave lots of opporturities, but tley also reeJ to be flexible arJ
aJapt to tle mary clar,es tlat are part of a rapiJly ,rowir,
Lisas owr professioral success las paralleleJ tle success of MCl.
Sle starteJ out ir telemarketir, arJ tler was promoteJ to
accourt executive ir ,ereral busiress sales. After tlat sle moveJ
up to a positior as serior accourt executive arJ tler to accourt
executive. Arotler promotior brou,lt ler to serior accourt
executive arJ arotler ore to ler currert positior as serior
major accourt represertative. Lisas commitmert to ler job at
MCl is rewarJeJ. Sle works or a salary plus commissior basis,
witl approximately 5O percert of ler ircome comir, from eacl.
lor people ir ler positior, tle base salary rar,es betweer
$3O,OOO to $5O,OOO, witl ro ceilir, or commissiors.
lr orJer to be corsiJereJ as a major accourt by MCl, a com-
pary reeJs to lave lor,-Jistarce teleplore experses rar,ir,
from approximately $5O,OOO per mortl to $+OO,OOO per mortl.
(Above tlat amourt, tle accourts are larJleJ by a ratioral
accourt represertative.) 1ypically, Lisa mara,es a Jozer major
accourts, courtir, amor, ler clierts well-krowr firms ir
firarce, retail busiress, computer software, meJicire, arJ ploto
ima,ir,. Sle says tlis variety is ore of tle best parts of ler job.

Lisa says ler job is essertially a sales positior, so ler baclelors

Je,ree ir psyclolo,y witl a miror ir public relatiors lelps ler
Jeal witl Jifferert people ir Jifferert ervirormerts. Sle ,ets to
use tleories of lumar belavior every Jay.
Lisa also ackrowleJ,es tle value of ler back,rourJ ir matl.
Sle says sles lucky to lave matlematical aptituJe so tlat work-
ir, witl rumbers is irterestir, arJ easy. 1lese quartitative
skills come ir larJy wler sles Jealir, witl customers wlo lave
stror, quartitative back,rourJs. lor example, people sle re,u-
larly works witl at two of ler currert major accourts expect ler
to be comfortable usir, quartitative corcepts (arJ vocabulary)
to explore tleir comparies telecommuricatior reeJs.
Lisa krows tlat courses sles taker ir calculus, basic ,eometry,
arJ computer scierce lave beer lelpful, especially sirce a ,ooJ
Jeal of ler job requires ler to aralyze complex firarcial state-
merts arJ write proposals for rew major accourts, wlicl sle
says lave lots of rumbers." lrcluJeJ ir a proposal is a JetaileJ
estimate of all tle costs irvolveJ witl tle MCl services a com-
pary woulJ use. 1lis cost estimate ircluJes a Jifferert rate struc-
ture for every service or proJuct, a structure tlat is affecteJ by a
lar,e rumber of variables, some of wlicl are time of service (Jay,
everir,, or ri,lt), ,eo,raplic rar,es, arJ volume Jiscourts.
Lisa reeJs tle ability to corceptualize a major proposal, wlicl
ircluJes projectiors of tle payback perioJ for Jifferert corfi,u-
ratiors of services as well as mortlly arJ arrual experses arJ
savir,s. Altlou,l Lisa las computers to lelp ler Jo mary of tle
estimates arJ projectiors, tley Jort Jo everytlir,, so ler quar-
titative skills are importart.
Lisa separates ler resporsibilities irto two broaJ cate,ories:
mara,ir, existir, accourts arJ pursuir, rew accourts. Her
resporsibilities to ler customers start witl krowir, low tleir
busiresses work so sle car make sure tlat tley lave tle tecl-
rolo,y for tle services tley reeJ, tlat tleir retworks are oper-
atir, correctly, arJ tlat tley are aware of rew proJucts tlat
mi,lt make tle work more efficiert or corveriert.
Lisa explairs tlat ore of tle most importart aspects of ,ettir,
rew accourts is Joir, researcl to urJerstarJ as mucl as possi-
ble about low tleir busiresses work. So, for example, wler sle
recertly was workir, to aJJ a major trauma certer to ler list of
accourts, sle rot orly learreJ about its busiress operatiors arJ
telecommuricatiors, but sle also learreJ about tle special reeJs
tley laJ because of tleir meJical specialties.
lart of Lisas job ir sellir, irvolves makir, customers aware of
tle mary services tley car use witl MCl-services for Jata
trarsmissior, lires for viJeo corferercir, or corfererce callir,,
teleplore voice mail, arJ fax services, for example. DeperJir,
or wlicl of tle mary proJucts arJ services tlat sles focusir,
or, Lisa may cortact people ir telecommuricatiors, firarce, or
lr learrir, about ler customers, Lisa reaJs a ,reat Jeal about
busiress ir tle traJe ma,azires, arJ arrual
reports. Sle also takes MCl trairir, classes, wlicl are offereJ
re,ularly or a variety of topics, ircluJir, all of MCls proJucts as
well as trairir, ir sales, mara,emert, commuricatiors, time
mara,emert, arJ Jata services.
Lecause retail sales is a li,lly competitive busiress, arJ retail
sales workers lave more cortact witl customers tlar ary otler
employees ir tle busiress, tlese workers must create a positive
impressior or tle customers. lrcreasir,ly, employers are stress-
ir, tle importarce of customer service arJ satisfactior.
letail sales workers are primarily resporsible for irterestir,
customers ir tle merclarJise. 1o Jo tlis, tley reeJ to be per-
sorable, but, equally importart, tley reeJ to krow about tle
merclarJise, its corstructior, quality, features, arJ moJels.
letail sales workers also lave to be krowleJ,eable about store
security proceJures. lor some jobs, retail sales workers reeJ to
lave specializeJ krowleJ,e-for example, sales of persoral
computers, electroric ertertairmert (\Cls, CD players, arJ
so fortl), lumber, appliarces, arJ ,arJer/yarJ fertilizers arJ
lr aJJitior to sellir, merclarJise, retail sales workers are
ofter expecteJ to complete a variety of tasks:
oper arJ close tle casl re,ister or tle ertire store
larJle casl, cleck, arJ clar,e paymerts
make out sales slips
larJle returrs arJ exclar,es
make Jeposits ir tle casl office
lelp stock slelves arJ racks
take irvertory
prepare Jisplays
lr some stores, customer satisfactior is so importart tlat retail
sales workers are ercoura,eJ to lelp customers locate wlat tley
reeJ, ever if it mears su,,estir, otler stores tlat tle customer
mi,lt try.

Most retail sales positiors lave ro formal eJucatior require-
merts. However, sales workers must erjoy workir, witl people,
be tactful, arJ make a positive impressior. Most small or,ariza-
tiors lave irformal or-tle-job trairir,, witl tle mara,er or a
more experierceJ employee slowir, tle rew sales worker tle
proceJures. Lar,er or,arizatiors sometimes lave more formal
trairir, pro,rams. 1lese pro,rams car take tle form of several
Jays of oriertatior, ircluJir, presertatiors, Jemorstratiors,
viJeo trairir, tapes, arJ larJs-or practice. Subjects covereJ
usually ircluJe makir, casl, cleck, arJ clar,e sales; customer
service; returrs arJ exclar,es; store security; arJ store policies.

Larrir,s of retail sales workers vary tremerJously by tle type of
busiress, tle proJuct beir, solJ, arJ tle employees experierce.
Some busiresses start retail sales workers at mirimum wa,e.
(Lmployees urJer a,e twerty car be paiJ a lower trairir, wa,e"
for up to six mortls.) Some retail sales workers receive a salary
plus commissior; otlers work or a salary-orly or a commissior-
orly basis. Lerefits usually JeperJ or tle size of tle busiress.
AccorJir, to tle most recert
tle meJiar lourly wa,e for retail sales workers is $7.61.
1le lowest 1O percert earrs less tlar $5.76, arJ tle li,lest 1O
percert earrs more tlar $1+.53 per lour.
Lee loster works ir cortractor arJ retail lumber sales for
Cla,ror Lumber arJ Home Certer. Lefore takir, tle job at
Cla,ror, le workeJ for Webber Lumber for six years, most
recertly as a mara,er (promoteJ from assistart mara,er arJ
salespersor). lrior to tlat, le workeJ for five years for Cross-
mars as ar area supervisor (promoteJ from sales arJ tle stock-
room). Cla,ror Lumber arJ Home Certer las arrual sales of
about $1O millior. 1le compary employs about twerty sales-
people. 1le irJustry is keyeJ or tle local arJ re,ioral ecoromy,
so ir better ecoromic times Cla,ror las approximately fifty
employees witl arrual sales of more tlar $5O millior.
Lees primary resporsibility, ir fact about 6O percert of lis job,
irvolves sellir, materials to cortractors. lr orJer to Jo tlis well,
le reeJs extersive proJuct krowleJ,e so tlat le car recom-
merJ wlicl proJucts to use ir specific situatiors. lor example,
le reeJs to krow about tle strer,tl factor of usir, two-ircl-by-
six-ircl lumber versus two-ircl-by-ter-ircl lumber. He reeJs
to krow low various species of lumber-sucl as pire, oak, arJ
malo,ary-Jiffer ir appeararce, strer,tl, practicality, arJ
Jurability. He reeJs to krow features arJ furctiors of Jifferert
brarJs of Joors arJ wirJows-irsulatir, values arJ air irfiltra-
tior, amor, otlers.
Arotler 25 percert of Lees job irvolves larJlir, special-
orJer purclasir,. 1le firal 15 percert irvolves Joir, material
takeoffs from blueprirts. lor example, a cortractor brir,s ir
blueprirts, arJ Lee ,ives tle cortractor a list of all materials
reeJeJ for tle builJir,.
Lees experierce ir retail lumber sales erables lim to krow
wlere to ,et wlat. He krows wlat proJuct will fit a particular
reeJ arJ wlat suppliers to cortact. Altlou,l virtually arytlir,
is available for a certair cost, Lee likes to presert customers witl
optiors, so le works to recommerJ tle most appropriate proJ-
uct for tle least cost arJ Joes a cost-berefit aralysis of aJJitioral
features. lor example, a customer wlo reeJs fascia boarJs (trim
boarJs) may wart tlem ir reJwooJ; Lee tler will explair tlat
pire fascia boarJs are also ar optior. Altlou,l pire Joesrt lave
irsect or rot resistarce, it is available at ore-tlirJ tle cost. Sim-
ilarly, Lee krows various Jistributors wlo larJle a starJarJ item
witl tle same specs (tle same lollow-core Joor car be $12 from
ore Jistributor arJ $2O from arotler Jistributor).

After two arJ ore-lalf years of colle,e ir busiress mara,emert,
Lee wert irto retail lumber sales. He says lis colle,e courses were
useful ir teaclir, lim low to Jeal witl people. 1ley also were
lelpful ir ,ivir, lim a fourJatior ir matl, wlicl is very impor-
tart ir lis job. Lee says tlat le uses everytlir, up to calculus or
a Jaily basis. 1ypically, le may lave to fi,ure tle ar,le of a roof
(its pitcl) or may lave to fi,ure tle amourt of lumber recessary
to corstruct special-orJer wirJows tlat lave urusual ,eometric
slapes. Lver after le starteJ workir, at lumberyarJs, Lee kept
takir, job-relateJ semirars ir a variety of topics, from tle limi-
tatiors of various wirJow Jesi,rs to pricir, scleJules for wir-
Jow applicatiors.
Lee estimates tlat at least 7O percert of lis job Jirectly
irvolves basic matl. He says, lt seems as if l use rumbers every
mirute of every Jay because basically lm workir, witl morey,
wlicl is rumbers." lor example, larJlir, special orJers irvolves
takir, tle wlolesale cost arJ corvertir, it irto a sales price by
corsiJerir, markup (Jiffererce betweer tle sellir, price arJ tle
cost) arJ mar,ir (profitability, ircluJir, overleaJ). Lee coulJ
buy a basic steel Joor for $1OO. Witl a +5 percert markup, le
coulJ sell it for $1+5; tlat woulJ ,ive lim a mar,ir of, say, 29
percert after le takes larJlir, arJ overleaJ irto accourt. r
le coulJ buy a custom-sizeJ Joor for $1OO arJ sell it to tle cus-
tomer for $175; tle markup woulJ be 75 percert, but tle mar,ir
mi,lt be 5O percert after le takes larJlir, arJ overleaJ irto
accourt. 1le markup, wlicl varies JeperJir, or tle proJuct,
its features, arJ tle customer, car rar,e from 18 percert to 3OO
percert; lowever, a typical markup is about +O percert.
Lee su,,ests tlat aryore irteresteJ ir ,oir, irto retail sales take
courses ir busiress; matl, sucl as al,ebra, tri,orometry, ,eome-
try, arJ basic calculus; arJ mara,emert. Lut tle key, le says, is
experierce. lt's vital to lave experierce; it makes tle Jiffererce
betweer someore wlo takes orJers arJ someore wlo fulfills cus-
tomers' reeJs."

1le furJamertal objective of ary or,arizatior is to market its

proJucts or services profitably. lr very small comparies, tle
owrer may assume all marketir, resporsibilities. lr lar,e compa-
ries, ar experierceJ marketir, mara,er coorJirates tlese
efforts. 1lis mara,er is ,ererally resporsible for tle overall mar-
ketir, policy, wlicl may ircluJe tle followir, activities:
corJuctir, market researcl to Jetermire tle JemarJ for tle
proJucts arJ/or services
moritorir, trerJs tlat irJicate reeJ for rew proJucts arJ
Jevelopir, pricir, strate,ies
overseeir, proJuct Jevelopmert
Jevelopir, a marketir, strate,y to promote tle firms
proJucts arJ services
workir, cooperatively witl sales, aJvertisir,, arJ public
relatiors to implemert tle marketir, strate,ies

A wiJe rar,e of back,rourJs are suitable for ertry irto market-
ir,, but mary employers prefer a broaJ liberal arts back,rourJ.
Some employers prefer tlat people ir marketir, mara,emert
lave a baclelors Je,ree or a masters Je,ree ir busiress aJmir-
istratior witl a corcertratior ir marketir,. Course work ir
busiress law, ecoromics, accourtir,, firarce, matlematics, arJ
statistics is also li,lly recommerJeJ. lr li,lly teclrical irJus-
tries, a baclelors Je,ree ir er,ireerir,, computer scierce, or
scierce coupleJ witl a masters Je,ree ir marketir, is preferreJ.

AccorJir, to tle tle meJiar
arrual ircome for marketir, mara,ers is $57,3OO. 1le lowest
1O percert earrs $28,2OO or less, wlile tle top 1O percert earrs
more tlar $116,2OO. Salaries betweer $75,OOO arJ $1OO,OOO
are rot urcommor. Salaries vary substartially JeperJir, or tle
level of mara,erial resporsibility, ler,tl of service, arJ size arJ
locatior of tle or,arizatior.
Dale leever is tle marketir, researcl mara,er for tle lowa
State Lottery.

Dale came to tle Lottery Commissior witl ar associates Je,ree

ir accourtir,. Sirce tler le las earreJ a baclelors Je,ree ir
mara,emert witl a miror ir computer scierce. He believes cor-
tiruir, eJucatior is importart, so le re,ularly errolls ir ore or
two semirars every year. lor example, le wert to Notre Dames
sclool of marketir, researcl for a ore-week semirar. Lefore le
came to tle lottery, le workeJ as a buJ,etir, aralyst witl lowas
Departmert of Humar Services.
re of Dales primary resporsibilities is creatir, arJ mairtair-
ir, listorical arJ Jemo,raplical Jatabases about tle lottery tlat
are available to tle Jirector of tle lottery as well as otler
employees ir, for example, sales arJ marketir,. Dale reeJs to
aralyze tleir reeJs for tle Jata arJ or,arize tle irformatior ir
ways tlat articipate tleir questiors. Quite simply, le sees lim-
self as a repository of irformatior tlat people car use."
Dale also is irvolveJ ir rew proJuct Jevelopmert. Wler iJeas
for rew lottery proJucts come to Dale for evaluatior, le com-
putes tle oJJs of wirrir, arJ builJs computer moJels tlat cor-
siJer mary Jifferert variables. 1ler le takes tlese moJels arJ
Joes qualitative researcl witl focus ,roups arJ quartitative
researcl ir wlicl le aralyzes a rumber of elemerts: Wlats tle
potertial market slare` Will tley carribalize tleir owr ,ames`
Are tlere Jiffererces ir play belavior betweer mer arJ womer`
Are tlere critical ,eo,raplic factors to corsiJer, sucl as state
borJer or rural versus urbar customers`
Arotler resporsibility Dale las irvolves Jefirir, marketir,
strate,ies for tle team tlat writes tle marketir, plars for eacl
year. He also evaluates promotioral arJ aJvertisir, activities
usir, several Jifferert metloJolo,ies, ircluJir, exterral, cor-
tracteJ marketir, projects arJ irterral projects. Sometimes le
acts as a project mara,er for irterral projects, keepir, track of
factors sucl as cost effectiveress arJ turrarourJ time.
lr explairir, some of tle problems tlat le works or, Dale talks
about usir, a teclrique calleJ corjoirt aralysis to iJertify
attributes people wart ir rew lottery proJucts as well as to
moJify features of existir, lottery ,ames. 1o use tlis teclrique,
Dale takes a lottery proJuct arJ lists its attributes. lesporJerts
tler orJer tlese attributes by rark. 1le resporJerts rark orJer-
ir, is useJ to reorJer attributes so tlat tle most popular ores are
listeJ first. lr usir, corjoirt aralysis to Jevelop a rew ,ame, tle
lowa Lotto witl WilJ CarJ, Dale useJ a sample of four lurJreJ
resporJerts wlo rark orJereJ tle potertial attributes via a
computer-aiJeJ irterviewir, process. Later, tlese resporJerts
playeJ a trial versior of tle rew ,ame arJ tler were irtervieweJ
about prefererces arJ problems.
Dale explairs tlat aralytical skills are very useful, ir fact esser-
tial, to marketir, researcl. A marketir, researcl aralyst sperJs
about 8O percert of tle time ir aralytical tasks. 1le percerta,es
slift for mara,ers: Dale sperJs about +O percert of lis time ir
aralytical or quartitative tasks arJ tle remairir, 6O percert
performir, a variety of mara,emert resporsibilities, ircluJir,
lookir, at wlat otler states are Joir, ir tleir lotteries, cleckir,
out tle lottery irJustry, Jirectir, tle aralysts, participatir, ir
meetir,s to articipate marketir, researcl reeJs, arJ makir,
lor,-rar,e plars. Dale explairs tlat marketir, researcl las to
lave tle Jata to support a positior, to irfluerce Jecisiors. 1le
key is rot ,ettir, so close to your opiriors or so tieJ to a partic-
ular corclusior tlat you cart accept otler people's views."
- -
lrsurarce a,erts arJ brokers lelp irJiviJuals or comparies
select tle ri,lt policy for tleir reeJs for firarcial protectior
a,airst loss. LicerseJ a,erts are qualifieJ to aJvise about
irsurarce protectior for automobiles, lomes, busiresses, or otler
properties. 1ley also car lelp clierts mairtair recorJs arJ settle
lrsurarce a,erts may work for ore compary or be irJeper-
Jert a,erts sellir, for several comparies. Lrokers Jo rot sell for
a particular compary but place irsurarce policies for tleir clierts
witl tle compary tlat offers tle best rate arJ covera,e. Cerer-
ally, irsurarce policies fall irto ore of tlese two broaJ
- wlicl pays survivors wler tle policylolJer
Jies (life irsurarce a,erts are sometimes calleJ
- - wlicl protects irJiviJuals arJ
busiresses from firarcial loss as a result of auto acciJerts,
fire, tleft, or otler losses

Mary irsurarce comparies prefer colle,e ,raJuates, particularly
tlose wlo lave majoreJ ir busiress or ecoromics. A few com-
paries may lire li,l sclool ,raJuates witl sales ability or witl a
successful track recorJ ir some otler type of work. Altlou,l
most colle,es offer irsurarce courses, a few offer a baclelors
Je,ree ir irsurarce. tler courses tlat are lelpful ircluJe
firarce, matlematics, accourtir,, ecoromics, busiress law, ,ov-
errmert, arJ busiress aJmiristratior. Courses ir psyclolo,y,
sociolo,y, eJucatior, arJ public speakir, also car be very useful.
1le ability to use computer applicatiors is very importart, sirce
rearly all a,erts keep tleir clierts recorJs, as well as irformatior
about tle various firarcial proJucts tley offer, or a computer.
All irsurarce a,erts must be licerseJ ir tle states wlere
tley plar to sell irsurarce. lr most states, licerses are issueJ to
irJiviJuals wlo lave completeJ specifieJ courses arJ passeJ a
writter exam. New a,erts usually receive trairir, at tle a,ercy
wlere tley work arJ also, frequertly, at tle comparys lome
office. Lver after tleyre licerseJ, mary irsurarce a,erts re,u-
larly take semirars arJ workslops to learr more about firarcial
proJucts arJ to improve tleir sales skills. lr some states, sucl
cortiruir, eJucatior is requireJ.

1le meJiar arrual ircome of salarieJ irsurarce sales workers is
$3+,+OO accorJir, to tle 1le
lowest 1O percert earrs $17,9OO or less, wlile tle top 1O percert
earrs more tlar $92,OOO arrually. Cererally, comparies pay
a,erts a moJest salary Jurir, a trairir, perioJ, wlicl usually
lasts about six mortls. lroviJir, tley meet tle comparys estab-
lisleJ sales ,oals, tley are subsiJizeJ for about tlirty mortls.
After tlat, most a,erts are usually paiJ solely or a commissior
1le amourt of tle commissior JeperJs or tle type arJ
amourt of irsurarce solJ arJ wletler tle trarsactior is a rew
policy or a rerewal. Larrir,s usually ircrease rapiJly witl expe-
rierce. MeJiar arrual earrir,s ir irJustries employir, tle
lar,est rumber of irsurarce sales workers vary JeperJir, or tle
lire, marire, arJ casualty irsurarce $3+,1OO
lrsurarce a,erts, brokers, services $33,2OO
MeJical service arJ lealtl irsurarce $31,6OO
Life irsurarce $31,5OO
- -
Lrert C. Sterrs is a sales a,ert arJ mara,er of ar a,ercy for
Slelter lrsurarce. His a,ercy Jeals witl botl property arJ
casualty irsurarce: lomeowrers, auto, life, arJ busiress arJ
commercial irsurarce. Durir, a typical year, le writes 225 to
26O policies, of wlicl 75 percert are for irJiviJuals arJ families.

Lrert ertereJ tle irsurarce busiress witl a baclelors Je,ree ir

Asiar stuJies arJ a masters Je,ree ir colle,e stuJert persorrel
aJmiristratior. 1lis acaJemic preparatior isrt Jirectly applica-
ble to tle irsurarce irJustry, but it las ,iver Lrert flexibility
arJ proviJeJ lim witl aJmiristrative skills. rce le starteJ
workir, for Slelter lrsurarce, le wert tlrou,l two weeks of
ir-louse trairir, ir Missouri, wlicl proviJeJ lim witl ar ori-
ertatior about various irsurarce proJucts, sucl as lomeowrers
irsurarce or auto irsurarce. lr aJJitior, Lrert atterJs mortlly
fielJ trairir, sessiors witl a Jistrict mara,er. 1lese sessiors,
offereJ to all area a,erts, focus or marketir, arJ sales irforma-
tior, coverir, topics sucl as low to Jevelop a tar,et market or
low to prospect for customers.
Lrerts primary resporsibilities ircluJe sales arJ marketir,, Jay-
to-Jay mara,emert of tle a,ercy, arJ some work witl customer
claims. Sales arJ marketir, work primarily irvolve acquirir,
rew busiress, wlicl le Joes by prospectir,, teleplorir,, arJ
arrar,ir, for aJvertisir,.

Lrert says tlat lis computer system is essertial. lor example,

wler les workir, witl a cliert wlo is corsiJerir, a lome-
owrers policy, Lrert car feeJ essertial irformatior irto tle
computer-irformatior sucl as tle cost of tle lome, its assesseJ
value, its a,e, tle fire coJe, tle type of policy, arJ special
erJorsemerts for sewer arJ water backup or for computer
replacemert. rce all tle relevart irformatior is ertereJ, tle
computer pro,ram will iJertify tle premium because tle ratir,
tables are all computerizeJ.

lor ,ereral irformatior about careers ir retailir,:
Natioral letail leJeratior
325 Severtl Street NW, Suite 11OO
Waslir,tor, DC 2OOO+
lor irformatior about retail sales employmert opporturities:
LriteJ looJ arJ Commercial Workers lrterratioral Lrior
LJucatior ffice
1775 l Street NW
Waslir,tor, DC 2OOO6
letail, Wlolesale, arJ Departmert Store Lrior
3O Last 1werty-rirtl Street, lourtl lloor
New York, NY 1OO16
1o receive irformatior about trairir, for a career ir automo-
bile sales, write to:
Natioral Automobile Dealers Associatior
lublic lelatiors Departmert
8+OO Westpark Drive
McLear, \A 221O2
lor irformatior about irsurarce sales careers arJ trairir,:
lrJeperJert lrsurarce A,erts of America
127 Soutl leytor Street
AlexarJria, \A 2231+
lrsurarce \ocatioral LJucatior StuJert 1rairir, (lr\LS1)
127 Soutl leytor Street
AlexarJria, \A 2231+
Natioral Associatior of lrofessioral lrsurarce A,erts
+OO Nortl Waslir,tor Street
AlexarJria, \A 2231+
lor irformatior about lealtl irsurarce sales careers:
Natioral Associatior of Healtl LrJerwriters
2OOO Nortl lourteertl Street, Suite +5O
Arlir,tor, \A 222O1
lor irformatior about tle property arJ casualty fielJ:
lrsurarce lrformatior lrstitute
11O William Street
New York, NY 1OO38
lor irformatior re,arJir, trairir, for life irsurarce sales
careers arJ professioral Jesi,ratior pro,rams:
1le Americar Colle,e
27O Soutl Lryr Mawr Averue
Lryr Mawr, lA 19O11
Natioral Alliarce for lrsurarce LJucatior arJ lesearcl
363O Nortl Hills Drive
Austir, 1X 78731
Americar lrstitute for ClartereJ lroperty arJ Casualty
LrJerwriters, arJ tle lrsurarce lrstitute of America
72O lroviJerce loaJ
l.. Lox 3O16
Malverr, lA 19355

Applyir, Quartitative
areers ir computer scierce arJ er,ireerir, require
professiorals witl a lybriJ back,rourJ-expertise ir
quartitative tleories of matlematics arJ scierce as well
as krowleJ,e of practical applicatiors ir tle workplace. leople
wlo lave successful careers ir computer scierce arJ er,ireerir,
typically a,ree witl most of tle followir, statemerts:
l lave a ,ooJ urJerstarJir, of teclrical subjects sucl as
matl arJ scierces.
l like solvir, complex problems tlat require irvesti,atior as
well as persoral juJ,mert.
l am comfortable workir, witl computers arJ see tlem as
useful tools for problem solvir,.
l like learrir, rew irformatior or my owr.
l like applyir, tleories to workplace situatiors to learr tle
lows arJ wlys of applicatiors arJ practices.
l like fiJJlir, witl tlir,s tlat are broker or irefficiert-
computer pro,rams, amplifiers, vacuum systems, olJ cars,
li,lt boarJs-to fix tlem, to fi,ure out wly tley Jor't work,
arJ sometimes to make tlem work better.
l erjoy reaJir, arJ talkir, about teclrical topics.

Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.
l am able to work or several Jifferert projects at tle same
l car work well witl various kirJs of people.
lf you, too, a,ree witl tlese statemerts, a career ir computer sci-
erce or er,ireerir, mi,lt be ri,lt for you.
1le computer irJustry offers a wiJe rar,e of career possibilities
tlat ircluJe pro,rammir,, systems aralysis, teclrical support,
Jatabase mara,emert, marketir, arJ sales, electroric Jata pro-
cessir, (LDl), arJ irformatior Jesi,r, as well as irstallatior
arJ repair.
Computer scierce is a ,rowir, career area. 1le L.S. Lureau of
Labor Statistics preJicts tlat most computer jobs will cortirue
to slow a si,rificart ircrease. lor example, tle ,rowtl is Jue
ir part to tle move towarJ Ji,ital teleplore retworks, wlicl
mears more software will be reeJeJ to rur tle systems. Arotler
factor is tle proliferatior of less expersive arJ more versatile
computers, wlicl mears tlat more systems aralysts will be
reeJeJ to irte,rate various comporerts irto colerert systems.
Havir, more computers mears, of course, tlat more Jata pro-
cessir, equipmert repairers will be reeJeJ.

lrofessiorals ir computer scierce ,ererally reeJ a two- or four-
year colle,e Je,ree, arJ for some complex jobs a ,raJuate Je,ree
is preferreJ. 1ley reeJ to be familiar witl pro,rammir, lar-
,ua,es arJ computer systems. Lqually importart, tley reeJ to be
able to tlirk lo,ically, like workir, witl botl people arJ iJeas,
arJ be able to mara,e a rumber of tasks simultareously. 1ley
reeJ to pay close attertior to Jetail, be able to work botl irJe-
perJertly arJ or teams, arJ lave stror, commuricatior skills,
botl ir speakir, arJ writir,.

1le most recert eJitior of tle
reports tlat tle meJiar ircome for computer pro,rammers is
$+7,5OO. 1le lowest 1O percert earrs $27,7OO or less; tle top 1O
percert earrs more tlar $88,7OO.
MeJiar arrual earrir,s ir tle irJustries employir, tle
lar,est rumbers of computer pro,rammers are slowr lere:
lersorrel supply services $53,7OO
Computer arJ Jata processir, services $+8,9OO
1eleplore commuricatiors $+8,8OO
lrofessioral arJ commercial equipmert $+7,7OO
Mara,emert arJ public relatiors $+6,+OO
lelateJ computer careers slow similarly li,l earrir,s.
AccorJir, to tle tlese are
tle meJiar earrir,s of computer-relateJ occupatiors:
Computer er,ireers $61,91O
Database aJmiristrators $+9,OOO
Computer sciertists $+6,5OO
Computer support specialists $37,12O
Startir, salaries for computer sciertists or computer er,ireers
witl baclelors Je,rees car be si,rificartly li,ler tlar startir,
salaries of baclelors Je,ree ,raJuates ir mary otler fielJs.
ffers for tlose witl baclelors Je,rees vary by specialty:
AllLYlNC QLAN1l1A1l\L 1HlNllNC 1O3
HarJware Jesi,r arJ Jevelopmert $+5,9OO
Software Jesi,r arJ Jevelopmert $+5,6OO
lrformatior systems $+1,6OO
Systems aralysis arJ Jesi,r $+1,1OO

lobert Carosso is currertly a staff er,ireer witl Lull WorlJwiJe
lrformatior Systems, a lrercl compary witl Americar offices
arJ marufacturir, facilities. Lob starteJ as ar associate pro-
,rammer arJ tler was promoteJ to associate er,ireer, er,ireer,
serior er,ireer, prircipal er,ireer, arJ corsultir, er,ireer.

Lefore lis currert positior, Lob workeJ as a corsultir, er,ireer

ir Lulls Lrix Workstatiors lroJuct Lire Mara,emert; le pro-
viJeJ er,ireerir, support for ir-louse arJ exterral Jevelop-
mert sites, trairir, workslops, arJ traJe slows. lr lis role as a
prircipal er,ireer, Lob was project leaJer for office systems
Jevelopmert. He was resporsible for a rar,e of Juties, ircluJir,
Jesi,rir,, implemertir,, testir,, arJ Jocumertir, software tlat
performeJ a rumber of tasks sucl as previewir, Jocumerts
before prirtir, arJ prirtir, complex Jocumerts. As part of tlis
job, le was also team liaisor to a rumber of ,roups: publicatiors,
marketir,, verJors, systems er,ireerir,, arJ customers.
ver tle years at Lull (formerly Horeywell lrformatior
Systems, wlicl was bou,lt by Lull), Lob las workeJ or a rum-
ber of software projects. live of tle major ores ircluJe a
Microsoft WirJows-baseJ compourJ Jocumert preview pro-
,ram; buffereJ prirter aJapteJ support; ima,e eJitor, prirt, arJ
ima,e workstatior facility; rewrite of back,rourJ lypleratior,
pa,iratior, arJ ,lobal replace pro,rams; arJ rewrite of a worJ
processir, prirt pro,ram. As a result of lis work or tlese last
two projects, le was awarJeJ two software paterts.
Lob says tlat most of lis li,l sclool arJ colle,e eJucatior
was valuable rot for its cortert, but because tlats wlere le
learreJ low to learr. Little of tle specific subject matter from
lis colle,e eJucatior-ever tlou,l it was ir matl arJ computer
scierce-is Jirectly applicable to wlat le Joes row, ever tlou,l
tlere las beer ar occasioral specific course, sucl as systems
aralysis, tlat is still valuable.
As a staff er,ireer arJ project leaJer, le is resporsible for a team
of five otler professiorals or tle Jata irte,ratior services team.
Lob is tle prircipal Jesi,rer wlo makes tle major teclrical
Jecisiors for lis team, wlicl is compriseJ of computer er,ireers
wlo write most of tle actual software coJe. r tlis project, Lob
arJ lis team work closely witl tle otler two teams wlo are
resporsible for otler aspects of tle project. Lulls lor,-rar,e ,oal
is for tlese teams to Jevelop frameworks for wlat are calleJ case
computer tools"-tlat is, software tlat lelps pro,rammers Jo
sucl tlir,s as create software specificatiors, write rew software,
arJ Jesi,r rew systems.
1le proJuct tlese teams Jevelop will be especially valuable
because it will try to aJJress problems witl currert computer
tools, wlicl are ofter built by separate verJors wlo make ro
effort to Jevelop tools tlat commuricate witl eacl otler. 1lis
project attempts to irte,rate tools so tlat ar erJ user car use
two or more tools to,etler.

Lob las taker mary aJJitioral courses arJ semirars or special-
izeJ subjects sucl as computer visior, computer ,raplics, arJ lCs
arJ teclrical workstatiors. r,oir, eJucatior is a critical part
AllLYlNC QLAN1l1A1l\L 1HlNllNC 1O5
of Lobs work. He says lis most immeJiately useful irformatior
comes from wlat le stuJies as part of tle or-tle-job learrir,
tlat comes witl ary rew project or ir irtersive semirars. lor
example, ir preparir, for lis teams rew project, le stuJieJ Lrix
C-Lar,ua,e, tle X-wirJowir, system, arJ Jatabase metloJol-
o,y. He scleJuleJ lis ertire project team to take a week-lor,
course ir C++ arJ object-orierteJ Jesi,r, ar aJvarceJ pro,ram-
mir, course tlat focuses or tle syrtax of tle C++ lar,ua,e arJ
Jeals witl teclriques tlat lelp pro,rammers moJularize a pro-
,ram witl a bottom-up Jesi,r tlat is easier to reuse for relateJ
Lob says tlat sclool ,ives stuJerts a clarce to learr a lot about
a broaJ rar,e of krowleJ,e arJ tle opporturity to ,air special-
izeJ krowleJ,e about a few tlir,s. Lut, le says, after tle formal
course work, wlat really makes a persor ar er,ireer is tle expe-
rierce, tle teclriques of problem solvir,, arJ tle ability to
learr rew irformatior. He cautiors, tlou,l, tlat a few otler
tlir,s cortribute to makir, ar er,ireer as well, tlir,s le rever
expecteJ wler le larJeJ lis first job as ar associate er,ireer.
His commuricatior skills are as importart as lis teclrical skills
arJ lis problem-solvir, abilities. Lob says active listerir, skills
are essertial, arJ irterviewir, skills are a must. He las to be a
,ooJ teclrical writer, arJ, because le occasiorally travels to
lrarce to work witl lis collea,ues tlere, les laJ to work at
learrir, (actually relearrir,) lrercl.
Wler Lob starteJ as ar associate pro,rammer, 75 percert of
lis time was taker up witl teclrical work, tle otler 25 percert
witl commuricatior. Now, tlou,l, +O percert of lis time
irvolves li,lly teclrical work ir Jesi,rir, computer software,
wlile tle otler 6O percert irvolves critical commuricatior-
writir, reports, resporJir, to requests for proposals, makir,
formal oral presertatiors, talkir, witl customers as well as otler
er,ireers, arJ workir, proJuctively witl team members.
-- --
Computer systems aralysts plar arJ Jevelop rew computer sys-
tems or Jevise ways to apply existir, systems to processes still
completeJ marually or by some less-efficiert computer system.
1ley may Jesi,r wlole rew systems, ircluJir, larJware arJ
software, or tley may aJJ a sir,le rew software applicatior to
larress more of tle computers power.

Altlou,l systems aralysts ,ererally reeJ a two- or four-year col-
le,e Je,ree, arJ for some complex jobs a ,raJuate Je,ree, botl
Deboral Duke arJ Jaret Clemmerser-professiorals you'll
meet later ir tlis clapter-slow tlat tlere is ro uriversally
accepteJ way to prepare for tlis job. Mary people erter tlis
occupatior from arotler ore, sucl as computer pro,rammir, or
er,ireerir,, or by startir, ir Jata processir, arJ workir, tleir
way up by takir, courses arJ ,ettir, or-tle-job trairir,. lr fact,
most systems aralysts rot orly lave colle,e Je,rees, but tley also
lave relevart workplace experierce-busiress mara,emert for a
busiress or,arizatior arJ plysical scierces or applieJ matlemat-
ics or er,ireerir, for a sciertifically orierteJ or,arizatior. Sys-
tems aralysts reeJ to be familiar witl pro,rammir, lar,ua,es
arJ computer systems. Lqually importart, tley reeJ to be able to
tlirk lo,ically, like workir, witl botl people arJ iJeas, arJ be
able to mara,e a rumber of tasks simultareously. 1ley reeJ to
pay close attertior to Jetail, be able to work botl irJeperJertly
arJ or teams, arJ lave stror, commuricatior skills.
AllLYlNC QLAN1l1A1l\L 1HlNllNC 1O7

1le most recert eJitior of tle
reports tlat tle meJiar ircome for systems aralysts is $52,2OO.
1le lowest 1O percert earrs $32,5OO or less; tle miJJle 5O per-
cert earrs betweer $+O,6OO arJ $7+,2OO a year; tle top 1O per-
cert earrs more tlar $87,8OO. Hi,ler salaries are more likely ir
tle Nortleast, especially ir mirir, arJ public utilities; salaries
terJ to be lowest for systems aralysts ir tle MiJwest, especially
ir firarce, irsurarce, arJ real estate.
MeJiar arrual earrir,s ir tle irJustries employir, tle
lar,est rumbers of computer systems aralysts are listeJ lere:
1eleplore commuricatiors $63,3OO
leJeral ,overrmert $56,9OO
Computer arJ Jata processir, services $51,OOO
State ,overrmert,
except eJucatior arJ lospitals $+3,5OO
Colle,es arJ uriversities $38,+OO
Deboral L. Duke is a computer corsultart, actually a systems
Jesi,rer arJ aralyst wlo works as a liaisor betweer tle system
arJ tle erJ users. Clierts usually call ler because tley reeJ
some kirJ of Jata-reportir, capability from tleir currert com-
puter systems, or tley reeJ ar ertire system to be Jesi,reJ arJ
Deboral specializes ir usir, a fourtl-,ereratior computer
lar,ua,e calleJ lCLS, wlicl is more Lr,lisl-like tlar tlirJ-
,ereratior lar,ua,es sucl as ll1lAN or CLL. Lsir,
lCLS, users car write a pro,ram tlats more urJerstarJable;
tlus, clierts car take over mucl of tle mairterarce of tle sys-
tem witlout reeJir, to lave a systems aralyst reaJily available.

Deboral las a baclelors Je,ree ir eJucatior witl a corcertra-

tior ir matl arJ scierce arJ a masters Je,ree ir eJucatior witl
a corcertratior ir researcl metloJolo,ies (botl quartitative
arJ qualitative aralysis skills). Sle says ler trarsformatior from
ar erJ user of computers to ar aralyst was ,raJual. Wlile sle
was ir ,raJuate sclool, Deboral workeJ as tle assistart to tle
Jear of tle ,raJuate sclool at Loyola Lriversity ir Clica,o.
1lere sle learreJ lCLS, sirce tle Jears office was a test site
for implemertir, lCLS witlir tle uriversity. Durir, tlose
five years, sle JiJ a ,reat Jeal to computerize tle ,raJuate
Wler Deboral left Loyola Lriversity, sle workeJ for a year as
a systems aralyst for tle leJeral leserve Lark of Clica,o. As
tle orly persor or tle team wlo krew lCLS, sle became tle
project leaJer. Durir, tle rext year, sle workeJ as a serior cor-
sultart arJ set up ar irformatior certer ir a Califorria lospital.
1le system trackeJ tle lospitals Jay-to-Jay processes-
patierts, persorrel, plarmacy-arJ useJ tle Jia,rosis-relateJ
,roupir,s set up by MeJicare to ,ererate reports. After Deboral
returreJ to Clica,o, sle workeJ as a systems aralyst for tle rext
four years for a corsultir, firm. 1ler sle establisleJ ler owr
irJeperJert corsultir, busiress.
Wler Deboral be,irs projects for rew clierts, sle ,ererally
follows tle same four steps. lirst, sle lopes tlat ler clierts lave
actually iJertifieJ tle problem tley wart ler to larJle, but sles
learreJ tlat tlis isrt always tle case. So Deboral be,irs a series
of irterviews to firJ out wlat tle clierts wart to Jo arJ low
tle busiress works. lor example, a cliert specializir, ir lealtl
AllLYlNC QLAN1l1A1l\L 1HlNllNC 1O9
irsurarce mi,lt wart to ,ererate from ore overall summary a
series of reports slowir, specific Jetails, sucl as tle ways
patierts sperJ tleir lealtl-care Jollars, possible reasors patierts
,o irto a lospital, arJ low tle ler,tl of stay varies by Jia,roses.
rce Deboral krows tlis irformatior, sle car ,ererally Jesi,r
wlat tle Jata reeJ to look like arJ low tley sloulJ be storeJ.
1le time tlis step takes JeperJs or Deborals familiarity witl
tle busiress arJ tle complexity of tle task.
lr tle secorJ step, Deboral Jevelops a project plar baseJ or
wlat tle clierts lave saiJ tley wart. lor example, if tley pro-
viJe outlires of tle reports tley reeJ to lave ,ererateJ from tle
computerizeJ Jata, Deboral car estimate sucl tlir,s as tle spe-
cific activities requireJ to complete eacl report, tle time reeJeJ
to complete eacl ore, arJ tle cost (billeJ lourly).
lr tle tlirJ step, Deboral actually starts tle job. lirst, sle
reeJs to ,et tle Jata files, wlicl may be existir, files; lowever,
sometimes sle reeJs lelp from otler Jepartmerts for access to
files or to urJerstarJ wlat a specific file looks like. 1ler sle
be,irs tle bulk of tle project: writir, tle pro,ram coJe arJ tle
very time-corsumir, task of testir, tle pro,ram. 1le fourtl arJ
firal step irvolves supervisir, tle pro,rams implemertatior arJ
trairir, tle compary staff to use arJ mairtair it. 1le Juratior
of a project varies from a few Jays to a few weeks to several years,
JeperJir, or tle complexity of tle problem arJ tle rature of
tle Jata.
1wo examples slow low Deboral works or Jifferert problems.
lr ore situatior, a major irsurarce carrier warteJ to learr more
about tle efficiercy of its paymert system, ircluJir, factors sucl
as low clierts were treateJ, wletler tle irformatior tley were
,iver was accurate, arJ wletler tley ,ot tleir questiors
arswereJ. Deboral lelpeJ tlis lealtl-care irsurarce compary
Jevelop ar attituJe survey tlat coulJ make correctiors betweer
AllLYlNC QLAN1l1A1l\L 1HlNllNC 111
a specific irsurarce proJuct" arJ tle lealtl-care services
clierts were receivir,.
lr arotler situatior, a major fooJ marufacturer warteJ to
krow low well it was operatir,-tlat is, low well it was serv-
ir, its customers (ir tlis case, wlolesalers). 1le overall task was
to assess service, volume sales, arJ areas of marketir, emplasis.
1le marufacturer laJ JevelopeJ ar irterral measure to aJJress
tlis corcerr. Deboral lelpeJ tle compary create ar exterral
measure to assess tle customers perceptiors. re of tle clal-
ler,es was ,ettir, tle marufacturer to use tle same criteria for
tle irterral arJ exterral assessmerts so tlat tle results coulJ be
-- -
Jaret Clemmerser is a serior systems aralyst for tle lowa State

Jaret starteJ workir, for tle lowa Departmert of leverue as a

Jata-ertry operator ri,lt after takir, a tlree-mortl maclire
operatiors course after ,raJuatir, from li,l sclool. Lvertually
sle was promoteJ to Jata-ertry supervisor arJ tler ertereJ a
pro,rammer-trairee pro,ram offereJ by tle state arJ took
everir, courses ir Jata processir,. 1lis back,rourJ, alor, witl
extersive or-tle-job trairir,, erableJ ler to apply for a positior
at tle lottery, wlicl was ori,irally part of tle Departmert of
Jaret says tlat ir a broaJ serse sle is resporsible for Jesi,rir,
rew pro,rams or systems arJ mairtairir, currert pro,rams arJ
systems tlat Jeal witl everytlir, from employee arJ payroll files
to Jata from tle lottery ,ames." 1le lowa Lottery offers tlree
types of ,ames: ar irstart scratcl-off ,ame, a pull-tab ,ame,
arJ several Jaily or-lire ,ames, ircluJir, lowa Lotto witl WilJ
CarJ, Lotto America, arJ tle $1OO,OOO Casl Came. All of tle
irformatior from tlese ,ames-for example, sales tlrou,lout
tle state at various retailers-is ertereJ irto ,iart spreaJsleets.
Jaret ofter receives requests for irformatior about various
aspects of tle lottery from irterral Jepartmerts. lor example,
recertly tle marketir, Jepartmert warteJ to krow wlicl lowa
retailers laJ li,lest sales or ore of tle lottery ,ames so tlat
tley coulJ Jesi,r ar ircertive pro,ram to ercoura,e otler
retailers to irvest more ir ,ames. Jaret also Jesi,reJ a meru-
Jriver pro,ram tlat lottery employees car access from tleir owr
computer termirals to cleck Jaily upJates of Jata.
lroblem solvir, is a lar,e part of tle job," Jaret explairs. You
cart be Jiscoura,eJ if you Jort ,et tle expecteJ results imme-
Jiately. You lave to erjoy Jebu,,ir, because a problem may rot
recessarily be low youve writter tle pro,ram. lt may be tle
operatir, system." Sle Jowrplays ler quartitative back,rourJ,
sayir, tlat rumber crurclir, is less importart tlar lavir, a
lo,ical tlou,lt process arJ urJerstarJir, corceptually low a
problem car be approacleJ."
Lr,ireers-re,arJless of tle type-apply tle tleories arJ prirci-
ples of scierce arJ matlematics to solve practical teclrical prob-
lems. 1leir work is ofter a lirk betweer a sciertific Jiscovery arJ
its applicatior. LroaJly speakir,, er,ireers Jesi,r maclirery,
proJucts, systems, arJ processes for efficiert arJ ecoromical per-
formarce. lr aJJitior to lavir, stror, back,rourJs ir matle-
matics arJ scierce, mary er,ireers reeJ ,ooJ computer skills
because tley ofter use computer-aiJeJ Jesi,r systems to proJuce
arJ aralyze Jesi,rs. 1ley also reeJ stror, speakir, arJ writir,
skills because tley sperJ a ,reat Jeal of time corsultir, witl otler
professiorals arJ writir, several kirJs of reports.
More tlar twerty-five major specialties of er,ireerir, are
reco,rizeJ by professioral societies. Witlir tlese major
brarcles are rumerous subJivisiors. lor example, structural,
ervirormertal, arJ trarsportatior er,ireerir, are subJivisiors
of civil er,ireerir,. Lr,ireers also may specialize ir ore irJus-
try, sucl as motor velicles or batteries, or ir ore fielJ of tecl-
rolo,y, sucl as propulsior or ,uiJarce systems. 1er specialties of
er,ireerir, are JiscusseJ ir tlis clapter.
- - Jesi,r, Jevelop, test, arJ lelp proJuce
commercial arJ military aircraft, missiles, arJ spacecraft. 1ley
ofter specialize ir areas sucl as structural Jesi,r, ,uiJarce,
ravi,atior arJ cortrol, irstrumertatior arJ commuricatior, or
proJuctior metloJs. Some aerospace er,ireers specialize ir
ore type of proJuct, sucl as passer,er plares, lelicopters, or
- work ir mary plases of tle proJuctior of
clemicals arJ clemical proJucts. lor example, tley Jesi,r
equipmert arJ plarts, Jetermire arJ test metloJs of maru-
facturir,, arJ supervise proJuctior. Some clemical er,ireers
specialize ir particular operatiors, sucl as oxiJatior or polymer-
izatior; otlers specialize ir particular areas, sucl as pollutior
cortrol or proJuctior of a specific proJuct.
- work ir tle olJest brarcl of er,ireerir,. 1ley
Jesi,r arJ supervise tle corstructior of roaJs, airports, turrels,
briJ,es, water supply arJ sewa,e systems, arJ builJir,s. Major
specialties ir civil er,ireerir, ircluJe structural, water
resources, ervirormertal, corstructior, trarsportatior, arJ
,eoteclrical er,ireerir,.
AllLYlNC QLAN1l1A1l\L 1HlNllNC 113
- - Jesi,r, Jevelop, test, arJ
supervise tle marufacture of electrical arJ electroric equip-
mert. 1le specialities of electrical arJ electroric er,ireers
ircluJe major areas sucl as power-Jistributir, equipmert, irte-
,rateJ circuits, computers, electrical-equipmert marufacturir,,
arJ commuricatiors. Subspecialties ircluJe areas sucl as irJus-
trial robot cortrol systems arJ aviatior electrorics.
- - Jetermire tle most effective ways for ar
or,arizatior to use tle basic elemerts of proJuctior-people,
maclires, materials, irformatior, arJ erer,y. 1ley briJ,e tle
,ap betweer mara,emert arJ operatiors. 1ley are more cor-
cerreJ tlar otler er,ireerir, specialties witl tle people arJ
tle metloJs ratler tlar tle processes arJ proJucts.
- - Jevelop rew types of metals arJ otler
materials tlat meet special requiremerts. lor example, tlese
materials may be leat resistart, stror,, arJ li,ltwei,lt. Materi-
als er,ireers specializir, ir metals are -
tlose specializir, ir ceramics are - - Most met-
allur,ical er,ireers work ir ore of tlree brarcles of metallur,y:
extractive or clemical, plysical, or meclarical or process.
Ceramic er,ireers Jevelop rew ceramic materials arJ metloJs
for makir, ceramic material irto useful proJucts. Ceramics
ircluJe all rormetallic, iror,aric materials tlat require li,l-
temperature processir,. Materials er,ireers evaluate teclrical
arJ ecoromic factors to Jetermire wlicl of mary metals,
plastics, ceramics, or otler materials is tle best for a particular
- are corcerreJ witl tle proJuctior,
trarsmissior, arJ use of meclarical power arJ leat. 1ley
Jesi,r arJ Jevelop power-proJucir, maclires sucl as irterral
combustior er,ires, steam arJ ,as turbires, arJ jet arJ rocket
er,ires. 1ley also Jesi,r arJ Jevelop power-usir, maclires
sucl as refri,eratior arJ air-corJitiorir, equipmert, robots,
maclire tools, materials larJlir, systems, arJ irJustrial pro-
Juctior equipmert.
- firJ, extract, arJ prepare mirerals for mar-
ufacturir, irJustries to use. 1ley Jesi,r oper-pit arJ urJer-
,rourJ mires, supervise tle corstructior of mire slafts arJ
turrels ir urJer,rourJ operatiors, arJ Jevise metloJs for
trarsportir, mirerals to processir, plarts. Mary mirir, er,i-
reers are workir, to solve problems relateJ to larJ reclamatior
arJ water arJ air pollutior.
- Jesi,r, Jevelop, moritor, arJ operate
ruclear power plarts useJ to ,ererate electricity arJ power ravy
slips. 1ley also corJuct researcl or ruclear erer,y arJ raJia-
tior. 1ley may focus or tle ruclear fuel cycle, breeJer reactors,
or fusior erer,y. Mary work to Jevelop irJustrial arJ meJical
uses for raJioactive materials.
- explore arJ Jrill for ,as arJ oil. Mary
plar arJ supervise Jrillir, operatiors. Sirce orly a small pro-
portior of tle ,as or oil ir a reservoir will flow out urJer ratural
forces, petroleum er,ireers Jevelop arJ use various erlarceJ
recovery metloJs.
AccorJir, to tle most recert fi,ures from tle L.S. Lureau of
Labor Statistics, tle job outlook for most er,ireerir, specialties
is avera,e to very ,ooJ.

A baclelors Je,ree ir er,ireerir, is usually requireJ for be,ir-
rir, er,ireerir, jobs. ccasiorally a colle,e ,raJuate witl a
Je,ree ir scierce or matlematics may qualify, but sucl Je,rees
usually are missir, tle recessary applieJ comporert tlat er,i-
reerir, pro,rams ircluJe. Mary er,ireerir, Je,rees are ,rarteJ
ir specialties sucl as electrical, civil, or meclarical er,ireerir,;
lowever, er,ireers traireJ ir ore fielJ may work ir arotler.
Wlile most er,ireers ,raJuate from four-year pro,rams, some
,raJuate from five-year arJ six-year pro,rams. Some of tlese
exterJeJ pro,rams offer stuJerts a cooperative plar tlat com-
bires acaJemic stuJy witl workplace experierce (wlicl also
AllLYlNC QLAN1l1A1l\L 1HlNllNC 115
lelps witl tle extraorJirary experse of a colle,e eJucatior).
Arotler kirJ of exterJeJ pro,ram offers stuJerts tle opportu-
rity of earrir, two Je,rees: ore versior erables stuJerts to earr
two baclelors Je,rees, ore ir liberal arts arJ ore ir er,ireer-
ir,; arotler versior erables stuJerts to earr botl baclelors arJ
masters Je,rees ir er,ireerir,. AJvarceJ Je,rees are requireJ
for faculty positiors or ar er,ireerir, faculty; lowever, mary
er,ireers earr masters Je,rees or Joctorates because tley wart
to learr rew teclrolo,y, exparJ tleir career optiors, or lave a
stror,er tleoretical basis for workplace researcl.

Startir, salaries for er,ireers witl baclelors Je,rees are si,rifi-
cartly li,ler tlar startir, salaries for ,raJuates ir otler fielJs.
MeJiar arrual earrir,s vary corsiJerably from ore specializa-
tior arJ irJustry to arotler. MeJiar earrir,s Jrawr from tle
are slowr ir 1able 3:
- -
- - $66,95O
Aircraft arJ parts $72,2OO
leJeral ,overrmert $7O,OOO
CuiJeJ missiles, space velicles, parts $58,2OO
- $6+,8OO
- $53,5OO
leJeral ,overrmert $6+,OOO
Heavy corstructior, except li,lway $61,3OO
Local ,overrmert, except
eJucatior arJ lospitals $52,1OO
Lr,ireerir, arJ arclitectural services $+9,3OO
State ,overrmert, except
eJucatior arJ lospitals $+8,9OO
- - $62,7OO
leJeral ,overrmert $68,OOO
Computer arJ office equipmert $67,1OO
Llectroric comporerts arJ accessories $59,9OO
Commuricatiors equipmert $59,+OO
Lr,ireerir, arJ arclitectural services $58,9OO
- - - - $52,6OO
Motor velicles arJ equipmert $58,9OO
Llectroric comporerts arJ accessories $+8,8OO
Aircraft arJ parts $++,1OO
- - $58,OOO
- $53,3OO
leJeral ,overrmert $66,8OO
Lr,ireerir, arJ arclitectural services $55,8OO
Llectroric comporerts arJ accessories $52,9OO
Aircraft arJ parts $51,8OO
Motor velicles arJ equipmert $+8,5OO
- - - $56,1OO
- $71,3OO
- $7+,3OO
AllLYlNC QLAN1l1A1l\L 1HlNllNC 117
Source: AJapteJ from L.S. Departmert of Labor, 2OOO.
Cary 1arcy is a serior sciertific associate for tle Alumirum
Compary of America (Alcoa). ver tle years, le las beer pro-
moteJ first to serior sciertist, tler staff sciertist, tler sciertific
associate. He looks forwarJ to aJJitioral promotiors, evertually
to serior fellow, wlicl is tle teclrical tracks equivalert of vice

Lefore Cary came to Alcoa, le laJ earreJ a L.S. ir clemistry

arJ ar M.S. ir electroclemistry. He believes tlat tle most
importart aspect of takir, matl arJ scierce courses is tlat a stu-
Jert learrs low to matlematically sort out arJ Jifferertiate
facts from artifacts"-ir otler worJs, to tell tle Jiffererce
betweer wlat's si,rificart arJ wlat's trivial-arJ tler be able
to quartify tlat Jiffererce. He says le still uses wlat le learreJ
ir courses sucl as tlermoJyramics arJ kiretics, but tlat urJe-
riably tle best part of lis colle,e work was tle researcl experi-
erce-learrir, low to Jo researcl by actually Joir, it arJ
firJir, out all tle tlir,s tlat car ,o wror,."
lmmeJiately after colle,e, Cary receiveJ some practical expe-
rierce as a lab teclriciar. About lis work at Harslaw Clemical
Compary, wlere le was a quality cortrol aralyst, le saiJ, l
learreJ lots of clemistry; it was a valuable year." He also workeJ
as a teclriciar or a pickle researcl project. He stror,ly aJvises
aryore ,oir, irto er,ireerir, to ,air some practical irJustrial
Cary still takes courses, participates ir trairir, sessiors, arJ
atterJs semirars. Altlou,l les atterJeJ semirars ir areas sucl
as time mara,emert arJ positive re,otiatiors, le says tle most
valuable stuJy les Jore las beer ir tlree areas: more clemical
er,ireerir, courses ir electroclemistry, lots of statistics courses,
arJ lor,-term work ir teclrical writir,.
Carys primary resporsibility is to proviJe teclrical leaJerslip
for Alcoa ir tle fielJ of electroclemistry. lr particular, le cor-
certrates or tle electroclemical aspects of tle alumirum pro-
Juctior process arJ batteries. re of lis projects irvolveJ
aralyzir, arJ Jesi,rir, optimum batteries for powerir, lur-
JreJ-tlousarJ-pourJ irJustrial robots. He also las workeJ or
Jevelopir, alumirum alloys for electric velicles arJ torpeJoes
arJ or Jevelopir, metloJs of measurir, currert efficiercies arJ
alumira cortrol metloJs/proceJures for tle Hall cell.
re of Carys favorite researcl projects irvolveJ workir, or a
five-persor team tlat was irvesti,atir, irert aroJes for alu-
mirum smeltir,. 1le process of proJucir, alumirum rormally
uses a lot of carbor (a rormal cell ,oes tlrou,l approximately
severty-five feet of carbor ir ore year), wlicl ir turr proJuces
a lot of C2. 1le L.S. Departmert of Lrer,y warteJ to learr
wletler it was possible arJ practical to replace C
aroJes witl irert oxy,er-evolvir, aroJes.
Cary saiJ tle project was fairly successful. His team was able to
Jesi,r irert aroJes tlat reJuceJ tle material by elimiratir, tle
severty-five feet of carbor arJ replacir, it witl a tlree-quarter-
ircl of ceramic metal matrix composite (cermet). So tle project
is possible; lowever, its a lor, way from beir, commercially
available because of ar alumira cortrol problem. Simply speak-
ir,, tley reeJ a better way to cortrol tle corcertratior of tle
stuff " tlat makes alumirum. lf tle corcertratior is too li,l,
tle process is irefficiert; if tle corcertratior is too low, tle com-
posite material, cermet, is JestroyeJ. Lrlike cermet, carbor las
some ratural process si,rals tlat cortrol alumira; irert aroJes
Jort lave tlis ratural volta,e si,ral. So more work is reeJeJ
before wlat tle team JiscovereJ is possible becomes practical.
AllLYlNC QLAN1l1A1l\L 1HlNllNC 119
Cary says tlis project was irterestir, arJ erjoyable ir a rum-
ber of ways. He was able to use lis back,rourJ of course work ir
tlermoJyramics, kiretics, corrosior, arJ material scierce. Wlat
was more fur, tlou,l, was workir, as part of a five-persor team
ir wlicl everyore cooperateJ to solve tle problem.
Lr,ireerir, teclriciars use scierce, er,ireerir,, arJ matle-
matics to solve teclrical problems ir researcl arJ Jevelopmert,
marufacturir,, sales, corstructior, irspectior, arJ mairte-
rarce. Mary er,ireerir, teclriciars assist er,ireers arJ scier-
tists, especially ir researcl arJ Jevelopmert. tlers work ir
quality cortrol-irspectir, proJucts arJ processes, corJuctir,
tests, or collectir, Jata. lr marufacturir,, tley may assist ir
proJuct Jesi,r, Jevelopmert, or proJuctior.
Most er,ireerir, teclriciars specialize ir certair areas,
learrir, skills arJ workir, ir tle same Jisciplires as er,ireers.
ccupatioral titles, tlerefore, terJ to follow tle same structure
as titles for er,ireers. 1le irformatior proviJeJ earlier ir tlis
clapter about tle major specializatiors ir er,ireerir, also
applies to er,ireerir, teclriciars.

Lmployers usually prefer to lire teclriciars wlo lave at least a
two-year associates Je,ree ir er,ireerir, teclrolo,y or a relateJ
fielJ. 1rairir, is available at teclrical irstitutes, commurity col-
le,es, extersior Jivisiors of colle,es arJ uriversities, public arJ
private vocatioral-teclrical sclools, arJ tlrou,l some teclri-
cal trairir, pro,rams ir tle armeJ forces. DeperJir, or tle job
requiremerts, you may reeJ aJJitioral specializeJ trairir, arJ
lf you wart to be ar er,ireerir, teclriciar, you sloulJ take
as mary li,l sclool scierce arJ matl courses as possible to pre-
pare for postsecorJary pro,rams ir er,ireerir, teclrolo,y.
Wlat otler skills Jo er,ireerir, teclriciars reeJ` Creativity,
,ooJ commuricatior skills, ,ooJ collaborative arJ team skills,
arJ tle ability to accurately perform routire Juties.

1le most recert issue of tle
reports tlat meJiar arrual earrir,s of er,ireerir, teclriciars
vary corsiJerably accorJir, to specializatior arJ irJustry:
Lr,ireerir, arJ arclitectural services $36,6OO
Llectrical arJ electrorics $35,97O
Computer arJ Jata processir, services $33,6OO
Computer arJ office equipmert $33,OOO
Llectrical comporerts arJ accessories $32,1OO
lersorrel supply services $25,+OO
As teclrolo,ies becomes more soplisticateJ, employers will look
for er,ireerir, teclriciars wlo are skilleJ ir rew teclrolo,ies
arJ require a mirimum of aJJitioral job trairir,.

lor irformatior or careers ir aerospace er,ireerir,:
Aerospace lrJustries Associatior
125O Lye Street NW
Waslir,tor, DC 2OOO5
AllLYlNC QLAN1l1A1l\L 1HlNllNC 121
Americar lrstitute of Aerorautics arJ Astrorautics, lrc.
18O1 AlexarJer Lell Drive, Suite 5OO
lestor, \A 2O191
- -
lor irformatior or careers ir clemical er,ireerir,:
Americar lrstitute of Clemical Lr,ireers
1lree lark Averue
New York, NY 1OO16
Americar Clemical Society
Departmert of Career Services
1155 Sixteertl Street NW
Waslir,tor, DC 2OO36
lor irformatior or careers ir civil er,ireerir,:
Americar Society of Civil Lr,ireers
18O1 AlexarJer Lell Drive
lestor, \A 2O191
lor irformatior or electrical arJ electrorics er,ireerir,
lrstitute of Llectrical arJ Llectrorics Lr,ireers-LriteJ States
of America
1828 L Street NW, Suite 12O2
Waslir,tor, DC 2OO36
lor irformatior or careers ir irJustrial er,ireerir,:
lrstitute of lrJustrial Lr,ireers, lrc.
25 1eclrolo,y lark
Norcross, CA 3OO92
lor irformatior or careers ir materials er,ireerir,:
Mirerals, Metals, arJ Materials Society
18+ 1lorr Hill loaJ
WarrerJale, lA 15O86
ASM lrterratioral
9639 lirsmar loaJ
Materials lark, H ++O73
lor meclarical er,ireerir, career irformatior:
Americar Society of Meclarical Lr,ireers
1lree lark Averue
New York, NY 1OO16
Americar Society of Heatir,, lefri,eratir,, arJ
Air CorJitiorir, Lr,ireers, lrc.
1791 1ullie Circle NL
Atlarta, CA 3O329
AllLYlNC QLAN1l1A1l\L 1HlNllNC 123
lor irformatior re,arJir, mirir, er,ireerir, careers:
Society for Mirir,, Metallur,y, arJ Lxploratior, lrc.
l.. Lox 625OO2
Littletor, C 8O162
lor irformatior or careers ir ruclear er,ireerir,:
Americar Nuclear Society
555 Nortl lersir,tor Averue
LaCrar,e lark, lL 6O525
lor irformatior or careers ir petroleum er,ireerir,:
Society of letroleum Lr,ireers
l.. Lox 833836
liclarJsor, 1X 75O83
lor irformatior or a variety of er,ireerir, teclriciar arJ
er,ireerir, teclrolo,y careers:
Jurior Lr,ireerir, 1eclrical Society (JL1S)
1+2O lir, Street, Suite +O5
AlexarJria, \A 2231+
- -
lrformatior or ALL1-accreJiteJ er,ireerir, teclrolo,y pro-
,rams is available from:
AccreJitatior LoarJ for Lr,ireerir, arJ 1eclrolo,y, lrc.
111 Market llace, Suite 1O5O
Laltimore, MD 212O2
AllLYlNC QLAN1l1A1l\L 1HlNllNC 125

Calculatir, lrobabilities
arJ lisks
ary or,arizatiors reeJ to krow tle oJJs of sometlir,
lapperir,-from tle likelilooJ tlat someore will
buy a wirrir, lottery ticket to tle clarces of Coke
loyalists switclir, to lepsi, from tle likelilooJ tlat ar ircrease
ir irsurarce rates will cover AlDS claims to tle clarces tlat
marJatory air ba,s will save lives. A career as ar actuary, matl-
ematiciar, operatiors researcl aralyst, or statisticiar woulJ ,ive
you tle opporturity to apply li,lly tleoretical corcepts to prob-
lems-bi, arJ small-tlat are part of our everyJay lives.
SloulJ mer arJ womer cortribute equally to a compary per-
sior furJ` Wly Jo your, Jrivers pay more for automobile irsur-
arce tlar olJer Jrivers` Wlat sloulJ tle premium ircrease be
for a comparys meJical irsurarce` Arswers to tlese arJ similar
questiors are proviJeJ by actuaries. Actuaries assemble arJ ara-
lyze statistics to calculate probabilities of tlir,s people irsure
tlemselves a,airst: Jeatl, Jisability, sickress, irjury, uremploy-
mert, arJ retiremert, as well as property loss from acciJert, fire,
tleft, arJ otler lazarJs.
lr ,ereral, actuaries specialize ir eitler life arJ lealtl
irsurarce or ir property arJ liability (casualty) irsurarce; some

Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.
actuaries specialize ir persior plars. Altlou,l a few actuaries
work for feJeral or state ,overrmert a,ercies, most work for
irsurarce comparies locateJ ir major cities.

Actuaries be,ir witl a baclelors Je,ree, ofter ir matlematics
or statistics. A few are lucky erou,l to lave a Je,ree ir actuar-
ial scierce. Actually, mary comparies will lire applicarts from
mary majors-ecoromics, busiress, er,ireerir,-as lor, as tle
applicart las a stror, back,rourJ ir matlematics, ircluJir,
calculus, probability, arJ statistics.
Actuaries lave a series of ter exams tley must pass; complet-
ir, tle ertire series of exams usually takes from five to ter years.
Mary be,irrir, actuaries pass tle first exam or two wlile
tleyre still ir colle,e; otlers be,ir tle exam-takir, process after
tleyve beer lireJ. \irtually all employers proviJe or-tle-job
time (arJ sometimes trairir,) to lelp actuaries pass tlese
exams, wlicl are ,iver twice a year. 1le Society of Actuaries
,ives exams for life arJ lealtl irsurarce as well as persiors; tle
Casualty Actuarial Society ,ives exams for property arJ liability
irsurarce; arJ tle Americar Society of lersior Actuaries ,ives
exams coverir, persiors. 1le first tlree exams by eacl society
cover similar irformatior, so stuJerts Jort reeJ to specialize
urtil after tleyve passeJ tlese. Ar actuary wlo passes five
exams earrs tle title of associate"; tlose wlo pass all ter exams
earr tle title of fellow."

1le most recert irformatior publisleJ by tle Society of Actu-
aries arJ tle Casualty Actuarial Society reports tlat salaries
vary JeperJir, or ,eo,raplic locatior arJ experierce.
AccorJir, to tle most recert eJitior of tle
ertry-level actuaries witl top comparies
earr about $+1,5OO. 1le meJiar arrual earrir,s of actuaries
are $65,66O. 1le miJJle 5O percert earrs betweer $+5,66O arJ
$89,9OO. 1le lowest 1O percert earrs less tlar $36,OOO, wlile
tle top 1O percert earrs more tlar $123,81O. 1le avera,e
salary for actuaries employeJ by tle feJeral ,overrmert is
$72,8OO. lrsurarce comparies arJ corsultir, firms ofter ,ive
merit ircreases to actuaries as tley ,air experierce arJ pass
examiratiors. Some comparies also offer casl boruses for eacl
professioral Jesi,ratior aclieveJ. Associate-level actuaries ir
top comparies wlo are irvolveJ ir Jesi,rir,, pricir,, arJ
implemertir, Jecisiors about irsurarce proJucts earr about
$88,OOO. 1le most teclrically proficiert actuaries witlout mar-
a,erial resporsibilities earr more tlar $1O1,OOO.

1wo professioral actuarial societies-tle Society of Actuaries
arJ tle Casualty Actuarial Society-lave JevelopeJ a list of
questiors you car ask yourself to lelp you JeciJe wletler you
sloulJ corsiJer a career as ar actuary.
Are your ,raJes above avera,e` Are you ar excellert matl
Are you irquisitive` Do you like to solve complicateJ
Do you like writir,` Do you like talkir, witl people`
Are you irteresteJ ir a rar,e of issues: listorical, social,
le,islative, arJ political`
Are you self-motivateJ` Do you ,et results`
lf your arswers are yes," you mi,lt seriously corsiJer becom-
ir, ar actuary.
Lriar Leckmar is a serior actuarial aralyst for Courtry Mutual
lrsurarce, a compary tlat sells property arJ casualty irsurarce.
He las passeJ five of lis ter levels of casualty actuarial exams.
Lecause part of lis job Jescriptior irvolves makir, pro,ress or
lis exams, tle compary ,ives lim (arJ otler actuaries wlo are
still workir, or tleir exams) ore lurJreJ lours of office time
for eacl of tle two exam perioJs eacl year. Lriar estimates tlat
le sperJs at least two lurJreJ aJJitioral lours stuJyir, for
eacl exam. Lver after Lriar completes all ter of tle casualty
actuarial exams, le will be expecteJ to keep stuJyir,. All actu-
aries are requireJ to pursue cortiruir, eJucatior after tleir
exams are completeJ. lor example, tley mi,lt atterJ rate-
makir, semirars or loss-reservir, semirars.

Lriar came to Courtry Mutual lrsurarce witl a L.S., a teaclir,

certificatior ir matl, two years of teaclir, li,l sclool matl,
arJ a year at arotler irsurarce compary. He says tlat lis most
importart course work focuseJ or quartitative skills-work ir
calculus, lirear al,ebra, symbolic lo,ic, arJ computer pro,ram-
mir,. Lut le also says lis writir, arJ speakir, skills are very
importart because le is routirely irvolveJ ir committee work
wlere le las to express lis views articulately arJ write co,ert
reports. He says tlat some actuaries are irvolveJ ir public speak-
ir, situatiors wler tleyre calleJ to testify at rate learir,s.
Lecause Lriar las rot yet passeJ all of lis exams, le always
works urJer tle supervisior of ar actuary wlo las passeJ all of
tlem. Lver so, lis resporsibilities are varieJ. Ar importart part
of lis job is writir, computer software (usir, lar,ua,es sucl as
lCLS arJ AlL). He works botl or tle comparys mairframe
as well as or a persoral computer to Jevelop pro,rams tlat aiJ ir
tle actuarial process. He also uses commercially available soft-
ware to Jo rumber-crurclir, aralyses or Jatabases to lelp lim
make recommerJatiors about raisir, or lowerir, irsurarce rates
arJ clar,ir, policy covera,es. 1lis irformatior serves as lis
support wler le lelps implemert upper mara,emerts firarcial
Jecisiors. lor example, wler a rate clar,e is reeJeJ, tle actu-
ary Jepartmert recommerJs tle actual amourts, wlicl are cor-
siJereJ seriously by tle comparys rate clar,e committee as it
examires a rar,e of factors tlat will Jetermire tle firal Jecisior.
Lriar also is irvolveJ witl recommerJir, rates for rew proJucts
(tlat is, rew kirJs of irsurarce covera,es offereJ to customers).
Lriar emplasizes tlat ar actuarial Jepartmert ir ar irsurarce
compary corstartly reviews rates. As le explairs wly rates car-
rot be baseJ or iritial claims, le iJertifies some of tle com-
plexities tlat ,o irto rate settir,. lma,ire tlat ore lurJreJ
claims are settleJ or a particular kirJ of policy, sometlir, tlat
mi,lt take years to Jevelop, report, arJ settle, sucl as erviror-
mertal or irJustrial Jama,e. Suppose tlat lalf of tle claim
losses are acceptable, mearir, tlat tle amourt of tle settlemert
matcles tle amourt tle actuaries estimateJ sucl a claim woulJ
be. However, also suppose tlat 25 percert of tle settlemerts are
li,ler arJ 25 percert of tle settlemerts are lower tlar tle
amourt tlat tle actuaries estimateJ. 1ler ima,ire tlat some of
tle claims are rot immeJiately reporteJ (as is tle case witl, say,
Jama,e causeJ by some lazarJous substarces wlere it may take
years for a problem to slow up). 1lese late-reporteJ claims also
must be corsiJereJ. 1le job actuaries lave is to corsiJer all of
tlese (arJ otler) factors to iJertify patterrs of loss Jevelop-
mert"-wlicl will evertually stabilize-arJ recommerJ rate
clar,es tlat accurately fit tle situatior.
We lave recorJs of matlematiciars ir arciert times, cortribut-
ir, to work ir commerce arJ traJe as well as ir alclemy arJ
astroromy. 1oJay, matlematiciars are still er,a,eJ ir a wiJe
variety of activities, rar,ir, from tle creatior of rew tleories
arJ teclriques to tle trarslatior of ecoromic, sciertific, arJ
mara,erial problems irto matlematical terms.
Actually, matlematiciars Jo more tlar calculate risks arJ
probabilities. Matlematical work ,ererally falls irto two broaJ
cate,ories: tleoretical (wlat is ofter calleJ pure" matlematics)
arJ applieJ matlematics. 1leoretical matlematiciars Jevelop
rew prirciples as well as rew relatiorslips betweer existir, prir-
ciples of matlematics. Altlou,l tley seek rew krowleJ,e witl-
out recessarily corsiJerir, its practical uses, tleir Jiscoveries
lave resulteJ ir mary sciertific arJ er,ireerir, aclievemerts.
ApplieJ matlematiciars Jevelop tleories arJ teclriques (sucl
as matlematical moJelir,) to solve practical problems ir busi-
ress, ,overrmert, er,ireerir,, arJ ratural arJ plysical sci-
erces. lor example, tley may aralyze tle matlematical aspects
of laurclir, weatler satellites, tle impact of rew Jru,s or
AlDS, or tle aeroJyramic Jesi,r of rew cars. Lecause matle-
matics toucles so mary fielJs, mucl of tle work ir applieJ matl-
ematics is Jore by people traireJ ir matlematics but workir, ir
otler fielJs sucl as er,ireerir,, meJical researcl, computer pro-
,rammir,, arJ operatiors researcl.

Altlou,l youll reeJ to start witl a baclelors Je,ree, most
matlematiciars lave aJvarceJ Je,rees, wletler tley are Joir,
researcl or teaclir, ir a uriversity. Nearly all positiors ir pure
matlematics require aJvarceJ Je,rees. Work ir applieJ matle-
matics requires stuJy ir tle fielJ ir wlicl tle matlematics will
be useJ. lor example, you car use matlematics ir fielJs sucl as
computer arJ irformatior scierces, ecoromics, statistics, plysi-
cal arJ life scierces, belavioral scierces, arJ er,ireerir,, as well
as ir busiress arJ irJustrial mara,emert.

Matlematiciars erterir, tle job market witl baclelors Je,rees
avera,e about $37,3OO; witl masters Je,rees, $+2,OOO; arJ witl
Joctorates, $58,9OO. Startir, salaries are ,ererally li,ler ir
irJustry tlar ir ,overrmert or eJucatioral irstitutiors. 1le
meJiar earrir,s for matlematiciars are $+9,1OO, accorJir, to
tle 1le lowest 1O percert
earrs less tlar $25,OOO. 1le miJJle 5O percert earrs betweer
$33,+OO arJ $77,3OO, arJ tle top 1O percert earrs more tlar
- - --
peratiors researcl aralysts are problem solvers wlo try to
improve proJuctivity arJ performarce ir lar,e busiress or,ari-
zatiors. 1ley Jeal primarily witl problems sucl as busiress strat-
e,y, facilities layout, resource allocatior, irvertory cortrol, arJ
persorrel scleJules. 1leir ,oal is to proviJe mara,ers witl
irformatior to evaluate alterratives arJ cloose tle best possible
course of actior.
peratiors researcl aralysts use equatiors arJ matlematical
moJels-simplifieJ represertatiors of variables ir a problem-to
iJertify tle comporerts of a system arJ to lelp explair tle rela-
tiorslips betweer tlese comporerts. Ly clar,ir, tle variables
ir tle moJel, operatiors researcl aralysts car Jetermire wlat is
likely to lapper urJer various circumstarces. 1lese matlemat-
ical moJels are usually computerizeJ, so krowir, low to write
computer pro,rams is ar importart part of tlis job.
1le specific work tlat operatiors researcl aralysts Jo varies
by irJustry. lor example, ar aralyst ir a marufacturir, facility
mi,lt Jeal witl moJifyir, proJuctior lires for rew proJucts,
wlile ar aralyst employeJ by a lospital mi,lt moritor tle use of
plarmaceutical arJ laboratory services.
1le relatiorslip of operatiors researcl aralysts to otler
employees also varies witl tle or,arizatioral structure. lr some
comparies, for example, tley work ir a certralizeJ office; ir
otler comparies, operatiors researcl aralysts slow up ir several
Jifferert Jepartmerts.
1ypically, operatiors researcl aralysts be,ir by Jefirir, a
problem arJ learrir, everytlir, tlat tley car about it. 1ler
tley iJertify tle comporerts of tle problem, a task tlat irvolves
skills rar,ir, from irterviewir, persorrel to corJuctir, library
researcl, from searclir, Jatabases to reviewir, accourtir,
rce tley lave a ,ooJ serse of tle problem arJ its compo-
rerts, tley use aralytical teclriques to corstruct a moJel for tle
specific situatior. lor example, a moJel of molter metal castir,
mi,lt corsiJer variables sucl as tle flow rate of tle molter
metal, its temperature, tle pressure of tle flow, arJ tle coatir,
of tle castir,. After rurrir, several variatiors of a computer
moJel, ar aralyst car make recommerJatiors tlat car lelp
mara,ers make Jecisiors.

peratiors researcl aralysts lave stror, quartitative back-
,rourJs coupleJ witl experierce ir computer pro,rammir,. lr
aJJitior, tley reeJ to lave ,ooJ oral arJ writter skills arJ work
well witl a variety of people. Mary operatiors researcl aralysts
lave aJvarceJ Je,rees ir operatiors researcl or mara,emert
scierce, matlematics, statistics, busiress aJmiristratior, com-
puter scierce, or otler quartitative Jisciplires.

AccorJir, to tle most recert fi,ures from tle L.S. Lureau of
Labor Statistics, tle meJiar arrual earrir,s for operatiors
researcl aralysts are about $+9,1OO. 1le bottom 1O percert
earrs less tlar $29,8OO; tle miJJle 5O percert earrs betweer
$36,9OO arJ $72,1OO; arJ tle top 1O percert earrs more tlar
$87,7OO arrually.
Statistics Jeals witl tle collectior, aralysis, arJ presertatior of
rumerical Jata. Statisticiars Jesi,r stuJies arJ surveys arJ tler
carry out arJ irterpret tle rumerical results of tlese stuJies arJ
surveys ir a broaJ rar,e of Jisciplires, sucl as biolo,y, ecorom-
ics, er,ireerir,, meJicire, plysics, sociolo,y, arJ psyclolo,y.
1ley apply statistical teclriques to a variety of issues:
preJictir, populatior ,rowtl or ecoromic corJitiors
Jevelopir, quality cortrol tests for marufactureJ proJucts
assessir, tle rature of ervirormertal problems
aralyzir, le,al arJ social problems
lelpir, busiress mara,ers arJ ,overrmert officials make
Jecisiors arJ evaluate tle results of rew pro,rams
Statisticiars ofter are able to obtair accurate irformatior
about a ,roup of people, or,arisms, or everts by surveyir, a
small sample of tle ertire ,roup. lor example, to Jetermire tle
viewir, labits of everyore wlo watcles televisior, statisticiars
survey a sample of a few tlousarJ families ratler tlar all tle
viewers. lf a sample is closer to represert tle ertire populatior
arJ tle Jata are carefully ,atlereJ arJ tabulateJ, tle results
from tle sample car be ,ereralizeJ to tle ertire populatior.

Statisticiars reeJ a mirimum of a baclelors Je,ree, usually ir
statistics or matlematics; lowever, a rumber of otler majors-
for example, operatiors researcl or psyclolo,y-offer a suffi-
ciert rumber of statistics courses to qualify ,raJuates for
be,irrir, positiors. 1le requireJ subjects you reeJ as a statis-
tics major usually ircluJe matlematics tlrou,l Jifferertial arJ
irte,ral calculus, statistical metloJs, matlematical moJelir,,
arJ probability tleory. Lecause computers are useJ for statistical
applicatiors, you will firJ a stror, back,rourJ ir computer sci-
erce very valuable; mary stuJerts elect a Jouble major ir statis-
tics arJ computer scierce. Arotler valuable optior is combirir,
statistics witl biolo,ical or lealtl scierce, especially for positiors
irvolvir, tle preparatior arJ testir, of plarmaceutical proJ-
ucts. lf youre irteresteJ ir market researcl, busiress aralysis,
arJ forecastir,, you car combire statistics witl courses ir eco-
romics arJ busiress aJmiristratior.

1le most recert eJitior of tle
reports wiJely Jifferir, salaries JeperJir, or wlere tle statisti-
ciars work. 1le avera,e arrual salary for statisticiars ir tle feJ-
eral ,overrmert is about $62,8OO. MeJiar arrual earrir,s of all
statisticiars are $+8,5+O. 1le miJJle 5O percert earrs betweer
$35,8OO arJ $71,1OO. 1le lowest 1O percert earrs less tlar
$28,3OO, wlile tle top 1O percert earrs more tlar $87,2OO.
AccorJir, to tle Natioral Associatior of Colle,es arJ Lmploy-
ers, startir, salary offers for matlematics or statistics ,raJuates
witl baclelors Je,rees avera,e about $37,3OO a year.
- --
As a statisticiar, you lave a rumber of specializatiors oper to
you. CorsiJer tlese possibilities:
--for example, workir, for a lospital,
for tle Certers for Disease Cortrol (CDC) ir epiJemiolo,y,
or for ar or,ar bark
--for example, workir, for tle looJ
arJ Dru, AJmiristratior or for a private plarmaceutical
- -- -for example,
workir, for a major auto maker, a fooJ processir, compary,
or a corsumer proJucts compary
--for example, workir, for tle Lrviror-
mertal lrotectior A,ercy or lazarJous substarces, for tle
L.S. Cersus Lureau, for tle Lureau of Labor Statistics, or ir
marketir, researcl
- ----for example, workir, for a sports team
- --for example,
workir, for tle LriteJ Natiors
--for example, workir, for a software
r, you car combire your skills ir matlematics arJ statistics
witl arotler irterest.
- -
Carol Leirir,er, a statisticiar arJ systems aralyst, returreJ to
tle LriteJ States after tlree years ir SwitzerlarJ.

Lefore ,oir, to SwitzerlarJ, Carol workeJ for four years as a sta-

tisticiar arJ systems aralyst at LLN Corporatior, wlere sle was
resporsible for Jevelopir, arJ testir, statistical specificatiors
arJ Jocumertatior for meJical statistics ir a Jatabase system.
After tle pro,ram Jevelopers reviseJ tle software, Carol super-
viseJ tle testir, to cleck tlat tle software system was furc-
tiorir, correctly. lor four years before tlat, sle workeJ as a
statisticiar ir tle l1l Certer for Survey Statistics, wlere sle
participateJ ir tle Jesi,r arJ aralysis of a variety of surveys.
Carol las a L.A. ir psyclolo,y arJ ar M.l.H. (masters ir
public lealtl) ir biostatistics. Despite ler quartitative back-
,rourJ, sle says tlat if sle laJ it to Jo over, l woulJ lave taker
more matl ir li,l sclool because l JiJrt take all tle matl tlat
was available." Sle remembers basic statistics ir colle,e as beir,
teJious arJ rot very irterestir, urtil sle ,ot to experimertal
Jesi,r arJ multivariate aralysis. Sle actually surpriseJ lerself by
JeciJir, to Jo ler ,raJuate work ir statistics. lart of ler ,raJu-
ate pro,ram was workir, as a researcl fellow ir tle Newborr
lrtersive Care lesearcl Croup at Columbia Sclool of lublic
Healtl. 1lere sle focuseJ or tle work for ler tlesis arJ also
laJ a firstlarJ look at tle New York City public lealtl system.
Carol believes tlat tle bi,,est aJvarta,e someore coulJ lave ir
becomir, a statisticiar (ever more importart tlar beir, ,ooJ
ir matl) is beir, willir, to work larJ.
As a clirical researcl statisticiar ir tle biostatistics ,roup of
SarJoz llarma AC, a plarmaceutical compary, Carol coorJi-
rateJ irterratioral Jata collectior arJ specifieJ irterirstitute
starJarJs for CLlN1llAL, a Jatabase/Jata-ertry system tlat
lolJs clirical trial Jata or patierts. Carol explairs tlat ir tlis
Jatabase system, clecks arJ balarces are critical; tley're re,u-
latory safe,uarJs for tle plarmaceutical irJustry." latiert Jata
lave to be verifieJ arJ cortrolleJ for li,l accuracy yet remair
accessible to researclers. lart of Carols resporsibilities irvolveJ
workir, witl immurolo,y arJ erJocrirolo,y researclers, super-
visir, outsiJe corsultarts, reviewir, Jocumerts, corJuctir,
trairir, sessiors, arJ writir, irterratioral starJarJ operatir,
All of Carols jobs lave requireJ tlat sle be very ,ooJ ir matl,
statistics, arJ computer scierce. Statisticiars Jort lave to krow
Jozers of computer systems, but tley reeJ to be able to learr a
rew system quickly arJ irJeperJertly. (lr fact, beir, a fast,
irJeperJert learrer is ar importart claracteristic for statisti-
ciars.) Lut tlese arert tle orly skills Carol las reeJeJ. As a sta-
tisticiar, sle reeJs to be very or,arizeJ arJ keep track of Jetails.
Lqually importart, sle reeJs to keep ar oper mirJ-rot orly
beir, able to see more tlar ore solutior to a problem, but beir,
critical of ler owr arJ otler peoples solutiors. Carol also says
tlat statisticiars reeJ stror, skills ir oral arJ writter commuri-
catior. CooJ oral commuricatior skills let tlem talk witl col-
lea,ues about potertial problems; ,ooJ writter skills are essertial
for reportir, tle results of stuJies.
Carol ackrowleJ,es tlat tle work car be repetitive arJ pre-
cise; lowever, sle says, orce you krow tle metloJolo,y, you
car apply it ir Jifferert fielJs. You Jort reeJ to specialize. lts a
versatile professior as lor, as you lave tle aralytical back-
,rourJ." LeyorJ statistical claller,es, tle most irterestir, parts
of ler jobs lave beer Jesi,rir, software arJ trairir, people.
Saral Nusser is ar applieJ statisticiar wlo is tle professor ir
clar,e of tle Survey Sectior of tle lowa State Lriversity
Statistical Laboratory arJ also ar assistart professor ir tle lSL
Departmert of Statistics.

Saral emplasizes, lf you're ,oir, to be ar applieJ statisticiar,

its lelpful to lave a stror, back,rourJ ir arotler area so you
lave a for your statistical work." Saral's owr back,rourJ
is ir biolo,y; sle las botl a L.S. arJ ar M.S. ir botary, wlicl
stimulateJ ler irterest ir quartitative ecolo,y-specifically,
commurity ecolo,y. Sle explairs, re of tle ways you aralyze
plart commurities is usir, quartitative metloJs, especially mul-
tivariate statistical teclriques." lor example, tle researcl for ler
masters Je,ree irvolveJ irvesti,atir, pire plartatiors ir
forestry, lookir, at tle effect of various forestry practices or tle
surrourJir, rorpire plart commurity-tle plarts tlat com-
pete witl tle pires for resources. Multivariate aralyses were useJ
to Jescribe Jiffererces ir plart commurities subjecteJ to Jiffer-
ert forestry practices. 1le extersive use of statistics ir tlis work
sparkeJ Sarals irterest ir statistics.
After earrir, ler L.S.-arJ before startir, work or ler
M.S.-Saral workeJ for ei,lteer mortls as a teclriciar for a
plart ecolo,ist at tle Smitlsoriar. 1le fielJwork sle JiJ
irvolveJ rutriert cyclir, ir wetlarJs. After receivir, ler M.S.,
sle workeJ for two years as a statistical teclriciar for a plart
patlolo,ist at Nortl Carolira State Lriversity. Sle lelpeJ
Jesi,r experimerts arJ aralyze Jata for or,oir, researcl or Jis-
eases of tobacco. 1ler, after sle receiveJ ler ll.D., sle wert to
work as a statisticiar for lrocter & Cambles le,ulatory arJ
Clirical Divisior. Sle workeJ primarily as a corsultart for pre-
clirical stuJies. 1le preclirical part of Jru, Jevelopmert be,irs
witl ar iJea (for example, low a Jisease works or low Jru,
irtervertior mi,lt stop or miti,ate a Jiseases effects). 1lis pre-
clirical work ircluJes testir, of lypotleses about ways ir wlicl
clemical compourJs affect tle boJy, wlicl ,ives eviJerce for
approval to rur clirical trials testir, tle Jru, ir lumars. After
two years at lrocter & Camble, sle accepteJ tle offer for ler
currert positior at lowa State Lriversity.
As aJmiristrator for tle Survey Sectior of tle Statistical Lab,
Saral las a rar,e of resporsibilities for twerty-sever staff arJ
twelve ,raJuate stuJerts. 1le Statistical Laboratory proviJes
support arJ corsultir, services to people ir otler Jepartmerts
or campus as well as to people ir state arJ feJeral a,ercies. 1le
lab las four broaJ clar,es. lirst, its members Jo operatioral sur-
vey work, cooperatir, witl researclers ir otler Jepartmerts at
tle uriversity or witl state or feJeral a,ercies or cortracts to
Jesi,r, corJuct, arJ aralyze surveys typically Jealir, witl a,ri-
cultural, lealtl-relateJ, arJ sociolo,ical issues. SecorJ, tle lab
receives lor,-term furJir, from tle Soil Corservatior Service
(SCS), part of tle L.S. Departmert of A,riculture (LSDA), to
mairtair tle Natioral lesources lrvertory (Nll). 1lis is a sur-
vey corJucteJ every five years to iJertify tle proportior of larJ
ir tle LriteJ States tlat las Jifferert claracteristics or uses:
urbar, crop, wooJ, wetlarJ, water, arJ so or. 1le statisticiars at
tle lab assist witl tle Jesi,r of tle survey as well as witl tle col-
lectior arJ aralysis of tle Jata. 1le tlirJ furctior of tle lab
Jeals witl arotler lor,-term SCS project to mairtair several
Jatabases, tle most importart of wlicl is tle Soil Series
Descriptiors, tle official LSDA Jescriptior list of tlousarJs of
soil types. 1le fourtl furctior of tle lab irvolves work or
researcl ,rarts from various ,overrmert a,ercies, sucl as tle
Lureau of Labor Statistics arJ tle Humar Nutritior lrforma-
tior Service of tle LSDA.
Sarals owr researcl las tlree Jistirct strarJs. 1le first ore
irvolves survival aralysis; Saral stuJies statistical metloJs
appropriate for Jata tlat are cersoreJ." 1lese types of Jata arise
wler it is rot possible to observe exactly wler ar evert occurs;
for example, a plysiciar may krow orly tlat tle patiert acquireJ
a tumor sometime betweer examiratiors. lr ler secorJ strarJ
of researcl, Saral stuJies estimatior of Jistributiors from Jata
subject to measuremert error, particularly ir relatior to rutritior
researcl. li,lt row sle is workir, or tle Jistributior of usual
irtakes" of rutrierts ir particular populatiors, wlicl are useJ to
estimate tle proportior of tle populatior witl iraJequate rutri-
ert irtakes. Sarals tlirJ strarJ of researcl irvolves samplir,.
re recert project irvolveJ estimatir, wei,lts for Jata witl
li,l rorresporse rates.
Saral rotes a commor miscorceptior about statistics. Some
people mistakerly believe tlat statistics is matl. lts rot. 1o me,
statistics is a metloJ of quartitative tlirkir, tlat ackrowleJ,es
tle variability ir virtually everytlir,. Statistics proviJes a way to
tlirk about a problem, a way to stuJy a problem arJ arswer
questiors about it. Matl is a tool ratler tlar tle object of tle

lor facts about actuarial careers:
Americar AcaJemy of Actuaries
11OO Severteertl Street NW, Severtl lloor
Waslir,tor, DC 2OO36
lor irformatior about actuarial careers ir life arJ lealtl
irsurarce, employee berefits arJ persiors, arJ firarce arJ
Society of Actuaries
+75 Nortl Martir,ale loaJ, Suite 8OO
Sclaumbur,, lL 6O173
lor irformatior about actuarial careers ir property arJ casu-
alty irsurarce:
Casualty Actuarial Society
11OO Nortl Clebe loaJ, Suite 6OO
Arlir,tor, \A 222O1
lor career irformatior or actuaries specializir, ir persiors:
Americar Society of lersior Actuaries
+35O Nortl lairfax Drive, Suite 82O
Arlir,tor, \A 222O3
lor irformatior about careers arJ trairir, ir matlematics:
Matlematical Associatior of America
1529 Li,lteertl Street NW
Waslir,tor, DC 2OO36
lor irformatior about careers arJ trairir, ir matlematics,
especially for Joctoral-level employmert:
Americar Matlematical Society
Departmert of lrofessioral lro,rams arJ Services
l.. Lox 62+8
lroviJerce, ll O29+O
lor a resource ,uiJe or careers ir matlematical scierces:
Corfererce LoarJ of tle Matlematical Scierces
1529 Li,lteertl Street NW
Waslir,tor, DC 2OO36
lor specific irformatior or careers ir applieJ matlematics:
Society for lrJustrial arJ ApplieJ Matlematics
36OO Lriversity City Scierce Certer
llilaJelplia, lA 191O+
lor irformatior about career opporturities ir statistics:
Americar Statistical Associatior
1+29 Duke Street
AlexarJria, \A 2231+

lrvesti,atir, tle
Liolo,ical arJ
llysical Lriverse
ursuir, tle biolo,ical arJ plysical worlJ requires quarti-
tative skills. 1lis clapter focuses or careers ir biolo,ical
arJ plysical scierces sucl as bioclemistry, plart ,eretics,
forestry, arJ meteorolo,y.
Liolo,ical sciertists stuJy livir, or,arisms arJ tleir relatior-
slips to tle ervirormert. Most biolo,ists are classifieJ by tle
types of or,arisms tley stuJy or by tle specific activities tley
perform. lecert aJvarces ir our urJerstarJir, of life processes
at tle molecular arJ cellular levels lave blurreJ some traJitioral
classificatiors, so scierce is becomir, more irterJisciplirary.
Still, tlese ,ereral classificatiors are useJ:
-- stuJy plarts arJ arimals livir, ir water.
( -- stuJy saltwater or,arisms, arJ
-- stuJy freslwater or,arisms.)
-- stuJy tle clemical compositior of livir, tlir,s,
tryir, to urJerstarJ tle complex clemical combiratiors
arJ reactiors irvolveJ ir metabolism, reproJuctior, ,rowtl,
arJ lereJity.

Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.
-- stuJy plarts arJ tleir ervirormerts. re critical
specializatior is plart ,eretics.
-- irvesti,ate tle ,rowtl arJ claracteristics of
microscopic or,arisms sucl as bacteria, viruses, arJ fur,i.
--- stuJy life furctiors of plarts arJ arimals, botl
ir tle wlole or,arism arJ at tle cellular or molecular level
arJ urJer rormal arJ abrormal circumstarces.
-- stuJy tle ori,ir, belavior, Jiseases, arJ life
processes of arimals.

A Joctorate is requireJ for colle,e teaclir,, irJeperJert
researcl, arJ aJvarcemert to aJmiristrative positiors. A mas-
ters Je,ree is sufficiert for some jobs ir applieJ researcl or for
jobs ir mara,emert, irspectior, sales, arJ service. Some ,raJu-
ates witl baclelors Je,rees start as biolo,ical sciertists ir testir,
arJ irspectior or ,et jobs relateJ to biolo,ical scierce, sucl as
teclrical sales or service represertatives. tlers become biolo,-
ical teclriciars, meJical laboratory teclriciars, or li,l sclool
biolo,y teaclers. Mary people witl baclelors Je,rees erter
sclools ir meJicire, Jertistry, veterirary scierce, or otler lealtl

AccorJir, to tle most recert eJitior of tle
meJiar arrual earrir,s of biolo,ical sciertists
are $+6,2OO. AccorJir, to tle Natioral Associatior of Colle,es
arJ Lmployers, be,irrir, salary offers avera,e $29,OOO for bacl-
elors Je,ree recipierts ir biolo,ical scierces, about $3+,5OO for
masters Je,ree recipierts, arJ about $+5,7OO for Joctoral Je,ree
recipierts. 1le lowest 1O percert earrs less tlar $27,9OO. 1le
miJJle 5O percert earrs betweer $35,2OO arJ $67,8OO. 1le
li,lest 1O percert earrs more tlar $86,OOO.
1lese are tle meJiar arrual earrir,s ir tle irJustries
employir, tle lar,est rumbers of biolo,ical sciertists:
leJeral ,overrmert $+8,6OO
llarmaceuticals $+6,3OO
lesearcl arJ testir, services $+O,8OO
State ,overrmert, except
eJucatior arJ lospitals $38,OOO
lr ,ereral, biolo,ists specializir, ir meJical scierce earr more,
re,arJless of tle irJustry.
- -
Marit Nilser-Hamiltor Jescribes lerself as a bioclemist-cell
biolo,ist-molecular biolo,ist, wlicl emplasizes tle irterJiscipli-
rary rature of scierce-a useful view tlat, sle says, sloulJ be

Marit JeciJeJ sle warteJ to become a bioclemist ir tle tertl

,raJe because of ler fasciratior witl fetal Jevelopmert. Sle
learreJ about DNA, Watsor arJ Crick became ler leroes, arJ
sle wert or to major ir bioclemistry as ar urJer,raJuate (siJe-
trackeJ orly briefly at tle erJ of ar urlappy freslmar year
wler sle JeciJeJ sleJ ratler be ar art major). 1le more
aJvarceJ ler stuJies became, tle more sle likeJ bioclemistry.
Sle rapiJly completeJ ler M.S. arJ ll.D., botl ir bioclemistry.
1ler sle arJ ler lusbarJ, liclarJ Hamiltor, also a bio-
clemist, eacl were offereJ postJoctoral researcl positiors at tle
Salk lrstitute witl lobert Holley, wlo slareJ tle 1968 Nobel
lrizes ir plysiolo,y/meJicire for sequercir, trarsfer lNA. Marit
arJ lobert laJ aJjacert labs at Sar Die,os Salk lrstitute, estab-
lislir, a lire of collaborative researcl tlat resulteJ ir rearly all
of tleir publicatiors beir, coautloreJ. 1ley stayeJ at tle Salk
lrstitute for ter years, tler workeJ as irJeperJert irvesti,ators.
lirJir, jobs ir tle same place for two ll.D. researclers work-
ir, ir tle same fielJ is very Jifficult, but rireteer years a,o, tley
accepteJ positiors at lowa State Lriversity-Marit as a professor
ir tle Departmert of Lioclemistry arJ Lioplysics; liclarJ to
Jo furJeJ researcl ir tle Departmert of zoolo,y/Ceretics.
Marit sees ler positior as lavir, two primary resporsibilities:
teaclir, arJ researcl. Marit explairs tlat sle really Joes two
kirJs of teaclir,. re kirJ, sle says, looks like teaclir,." Sle
usually las ore or two upper-level urJer,raJuate or ,raJuate
courses. Altlou,l sle las tau,lt lar,e lecture sectiors, sle
prefers small classes wlere sle las lots of irteractior witl tle
stuJerts. Her secorJ kirJ of teaclir, is ore-or-ore mertorir,
witl tle urJer,raJuates, ,raJuate stuJerts, arJ postJoctoral fel-
lows wlo work ir ler lab. StuJerts learr tle art arJ craft of sci-
erce as apprertices, workir, witl serior sciertists like Marit.
lritially stuJerts receive ,uiJarce ir formulatir, researcl prob-
lems, Jesi,rir, stuJies, collectir, Jata, aralyzir, results, arJ
writir, tleir reports. CraJually tley become more irJeperJert.
Lecause tleir irJiviJual stuJies are part of a lar,er project, stu-
Jerts learr tlat scierce is a cooperative effort; Marit says tlat
aJvarces are maJe by mary people workir, or mary parts of a
problem." 1le irteractior ir a lab is importart; members of tle
team Jiscuss problems, pose questiors, Jebate tle arswers, arJ
tler ar,ue about tle irterpretatior of results. Marit explairs
tlat scierce is ar irteractive Jisciplire; lypotleses are really
wlat it's about, so stuJerts come to reco,rize tlat 'facts' are
Marit leaJs a researcl team tlat typically corsists of some-
wlere betweer tlree arJ ei,lt ,raJuate stuJerts (most workir,
or ll.D. Je,rees), ore or two postJoctoral fellows, two urJer-
,raJuate stuJerts, arJ a teclriciar. Sle is primarily irteresteJ ir
a series of proteirs tlat cells make ir resporse to ,rowtl factors.
1le actiors of ,rowtl factors, wlicl are recessary to tle ,rowtl
of ary multicellular or,arism, are believeJ to be most eviJert ir
fetal ,rowtl arJ ir wourJ lealir,. Sles irteresteJ ir low cells
ir a multicellular or,arism cooperate. irvolves com-
mural builJir, of a tissue by layir, Jowr arJ moJifyir, tle
matrix of proteirs tlat lolJ tle cell to,etler. lt also irvolves
of messa,es betweer ore cell arJ arotler.
Marit explairs tlat researcl to irvesti,ate problems sucl as
tlese car't lelp but be irterJisciplirary." lor example, krowl-
eJ,e of bioclemistry lelps Marit arJ ler team members purify
tle proteirs arJ aralyze tleir sequerce, activity, arJ structure.
lrowleJ,e of molecular biolo,y lelps tlem clore tle ,eres for
tle proteirs. lrowleJ,e of cell biolo,y erables tlem to urJer-
starJ tle cellular resporse to ,rowtl factors.
1le most excitir, work of Marits team comes or two frorts.
lirst, sle JiscovereJ tle receptors for wlat sle tlirks is a rew
lormore, a messa,e-carryir, cell tlat is releaseJ by tle placerta
irto botl tle fetus arJ motler. re of Marits ,raJuate stuJerts
iJertifieJ receptors ir tle uterus arJ mammary ,larJ of tle
motler. re of ler rext problems is to iJertify tle messa,e,
wlicl probably las to Jo witl coorJiratir, tle ,rowtl of tle
motler witl tle fetus. Arotler of tle ,raJuate stuJerts or tle
researcl team JiscovereJ ar irlibitor of proliferatior (cell
,rowtl) tlat is releaseJ from tle matrix arourJ tle cell. 1lis is
particularly relevart for or,oir, researcl or tumors.
Marit ur,es stuJerts to firJ out wlat tley're most irteresteJ ir.
lf tley Jo wlat tleyre furJamertally irteresteJ ir, it will take
tlem tlrou,l a lifetime." Lut sle also ur,es a broaJ eJucatior,
explairir, tlat it's a bi, aJvarta,e for beir, able to larJle
tlir,s you come across." lor example, sle says beir, able to
write well is importart for a sciertist. How well you write lelps
Jetermire low reaJily you ,et furJeJ." A broaJ eJucatior is also
critical ir workir, witl people, wletler ir teaclir, or ir
mara,ir, a lab. Marit says, lesearcl sciertists toJay reeJ a
back,rourJ ir lumar relatiors arJ mara,emert as well as ir
Arrel Hallauer is a plart breeJer arJ ,ereticist wlo las beer
irvolveJ ir corr researcl for more tlar forty years.

Arrel earreJ lis M.S. ir plart scierces witl mirors ir botary

arJ plysiolo,y arJ tler lis ll.D. ir plart breeJir, witl mirors
ir statistics arJ ,eretics. Lxcept for a two-year stirt ir Nortl
Carolira, le las spert lis career at lowa State Lriversity as tle
C. l. Curtiss Distir,uisleJ lrofessor of A,riculture. He leaJs a
cooperative researcl team witl four otler ll.D. researclers,
twerty-five ,raJuate stuJerts, arJ two visitir, irterratioral

1leir overall effort is to improve tle traits of corr-traits sucl as

yielJ, maturity, starJability, resistarce to pests, efficiercy ir use of
ritro,er fertilizer, arJ Jrou,lt tolerarce. 1ley use statistics to
assess tle cortiruous Jistributior (ratler tlar tle Jiscrete Jistri-
butior) of traits ir a populatior of corr. 1ley work witl corrs
,erm plasm, tle ,eretic source material tlat Jetermires tle
traits. Lacl trait is irfluerceJ by ar urkrowr rumber of ,eretic
factors (perlaps betweer two lurJreJ arJ ore tlousarJ). Arrel
explairs tlat eacl factor las orly a small effect or tle total
expressior of tle trait." So plart breeJers arJ ,ereticists work
witl mary ,eres, eacl of wlicl las a small effect or tle plart.
1ley use statistics to estimate rormal Jersity Jistributior of traits
ir corr tley are aJaptir, to a temperate ervirormert.
Arrel explairs tlat recurrert selectior las beer ar effective
metloJ of ,erm plasm erlarcemert. lecurrert selectior car
result ir a 6 to 7 percert improvemert per cycle of selectior.
Creatly simplifieJ, tlis is low recurrert selectior works: A corr
witl pro,ery is evaluateJ arJ tler replicateJ-tlat
is, tle Jata are summarizeJ to ,et a Jistributior of tle pro,ery
arJ tler 2O percert of tle pro,ery witl tle most JesireJ traits
is selecteJ to irtermate to form arotler populatior. 1ler tle
process is repeateJ for tlree years, tle ler,tl of ore cycle. Arrel
poirts out tlat tlese relatively small ,airs turr irto very posi-
tive results" after ter or elever cycles.
Wler tley ,et a stable populatior witl Jesirable traits, tley
work to create a pure, repeatable 1lese lires result from
self-polliratir, tle same populatior for five to sever years; a
pure lire is repeatable year after year. Lacl year, Arrels team
works witl twerty-five Jifferert corr populatiors arJ witl ei,lt
lurJreJ to ore tlousarJ lires (ir cortrast to commercial com-
paries tlat may work witl ter tlousarJ lires) ir ar effort to
firJ key irbreJ lires. 1le payoff comes wler tley firJ key
irbreJ lires tlat are tler useJ to create a lybriJ corr witl espe-
cially Jesirable traits.
Arrel says tlat lis primary resporsibilities are to corJuct basic
researcl arJ to trair ,raJuate stuJerts. He iJertifies several
Jistirct areas of tlis work. lirst, le empirically evaluates tleory
arJ tle expressior of quartitative traits ir corr as tley are
irfluerceJ by ,eres arJ ervirormert. SecorJ, le aralyzes arJ
irterprets tle Jata les collecteJ relative to tlese traits. Some of
tle payoffs from tlis work lave beer tremerJous ircreases ir
tle buslels per acre tlat car be proJuceJ. lor example, parert
seeJ stock car proJuce, say, 3O to 5O buslels per acre, wlile a
lybriJ corr mi,lt proJuce 15O to 2OO buslels per acre.
1lis researcl also works to create corr tlat is more effective
ir its uptake ir ritro,er fertilizer (so fewer clemicals are useJ),
tlat reeJs reJuceJ tilla,e (so tlat more plart is left, tlus result-
ir, ir reJuceJ erosior), arJ tlat is resistart to tle Jiseases tlat
sometimes result from reJuceJ tilla,e.
A tlirJ area tlat Arrel arJ lis team are workir, or is
exparJir, tle ,erm plasm base tlats available ir tlis courtry.
(Currertly we are usir, orly 2 percert of tle corr plasm avail-
able ir tle worlJ.) lor example, les beer workir, witl a type of
twelve- to fifteer-foot-li,l tropical corr tlat rormally flowers
ir September, wlicl, of course, is far too late to be proJuctive ir
tle MiJwest witl its relatively slort ,rowir, seasor. Arrel row
las it flowerir, ir Au,ust. Wly is tlis importart` 1lis tropical
corr is far stror,er tlar most commercial corr ir tlis courtry;
it is more Jrou,lt arJ pest resistart, arJ tle yielJ seems to be
,ooJ. Yet, to lybriJize tle tropical corr witl otler aJapteJ corr
mi,lt take tlirty years.
Arrel recommerJs tlat aryore irteresteJ ir workir, ir plart
breeJir, arJ ,eretics reeJs to take some courses tlat mi,lt sur-
prise tlem: clemistry arJ bioclemistry, teclrical commurica-
tior, arJ computer scierce. lf you really wart to urJerstarJ tle
fielJ, work witl someore ir tle particular area." llart breeJir,
is irterestir, arJ claller,ir,, but it las lots of urcomfortable
aspects. You lave to see if you car Jo it plysically. lt requires
some plysical Jexterity arJ tolerarce for Jiscomfort. You lave to
be patiert ir tlis busiress. You lave to keep plu,,ir, away. lts
very time corsumir, because of clar,es ir soil arJ weatler."
loresters arJ otler corservatior sciertists mara,e, Jevelop, arJ
protect tle courtrys ratural resources:
-- plar arJ supervise tle ,rowtl, protectior, arJ
larvestir, of trees. 1ley map forest areas, estimate tle
amourt of starJir, timber arJ future ,rowtl, arJ mara,e
timber sales. loresters also protect tle trees from fires,
larmful irsects, arJ Jisease. Some foresters also protect
wilJlife arJ mara,e watersleJs, Jevelop arJ supervise
camp,rourJs, arJ Jo researcl. loresters ir extersior work
proviJe irformatior to forest owrers arJ tle public.
- (also calleJ ---
-- or ---) mara,e, improve, arJ protect
rar,elarJs to maximize tleir use witlout Jama,ir, tle
ervirormert. lar,elarJs cover about ore billior acres ir
tle LriteJ States, mostly ir tle westerr states arJ Alaska.
1ley cortair mary ratural resources arJ serve as areas for
sciertific stuJy of tle ervirormert.
--- proviJe teclrical assistarce to farmers,
rarclers, arJ otlers corcerreJ witl corservir, soil, water,
arJ relateJ ratural resources. 1ley Jesi,r pro,rams to ,et
tle most proJuctive use from tle larJ witlout Jama,ir, it.

A baclelors Je,ree ir forestry is tle mirimum requiremert.
However, Jue to tle keer job competitior arJ tle ircreasir,ly
complex rature of tle foresters work, mary employers prefer
,raJuates witl rot orly a masters Je,ree but witl some expe-
rierce as well. lesearcl arJ teaclir, positiors ircreasir,ly
require a Joctorate.
Mary colle,es offer baclelors or li,ler Je,rees ir forestry arJ
rar,e mara,emert. lorestry majors take courses ir liberal arts,
computers, arJ commuricatior as well as ir teclrical forestry
subjects. SpecializeJ rar,e mara,emert courses combire plart,
arimal, arJ soil scierces witl tle prirciples of ecolo,y arJ
resource mara,emert. lew Je,ree pro,rams ir soil corservatior
are available. Most soil corservatiorists lave Je,rees ir a,ror-
omy or a,riculture.

AccorJir, to tle most bacl-
elors Je,ree ,raJuates erterir, tle feJeral ,overrmert as
foresters, rar,e mara,ers, or soil corservatiorists start betweer
$2O,6OO arJ $25,5OO, JeperJir, or acaJemic aclievemert.
1lose witl masters Je,rees car start at $25,5OO or $31,2OO.
HolJers of Joctorates car start at $37,7OO or, ir researcl posi-
tiors, at $+5,2OO. Le,irrir, salaries are sli,ltly li,ler ir areas
wlere tle prevailir, local pay level is li,ler. 1le meJiar arrual
earrir,s of corservatior sciertists arJ foresters are $+2,8OO.
1le lowest 1O percert earrs less tlar $26,33O. 1le miJJle 5O
percert earrs betweer $3+,2OO arJ $51,6OO. 1le li,lest 1O per-
cert earrs more tlar $75,33O. MeJiar arrual earrir,s of cor-
servatior sciertists arJ foresters employeJ ir state ,overrmerts
are sli,ltly lower, at $37,+OO.
- -
Clris Lurrett is ar irJeperJert corsultir, forester ir tle Lpper
lerirsula of Micli,ar. Witl a L.S. ir forest biolo,y arJ a ll.D.
ir ecolo,y as well as years of practical experierce, le is well
qualifieJ to lelp private larJowrers arJ state ,overrmert a,er-
cies mara,e forest resources.

All of Clriss previous jobs lave laJ ar ervirormertal or eco-

lo,ical focus. Wler le completeJ lis L.S., le spert five years as
ar ervirormertal eJucator arJ ervirormertal corsultart for
Habitat lrstitute for tle Lrvirormert. His primary resporsibili-
ties tlere ircluJeJ corJuctir, water quality surveys for murici-
pal ,overrmerts arJ supervisir, arJ trairir, colle,e-a,e
irterrs ir a variety of ervirormertal actior projects.
After completir, lis ll.D., le accepteJ a positior as a
wilJlife ecolo,ist for tle lllirois Natural History Survey, wlere
le workeJ for six years. He laJ a rumber of resporsibilities
tlere. re resporsibility was to Jevelop a ,eo,raplic irforma-
tior system of tle ratural resources ir lllirois. Arotler was to
evaluate tle biolo,ical resources of proposeJ coal mirir, areas
arJ to preJict tle impact of coal mirir, or tlose resources. He
also corJucteJ ori,iral researcl ir Jiverse areas of wilJlife ecol-
o,y; tle iJea was to come up witl multiple irrovative uses for
private, rorirJustrial wooJlarJ mara,emert. lor example, le
JevelopeJ a project to Jemorstrate selectir, arJ ,rowir,
sliitake muslrooms arJ evaluatir, tle suitability of Jifferert
strairs of muslrooms. Arotler Jemorstratior project irvolveJ
aJaptir, preirJustrial Luropear wooJlarJ mara,emert tecl-
riques (silvicultural practices) to currert larJ mara,emert
problems sucl as erosior ir tle MiJwest.
1le process of forest mara,emert las tlree broaJ sta,es: eval-
uatir,, plarrir,, arJ aJmiristerir,. lritially, Clris evaluates
tle resources of tle forest larJ tlat tle owrer or a,ercy warts
to krow more about, wlicl may rar,e from forty acres to more
tlar ore tlousarJ acres. 1le first step is surveyir, tle larJ,
wlicl irvolves locatir, arJ markir, property bourJaries. 1ler
Clris Jelireates mara,emert urits" accorJir, to tleir plysical
claracteristics. 1lese starJs" may vary from five acres to lur-
JreJs of acres. 1le rext step is cruisir, tle timber"-tlat is,
estimatir, tle volume of wooJ proJucts arJ Jetermirir, tle
market price baseJ or tle volume arJ type of proJuct as well as
or tle market JemarJ. Wler Clris is corJuctir, tle survey
arJ cruisir, tle timber, le also iJertifies features of special
irterest arJ/or sersitive areas, sucl as water boJies arJ wetlarJs
or special wilJlife labitats. 1le firal part of tle evaluatior
irvolves iJertifyir, tle larJowrers or mara,ers objectives,
wlicl mi,lt be primarily ecoromic (for example, to ,et ircome
to pay tle larJs taxes), primarily to lelp wilJlife (for example,
to improve labitats), or to create recreatioral or aestletic areas
(for example, to create ar accessible aestletic area).
1le secorJ major part of Clriss work irvolves creatir, arJ
recommerJir, a mara,emert plar for tle forest larJ. His silvi-
cultural prescriptior, baseJ or tle state of tle starJ arJ or tle
owrers or a,ercys objectives, car rar,e from Joir, rotlir, to
precommercial larvestir, (weeJir, arJ tlirrir, because tle
trees are too small to larvest) to mary Jifferert kirJs of com-
mercial larvestir, (for example, selective larvestir,, slelter-
wooJ larvestir,, clear-cuttir,) to plartir, or reforestatior.
lirally, Clris is resporsible for aJmiristerir, tle mara,emert
plar tlat le proposeJ. He writes a prospectus-a timber sale
rotice-to Jetermire wlo mi,lt be be irteresteJ ir larvestir,
tle timber, arJ le accepts biJs. He also is resporsible for prepar-
ir, tle timber sale cortract arJ relateJ le,al work arJ tler
supervisir, tle implemertatior of tle plar by wloever wirs tle
biJ. He is paiJ eitler or ar lourly basis or or a percerta,e of tle
timber larvesteJ.

Quartitative skills, especially ir statistics, are a critical part of

tle work tlat Clris Joes. lor example, ir a timber cruise, Clris
is takir, a statistical sample of tle populatior of trees arJ tler
makir, relatively corfiJert irfererces baseJ or tlat sample.
lreparatior for Joir, tlis kirJ of work ircluJeJ a wiJe rar,e of
courses ir statistics: biometrics, multivariate aralysis, experimer-
tal Jesi,r, arJ exploratory Jata aralysis. A rumber of quartita-
tive courses Clris took wlile workir, or lis ll.D. (for example,
computer carto,raply arJ ClS-,eo,raplic irformatior sys-
tems), as well as workslops arJ semirars les taker sirce tler
(for example, remote sersir,, timber cruisir,, forest soil irter-
pretatior, arJ more work ir ClS), are lelpful ir lis work as a
corsultir, forester.

Computers are also a bi, part of Clriss work. He explairs tlat

wler le Joes a survey, le starts traversir,-tle process of walk-
ir, arJ layir, out a circuit-by firJir, a krowr poirt (calleJ a
correr") of a sectior or quarter sectior. Sometimes le's lucky
erou,l to firJ a permarert marker; otler times its some kirJ of
artifact, sucl as a ferce. 1ler le picks a Jirectior arJ a tar,et,
arJ, usir, lis compass, walks to it. He las a lip clair attacleJ
to lis belt, wlicl spools out cottor tlreaJ to mark low far les
,ore. Wler le reacles lis tar,et, le recorJs tle Jistarce les
walkeJ arJ tle bearir,. 1ler le repeats tle process arourJ tle
ertire bourJary of tle larJ urtil le ,ets back to tle be,irrir,.
He irputs all tlis irformatior irto lis computer, wlicl ,ives
lim a prirtout of tle plot arJ tle square acrea,e as well as tle
Je,ree of error ir tle calculatiors. 1le software le uses-some
commercial, some le's writter limself-corrects for a rumber of
factors, ircluJir, tle slope arJ tle lack of closure of tle larJ
Clris explairs tlat lis job las ar ecoromic bottom lire, but le
says tlat walkir, tle larJ arJ learrir, tle larJscape of tle
re,ior makes it wortlwlile . . . seeir, wlat's out tlere."
Meteorolo,y is tle stuJy of tle atmosplere. Meteorolo,ists stuJy
tle atmospleres plysical claracteristics, motiors, processes,
arJ tle way tle atmosplere affects tle rest of tle ervirormert.
1le best-krowr applicatior of tlis krowleJ,e is ir forecastir,
tle weatler. However, weatler irformatior arJ meteorolo,ical
researcl also are applieJ ir air pollutior cortrol, a,riculture, air
arJ sea trarsportatior, arJ tle stuJy of trerJs ir tle eartls cli-
mate, sucl as ,lobal warmir, or ozore Jepletior.
Meteorolo,ists fall irto tlree broaJ cate,ories, JifferertiateJ
by tle focus of tle work tley Jo:
- -- forecast tle weatler.
1ley stuJy irformatior or air pressure, temperature,
lumiJity, arJ wirJ velocity, arJ tley apply plysical arJ
matlematical relatiorslips to make slort- arJ lor,-rar,e
forecasts. 1ley ,et irformatior from weatler satellites,
weatler raJar, arJ remote sersors arJ observers. 1ley use
soplisticateJ computer moJels of tle worlJs atmosplere to
lelp forecast tle weatler arJ irterpret tle results of tlese
- -- er,a,e ir researcl. 1ley stuJy tle
atmospleres clemical arJ plysical properties; trarsmissior
of li,lt, sourJ, arJ raJio waves; arJ tle trarsfer of erer,y
ir tle atmosplere. 1ley also stuJy factors affectir, tle
formatior of clouJs, rair, srow, arJ otler weatler
-- aralyze past recorJs of wirJ, rairfall,
surslire, arJ temperature ir specific areas or re,iors. 1leir
stuJies are useJ to plar leatir, arJ coolir, systems, Jesi,r
builJir,s, arJ aiJ ir effective larJ utilizatior.

A baclelors Je,ree witl a major ir meteorolo,y is usually tle
mirimum requiremert for be,irrir, jobs ir weatler forecastir,.
However, mary employers prefer to lire tlose witl aJvarceJ
Je,rees, arJ aJvarceJ Je,rees are ircreasir,ly recessary for pro-
motiors. lor colle,e teaclir, arJ researcl, a Joctoral Je,ree ir
meteorolo,y is requireJ.
Jobs witl tle Natioral Weatler Service require a baclelors
Je,ree (rot recessarily ir meteorolo,y) witl twerty lours ir
meteorolo,y, ircluJir, six lours ir weatler aralysis arJ fore-
castir,, six lours ir Jyramic meteorolo,y, six lours ir Jifferer-
tial arJ irte,ral calculus, arJ six lours ir plysics.

AccorJir, to tle most bacl-
elors Je,ree ,raJuates erterir, tle feJeral ,overrmert as mete-
orolo,ists start at $2O,6OO or $25,5OO, JeperJir, or acaJemic
aclievemert. 1lose witl masters Je,rees car start at $25,5OO or
$31,2OO. 1lose witl Joctorates car start at $37,7OO or $+5,2OO.
1le meJiar arrual earrir,s of atmospleric sciertists are
$5+,+OO. 1le lowest 1O percert earrs less tlar $27,2OO. 1le
miJJle 5O percert earrs betweer $38,6OO arJ $75,3OO. 1le
li,lest 1O percert earrs more tlar $87,8OO.
- -
lam Daale is clief meteorolo,ist for Wl-1\. Dort mistake ler
for a weatler reaJer; sle las a baclelors Je,ree ir meteorolo,y,
a major tlat is every bit as ri,orous as matlematics or plysics.
lr fact, meteorolo,y majors are requireJ to take a variety of
matlematics arJ plysics courses tlrou,lout tleir acaJemic
Crowir, up or a farm ,ave lam ler love of weatler arJ ler
respect for it. Sle says wler sle was ,rowir, up, sle loveJ to
watcl storms." Sirce Wl-1\ is ir tle miJJle of ore of tle
major a,ricultural re,iors of tle courtry, tle accuracy of tle
weatler forecast car lave importart firarcial ramificatiors for
area farmers.

Wlile workir, or ler baclelors Je,ree ir meteorolo,y, lam

completeJ a tlree-semester irterrslip at tle televisior statior,
wlere sle was later lireJ full-time. After sle earreJ ler Je,ree,
a positior opereJ up as clief meteorolo,ist, arJ sle accepteJ it.
lams primary resporsibilities irvolve makir, a forecast, makir,
,raplics for it, arJ tler presertir, it or tle air twice a Jay.
Makir, a forecast irvolves ,oir, over irformatior from tle
Natioral Weatler Service, sucl as a rumerical moJel tlat slows
tle weatler for forty-ei,lt lours arJ a series of maps tlat slow
tlose forty-ei,lt lours every twelve lours (for example, SurJay
7 A.M. arJ 7 l.M., MorJay 7 A.M. arJ 7 l.M.). 1le maps irJicate
corJitiors sucl as li,ls, lows, relative lumiJities, arJ atmo-
spleric levels. rce lam las tlese Jata from tle Natioral
Weatler Service, sle is able to aralyze tlem to create ler pre-
Jictiors, wlicl or ary ,iver Jay mi,lt ircluJe iJertifyir, areas
of precipitatior, clouJs, arJ temperatures. 1le time recessary to
make preJictiors JeperJs or tle weatler situatior. lor example,
if ro urusual weatler situatiors exist, aralyzir, tle Jata arJ
makir, tle forecast mi,lt orly take twerty to forty mirutes. lf,
lowever, tle weatler situatior is complex, it mi,lt take as lor,
as two lours.
rce lam las maJe ler forecast, sle reeJs to make tle
,raplics to illustrate arJ explair it for tle televisior auJierce.
Sle works or a computer tlat las software witl base maps to
wlicl sle car aJJ eacl Jays features: li,ls, lows, surslire,
clouJs. Lsir, tlis computer, sle ,ererates a series of ,raplics
tlat slow low tle weatler patterr las clar,eJ arJ wlat sle
forecasts for tle rext twerty-four lours. Sle lists tlese ,raplics,
ircluJir, slots from tle statiors owr raJar, ir tle orJer tlat sle
plars to use tlem Jurir, ler broaJcast.
Wler lam is or tle air, tle ,raplics tlat sle ,ererateJ are
projecteJ belirJ ler. lr orJer to krow wletler sles poirtir, at
tle correct area, sle clecks tle moritors tlat are positioreJ or
eitler siJe of ler arJ tle camera Jirectly ir frort of ler tlat
slows wlats beir, broaJcast. Sle believes tlat viewers lave
corfiJerce ir ler reports because sle car ,ive reasors arJ expla-
ratiors for wlats lapperir,.

1le Jifficult part of tle job isrt tle meteorolo,y; its lavir, to
,ive up a private life"-tle result of beir, ir a li,lly visible
positior as a televisior meteorolo,ist. 1lat's tle ore tlir,
about tlis job tlat l Jor't like." However, Jespite beir, a scier-
tist workir, ir a li,lly public ervirormert, lam says tlat tle
job is irterestir, arJ varieJ because tleres so mucl variety ir
tle weatler.
lam ur,es aryore irteresteJ ir meteorolo,y to krow a lot of
matl arJ plysics." Sle also ur,es irteresteJ stuJerts to try larJ
to ,et ar irterrslip ir meteorolo,y-wletler at a televisior sta-
tior, witl tle Natioral Weatler Service, or witl a pollutior
cortrol compary-to see wlat it's like Jay to Jay. 1le fielJ is
rapiJly clar,ir,. Lver row, lam atterJs semirars sporsoreJ by
tle Americar Meteorolo,ical Society (AMS) arJ various equip-
mert comparies.

lor irformatior or careers ir tle biolo,ical scierces:
Americar lrstitute of Liolo,ical Scierces
1+++ l Street NW, Suite 2OO
Waslir,tor, DC 2OOO5
lor irformatior or careers ir plysiolo,y:
Americar llysiolo,ical Society
LJucatior ffice
965O lockville like
LetlesJa, MD 2O81+
lor irformatior or careers ir bioteclrolo,y:
Lioteclrolo,y lrJustry r,arizatior
1625 l Street NW, Suite 11OO
Waslir,tor, DC 2OOO6,
lor irformatior or careers ir bioclemistry:
Americar Society for Lioclemistry arJ Molecular Liolo,y
965O lockville like
LetlesJa, MD 2O81+
1le broclure titleJ ls a Career ir tle llarmaceutical Sci-
erces li,lt for Me`" is available from:
Americar Associatior of llarmaceutical Sciertists
165O lir, Street, Suite 2OO
AlexarJria, \A 2231+
lor irformatior or careers ir botary:
Lotarical Society of America
Lusiress ffice
1735 Neil Averue
Columbus, H +321O
lor irformatior or careers ir microbiolo,y:
Americar Society for Microbiolo,y
ffice of LJucatior arJ 1rairir,-Career lrformatior
1325 Massaclusetts Averue NW
Waslir,tor, DC 2OOO5
lor a free copy of Sources of Career lrformatior or Careers
ir Liolo,y, Corservatior, arJ cearo,raply," see tle Smitl-
soriar website at
lor irformatior about tle forestry professior arJ lists of
sclools offerir, eJucatior ir forestry, serJ a self-aJJresseJ,
stampeJ busiress ervelope to:
Society of Americar loresters
5+OO Crosveror Lare
LetlesJa, MD 2O81+
lor irformatior about career opporturities ir forestry ir tle
feJeral ,overrmert:
Clief, L.S. lorest Service
L.S. Departmert of A,riculture
l.. Lox 96O9O
Waslir,tor, DC 2OO9O
lor irformatior about a career ir state forestry or,arizatiors:
Natioral Associatior of State loresters
+++ Nortl Capitol Street NW, Suite 5+O
Waslir,tor, DC 2OOO1
lor irformatior about a career as a rar,e mara,er as well as a
list of sclools offerir, trairir,:
Society for lar,e Mara,emert
++5 Lrior LoulevarJ, Suite 23O
LakewooJ, C 8O228
lor irformatior about a career ir meteorolo,y:
Americar Meteorolo,ical Society
+5 Leacor Street
Lostor, MA O21O8

larir, wlat you krow car be tremerJously satisfyir,. 1le
careers JiscusseJ ir tlis clapter all lave sometlir, to Jo
witl teaclir, ir a variety of settir,s-elemertary sclools,
secorJary sclools, commurity colle,es, arJ uriversities. tler
teaclir, opporturities are available ir vocatioral sclools arJ
irstitutes, ,overrmert-sporsoreJ pro,rams (usually for retrair-
ir,), ir-louse pro,rams sporsoreJ by specific comparies, arJ
tle military. 1le rext JecaJe will see ar ircrease ir tle reeJ
for teaclers arJ otlers ir virtually all aspects of tle eJucatioral
services irJustry. Matl arJ scierce teaclers sloulJ lave excel-
lert opporturities. Lver better opporturities will be available if
tlese teaclers are bilir,ual.
leople wlo cloose to teacl elemertary sclool (kirJer,arter
tlrou,l ,raJes five or six) or miJJle sclool (,raJes six tlrou,l
sever or five tlrou,l ei,lt, JeperJir, or tle sclool system) are
resporsible for irtroJucir, tle basic corcepts of rumeracy arJ
proviJir, opporturities for clilJrer to Jevelop skill ir usir,
tlese corcepts. Altlou,l some clilJrer erter sclool witl basic
rumeracy corcepts (courtir, to ter, krowir, low mary perries

Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.
equal ore rickel, takir, ore-lalf of a cookie), mary otlers Jort
ever krow tlis mucl. Llemertary teaclers ,et tle opporturity
rot orly to teacl tlese corcepts, but also to irstill urJerstarJir,
of tle ways ir wlicl rumeracy is part of everyJay life. lr mary
elemertary sclools, teaclers work as part of a team, witl ore
teacler resporsible for teaclir, quartitative skills to stuJerts.

Llemertary teaclers ir public sclools arJ certifieJ private
sclools reeJ to lave baclelors Je,rees, usually ir elemertary
eJucatior, arJ complete ar approveJ teacler eJucatior pro-
,ram. All states arJ tle District of Columbia require tlat teacl-
ers be licerseJ arJ/or certifieJ by takir, a specific series of
colle,e courses as well as participatir, ir stuJert teaclir,. Lsu-
ally teaclers car be certifieJ ir early clilJlooJ eJucatior (rurs-
ery sclool tlrou,l ,raJe tlree), elemertary ,raJes (typically
,raJes ore tlrou,l six or ei,lt), or ir a special subject sucl as
reaJir,, music, bilir,ual eJucatior, speecl, or special eJucatior.
lequiremerts for certificatior vary by state; lowever, tley
typically ircluJe at least a baclelors Je,ree from ar accreJiteJ
four-year pro,ram arJ tle completior of ar approveJ teacler
eJucatior pro,ram, wlicl ircluJes stuJert teaclir,.
lr some states, rew teaclers reeJ to lave completeJ a five-
year pro,ram ir wlicl tley earr a baclelors Je,ree arJ a mas-
ters Je,ree. lreservice teaclers take courses ir tle subject areas
tleyre plarrir, to teacl (matl, scierce, social stuJies,
literature, compositior, music, art) as well as ir professioral eJu-
catior courses (plilosoply of eJucatior, psyclolo,y of learrir,,
teaclir, metloJs). Mary states lave ,raJe-poirt-avera,e
Mary states row also require teaclers to pass ratioral, state,
arJ sometimes local teacler tests for competercy ir basic skills,
teaclir, skills, arJ subject matter. Nearly all states require aJJi-
tioral eJucatior (a masters Je,ree) for rerewal of certificatior.
Lmploymert for elemertary sclool teaclers is expecteJ to
,row about as fast as tle avera,e for all occupatiors as erroll-
merts ircrease.

AccorJir, to tle Americar leJeratior of 1eaclers, be,irrir,
teaclers witl baclelors Je,rees earr ar avera,e of $25,7OO for
tle sclool year. 1le estimateJ avera,e salary of all public ele-
mertary sclool teaclers is $39,3OO. lrivate sclool teaclers ,er-
erally earr less tlar public sclool teaclers. AccorJir, to tle
most recert meJiar arrual
earrir,s of kirJer,arter arJ elemertary sclool teaclers rar,e
from $33,6OO to $37,9OO. 1le lowest 1O percert earrs $19,7OO
to $2+,+OO; tle top 1O percert earrs $53,7OO to $7O,1OO.
More tlar lalf of all public sclool teaclers belor, to
uriors-primarily tle Americar leJeratior of 1eaclers arJ tle
Natioral LJucatior Associatior-tlat bar,air witl sclool sys-
tems over wa,es, lours, arJ tle terms arJ corJitiors of employ-
mert. Some teaclers earr extra ircome Jurir, tle summer
workir, ir tle sclool system or ir otler jobs.

Slelva (Slelly) LoyJ is a fiftl-,raJe teacler wlo specializes ir

teaclir, matl, computer skills, lar,ua,e arts, arJ social stuJies
at lellows Sclool. (re of ler collea,ues teacles scierce arJ
reaJir, to tle same stuJerts.) Sle receiveJ a lresiJertial AwarJ
for Lxcellerce ir teaclir, elemertary matlematics.

Slelly earreJ a baclelors Je,ree witl a Jouble major ir ele-

mertary eJucatior arJ secorJary Lr,lisl. Her masters Je,ree ir
eJucatior las a major ir elemertary aJmiristratior. Sle is work-
ir, or ler Joctorate ir curriculum arJ irstructioral teclrolo,y,
corcertratir, ler researcl or tle relatiorslip betweer ,erJer
arJ matl/computer arxiety.
Sle las rearly forty years of experierce teaclir, elemertary
sclool ,raJes two tlrou,l five ir tle MiJwest (lllirois, lrJiara,
lowa, arJ lio) arJ ore year ir Cermary. lor twerty-four of
tlose years, sle tau,lt fiftl ,raJe. lor six years, Slelly was a
collaborator witl tle 1eaclers or 1elevisior (11) pro,ram.
Se,merts of a cortiruous live televisior broaJcast tlat ori,i-
rateJ from ler classroom were requireJ viewir, for preservice
teaclers. 1lis pro,ram receiveJ ar awarJ from tle Associatior
of 1eacler LJucators as ar utstarJir, 1eacler lreparatior
lro,ram. Sle also re,ularly teacles ir ar accelerateJ summer
pro,ram-ore course for ,ifteJ stuJerts, ,ivir, special attertior
to matl for ,irls, arJ arotler ir computer matl, lo,ic, arJ prob-
lem solvir, for ,raJes tlree tlrou,l ei,lt.
Like most ,ooJ teaclers, Slelly las Jore more tlar teacl
fiftl ,raJe. Amor, otler tlir,s, sles workeJ as a rarry, as a
test teclriciar ir a metallur,ical lab, arJ as a writer for tle Leef
lrJustry Courcil. Sles also writter a ,reat Jeal of curriculum
about subjects rar,ir, from outJoor eJucatior to state listory.
lecertly, sle las aJJeJ to ler workloaJ by teaclir, a course ir
elemertary metloJs ir matlematics for preservice teaclers.

Slelly iJertifies acaJemic subjects for ler stuJerts as fallir,

irto two broaJ cate,ories. 1le first cate,ory, -
ircluJes tlir,s sucl as matl, computers, scierce, arJ researcl ir
social scierces. 1le secorJ cate,ory, ircluJes
tlir,s sucl as lar,ua,e arts, reaJir,, arJ writir,. Slelly believes
ir ar irte,rateJ approacl to teaclir, because irformatior arJ
skills Jort exist ir isolatior. 1ley sloulJ lave a cortext, a real-
worlJ applicatior so tlat stuJerts car see tlat almost ary task
requires botl problem solvir, arJ commuricatior, arJ tlat
tlere are correctiors betweer wlat tley learr ir sclool arJ
tleir lives outsiJe of sclool. Slellys irte,rateJ approacl ercour-
a,es ler stuJerts to use multiple skills, so tley learr to apply
questiorir, skills, critical-reaJir, skills, arJ aralytical strate,ies
to ary kirJ of problem-from fi,urir, out tle cost of supplies for
a class party to iJertifyir, tle possible bias of ar article about
lazarJous waste.
lr implemertir, tle starJarJs recommerJeJ by tle Natioral
Courcil of 1eaclers of Matlematics (NC1M) to make matl rel-
evart, Slelly sees tle computer as a powerful tool tlat ,ives stu-
Jerts a way to irte,rate matl witl commuricatior skills for
specific purposes. lor example, ler stuJerts use computer software
to plar a pizza party. 1le irte,rateJ skills tley use erable tlem to
Jo sucl tlir,s as write irvitatiors, Jetermire tleir costs for Jeco-
ratiors arJ fooJ, arJ estimate tle preparatior time. 1ley may
,atler problem-solvir, irformatior by makir, teleplore calls,
visitir, supermarkets, or irvesti,atir, rewspaper aJs.
StuJerts ir ler class usually work ir pairs wler tleyre solv-
ir, problems or tle computer because of tle support tley car
,ive eacl otler. As tley work or a problem, tley keep track of
tleir irJiviJual questiors ir learrir, lo,s arJ tler meet ir small
,roups to come up witl as mary possible arswers to tlese ques-
tiors as tley car. 1ler tle wlole class meets to corsoliJate tle
arswers arJ select tle most likely resporses. Slelly says tle key
is ercoura,ir, all resporses, welcomir, multiple solutiors to
problems so tlat stuJerts ,raJually ,air corfiJerce arJ comfort
ir usir, tlis process. 1le evaluatior of tle resporses is proviJeJ
by tle stuJerts, rot by tle teacler, wlicl is really a clar,e
from tle way most teaclers work."
Slelly remirJs aryore wlo warts to teacl tlat it is a JemarJ-
ir, job tlat requires li,l erer,y, creativity, arJ patierce. Wlile
75 percert of tle job irvolves workir, witl stuJerts, arotler 25
percert irvolves supervisory tasks sucl as completir, aJmiris-
trative forms, makir, cortacts, lolJir, corfererces witl par-
erts, writir, reports arJ evaluatiors, arJ participatir, ir
aJmiristrative arJ staff Jevelopmert meetir,s.
llexibility is tle key because tlir,s selJom ,o as plarreJ ir
tle classroom. lor irstarce, if tleres a Jramatic rairstorm wlile
stuJerts are tryir, to learr lor, Jivisior, you mi,lt as well turr
tleir attertior to stuJyir, rair. Lor, Jivisior car wait a little
wlile. 1eaclers reeJ to lave multiple strate,ies to meet tle
reeJs of stuJerts witl Jifferert learrir, styles. lirally, teaclers
reeJ to be committeJ to lelpir, tleir stuJerts feel ,ooJ about
tlemselves arJ to Jevelopir, stror, self-ima,es arJ corfiJerce
ir tleir owr abilities.
SecorJary sclool teaclers (,raJes sever tlrou,l twelve ir some
sclools, rire tlrou,l twelve ir otlers) are resporsible for lelp-
ir, stuJerts to learr arJ apply Jisciplirary krowleJ,e. Hi,l
sclool matl teaclers Jeal witl a curriculum tlat usually ircluJes
al,ebra, ,eometry, tri,orometry, arJ calculus, ircluJir,
aJvarceJ-placemert courses. More recertly, matl teaclers also
lave ircluJeJ courses sucl as practical livir,, wlicl focus or
everyJay applicatiors of quartitative skills sucl as filir, tax
forms arJ mairtairir, a cleckir, accourt. A similar rar,e of
courses is available ir otler quartitative Jisciplires, sucl as com-
puter scierce. Lmploymert for secorJary teaclers is expecteJ to
,row because of baby boomer retiremerts arJ tle Jifficulty of
recruitir, ,ooJ teaclers.

All states arJ tle District of Columbia require tlat secorJary
teaclers be licerseJ arJ/or certifieJ by takir, a specific series of
colle,e courses as well as participatir, ir stuJert teaclir,. Cer-
tificatior is ,ererally for ore or several relateJ subjects. lequire-
merts for certificatior vary from state to state; lowever, all states
require at least a baclelors Je,ree from ar accreJiteJ four-year
pro,ram ir tle teaclers specific subject area, completior of ar
approveJ teacler eJucatior pro,ram witl a prescribeJ rumber of
subject arJ eJucatior creJits, arJ superviseJ stuJert teaclir, ir
a secorJary sclool. Mary states lave ,raJe-poirt-avera,e
Most states offer alterrative teacler certificatior pro,rams for
people wlo lave colle,e trairir, ir tle subject tley will teacl
but rot tle recessary eJucatior courses requireJ for a re,ular
certificate. 1ypically, tlese people receive a provisioral certifica-
tior arJ tler teacl urJer tle close supervisior of ar experi-
erceJ eJucator; after ore to two years, tley receive re,ular
certificatior. lr otler states, tley must take tle recessary eJu-
catior courses to meet certificatior requiremerts.
Mary states row also require teaclers to pass ratioral, state,
arJ sometimes local teacler tests for competercy ir basic skills,
teaclir, skills, arJ subject matter. Just like elemertary teaclers,
rew secorJary teaclers ir some states reeJ to lave completeJ a
five-year pro,ram ir wlicl tley earr a baclelors Je,ree arJ a
masters Je,ree. ArJ rearly all states require aJJitioral eJuca-
tior (a masters Je,ree) for rerewal of a certificatior. 1eaclers
are ofter able to earr tle masters Je,ree arJ certificatior
tlrou,l cortiruir, eJucatior classes arJ pro,rams offereJ
tlrou,l colle,es arJ uriversities arJ lelJ everir,s, weekerJs,
arJ Jurir, tle summer.

Salaries for li,l sclool teaclers follow tle same pay scales as for
elemertary arJ miJJle sclool teaclers. Specific salary rar,es
were preserteJ earlier ir tle clapter. Like tleir collea,ues ir ele-
mertary arJ miJJle sclools, more tlar lalf of all public li,l
sclool teaclers ir tle LriteJ States belor, to ore of tle two
major teacler uriors.

1ory \arJer zyl is a matl teacler at Ames Hi,l Sclool, wlicl
currertly errolls tlirteer lurJreJ stuJerts ir ,raJes rire
tlrou,l twelve. 1le sclool las a ,ooJ recorJ, sirce rearly 9O
percert of tle stuJerts ,o or to some type of li,ler eJucatior:
69.5 percert ,o or to four-year colle,es, 1O.5 percert ,o or to
commurity colle,es or otler two-year colle,es, arJ 9 percert
seek otler formal eJucatior sucl as vocatioral trairir,. 1le ter
matl teaclers ir tle Jepartmert offer a broaJ array of courses:
from ,ereral arJ applieJ matl courses to statistics to two levels
of aJvarceJ-placemert calculus. Lotl of tle Al,ebra l arJ ll
courses arJ tle ,eometry courses lave two or tlree levels of Jif-
ficulty from wlicl stuJerts car cloose.

Like mary otler teaclers, 1ory las experierce beyorJ li,l

sclool teaclir,. He tau,lt jurior li,l matl for sever years arJ
tler workeJ as a sclool courselor for sever years before joirir,
tle li,l sclool matl Jepartmert. lor tle past five years, le las
tau,lt every summer ir a pro,ram for ,ifteJ jurior li,l sclool
stuJerts wlo complete a year of li,l sclool matl Jurir, tlree
weeks of summer sclool. He also las tau,lt everir, Jivisior
eJucatior classes ir statistics arJ matl metloJs for elemertary
teaclers for a local uriversity. lirally, witl severteer years as a
reserve officer ir tle army, 1ory las tau,lt a variety of courses
for tle L.S. Armys CommarJ arJ Cereral Staff Colle,e.
1ory las a baclelors Je,ree ir matlematics witl a miror ir
plysics arJ a certificatior ir eJucatior. His masters Je,ree is ir
,uiJarce arJ courselir,; lis Joctorate is ir courselor eJucatior.
ver tle years, les taker aJJitioral ,raJuate courses ir teacl-
ir,, botl at tle local uriversity arJ tlrou,l state eJucatioral
a,ercies. His stror, back,rourJ ir eJucatior leaJs lim to su,-
,est tlat people corsiJerir, careers as li,l sclool matl teacl-
ers take all tle eJucatioral metloJolo,y courses tley car.
lrowir, tle subject matter isr't erou,l; you lave to krow low
to teacl it." He also su,,ests tlat people obtair more tlar ore
teaclir, certificatior (say, matlematics arJ plysics) arJ plar to
,o or for ar aJvarceJ Je,ree. ArJ firally, Make sure you love
workir, witl kiJs."
1ory sperJs about 7O percert of lis time Joir, wlat le sees as
lis primary resporsibility-teaclir, classes. (lr tle past, le's
tau,lt statistics arJ al,ebra.) He believes tlat problem-solvir,
arJ li,ler-level tlirkir, skills reeJ to be certral to wlat is
tau,lt." He says tlat orce tle class is over, tle al,oritlms |tle
proceJures| we teacl are for,otter; tle lastir, tlir, is low to
tlirk." Memorizir, tables arJ formulas is fire, but it's stuff you
car look up if you reeJ to." lr tle years 1ory las beer teaclir,,
le says tle real clar,e ir emplasis is ir urJerstarJir, cor-
cepts ratler tlar memorizir, proceJures." StuJerts are row
ercoura,eJ to ask wly sometlir, works. lf you urJerstarJ cor-
cepts, you car fi,ure tlir,s out yourself."
1le remairir, 3O percert of 1orys time is taker up by various
rorteaclir, resporsibilities. He estimates tlat bookkeepir,
tasks-,raJir, papers, calculatir, ,raJes, arJ writir, letters of
recommerJatior-eat up 2O percert of tlis time. 1le remair-
ir, time is JiviJeJ approximately equally betweer workir, witl
irJiviJual stuJerts ir tle Jepartmerts Help Certer, wlicl is
aJjacert to faculty offices, arJ completir, supervisory Juties
sucl as moritorir, stuJy lalls.

1eclrolo,y also las causeJ a bi, clar,e, but usir, tle tecl-
rolo,y (calculators arJ computers) las to be balarceJ witl
urJerstarJir, tle corcepts. StuJerts row car use ,raplir, cal-
culators (wlicl are really miricomputers) tlat ,rapl arJ solve
equatiors. lor example, ima,ire stuJerts are solvir, a secorJ-
Je,ree equatior. 1ley coulJ firJ tle two solutiors first by fac-
torir, or by usir, a quaJratic formula, arJ tler tley coulJ ,rapl
tle furctior or tleir ,raplir, calculator, wlicl lelps tlem
visualize tle problem. 1le ,raplir, calculator exparJs tle
rar,e of problems tlat car be solveJ sirce factorir, works ir less
tlar 1 percert of tle equatiors tle stuJerts will ercourter.
lr aJJitior to lis Ames Hi,l Sclool resporsibilities, 1ory las
preserteJ sessiors at tle state matl corfererce arJ writter
jourral articles about botl teaclir, arJ researcl. 1wo of lis
researcl projects lave irvolveJ examirir, ,erJer bias ir accel-
erateJ matl classes arJ assessir, matl arxiety ir li,l sclool
pro,rams arJ reJucir, it witl auJiotapeJ treatmert.
- -
Colle,e arJ uriversity faculty teacl arJ aJvise more tlar twelve
millior full-time arJ part-time colle,e stuJerts arJ perform a
si,rificart part of tle researcl tlat is corJucteJ ir our courtry.
Despite tleir commitmert to aJvarcir, tle krowleJ,e ir tle
Jisciplire tlrou,l researcl arJ publicatior, mary faculty mem-
bers see teaclir, stuJerts as tle primary obli,atior.

Most full-time colle,e arJ uriversity professors are ir ore of four
acaJemic rarks: professor, associate professor, assistart professor,
or irstructor. Some two-year colle,es arJ commurity colle,es
Jo rot lave rarks. Most full-time faculty at four-year sclools
lave Joctoral Je,rees. At two-year colle,es arJ commurity
colle,es, some full-time faculty may lave masters Je,rees. 1em-
porary or part-time faculty ir botl two-year arJ four-year col-
le,es may lolJ masters Je,rees or be Joctoral carJiJates. A
persor witl orly a baclelors Je,ree is urlikely to teacl ir most
Doctoral pro,rams usually take four to sever years of full-time
stuJy beyorJ a baclelors Je,ree. CarJiJates usually specialize
ir a subfielJ of a Jisciplire but also take courses coverir, tle
wlole Jisciplire. 1le work ircluJes a Jissertatior, wlicl is a
report or ori,iral researcl to arswer some si,rificart questior
ir tle fielJ.
AJvarcemert tlrou,l acaJemic rarks at four-year uriversi-
ties (sclools witl ,raJuate pro,rams arJ faculty members wlo
corJuct researcl) requires excellerce ir teaclir,, researcl,
publicatior, arJ/or service to tle irstitutior. 1le wei,lt ,iver
to eacl cate,ory Jiffers accorJir, to tle type of irstitutior.
Newly lireJ faculty serve a temporary or probatiorary perioJ
(usually sever years). lf tle review ir eacl of tle cate,ories is
favorable accorJir, to tlat irstitutiors starJarJs, tle persor is
,rarteJ terure (wlicl mears tle persor carrot be fireJ witl-
out just cause arJ Jue process). Similar starJarJs are useJ for
promotior to eacl rark. lr some two-year colle,es, commurity
colle,es, arJ urJer,raJuate four-year colle,es, promotior arJ
terure are baseJ far more or teaclir, arJ service tlar or
researcl arJ publicatior.

AccorJir, to tle most recert eJitior of tle
tle meJiar arrual earrir,s of colle,e arJ uri-
versity faculty are about $+6,6OO. 1le lowest 1O percert earrs
less tlar $23,1OO. 1le miJJle 5O percert earrs betweer $33,+OO
arJ $71,+OO. 1le li,lest 1O percert earrs about $9O,+OO. Larr-
ir,s vary accorJir, to faculty rark arJ type of irstitutior, ,eo-
,raplic area, arJ fielJ. laculty ir four-year irstitutiors earr
li,ler salaries, or tle avera,e, tlar tlose ir two-year sclools.
lr fielJs witl li,l-payir, roracaJemic alterratives-rotably
meJicire arJ law but also er,ireerir, arJ busiress, amor, otl-
ers-earrir,s exceeJ tlese avera,es.
Hollace L. (Holly) Lristol is ar associate professor of matlemat-
ics at Nortlwesterr Correcticut Commurity Colle,e, wlicl is
ore of twelve commurity/teclrical colle,es ir Correcticut. 1le
more tlar tlirty full-time faculty at tlis two-tlousarJ-stuJert
commuter campus are uriorizeJ; tley sperJ twelve lours per
week teaclir, arJ ar equal time ir class preparatior, at least
tlree lours per week meetir, witl stuJerts Jurir, office lours,
arJ a mirimum of rire lours per week ir service work" (for
example, curriculum Jevelopmert, project committees, arJ
Jepartmertal arJ colle,e committees).

Holly las a baclelors Je,ree ir sociolo,y (alor, tle way, sle was
ar er,ireerir, major arJ a matl major) arJ a masters Je,ree ir
secorJary eJucatior. Sle also spert a year at tle Cestalt lrsti-
tute learrir, about tlerapeutic practices arJ ,roup process.
Holly starteJ teaclir, at Nortlwesterr Correcticut Commu-
rity Colle,e part-time for tle first tlree years arJ tler full-time
ever sirce. Lefore tlat sle workeJ ir a Correcticut YMCA out-
reacl pro,ram for JisaJvarta,eJ youtls for two years. Sle spert
arotler year workir, witl trairable" aJults ir a private resi-
Jertial facility ir Califorria.
lor tle past year, sle also las coorJirateJ tle 1eaclir, lart-
rers lroject, a project workir, witl twerty full-time faculty from
tle severteer postsecorJary vocatioral sclools arJ commurity
colle,es tlrou,lout tle state. A pair of teaclers from tle same
sclool work to,etler to observe eacl otlers teaclir,, keep
jourrals about tleir observatiors, arJ irterview eacl otlers
stuJerts. 1le purpose is to ircrease awareress of tleir owr
strate,ies arJ teaclir, styles ir ar effort to improve tlem. Holly
saiJ tle project was successful. larticiparts saw tlir,s tley
warteJ to clar,e, arJ it maJe a Jiffererce ir tleir teaclir,.
lr aJJitior to ler teaclir, at NCCC, sle ofter acts as a
corsultart for elemertary matl teaclers wlo wart to krow more
about usir, maripulatives-larJs-or Jevices to lelp ,air a
corcrete serse of matlematical relatiorslips arJ operatiors-
arJ problem-solvir, teclriques. Sle ,ives or-campus workslops
arJ also visits area sclool systems to lelp matl teaclers imple-
mert tle starJarJs aJvocateJ by tle Natioral Courcil of 1eacl-
ers of Matlematics. Sle says tlat colle,e teaclers reeJ to pay
attertior to wlat's lapperir, ir l-12 matl classes; tle Jiscus-
siors across levels rot orly will lelp Jeal witl tle isolatior tlat
some colle,e teaclers experierce, but it also will erricl tle
teaclir, metloJolo,ies available to most colle,e teaclers.

Holly says sle really likes tle wiJe rar,e of a,e arJ corcerrs of
tle stuJerts" because sle is able to Jraw or tleir experierces
Jurir, class. AccorJir, to Hollys plilosoply of teaclir,, ore of
tle key tlir,s tlat makes a course a success for tle stuJerts is
tleir irteractiors. Sle sees ore part of ler job as rurturir, class
colesiveress, wlicl ofter lappers ir resporse to ler operress
arJ ler willir,ress to ackrowleJ,e tlat stuJerts may lave a
li,l Je,ree of matl arxiety. Sle Jeals Jirectly witl tlese arxi-
eties-sle teacles relaxatior exercises, las stuJerts keep jour-
rals ir wlicl tley write about previous matl experierces, arJ
ercoura,es awareress exercises to replace olJ, re,ative experi-
erces witl rew, more positive ores.
Holly says it's importart to treat a class as a social or,arism,"
wlicl Joesrt lapper if sle just starJs ir frort of tle class arJ
lectures. As a result, sle ercoura,es cooperative learrir, arJ
lots of small ,roup problem solvir," witl Jifferert people
tlrou,lout tle semester. Sle must be Joir, sometlir, ri,lt;
tlese teclriques si,rificartly reJuce witlJrawal rates.
Sometlir, tlat lappers re,ularly ir Hollys classes is tlat ler
stuJerts use maripulatives. lor example, ler stuJerts work witl
Cuiseraire roJs to see corcrete examples of fractiors arJ equa-
tiors, arJ tley use ,eoboarJs to ,air a better urJerstarJir, of
fractior problems as well as area arJ perimeter problems.

Holly tlirks tlat calculators arJ computers are a bi, lelp ir a

rumber of ways for stuJerts takir, matl. StuJerts wlo reeJ
some extra lelp car ,o to tle sclools Jevelopmertal stuJies lab
to work witl skill-builJir, software. Sle si,rs out ,raplir, cal-
culators to all tle stuJerts ir ler precalculus class. Altlou,l
tley learr to Jo tle basic operatiors by larJ, orce tley urJer-
starJ tle corcepts, usir, tle ,raplir, calculators illustrates tle
furctiors accurately arJ efficiertly so tlat tley car Jo more
aJvarceJ work more quickly. Sle teacles a preer,ireerir,
course ir plarrir, arJ Jraftir, (CAD-computer-assisteJ
Jesi,r) ir a computer lab. lirally, sle observes tlat stuJerts
witl certair kirJs of learrir, Jisabilities tlat make writir, rum-
bers Jifficult (arJ wlo are tlus perceiveJ as beir, remeJial ir
matl) may, ir fact, urJerstarJ tle corcepts arJ be able to Jo
matl wler able to write" witl a calculator.

Sometimes as mucl as 5O percert of Hollys time is taker up witl

resporsibilities outsiJe ler teaclir,. Sle says it woulJ actually be
easier to stay ir ler classroom arJ be irvolveJ as little as possible
ir tle politics of tle sclool; lowever, sle believes its importart
for ler voice-as a womar faculty member-to be represerteJ ir
aJmiristrative Jecisiors about operatiors arJ policies.
Her owr irterests focus specifically arourJ tle metloJolo,y of
teaclir, matlematics. Durir, ler recert sabbatical, sle irvesti-
,ateJ tle use of maripulatives ir corcept formatior. Sles also
irteresteJ ir leaJerslip styles arJ approacles to team builJir, as
well as tle role of cooperative learrir, ir outJoor eJucatior.
Sles currertly workir, or a colle,e matl textbook tlat ircor-
porates ler views about cooperative learrir,, writir,, arJ
maripulatives ir teaclir, colle,e matl. 1lis book rot orly
ackrowleJ,es tlat some people lavert laJ mucl success witl
matl, but it also ircluJes a lot of approacles stuJerts car use to
lelp tlemselves move from tle corcrete to tle abstract.
- -
Ll,ir Jolrstor is a matlematiciar, a full professor at lowa State
Lriversity, wlo is as corcerreJ witl lis teaclir, as le is witl
lis researcl. He las earreJ lis L.S., M.S., arJ ll.D. Je,rees ir
matlematics. He attributes part of lis irterest ir teaclir, to
lavir, taker a course about writir, proofs as a ,raJuate stuJert
at tle Lriversity of Sarta Clara witl a persor le saiJ was a
very, very ,ooJ teacler."
Ll,irs researcl starteJ witl lis irterest ir tle approximatior of
furctiors, corsiJerir, mairly low complicateJ furctiors car be
approximateJ by simpler furctiors. 1lis iritial work evolveJ
irto lis irvesti,atior of ,eometric furctior tleory-tlat is, tle
stuJy of various aspects of ,eometry arJ tle ways ir wlicl
tleyre clar,eJ or preserveJ urJer certair kirJs of mappir,s.
As a rormal part of lis researcl, le las writter articles publisleJ
ir acaJemic jourrals arJ superviseJ tle researcl of masters arJ
Joctoral stuJerts. Ll,ir is ircluJeJ ir tlis book rot because of
lis professiorally reco,rizeJ researcl, but because of lis teacl-
ir,, or wlicl le estimates le sperJs about 6O percert of lis
time. (His researcl takes about 25 percert of lis time arJ pro-
,ram aJmiristratior irvolves about 15 percert.)

Ll,ir believes tleres more to teaclir, matl tlar lavir, stu-

Jerts Jo tle problems at tle back of tle clapter. He teacles
corcept-orierteJ classes, brir,ir, as mary real-life problems
irto class as possible. He believes matl teaclers sloulJ try to
vary tle metloJ of presertatior from Jay to Jay. Some Jays le
lectures. Some Jays le ercoura,es Jiscussior. r otler Jays le
uses a computer arJ a projectior system arJ ercoura,es stuJerts
to make corjectures arJ to project possible outcomes. r still
otler Jays le preserts a Jemorstratior experimert so stuJerts
car see wletler tleir projectiors work. Sometimes lis class
meets ir a computer lab to work or moJelir, problems. ArJ les
fourJ tlat a JeoparJy"-type ,ame works as a fast-paceJ, irter-
estir, review before exams. Do stuJerts like wlat le Joes` He
says tleyre surpriseJ at tle amourt of writir, tley lave to Jo,
but a typical erJ-of-course commert is, l'm surpriseJ at low
tlis turreJ out, at low mucl l've learreJ."
Ll,ir believes actually lavir, ,ooJ teaclir, at a major state uri-
versity tlat iJertifies teaclir, as part of its missior is importart.
He says, 1eaclir, is wlat we promote, so we better Jo it-arJ
Jo a ,ooJ job witl it." He also believes tlat ,ooJ teaclers car be
stror, role moJels for stuJerts. ArJ wler le comes ri,lt Jowr
to it, Ll,ir erjoys teaclir,.
About five years a,o, ir aJJitior to teaclir,, Ll,ir a,reeJ to
take or tle job as calculus coorJirator for tle Jepartmerts sixty
sectiors of calculus tlat are offereJ every semester. About tle
same time, tle Natioral Scierce lourJatior (NSl) was furJir,
Calculus leform" projects for five years. Lecause Ll,ir warteJ
to make clar,es ir tle way calculus was tau,lt, le arJ a col-
lea,ue applieJ for arJ receiveJ NSl furJir, to explore rew,
more effective ways of teaclir, calculus as well as ways to brir,
tle computer irto teaclir, calculus.
A lar,e part of tlis work irvolves Jevelopir, ways to ircorpo-
rate writir, irto teaclir, matl-rot as a way to Jemorstrate
krowleJ,e but as a way to learr matlematical corcepts. (Ll,ir
rotes tlat wlat tleyre learrir, ir tlis calculus project proviJes
irformatior about ways to brir, writir, irto matlematics at
As a result of tlis project, Ll,ir arJ lis coprircipal irvesti,a-
tor or tle calculus project lave writter a textbook tlat slows
low calculus car be useJ as a tool to solve real-life problems arJ
use ,ooJ commuricatior skills to evaluate arJ commuricate."
1le calculus project also las prompteJ Ll,ir arJ a collea,ue to
work or arotler project furJeJ by tle NSl to look at ways to
use tle computer ir teaclir, matlematics.

LeyorJ lis teaclir,, researcl, arJ service work at tle uriversity,

Ll,ir is irvolveJ ir matl-relateJ activities ir tle commurity. He
las beer irfluertial arJ supportive of efforts to Jevelop a pro-
,ram for ,ifteJ stuJerts ir tle public sclools. He is also tle vol-
urteer coacl of tle matl club at tle local li,l sclool. His
irterest ir competitive li,l sclool matl exterJs to lis role as
clair of a ratioral committee tlat writes claller,ir, questiors
for li,l sclool matlematics cortests.
Ll,ir aJvises matl majors, particularly tlose wlo plar to teacl,
to take courses ir writir, arJ to select ar applicatiors area as a
miror (perlaps ecoromics or plysics), so tlat tley lave some-
tlir, else to brir, to class. He su,,ests tlat people wlo plar to
teacl sloulJ take it upor tlemselves to make observatioral stuJ-
ies of tleir owr teaclers, especially tle ,ooJ ores, to collect
effective moJels of teaclir, matl.

lor irformatior or teaclir, matlematics:
Natioral Courcil of 1eaclers of Matlematics
HeaJquarters ffice
19O6 Associatior Drive
lestor, \A 2O191
lor irformatior or teaclers uriors arJ eJucatior-relateJ
Americar leJeratior of 1eaclers
555 New Jersey Averue NW
Waslir,tor, DC 2OOO1
Natioral LJucatior Associatior
12O1 Sixteertl Street NW
Waslir,tor, DC 2OO36
1o obtair a list of irstitutiors witl accreJiteJ teacler eJuca-
tior pro,rams:
Natioral Courcil for AccreJitatior of 1eacler LJucatior
2O1O Massaclusetts Averue NW, Suite 5OO
Waslir,tor, DC 2OO36
lor irformatior or ratioral teacler certificatior:
Natioral LoarJ for lrofessioral 1eaclir, StarJarJs
26555 Lver,reer loaJ, Suite +OO
SoutlfielJ, Ml +8O76
lor irformatior or alterrative certificatior pro,rams:
LllC Clearir,louse or 1eacler LJucatior
13O7 New York Averue NW
Waslir,tor, DC 2OOO5

Mara,ir, Quartitative
ara,ers are a critical part of every or,arizatior-from
barks to creJit urits to wlolesale Jistributors. Witl
few exceptiors, mara,ers ir ar or,arizatior, wletler
tle clief executive officer (CL) or a Jepartmert mara,er, lave
colle,e Je,rees, ofter ir tle areas tlat tley are resporsible for;
ir fact, mary lave aJvarceJ Je,rees. Some Jescribe mara,e-
mert jobs as lavir, a li,l Je,ree of stress, but tle people ir
sucl positiors ofter erjoy tle pace arJ tle claller,es.
- --
Clief executive officers, presiJerts, arJ vice presiJerts are tle
top Jecisior makers of ar or,arizatior wlo work witl boarJs of
Jirectors to establisl ar or,arizatiors ,oals arJ policies. 1ley
are ultimately resporsible for tle failures as well as tle successes
of tleir or,arizatiors. However, beir, a successful clief execu-
tive officer, presiJert, or vice presiJert JeperJs as mucl or
experierce as it Joes or acaJemic trairir,. Like otler top exec-
utives (see Clapter 3), tlese officials reeJ expert-level krowl-
eJ,e, leaJerslip skills, motivatior, flexibility, self-corfiJerce,
arJ problem-solvir, arJ Jecisior-makir, abilities.

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AccorJir, to tle ,ereral
mara,ers arJ top executives are amor, tle li,lest-paiJ work-
ers; lowever, salaries vary wiJely JeperJir, or tle level of
resporsibility, ler,tl of service, arJ type, size, arJ locatior of
tle firm. 1op executives ir very lar,e corporatiors ,ererally earr
si,rificartly more tlar tleir courterparts ir smaller or,ariza-
tiors. 1le meJiar salary for clief executive officers (CLs) of
public comparies is approximately $8OO,OOO. However, tlree-
quarters of CLs ir tle rorprofit sector make less tlar
$1OO,OOO. lr aJJitior to salaries, total compersatior for CLs
ofter ircluJes stock optiors, JiviJerJs, performarce boruses,
experse allowarces, arJ compary-paiJ irsurarce premiums.
1le meJiar arrual earrir,s of ,ereral mara,ers are $55,89O.
1le miJJle 5O percert earrs betweer $35,OOO arJ $9+,6OO.
Lecause tle specific resporsibilities of ,ereral mara,ers vary si,-
rificartly witlir irJustries, earrir,s also terJ to vary corsiJer-
ably. 1lis list preserts tle meJiar arrual earrir,s ir tle
irJustries employir, tle lar,est rumbers of ,ereral mara,ers
arJ top executives:
Mara,emert arJ public relatiors $91,+OO
Computer arJ Jata processir, services $9O,6OO
Wlolesale traJe maclirery,
equipmert, supplies $65,9OO
Casolire service statiors $36,8OO
Latir, arJ Jrirkir, places $33,OOO

As presiJert arJ CL of tle lowa State Lriversity CreJit
Lrior, DaviJ Slau,lter mara,es a creJit urior for all uriversity
employees tlat arrually irvests more tlar $6O millior for its
members. Civer tle state of tle ratioral ecoromy, DaviJ is
pleaseJ witl tle steaJy irterest rates tlat creJit urior members
usually earr or tleir irvestmerts. Lefore acceptir, lis currert
positior, le laJ a rumber of jobs, ircluJir, Jirector of accourt-
ir, for a lar,e public lospital ir 1exas. Lefore tlat le was vice
presiJert of accourtir, arJ tler presiJert of a creJit urior ir

DaviJ aJvises tlat people wartir, to work ir creJit uriors reeJ

a stror, back,rourJ ir accourtir, arJ firarce, but tley also
reeJ a corceptual urJerstarJir, of tle complex processes tlat
are irvolveJ. He says, Witlout a rumbers back,rourJ, it's too
easy to ,et blirJsiJeJ. Wlile some tlir,s cart be quartifieJ,
tlis is ultimately a rumbers busiress." DaviJ's owr back,rourJ
ircluJes a L.S. ir accourtir, witl a miror ir firarce. He
emplasizes tlat tleres cortirual or-tle-job eJucatior. r lis
owr, le las acquireJ expertise ir public relatiors, persorrel
mara,emert, arJ politics. lart of DaviJs early krowleJ,e about
creJit uriors came from workir, as a volurteer, a practice le
ercoura,es arJ recommerJs to otlers.
As presiJert arJ CL, DaviJ is resporsible for overseeir, tle
policies arJ implemertir, tle proceJures establisleJ by tle
creJit uriors boarJ of Jirectors. He re,ularly aJvises tle boarJ
of Jirectors about wlat's ,oir, or." However, because tle boarJ
is composeJ ertirely of volurteers, le also sees part of lis respor-
sibility as eJucatir, tle members about tle operatior of tle
creJit urior as well as tle factors tlat irfluerce firarcial Jeci-
sior makir,. lirally, DaviJ is resporsible for tle supervisior of
tle creJit uriors tlirty-tlree full-time employees arJ tle
twelve stuJerts wlo eacl work twerty lours a week.

CreJit uriors are corsoliJatir,. lr 198O, tlere were approxi-

mately twerty-two tlousarJ ratiorwiJe; ir 2OOO, tlere were
fewer tlar twelve tlousarJ. lart of tlis corsoliJatior is Jue to
improvemerts ir teclrolo,y, wlicl reJuce tle rumber of jobs.
However, arotler factor is tremerJous ircreases ir experses
relateJ to persorrel arJ service costs. lr fact, DaviJ says tlat tle
competitior is extremely tou,l." lart of tle claller,e ir rur-
rir, a creJit urior comes from tle Jere,ulatior of irterest rates
arJ irterstate barkir,. Lut arotler claller,e comes from tle
ircreasir, role of rorfirarcial irstitutiors as major players ir
Despite tle ertrerclmert tlat is ,ererally takir, place ir creJit
uriors across tle courtry, ore of tle parts of lis job tlat DaviJ
particularly erjoys is implemertir, iJeas-for example, takir, a
clierts iJea arJ makir, a major improvemert ir services offereJ.
lecertly, ir resporse to customer reeJs, le starteJ a creJit
urior mort,a,e Jepartmert, wlicl las JevelopeJ to ircluJe
lome equity loars, lome improvemert loars, arJ mort,a,e refi-
- -
James Cill is vice presiJert of firarce for SLCDorolue, a mer,er
of Sirrire Lrvirormertal Corsultarts arJ Dorolue & Associ-
ates. About 65 percert of tle comparys work is ir ervirormer-
tal corsultir,, wlicl irvolves recommerJir, ways to fix
problems sucl as Jisposir, of lazarJous waste. About 35 percert
of tle work is ir irfrastructure er,ireerir,, wlicl irvolves
Jesi,r arJ corstructior oversi,lt of airports, briJ,es, roaJs,
wastewater treatmert plarts, arJ storm-water sewer systems.
SLCDorolue las approximately twerty-two lurJreJ employees
at fifty locatiors tlrou,lout tle LriteJ States arJ las about
$175 millior to $2OO millior ir ,ross reverues a year.

Jim las a L.S. ir busiress aJmiristratior witl a major ir

accourtir, arJ las taker ,raJuate courses ir taxatior. As a
ClA, le starteJ work as ar irterral auJitor for Clampior lrter-
ratioral Corporatior ir lio, wlere le stayeJ for five years.
1ler le wert to 1exas to work for ceareerir,, lrc. lritially le
workeJ as its mara,er of auJit; tler le wert to Sir,apore for
two years as tle Soutleast Asiar cortroller. He returreJ to
1exas, workir, for two years for Worley Lr,ireerir,. After tlat
le accepteJ tle positior as clief firarcial officer (Cl) for Sir-
rire Lrvirormertal Corsultarts (SLC), wlicl was a Jivisior of
ClS Sirrire. Lvertually, twerty-five employees (ircluJir, Jim)
bou,lt out tle Sirrire Lrvirormertal Corsultarts part of tle
compary. 1le ,roup remaireJ as ar irJeperJert compary for
tlree years arJ tler was solJ to Waste Mara,emert, lrc.
Lrtil tle mer,er, Jim was clief firarcial officer (Cl) for Sir-
rire Lrvirormertal Corsultarts. Now, as vice presiJert of
firarce for SLCDorolue, Jim las taker or more of tle firarce
Juties, wlile lis courterpart from Dorolue las assumeJ more of
tle Jay-to-Jay operatiors. Approximately 75 percert of tle
time, Jim is focusir, or mer,ers arJ acquisitiors, wlicl requires
sperJir, a lot of lis time travelir,. 1le compary las bi, plars
for exparsior-to be a lalf-billior-Jollar compary witl five
tlousarJ employees. Lecause of tle ,ereral trerJ towarJ
corsoliJatior ir ervirormertal corsultir, busiresses, Jim sees
tle ,rowtl of SLCDorolue takir, place primarily tlrou,l
mer,ers arJ acquisitiors, perlaps twerty-five to tlirty over tle
rext several years. Jim explairs tlat bi, irJustries sucl as auto
marufacturers witl factories ir Jifferert parts of tle courtry are
more likely to turr to ore lar,e ervirormertal corsultir, firm
tlat car larJle tle same problem as it appears ir eacl factory,
ratler tlar lirir, a Jifferert re,ioral ervirormertal corsultir,
firm to larJle eacl problem locally.
SLCDorolue is currertly seekir, ar irterratioral firm to
become part of its or,arizatior. Altlou,l tlis irterratioral lirk
will probably be,ir ir tle Luropear commurity, Jim ercoura,es
tle rotior of corporate citizerslip," wlicl requires tlat we all
lelp" improve tle severe ervirormertal problems ir Lasterr
Lurope, Asia, Africa, arJ MiJJle Lasterr ratiors.
Jims remairir, time is approximately everly JiviJeJ amor,
forecastir, arJ buJ,etir,, plarrir, capital pro,rams, arJ ersur-
ir, compliarce witl feJeral re,ulatiors. Lvery year, le supervises
tle Jevelopmert of a five-year strate,ic plar arJ tle arrual buJ-
,et, wlicl usually takes two to tlree mortls (arJ two to tlree
versiors) to complete. rce a quarter, mara,ers reassess tle
buJ,et arJ aJvise tle parert compary arJ serior mara,ers
about tle buJ,ets accuracy arJ recommerJ ary recessary cor-
rective actior. rce a year, as part of tle buJ,et process, Jim
receives Jepartmerts plars for capital items (basically arytlir,
tlat costs more tlar $1,OOO witl a useful life of more tlar ore
year) arJ prepares a capital buJ,et. Jim is also resporsible for
ersurir, tlat SLCDorolue is ir compliarce witl all feJeral re,-
ulatiors sirce approximately 25 to 3O percert of tle comparys
busiress is witl feJeral Jepartmerts arJ a,ercies sucl as tle
Departmert of Lrer,y (Jisposir, of ruclear waste), tle Depart-
mert of Deferse (Jisposir, of oil arJ various wastes or military
bases), arJ NASA. Lvery time tle compary submits a cost pro-
posal, tle ,overrmert corJucts a preawarJ auJit to Jetermire if
estimateJ costs are reasorable; part of Jims resporsibility is to
leaJ tlese auJitors tlrou,l tle proposals. 1ler, orce a year, ary
awarJeJ cost cortracts will urJer,o ar ircurreJ-cost auJit to
make sure tle ,overrmert las rot beer overclar,eJ; similarly,
Jim must file ar arrual Jisclosure statemert to explair accourt-
ir, arJ estimatir, proceJures.
re of tle irterestir, problems Jim las to face is low to estab-
lisl tle value of a compary tlat SLCDorolue warts to pur-
clase. Wlat le warts to erJ up witl is a valuatior laJJer to
Jetermire wlat tle rar,e is for tle value of tle compary," so le
uses a variety of metloJs of valuatior. He be,irs by ,atlerir,
listorical irformatior about tle compary arJ preparir, ar esti-
mate about its future profitability arJ reputatior. Several valua-
tior metloJs ircluJe usir, tle listorical Jata to project future
value, firJir, sales of comparies of a similar type arJ size (mucl
like market comparisor ir resiJertial real estate), or multiplyir,
book value of tle compary by some factor.
Mara,ers work witl tle clief executive officers arJ otler exec-
utives to make Jecisiors tlat affect tleir Jepartmerts, brarcles,
or Jivisiors ir ar or,arizatior. Like otler Jecisior makers (see
Clapter 3), mara,ers reeJ expert-level krowleJ,e arJ leaJer-
slip skills. 1ley also reeJ to lave excellert or,arizatioral skills
as well as problem-solvir, arJ Jecisior-makir, abilities. (Note:
mary people JiscusseJ ir otler clapters also lave mara,emert
furctiors ir tleir jobs.)

1le most recert eJitior of tle
reports tlat tle meJiar ircome for mara,ers is approximately
$55,8OO. Mary mara,ers earr corsiJerably more tlar $95,OOO,
JeperJir, or factors sucl as tle level of resporsibility arJ tle
type, size, arJ locatior of tle firm. Mara,ers ofter receive aJJi-
tioral compersatior ir tle form of boruses, stock awarJs, arJ
casl-equivalert frir,e berefits sucl as compary-paiJ irsurarce
premiums or tle use of a compary car.
Mike Ness is tle Jirector of materials mara,emert for Mary
Creeley MeJical Certer, a 22O-beJ muricipally owreJ facility
witl tlirty-sever Jepartmerts, rar,ir, from emer,ercy room
arJ sur,ery to obstetrics arJ carJiac relabilitatior.
Mike is resporsible for tlirteer employees ir several Jifferert
Jepartmerts tlat form tle materials mara,emert ,roup: pur-
clasir,, irvertory arJ stores (wlicl ircluJes Jistributior), arJ
receivir, arJ slippir,. 1le overall ,oal of materials mara,e-
mert is to ersure tlat every Jepartmert ir tle meJical certer
las tle li,lest-quality proJucts arJ services at tle time tley are
reeJeJ arJ for tle lowest possible cost. Mike says tlat, like all
purclasir, ,roups, lis is corcerreJ witl quality first.

After ,raJuatir, from colle,e witl a baclelors Je,ree ir listory,

Mike starteJ at tle bottom of tle purclasir, Jepartmert for a
marufacturir, compary, SurJstrarJ, workir, lis way up to
serior buyer. After ter years witl SurJstrarJ, le accepteJ a
positior as a supervisor/mara,er for Lourrs, ar electrorics com-
pary, witl six to ei,lt people reportir, to lim. Six years later, le
returreJ to Sauer-SurJstrarJ (tle compary ,aireJ a rew rame
wlile Mike was away) as purclasir, a,ert. After two years, le
accepteJ tle positior as Jirector of materials mara,emert for
Mary Creeley MeJical Certer.

Aryore corsiJerir, a job like Mikes reeJs to lave a stror,

matl back,rourJ arJ a ,reat Jeal of computer krowleJ,e as well
as experierce ir all aspects of materials mara,emert. He
explairs tlat computers are tle backbore of materials mara,e-
mert. lor example, materials mara,emert receives electroric
orJers from various Jepartmerts ir tle lospital arJ tler elec-
trorically clar,es tle appropriate Jepartmerts accourt, keeps
ar upJateJ or-lire irvertory, arJ Joes orJerir, from verJors or
tle computer. Wlile rew employees reeJ to be traireJ to use
specific applicatiors, a fourJatior ir computer furJamertals arJ
familiarity witl multiple applicatiors are crucial. 1lrou,l tle
years, Mike las taker semirars arJ ,raJuate courses as le las
reeJeJ rew irformatior about ar array of topics rar,ir, from
sexual larassmert ir tle workplace to specializeJ computer
applicatiors, from lazarJous waste mara,emert to persorrel
As Jirector of materials mara,emert, Mike Joes ro actual
buyir, for tle meJical certer; irsteaJ, lis resporsibilities are
ertirely mara,erial. He emplasizes tle importarce of stror,
Jecisior-makir, arJ commuricatior skills. He says le cart
overestimate tle value of beir, able to make carefully reasoreJ
Jecisiors or to write professiorally. lr fact, Mike Jevotes a full 25
percert of lis time or tle job to commuricatior. 1lis part of lis
job irvolves a rar,e of activities: iJertifyir, arJ commuricatir,
Jepartmert ,oals to employees, corJuctir, meetir,s ir lis
Jepartmert, writir, reports, arJ atterJir, meetir,s witl mar-
a,ers of otler Jepartmerts.
Arotler 2O percert of Mikes time is spert plarrir, arJ or,a-
rizir,. He reeJs to make sure tlat lis Jepartmert las tle per-
sorrel, firarcial support, arJ material resources to accomplisl
its ,oals. lor example, ir orJer to Jo tleir jobs, tle employees ir
receivir, reeJ sucl tlir,s as forklift trucks, bar coJers, comput-
ers, arJ staff trairir, (for everytlir, from forklifts to com-
puters). He explairs tlat part of plarrir, arJ or,arizir, is
Jraftir, Jocumerts tlat specify tle policies arJ proceJures tlat
employees sloulJ follow ir completir, tleir jobs.
Mike also Jevotes 2O percert of lis time to supervisior arJ
employee Jevelopmert. Lecause materials mara,emert ir tle
meJical certer is rew-orly two years olJ-tlere is still a ,reat
Jeal to Jo ir coJifyir, policies arJ practices. He believes tlat
irformir, employees about tle materials mara,emert furctiors
arJ proviJir, ir-louse trairir, will ,o a lor, way ir lelpir,
tlem urJerstarJ tleir irJiviJual resporsibilities, reJucir,
turrover, arJ ircreasir, tleir effectiveress.
LuJ,et preparatior arJ its relateJ activities take arotler 15
percert of Mikes time. He creates lis owr Jepartmerts buJ,et
arJ also is irvolveJ ir tle purclase of all capital equipmert for
tle ertire meJical certer (approximately $6 millior ir capital
equipmert every year). rce tle buJ,ets are corstructeJ,
tlou,l, Mike reeJs to be alert to clar,es ir operatiors tlat
mi,lt result ir clar,es ir resources or persorrel.
Mike ,ives arotler 15 percert of lis time to establislir, arJ
measurir, Jepartmert ,oals arJ makir, sure tlat tley support
tle overall ,oals of tle meJical certer. A firal 5 percert of lis
time irvolves ersurir, tle Jepartmerts compliarce witl a rar,e
of starJarJs arJ policies, from followir, tle muricipal coJes to
aJlerir, to feJeral commissior ,uiJelires (to ersure lospital

Sirce Mike las beer Jirector of materials mara,emert, le feels

positive about wlat le sees as two major clar,es ir lis Jepart-
mert. lirst, tle ertire Jepartmert is row 1OO percert computer-
izeJ (as opposeJ to +O percert wler le arriveJ). 1lis makes all
aspects of Jepartmertal operatior easier. SecorJ, le las roticeJ
a Jevelopir, attituJe of professioralism arJ cooperatior amor,
members of tle Jepartmert.
- -
- -
lobir Dye is a serior sales mara,er for Newark Llectrorics, a
Jivisior of lremier lrJustrial, wlicl is a compary.
Newark Llectrorics is ar electrorics Jistributor for 2+O maru-
facturers. Newark Llectrorics primarily sells comporerts-tlat
is, semicorJuctors-tle pieces tlat make electroric equipmert
sucl as computers, teleplores, electroric Joorbells, arJ various
kirJs of marufacturir, equipmert work. 1le compary buys
lar,e volumes of comporerts arJ resells tlem ir smaller lots.

lobir starteJ at Newark Llectrorics witl a baclelors Je,ree ir

lumar rutritior arJ six mortls of experierce as a lospital
Jietitiar. At tle same time tlat lobir was JeciJir, tlat beir,
a Jietitiar wasrt wlat sle warteJ to Jo, Newark was lookir, for
rew employees wlo were just out of colle,e. Lack tler, ler qual-
ificatiors for tle job ircluJeJ a colle,e Je,ree arJ a remarkable
aptituJe for matlematics. lobir Jescribes lerself as someore
wlo las a ,ooJ serse of rumbers arJ wlat tley car Jo-a
rumber-frierJly persor." As part of ler urJer,raJuate Je,ree,
sle also laJ taker a ,ooJ mary busiress courses-statistics,
accourtir,, busiress aJmiristratior, small-,roup belavior, arJ
Jecisior makir,. 1lese skills, wlicl lave beer loreJ by ler
years or tle job, erable ler to larJle tle multiple resporsibili-
ties of ler job, most of wlicl irvolve rumber crurclir,. 1o Jo
ler job well, lobir Joesrt reeJ ar er,ireerir, Je,ree, but sle
Joes reeJ to be able to reaJ specificatior sleets arJ blueprirts.
ArJ, like otler Newark employees wler tleyre first lireJ, sle
workeJ tlrou,l a self-paceJ electrorics pro,ram to ,air famil-
iarity witl corcepts arJ vocabulary.
Newark Llectrorics lires ertry-level salespeople wlo lave a
mirimum of a four-year colle,e Je,ree arJ two years of work
experierce. lromotior to serior sales is baseJ or sales perfor-
marce. lurtler promotior car move a persor irto outsiJe sales
mara,emert or brarcl office mara,emert, wlicl is tle route
lobir las taker. Lvertually, someore ir outsiJe sales or brarcl
mara,emert coulJ move up to a positior as re,ioral mara,er
wlo, ir turr, coulJ be promoteJ to sector leaJ (wlicl is equiv-
alert to tle vice presiJert of sales elsewlere).
As a serior sales mara,er, lobir explairs tlat a critical part of
ler job irvolves sales forecastir,, makir, tle projectiors about
all firarcial aspects of ler brarcl office, wlicl may ,ererate $2.5
millior to $3 millior ,ross arrual sales. 1o put tlis ir perspective,
tle compary as a wlole-witl two lurJreJ sales offices ir tlis
courtry arJ several ir forei,r courtries-,ererates approxi-
mately $+3O millior ir ,ross sales. 1lis sales forecastir, is sucl
ar importart part of ler job tlat 25 percert of ler arrual evalu-
atior is baseJ or tle accuracy of ler forecastir,. lart of tlis work
irvolves lookir, at raw Jata (for example, irformatior about
,rowtl patterrs, profitability levels, or rumbers of employees) arJ
projectir, office reverues. lr builJir, ler forecast, lobir cor-
siJers a rumber of variables, sucl as tle brarcl buJ,et, for every-
tlir, from operatiors to salaries to supplies. lobir says
forecastir, is a real learr-as-you-,o part of ler job; altlou,l tlere
are some formulas, beir, ,ooJ at forecastir, is lar,ely a furctior
of experierce arJ relateJ factors, sucl as ,ereral krowleJ,e of
tle re,ioral ecoromy arJ awareress of customer plars.
lr aJJitior to forecastir,, lobir is resporsible for tle strate-
,ies of pricir, useJ by ler office arJ for Jevelopir, tle cortracts
for specific customers. lr orJer to Jo tlis, sle las to krow a
rumber of variables, ircluJir, tle profitability of Jifferert lires,
slippir, experses, arJ availability of tle comporerts. lobir
also evaluates at least ore lurJreJ computer reports eacl
mortl, reports tlat ,ive all kirJs of Jata or every accourt. Lacl
report is Jesi,reJ to slow Jifferert reJ fla,s (potertial problems)
ir pricir,, sellir,, or proJuct mix. 1le erormity of tlis task
becomes clearer wler you realize tlat ler brarcl office las as
mary as twelve lurJreJ accourts.
lobir typically sperJs about 75 percert of ler time ir tle
office, usually about tlree arJ a lalf Jays a week. 1le rest of tle
time, sle is or tle roaJ, visitir, customers arJ makir, sales
calls. Sle corcertrates or Jifficult outsiJe sales-lost customers
wlom sle warts to re,air. Sle Joes tle troubleslootir,, arJ
orce sle las tle customer back, sle usually turrs tle accourt
over to a full-time salespersor. 1lis kirJ of sales requires tlat
sle larJle all sorts of complairts tlat tlese customers lave,
ircluJir, problems witl Jelivery Jates, slippir,, service, arJ
quality cortrol.

lr mara,ir, tle multiple resporsibilities of ler job, lobir uses

ler computer a ,reat Jeal. Her termiral is correcteJ to tle com-
parys mairframe ir its Clica,o leaJquarters. Wler sle warts
to learr sometlir, about ar accourt, sle car cleck tle com-
puter; eacl accourt is listeJ ir Jetail, so irformatior is easily
accessible for ler to arswer questiors arJ Jevelop strate,ic plars.
Lecause of tle security risks, Newark Llectrorics employees are
Jiscoura,eJ from usir, persoral computers. lr fact, to ,air
access to tle Clica,o mairframe tlrou,l ler moJem, lobir las
to use tlree levels of passworJs tlat are clar,eJ re,ularly.
Wler lobir starteJ witl tle compary, Newark arJ its cus-
tomers were very male orierteJ." Now womer ir electroric
comporert sales are less urusual, tlou,l lobir says about 8O
percert of Newarks customers, most of wlom are er,ireers, are
male. lobir ercoura,es womer arJ mer wlo wart to be
irvolveJ ir a similar professior arJ ur,es tlem to be firm about
tleir irterests arJ corfiJert about tleir abilities. Sle says, 1ake
lots of matl, scierce, arJ busiress courses." As a result of ler
owr back,rourJ arJ or-tle-job experierce, lobir is row
irvolveJ ir pilot test pro,rams, Jevelopir, rew approacles tlat
clar,e low tle compary ,oes about Joir, tlir,s.
- -

Dear lsaacsor wears tlree lats: leaJ of tle Departmert of Sta-
tistics at lowa State Lriversity, leaJ of tle Statistics Lrit of lSLs
A,riculture Lxperimert Statior, arJ Jirector of tle uriversitys
Statistical Laboratory. As aJmiristrator of tlis irterratiorally rec-
o,rizeJ tripartite pro,ram ir applieJ statistics, le mara,es a com-
bireJ arrual buJ,et of approximately $3.1 millior.

After completir, lis ll.D. ir matlematics (wlicl focuseJ or

stoclastic irte,rals), Dear came to lSL to accept a joirt
appoirtmert ir matlematics arJ statistics. His researcl irvolves
work ir probability tleory tlat las applicatiors ir a variety of
Jisciplires, sucl as er,ireerir,, ,eretics, arJ Jemo,raply.
Dear Jescribes limself as a probabilist wlo loves teaclir,." lr
fact, le says, teaclir, is my ,reat love." Lver ir lis role as
Jepartmert leaJ, Dear las closer to cortirue teaclir, ore
course eacl semester arJ to retair lis role as tle coorJirator of
,raJuate stuJies, so le lelps recruit tlirty-five to forty rew ,raJ-
uate stuJerts eacl year arJ tler acts as tleir aJvisor for tle first
year. He also JeciJes wlicl ,raJuate stuJerts eacl year will
receive assistartslips, sirce tle Jepartmert orly las assistart-
slips for sli,ltly more tlar lalf of its ,raJuate stuJerts.
Wler askeJ to Jescribe tle clar,es ir lis career, Dear says
tlat wlere you erJ up is rot recessarily wlere you expect."
1werty years a,o, le tlou,lt leJ be Joir, researcl arJ teacl-
ir, for lis ertire career. Lecause of lis or,oir, commitmert to
,raJuate stuJerts, Dear aJmits tlat lis owr researcl las sloweJ.
As ar aJmiristrator, le creates arJ mara,es tle various Jepart-
mert buJ,ets, builJs teaclir, scleJules for faculty arJ assists
witl tle scleJules of teaclir, assistarts, Jetermires committee
appoirtmerts, arJ solicits furJs from alumri.
re of Dears otler resporsibilities is servir, or tle lowa Qual-
ity Coalitior. 1lis coalitior is a statewiJe effort by a rumber of
,roups, ircluJir, uriversities, private colle,es, commurity col-
le,es, or,arizeJ labor, local arJ state ,overrmert, arJ irJustry.
lts corcerr is witl improvir, tle quality of marufacturir, arJ
service witlir tle state. re of tle best ways to improve quality
is to implemert total quality mara,emert (1QM). Local compa-
ries tlat are corsiJerir, 1QM car cortact tle coalitior, wlicl
puts tlem ir toucl witl someore wlo car lelp Jesi,r, imple-
mert, arJ assess a 1QM plar arJ lelp make cortacts for local

How is tlis relateJ to work ir statistics` Dear explairs tlat mary

cortracts require a compary to lave a quality plar ir place arJ
tlat professiorals witl trairir, ir statistics are ofter calleJ or to
Jesi,r, implemert, arJ assess tlese plars. lr fact, statisticiars
workir, ir quality cortrol may be askeJ to ,ive ir-louse work-
slops to er,ireers arJ mara,ers. Dear says its rot urlike Sta-
tistics 1O1 for workplace professiorals.
Dear says tlese workslops are just ore example of tle impor-
tarce of statisticiars beir, able to commuricate. He says its rot
urcommor for employers to call lim about recommerJir,
potertial employees. Lmployers reeJ someore wlo will seek
busiress, someore wlo will seek opporturities to apply statistics
to problems. Lmployers say, lf tley Jor't lave ,ooJ commuri-
catior skills, we car't use tlem."
1lese rew emplases are becomir, more importart to Dear.
He says, Wler l step Jowr as ar aJmiristrator, l'll move more
towarJ 1QM arJ statistics eJucatior as areas ir wlicl l see
myself Joir, sclolarslip ir tle future."
- ---

Mary Letl Willis is tle assistart mara,er at MiJlarJ Savir,s
Lark. 1le brarcl office wlere Mary Letl works is tle orly
MiJlarJ brarcl tlat offers all services to customers: rot orly full
teller services, but also firarcial courselir,, arruities arJ secu-
rities, mort,a,es, arJ irsurarce.

Mary Letl laJ lots of or-tle-job trairir, arJ cortiruir, eJu-

catior because sle ertereJ a barkir, career ir a rortraJitioral
way. Sle las a baclelors Je,ree ir plysical eJucatior arJ
lealtl. Lecause tlere were ro teaclir, positiors wler sle com-
pleteJ ler urJer,raJuate Je,ree, sle starteJ work at a bark tlat
was later bou,lt by MiJlarJ, wlere sle currertly works. Some of
tle trairir, sles completeJ at tle lrstitute of lirarcial LJuca-
tior ircluJes seasoral upJates about llAs arJ semirars about
corsumer loars arJ customer services.
As assistart mara,er, Mary Letls resporsibilities ircluJe servir,
as corsumer lerJir, arJ operatior supervisor; tlus, sles ir
clar,e of trairir,. Sle trairs rew persorrel as well as lor,-term
employees about rew proJucts arJ services. Sle supervises two
staff meetir,s per mortl: ore for operatiors (,oir, over ary rew
proceJures) arJ ore for sales (comir, up witl rew iJeas to sell
to existir, customers as well as create rew busiress).
Mary Letl also is resporsible for bark security, wlicl requires
trairir, staff to larJle a rar,e of problems, from customers try-
ir, to pass baJ clecks to bark robbery. Sle makes sure tlat
tellers follow certair belirJ-tle-scere proceJures tlat protect
botl tle bark arJ tle customer. lor example, tle bark must
report several types of trarsactiors, sucl as casl useJ to pur-
clase more tlar $3,OOO ir travelers clecks or tle witlJrawal of
more tlar $1O,OOO. Her positior Jiffers from ar operatiors mar-
a,er ir some otler or,arizatiors because of tle flexibility ler
positior offers; witl tle autlority arJ autoromy sle is ,iver, sle
car make ler owr cloices about low sle accomplisles ler job.
As part of Mary Letls mara,erial role, sle is resporsible for
corstructir, a buJ,et arJ for supervisir, tle brarcls task force
,roup, wlicl corsiJers arJ recommerJs rew clar,es for various
services. Sle also is resporsible for writir, approximately fifteer
Jifferert mortlly reports about topics rar,ir, from tle mirutes
of brarcl office staff meetir,s to reports about security arJ cor-
sumer loars. Sle also writes a ,reat mary irterral memos arJ
letters to customers.
Mary Letl says tlat someore wlo warts a job like lers reeJs to
lave people skills arJ persorality." Havir, a ,ooJ back,rourJ
ir lumar relatiors Joesrt lurt because sle las to work witl a
broaJ array of customers, larJle mary Jifferert kirJs of prob-
lems, arJ motivate people. 1lese skills are as importart as ler
teclrical skills ir operatir, various kirJs of computer equip-
mert arJ urJerstarJir, bark policies arJ proceJures.

1o obtair irformatior about or,arizatiors for womer executives:
Americar Lusiress Womers Associatior (ALWA)
l.. Lox 8728
larsas City, M 6+11+
Natioral Associatior for lemale Lxecutives (NAlL)
26O MaJisor Averue, 1lirJ lloor
New York, NY 1OO16
lor irformatior about top executives, ircluJir, eJucatioral
pro,rams arJ job listir,s:
Americar Mara,emert Associatior
16O1 LroaJway, Sixtl lloor
New York, NY 1OO19
Natioral Mara,emert Associatior
221O Arbor LoulevarJ
Daytor, H +5+39
lrterratioral lersorrel Mara,emert Associatior
1617 Duke Street
AlexarJria, \A 2231+

Number Crurclir, ir
tler lrofessiors
le careers youve reaJ about so far are ores ir wlicl
youJ expect rumber crurclir, to be part of tle job.
However, mary people lave careers tlat Jort sourJ as
if tleyJ lave mucl to Jo witl rumbers, arJ peoples back-
,rourJs arert recessarily filleJ witl matlematics, statistics, arJ
various rumeracy-relateJ stuJy ir computer scierce, er,ireer-
ir,, or accourtir,. Yet some jobs lave aspects tlat car orly be
Jore by someore wlos comfortable witl rumbers arJ capable of
solvir, simple (arJ sometimes rot so simple) problems usir, a
quartitative approacl. lJertifyir, all tle jobs tlat lave quarti-
tative aspects isrt possible, but tlis clapter Jiscusses people ir
tlree Jifferert careers wlose successes JeperJ ir part or tle
ability to use matlematics-ever tlou,l tlat's rot ar immeJi-
ately obvious part of tleir job.

- -
CarJer Jesi,rers apply artistic urJerstarJir, to tle erviror-
mert, usir, krowleJ,e ir lorticulture arJ art to Jesi,r slapes
arJ spaces tlat must blerJ arJ balarce witl arclitecture or ore
siJe arJ rature or tle otler.

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- -
Mar,aret Lurrett owrs a ,arJer Jesi,r busiress tlat specializes ir
creatir, arJ mairtairir, courtry estate ,arJers tlat lave beer
featureJ ir - arJ Most of ler
customers are ir rortlwesterr Correcticut, rear wlere sle lives ir
Norfolk. Mar,aret las ar associates Je,ree ir fire arts, a baclelors
Je,ree witl lorors ir liberal arts arJ lumarities, arJ a masters
Je,ree ir social work, rore of wlicl ,ave ler mucl back,rourJ ir
matl. However, ir ler busiress, sle uses a variety of quartitative
skills: Jesi,rir, ,arJers, preppir, ,arJers, orJerir, plarts, billir,
customers, arJ mara,ir, quarterly arJ arrual tax recorJs.
As a ,arJer Jesi,rer for courtry estates, Mar,aret is iritially
corcerreJ witl tle Jesi,r layout of a ,arJer. Sle corsiJers a
variety of factors ir creatir, a Jesi,r: spacir, betweer plarts
arJ slrubs; bloom time (time, Juratior) arJ Jormarcy; plart
lei,lt, color, arJ texture; arJ plart frierJliress" (tlat is, a
plart's sersual qualities-ls it prickly` ls it fra,rart`). Lut sle
also las to corsiJer more quartitative factors. lor example,
mary Jesi,rers work witl tle broaJ ,uiJelire of ei,lt plarts per
ore lurJreJ square feet of ,arJer; lowever, Mar,aret aJjusts
tlis ,uiJelire accorJir, to a variety of factors, sucl as tle type
arJ size of tle plart or slrub, tle exposure, arJ tle type of soil.
Wler Mar,aret preps a ,arJer, sle cuts tle slape arJ lays out
tle lire of tle ,arJer, JesoJs arJ tler tills tle area, tests tle
soil, arJ aJJs amerJmerts" (soil corJitiorers sucl as marure,
peat, sarJ, or,aric matter, compost, lime, mulcl, superplos-
plate or or,aric plosplate, clemicals, or ratural fertilizers-
bore meal, asl). 1le rates of applicatior for soil corJitiorers are
JetermireJ by formulas tlat vary witl factors sucl as tle rature
of tle soil, tle type of corJitiorer, arJ tle type of applicatior
(two applicatior optiors are pourJs per square foot or area or
pourJs per slrub or tree Jiameter). lor example, bark mulcl is
spreaJ two to tlree ircles tlick arJ left to lie or top of tle soil;
compost also is spreaJ two to tlree ircles tlick, but it is workeJ
irto tle top layer of tle soil.
Mary otler aspects of ,arJer Jesi,r are a combiratior of
artistic sersitivities balarceJ witl ar expert krowleJ,e of lorti-
culture arJ ,uiJeJ by a variety of quartitative ,uiJelires arJ
rules of tlumb, ircluJir, tlese corsiJeratiors:
maripulative prurir, (for example, to create espalliers)
specialty prurir, (for example, to rejuverate, to ercoura,e
flowerir, or folia,e, or to improve si,lt lires)
selectior of ,arJer type (sucl as slaJe or sur, wet or Jry,
folia,e or blooms)
estate ,arJer mairterarce (wlicl ircluJes prurir,,
weeJir,, eJ,ir,, fertilizir,, cultivatir,, arJ ,roomir,)
Arotler area of Mar,arets work is commor to every owrer of
a small busiress. Sle las to pay a variety of experses beyorJ ler
materials for lerself arJ ler seasoral employees: workers com-
persatior, uremploymert, social security, sales tax (6 percert
labor arJ materials), estimateJ taxes, busiress liability irsur-
arce, arJ state licersir, fees. lr tle summer, sle sometimes
mairtairs as mucl as $2,OOO ir plart stock, reaJy for customers
,arJers. Sle las to calculate tle price for tlis stock, corsiJerir,
ler cost, wlicl ircluJes factors sucl as tle wlolesale or Jis-
courteJ price sle paiJ, tle Jifficulty of obtairir, tle plart, tle
special care tle plart may lave taker, arJ tle ,arJer Jesi,r ir
wlicl tle plart will be useJ.
Mar,aret las to purclase arJ mairtair equipmert for ler
work-rot orly a truck, but smaller pieces sucl as a rototiller,
leJ,e trimmer, leaf blower, leaf sucker, strir, trimmer, arJ weeJ
wacker. Sle also las to pay memberslip Jues for professioral
or,arizatiors, subscriptiors for jourrals arJ traJe ma,azires,
arJ books for professioral refererce. Sle re,ularly atterJs
professioral Jesi,r semirars sporsoreJ tlrou,l or,arizatiors
sucl as tle New York Lotarical CarJer arJ ArrolJ Arboretum.
Wlile beir, a ,arJer Jesi,rer is rot primarily a quartitative
professior, Mar,aret reeJs to keep recorJs-work sleets arJ
materials lists-so tle bookkeeper car Jo tle billir, arJ so tle
accourtart car prepare tle quarterly arJ arrual tax forms.
Look publislers-especially uriversity presses-like to tlirk
tlat part of wlat tleyre Joir, is makir, irterestir, arJ ever
valuable iJeas available to a broaJ auJierce.
Dor StarforJ is tle Jirector of irterratioral marketir, at Ml1
lress ir CambriJ,e, Massaclusetts. Lver tlou,l le las a ll.D.
ir political scierce arJ las Jore some colle,e teaclir,, le las
spert tle majority of lis professioral life workir, ir publislir,.
Most of Dors job Jeals witl creatir,, mairtairir,, arJ moJ-
ifyir, sales arJ promotior pro,rams. His formal trairir, ir matl
is limiteJ to al,ebra ir li,l sclool arJ tri,orometry arJ calcu-
lus ir colle,e. lr ,raJuate sclool, le JiJ stuJy statistics arJ com-
puter pro,rammir, (sucl as ll1lAN) as part of lis work or
survey metloJolo,y. Altlou,l le lasrt taker a lar,e rumber of
matl courses, le las ar importart claracteristic typical of peo-
ple wlo use quartitative approacles ir tleir careers: le believes
tlat rumeracy is importart arJ tlat everyore sloulJ lave basic
matl arJ computer skills tlat will lelp tlem be more effective
at tleir jobs.
Mary aspects of lis job require simple matl-for example,
projectir, low mary Ml1 lress books will be solJ ir various
courtries Jurir, tle comir, year arJ corstructir, lis arrual
buJ,et. Sometimes, lowever, le ercourters more Jifficult prob-
lems tlat require rumeracy. lecertly, le reeJeJ to create a Jata-
base table tlat woulJ automatically proviJe two Jifferert prices
for eacl of tle more tlar two lurJreJ rew books per year tlat
Ml1 lress aJJs to its list: a Jollar price for L.S. sales arJ ar
export price markeJ up by some uriform percerta,e over tle
L.S. Jollar price. Lrforturately, usir, a starJarJ markup ofter
results ir oJJ fi,ures; for example, if tle L.S. price of $9.95 was
ircreaseJ by a starJarJ 12 percert markup, tle rew price woulJ
be $11.1+. Dor warteJ tle certs" part of tle price to be star-
JarJ-25, 5O, 75, 95-so le reeJeJ tle computer pro,ram to
automatically rourJ tle price to tle rearest 25 certs, urless tle
price was closer to a Jollar, ir wlicl case tle pro,ram reeJeJ to
move tle price to tle Jollar mirus 5 certs. 1le computer mar-
ual JiJrt lave ar easy arJ obvious solutior, arJ ro ore else ir
tle office krew immeJiately low to solve tle problem. Dor useJ
tle existir, computer furctiors ir rew ways, applyir, wlat le
krew to solve tlis quartitative problem.

Sclool aJmiristrators are primarily resporsible for implemertir,
tle policies of tle sclool boarJ arJ assurir, tle smootl Jay-to-
Jay operatior of tle sclool. Leir, a sclool aJmiristrator is pri-
marily a job ir or,arizatioral mara,emert, Jealir, witl lots of
people ir a variety of situatiors.

lay Nortl is tle CoorJirator l-12/lesource 1eacler of CifteJ
StuJerts for Ames Commurity Sclools LxterJeJ Learrir,
lro,ram, wlicl is tle sclool Jistricts pro,ram for talerteJ arJ
,ifteJ (1AC) stuJerts. lay really isrt a rumber crurcler,
but two importart parts of ler job make rumber crurclir, a
recessity. re importart resporsibility is collectir,, aralyzir,,
arJ irterpretir, quartitative arJ qualitative aralyses of Jata to
iJertify wlicl clilJrer car be aJmitteJ to tle pro,ram to
ercoura,e acaJemic arJ creative ,ifteJress. 1le Jata ircluJe
belavioral ratir, sleets completeJ by parerts arJ teaclers of all
tlirJ ,raJers, lowa 1est of Lasic Skills scores, arJ rarrative com-
merts from teaclers to be aralyzeJ arJ rark orJereJ. Aralyses
of tle Jata ,ive lay some irsi,lt about stuJerts tlirkir, arJ
creative abilities arJ erable ler to presert tlese Jata ir a spreaJ-
sleet summary. 1le qualitative Jata Jeal witl tlree cate,ories:
learrir, ability, motivatior, arJ creativity. 1le quartitative Jata
are baseJ or starJarJizeJ test scores. 1le firal selectior of tle
top 15 percert of stuJerts for tle Jistricts LxterJeJ Learrir,
lro,ram is maJe by a team of teaclers for 1AC stuJerts.
Arotler rumber-crurclir, aspect of lays job irvolves creat-
ir, tle approximately $19O,OOO arrual buJ,et for tle pro,ram.
1lis buJ,et ircluJes lire items sucl as salaries arJ berefits,
irstructioral supplies, services, arJ travel. About 75 percert of
tlis buJ,et comes from MoJifieJ Allowable Crowtl, a state tax
useJ by more tlar 8O percert of tle Jistricts ir tle state to furJ
,ifteJ eJucatioral pro,rams. 1le remairir, 25 percert of tle
buJ,et is ,uararteeJ by tle local sclool Jistrict.
lays back,rourJ ir clilJ Jevelopmert arJ elemertary eJuca-
tior-botl a L.S. arJ ar M.S.-arJ ler years as a sixtl ,raJe
teacler JiJrt emplasize tle skills ir quartitative aralysis arJ
buJ,etir, tlat are ar essertial part of ler currert job. However,
sle says, l lave always beer irtri,ueJ by matl arJ scierce,
partly as a result of my work ir ervirormertal eJucatior. ArJ l
laJ a mertor, a prircipal, wlo ercoura,eJ me to learr about
buJ,etir,." lay poirts out tlat ler work requires rumber
crurclir, witl a lumar eJ,e" so tlat Jecisiors are rever maJe
solely or tle basis of rumbers; tle people arJ tle situatiors tlat
createJ tle rumbers are always corsiJereJ.
About tle Autlor
ebecca L. Lurrett is a professor of rletoric arJ profes-
sioral commuricatior at lowa State Lriversity, wlere sle
teacles ,raJuate arJ urJer,raJuate courses ir teclrical
commuricatior arJ rletorical aralysis. Sle also las mary years
of experierce as a li,l sclool teacler arJ as a writer. Her pri-
mary researcl irvolves examirir, irJiviJual arJ social factors
tlat affect coautlors collaborative plarrir, of Jocumerts.
Sle frequertly corsults ir irJustry arJ corJucts semirars
for busiress. Sle also serves as ar eJucatior corsultart; most
recertly tlese projects lave focuseJ or commuricatior across
tle curriculum.
Sle is eitler autlor or coautlor of four texts ir literature,
compositior, arJ teclrical commuricatior, ircluJir, ler fiftl
eJitior of . Lurrett las ar M.A. arJ a
ll.D. from Carre,ie Mellor Lriversity, ar M.LJ. from tle Lri-
versity of Massaclusetts at Lowell, arJ a L.A. from tle Lriver-
sity of Massaclusetts at Amlerst.
Wler sles rot Joir, researcl, teaclir,, corsultir,, or writ-
ir,, sle tries to firJ time to work ir ler pererrial ,arJers, plo-
to,rapl irterestir, people arJ places, atterJ plays arJ corcerts,
reaJ books, cook, arJ lir,er over worJerful meals witl frierJs
erjoyir, leisurely corversatiors.

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