6.16 Science vs. Faith, Part 2

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Season 6 Episode 16

"Science vs. Faith, part 2"

Previously On Lost:

Sawyer in Paris in 1996 buying the plane in 6.5.

Libby and her split personality in 5.11.
Sawyer and Libby at Santa Rosa leaving for Australia in 6.15.
Locke saying "I looked into the island... it was beautiful" in 1.4.
Locke telling Eko it was a bright light in 3.5.
Locke telling Jack he's a man of science and Locke is faith in 2.1.
Jacob making Sun choose a color of stone in 6.6.
Jack IDing his father's body after a heart attack in 1.5
The reveal that Locke is Jack's brother in 6.15.
The reveal that Sarah was pregnant with Jack's baby in 6.15.
The Captain being in the Epsilon when the meteor hit in 6.15.
Jack and Locke in the field when the meteor hit in 6.15.
Kate/Claire/Aaron/Frank flying off before it hit in 6.15.
Charlotte using her power to start the machine in the Swan in 6.15.
Richard telling Jack that each of the 6 has a job to do in 6.14.
Jack finally believing in Faith in 6.15.


The camera is focused out over the ocean and it slowly turns 180 degrees to reveal a
beach with green trees behind it. Sitting there on the beach is Claire, Kate and Aaron as
they look out over the water. All of them appear to be speechless as they just stare
aimlessly in dead silence. The sky is a reddish color as the sun sets. Eventually, Kate says:


It's ok, Claire... we're going to be ok.


But he's not... where is he?

Claire says this while looking straight forward. Kate gulps. Kate turns her head and we
see a gash on the side of her face. She looks at Claire and said:


He saved us.... he saved Aaron. He could be ok...


I want to go home.


We will, Claire... we will.

Kate turns back to the water. Then, out of nowhere, they hear barking. Kate and Claire
turn towards the sound of it and we see Vincent run out of the jungle! Kate and Claire jump
up as Vincent stops on the edge and just barks at them. Claire looks at Kate and picks up
Aaron. The three of them run towards Vincent and run into the jungle. The camera follows
them as they run up into the brush and through a small field. The camera stops once they
reach the field and it turns to the right where we see the charred remains of a helicopter.
The camera cuts back to Claire and Kate as they run towards Vincent, who has now
stopped. Vincent sits there barking as Kate and Claire look around, but see nothing.
Eventually, Claire looks up and she gasps in horror. The camera slowly pans up to reveal
Frank's lifeless body hanging in the canopy of trees above. It oddly resembles that of Seth,
the pilot of 815, in the way that it hangs there. Kate's eyes well up with tears as she looks
up at Frank. Claire takes Aaron and looks away as they hear something in the jungle. Kate
turns towards it and it is Nadia, Walt, Zach and Emma. Walt runs out and says:


Kate! You guys got Aaron back, awesome!!

Kate smiles as she looks at Walt and she chokes back some tears.


How'd you guys get over here?! Did Frank come and get you??

Kate shakes her head "yes." She closes her eyes. Nadia notices that Kate is acting
strange and she looks up and she sees it. She looks down and covers her face.


Well, where is he?!

Kate just walks up to him and puts her arm around him.


Let's go for a walk...

Walt just looks at her. He realizes that something has happened to Frank. Nadia comes
up to Claire and says:


Where is Sayid?


He's... he's back there.

Claire shakes her head like she's sorry for Nadia's loss, even though she doesn't know
who Nadia is. Nadia looks out over the ridge to the Main Island. The camera turns to the
main Island from the Hydra. From here, we see black smoke hanging in the air around the
Island. The camera cuts to:


The camera is focused on an open eye and it pulls back. It is the eye of John Locke as he
lay in the black and charred/smoking crater. The camera pulls back further to reveal that
the entire crater is nothing but blackened dirt with speckles of white-ish silver in it. The
camera cuts back to Locke's face and it appears as though he is dead. He is already dead,
but this time, his body/manifestation isn't moving and it's eyes are wide open. The flash
sound begins...


The camera is focused on Locke as he looks Juliet in the eyes after she had just showed
him his dead body in the crate from after the cargo plane crash in 5.12, "Johnny Be Good."
As he talks, we see his body in the background. The scene from 5.12 plays out:

This is my fate, Juliet. This is something that I must do. If the island needs me... if it needs
me to sacrifice myself for the greater good, then so be it.


John, there has to be a way around this... We can g....


This is the only way... I need you to do something for me.

Juliet looks John directly in his eyes and nods her head. Tears are forming in her eyes.


I need you to lead them. I am choosing you, Juliet... to take my place when I'm gone.


What about Richard?


He isn't a leader of the people... you... you have a good heart, Juliet.

John leans forward and kisses Juliet on the forehead. He turns and begins to walk off into
the jungle towards the beach. Juliet just stands there and watches him go.


Good luck, John....

Without turning, John moves forward. Juliet watches him vanish into the trees. The
camera pans back to his dead body in the crate. From here on out it is new footage: The
camera draws closer to Locke's dead body and it looks as it does in present time laying in
the middle of the crater. The camera cuts to his face as we see a whisp of black smoke
circle his head then go into his nose. This is very similar to the scene we saw with Sayid in
5.17 before Kaname beat Sayid back to life. The smoke enters John's nose and suddenly he
blinks!!! He stands up, very zombie like, and looks around. Standing there directly in front
of him is Christian Shephard!


Hello, son... you've still got work to do.

The camera pulls back as Christian puts his hand out as if for John to follow him into the
jungle. The eerie LOST music builds as the two men walk off into the jungle night and the
flash sound begins...


The camera is focused again on the body of Locke and cuts to a side view where we see
the Smoke Monster streaming across the field towards his body. It circles around Locke's
head, but then trails off away from Locke's body. It crosses to the middle of the field where
we see a mass amount of rubble and we can see part of a charred skeletal remain and the
Smoke Monster surrounds it! The camera cuts in closer and we see the mirrored glass eye
laying on the ground. We then see a hand reach down and grab it! The camera follows the
eye as it reaches someone's face and is put into the socket (this will be seen from the
opposite side of the face to be less gross) and the camera pulls back to reveal that it is the
Captain!! He looks around the Island and he has a glazed over look as he walks off past
Locke's body towards the edge of the crater. The Smoke Monster reanimated Jacob as it did
Locke in his flash. The camera pulls back and we see the Smoke Monster trail off into the
jungle as Locke's body just lay there and the eerie music builds and the camera abruptly
cuts to:



Charlotte is asleep on Daniel as he sits there staring at the huge machine. The camera
cuts to Sayid, who is in the armory. He is sitting up against the wall and he has his head in
his hands. The Station is a bit of a mess due to the meteor impact. Stuff has fallen off the
ceiling and the shelves. The camera cuts back to Daniel as he looks at the machine, but
then looks down and the camera follows his gaze. It directs him to the black and white
holmium stones that are sitting on the ground next to the machine. They didn't do what
they needed to do before the meteor hit. Just then, we hear the outside doors opening!
Charlotte wakes up and Daniel shoots a look towards the doors. Sayid does as well. They
two men jump up and Sayid rushes out to Daniel and tosses him a gun. The two men stand
there and look at the door with their guns drawn. They both look very afraid as the doors
open and in walks Juliet and Jin with a barely walking Ji Yeon. Daniel puts his gun down as
Sayid closes his eyes and breaths a sigh of relief. Juliet looks at them oddly.


Who... who were you expecting?



We had no idea... that's why we had the guns drawn.


Haven't you been out there?! There's nothing left!!


Yeah, we know... but...

Sayid shoots Daniel a "shut up" look. Jin walks in and shakes Daniel's hand and smiles.


Glad you are ok.


Same here.

Juliet walks up to Sayid. She pulls him aside.


Have you heard from Jack?

Sayid shakes his head no.


I haven't heard from anyone... once it hit, the radios went out. There is too much
interference. How'd you know we were here?


I figured this is where you'd be... last I heard from you, you were headed here. Did you fix
whatever you had to...



Juliet looks down.


It's a mess out there, Sayid... I don't think anyone... if they were at the crater, I don't...

I know.


What now?


I... I don't know. We should find a way back to the Hydra. It is probably the safest place.


How do we get there?

Sayid looks down, discouraged. The camera cuts to Charlotte and Ji Yeon.


I see you can walk. That is wonderful!

Ji Yeon:

Yes, Jack... he is... a very brave man.


.... was.

Ji Yeon looks down and Charlotte looks at Daniel with a tear in her eye.


Richard... did you see him anywhere?

Ji Yeon:

We saw nothing but flames and charred trees.


It's been nearly two days... they know we're here... maybe they are still on their way.


I doubt it. I think we failed.

Juliet walks up and she says:


Not necessarily.

Juliet looks at Charlotte as she says this. Charlotte looks back and she knows what Juliet
is thinking. Daniel sighs like "oh crap." The camera cuts to:

The camera is focused on a rock wall when suddenly it starts to open. We see a hand
come out and it is that of Richard as he pokes his head out. He walks out then turns back
and puts his hand in as if to help someone out. We then see who it is: It is Ms. Hawking.
She comes out and looks around and says:

Ms. Hawking:

Oh my....


Good thing we made it here in time.

Ms. Hawking:

I wonder who all those dead bodies are in there.

Kaname comes out of the cave. Richard looks away knowing very well this is his tomb of
copies from the future.

Ms. Hawking:

I have to find my husband...


I'm sorry, but... I think he is...

Ms. Hawking:

Oh, hush. I know my husband... I'm sure he was smart enough to find a cave until after it

She walks out towards the smoking jungle. Richard steps up and says:


Let me see your bag there...

Hawking just looks at him. He then rips it off of her and digs through it like he is looking
for something until he stops and we see it. He pulls out the photo that we saw that he found
when he was a boy in Ms. Hawking's bedroom of her with a man. The photo doesn't have
dirt on it this time. He realizes that the photo was of her and Captain Jacob.

Ms. Hawking:

You look as if you've seen that before... in the past?


No... not the past.

Ms. Hawking shrugs it off and she walks off towards the jungle.


Where are you going?!

Ms. Hawking:

I told you! To find my husband!

Richard turns to Kaname.


You got this?


Yeah... you should head out to find them. If they were in the Staff with Gina... Ji Yeon, then
they shoulda survived.


All right man, good luck.

The two men shake hands and Hawking continues as Richard just stands there.
Eventually, he follows after her as the camera cuts to:


Zach, Emma and Aaron are playing on the beach as Claire watches on. Nadia walks up
behind her and sits down next to her. Claire looks at her and says:


You were one of them, weren't you? The DI.




You did all of this... this is all your fault, you know?


I know... we thought we were doing the right thing, but... I suppose we only knew half of
what we needed to know.

I know you... you had something to do with Richard Malkin putting me on that plane, you


No, Claire... we had no part of that. That was the work of Charles Widmore... but he was
doing what he thought was right too.


It was right to put me and my unborn baby on a plane that he knew was going to crash?!


Aaron is very special, Claire.

Claire looks away and she looks irritated. She looks at him playing as she turns back to
Nadia and says in a very direct manner:


I'm sick of being told my son is special... what does that even mean?! His "specialness,"
whatever that is, has cost him nothing but trouble! He keeps getting taken! From the others
then Kate then my father and now Locke... well, I've had enough!!!


With great responsibility comes great danger, Claire. Aaron... he is the last one in the chain.
He is the one that will stop all of this.


What does that even mean?! He's just a child!


It means that he will take the finale step at ending this. All 6 of them... they have a role in
this... he's the last one.

Claire just looks at Nadia like she has heard enough. She gets up and walks over to
Aaron and picks him up. The two of them walk down the beach as Vincent follows and Nadia
just stares at Claire then looks across the water. She looks sad because she doesn't know
Sayid's fate. The camera cuts to:


The camera is focused on a body. It is on the edge of the destruction and where the
jungle starts to get green again. The body turns and rolls over and it is Jack! He looks
around, unsure of where he is. He looks left then right then finally he struggles to get up.
He finally does and he looks at the chaos that is behind him. He turns back quickly towards
the jungle. He screams:

Locke!!! Locke!!! John!!! Where the hell are you?!!?

Jack walks towards the jungle and he hears something and turns. He hears it again. He
starts to look mad as he finally says:


Dad?! Damn it! Dad?! I'm not going to look for you!!! I'm so tired of looking for you!!! Quit
running!!! You coward!!!

Jack turns in circles. He looks faint as he quietly says to himself:


I'm done looking for you...

He looks exhausted as the flash sound begins...


The camera is focused on the door inside of the bar where we saw Christian and Sawyer
talk before Sawyer killed Frank Duckett in Australia. Jack walks in and he walks over to the
bar and sits down. The bartender walks over and he looks at Jack.


What's your poison, mate?


I uh... I'll just have a tonic...

The bartender walks away and he mutters to himself:


Bloody Americans...

Jack looks at him and says:


What did you say?


Oh, nothin', mate. It's just all my customers today have been from the US.


The US, huh?

That's right.


Did you... uh... do you remember what any of them looked like?


Yeah, there was a redneck in here... shared a bottle of scotch with a doctor...


A doctor?!


Yeah... said something about being the chief of surgery, but I think he was lyin'... he didn't
have a penny to his name... claims he forgot his wallet... the oldest, and might I add,
lamest excuse in the book.

The camera is focused on the bartender as he sits down Jack's tonic. Jack looks at him
and says:


Did he say where he was going? How long ago did he leave?


He uh... he only left about 10 minutes ago, mate. He didn't have a car, not that he was in
any position to drive... and he didn't have any money to get a ca...


Thank you!

Jack slams down a 20 and hurries out of the bar. The camera cuts to the street where
Jack looks back and forth. He starts off down the street and he comes across an alleyway.
He looks in and he hears a noise and a crashing sound. He takes off down the alley and he
sees a man. Jack runs up to him and grabs him.



Jack spins the man around and it is a homeless man injecting himself with a needle. Jack
backs off. He looks at the homeless man, who is nearly catatonic and has no idea where he
is. Jack looks at him and he rips the needle away from him.


You don't need this... Sorry... Go get help somewhere...

The homeless man turns back around. Jack looks back towards the street where he came
from. There we see it. It is Christian walking past... stumbling. Jack sees him and he takes
off down the alley towards him. Jack reaches the street and he stops and says:



Christian turns around. He looks at Jack. He looks absolutely horrible. Jack just shakes
his head and looks at him. A tear forms in Jack's eye as he looks at his father stumbling


Jackie... you found me!


Yeah, dad... I found you... come on...

Jack walks up to Christian and puts his arm around him. Jack helps Christian to his car as
the flash sound starts...


Jack looks down and we hear a branch break from behind him. He turns around and
standing there is Christian.


Jack, you don't have to look for me anymore... you found me.

Jack just looks at him. There is no real expression. Not hate, not love... just a blank look.
The camera focuses on Christian as the camera cuts to:



Kate and Walt are sitting on the beach where the submarine is docked. Walt is just
staring at it. He turns to Kate and says:


The last thing I said to him was "screw you."

Kate smiles and looks at Walt.


We all say stupid things when angry, Walt.

Well, it woulda been ok... if he thought I didn't actually mean it, but... I did.


What he did, Walt... was very brave. If he hadn't of been there...


He went back to get you guys... to bring you back here?


Yep... he said he spotted the meteor and realize it was gonna hit us. He swooped in like an
angel... and grabbed us up.


Why didn't he tell me what he was doing?


Maybe he didn't know until he was up there doing it. He obviously cared for you... and your
grandmother, Rose,... very much.


It's crazy, itsn't it... how... we're all, like, connected.


Yeah... it's like fate threw us all together.


You mean Destiny... it's all Nadia has talked about for the past two days... destiny this...
destiny that...


Well, she may know what she's talking about.


Then you should know that she keeps sayin' that Aaron will end all of this.

Kate shoots him a look.




Yeah... she says he will bring this all to an end.

Kate looks back towards the jungle. The camera cuts to:


Ms. Hawking and Richard are walking through the jungle and they reach the Temple. It is
just outside of the impact zone. Richard looks at Hawking as she looks at the Temple and
thinks. She turns to him.

Ms. Hawking:

For some reason... this seems... familiar.


Good! Good! What else do you remember?

Ms. Hawking:

I don't remember it, just have that feeling...

She looks down as if to collect her thoughts. She turns and she continues walking.
Richard bluntly says:


I've known you for over 35 years and I don't feel familiar to you, but this place does?!

She turns around. She shakes her head "no." She turns back and starts walking towards
the Temple. Richard, who seems very pissed at the situation starts towards her and says:


What is going on here?! What happens that you... that you live forever and you control
everything?! What made you seek out Desmond?!

At the name Desmond, Hawking turns around. She looks at Richard and he stops.

Ms. Hawking:

Desmond, you say?

Richard shakes his head in a happy "yes" way. She looks confused and Richard takes a
step closer to her...

Ms. Hawking:

Desmond... Desmond...


Yes! Desmo...
Before he can finish, Richard takes a step and he suddenly falls down into a hole in the
ground! Ms. Hawking's eyes fill with surprise as she rushes to the hole and looks down.
Down there we see Richard lying on top of someone. She yells down:

Ms. Hawking:

Really, you should watch your step, dear!

Richard looks up like "yeah" then he sits up. He looks down and he sees it! He landed on
top of the Captain's body! He looks around and we recognize where he is. He's in the cave
that was connected to the Cerberus Vents that the Smoke Monster took Miles to in 5.10
"The Eyes Have it." Richard looks down and he realizes that he had landed on the arm of
the Captain and it is broken! Richard looks up and yells:


I think I found your husband!

Ms. Hawking's expression changes to worry. The camera cuts to:


The camera is focused on the escalators of the Sydney Airport as we see Sawyer and
Libby coming down. Libby looks at him and says:


So... when you gonna tell me what this case study is?






There is no case study.




I'm... I spent the past few months researching everyone who is gonna to be on a plane... a
plane that leaves here on September 22nd... flight 815.

Libby looks at Sawyer strangely then something shifts in her head. You can tell by her
facial expression. Her other personality, Elizabeth, takes over. She shoots a look at Sawyer.

815?! What do you know of 815?! You're one of them... aren't you?!




Who sent you??


Libby... I...


My name isn't Libby, it's Elizabeth! Who sent you?!


That's why I chose you... come on...

Sawyer grabs Libby and he pulls her to a secluded hallway of the airport. He looks her in
the eye.


Lib... Elizabeth. What do you know about 815?!


It's... it's not good. Charles... he... did he send you?


Yeah... yeah, Charles sent me... he told me about the plane... and how it's gonna... you
know... crash.


Oh God... why are we here?


I brought you here so you can tell me everything you know.

Libby just looks at him as the camera cuts to the two of them sitting at a table in an
airport restaurant. Libby is shaking and swaying back and forth.


So... the six of them... they're factors. They can change things...

Yes. I can't believe he didn't tell you that...


And he wants them to go to the Island... to fix it? What if they don't?


I don't know what you're... I don't know.


This is why you were in Santa Rosa... isn't it? You know about all of this. How long has he
been planning this?


Since I was his assistant... when this guy, Ben... he came to an auction in 1996. He
threatened Charles about something. He had me follow him. That's when I found out that...
that they bought a plane.

Sawyer looks at Libby a bit shocked.


An Oceanic plane... from Paris?



Sawyer looks down. He looks completely guilty. He is lost in his thoughts for a moment
then he looks up at her.


I need to stop this... it's all my fault.


No, we're just pawns. They made me give Desmond the boat... they made you buy a plane.


We need to stop this, Elizabeth... we can set things right.

Libby looks down at her hands and she turns them over. We see the scars from when she
tried to kill herself in 5.11. Her expression shifts again. She looks up at Sawyer.


Quit calling me Elizabeth... no one has called me that since I was a little girl.
Sawyer shuts his eyes and has a look of hopelessness that crosses his face. He pulls a
key out of his pocket. He gives it to her.


Go... go up to the room. I have something I need to do.

Libby nods her head. Sawyer gets up and he walks out of the restaurant. He walks past
an electronic clock that has the date. It is "September 20th, 2004." He walks out the doors
of the airport and then we see it. We see the Sawyer who is supposed to be in 2004 come
down the escalator from "Arrivals." The music builds and the camera cuts to:


Juliet and Daniel are sitting at the breakfast nook in the Swan Station. Daniel looks at
Juliet and says:


Juliet... she's not ready for anything that big...


We don't have much of a choice, now do we, Dan?


She could really mess things up...


Well, according to what you just told me... everything IS all messed up. You guys didn't
turn the machine on in time... who knows what's out there now...

We don't know what they are talking about just yet, but apparently Daniel informed her
of the importance that the machine be turned on. Daniel looks across the room to Sayid and
Charlotte. Charlotte is holding the Holmium rocks.


So you got these from Boone?




Where'd he get them?

Shannon took them off of Jack when she stole his key to a case we had the guns in. She
found these on his person... she buried them with Boone... to symbolise their relationship.
One black and one white...


I'm assuming that she was the black one from the sounds of it.


No, but she thought of herself as a black sheep... someone who never fit in anywhere...

Daniel shouts from across the room.


Guys... come here. Charlotte, bring the stones.

Charlotte and Sayid look at each-other. They head off across the room where Daniel
looks worried and Juliet looks anxious. The camera cuts to:


The camera is focused on an eye as it pulls back we see that it is the eye of John
Locke. The camera then pulls back further to reveal that Locke is sitting on top of the
mountain where he told Sun about the "grey area" in 6.6, "The Grey Area." He is
overlooking the Island, but we can't see what he sees just yet. He appears to be a bit upset
as he was all the times we've seen him in the past when he asked the Island what it wants
from him. He says to himself:


I did everything you asked of me. I sacrificed myself, those I love... I've had nothing but
faith in you!!!

Locke picks up a stone and whips it off the side of the mountain. As he does this, he
looks down and sees a white stone, very similar to the one that Adam and Eve had.
Suddenly behind Locke are his disciples, Boone and Eko. Boone says:


Maybe you have too much faith in faith, John...

Locke looks up at Boone as the flash sound begins....


The camera is focused on a group of 20 something year old women on the dance floor
dancing to Thomas Dolby's hit 1982 song, "She Blinded Me With Science."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5oN7dfPAfE The camera is focused on a blonde girl as
she looks towards the camera and smiles. The camera cuts to who she is looking at and it is
John Locke! He would be 26 years old. He has a full head of hair and a bad 80's due as he
looks back then the bartender sits a drink down in front of him. He looks at the bartender
and says:


Who's that?


She's a regular here... her father owns the chemical plant down in the industrial park.


Oh? You don't say...

Locke looks back at her and she is now walking towards him. She sits down next to him
and she looks at him and smiles.


How come you aren't out there dancin'?


I'm not the dancin' type...


That's a shame. I've seen you around, you know...




Yeah. I've seen you at Sunday's mass... not regularly though.


Oh... (he looks down)... I uh, I'm not big into church.


Yeah? Me either... but the family guilts me... that why you're there?


Nah, I don't got any family.


Oh... that's too bad... so why do you go if you aren't into faith?

It negates the cold hard facts... it negates logical reason. I like to keep myself in check...


I see. Well... sometimes, Mr...


John... John Locke.


Sometimes, Mr. John Locke (she smiles), logical reason doesn't factor in... sometimes
things just happen.

Locke looks at her. She downs a shot that is sitting on the bar and she looks at him very
sexually as the camera cuts to:


The camera cuts to Locke as he pushes himself off of the blonde woman. He lays there
on his back as she rolls over and she tickles his chest with one finger. She looks at him and


At least now you have a reason to go to church...


Whys that?


I'm pretty sure that God would consider what we just did a sin, Mr. John Locke....


Well, there you go...




Maybe logic did play a hand in this after all...


How's that?

You just gave me a logical reason to go to church.


Yeah, but don't you have to have faith to believe in sin?


I'm not talking about that... I'm talking about how I now have a reason to go to church
every Sunday.

The woman looks at him with a smile and a look in her eye that she doesn't quite get it.


So I have an excuse to see you again....




Yeah, but... one thing still isn't logical about this whole thing...


And what is that?


I don't even know your name...

The 21 year old woman smiles. In a sexy way she says:


It's Sabrina...

The music builds... Locke smiles at her and she smiles back. The two of them kiss as the
flash sound begins...


The flash sound cuts and the camera is focused on Boone. Locke looks up at him and


Perhaps your right...

With that, Locke looks to his left and we see Jack walking towards him. Jack stops when
he makes eye contact with Locke. The camera cuts to:


Juliet and Daniel are sitting across the table from Charlotte and Sayid is standing off to
the side watching. The stones are sitting in the middle of them on the table. Daniel sits a
box of Dharma Mac n' Cheese on the table next to the Holmium. He says:


I don't think this will even work... I mean... she's not connected to a machine that's in the
Orchid. Annie was connected to the machines... or so I read... I don't even know how this

Daniel looks really unsure of himself and this whole situation.


Charlotte. Focus on the mac n' cheese. Focus on it and think really really hard about
somewhere you want to send it. Anywhere... send it off Island.


Shouldn't she send it to someone... like... send it 10 minutes into the future. That way we
will know if this works.

Sayid looks away.


I can't even believe I'm considering this to work...

Ji Yeon:

Have some faith, Sayid.

Sayid just looks at her.


I suppose you are correct. After all, you are what... 38 years old now?

Ji Yeon smiles. The camera cuts back to those at the table. Charlotte stares at the box of
food as she closes her eyes and thinks really really hard. The box starts to shake! Juliet
turns to Daniel and has a big smile on her face. Charlotte appears to think even harder.
Nothing is really happening. Everyone looks on in excitement and wonder. Juliet looks
impatient. She turns to Daniel and says:


Maybe the holmium needs to be touching it.

Juliet reaches for the holmium and she grabs both stones in her hand. As she does this,
Daniel screams:


No! Juliet! Don't...

Before he can say anything there is a flash!!! The light goes away and Daniel unshields
his eyes. The stones fall from mid-air back onto the table and Charlotte opens her eyes very
quickly and Juliet is gone!!! Charlotte's eyes get really wide and she looks at Daniel.



The camera cuts to Sayid and Daniel's expressions of shock then cuts back to Charlotte
and her mixed emotion of surprise and awe as the music builds and cuts to:



We see Sawyer walking down a boat dock in the warehouse district exactly as we saw
him do in "Outlaws," in 1.16. He walks into a warehouse and he walks up to a man who is
working on something. It is the same man that Sawyer bought the gun from in the same
episode. His name is Laurence. The man looks at him and just smiles. The man says:


Eh, what did I just tell ya, mate?... No refunds!

Sawyer thinks for a minute. He doesn't understand.


I'm sorry?


I just got done tellin' ya... it's done... you bought the gun and you left. If you aren't a
murderer, then I suggest you ditch the gun into the harbour.

Sawyer stands there, then it dawns on him. He must actually have a double in that time!
Sawyer shifts his eyes and looks up at the guy.


Turns out, I'm gonna need another one.


For what?

I have two men to murder... don't want to use the same gun in case I get caught, now do I?

Laurence looks at him... he thinks. Then he smiles and says:


Alright then... 500 more... right here.

Sawyer walks up to him and he puts the money down. The man looks up at Sawyer and


This is it, then... no more. I never want to see your face around here again... you
understand me?


I don't think your gonna have to worry about that, hombre.

Sawyer picks up the gun and walks out of the warehouse. The camera cuts to:


Libby walks into the hotel room using the key that Sawyer gave her. She walks in and
sits her bag down then looks around. She looks out the window at the view and then she
turns and walks towards the bathroom. She gets to the door, then she stops. She looks at
the bathtub and just stares at it. She has a mini-flash back to herself laying in the bathtub
after she tried killing herself as seen in "Our Mutual Friend," 5.11. She flashes to that then
she opens her eyes and she sees herself lying in the bathtub all bloody! She screams and
turns to the mirror and looks down and gets some cold water. She splashes it onto her face
and she peaks back over to the bathtub. Her vision is gone. She breathes a huge sigh of
relief and she turns to the bathroom door to walk out and she looks up and standing there is
Hurley!!! Libby looks at him. He looks at her and her face shows pure shock. She says:


Hurley! What are you doing here?! In Australia... in my hotel room?!


Listen, we need to talk.

The camera cuts to:


Sawyer is walking down the street next to the airport and his hotel when he walks into
the lobby and walks to the front desk. He rings the bell for service and a woman comes over
and says:

Hello, welcome to the Sydney Queen Hotel, what can I...


I gave my only key to my girlfriend. I was wondering if I can get another...


Sure... do you have a credit card that you paid with?

Sawyer digs in his pockets.


Yeah... yeah.... hold on...

As Sawyer digs in his pockets we hear a voice say:


Bloody hotel staff... never give you a sodding break... how-about it, mate?

Sawyer looks over and it is Charlie!!! He's checking into the hotel! Sawyer's eyes get
wide and he says:


Uh... yeah...

You can tell that he is somewhat emotional as he looks at Charlie, who is currently alive.


They're holding me up cause my room was double booked...

Charlie looks at the Clerk who is typing on the computer he says:


Don't you know who I am?! I'm in bloody Drive Shaft for God's sake!

Charlie never looks at Sawyer in this exchange. He is too doped up and just stares
forward. The clerk comes up and she hands Sawyer another room key.


Here you go, sir.

Sawyer nods and he slowly walks away and keeps looking back at Charlie. Once Sawyer
turns around Charlie turns and looks, but it is too late. Sawyer gets on an elevator and the
camera cuts to:


Libby is sitting on one bed with Hurley sitting across from her on the other. She is staring
at him as if she can't believe what she is seeing.


I haven't seen you since you left Santa Rosa... I saw you on the news... you won the
lottery, didn't you?


Yeah... I did.


What are you doing here?


I'm here to tell you that you have to do something. You have a job to do.


That's what Sawyer keeps saying, but he hasn't told me what it is...


Even I have a job to do... and this is it. This is my job... as a factor.

Libby's eyes get really wide. She stares at Hurley and says:


Elizabeth told me about the factors... she didn't say what they were though.


You have to do this. It is very, very important.


What is it?

Just then, the hotel room room key is being used from outside. Libby is sitting on the bed
with her back to the door. Hurley looks up and notices this. He says very directly to her:


You need to stop Sawyer from what he's doing. If he does this, then we will never make it
to the Island.


The Island? What Island?


Can I please speak to Elizabeth. Please.

Libby looks down. The door is about to open and she looks back up at Hurley.


This is Elizabeth...


You have to stop Sawyer. Do you understand me? If you don't... it's all done... it's all over.


What?! How?!


You know what to do, Elizabeth... you know what to do.

Finally, the door swings open quietly. Sawyer is standing there and looks at Libby as
though she is talking to herself. He doesn't say anything. He just listens.


... I have to stop him... this will ruin everything if I don't... won't it?

Sawyer just looks at her.


Where? Are you sure? Yes.... yes, I can do that. You can count on me, Hurley.

Sawyer's expression changes and he stares at her as she turns around. She doesn't
appear to feel caught. He says:


Who am I talkin' to?


Um, Libby... where've you been?

Sawyer just looks at her not sure what to think. He looks around then he says:


I just came back to grab somethin'... I have to head back out.

Oh... ok.

Libby looks really ominous. It is hard for us, the viewer, to distinguish who she is or what
she is thinking. Sawyer walks into the room and grabs something. He looks at her very
suspiciously and he walks out of the room. She watches him go and she has a very
ambiguous look on her face as the camera cuts to:


Locke is sitting on a stone on the mountain peak as Jack walks towards him. Locke
stands up and says:






What... what are you doing here?


I've come to talk... we need to talk.

Locke backs up and he puts his hand down as if for Jack to sit. Jack walks over and he
sits down on the stone. Locke, hesitant, sits down beside him. Jack looks at him and smiles.
He says:


You thought you had the Island all figured out, didn't you?


I uh... well, yes... I thought, Jack, I thought I did.


But it wasn't telling you everything, was it, John?


No... no, I suppose not. Why, Jack? What has it... what has it told you?


It told me that me and you... we need to pick sides.

What? Pick sides, I'm not sure I know...


Ironic, isn't it?


What's that, Jack?


I'm here, right now, telling you what the Island wants...

Locke smiles for a short second then looks down.


It's what you wanted me to see all along... but I never let you in... I never let your faith,
that you preached, in. Why do you think that is John?


I suppose... I, uh... honestly, I don't know, Jack.


It has been testing us... testing us to see which side we belong on. Fitting us... the past,
well... the past forever really. It has been trying us on for size.


I'm not quite sure I follow.


One is black, one is white. Which one did you choose, John?

Locke starts to get upset and you can tell. He hastily says:


What does this matter, Jack!? It doesn't make a difference! It's all about the middle area!


No, John... not when it comes to me and you. What stone did you choose, John?

Locke just looks at Jack with his lip quivering. The flash sound begins...


This is the scene from 1.4, "Walkabout" where Locke gets separated from Kate and Sayid
when in the jungle. He turns in circles looking around him at sounds coming from the jungle
until finally he turns around and he looks up and a shadow is cast over him. It is the Smoke
Monster! Locke looks up at it and his eyes are wide as the Smoke Monster hovers above and
then shoots closer to Locke's face. Locke just stands there and the Smoke Monster begins to
flash him! FLASH, FLASH, FLASH! Suddenly, the monster stops. Locke just looks at it. The
Smoke Monster appears to be turning a bright white color, as we saw in Jack's earlier flash.
Locke looks on in amazement until the monster starts to flash him again. FLASH, FLASH,
FLASH!!! Locke looks up at it and the Monster lets out a clicking noise and howls!!! Locke
takes a step backwards and the Smoke Monster begins to turn jet black again. It turns jet
black and it just lingers there for a moment until we hear Kate scream:



Look looks at Kate then he turns back to where the Smoke Monster was, but it is now
leaving. Locke looks at it and he smiles as the camera cuts to:


Christian is standing outside of Jacob's Cabin as Locke walks out and looks at him.
Christian smiles and he says:


What did he have to say?


He said that I am destined for great things. He said that... he had the Cerberus embody me,
my physical body... so I could hold on to my worldly self.


Yes, it comes in quite handy.

Christian laughs and he pats John on the back. The two of them walk away from the
cabin. We see Boone walk past in the background. Locke sees him and he turns to Christian
with a stunned expression.


Yes, Locke... he is your son. It was a test... The very same test that Ja...

Locke interrupts and says:


He made me choose a stone.


Which did you choose?

Locke doesn't say anything. He opens his hand and he shows Christian that he chose the
white stone. Christian's expression turns from joy to what appears to be dismay as Locke
looks up at him and smiles. Locke walks off towards Boone as Christian says to himself:


You still don't get it, do you Johnny?

The camera cuts to Locke as the flash sound begins....


Locke just sits there and looks at Jack. Jack says:


Do you get it now, John?


Yes... I... I believe I do.

Locke looks at Jack and he opens his hand to reveal a white stone. Jack looks at Locke
and smiles. Jack picks up the stone and Locke says:


You... you are the man of faith, Jack...

Jack smiles as he takes the stone and the music builds and the camera cuts to:



There is a campfire and there is a mound of dirt as Kate, Walt, Claire, Aaron, Zach,
Emma and Nadia stand around it. The camera cuts to Walt's face as he looks at the mound
of dirt and he kneels down next to it. He says:


I'm sorry we didn't know each-other longer. I... I don't really know what to say... I want to
tell you that I'm sorry. Sorry for calling you a coward. Kate told me everything... how you
went back to save them all. How you were going to bring them here and find a way off the
Island. She said how the blast from the impact threw the helicopter off course... and you...
you sacrificed yourself to save them in the crash... you're not a coward. You are a brave
man... I'm proud to call you... grand-dad.

Claire holds Aaron as they all look down at Walt next to the grave. Nadia steps back and
she walks towards the water to look out over at the main Island. Kate notices her doing this
and she follows. Kate walks up behind her and say:

Do you think they're alive?


I hope so.


So they can do their jobs... right? That's what this is all about... doing our jobs. To fix fate.


This isn't about fixing fate, Kate... this is about giving us back our free will... this is about
breaking the loop. Once you break it... we will have choices again...


I know that Aaron is the last to change this... but I'm not going to let it happen. I'm not
allowing you, or anyone... thing... take him away from Claire again.


Kate, Aaron is the one who will free the world... he's the one who will break Jacob's loop. He
has to do this. He has to do this for everyone. You both do.

Kate just looks at Nadia, a bit shocked at what she had just told her. Kate's expression
dramatically changes when Nadia mentions that it is Jacob's loop. The camera cuts to:


We see Hawking and Richard pulling a body across the room on the bottom floor of the
Temple station that has the altar. Hawking stops for a breather as she looks up at Richard
and says:

Ms. Hawking:

Don't you look at me like that... if you had someone you loved, you would do the same. You
would want them to rest in peace.


I'm not so sure. Besides, this place isn't a Christian temple...

Ms. Hawking just looks at Richard.

Ms. Hawking:

You've never loved anyone, have you? Well, once you do... you will learn that love is the
most important thing... you will learn that love is what drives a person to make the right
decisions, to make sacrifices... to make the world a better place.


It also makes people make horrible decisions... selfish and dangerous decisions!
Hawking just looks at him. She nods and Richard bends down to pick up the top half of
Jacob. Hawking and Richard slide Jacob's body up onto the altar and they move away. The
Captain lay there in his naval uniform with his arm bent because it is broken. This is who
Locke saw on the altar in 5.12. Richard moves away and he starts to walk back to the stairs
leading out of the Temple. Hawking watches him go then she stands next to the body. The
camera cuts to Richard as he makes his way up the stairs, but he stops because he hears
something. He looks confused as we hear a man's voice. Richard turns and goes back down
the stairs, but stops when he sees Hawking talking to what appears to be Jacob standing
next to his body on the altar. Richard stops alongside the wall and he listens as Hawking
looks at Jacob and has a tear stream down her cheek. We hear Jacob say:


My love... it was a gift from God himself... a gift that he sent hurling towards Earth... that
found me in that field. I have... the power now. The one thing that man has always
searched for... I have the power of eternal life... eternal love.

Ms. Hawking:

What are you going to do?


We've lived our good years, already, Emily... I'm gone... but what if I told you... what if I
told you that I could take us back? Take us back to when we first met. What if I told you
that I could have us relive our best years... over and over again forever?

Ms. Hawking:

I'd... I'd say that is... that is mad, Jacob. That is not what our love we share means. You
can't go and become God just so you and I can be happy.


No, I can't be God, Emily, but I can, with the help of you, control fate. Go off this Island,
Emily... go off and raise our grandchildren. There will be a child, Desmond. With his help,
we could bring the end... then restart it all over. Fresh. Be together again.

Ms. Hawking:

I don't... I don't know about this, Jacob.


If you ever want to end this, Emily, I will set aside a combination. A combination that will
stop the loop. 6 keys to bringing it to an end. We can do this. We just need to use our
faith... and the science that God gave us on that comet that crashed.

The camera cuts to Richard and he looks absolutely shocked. This is how the loop
started. By Jacob controlling every-one's fate to bring the end and start it over so he could
be with his love for eternity.

You remember the combination to my private box on the Black Rock, don't you? We'll use
those, so you never forget. 4,8,15,16,23,42. Do you understand, my love?

Hawking shakes her head yes. Jacob smiles and the camera cuts to Richard as he says to


The Black Rock...

Richard turns and runs out of the Temple and as he does this, there is a brilliant flash
that shoots up the stairwell and out the door sending Richard flying. He rolls over and looks
back at the Temple in awe as the camera cuts to:


Sayid is sitting against the wall with Jin and Ji Yeon as Daniel is across the room
consoling Charlotte who is crying. She looks up at him and says:


I'm so sorry!!


It's not your fault, Char... she shouldn't have grabbed those stones... she didn't know!


I'm not using them again, Daniel... I'm not using this "gift" again... I don't care if we never
get off this bloody Island, I'm done!

Daniel closes his eyes and he looks over at Sayid and he shrugs his shoulders. Jin looks
at Sayid and says:


Now what?


I don't know, Jin... I don't know...

Sayid says this as he looks over at the large machine which is not activated. The camera
cuts to:


The camera is focused on Kaname as he makes his way through the jungle towards the
Swan station, but he turns in circles as if he is lost. He doesn't quite appear to know where
he is going. Suddenly, we hear something in the bushes. Kaname turns sharply and he
hears someone running towards him. Kaname quickly dives and hides behind a tree and he
watches on as a man in a DI uniform runs past him carrying something. Kaname looks
confused as the DI man drops what he is carrying and it falls right in front of the tree that
Kaname is hiding behind. Kaname turns and looks at what the man dropped. It is a bible
that is lying open on the ground. He notices that it is carved out and inside is a film strip.
Kaname looks more confused as the DI man rushes over and bends down. He picks up the
bible and the film then says:

DI Man:

Where is it?! Where is it?!

The DI man looks around and finally, he spots it. We see him reach over, almost to
where Kaname is and grab something. Kaname looks and the man has picked up a glass
eye! These are the three things that Bernard found in the Arrow Station in "The Other 48
Days!" Kaname looks up and we see who the man is. It is Mikhail!!! Kaname looks really
confused and a bit scared at the situation then he looks up as, seemingly out of nowhere,
there is a giant hot air balloon and it crashes into the tree above him! Suddenly a man falls
out onto the ground below and we see that it is Henry Gale!!! Kaname couldn't possibly look
more shocked as he says to himself:


What... the... freakin'... hell is goin' on here?!

The camera cuts to:


Jack and Locke are walking through the jungle and they appear to be in mid-


When did you and Sarah...


When I hit a low a couple years after we were rescued. She was helping me through my
issues... one night... it just... it just happened. We agreed it would be best for me to stay
out of Noah's life.


Noah... he who collected 2 of every species and ferried them across the waters for 40 days
and 40 nights so that the world could go on.


Yeah. You do realize, John, that knowing stuff about faith and religion doesn't make you...

Locke shakes his head like he understands. There is a voice behind them. They both turn
around and it is Christian.

I'm glad you finally understand that, John. It appears that you are a hell of a lot more
stubborn than even Jack is. No matter what I did to try to make you realize that...


What exactly did you do?


He who truly has faith doesn't question things when they get hard, John. You questioned
the hatch, you questioned the button... because you questioned the button, you led
everyone on the island to a certain doom. I made sure to fix that. You have always craved
knowledge... look at you. Everything you do, John, you do it so well. When you questioned
the hatch and the button you always asked why this was happening... you questioned
yourself and what it was you were doing wrong. You wanted validation for everything. With
faith, John, sometimes there is no logical answer.


It was all just a trial... to make me realize that I don't have true faith?


You and Jack had to find your true paths yourselves. I couldn't interfere with that. I knew,
when you sacrificed Boone... that you weren't sacrificing him for your faith in what the
Island wanted you to do... you sacrificed him because you needed to find out what it was
you were to do next. Jack, here, he didn't ask any questions, he sacrificed his life with Noah
because he knew it was the right thing to do. Jack knew himself. It took some time, but
Jack came to the understanding that not everything always made sense. Once he finally
believed that, a miracle happened. The Island allowed Ji Yeon to walk again.


The Island allowed me to walk again...


The Island also gave you Cooper. Why do you think all the bad things in your life happened,
John? I'll tell you why... you turned to blind faith when the logical answer was right in front
of your face... you needed to quit looking for the faith in others to make up for what you
lacked. Faith kept failing you, but you refused to use logic. Cooper was a bad man and you
just kept going back to him hoping he would give you answers you wanted, when really,
John... you had the answer. You had the answer, but you chose to ignore it. You had the
opportunity to put an end to him, but you didn't... you didn't have enough faith in yourself
to live with the decision to kill him, so you had Sawyer do it.


When did you know that Jack had faith?

Christian looks at Jack and smiles.

I knew the second that he was able to let go. The moment he knew he had what it took.
The moment that he finally had faith in himself to make the right decision.

Locke looks at Jack and the camera focuses on Jack as the flash sound begins...


This is a continuation of the last flash as Jack is driving Christian back to his hotel when
Christian just looks at Jack and drunkenly says:


What are you gonna do, Jack? Fix me? Cause you are Mr. Fix-it, aren't you... you just need
to fix everything....


Just shut up... I don't want to...


No, Jack... it's about time you heard this... you are such a martyr, aren't you? You keep
running after me to bring me home... to bring me home to what, Jack?! You?! Your
mother... God... your mother... that woman...

Jack shoots a look at Christian. He says:


Don't say something your going to regret... just shut up...


I can't live with the woman... why do you think I've been sleeping around on her for the
past 20 years?! Huh?! And you... you're no prize son yourself... look what you did to me.

Jack looks at his father and he slams on the breaks. Jack puts his hand up to Christian's
throat and starts to choke him. Jack has a furious expression as she says:


She's been nothing but loyal to you... we both have! We've put up with you and your sorry
excuse as a husband and a father for so long...


Then just let me go Jack... just let me go...


That's just too easy, cause in a couple of months you'll end up right back at home... doing
the same thing you've been doing for the past 30 years and making our lives absolutely
miserable... you are a poison dad... a sickness that spreads to everyone around you!!!

Then do something about it Jack... right now... cure yourselves of this sickness... you're a
doctor, hell... a world class surgeon. Fix it.

Jack just looks at Christian and he lets him go. Jack sits back in his seat and breaths as a
tear falls down his face. Christian sits up and smugly looks at Jack as he says:


I knew you didn't have what it takes... you never did. You never will. You can't even do
what needs to be done...

With those antagonizing words, Jack reaches down into his pocket and he pulls out the
needle he took from the homeless man.


What's that...

Jack turns back to Christian and he squirts out whatever is in the needle and pulls the
plunger back up. Jack sits there staring at Christian for a moment when Christian finally


Do it Jack. You can't... you're too weak... you don't believe in yourself enou....

With that, Jack shoves the needle into Christian's arm!!! He stops for a moment as
Christian smiles at him, a smug smile. Jack pushes the plunger down! Christian's eyes get
really wide and Jack says:


When the air from the needle reaches your heart, it will blow out. It will hurt really really
bad, but the heart attack will... (Jack tears up) the pain will only hurt a fraction of what
you've put me through my whole life...

Christian reaches for his chest as a look of pure pain crosses his face. Jack looks on as
his father dies right in front of him. Finally, Christian dies. Jack just stares at him for a
moment until the camera cuts to behind the car as Jack opens up the passenger door and
shoves his father's body out. Jack looks out and says:


Goodbye dad...

He closes the door and drives off as the flash sound begins...


The camera is focused on Jack as he looks at Christian.


My work here is done, boys... it's up to you now.


What now?


Now you stop Jacob. You have everything you need to know... this is where science and
faith converge. Use it. This is it. I've done my job.

With that, Christian turns and he walks into the jungle. Locke looks at Jack and says:


Well, you ready then brother?


I'm ready.... brother.

The two men shake hands and smile as the camera cuts to:


Sawyer walks over to the window and he looks down at the digital clock which has the
date and time. It is September 22nd, 2004 at 8:15 a.m. Libby wakes up and she turns to
Sawyer. She says:


Where are you going?


Isaac of Uluru says I ain't a factor. Therefore, I can't change a damn thing.


So... what... exactly are you going to do?


If only a factor can stop this... then I'm gonna find myself a factor...

Sawyer pulls a gun out from under the bed. Libby sits up when she sees the gun. Out the
window 3 floors below, we see Jack walking out of the hotel escorted by a man who is
wearing a coroner jacket. Jack is on his way to ID the body of his father that he killed the
night before!

... and I'm gonna stop him.

With that, Sawyer puts the gun in his pants and he walks towards the door then walks
out. The music builds as the door slams shut and the camera cuts to:

On the Next Lost....

VO: This is it... it's all lead here:

Clips of:

1) Quick shot of all the remaining survivors.

VO: Science & Faith Converge:

1) Clip of Jack and Locke standing in front of the cabin.

VO: There are Obstacles Around Every Corner:

1) Shot of Juliet waking up in front of Widmore's Building.

2) Shot of Sawyer following Jack with a gun.
3) Shot of Charlotte concentrating her mind again.
4) Shot of Kate and Claire fighting over Aaron.
5) Shot of Mikhail and Sayid fighting.

VO: The Final Answers are laid to rest:

1) Shot of 815 breaking apart.

2) Shot of Libby with a gun.
3) Shot of Desmond in the Hatch.
4) Shot of Adam and Eve.

VO: On the Final Lost....

Cast in order of Appearance:

Kate Austen.............Evangeline Lilly

Claire Littleton..........Emilie de Ravin
Aaron Littleton.........William Blanchette
Walt Lloyd...............Malcolm David Kelley
Frank Lapidus..........Jeff Fahey
Nadia Abed Jazeem...Andrea Gabriel
Emma.....................Kiersten Havelock
Zach......................Mickey Graue
John Locke.............Terry O'Quinn
Juliet Burke..............Elizabeth Mitchell
Christian Shephard....John Terry
Captain Jacob Hume. Thaao Penghlis
Daniel Faraday.........Jeremy Davies
Charlotte Lewis.........Rebecca Mader
Sayid Jarrah.............Naveen Andrews
Ji-Yeon Kwon...........Song Yun-ah
Jin Kwon..................Daniel Dae Kim
Ms. Hawking............Fionnula Flanagan
Richard Alpert..........Nestor Carbonell
Kaname Tanizaki.......Steve Tanizaki
Jack Shephard..........Matthew Fox
Sydney Bartender.....Alex Mason
"Libby" Staples.........Cynthia Watros
James "Sawyer" Ford.Josh Holloway
Boone Carlyle...........Ian Somerhalder
Mr. Eko..................Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
Young Sabrina..........???
Laurence.................Stewart Finlay-McLennan
Hugo "Hurley" Reyes..Jorge Garcia
Charlie Pace............Dominic Monaghan
Mikhail Bakunin........Andrew Divoff
Henry Gale..............???

Questions Asked:

1) What is Richard going to find at the Black Rock?

2) What is the deal with Kaname seeing Mikhail and Henry Gale?!
3) Where did Juliet end up?
4) Will Sawyer really shoot Jack?
5) What did Hurley tell Libby she had to do?
6) How will Aaron end this?

Questions Answered:

1) Boone is Locke's son.

2) Jack killed his father.
3) Jack is faith and Locke is science.
4) Why there is a time loop.
5) What the numbers mean.
6) Jacob was the man at the Temple on the altar.
7) The Smoke Monster embodies the dead sometimes.
8) Christian was the guide to helping Locke and Jack find their path.

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