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Maine Republic Email Alert

. . . that I should bear witness unto the truth. John 18:33 // David E. Robinson, Publisher
. . . if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for battle? I Corinthians 14:8


Benjamin Fulford on American Freedom Radio

Moderator: [Sean David Morton] Most of the people in my audience are very familiar with my guest, Benjamin Fulford. Hi, Ben. How are you? Ben: Yeah. Fine, fine. Sean: Every time I read your post it seems like the tide is turning, that the whole point of 2012 is that there are more of us than there is of them. I love the fact that youre thinking big. That youre looking at the whole globe being reshaped, so give us the update. Whats the good news from behind the scenes? Ben: Yeah. Things are happening for sure. Sean: And all good things, Im sure. Ben: Well, first of all, here in Asia, the secret history, Ah, has come out, you know, and we find out that Korea and Japan were ruled in secret by two competing Korean dynasties, the Northern and the Southern. And it goes back so far... For example, during World War II the Japanese ground Army was run by the Northern dynasty, and the Navy was run by the Southern dynasty. The southern dynasty was allied with the House of Windsor and the British, and the Northern dynasty was run by the Nazis. And to this day, George Bush, Sr. is considered to be the boss of some of the ??? groups, and he supplies them, or some of his groups, with drugs, through the 7th Fleet. So that situation has been going on for... What happened was, there was a coup de tat in the North. And North Korea was run by the leftovers of the Japanese Imperial Army. It was like the Japanese World Way II government in exile. Thats what North Korea really was. But now thats changed. Their leader Kim Jong Un is willing to accept some kind of a ceremonial post, and what this will mean, is that... The thing being discussed now, and a lot of the Japanese right wing types, and everybody else who have the actual men, the guns, and the goons, and all that kind of stuff, are saying that they want to join North and South Korea with Japan and then move the capital of the new entity west of Osaka around Nara, the oldest city there. Sean: To Henry City which is the center of religion called Tenrikyo started by Oyasama [Nokayama Miki], a woman who was channeling extra terrestrials in the 1840s. So its a very sacred city and its a perfect place for them to start, sort of a whole new system. Ben: One other thing is... The Japanese people for 50 years have been sending stuff to America cars, tvs, radios, whatever and a lot of the times theyve been sending it on credit, and what that means is that theyre the largest colonial creditors in the world. That means they have a lor of trust. A lor of people trust them and have good will towards them because they got stuff from them physical stuff that they can use. So whats happening is, the plan being pushed is that were going to set up long term investments for everbody, a life agency with an initial budget of ten million yen, or about $125,000 for every man, woman, and child on earth, for development projects, canals, irrigation projects, schools, holpitals, nature preserves, and that kind of stuff. And thats gonna lead to huge projects. Discussion are going on now. Were at the level where were down to a few people. For example, the man now in charge of the yen prinring press is a guy called ???. Hes the top beaueaucrat of administrative finance. And thats the cutting edge of whats


going on back over here. OK? Now in the West, its still more complicated. The Pentagon and the military types are really trying to isolate the Federal Reserve Board thugs, and that process is still taking time. You still dont see it on the corporate media. You still see these people running around, and as long as you do, you still cont be 100% opportunistic, but what I am hearing, though, is that what the Pentagon proplr have decided is that theyre going to end the FED. Theyre gonna bust up the big corporation that were adquired by these people through their printing press. For example, Microsoft will finally dease to exist as it is now, according to these people, and theres gonna be a lor of money freed for the United States and for Europe, but only after these criminals are removed. And of course theyre stubbornly clinging to power. But theyre trying to join us now, and theyre being told, NO. Because you guys are not trustworthy. Youve broken every promis youve made for the past hundreds of years. I mean, they lie through their teeth constantly. They dont know how to make an honest deal. So theyve lost whats know as Trust, in the world. Thats whats going on. We dont trust you anymore. Youre murderers and liers. And youve never kept any of youre promises. So theyre slowly being isolated. And that process is what you can see in the corporate news when the IMF is saying that they have no money. When Greece is telling Germany to buzz off. When Sicilys on strike. This is the process of cutting them off, to get them out. Now, you need to understand that what the Asians, and their Allies in the West and the rest of the world, have to their advantage is that they control the 1

Office of The Maine free State, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011

physical stuff. The actual ships with stuff in them, as opposed to the money printing presses in dollars and euros. And at the end of the day, you can eay a ship load of wheat; you cannot eaty a ship load of dollars. You know what I mean? And thats the process. Were isolating them on the physical economy so that their virtual finacial economy is like Wile E. Coyote after hes run off the cliff, you know, and its taken him this long to figure out that he cant fly!

Office of The Maine free State, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011

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