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Maine Republic Email Alert

. . . that I should bear witness unto the truth. John 18:33 // David E. Robinson, Publisher
. . . if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for battle? I Corinthians 14:8


MP means MicroPrint signature line

When a name is written in all capital letters it is not the name of a real person; it is the name of a legal fiction, an entirely separate legal entity. A human being cannot be a legal fiction, and a legal fiction cannot be a human being. One is real (or natural), and the other is an ens legis (a legal entity), created by law. This entire thing is based on paying off the bankruptcy of the United States. Your Strawman is the debtor of the bankruptcy, and the Government is the agent (the receiver) for the creditors the international bankers who own the non-federal Federal Reserve Bank. The National Debt is not your debt; it is your strawmans debt. You have been functioning as a voluntary representative for a cestui que, trust account (your strawman) by discharging your strawmans bills with fiat money, instead of paying them with your credit (your mutual offset credit exemption exchange). When you established your first checking account, you unknowingly accepted (agreed to) this relationship with the trust that the government has established in your name. You do not control this trust because you have never claimed it for yourself, and your parents could not control it for you because they were wards of the state, like you are. The System maintains this illusion by artifice and deceptive design. Look at your checkbook. Your name is the ALL CAPS named of a


BUSINESS CORPORATION which the bank presumes you to be. Evidence of this presumption is found in the line on your checks over which you sign your name. The MicroPrint signature line is not just a line; its printed words. Some of the finest printing you will ever see. The MicroPrint signature line reads something like:

In the corporate world only the authorized representative of a CORPORATION has the lawful authority to sign the corporations checks. You have been given the authority to sign the checks of your money trust an incorporated fiction.

Books by The Maine Patriot

Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011

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