054 - Update From Drake

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Maine Republic Email Alert

. . . that I should bear witness unto the truth. John 18:33 // David E. Robinson, Publisher
. . . if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for battle? I Corinthians 14:8


Update from Drake

People want to be free and theyre hungering for it. He predicts that Eric Holder will be thrown under the bus. Im not sure if thats accurate, myself. There is a plan, it is being put into place, it is being worked on. In conjunction with that there are a whole lot of things going that people may not be aware of. A lot of it you will not see in the mainstream media. Right now were in a wait-and-hold pattern and I dont like it any more than anyone does. But right now there is more going on than people realize. Things are closer than people realize. There has been a great deal of shuffling of a combination of resources, both personnel, material, records, you name it. And its been going pretty much like a beehive if you took one up and shook it. Consequently Im looking for something to happen very shortly. When theyre in position to do it, it will be done. I am a position where I have arranged communication with some of these people. If something extraordinary starts to happen, we will contact everybody and their mother-in-law and make sure everybody is aware whats going on. The process is simple. Get as ready as you can. Commonsensically, gather together what youve gotta have. Meds, diapers for the kids, toilet paper, a little food, and so on. Figure in the neighborhood of 2-6 weeks. Its not supposed to be that long, according to the plan, in terms of any disruptions that may come about. This effort works in conjunction with a combination of the military and our local law enforcement. Thats the only way it can correctly be done. The idea of civilian authority is in play. It is in force.

At this point were looking at a transition, where the people who have been causing the general populace the problems that we are facing presently are to be removed, as peacefully and without any violence as possible. The basis of all this has been laid out on the website (FreedomReigns.us). It is my understanding that as it becomes available, there is going to be be a Q&A section added to the website, if it isnt already up. This is going to give the general gist of what Ive just stated and answer some of the questions. So basically the update is that things are moving and all of a sudden there is a lot of scrambling and this usually takes place just prior to some sort of action. And I hope we all know what that action is going to be. To be part of the birth of a nation, or rebirth in this case? My goodness. It gives me goose bumps. There is one country whose prime minister told the Rothschild central banking system to take a flying leap at a rolling donut. The debt that they incurred was fraudulent and illegal and they werent

going to pay it. I sent a hard copy of that when I saw it to Greece and my understanding is that it went pretty viral in the Greek newspapers so they are aware of it. And I would expect that these people will start handing the back to those people who made it up and see if they will pay it. Bundesbank put a restraining order on [Germanys Prime Minister] Merkel. That means she cant touch a dime. That means that all of these deals are done. That means there wont be bailouts. Im looking for some fun and games in Europe. That pretty much puts the icing on the cake in terms of the ideology of control through finance. The other part is that there is an alliance of nations that has cut off the corporate cabal or central banking system, as it is known, in terms of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, from being able to go to small countries and loot their treasuries. They cant do that because even if they are not a member of the alliance, they have offered protection to anyone whos interested.

Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011 http://maine-patriot.com

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