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Maine Republic Email Alert

. . . that I should bear witness unto the truth. John 18:33 // David E. Robinson, Publisher
. . . if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for battle? I Corinthians 14:8


Illuminati Cabal Flee by the Hundreds as Mass Arrests await them from States becoming free from the FEDS
The Cabal Members and their 6,000 or so minions are now resigning from their banking positions in the hundreds, soon to be thousands, because the individual united States of America filed the proper paperwork to become independent of the US Corporation Cabal that is owned by the Federal Reverse Bank that is, in turn controlled by the US Corporation Cabal. This new independence of the united States of America means that the US Military must now obey what they want instead of what the US Corporation Cabal wants! This is HUGE! The US Military is sick and tired of following the orders of the Cabal as they know its totally unconstitutional and therefore wrong but they had been forced to because its the law. The US Military have to follow what the governing body of America tells them to do, and that governing body has been the US Corporation Cabal that is controlled by the Elite Illuminati Gangsters of today... who put the US Corporation in debt for Trillions of Dollars through fraudulent actions of passing the losses onto the Corporation, while stealing the profits of their actions through companies like Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and JP Morgan Chase. The Illuminati Elite force the US Treasury to borrow money from the Federal Reverse Bank which they own (a private corporation that reports to NO ONE) and have basically piled all the debts that THEY created themselves (not the America people) onto the US Treasury making the US Corporation so far in debt that they are in essence bankrupt. They plan to make us sheep pay that debt while they live like kings and use us as their slaves. Their plans will fail, and are currently failing as I write this In the new interview with an insider named Drake, who speaks with David Wilcock about what is currently going on behind the scenes, the people who not are but HAVE NOW taken action to free the America people (and the World) from these Illuminati Cabal Gangsters. The people of America have filed the proper paperwork to make more than a majority of States independent sovereign nation States. In this 3 hour interview, Drake explains how he was listening to a radio show where the host was giving bad information on how to argue with a judge in court on how to get out of a speeding ticket, not pay your debts, beat the IRS, etc Drake knew that this information was not correct and could get you up to 6 months in jail if done the way that host was telling people to do it. Drake got frustrated and decided to call into the radio show to correct it. Hes studied the law for over 2-1/2 years recently about how to get your freedom back, which covered a lot more than what this guy was telling people. Drake had been introduced to a group of people in 1979 who wanted him to read a 5 inch thick stack of documents that would free America from the cabal way back then, so he wasnt new to the idea of using the legal law to protect yourself in court. It went much deeper than anything this host of this radio show was speaking about. In fact (back in 1979) these people even thought of staging a military coup against the ruling elite that was enslaving the America people, but decided against it and instead looked to find legal laws that would do the same thing. Drake talks about how you can declare your own sovereignty, which Im sure got the host of that show to listen more to what Drake had to say as he clearly was giving out information that wasnt fully correct. Drake speaks on that show of how you can declare your own Nation State independent of the US Corporation... all 100% legally... all it took was filing the correct Notice of your declaration, to the world. Someone from Pennsylvania was listening to the show and taking notes who was very knowledgeable about sovereignty and the law and decided to implement what Drake had said. They put together a Process of Notification and sent it off to the Permanent Bureau for the Hague Conference on Private International Law. (The civil division). It was sent by certified mail to make sure that they had proof that it was delivered to them. The Court sent a reply back that they received the notification. Stay with it here folks, as its just getting interesting This means that it went into the public record at the Hague which is similar to posting a notification in an international newspaper. It is basically stating that Im no longer responsible for my alleged debts and We are now an Independent Sovereign Nation State. This freed Pennsylvania from the debts created by the Elite Illuminati Cabal

Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011

through the Federal Reserve Bank that were put onto the US Corporation. After this happened the office of the International Court of Hague gets a call from a higher up in the Pentagon (the military good guys who are sick of this Cabal) who want to know if they can duplicate the paperwork, to free other states. The clerk that answered the call was sure and said that its possible. (This clerk simply works there and had no clue what the document really meant, and Im sure that he didnt have any affiliation with the Illuminati Cabal which meant that he would be happy to assist the request made by the higher up in the Pentagon). So, the people started to duplicate this paperwork (circa October of 2011). And since it was started with someone from Pennsylvania who got the idea from listening to the radio show that Drake called into they contacted Drake and asked him if he would help them in putting this together. Drake was of course pleased to know that someone from Pennsylvania was listening to his call into that radio station and that they decided to take action and do what he was talking about. Currently to date, enough States have filed to make America now totally free from the US Corporation Cabal! Drake gladly assisted them in putting this package together for other states as well. This has now been completed, sent off, received, and posted at the International Court at the Hague. They (the good guys in the Pentagon) received notice in the end of February of 2012 that the office of the International Court of Hague basically received the paperwork from all of the states and filed it. This makes it legal and declares that these states are Independent Sovereign Nation States. The basic premise of a nation state is that although they could write their own new constitution, or use their existing one, it had to agree with the Declaration of Independence of 1776, the Articles of Confederation of 1781, the US Constitution of 1787, the Bill of Rights of 1791, and the original 13th amendment of 1812. By the states declaring their own nation state sovereignty, and therefore removing themselves from the US Corporation Cabal, this gives new life to the Declaration of Independence; which

states that whenever the govern-ment gets out of control you have the right and duty to get rid of the problem. The application of these original founding documents, in this way, gave those people the right to make their declarations. This in turn gave them the legal right to order the Military to support and defend whatever civil action is necessary to carry out the will of the people of those States. The military just loved it, as they can now follow the legal law and carry out the will of the civilian people... instead of the Elite Illuminati Cabal anymore. Groups of Indian nations have also submitted paperwork, as did the united States (the individual states), and been set free from the US Corporate Cabal, just as the Indian nations originally were. Having this International recognition means that the governing body of America is NO LONGER the United States Corporation run by the Cabal, and is now the governing body of the individual States that filed the proper paperwork that together make up the United States, which are basically the people of each state; not some evil group of rich old men who are the Illuminati Cabal Banksters. From now on, the people are in control of America and have told their state representatives to arrest these criminals! Heres how this works. The Military must obey the wishes of the governing bodywhich, in the past, has been to stage undeclared wars on innocent people around the world something they are sick of doing as they know its wrong. The Constitution forbids them from breaking into civil homes and arresting innocent Americans, but the Cabal has been trying to stage World War III, so they can declare martial law in America and force the military to ignore the Constitution and obey their orders to round us all up and put us in FEMA camps. This plan isnt going to work, and is actually turning against them, as they will be the ones rounded up and put in these FEMA prison campsnot we the people, us sheep! The good guys in the Pentagon (who are mostly military people) have wanted the American people to rise up and take their country back (peacefully and legally

of coursenot violently), and thats exactly what the States have done by filing the proper paperwork with the International Court at the Hague. Now that the international community has recognized these individual States as now being the new governing body of America (not the US Corporation), the Military of the United States can legally act on behalf of the will of the people who want these gangsters arrested and jailed and you can believe that the Military were very pleased to get this request! The process that follows is for the people to tell their respected States what they want done (which they have), for the States to tell the Military (which they did), for the Military to instruct the US Marshalls Office to deliver this list of gangsters to be arrested to the local Sheriffs office in the various Counties across America which they are now working on currently as we speak. This, of course, will be a very coordinated effort, involving a lot of people to carry out these arrests. It is an action that will take place in a period of about 72 hours, once begun. The date for this mass arrest is unknown at this time, but it will be announced on the Internet 24 hours before it happens; to create a viral explosion. We want everyone to know that the Military will NOT be entering any civilians home to arrest them. This is to be done 100% legally, according to Constitutional law, which prohibits the Military from policing American citizens; they will instead be standing by ready to assist the US Marshalls and local Sheriffs during these arrests to make sure they are protected in case these gangsters dont come willingly and peacefully. There have been 1,000s of resignations to date and 450 last week; as well as 200 arrests. Thats 650 people involved in finance running scared like the criminals that they are and in just one week! This is worldwide, right now, and growing as each day passes. This link from CNBC a mainstream media outlet not just Internet conspiracy blogs shows a Hong Kong gangster getting arrested, so this is REAL folks not just a bunch of talk! More at and

Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011

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