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Teacher: Mrs.

Valli Class/Set: 7R, 7BC, 7H Date:20/03/12 &21/03/12 Room: CC Number of pupils: 30 Subject: Flowol Lesson 3 Scheme of Work: Learning Objectives (WALT): Able to understand the importance of writing algorithm - Able to design flow chart to represent instructions for carrying out the task.

Time/Period: 1&2 and 7&8 Level:5/6

Able to break a task down into smaller parts

Intended Learning Outcomes (WILF): All must be able to: understand what is programming: An ordered set of instructions is called a sequence of instructions. Most should be able to: use a flow chart to represent instructions for carrying out the task. Some could: learn how to break a task down into smaller parts using Subroutine Keywords: algorithm, programming, flow chart, Flowol, Subroutine, start, stop, process, decision, input, output, on, off, car wash system, lock system, password, combinations, door, reset. Reference to cross-curriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, PSHE, ECM..): Entry ( 2.5 mins) Starter (5 mins): What are the advantages of using subroutine? Break complex task into small process Identify mistakes/errors Resources Flowol_Lesson3. pptx

Call/ place subroutine several times in algorithm What is a variable? What is it used for? A place to store data(text, numbers etc). You could change the value stored while the program runs

Call/Refer the value when it is needed Main ( 55 mins): Explain WILF Car wash:

Make sure start button is pressed (input 7) Make sure the car stops (output 5 & 6 on) and turn off the start button input 7) Go through a subroutine called wash subroutine wash: turn output 5 on (spray water) --> turn output 4 on (under body spray) --> turn output 3 on (foam) --> turn output 1 (brush) --> turn everything off (5,4,3,1) --> turn output 4 on (dryer) --> turn output 4 (dryer) off --> stop Make the car move (output 7 on), delay 2 seconds Turn red lights to stop the next car (output 6 on)

Car Wash System Flow Chart

Task of the day 1: Create flow chart for car wash system using Flowol Lock System:

1) Choose your password, combinations of few numbers 2) Check through each number 3) If right combination, turn green light on and open the glass door 4) If wrong combination, turn red light on and restart button on Lock System Flow Chart

Task of the day 2: Create flow chart for lock system using Flowol Plenary ( 10 mins): AFL Exit ( 2.5 mins) Differentiation (related to Learning Outcomes) G & T: Help pupils finding difficulties in completing the flow chart. Homework return, feedback and setting: Flowol flow chart design to be completed and uploaded to VLE for marking. Assessment including WILF: Questioning & Discussion (AfL) 1) Flowol experience - feedback? 2) What have you learnt from todays lesson? Evaluation of the lesson: Good Informal observations made by curriculum mentor [x]: Good

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