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Abu Dhabi Traffic Control Device Manual Abu Dhabi traffic control device manual was published by Abu

Dhabi Municipality. We have 2005 version. The document has been prepared from Dubai Manual as base document and is very identical to Dubai manual. The DoT uses this sign manual and there is no sign manual from DoT. Chapter 5 Guide signs is releted to street names and addressing. SUPPLEMENTAL DESTINATIONS Certain facilities or attractions have been determined as being qualified to receive separate signing, supplemental to the primary guide signs. The purpose of the supplemental signing is to provide assistance to motorists, unfamiliar with Abu Dhabi, in finding their way from a numbered route to the facility being sought. This signing is provided primarily for the benefit of tourists, but may be found to be useful at times for Abu Dhabi residents. Locations Eligible for Supplemental Destination Signing Major hotels and convention centers Major clubs Public beaches Cultural Foundation Heritage/Bedouin Village Zayed Sports City Gulf International Exhibition Center Traditional markets (souqs) Note: Locations are in no order of relevance. The manual uses various colors coding for various destinations. The table clearly mentions about BROWN color for tourist interest spots but the PDF we received for manual has all examples for tourist spots as grey color. It might graphic error. Following is color code details. Guide Sign Background Color Coding Blue All primary guide signs of all types that are located on Emirates Routes shall have a blue background color with white Legend. Emirate Route emblems, shall always have a blue background color regardless of the background color of the Sign on which they are located. Green All primary guide signs of all types that are located on Abu Dhabi Routes shall have a green background color with white legend. Abu Dhabi Route emblems shall always have a green background color regardless of the background color of the sign on which they are located. Brown

Supplemental signs, which provide guidance to approved supplemental destinations, shall have a brown background with a white legend. Supplemental signs shall always have a brown background regardless of whether they are located on an Emirate Route, Abu Dhabi Route or a local street. They will also commonly display a symbolic representation of the destination as a black symbol on a white square background. Once a supplemental destination is reached, further Subordinate signs pertaining to that destination shall also have a brown background. White For use with Text Sign 588. The document provides detail of size location, height, text fonts and location of text on multi line sign. It provides variety of arrow signs for advance or at spot routs direction. There are currently 14 types of tourist attraction signs, as zoo, stadium, beaches etc. It provides details of traffic sign locations and spacing for advance direction in rural and urban areas. The documents provides General services signs standards as for various important locations as fuel stations, parking lots, hospitals, loading, restaurants, mosque, emergency services, and many other important places. INFORMATION TO BE DISPLAYED ON SIGNS It is important that each type of guide sign consistently display all necessary eligible information, But not display any additional or extraneous information. Strict criteria have been established, As indicated in Table 5-4, concerning what information may or may not be shown on each type of Guide sign. The Abu Dhabi guide sign system is intended to provide motorists with directions for traveling Along a particular numbered route (be it an Emirate Route or an Abu Dhabi Route) and Advising turns from that route onto another numbered route (an Emirate Route or an Abu Dhabi Route). Generally, guide signs will not be used on unnumbered routes or for advising turns from a numbered route onto an unnumbered street. Street name signs installed under the Abu Dhabi street and plot numbering system will identify those streets with a street name sign (whether that street name is a word name or a number name). The primary piece of information to be included on guide signs is the route number. TRAILBLAZING SIGNING The use of distinctive and recognizable symbols placed along a route to guide and reassure motorists that they are taking the correct roadways to reach a specific destination is called trailblazing. Places Not Eligible for Display on Guide Signs Businesses Television and radio stations, motels, minor shopping centers, private businesses, petrol stations

Medical Private hospitals and clinics, mental hospitals, research facilities, nursing homes Military Bases or detachments, armories, arsenals Recreational Minor sports clubs and facilities, private and semipublic clubs (with the exception of public Municipal facilities and other than those specified in table 5-2) Schools Elementary, secondary, vocational, trade, professional SIZE OF LETTERING Before drivers can read the legend on a guide sign they first have to see the sign. This function of the effectiveness of the visibility of traffic signs generally is referred to as their conspicuity. Conspicuity, and therefore the likelihood of detection of a guide sign is affected by: The size, shape, and color of the sign. The brightness of the sign. The contrast between the sign and its environment. The location of the sign in relation to the line of sight of the driver. The time a driver needs, and actually has available, to search for the sign in terms of road geometry, vehicle speed, traffic volumes, the presence of other signs, and other competing visual stimuli. The angle of the drivers line of sight to the sign. The Arabic and English letter styles specified in this manual maximize the above characteristics. The following are the more important dimensional characteristics of lettering based on the x, or lowercase, English letter height: Lowercase letter height = 1.0x Stroke width = 0.2x Uppercase letter height = 1.4x English text background tile height = 2.0x Aleph height of equivalent Arabic text = 1.4x Arabic text background tile height = 2.8x For a given letter style and letter height a driver with a normal visual acuity of 1 (visual acuity is a measure of a drivers ability to focus on fine objects) will be able to read the letters at a specific distance. This distance is known as the legibility distance. For the purpose of determining the letter sizes recommended in Table 5-6, a legibility index of 0.6 meters of legibility distance

per millimeter of lowercase x letter height has been adopted for English and Arabic letters and characters. This means that English letters 100

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