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Teacher: Mrs.

Valli Number of pupils: 30

Class/Set: 7Y

Date: 22/03/12

Time/Period: 3&4 Scheme of Work:

Room: CC Level:5/6

Subject: Logo Lesson 1

Learning Objectives (WALT): Able to understand the importance of writing algorithm for given problem.

Able to manage the time efficiently and follow the requirements needed for developing the program

Be creative and innovative in extending the program. Intended Learning Outcomes (WILF): All must be able to: understand how to design algorithm for given problem. Most should be able to: create the program for basic shapes Some could: extend the program by designing patterns. Keywords: algorithm, turtle, logo, left, right, angle, forward, backward, pen up, pen down, home, clear screen, circle. Reference to cross-curriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, PSHE, ECM..): Entry ( 2.5 mins) Starter (5 mins): Homework - PPT: Animation Open the file ready for me to grade your works and provide the feedbacks. Main ( 55 mins): Explain WILF Logo Logo is a programming language that creates graphical works at the same time you learn how to write algorithms. Algorithm Instructions given to the program. Resources Logo.pptx

Turtle Basics The turtle looks like a little triangle in the middle of the screen. The head shows you which direction he is facing. When the turtle moves he draws a line behind him. the turtle turn in different directions. Instead of typing out RIGHT and LEFT I use the smaller words RT and LT, which mean the same thing to the turtle.

You can turn the turtle by telling him to turn RIGHT or LEFT. This picture shows how to make

Logo Commands

Logo FD 100 To get the turtle to draw a line, just tell him to move FORWARD a number of steps (turtles take small steps, so you need to tell him to move FORWARD many steps, like 100, to get him to move enough to see). I like to use the smaller word FD instead of typing FORWARD. Both work the same way. To get the turtle to draw a shape, like a square, you can give him the instructions he needs to "walk" around the shape of a square.

Logo-Smart Ways You can have fun with the REPEAT command just by changing three numbers! HOME CS Repeat 4[FD 100 RT 90] REPEAT how many times [FD distance RT angle] Task of the day 1) Complete Worksheet 1 Exercises 2) Complete Worksheet 2 Exercises Plenary ( 10 mins): AFL Exit ( 2.5 mins) Differentiation (related to Learning Outcomes) - G & T: Create new design/pattern using LOGO. Homework : Assessment including WILF: Questioning & Discussion (AfL) 1) What have you learnt from doing this exercise? 2) Any difficulties? Evaluation of the lesson: Good Informal observations made by curriculum mentor [x]: Good Worksheet1.doc Worksheet2.pdf

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