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Lesson Plan Date Time Class Lesson Teacher No of pupils Level Context of the lesson Where this fits

into the Big Picture MLO for this lesson. What will pupils know/understand by the end of the lesson (teacher) MLO for this lesson. What will pupils have achieved by the end of the lesson (pupil) Starter 24/04/2012 P 3&4 Year 8L2 Programming Pong game Mrs Vallimayil R Krishnappan 30 5/6

In this unit pupils supplement their knowledge of working with and creating game program using a programming software application called Scratch. The skills that they learn during this lesson stand as introductory for pupils to learn programming concepts such as variable, iteration and selection. Know: What is Scratch and algorithm Understand: Programming concepts such as variable, iteration and selection. Be able to: Able to follow the tutorial to create the pong game. All pupils will: Use Scratch to draw sprites and begin to add the scripts. Most pupils will: Create a single player pong game. Some pupils will: Proceed with 2 player mode game. Introduction and inform pupils on lesson objectives Starter: Pong Game Demo Using name picker program, Alonso will call 2 pupils to come forward and play the pong game - Scratch. Ask pupils to identify the rules of a pong game. Take suggestions from the class. Display the answer. Pong is a two-dimensional sports game that simulates table tennis. The player controls the game using paddle to hit a ball back and forth Compete against another player/computer The aim is for a player to earn more points. Teacher led discussion What is Scratch? Scratch is a programming language used to create interactive stories, games, and animations What is Algorithm? Computer programs tell the computer precisely what to do, step-by-step Explain Scratch interface Written exercise Task of the day 1 Imagine that you are going to create a pong game. Players use the paddles to hit a ball back and forth. The aim for a player is to earn more points than the opponent. Fill in the blanks using answers given and learn how algorithms are written. Discuss on answers and programming concepts: variables, iteration and selection. Teacher instructions Task of the day 2 Log on to system Open Scratch. Access the Pong-Tutorial.ppt Teacher led discussion Let pupils to discuss in pairs on game extension ideas. Extension ideas: Add score, Time limits, Number of lives, Increase the ball speed, Add instructions for user on how to play the game, include sound effects, music & background display and Computer vs. player mode

3 mins


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2 mins Teacher instructions Task of the day 3 Use extension ideas to develop the game. Use Tutorial Part 2 as guidance. Pong Checklist Self assessment Using checklist given, pupils need to tick the criteria that matches their game Criteria - Do your game have /x 1) Ball and paddle sprites 2) Walls 3) Sound 4) Ball moves randomly 5) Able to hit the ball with paddle 6) Able to stop when it hits the wall 7) Iteration (Forever block) 8) Selection (if, if.else) 9) Variable 10) Extension ideas implemented? Total Points /10 AfL: Peer assessment Pupils need to answer the following questions. What is: 1) Algorithm 2) Variable 3) Iteration 4) Selection Swap your paper with the person sitting next. Discuss and mark the answers. Discussion and taking notes What have you learnt today? ( Scratch is free to download and plenty of tutorials available in Internet. ( - share your creations with others on the web Any questions? Scratch, programming, sprites, scripts, algorithm, variable, selection, iteration, pong, ball, paddle, score, wall, stage, background, costume, sound. Literacy: Help pupils to understand how to write algorithm by setting a template, fill in the blanks activity. Numeracy: count the score and set the win condition based on the score. Proceed with 2 player mode game and score system. Different strategies to support their learning such as game demo, fill in the blanks using words given for creating algorithm, images in tutorial to create the actual game and video tutorial.
1) Research and Describe 3 different game products. In this you need to explain The aim of the game / purpose The name of the company / group who makes the game How the game is marketed and the target audience Review / ratings for the game 2) Investigate 3 different game making applications and packages on the market. For each provide an example of a game product producing This should not be just be copied from the internet but provide evidence of your research skills. Your homework should be at least 2 sides of writing including screenshots

Review Have the pupils met the lesson objectives/target

2 mins


Keywords Reference to crosscurriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy) Extension work (G&T) SEN personalised work Homework

Materials required

Scratch 2 AfL.doc vid2_move_the_ball.wmv vid4_scoring_and_random_element.wmv Name picker.ypr

Pong Game.ppt Algorithm.doc vid1_paddles_and_background.wmv vid3_hit_the_paddles.wmv Headphones

Lesson Evaluation

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