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Teacher: Mrs.

Valli Class/Set: 8L2 Date: 15/05/12 Time/Period: 3&4 Subject: BYOB Rock Paper Scissors Program

Room: 30

Number of pupils: 30 Level:5/6

Scheme of Work: Conditional Statements

Learning Objectives (WALT): Able to understand different types of conditional statements using BYOB - Able to understand programs goal and develop the game appropriately - Able to explore more features and blocks available in BYOB and take the game to next level. Intended Learning Outcomes (WILF): All must be able to: understand conditional statements and identify them in BYOB. Most should be able to: follow PPT tutorial and understand how to create the program. Some could: explore more blocks available in BYOB by using extension tasks. Keywords: BYOB, rock, paper, scissors, sprites, blocks, costumes, variables, broadcast, random pick. Reference to cross-curriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, PSHE, ECM..): Entry ( 2.5 mins) Starter (5 mins): 1) Discuss on gestures used for this game Rock, represented by a clenched fist. Scissors, represented by two fingers extended and separated. Paper, represented by an open hand, with the fingers extended and touching (horizontal). 2) Role-play call names using BYOB-name picker Main ( 55 mins): 1) Discuss on game rules Rock blunts or breaks scissors: that is, rock defeats scissors. Scissors cut paper: scissors defeats paper. Paper covers, sands or captures rock: paper defeats rock. 2) Ask pupils to complete the table Possibility Player 1 1 Rock 2 Rock 3 Rock 4 Paper 5 Paper 6 Paper 7 Scissors 8 Scissors 9 Scissors Resources BYOB-RPS.pptx BYOB-name picker.ypr

Player 2 Rock Paper Scissors Rock Paper Scissors Rock Paper Scissors


Explain WILF Task of the day: 1) Upload your homework to VLE game file + self-assessment/evaluation 2) Goto Scratch Exercises Activity 14: RPS Tutorial 3) Open BYOB ; not Scratch



1) Ask pupils to exchange places and check peers work. Use checklist provided
Criteria Have 2 sprites : Player 1 and Computer Have 3 appropriate costumes: Rock, paper, scissors Created 2 variables: Your choice & Computer choice Used broadcast instead traditional when green flag is clicked Set the 2 variables (Your choice & Computer choice) default value = 0 Have 3 if blocks Have 3 or blocks Have differentiated the lowercase and uppercase in answers received by user. (E.g: scissors & Scissors) 9) Have all 9 possible combinations of RPS for player 1 & computer 10) Computer uses random pick of RPS costume 11) Have 3 more variables: You win, Computer wins, Draw 12) Have any extension ideas implemented? Total Points 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Plenary: Discuss on extension ideas: 3 mode game comp vs player, player vs player or comp vs comp /x

Rock Paper Scissors Checklist.docx


More options lizard, spock etc. What conditional statements you have used for RPS project? If, If..else What logical operators you have used with conditional statements today? And, Or, Not

Exit ( 2.5 mins) Differentiation (related to Learning Outcomes) G & T: Extend the game 3 mode game comp vs player, player vs player or comp vs comp

More options lizard, spock etc.

Homework : Complete the program. Evaluation of the lesson: Informal observations made by curriculum mentor [x]:

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