Byob Intro Lesson Plan

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Teacher: Mrs.

Valli Number of pupils: 30

Class/Set: 8L2

Date: 17/04/12

Time/Period: 3&4 Scheme of Work:

Room: CC Level:5/6

Subject: BYOB Introduction

Learning Objectives (WALT): Able to understand the importance of writing algorithm for given problem.

Able to manage the time efficiently and follow the requirements needed for developing the program

Be creative and innovative in extending the program. Intended Learning Outcomes (WILF): All must be able to: understand how to design algorithm for given problem. Most should be able to: create the program for basic shapes Some could: extend the program by designing patterns. Keywords:Algorithm, direction, angle, steps, repeat, penup, pendown, move, turn, clear, BYOB, Scratch, sprites, costumes, scripts, stage, blocks, subroutines Reference to cross-curriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, PSHE, ECM..): Maths (2D & 3D) Entry ( 2.5 mins) Starter (5 mins): Play Video and Questioning & Discussion BYOB is a new programming language that makes it easy to create interactive stories, games and animation. It is the extension of Scratch with additional features (introducing block of codes) BYOB projects are made up of objects called sprites. You can change how a sprite looks by giving it a different costume. You can give instructions to a sprite, called scripts. Resources BYOB Intro.pptx

What is 2D & 3D graphics? Explain x, y and z axis.

Main ( 55 mins): Explain WILF BYOB Interface

Pupil Demo

Task of the day: 1) Open BYOB 2) Using BYOB commands draw basic shapes (square, circle, triangle and hexagon) 3) Open homework document 4) Draw your First character of your FirstName. e.g. C for Connor & take screenshot (using Print Screen) 5) Answer all questions and upload to VLE. Plenary (10 mins): AFL Exit ( 2.5 mins) Differentiation (related to Learning Outcomes) G & T: Help other pupils finding difficulties in drawing shapes or first letter of First Name in BYOB. Homework : - To complete the LOGO & BYOB homework and upload to VLE Assessment including WILF: Mini Quiz and Peer Assessment 1) What is BYOB? 2) What command do I use to start drawing? 3) What command do you use for iteration/looping? 4) What are the x and y positions of the sprite if it needs to goto . (positive/negative)? 5) If I want to draw a circle, what will be the number of steps, angle and number of loops? Evaluation of the lesson: Informal observations made by curriculum mentor [x]:

BYOB.exe LOGO & BYOB homework.doc

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