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Teacher: Mrs.

Valli Class/Set: 9M2 Number of pupils: 25

Date: 26/03/12

Time/Period: 1

Room: CC Level:5/6

Subject: GCSE Scheme of Work: Data representation-Characters Revision

Learning Objectives (WALT): - Understand how binary codes represent characters - Understand the character set concepts and problem solving solution for languages with > 12000 characters. - Able to give examples to explain ASCII and Unicode using bits and bytes. Intended Learning Outcomes (WILF): All must be able to: explain the use of binary codes to represent characters Most should be able to: explain the term character set Some could: describe with examples (for example ASCII and Unicode) the relationship between the number of bits per character in a character set and the number of characters which can be represented. Keywords: binary code, character set, ASCII, Unicode, bits, bytes, symbols, numbers, keyboard, electrical pulse, memory, extended ASCII, font, code page. Reference to cross-curriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, PSHE, ECM..): Entry ( 2.5 mins) Starter (5 mins): Match the keywords with its terms associated. Resources Data representation_ Characters_Revi sion.pptx

Main ( 20 mins): Explain WILF Exam Question 1: Explain how ASCII code is used to represent text in a computer system. (3 marks) - Each character is given a numeric code that is then stored as binary in the computer .(1 mark) - ASCII uses 1 byte to store each character .(1 mark) - The character code includes letters, digits, symbols and control characters such as tab and enter .(1 mark) Exam Question 2: State what is meant by the character set of a computer (1 mark) - The group of characters that can be represented on that computer with the help of language keyboards (1 mark) Exam Question 3: Unicode is also used to represent text in a computer system. Explain the difference between the character sets of Unicode and ASCII.(2 marks) - ASCII uses 7 or 8 bits to represent each character so the character set can contain a maximum of 256 characters(1 mark)

Unicode uses 16 bits to encode each character so the number of characters that can be represented is much higher (65536 maximum with 16 bits) ...(1 mark)

Exam Question 4: Why 7 bits code is is not a convenient package for a computer? (1 mark) - Since computer process codes in bytes, the ASCII code is stored as an 8 bits (1 byte) with the highest bit set to zero(1 mark) Exam Question 5: What is the difference between ASCII and Extended ASCII? (2 marks) - Standard ASCII has the highest bit= 0, only uses the first 128 numbers available out of 256 (1 mark) - Other languages such as German, French, Finnish, Irish take advantage of other 128 spaces (highest bit=1) to include their own special characters(1 mark) Exam Question 6: Explain the relationship between character set and font? (1 mark)

There is no relationship between character set and font. Font is used to display the letter A in a certain ways and the value is still A no matter how fancy it is(1 mark)

Exam Question 7: Imagine that you own a company that sells computers all over the world. Naturally every customer will want to type in their own language. What do you do? (2 marks)

Choose the language that the OS needs to handle(1 mark) The user selects the code page which is one portion of the total Unicode space. Each code page represents the chosen language(1 mark)

ASCII Table:

Exam Question 8:

Use the ASCII code table to decode the following Decimal values into English characters

Ascii task.docx

Plenary ( 5 mins): AfL Exit ( 2.5 mins) Differentiation (related to Learning Outcomes) - G & T: Programming exercise using Exam Question 8 using BYOB/Excel VBA (decode the Decimal values into English characters phrase) Homework : No homework given due to time constraint (pupils need to complete their coursework within this week). Assessment including WILF: Questioning & Discussion (AfL): BYOB (Build Your Own Blocks)

EXCEL VBA# Sub Ascii() Dim i, j As Integer Dim phrase As String phrase = "" i = Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count For j = 1 To i phrase = phrase + Chr(Range("A1").Cells(j, 1)) Next MsgBox (phrase) End Sub

Evaluation of the lesson: Informal observations made by curriculum mentor [x]:

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