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Maine Republic Email Alert

. . . that I should bear witness unto the truth. John 18:33 // David E. Robinson, Publisher
. . . if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for battle? I Corinthians 14:8


Cabal Surrender Vote

We the People of planet Earth hereby set forth the NON-NEGOTIABLE CONDITIONS whereas to accept the COMPLETE and IRREVOCABLE PEACEFUL SURRENDER of the various Dark and Controlling factions whom have illegally and covertly usurped Human populations & societies with varying agendas intended to control, rule, manipulate, subjugate, and ultimately exterminate the majority of our Human populations. These Dark and Controlling factions have and operate under many names, structures, titles, and organizations. Some to include but not limited to are; The Illuminati, P2 Freemasons, The Cabal, Committee of 300, Bilderberg Group, The New World Order, Rothschild Group, Rockefeller Group, Neo Nazi Bush Cabal, Federal Reserve Central Banks, European Central Banks, Shadow Government, etc, etc all hereinafter referred to as Cabalists.

*Foundational Premise*
It is understood and assumed as a Prerequisite to and in Addition of the below conditions listed, that the Cabalists STAND DOWN and allow a NEW GLOBAL FINANCIAL system to be enacted and ANNOUNCED; whereas the current FIAT and FRACTIONAL RESERVE Banking and Financial protocols of the FEDERAL RESERVE & ROTHSCHILD EUROPEAN banking Cartels and their Subsidiaries, are REPLACED with a new EQUITY based & ASSET backed Financial system and Currency exchange REVALUATION globally that ALIGNS with the INTERESTS and WISHES of the World populations. (ie: US Treasury notes vs. Fed. Reserve notes)

Adjudication: In addition to COMPLETE and IRREVOCABLE PEACEFUL SURRENDER, any and all Cabalist members and their Subordinates will BE ADJUDICATED for any applicable crimes against the human populations perpetrated by the Cabalists during their initiated agendas and occupation of influential and governing positions in any capacity. These crimes and charges thereof will be applicable from any and all relevant jurisdictional arenas including Public, Private, and International affairs. CONDITION 1 NEUTRAL(EITHER WAY) DIS-AGREE AGREE

Dissolution and Disbandment: All Cabalist Organizations, Hierarchy, and Structures will immediately and hereinafter and forever be DISBANDED, DISSOLVED, and OBLITERATED from existence. No such Cabalists organizations, hierarchies, and structures shall ever again be formed, operated or organized under their Past, Present, Future or Alternate names for any reason whatsoever for eternity hereafter. Enforcement and oversight of this Dissolution and Disbandment shall be conducted by an authorized and freely elected enforcement entity to be determined by the peoples of the various countries of Earth. CONDITION 2 NEUTRAL(EITHER WAY) DIS-AGREE AGREE

Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011

Disavowed Participation and Interaction: After the COMPLETE and IRREVOCABLE PEACEFUL SURRENDER and ADJUDICATION of Cabalist members and their Subordinates, and in the interest of protecting free humanity from further and future propagation of Cabalist agendas in direct contravention to an agreed Treaty and Surrender; All Cabalist members and subordinates whom are cleared and released from the Adjudication process and any of their current living heirs or children, SHALL BE PROHIBITED from ANY Participation or Interaction with the Prosperity, Security, or Evolution of the Human Condition, in the form of Executive management or any other Direct influential position of the following Industries or Sectors whether they be of Public, Private, or International application: Any type of National, or local State, City or Province Governance or Elected office Any type of Election Protocol, Technologies, or Procedures Any type of Judicial structure or Infrastructure thereof Any type of Financial, Monetary or Banking Industry or Infrastructure thereof Any type of Energy or Infrastructure thereof Any type of Agriculture or Infrastructure thereof Any type of Transportation or Infrastructure thereof Any type of Medical, Pharmaceutical, or Alternative Healing Modalities or infrastructure thereof Any type of Education, Curriculum, or Child Development or Infrastructure thereof Any type of Environmental preservation or Infrastructure thereof Any type of Communications technology or Infrastructure thereof Any type of Internet or Informational technologies or Infrastructure thereof Any type of Military, Defense, or Police and Infrastructure thereof Any type of Natural Resources of Infrastructure thereof (water, minerals, metals, food storage, etc) Any type of Religion or Spiritual teachings and practices Any type of Scientific Research, Advancements, or Discoveries or Infrastructure thereof Any type of Main Stream or Alternative Media outlets or Infrastructure thereof CONDITION 3 NEUTRAL(EITHER WAY) DIS-AGREE AGREE

For these united States of America: Enactment and Announcement of the lawful N.E.S.A.R.A. (The National Economic Security And Reformation Act)(Ends Federal Reserve & I.R.S) Return to our founding Documents; 1787 Constitution + the original organic 13th Amendment/ Article, The Articles of Confederation, Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence. Abolishment of these De-facto Corporations but not limited to the following, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Government Of The United States Corporation, also doing business as U S Government , and White House Corporation, also doing business as Executive Office of the United States Government. Abolish the Securitization (monetizing) of court cases, prison sentences and birth certificates. CONDITION 4 NEUTRAL(EITHER WAY) DIS-AGREE AGREE

Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011

For all Peoples and Populations of Planet Earth: *Only the TRUTH can set humanitys souls FREE and allow them to truly be SOVEREIGN in their evolution. Release of ALL Advanced Technologies. The Collateral Accounts will be used to set up manufacturing and installation. Immediate Disclosure concerning our brothers and sisters in outer space and in other dimensions. Establishment and Expansion of Diplomatic Relations in an open and global fashion. Reveal all Secret Societies, all occult knowledge, all TRUE history, expose and adjudicate all magic supernatural councils and subsidiary orders, brotherhoods, covens, mystery schools, Monarch, MILAB, MKULTRA, et al, that have been used to manipulate human consciousness with malevolent intent and harmful consequences. CONDITION 5 NEUTRAL(EITHER WAY) DIS-AGREE AGREE

Cease and Desist of Malicious Actions: The Cabalist must IMMEDIATELY CEASE ALL activities and operations whereas malicious operational agendas and actions that have been and are currently being instigated on the planet and its populations. Examples of these malicious agendas and actions are but not limited to; HAARP actions, Chemtrail spraying, Environmental destruction, Poisonous vaccines and pharmaceuticals, Starvation agendas, Eugenics agendas, Ocean and Fresh water contaminations, and any and all other malicious agendas and actions resulting in the degradation and harm to the planet and its human, animal, plant and other life organisms. CONDITION 6 NEUTRAL(EITHER WAY) DIS-AGREE AGREE

*Please post comments and feedback in the blog thread for this topic at

ad Christi potentium et gloriam (for the power and glory of Christ)

Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011

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