118 - Throwing in The Towel

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. . . that I should bear witness unto the truth. John 18:33 // David E. Robinson, Publisher
. . . if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for battle? I Corinthians 14:8


Throwing in the Towel

Speculation and mixed reaction surrounding a vote for the possible surrender of the elite cabal. And we do not have definite solutions, nor do we have a game plan. Opps! Has a major G8 player dropped the ball on coming global events? An apparent surrender of the elitist cabal is now in the works. As those who have been responsible for the enslavement of humanity are perhaps seeing that there is no longer a way out of the Net that is rapidly closing in upon them. Pentagon whistle-blower, Drake, has now teamed up with Lady Dragon, among others, to bring a rather urgent message to people involving a vote as to how a potential surrender is to proceed. The communication of the message has created confusion and some very negative reactions among readers and listeners. Therefore, we seek to bring some deeper clarity to this issue at this time. Here is our interpretation of this vote, so you will be able to decide if, and how, you wish to support the vote. What Drake is apparently seeking is the following: The cabal is apparently seeking to surrender. Drake does not go into details as to which factions of the cabal is taking this initiative. The message seems to suggest that it is one of the biggest within the industrial military complex. The cabal now realizes that the Net is closing in upon them and they are also realizing that there are people in the world who would like to cause them harm in retribution. They are apparently now in fear for their lives. What they those in the cabal would like to find out is where the public mentality is on the issue of their surrender. In exchange for everything that restores freedom, health, and abundance to the people of the planet, are the people willing to let go of the need or desire for revenge and let former elitists go live quietly somewhere, or are they wanting to achieve their freedom through violence and bloodshed. In a recent interview, Drake comments on the significance of this turn of event: There are whole aircraft carriers who will not launch an aircraft against a civilian population. They refuse to do it. Now what are you going to do? It sure aint gonna be the boat captains or the rear admiral flying that airplane. I guarantee you that. Now . . . what Im trying to explain is that weve got them over a barrel in a lot of ways yet, but theyre making last ditch emergency efforts to make sure that they get at least maybe to survive. If this goes through, and this is why Im doing this right now, on this vote, they will have something to gage the will of the people by. And I personally, would vote for this on its merits. Because of the manner which it takes their power away from them on a permanent basis, thats a big difference. Theyre willing to surrender that, so that they can go and live peaceably without having to worry about someone coming at them in the middle of the night with a big sharp knife and doing them a number. Real Simple. This question maybe your personal breakthrough moment in your evolution as a spiritual being. It is vital that individuals understand that the potential consequences of the choice that is being presented to them in the vote. Messages of the galactic families over the many months have stressed two things: (1) The first is that humanity must take control of the future that it wishes to experience, and they, the galactic families, cannot interfere until the people themselves have decided that they no longer wish to live as slaves, and begin to stand up, and speak out. (2) The second is that negative energies cannot be tolerated and in fact they cannot be sustained at a higher vibrational way of living. Negative energies will either transform to the right or they will have to go someplace else where that level of vibrational existence can be sustained. Therefore: the choice is upon each soul as to which type of reality he or she wishes to create for the future. To secure your freedom, health, and prosperity, now, are you willing to find enough forgiveness in your heart to release the need for retribution? Are you really willing and able to see that we are all one, and that this particular cycle in evolution can and will transform without energies of negativity. Are you willing to embrace the higher energies of love and compassion that are going to be the art of creating the new earth? Think also about this. In the future would it not be a much happier story to share with your children and loved ones about how the new Gaia was created through a transformation. We have observed language in the explanation of this vote that suggests a potentially violent outcome, and therefore we do not support this part of the information, but the info related to the votes itself appears to be sound and is worth consideration in support through you vote. As you read the document, hold only the visions of light and love and it is gently suggested to not entertain any scenario 1

Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011 http://maine-patriot.com

except the one that sees peaceful surrender with humanity being restored to freedom with health, peace, and abundance for all, as a new galactic nation. In his weekly message, former east/ west bureau chief for Forbes magazine, Benjamin Fulford, appears to be validating this message of potential surrender. In his message he writes. The cabal that illegally seized power in the western world and attempted to set up a fascist world dictatorship known as the New World Order is trying to negotiate a peaceful transition to a saner planet. Although there is much we cannot discuss in order not to endanger ongoing negotiations, the talks are focusing on how to smoothly carry out a transition away from fossil fuels and nuclear energy, and how to arrange a harmonious rapor between the east, west, north, and south. It is not clear however if the families that own the Federal Reserve Board are acting too late, and offering too little to prevent a revolution against their secret government. It is also worth mentioning that the Builderburg meeting that just ended has turned in to media distraction to draw attention away from the real secret meetings that are taking place, like the one planned for June 21st. The June 21st meeting is due to take place at the Kimball Castle in Colorado, and will consist of people like the Bush family who give the orders to the flunkies attending the Bilderberg meetings. Messages from galactic families have indicated that significant war and innocent bloodshed will no longer be allowed. Any localized events are the result of individual choices made by souls, and galactic families cannot interfere in those situations, unless, again, potential victims are willing to stand up and speak out.

You can vote on the 6 Drake Questions online here until Tuesday, 6/12 http://www.soldierhugs.com/cabal-surrender-poll-vote/ Lady Dragan http://www.ladydragon.com/ Drake http://americannationalmilitia.com/

ad Christi potentium et gloriam (for the power and glory of Christ)

Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011 http://maine-patriot.com

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