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Shia needed

Preparation : Dr. Abdulrahman dimashqiyah

Shia needed
Do they lie, they studied the protagonist Petra
certified correct books. The nephew haytami said nursing formula (Leroy) (lightning Holocaust 2/430). But the surprise I promised to mothers of Shiite books sources have prospecting Sindh found they they tell her tale without a bond. the year capital which always and accreditation, while there is no attribution in the books of the people? And outs who make links with traa while leaving pairs of Prophet (AHL) with the Qur'an as prophets and addressed by pairs home folks. verses from the Holy Koran: The term home folks, perceptions, concepts traa. Let us read these Isn't it wonderful to be impressed by the story of their creed and criticize Frequently mention this Hadith reject and protest by not having him in our

First : (They said God's mercy is atagbin and blessings of God be upon you folks home) said a woman of Abraham. 2: (do I show you folks you sons House) and me so Umm Musa. Second: (but God wants you to go home folks the dirt) and the context of discourse in the sons of the Prophet.

Don't they make a ship without a captain Mahdi was responsible for each offence be under his leadership
They said more than kill Hussein. It said where evidence that he ordered the killing of Hussein? They said: pain kills Al-Hussein in succession? We said yes. They said this is the Guide. We said: Alice Mahdi Amama yours and his leadership window? They said yes. We said: what you observed him in need permission. Tatar has occupied Iraq under Al-Mahdi. But this needs to come out since they have completed their occupation of the Tatar State Abbasiyah.

Our wedding a Koran Fatima

The term has been cited by Al-kulayni typeface (Fatimah under (he never brings the Koran only imams). (Enough 1/178 book argument for he did not collect the Koran only imams) share of Ja'far Al-Sadiq may Allaah be pleased with him, he said: and we have the (Holy) Koran Fatima, God of your marriage one character (enough 1/184 book argument: door which stated
the newspaper walgfr and the whole Koran Fatima).

Confirming that people are talking about Fatimah as an alternative to the MUS-haf that Gomaa sahaabah. This does not benefit by claiming that the technical word Fatimah does not necessarily mean he even read a book containing copies of the Koran (defeat 1/362). on narrated. Ja'far Al-Sadiq had read this verse thus: Asked liquid To further emphasize that they mean so Quran Fatima Al-kulayni

torment the miscreant reality (the mandate) is not motivated by Godmaarij it was said to him: I don't we read her so, he said: thus God Inn by gebraeel Ali Mohammed (Prophet) of God and thus is installed in adequate Fatimah (8/57-58 lights sailor (sailor lights 35/324 and 37/176 interpretation 5/224 llkashani NET interpret the weights 2/135, Noor, 5/412 almaags city of Hashim Al Bahrani 2/266). Roy also had read SI Almighty (Oh I have not taken it disasters Lana lovers) but are Fatimah Hey I have taken second woes lover (sailor lights-tag SI 30/245). This confirms that the Qur'aan by the raafidis is Quran was intended not merely a newspaper. About Salem bin Salamah said: the poorest man on ABI Abdullah and I heard the Koran characters rather than on what the readers of people., said Abu Abdullah: stops reading this. read as people read so that, if the existing read book God Almighty., eject the MUS-haf written by ... said: narrated by the people good and completed, said their clerks: This book God Almighty God also inflicted on Mohammed PBUH. Palettes were mobilized. They said: ' behold our luxurious intercourse in which the Koran did not need us. He said: God, what you see after this start your day. But I had to tell you when they read himAmir (sufficient 2/463 book thanks to the

Koran without door means Shiite 6/162 gardens Nazareth 8/100 Shiite document 5/74 to investigator alnraki). Several of our friends from Sahl Ibn Ziyad from Muhammad bin Suleiman on some of his friends from Abu Hassan said peace be upon him said: I heard made it duck of verses is not the Qur'an as we hear, and we improve that read it as we do. Do we SIN? The biggest Shiite and defend by saying that many of the sahaabah were copies of the Koran as the (Holy) Koran Koran or Aisha Abdullah bin Masood ... Why do you disbelieve? then Fatima to be luxurious. Answer: the clear statement in the comparison between our the (Holy) Koran and between their the (Holy) Koran. We do not deplore the (Holy) Koran of Fatima, but deplore that contravenes our marriage may petition reportedly completely.

Al-Khoei's position of this novel

Method of Al-Khoei shuffle length in matters which the reader feels nauseous waldwakh. It said reluctantly last novel (Salem bin Abi Salamah) between the trust and the unknown and weak fall novel about inference but said lexicon investigator but long as marquee sees lexicon 8/25-24 copies the means and distortion in the other and thus become the novel saying (prayer book 3/476). This confirms that the intended by the (Holy) Koran Fatima when Al-kulayni is the Qur'an which Jama Ali swore that he sees people on the day of resurrection, or when the Mahdi, especially Al-kulayni had stated that the Koran did not gather only imams. Includes names of hypocrite does not now exist in the Quran.

Stark like Christians

Imams have superhero powers owners. Know the unseen. The universe under their control, all atoms of the universe under their control. Have miracles and great kramat. To create. And on the Kufa to which Beard Maaouya is Levant. But: doubled to Ali bin Abi Talib to force install ababacar, Omar and Osman coerced and his wife beaten and broken ribs and foetal loss. Many are staying on their advisory opinion. This is something that they look like the Christians who jalwan Christ's divine nature and then came from lamenting it and show the appearance of vulnerability and powerlessness and grief weep almzlomet became the emblem of belief ...

Do you serve on the mandate of the Muslims?

From silent about breaking his burned and beaten his wife and expiate. Then his daughter, saying he suffers violence Faraj: joined me it. It does not exceed the NHA small says. What? Kindle failed to tell him: you are not eligible to be related by marriage to us because you left a traitor sinner liar???

Not welcome in prayer his mandate the special micronamely, protect and defend his son Prophet PBUH: How to ask the Shiites, who recounted stories of this cheese to be in agreement that Ali bin Abi Taleb first major public prayer?

Where you kill eighty thousand reap

Where do you you told him that he was proud, saying: "I who put the Jinn killing them would 80,000". (Navadero lltabri a raafidi, p. 55). Where you remove the failed section Khyber fortress LV man (Al-Amali publications useful guidance for the reliable 483 1/138) and then said God of Qalat Khyber door strongly gsdsh but the capacity of God (the honest 604-Amali publications explain sufficient assets llmazendrani 3/307 directories prayer 70 Muhammad Ibn jareer al-Tabari Abdullah Algerian Sunni 87 manuscript altohfa.).
Ayna ayna saifullah Zulfiqar? The areas where breached his sword until the seven ascended Jibril to Allah said Where the quraish stand in awe of him and raped his daughter Ituri warlords continue to the satisfaction of knowing that the marriage with the force does not meet, by marriage.

They say about alstom unsocialized outs on Abu Hassan bin Musa rida said forward tags: I know people and encourage people, and saw his ball and tenacious because God has all the Earth to swallow what came out of it and be the best smell of wind musk and respond to its call that if she broke in half on a rock called (lights Nu'maniyah 1/34).
How they portray high contrasting picture between lapse and fear and courage.

Where you remove the failed section Khyber fortress LV man (Al-Amali publications useful guidance for the reliable 483 1/138) and then said God of Qalat Khyber door strongly gsdsh but the capacity of God (the honest 604-Amali publications explain sufficient assets llmazendrani 3/307 directories prayer 70 Muhammad Ibn jareer al-Tabari Abdullah Algerian Sunni 87 manuscript altohfa.).
Ayna ayna saifullah Zulfiqar? The areas where breached his sword until the seven ascended Jibril to Allah said

Where the quraish stand in awe of him and raped his daughter Ituri warlords continue to the satisfaction of knowing that the marriage with the force does not meet, by marriage.

Answer prayer from Imam marks

They say about alstom unsocialized outs on Abu Hassan bin Musa rida said forward tags: I know people and encourage people, and saw his ball and tenacious because God has all the Earth to swallow what came out of it and be the best smell of wind musk and respond to its call that if she broke in half on a rock called (lights Nu'maniyah 1/34).
How they portray high contrasting picture between lapse and fear and courage

Mahdi Roundup and not fundamentalist

Because it offered him enough said this enough she escorted us

Bile; bitterness about the Prophet Omar alkorani

Said: alkorani was elated with the culture of the Jews, and was attending classes every Saturday! It has good relations with the Jews of Bani krizh, they make Arabic Bible and claimed them for display on the Prophet and God recognized by (victory 2/358). Omar was allegedly linked to Jews (victory 3/440). This obliges him to enter the Jewish descent. The Omar Bin Al Khattab is the husband of Umm kulthum Bint Fatima Bint Muhammad the Prophet and God. Pain line Sunnis and Shiites that prophet refused to marry the daughter of ABI ignorance? How high from such ends and marry a Jewish girl who conspires with Jews every Saturday at Islam and Muslims?

Imams are God when alkorani

Now I question which was posed by alkorani always violators saying: row me your adored Elly tabedo. Is your adored ya Sheikh Ali alkorani?

A small gesture and task enough to detect the real Idol when alkorani. He believed Shia consensus alkorani that God is into the same qualities (victory 2/144 of alkorani). Shiites believe permission also imams are God's names and attributes. Be imams are appointed with God. And adequate when alkorani is one of four books that get to their impeccable every crazy. Golden In the imams they said: We are Allah God's names (enough 1/144). SI said when shown the depositaries (unless I ask you your name enshrined stock everlasting) is likely to be to be so Nur imams in the news that the imams they were names of Allah "(sailor lights 83/221 and see 88/178). This is likened to God with no holistic say they some names of Almighty God. " And his beautiful names of Allaah, inviting him and his names who they dig a grave in the zerwa they will make up for what they were working180 [Customs]. And required him to be imams are God appointed itself. Because God's names and attributes are the same.

Falls into the trap of suspicion alkorani attending

Transfer an unfailing alkorani on And we have that morn and allahmnashra Al-welailav, one pain seen how Alone (codification of the Qur'an 41). It does not mean alkorani simla between this wall they raafidis as a single Sura. This is necessary as the distortion alkorani committed in fact attending any of the Koran in surah Al-or not They say: if attending part of every Sura why you disagreed about the fact that al-Duha and been pleasantly surprised and elephant-one: while proud by rank of the Ottoman age version zaidi almsoudih Sura contains independent?

Is it really our marriage is to marry you Hey kurnyi?

While those raafidis who permit it to have the same claims the Qur'an which we have. If we opened up with attending each Sura to found that attending is not any of the Koran in surah Al-Hamad. It required that the hands handstypeface. While professing the clings to attending part of the Qur'an (statement in the Quran, p. 516 llkhoaei jewels of speech 10/24 llgwahri). All Shi'ite say that attending part of each Sura except must read Surat patent (prayer book 3/352, 538 and righteous 1/163 edit means 1/165 of Khomeini, Hidayat Abbad 1/151 llklbaikani, the true 1/177 platform and elected p. 106 issues both mystical, close tab-1/646, 2/502, 6/174). Transfer the martyr SI unanimously anniversary that Shiite attending part of the Koran (sailor lights 28/21). And this frequency folks House peace be upon them, said Al-Khoei (statement in interpreting the Koran, p. 446 interpretation of Al-Hamad, p. 141 of Mohammad Baqer alHakim). Al-Khoei said that that was not only small groups of people (in the interpretation of the Koran, p. 446). The investigator said that attending any of Al Bahrani each Sura to be read with each Sura (parks and thinking 8/107). I am wondering: why our wedding and the name it held in is not part of every surah al-Faatihah only While you couple that attending part of each Sura except repent? Just go and excavated the Quran fully with Mahdi and took him to people? People may not be deprived of it remains obliged to take this compiled by Abu Bakr and Omar!!!

A novel distortion on the legitimacy of the argument when alkorani imams

Then he said alkorani everything proved to them meaning the imams-with a Saheeh isnaad is arguing the legality (defeat 1/60). I said: you need to be considered legitimate argument according to Ja'far Al-Sadiq. The Quran to Muhammad gebraeel Seventeen thousand any legitimate argument because fixed. Narrated by Al-kulayni (sufficient 2/463) and corrected attributed SI said Certified (the mirror of minds part XII, p. 525) . May increase to six thousand any nearly eleven thousand any legitimate argument dear alkorani? You need Atonement which you corrected a distortion Jafar Koran. Or accept such blasphemy as saying before maasum yours, reply to forward as a reply to God and is Kufr you. And either leave the doctrine. And say to the Qur'an is legitimate argument when alkorani. Alice is that That Omar was lying in that has the full Quran? (Codification of the Qur'an 60) Alice is that: Power after the Prophet and God Quran verses dropped a copy of the Koran and rejected by the peace dictate the Prophet and God, which according to some accounts that increases in home folks praise them peace, might be an explanation, and may be his verses (codification of the Qur'an 51-52).

Atonement alkorani belief distortion: atoned himself

Do you agree with said alkorani ya (Saudi) that each of the Qur'an said, though no one it is a kaafir? (Victory 3/248) And based on what the Rambam's alkorani shows us that the distortion in the Koran believed. But the Shiite

doctrine has been narrated in the pan. Whom says lack of verses and them says recite has been switched. And here the same atonement and atonement require persuasion.

Nice words of alkorani on Qur'an

Asked on factor: the doctrine of Ahl al-Sunnah and the community in the Qur'an as follows: It is believed that the (Holy) Koran other than by hand is a kaafir. Do you agree? Yes or no? He said the Shiites believe alkorani the Koran alone, and believed in another suit or married with him is a kaafir. Either copy the second root your references and sources it is when folks House and when the Imam Mahdi peace be upon them, they are not read another, a responsibility of the promised Imam Mahdi, and did not even know its sexiness on this version, and does not accept a claim called another copy of Quran Imam Mahdi peace be upon him, however, and judge the invalidity of the Edition, and by his disbelief that it was believed by (victory 3/190).

Here is a contradiction
This will compare say with say yes there are these alkorani novel and other stories in adequate and others, showed that actual Quran Quran on the lack of peace. Yes No said this novel and other stories in adequate and others, showed that actual Quran Quran on the lack of peace. The position of the majority of our scientists must interpret each novel suggest lack of or increase in the Koran, the true strength of the reply could not be construed to be, contrary to the pool when all the nation of the safety of Quran. distortion. This novel can be construed that the MUS-haf on peace where the Koran and interpreted that the reputation of the Prophet and God, was their habit to write the interpretation of verse with verse or below, as if from the mushaf Al-Ibn ' Abbaas and Ibn Masood (victory 3/241). I said: one of the two need: either they fell on your tests. But: how true their forward then they kill her?

Alice reply to forward Brad on God? It need not reply since he has vindicated assigned to them. Or obligation distortion. Or atonement for prop-forward mechanism distortion. Or your school and prove to be invalid then you are appealing against religion and imams.

They leave interpretation because potential

Oppose per because it does not leave the news pieces and potential benefit because they left it because the possible interpretation as well. We cannot say that taoilatna lump. It needed contrast.

The Imam of the Prophet prefer

Necessary preference of Imam Ali, the Prophet of God

to his preference of his Prophethood. This obliges him preference on Ali Mohammed and given the task of leading the prayer and his most important role of his Prophethood.
Necessary as saying that religion not only

complements that religion does not complete the prayer with the prophecy. It is his prophecy shorten his prayer. This obliges him to preference on the Prophet. Because religion was incomplete prophecy Muhammad and ANAMA to NESDB on.
The necessary correction built modern (okay, Dad,

Kafr) to reign over all of the prophets of God thanks Ali bin Abi Taleb in disbelief. Does it really preferred the prophets on and Fatima and Hassan and Hussein have Kafr God's religion?

Complete religion prayer

This was challenged by the task of our Prophet

Muhammad. The its staff does not complement religion but by him on.
Where is this from the book of God that: (I have from

God to believers since sent them a Messenger from themselves read them recite and purify them and

teaches them the book and wisdom though they previously astray shown 164and saying and remember the blessing of God upon you as you were enemies, a between your hearts, now with his grace akhwana and ye on the brink of a pit of fire, I will bring them. why free Quran mentioned the grace of prayer?
And say that the debt did not reject: only prayer is

completed that the religion of God remained incomplete not complete long before Abu Bakr, Omar and Osman. And Ali bin Abi Talib has helped to decrease debt because he (let me and sought other) display on the front which supplemented by post of Allah.
We know that God was built by grace Israel prophecy blessing they keep on rolling the King. And said

Musa of his people folks remember the blessing of God upon you as you make the prophets and Kings resulted came you unless produced one of the worlds 20 where the grace of prayer: do mention God worship by grace King and remind them of the grace of prayer?

Need that they adopt a system property

You say that rolling could overthrow of succession to King. Property regime based on the inheritance of his son or brother or cousin of the King. How they slander on rolling and you at the same time they invite us to the inheritance of his father's ma'assum son of King's ma'assum. Need paradox.

Matt is not known before the time Matt dead jahiliyyah

Necessary ignorance zerarh to Facebook when he died
dead jahiliyyah. As well as all Shiites split over four years after the death of team forward XI.
No free time from Facebook and not appoint him is Mitt

dead jahiliyyah. They are born and die and they pledge allegiance to the Mahdi.

From swore a kaafir Amama void had

The successors to be touted on their label and three

names for one marriage daughter either overkill on cheese and is incorrect. Or he is satisfied with them and invalidate the doctrine of denial.
Al-Hasan and al-Husayn to be touted as lmaaoih as

they installed not as Efrn Amama untouchable status.

According to (but llmhagrint and Ansar heroes Shura

doctrine of prayer and trusteeship.

Atonement for refusing prayer. Where's people (let me

and sought other) for him to the prayer. Question: what if said Ibrahim (let God and ask others) it befitting that says that? The answer is both. As well as telling this unworthy never needed Infidel.

Prevent Omar writing wills

Claiming to be from the Prophet Omar prevent from typing and whoop before his death when he said aitoni shoulder to wedwah type you will won't then they fail. Said Omar: that the Messenger of God was the predominance of pain and we thought the book of Allaah. Necessary your allegation that Omar dominated by God and dominated by his Messenger. God promised Nabih that protect him from people defend him that prevents any one of communication inspired of God. He said the Almighty (God protect you from people). This verse is from claimed that Omar prevent Messenger write wills because he told that the Messenger of God has God's book figured pain prevail. And verse stipulates that no one can prevent the Prophet to convey what he wants. Shia has interpreted the verse to mean that God prevents you to bad ynalok (interpretation of resolution 3/587 lltosi interpretation of compound statement altabrsi 3/383). Even acknowledged that the Prophet had the guards landed this verse left guard (interpreted according the kufic, p. 131).

Either inability of God and either descendants of promise and either the invalidity of your school. Chose one. Any force that reached Beit Omar to burn with courageous Zulfikar Ali bin Abi Talib and beat his wife Fatima Bint Rasool Allah. It breaks her hand and kills her unborn child and not more than that of Omar says: Hee ya you will be Avenged Omar: Hee your wife my daughter Umm kulthum. Hee she assigned you. Hee named my children you IM ABI Bakr and Osman name. It tends to age the Messenger of God you disable Messenger about writing wills and unable to breach Omar!!! Either the Apostle and scared and powerless either void your faith.

The word is God's ma'assum

They said: the word is God's ma'assum. God needed to

speak to technical. They say say this forward: portable on staying. It is necessary that this speech is the word of God on portable: technical speak of our Lord on staying?
God's ma'assum since birth is the word of God they

say it needs to be forward (sentient conscious) is the word of God.

Split Shiites to fundamentalists and stories

Divided Shiites to stories and fundamentalists. The

news did not distinguish between correct and weak. Still think this distinction fad in religion, as stated by alnaeni and others. This is required because they believe the information astray stories distortion which filled enough books and other and brought forward to ranking deities without discrimination between the true and the weak. The information needed and distorted belief chauvinism. They already have accounts of kufr.
Different front elders on applicants in this section need

to be mtakhrihm than that one, and astray if need be

distracted in front elders either unification or mtakhrohm mtkodmohm

Abdullah and Abdul Hussein

If the slave server is required to designate a server, the

Kaaba and the mosque and the Kaaba, Abdullah Abdullah mosque.
If coupled with slavery and the invocation of pagan

worship waltzell if not worship service. We say in our links (you adore and you use). And outs accept term Abd Ali Abdel Hussein and ask them hiring just as we do in our prayers for him.

Saying that Moses forgot the meaning of leaving him

accuse Moses is lying so our breakfast Etna liosha said. How to tell him our breakfast Etna and knowing that Josu has forgotten where whale alialskhrh Ulloa.
As with the protection they need to say to God

balbedaa. It was committed with the knowledge of God sake challenged for the doctrine of infallibility. And they so blasphemy. How Marvel while see them challenging the Koran and reread the distortion for the sake of the faith which claimed that God front provided for in house folks Quran?

Doctrine of distortion
Al-Khoei Atonement is Ali bin Abi claimed. Because

copying is distorted. Having said that (and Qur'an known year a copy thereof shall be charged the Prophet Ali distortion because it acknowledged the copy of the Qur'an and Sunnah back twist when AlKhoei.
Need to charge Al-Khoei advances with distortion

because they said the legality of copying the Koran recitation copy and year. Said useful scientists agreed that the Qur'aan without judgment and vice versa and copied together

unlike the anomalous spectrum of outgoing (early essays, p. 219).

Documenting Shi'a doctrines of the Qur'an

Documented Shiites unanimously Ali Bin Ibrahim Al-

kulayni Jabber ullage and elgafy and altabrsi and all those believing Nouri distorted the Koran. And necessary that recognition of the validity of their faith in distortion. We were asking them to Atonement Qur'an thought, refused. Today asking them to at least condemn the invalidity of the novel that tale. And they will reign in their disbelief and their stories will not walk away from closer.

Frequency distortion for imams to be pardoned them

Roy Al-kulayni (book enough) about Ali bin Hisham Bin Salem judgment on Abu Abd Allah peace be upon him said: the Quran of the gebraeel peace be upon him to the Prophet of Seventeen thousand any (sufficient 2/634). SI said commenting on this novel Certified any valid bond. [Mirror minds 12/525]. Note that verses which hands in Holy rolling six thousand two hundred and a few no only. It was necessary to correct the distorted stories and pieces that say imams and affirm their faith. Thus, Shi'a imams displays references to blasphemy. Because belief in Kafr Quran signed distortion and frequency have recounted references Shia imams about novels. Faye love this obliges him to accuse imams blasphemy? It does not need one of two: smuggler Either Kafr imams and either they give the lie to you.

If you have followed you

Necessary to interpret Almighty (but ran you God)

meaning but you half God that Facebook. Does it really mean but you verse Allah and his Messenger and Ali bin Abi Talib?

Necessary to interpret Koran (I gaalk people imams)

any successor Governor: that is the book of God since we did not know about Ibrahim sentenced people. Also where is the contradiction that God didn't make the 12 imams did not have imams reign except Ali and Hassan only ...
Necessary believe that Ali bin Abi was reinforced and is

kneeling to pray and is kneeling.

Secret doctrine
Necessary confidentiality on the Quran and its survival during a secret when the Mahdi and 200 years ago to ask what is this science that you helped him folks who read yourself home?, opinions on staying away? is this not the doctrine of God as Jews who were wearing right falsehood and reportedly stuffed right? and this stabbed home folks. "said the Almighty That those who concealed the evidence dealt and Huda after explained to the people of the book of those curse them and curse them God the curser 159 .
She is wearing the right technical opinions by

falsehood. And mute right channel as saying the Koran, complete with Imam Mahdi and the imams who were reading the Quran, unlike what people read.

Of God his throne was contested until seized by him?

Necessary belief that God took proof reacquired.

Dispossessed of the throne of God like it was in the ownership title to another machine and then seized the throne of God. All that they deem far above God what is not worthy of him, a claim which describes itself. They say their elevated fancy ego inspired the devil.
Sistani's novel Jaber and corrected that imams born

Fatima twelve and required either the Ali bin Abi Taleb fellas Fatima or require that they treat him with twelve boys of Fatima, they need correcting name doctrine say: we forward three decimal places.

The necessary belief to reject the participation of

prophets by virtue of imams in the description of infallibility. And why the inviolability of the prophets of revelation and not draining error in terminate. This revelation nothing imams.

Khomeini challenging tenet absence of Mahdi

Khomeini said, "had the great Mahdi Backbiting ahead
more than a year, in thousands of years before the advent of interest requires forward in the length of long duration, do the provisions of Islam are disabled? Flute works through which uncovered? Not necessary that hoopla; laws that crack by the Prophet of Islam and effort in posting, and her statement and its implementation for three and twenty years ago, you had all of limited duration? select Omaar Sharia hundredth? go to this opinion the worst in my belief that Islam "copied this statement from Khomeini needed him to religion is absence of Mahdi. How they want us to allegiance to Khomeini's Islam recognizes that the provisions of the disabled because of his absence?

Ignorance of the prayer jahiliyyah?

Necessary belief to reject that the sahaabah misrepresented the Koran obliged him verses function on the mandate of the people of the House that God did not ygfez type. Need to raise confidence in the book of God. And here the entrance hole outs for every serious enemy of Muslims.

Doctrine of quraish images

Necessary belief that ababacar and Omar quraish Prophet images: metal melter idols and their proximity and it is now lying with idols. And top idols and followed them and swore it was an adviser to Al-jabt is a faithful Minister counsellors and the idol the images a pair obeying a daughters-sanamayn. And father Ja'far Al-Sadiq al-jabt is a

fetish is. What this doctrine that is named Jaffer and cursed his love at the same time?

Necessary that images be quraish worshipper the images the obedience you are meaning worship. If obedience to the images of this godly what courage you have acknowledged and Tatton to do. How do you say that exemplifies the image never had high while you have acknowledged that he worshipped idols?

Supplies challenged companions

Necessary to appeal an appeal by the the companions of the Prophet because Qur'an Koran deed. How can you claim to trust the Koran altsari preference to their old testament and their Gospel typeface you are appealing against who and their accumulated vraiment. Be challenged Abu Bakr challenged Jaafar peace be upon him. And necessary challenge Omar challenged Zeid peace be upon him. The hard Jafar ababacar is recognized by the Shiites.

Imams to keep him supplies use

Required frequent use of imams in their advisory opinion as staying even with cheese foul Act and deceive people and leave advice and alibi. Especially since counsel to staying not proven with coerced people to them. Guide to tell Shia Jurists in technical opinions: this laptop on staying. This means that possible coercion and not by sure. These fatwas that fool people think the sanctity of halal and Haram solution just for keen Imam Ali himself. Pain tells outs on Jafar he mentions his father guardian saying do not display for your canine right (means Shiite 8/430 jurisdiction p. 230 sailor lights 17/296)? Staying of the weakest faith, you describe the imams of the highest faith and most powerful. And the weakest faith always make them issuing thousands of opinions contrary to the right to make them the most vulnerable places of faith. Does praise their leaders or challenging them to reject. Do personal interests ahead of the interests of the millions most know the Halal and Haram without Tekaya. Where and the denial of it and wrestle with wrong not to

comprehend and struggle for the right to ensure consistency?

Is it permissible to use forward to protect him?

The necessary correction of the Shia Hadith (the greatest martyrs Word right at the Sultan unfair) and modern ( right dumb Devil) described as worse than the devil of imams Al-Akhras. If right demon dumber: your thoughts, inviting people to wrong? For this we find this question: Shiite wondering how to combine this Hadith and imams on technical conditions between. And direct such questions to their sheikhs as in question No. 1560 book serat escape and was directed to their leader Jawad Tabrizi.

Pledging allegiance to a kaafir kaafir needed.

Before leaving the doctrine of prayer!!!

Necessary to say (let me and sought other) disbelief. It rejected the correct God.

Next on
Alleged son of month I mix: that God said to himself when he said high (Almighty) (extolled the Abi Talib 3/35) this Kafr God and required him to be high is God because God Almighty says And that God is almighty big say that God was significantly higher . Pain say that high is theology forever. And praying two rak'ahs name. It is United with God as what Khomeini? And she interpreted verses of God mean?
He said rejecting the Almighty And said God does not take easy two but one God i.e. not take two forward post is

before one (tafseer Al-ayashi 2/261 sailor lights 23/357 and 27/33 mustadrak ship Sea 1/171), see how their chauvinism even stood on the machine is now forward.
And in saying the Almighty Early with God alnamazi said,

quoting a treasure collector benefits any: Facebook Huda with Facebook astray (sailor lights 23/361 1 seas ship mustadrak/171).

And in saying And less of them I machine without it we discipline him hell they any alleged that Facebook and

not Facebook (sea ship mustadrak 1/171 on alnamazi).

Dad needs to describe ignorance friend

He claimed Shiites that the Prophet is described by friend ababacar because it was true that the Prophet magician (great insights grades the yolk 444 interpretation ullage 1/290, competence for useful 19/263 k-8 adequately explain NET 1/702 and proof of Al Bahrani 2/125). This is required to describe the Prophet Abu ignorance friend said that enchanting!

Karbala is better than the

Then they related that the Prophet said: you don't come home Kaaba yield., Is the subject of the book also cautioned him against Sharia for pinpointing developed chats (1/399) claimed that famous, but frequently as stipulated Ahmad mahmudi (guided p. 394-mahmudi said in the margins of the book) this contradiction are the Karbala have best Kaaba. This obliges him to become better at Karbala. If Karbala from Mecca have become better better than Ali bin Abi Talib.

Creed broken ribs

Necessary married the Prophet of his son Omar that contradicts who refused to marry the daughter of ABI ignorance. Necessary Prophet of paternal age that recognizes the Omar hit his daughter he knew to be seen that Omar would be deeply daughter Fatima? How married his son Omar?

Aisha appeal supplies

Necessary married the Prophet of Aisha was at the age of nine had not blotted out after suitable for blasphemy in his home. Does the tzoh Prophet of Aisha Tekaya and knowing what has to be seen by your allegation will be kaafir. Accepts to marry a kaafir State knowing they'll be kaafir may be a prophet? Prophet contradictory and he knows the unseen and had lied to him and married from jus sanguinis. Contradiction so hurry to choose valid with no known wife unseen. While chosen invalid knowing unseen.

Worship and means shirk not service. It also required where contradiction to choose good wife hurry and choose is impious.

Where does header blasphemy of Prophet

Required reject as saying that atheism is Aisha header to

be stable the Prophet is the head of disbelief. He tells Christians to a raafidi: where was your Prophet? She tells him a raafidi in Aisha's House. It says Christians: means where in the header of blasphemy?

What is necessary to know the unseen

Necessary to death by Ibn muljam to be killed. He knows the unseen and what will be in future however came to request those selected as the son of the neck could mg. And required the death of Hussein in Karbala have deliberately come to die of suicide and satisfaction that moving his neck.

Accuse the Prophet that Amoy

Prophet of Amoy. Because he married Umm Habiba Bint

ABI sufyan and Uthman's daughters husband and Amoy.

Fatima and the land of fadak supplies

Fatima claimed that fadak land with its flag are not entitled to land because it hides nothing. Among other things, not to hide them modern (the prophets did they cause AED in dinars).

Roy Shiites of Ja'far Al-Sadiq may Allaah be pleased with him, he said: and we have the (Holy) Koran Fatima, God of one character your wedding (Enough 1/184 book argument) A stab in Fatima as was then common when compared with our marriage did not find the identical and one character that was the concept of tone in this phrase. challenge and required him to accuse either of Fatima had read our wedding-our wedding or otherwise correct.

Prevent Omar writing wills

Claiming to be from the Prophet Omar prevent from typing and whoop before his death when he said aitoni shoulder to wedwah type you will won't then they fail. Said Omar: that the Messenger of God was the predominance of pain and we thought the book of Allaah. Necessary your allegation that Omar dominated by God and dominated by his Messenger. God promised Nabih that protect him from people defend him that prevents any one of communication inspired of God. He said the Almighty (God protect you from people). This verse is from claimed that Omar prevent Messenger write wills because he told that the Messenger of God has God's book figured pain prevail. And verse stipulates that no one can prevent the Prophet to convey what he wants. Shia has interpreted the verse to mean that God prevents you to bad ynalok (interpretation of resolution 3/587 lltosi interpretation of compound statement altabrsi 3/383). Even acknowledged that the Prophet had the guards landed this verse left guard (interpreted according the kufic, p. 131). Either inability of God and either descendants of promise and either the invalidity of your school. Chose one. Any force that reached Beit Omar to burn with courageous Zulfikar Ali bin Abi Talib and beat his wife Fatima Bint Rasool Allah. It breaks her hand and kills her unborn child and not more than that of Omar says: Hee ya you will be Avenged Omar: Hee your wife my daughter Umm kulthum. Hee she assigned you. Hee named my children you IM ABI Bakr and Osman name. It tends to age the Messenger of God you disable Messenger about writing wills and unable to breach Omar!!! Either the Apostle and scared and powerless either void your faith.

Cursing father Ja'far Al-Sadiq

They kept their recognition that ababacar with hard Ja'far Al-Sadiq. Grandfather father cursing was OLA

understanding father Ja'far. They agreed that it is hard to ababacar Ja'far Al-Sadiq.

On qualities of corrupt supplies

They said that Ali bin Abi Taleb is the face of God by God. A description is required by God. It is said to them: what did you do the hand of God when Fatima?

Hussein, a snobby
The imams as needed description of the names of Allah that Hussein is proud because arrogant God names. Do as names of Allah which praise or which challenged them? God is the creator needed him to be ahead is the creator. God is the machine needed to be ahead is the machine. Having said loudly:
He said rejecting the Almighty And said God does not take easy two but one God i.e. not take two forward post is

before one (tafseer Al-ayashi 2/261 sailor lights 23/357 and 27/33 mustadrak ship Sea 1/171), see how their chauvinism even stood on the machine is now forward.
And in saying the Almighty Early with God alnamazi said,

quoting a treasure collector benefits any: Facebook Huda with Facebook astray (sailor lights 23/361 1 seas ship mustadrak/171).
And in saying And less of them I machine without it we discipline him hell they any alleged that Facebook and

not Facebook (sea ship mustadrak 1/171 on alnamazi).

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