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Maine Republic Email Alert

. . . that I should bear witness unto the truth. John 18:33 // David E. Robinson, Publisher
. . . if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for battle? I Corinthians 14:8


Unconfirmed Report!
Drake commented on his Sunday, July 29th, audio report that: The ETs supposedly said this time, theyre coming. They didnt say maybe, they didnt say...were trying to... They said theyre going to be there! [at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, Saturday, August 4th. This message was POSTED on Friday, July 27, 2012 by Audrey Starborn and 7 others: IT IS NOW ESTABLISHED and was decided as of Earth date, Wednesday, July 25th, 2012, by the Pleiadian High Council in alliance with four other Galactic Councils, under Galactic Codex guidelines that we the Pleiadian Family of Light will now intervene fully into Gaias ascension. It has been decided that we will make full contact with Earth beings in eight days from this transmission on August 4, 2012, at the world Olympic Games in London England for the entire world to see! This will be for our introduction as well as our first efforts to work directly with you in the correction and ascension of Gaia and to assist with your own ascension. This Galactic intervention has been ordered for the following reasons: Sophia-Gaias sickness has reached a critical stage and must be cleaned up at once. The light quotient on earth is not high enough at this stage to affect a mass global ascension let alone to help move an entire planet to the next dimension. Planet Terra (Earth) is scheduled for a transition into the fifth dimension on 12-21-2012. We are well pleased to see that the efforts of many beings on earth have eased her suffering, however due to the imminent upcoming galactic cycle, the amount of work and healing that needs and we love you very much as you will see. It is known that we will get this job done together, so you can relax! We instruct you not to spread fear as many still do. This is no false flag but an actual event that will take place and it comes only from good and for good! Many light beings of Earth from our quadrant have been on Gaia for several decades and have helped out tremendously. It is known however that all your incredible efforts could not get this done in time! We do not blame any living being on Gaia for this. The light quotient on Earth has grown to incredible levels over the last two months! Be proud of the work you have done and continue as we join with you for Sophia-Gaias correction. The crime was committed by original negative Archontic beings that enslaved this planet 300k years ago and all the associated bloodlines and clones which have been cleared out! There is a time written in the stars for December 21st 2012 which cannot be stopped. It is the day that Gaia becomes free and begins ascension with its people! This will be processional and will be stepped up in phases beginning on 1221-2012. We come to work hand in hand with all light workers on Gaia to aid in and complete this mission. With our galactic orders established we now proceeded to begin phase 1 for our first major modern day contact and reunion with you to do this final work. We had to descend so that Gaia and you can ascend! We began phase 1 two days ago! On July 25th in the PM hours EST our orbiting Pleiadian fleet opened a super portal on Gaias inner atmosphere. A super portal was opened on this day out of time spoken of old in preparation for our landing on Gaia! Yes thats right 1

to be done for Gaia cannot be completed by earth beings on schedule. We by no means are dismayed at the good efforts made by so many for so long and are greatly honored by all the actions taken to raise the vibrations of Gaia and to clear the negativity that surrounds her. Understand that we cannot wait any longer and we are only stepping in to help! What happens on earth now affects the entire universe, so this is pretty important! Sophia-Gaia-Terras immediate cleanup takes galactic priority number one. This involves the complete removal of all Archontic cabal remains. The cabalshadow-mind-parasites cannot be cleared by earth beings fast enough and are halting Gaias ascension as well as the infected living beings themselves! We have a vested interest in Gaia-life because we created it with you eons ago! That is why we say we are your family! You will not be shocked at all because we are very human just like you. We are more highly evolved spiritual beings and have advanced technology, but we do not see ourselves any higher than any other, for we are all one! We are all individuations of prime creator experiencing itself! We are family

Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011

dear ones! Now is the time! This dimensional doorway we opened is a 5d to 4d vibrational step down gate used to de-cloak and ascension the density of our smaller ships and our lightbodies from plasma-light to 3D elemental vibration and earth resonance. As our main ship from Erra which is 4 times the size of your Earth descended 300 miles down to the base of the inner atmosphere to open this portal, the plasma field around the ship interacted with earths magnetic field in a strong manner. There was no damage done to Gaia or its beings as we calculated, however many highly sensitive earth beings felt this jolt when our ship touched your inner atmosphere. Many of these highly tuned earth beings magnetic fields were grounded out! OBEs there were minor reports of ethereal explosions and electrical disturbances, ball lightning, OBEs and translucent matter sightings. A few highly evolved and very sensitive Earth beings lost consciousness for nearly an hour but again no serious damages were done! Most earth Gaia beings never realized anything at all happened! This first phase had to be done to open this stargate from the higher dimension to yours to prepare for the clean up of Gaia and for her ascension and for the ascension of her sentient life. This phase was an intricate and advanced task for us because earth is so fragile and this is the first time in the known history that we dematerialized our main ship and brought it this close. This operation was completely successful! The opening of the portal was for the merging of 5d and 4d, a bridge between these two dimensions and is now fully open! This is the final gate where you will literally walk from earth into your heaven! CROP CIRCLE WINDMILL HILL AND MANTON DROVE, AVEBURY, ENGLAND Your friends from other planets have created a crop circle with the date of 4th August on it. It is a date when things could happen. You know that, together with the other beings, we have been successful in preventing an attack on Iran. We will continue to do our best to

prevent this atrocity. The Cabal becomes more devious and daring all the time in its efforts to create World War III. You live in volatile times. We need your support to help us protect you. Montague Keen : July 22nd.


Our disclosure date has been given to you and has been imprinted into the ground and literally written in the earth at Manton drove and Windmill hill as our message to you for our reunion Earth date: Saturday, August 4th, 2012! Welcome to Zion, the City of you creator gods, Dear Ones! On this earth day July 27, 2012, we say to you, let the games begin! We have sought the best world-wide event; your Olympics where many Earth beings around the globe will get to meet us! We know this sounds incredible to you but you will be able to confirm it from many other sources, many of these are our Earth allies!

We are meeting with high level Earth ambassadors (the good guys) today and we have successfully negotiated our reunion with you to take place at the 2012 Olympics! That disclosure and our reunion with you will take place in 8 days! As it is decided and written in the council records, so shall it be done! All eyes will see it! There is absolutely no need for anxiety, however; know that this is a critical time for earth and its beings as we have watched and prepared long in advance for this time! We have said that we will not land until the cabal is removed! We told you on July 4th, Independence Day, that the physical and non-physical cabal was removed, and so it is! Dear ones, here is the reality. You are no longer in true 3D! You are in upper 4D, bordering 5D. You have recreated in 3D the matrix for a time longer now, until this great work is done, and for the purpose of transmuting all lower negative vibrations. Anything appearing to the contrary is a fictional shadow imprint remain of the Archontic 3D matrix program still running. Our smaller ships will appear above the stadium in London as our second and most un-mistakable low-fly-over event! We have made plans to land directly on the Olympic field, with your earth leaders as well, and we will show you what the 4th dimension and the 5th dimension looks like! It will be a true display of light and sound and energy! Do not fear this! What did you expect? We have been in negotiations with your leaders for some time now but there are still some who have been dragging their feet on our reunion with you! We are now going to force this to happen for the highest good because there is no time left! We have given your world leaders until August 4 to move out of the way or they will be moved out of the way between you and us! They have interrupted our disclosure, since April of this year, and we have waited until this the very last moment doing all we could to stop the destruction on earth without direct intervention! That time has now come to its end!

Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011

In 8 days (on August 4, 2012), all G20 world leaders will announce us and we will appear, or they will not, but we will appear anyway! Those leaders opposed will be removed and will not be part of the good work we will do with you through the rest of 2012 and beyond! The door is now open and we are coming through! Trace remains of the false authority cabal who still infect the minds of many causing them to believe they are enslaved by some political-military authority or god will be terminated. The Federal Reserve will now be completely dismantled, and the UN [United Nations] will work with us... Or not! They have 8 days! All debts of the people of Earth will now be forgiven and prisoners will be released on Earth and reorganized accordingly! All technology will be given to the people for instant healing of the body and for things that cannot be imagined! Dec 21, 2012 is the first day of this great ascension and all negativity will be completely cleared from this realm! The matrix will be completely dissolved forever! This will be done by both you and us working in tandem! We thank you for your bravery and courage for coming here decades ago and later to do this great mission! We will see you on Saturday, August 4th! Goodwill to all the Earth and those who dwell with her. with Audrey Starborn and 7 others.

ad Christi potentium et gloriam (for the power and glory of Christ)

Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011

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