Table 1 Shows The Time Taken by Two Cyclists

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[Top] UJIAN SEDERHANA 4 (b) What is the trend of change in the time taken by both cyclists in the race?

Table 1 shows the time taken by two cyclists, J and K, in a 100-kilometre race.

Increase Decrease Constant Increase, decrease Explanation:The time recorded increases when the distance increased.

Table 1 1 (a) What is kept the same in this investigation?

(ID:1325669979701 /KLON/UPSR/2011/2(a))

Time taken Distance Type of bicycle Speed of bicycle Explanation: Both cyclist travelled the same distance which is 100 kilometres. [Top] (c) Predict the time taken by K to cycle 75 kilometres.(ID:1325669979703 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours Explanation:The duration is between 1 hour 30 minutes 2 hours 30 minutes. [Top] (d) State one reason about the time taken by J and K.(ID:1325669979704 Cyclist J took shorter time compared to cyclist K Cyclist K took shorter time compared to cyclist J Cyclist J is slower than cyclist K
/KLON/UPSR/2011/2(d)) /KLON/UPSR/2011/2(c))

Cyclist J is faster than cyclist K Explanation:Cyclist J took shorter time compared to cyclist K because it has higher speed. The higher the speed, the lesser the time taken. [Top] Diagram 1 shows the length of a stretched spring that changes directly with the weight of load.

Diagram 1 2 (a) What is the relationship between the weight of load and the length of the stretched spring?
(ID:1193236829692 )

The length of the stretched spring depends on the weight of load The heavier the load the longer the spring stretches When the load is added, the shorter the stretch of spring The lighter the load the longer the spring stretched Explanation:Answer the relationship is related between two variables. [Top] (b) If the weight of load is 70 gram, predict the length the stretching spring.(ID:1193236829819 30 cm 35 cm 40 cm 45 cm Explanation:For every 10 gram load, spring will stretch by 5 cm. [Top] (c) If the spring is stretched to 40 cm, what is the weight of load?(ID:1193236829911 60 g
) )

70 g 80 g 90 g Explanation:Every 5 cm the spring stretches, 10 gram of load is used. [Top] (d) From the experiment, state a conclusion that can be made.(ID:1193236829998

The heavy load will break the spring The length of spring depends on the weight of the load The weight of the load increases when the stretch of spring increases If the weight of the load increases the length of stretched spring also increases Explanation:The heavier the load the more the spring stretches. [Top] Table 2 shows the distance travelled by four types of vehicle in one hour.

Table 2 3 (a) What are the two observations that can be made based on the given table.(ID:1193236836528 Vehicle P is faster than Q, R and S Vehicle R is faster than P, Q and S Vehicles Q is slower than P, R and S Vehicles S is slower P, Q and R Explanation:Comment:- The faster vehicle is the vehicle that moves further in 1 hour.- The slower vehicle is the vehicle that moves nearer in 1 hour.

[Top] (b) Arrange the vehicles by their speed in ascending order.(ID:1193236836637 P, Q, R, S R, S, P, Q R, P, S, Q Q, S, P, R Explanation:Starts with the slowest vehicles. [Top] (c) State two inferences to the observation made in (a).(ID:1193236836730 Vehicle R is faster because it is driven by profesional driver
) )

Vehicle R is faster because it has a higher capacity engine Vehicle P is faster because it is driven by profesional driver Vehicle P is faster because it has a higher capacity engine Explanation:- The ability of a driver and engine capacity also influence the speed of the car driven.- Statement 3 and 4 is false because observation given is wrong. [Top] (d) What are the two conclusions that can be made based on the inference given.(ID:1193236836823 The bigger the engine capacity the greater of speed of car driven The smaller the engine capacity the greater the speed of car driven The higher the ability of the driver the greater the speed of car driven The less the ability of the driver the greater the speed of car driven Explanation:Engine capacity and ability of a driver affects the speed of car driven. [Top]

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