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They say Vengeance taken will tear the heart and torment the Conscience

Wow that would be great Miley exclaimed almost dropping her jaw on the table, because of too much delight and enthusiasm. But wait theres a problem.. Dixie announced immediately after watching Miley yelled with joy and excitement. She thought of many other factors that would affect her plan, she cant afford to make any mistake this time, because the last time she organized a vacation, out of thirty individuals invited, only three confirmed that they will join the vacation in Boracay and unfortunately she was included in that three. She gazed at Erica on her left and Kasey on her right pleading for their

confirmation without any words; just her eyes. What would be the problem? Im sure that this time many of us will join since it is not that far its just Baguio, Hello? Miley said with her smile that never fades.

Erica took a sip on her cappuccino while eyeing the other girls on her side then rummaging the whole place with a quick glance. She thought that the cafeteria was very odd yet no one was sitting close to their table. It seems like everyone in the cafeteria was afraid of them. She thought of Dixies proposal about the vacation knowing that those plans would never come to reality with the kind of schedules they have, nevertheless she was sure that she will join if ever. I think Baguio would be great, who gave you that idea? Kasey asked silently almost whispering to Dixie. Carl gave that Idea, he told me that this coming vacation would be hot and he also wants to go somewhere farther, because her aunts will be there, tormenting his life. Dixie explained to everyone in the table referring to no one in specific. Kasey guessed that Dixie really wanted to push the vacation. With her facial expression, no one couldnt read whats in her mind. Even so, she still looks beautiful for

her long black hair traversing down her scapular bone, her dark shiny eyes obtrusive. After observing Dixie, Kasey immediately turned to Erica, who seems very pale and nervous. She wondered why, and believed that it has something to do with Ericas examination week. Likewise Erica appeared beautiful, black-haired and has slightly brown eyes. Everyone would also know her for her voice; as she also sings very well. During the thought process, Kasey found herself envious of Ericas voice that she wished for a voice like hers. Miley who was seated across Kasey was blabbing out stories, which made Dixie realize that shes one of the friendliest and gabbiest person she knew. She caught Mileys smile and noticed that her features are very much of a Filipina. Carl told me that Nory called him confirming her seat in the van and-- Dixie enunciated. Wow thats great, I can feel something good about this vacation Miley exclaimed cutting Dixie.

I also want to announce my confirmation Erica said with her hands held high and a big smile on her face as her friends would always note her energy. Okay I will also join Kasey said without any reaction on her face as if lacking interest Okay, okay now were talking Miley expressed sarcastically. Dixie did not say anything after their confirmation, she thought that probably this time her plan will succeed, hearing their confirmation; but she wants to make sure that all who confirmed earlier will go. Shes never find relief until they sit on the couch of her uncles van. Hey, I have an idea! Dixie announced with her grim smile. What kind idea is on the mind of Dixie Denver? Miley said sarcastically again.

To make sure that all of you who confirmed earlier will join the vacation, I will make a contract and all of you shall sign Dixie said crossing her arms. All laughed except for Dixie who is trying very hard to convince them that she is godamn serious about this. Okay, okay then we will sign for your legal concerns, exclaimed Kasey with her arms holding her abdomen while laughing. Hey Dixie is Weng going with us? Miley asked that seems to recover from her outburst of happiness. I dont know yet, I havent talked with her since last month Dixie said sounding very concerned. All of them have recovered from their laugh trip until Kasey said. Hey, can Josie go with us? Kasey asked with her teary eyes. Dixie, Miley, Erica was shocked by what they just heard from Kasey.

What did you just said? Miley asked in disbelief. No dont take it on a negative way, I mean, I just want to make it up on her, you know to- Kasey was cut off. what? To give her something to hold on to? Erica cried with anger. Kasey did not answer back, because she just knew she cannot win on this kind of conversation that involved Josie. She was very embarrassed by the way her friends took it. She knew they were very sensitive about the topic and she already knew that but she just want to make that vacation purposeful. Okay then well invite her Dixie finally said breaking the silence But-Erica tried to utter words but did not had the chance to finish her words. Its okay guys, she had been our friend for a while Dixie said with her eyes on the girls.

Erica thought that Dixie is right about that, because she always knew the right thing to do, she always gives the brightest idea from the rest of the group. Dixie is an ideal girl for any guy though she did not had any boyfriend since the day she was born. She is the smartest person during high school, and the only student who had the chance to study in a famous school where the students are well applauded for their intelligence. Dixie took a sip on her hot choco, and came across a lot of thoughts, including that of Josies. She remembered Josie as a good girl and a fantastic friend to her especially to Kasey. Josie is a boyish girl though with a soft heart for others. She then concluded this event would give her and her friends the chance to get to know each other again just like before. Whenever I think of a reason why all of a sudden she stopped talking to us I always end up messing my hair, I cannot think of that reason why! Dixie expressed. It just started seven months ago in this very same cafeteria in this very same spot, the friends, along with Josie were

just talking about something then all of a sudden after that she did not get in touch with the group, like she was gone with wind, which may explain the reason why Erica and the rest have this resentment towards her. You think our schedules would fit our plans? Miley asked with the chocolate cake on her mouth, interrupting Dixies wandering. We will set the date and time in favor for the whole group. I promise this will work, we will have fun there. Dixie explained with the tone of assurance. We could meet up on my house to tackle some things regarding this matter, you know to put our plan to action. Erica offered with a hint of excitement. Thats right and to be able to complete our group cause we cannot plan without the others, so is that okay with you? Dixie said referring to Miley and Kasey. Okay then just in Ericas house, you know I gotta go because I still have classes Miley said while checking her bag.

Kasey remembered that the four of them studies on four different schools so it would be hard for them to set a date that all of them are free. I think we should go too, I still have so much work to do for school Erica said eyeing on Dixie and Kasey.

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