Wunpawng Ninghtoi (Light For The People) Annual Report 2011-2012

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Introduction From WPN Director ........................................................................ 2 Background ........................................................................................................ 4 Wpn Program Area & Displaced Population ........................................................ 5 Testimonies Of Displaced People ........................................................................ 6 About WPN ........................................................................................................ 7 WPN Structure And Programs ........................................................................... 8 WPN Teams ...................................................................................................... 9 Staff Training .................................................................................................... 12 WPN Organizational Meeting In April ..................................................................12 Camp Capacity Building Program .........................................................................12 Summary Of WPN s Monthly Assistance Rates For 2011 - 2012 ......................... 13 Areas Of Concern ............................................................................................... 14 Limited Support From International Agencies ..................................................... 18 Camp Residents Vulnerable To Trafficking And Exploitation ............................... 19 Violence Against Women And Children ............................................................... 19 Lack Of Financial Resources To Continue Relief Efforts For Displaced Civilians .. 20 Recommendations ............................................................................................ 21 Invitation To Donors ........................................................................................... 23 Acknowledgments .............................................................................................. 24 Chart ................................................................................................................. 25

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People






For 17 years no gunfire was heard in Kachin State until June 9, 2011 when a ceasefire between the central government and the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) collapsed. The hostilities have over the past year forced at least 75,000 villagers in Kachin and northern Shan states to flee from their homes. The conflict has hit civilians very hard. Women, children and the elderly have suffered in particular as they face serious difficulties obtaining food, shelter, and health care. Complicating matters further, many of the people who fled to China were forced to return to Burma after authorities there failed to recognize them as refugees. In response to the growing humanitarian crisis on the China-Kachin border, a group of concerned Kachin civilians came to together just days after the crisis began to form Wunpang Ninghtoi (WPN), or Light for the People. Since June 14 2011, when our organization came into being, many displaced people have benefited from our relief efforts which included providing food, shelter and health services. We have worked hard to help those sheltering in the Ma Ja Yang area, both inside Kachin state and on the China side of the border. The needs of the displaced people are great and our limited resources are small. Children and the elderly have died in the camps from acute diarrhea and many others remain sick from drinking dirty water and lack of access to medical support. The safety of affected civilians remains a major concern. Some villagers were shot and killed in their homes while many others who were detained have yet to be seen again. When the victims family members tell us these stories, we can do nothing but weep along with them. The villagers are longing for the day they can return home and resume their lives but because of the continued fighting this remains only a dream. In the meantime WPN will continue to provide a vital lifeline to those in need.

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People


Weve received financial support from the Kachin community both in Burma and abroad, including from faith based and community groups in China, UK, US, Singapore, Denmark, Canada and Malaysia. Very few International NGOs (INGOs) have had access to the areas where we operate. Thanks to our supporters, WPN was able to deliver aid quickly and regularly to those people in need trapped in areas that INGOs and UN agencies could not reach. The overall aid situation in non government controlled areas of Kachin and Northern Shan states remains a major a concern. Over the past few months UN

agencies and their staff have been able to come more frequently to some key non government controlled areas in Kachin state where we and other local groups have assisted them. This support has been greatly appreciated. However, the ongoing conflict has continued to make it difficult for UN agencies to gain access to displaced people located in non government controlled areas and greatly complicated their efforts to provide regular aid shipments to these places. WPN is also experiencing difficulties. We currently face a serious funding

shortfall that has limited the amount of aid we can distribute to internally displaced people in areas where we operate. As the conflict has continued, the humanitarian needs of the growing displaced population have increased, and our own financial resources are very stretched. On behalf of WPN I would like to thank all of the groups and individuals who have financially and materially contributed to our relief efforts. support is greatly appreciated. Your continued

Sincerely ( Director May Li Awng )

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People



Following a protracted period of tension, on June 9 2011 armed hostilities resumed between the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) and Burmas armed forces, the Tatmadaw. The end of the KIOs 17 year ceasefire with the central government has had a devastating impact on civilians. Human Rights Watch recently reported that since fighting resumed more than 75,000 people in Kachin and northern Shan state have been displaced from their homes. Most of the those displaced are members of Burmas Kachin ethnic group. However, other civilians from the Shan, Palaung and Sino Burmese minority communities have also been displaced by the fighting, as have families from the Burman ethnic majority living in the conflict area. The majority of civilians displaced by the conflict have sought shelter in camps located along the Sino-Burma border in parts of Kachin state not controlled by the central government or in China. Others have fled to government controlled areas, including Bhamo and Myitkyina, the Kachin state capital. Our figures show that more than 40,000 internally displaced people are presently residing in areas of Kachin state not controlled by the government. There are an additional 10,000 refugees living in unofficial camps in China.

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People


WPN Program Area

Displaced Population in WPN Program Area

M J Y a re a D i s p la c e d p o p u la ti o n
30 00 0

25 00 0

20 00 0

15 00 0

10 00 0

Population in Camps where WPN Provides


5 00 0

0 Ju ly 2 0 1 1 S ep 20 11 N o v 20 11 Ja n 2 01 2 M a r 20 12 M a y 2 01 2 J u ne 20 11 A ug 20 11 O c t 20 11 De c 2 01 1 F eb 2 01 2 A p r il 2 0 1 2 J un e 2 01 2

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People


Testimonies of displaced people When the fighting started we could hear gunfire and mortar rounds. About 300
Gauri Valley Villagers Fleeing November 2011

belongings with us. We crossed the river (marking the border with China) and now we are staying at a camp. It took about 45 minutes from our village Three weeks after we arrived at the camp we needed food and other things from our home. Thats why my husband and 9 other people went back to our village (on November 29). When they arrived at the village the government soldiers saw them and shot at them. Eight people arrived back in our camp but my husband and our neighbor who has three little children didnt come back. One month later some villagers went back and found my husband and our neighbors body partially buried near our village.
Gauri Valley Villagers Resting November 2011

of us from the village then left together in a group. This included young children and the elderly. We spent three days in the jungle and then two days at Mazup Pa village before we arrived at Seng Mai Pa Camp. . . We want to go home but till today we cant because the fighting is still happening. A 45 year old father from Lawdan village in Momauk Township now living at a camp just outside Mai Ja Yang. He fled with his young children on September 26, 2011. We left from our village on 5 November 2011 because there was fighting in the area. We couldnt bring any of our

A 32 year old woman from Lahkum Bum in Mansi Township The assistance we receive (from WPN) is mainly rice, salt, cooking oil, beans and other basic needs including candles and soap. We also receive dry fish

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People


occasionally. But we have to buy fresh food, fire wood or charcoal and other items ourselves. This is why we need a job to fulfill our needs and help our children who are going to school in town. Here on the China side, we can get jobs at sugar cane farms spraying pesticide. But this is not good for our health. Even though we know its not good there are no other options for us. A 60 year old father from Byeng Wai, Momauk Township now living at La Ying camp, China opposite the Burmese government controlled town of Lwe Je. I began high school in 2010 in Nau Ra Pa in Kutkhai Township (North Western Shan state). I had to stop my studies when the KIO and the Burma Army began fighting in 2011. During the last academic year I could not study at all. When school ended I moved back with my family to Mung Baw Loi Lawm Bum village (North Western Shan State). My mother passed away about eight years ago. My father is a farmer. I have three siblings. When fighting started near our village my family fled along with our neighbors. I was sad because I could not go to school anymore. My father went back to our village to look after our farm. Our village had ten families but now only three families are left. The rest of the people ran away and only the elderly remain.

I was very happy when my teacher said that my siblings and I could go to school in Mai Ja Yang. My younger sister will attend 4th standard. On May 21 2012, we arrived in Mai Ja Yang with 40 people from our area in Shan state. We are now living in Ung Lung camp. There are a lot of refugee students from Shan State here. Voice of 16 year old IDP student Nawng Nang (Shan State)
WPN Founding Meeting

About WPN Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) means Light for the people in Kachin and was established by local community leaders on June 14, 2011 in Mai Ja Yang, with the aim of providing assistance to civilians displaced by conflict. The founding members of WPN include local representatives from the Baptist and Catholic Churches, local youth, local womens groups, members of the local village committee and NGOs. The NGOs that participated in the creation of WPN

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People


were Bridging Rural Integrated Development and Grassroots Empowerment (BRIDGE), Life Vision Foundation, Pan Kachin Development Society (PKDS), Kachin Womens Association (Eastern Kachin State) and the Kachin Womens Association Thailand (KWAT) Following the first year of operations WPN now operates independently of the NGOs that formed WPN however WPN maintains close ties with the groups. Mission: Our mission is to assist those displaced by conflict obtain access to food, clean water, health care, shelter and education. We seek to fulfill this mission by cooperating with both local and international partners. Vision: As a grassroots organization founded during a time of crisis, WPN believes that maintaining the rights and dignity of displaced people is central to our operations. Through our work WPN seeks to reverse the dramatic effects that conflict is having on Kachin society and facilitate a better future. Objectives: In order to provide the effective delivery of humanitarian aid to displaced people in need. WPN seeks to assist both those

who are internally displaced and refugees who have crossed international boundaries. WPN continues to carry out our mandate by collaborating with both international NGOs and local stakeholders. WPN also aims to provide international actors with reliable up to date data about the status of internally displaced people and refugees from Kachin and northern Shan states. By delivering humanitarian assistance and coordinating social programs WPN seeks to improve the lives of displaced people both in the present and over the long term. With the goal of empowering civilians affected by conflict, WPN is committed to documenting their testimonies and experiences. WPN Structure and Programs WPN has a main steering committee and six operation teams each focused on addressing their respective tasks. The following is a breakdown of these groups. Steering committee consists of nine people who oversee WPNs entire organization. The staff at our main office in Mai Ja Yang manage WPNs daily operations, including logistics and coordination. Advisary Board WPNs advisory board consists of community members and representatives of other NGOs who support WPN and continue to give advice.

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People


Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People


WPN Teams
WPN Team Photo

our clinic in Mai Ja Yang. WPN also arranges for pregnant women to be sent to hospitals in China or to clinics in Burma Aid distribution team Distributes rice, cooking oil, salt, potatoes and occasionally vegetables to residents of the displaced peoples camps twice a month. Food is also distributed to host families who are sheltering those in need.
WPN Staff delivers Aid to IDP

for emergency cesareans or other treatments. WPN also operates a special nutrition program for children under the age of two. Our team has received additional training and advice from several doctors who have come to assist and evaluate our operations. WPN has also received valuable support from the Kachin Womens Association of Thailand for our health related programs.
WPN Health Team Distibulting Medicine

Health team Our medical staff consists of six nurses and one doctor who provide basic medical care for camp residents. WPN provides women with prenatal and postnatal care as well as assisting with delivery. From July 2011 to June 2012 our medical team delivered 96 babies at Shelter team Monitors camp conditions and assists local camp committees maintain access to drinking water and toilet facilities. The team distributes tarps and
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Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People

A member of WPNs Child Care Team a Story to Displaced Children

other materials for building and maintaining shelters, and coordinates with local land owners and authorities to establish camps and shelters.

efforts to inform concerned parties about the humanitarian crisis in Kachin State. Child Care team More than half of the population in the camps is under 16 and our childcare team assists with their needs. The teams staff work with displaced youth to help them cope with their difficulties and solve their problems as much as possible. This work includes organizing social activities for young people in the camps.
Young IDP in Je Gau Camp

WPN Volunteer Collating Data

Documentation team - Maintains updated lists of camp residents including births and deaths. The data compiled from these lists is made available to other aid groups. The documentation team also records the displaced peoples testimonies. In addition to these activities, the team produces Kachin language health and information films and shows them to camp residents. The documentation team also prepares videos and reports to be used for advocacy The team also provides guidance and counseling for children. Another focus is providing children and youth with risk awareness training, including what to do if they find themselves in a conflict zone.

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People

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Adult Counseling team Our staff provides counseling services for those who have been traumatized or psychologically impacted by recent events. The team gives support to vulnerable people and assists patients on the path to recovery.
WPN Monthly Meeting

steering committee on the progress of each camp. Assigned members of the steering committee visit each camp on a monthly basis to evaluate first hand WPNs ongoing operations. WPN also facilitates regular visits from medical and relief experts who have provided us with guidance and feedback on how to improve our operations.

Staff Training Since WPN was founded last year our volunteer staff have undergone a series of training workshops on camp Monitoring and Evaluation Our nine person steering committee meets monthly to manage and plan WPNs ongoing operations. Members of the steering committee meet with team leaders on a regular basis to discuss the activities of each respective team.
WPN Monthly Meeting

management, as well as water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) training. Caregiver training and needs assessment training have also been provided. Many of our staff have previously worked for other NGOs in the fields of health education, community development and womens empowerment.

We have staff staying in each of the more than a dozen camps that we assist. These staff in turn regularly report back to the
WPN Volunteer Navigate A Muddy Road To Deliver Aid During Rainy Season

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People

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WPN Organizational Meeting in April At the end of April, WPN held an organizational meeting to formulate long terms plans for the groups future and reform WPNs structure. This included creating full time permanent staff positions which were previously temporary. Camp capacity building program Since WPN was created one of our key priorities has been to increase the capacity of the residents of the displaced persons camps to ensure that the camps operate well. In order to do this WPN staff have conducted workshops and training sessions for both regular camp residents and camp leaders to address the growing needs of the camps. Training sessions cover a wide range of issues, including basic health and hygiene, problem solving and camp management skills. WPN has tailored these educational programs to address the changing needs of the camps, particularly as it became clear that the camp residents would not be able to return to their homes as quickly as they had hoped.

Summary of WPNs monthly assistance rates for 2011-2012 Following the outbreak of the conflict from June to September 2011 WPN provided food, shelter, health support and other services to meet basic needs for more than 4,000 people per month who had taken shelter in the Mai Ja Yang area. These numbers increased very quickly following the spread of fighting and it was a particularly difficult period for us as we were one of the few groups providing food to people in the Mai Ja Yang area at this time. From November to December 2011 WPN provided food and medical assistance to more than 25,000 displaced people per month. From January to April 2012, our group supported about 17,000 people per month. In addition to supporting camps on the Kachin side of the Sino-Burma border, we have provided assistance to those who had taken shelter in temporary camps located in China, including 5,000 refugees sheltering at La Ying opposite the Burmese government controlled town of Lwe Je (also Lwegel, Loije).

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People

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We also provided limited support to another series of camps in China at Naung Tau where an additional 5,000 people are staying opposite the Shan state town of Namkham. In the future, if our resources allow, we will provide regular support to these people who are in serious need. In May, WPN provided food support for 4,000 displaced people. In June this number decreased further to 500 people. The fall in the number of people we support with food assistance should not be interpreted as evidence of an overall reduction in the displaced population, but rather a reflection of resource constraints and funding shortages. WPN would like to support more people but due to limited funds we had to drasticly reduce the number of people we support with food. The decrease in food aid distributed by WPN in May and June coincided with an increase in activity in the Mai Ja Yang area
NHkawng Pa Camp

by the UN and its related agencies. Camp residents in Kachin state who had previously received food aid from WPN were able to get food from the UN. The amount of food given to each family by the UN was typically smaller than what WPN had distributed to the families over the previous months and did not include any fresh vegetables. While the UN and its agencies intend on sending regular food convoys to Mai Ja Yang and other nongovernment controlled areas in the near future it remains to be seen if government authorities will allow these shipments to take place. Staff from UN agencies have yet to visit the camps in China. During May and

June residents of La Ying camp in China received food support from another NGO called Karuna Myanmar Social Services (KMSS). Working with the UN, KMSS also provided food to three Kachin State camps in the Mai Ja Yang area where previously WPN had provided food asistance.

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People

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Areas of concern Shelter: Overcrowding in all of the camps remains a concern that needs to be addressed. There was a major push to prepare the camps ahead of rainy season but the threat of heavy rains to the camps also remains an ongoing concern. Je Gau camp, built on flood prone rice paddies, was relocated in May to a nearby camp at InKhawng Pa. While the new
Je Gau Pa Camp

upgraded to deal with the heavy rains. Space is extremely limited in the China based camps and conditions are very cramped. WPN would like to rent more land from local owners to alleviate the overcrowding which is a serious health issue.

Primary School in NHkawng Pa Camp

Education: The start of hostilities between the Burma army and the KIO in June 2011 camp is not as flood prone, the camp residents are now living on a hill where landslides could be an issue during the rainy season. In preparation for the rains., Seng Mai Pa and Gat Pa Built camps were amalgamated into one camp just outside of Mai Ja Yang called Pa Kahtawng. New shelters have also been constructed at Bum Hsit Pa (Dum Buk) for more than 100 families. Some of the children staying in camps located near existing village schools have been able to return to classes. WPN has assisted in distributing books and other school supplies for these students but a lack of school supplies and teaching materials is a serious obstacle that must Some of the shelters and temporary living areas in China have undergone upgrades for the rainy season. However many of the shelters in China still need to be
Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People WPN 15

coincided with the beginning of the academic year for students in Kachin and northern Shan states. As a result of the conflict school was canceled for thousands of students of all ages.

be overcome. Many schools that were operating in Northern Shan state were forced to close

when the Kachin conflict began in 2011. A large number of the affected students have come to Mai Ja Yang to continue to their education and get away from the fighting.
Students from Nhkawng Pa Camp

Health: The current health situation in the camps is a major concern. Due to crowded living conditions illnesses such as diarrhea, fevers and colds have spread
WPN Back Pack Team visit IDP Camp

WPN is providing these students who are staying in Ung Lung camp with food and shelter. Over the past few months Ung Lung camp became crowded and some of the students moved to another camp just outside of Mai Ja Yang. WPN anticipates that more quickly among camp residents.While our medical team has been able to treat ill patients and limit the extent to which illness can spread in the camps, more is needed for them. Treating ill patients has been difficult for our medical teams due due to
WPN back pack team in La Ying Camp

unaccompanied young people will continue to come to Mai Ja Yang in the coming months and our organization is looking into ways to fund the creation of additional dormitories for students and unaccompanied minors.

a lack of funds to buy medicine. Both children and the elderly have passed away in the camps due to treatable illnesses.
Health Education Training Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People WPN 16

The beginning of the rainy season in June brought an increase in illness to the camps. It is expected this will continue until the rains end in October. A key priority for WPN has been providing women with prenatal and postnatal care. Children under the age of two are enrolled in a special nutrition program which we would like to improve with more fresh food.

New toilets need to be dug but there is a lack of space to build these facilities. Pa Kahtawng camp, the largest camp we assist in Kachin state, also has a serious shortage of toilets for its large population..


Donation from Chinese Community IDP from La Ying Camp, China

WPN distributes rice, cooking oil, beans and other basic ingredients on a regular Water and Sanitation Access to clean drinking water remains a problem in all of the camps. Effectively addressing this situation will lead to improved health for those living in the camp, and WPN is currently looking at ways to do so . In the camps in China there is still a lack of wells, and many of the existing wells are running out of water. Overall the water situation is better in the camps in Kachin state. However, improvements can also be made here.. In the camps in China many of the toilets that were dug last year during the earlier stages of the crisis are nearing full capacity or in some cases completely full.
Local Communities Donation WPN 17

basis to displaced people living in camps. Distributing fresh vegetables and fruit remains something that WPN can only afford to do occasionally.

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People

The displaced people cannot afford to buy their own food and they cannot return to their farms and gardens to harvest their crops. While WPN has a special nutrition program for infants under the age of two, the nutritional health of pregnant women, the elderly and children remains a major concern. Some displaced people have attempted to return home to tend their crops and have not been seen by their families since.

The visits from the UN convoys have typically resulted in the UN providing each family they assist with a months supply of basic essentials, including rice and cooking oil. While the UN has not been able to provide these necessities to all the families in non government controlled areas, their support has been much appreciated. WPN has assisted the UN with the food distribution and worked with families who have received UN support to provide other essentials they have not received from the UN.

Limited support from international agencies It has been difficult for both international organizations and groups located elsewhere in Burma to visit the camps that we operate due to the ongoing conflict in the area. While a combined UN team consisting of staff from the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), the UN Fund for Children (UNICEF), the World Food Program (WFP) and the UNs Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) have been able to make a series of visits over the past few months to non government controlled areas, including Mai Ja Yang, their visits have been sporadic and almost every time they came they were unable to confirm when their next visit would be. While this was due to constraints that are largely out of their control, it has made coordinating with the UN agencies difficult.

WPN would like to see the UN and its member organizations consult more with WPN and other groups working on the ground in non-government controlled parts of Kachin state. Good communication and increased cooperation will reduce overlap and unnecessary use of resources. Since the conflict started, financial and material assistance for the displaced people has been generously donated by members of the Kachin community, including church organizations, Kachin living abroad and some Kachin business figures. As previously mentioned these funds are however running short, as the capacity of the Kachin community remains limited.

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People

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in which many more young women are

ng fficki ild tra Ch cking traffi omen W

now vulnerable to these kinds of exploitations. Seeking some form of income to replace what they have lost, many of the displaced people regularly search for work in Chinas Yunnan region just across the border. WPN has made some progress in raising awareness among the displaced people about the potential dangers that young women face. Despite these efforts there are many cases where parents do not know where their daughters have gone. Over the past few months Chinese authorities have stepped up arrests of refugees for not having valid papers or identification.

Camp residents vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation Prior to the outbreak of fighting, the SinoBurma border was known as a major place for the forcible recruitment of undocumented migrant women into the Chinese sex industry and human trafficking. A shortage of brides in China, a byproduct of the one child policy, has resulted in many young Kachin women being forced into marriages with Chinese husbands.

Violence against Women and children The loss of livelihood for many displaced families has placed an enormous toll on the traditional male breadwinners.

Vulnerable Children

Anecdotal evidence suggests that there has been an increase in domestic violence among some displaced families. WPNs social workers have sought to help families deal with these issues but this remains an all too often unspoken problem. Organized programs in the camps to prevent domestic violence are still lacking. We are open to working with other groups to help address this shortcoming.

The massive upheaval in the everyday lives of thousands of families in Kachin and northern Shan state has created conditions

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People

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IDP carrying Firewood

Women collecting Firewood

Firewood Many of the forested areas near the camps have been stripped bare by camp residents who use firewood for cooking and warmth. The displaced people cannot afford to buy charcoal, which forces them to walk further and further in search of suitable firewood.

Lack of Financial Resources to continue relief efforts for displaced civilians The lack of financial support from the international community for aid programs aimed at assisting those people displaced by the Kachin conflict remains a major concern for WPN and our partners. Despite improvements in other parts of the country over the past year the humanitarian situation in Kachin and northern Shan states has clearly gotten worse over the same period of time. Its is important that groups like WPN receive adequate financial support to continue our relief programs and assist civilians affected by the conflict. We encourage foreign governments and international organizations to consider supporting WPNs relief programs.

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People

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Recommendations UN and international NGOs should: 1.Continue to push for access to internally displaced people in non government controlled areas of Kachin and northern Shan states. 2. Support financially programs such as those operated by WPN that aid civilians displaced by the Kachin conflict who are sheltering in non government controlled areas. Continue to support similar programs aimed at assisting displaced people sheltering in government controlled territory in Kachin and northern Shan states. 3.Work to ensure that humanitarian aid can reach those in need who are in nongovernment areas in a timely and efficient manner. 4.Continue to consult with local affected communities to identify current needs and develop plans for the future. 5.Meet regularly with local NGOs and civil society groups operating in non-government controlled parts of Kachin and northern Shan states to share information and co-coordinate relief activities. 6.Work with existing civil society groups already operating on the ground to improve their capacity and relief delivery. 7.Support peace efforts between the Kachin Independence Organization and government authorities.

Local NGOs and Civil Society should: 1. Ensure independent monitoring and evaluation of aid distribution to ensure aid is delivered effectively. 2. Work to ensure that international humanitarian assistance is provided in a way that respects and protects the fundamental rights of the displaced people 3. Cooperate with UN and international NGOs to address the humanitarian needs of displaced people.

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People

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Foreign Governments 1. Support financially programs such as those operated by WPN that aid civilians displaced by the Kachin conflict who are sheltering in non government controlled areas. Continue to support similar programs aimed at assisting displaced people sheltering in government controlled territory in Kachin and northern Shan states. 2. Encourage dialogue and peace efforts between the Kachin Independence Organization and government authorities. 3. Pay close attention to the ongoing conflict in Kachin and Northern Shan States and monitor its impact on displaced civilians.

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People

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Invitation to donors Dear respected donors: We write to you on behalf of WPN, a local grassroots relief organization that has been providing assistance to displaced residents from Kachin and northern Shan State since the Kachin conflict began in June 2011. Since WPN was founded our organization has provided vital food and medical aid to thousands of displaced people who have taken shelter in non government controlled areas of Kachin State. We are looking for financial support so that we can continue to provide humanitarian relief for those in need. Your generosity will be kindly appreciated. On behalf of WPN and the people we support; we would like to thank you in advance for your contribution.

Sincerely Mary Tawm WPN Fund Raising Coordinator Wunpawng Ninghtoi WPN (The light for the people)

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People

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WPN would like to thank all the international organizations who contributed financially to our efforts. WPN also received valuable support from church groups in Malaysia, Thailand, Canada, the US, the UK, Australia, Singapore, Denmark and China. A special thanks goes out the organizations and individuals operating inside Burma who gave WPN vital support and advice. WPN would also like to thanks those in Chinas Yunnan community who supported us with food and other donations. Wed also like to thank members of the Kachin community aboard including the Kachin Womens Association of Thailand (KWAT) and the Pan Kachin Development Society (PKDS). Finally WPN would like to thank our team of hard working volunteers who have dedicated so much to make our work possible.

Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People

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Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People

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Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN) Light For The People

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