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How to setup Microsoft Outlook 2003? How to setup Microsoft Outlook 2007? How to setup Microsoft Outlook 2010?

How to setup Microsoft Outlook express? How to setup Windows live mail?

How to setup Microsoft Outlook 2003?

1. Open up Microsoft Outlook 2003 2. The Install Wizard should launch automatically, click on Next

3. Make a selection between upgrading (Upgrade from) and importing data from an previous installation of Outlook or select the Do not upgrade, click on Next

4. Select Yes to create an email account, click on Next

5. Select POP3 as your server type, then click Next

6. Proceed with the following: 1. Enter your first and last name in the Your Name: field 2. Enter your email address in the E-Mail Address: field 3. Enter in the Incoming mail server(POP3): field 4. Enter in the Outgoing mail server (SMTP): field 5. Enter your username in the User Name: field (refer to your Welcome Letter) 6. Enter your password in the Password: field (refer to your Welcome Letter) 7. If you want, place a check in the box next to Remember password 8. Click More Settings ...

7. Select the Outgoing Server tab at the top of the Internet E-mail Settings window 1. Place a check in front of My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication 2. Select Use same settings as incoming mail server 3. Click on the Advanced tab at the top

8. With the Advanced tab selected at the top of the Internet E-mail Settings window 1. Place a check in the This server requires a secure connection (SSL) box under Incoming Mail (POP3): heading (the Port Number automatically changes to 995) 2. Place a check in the This server requires a secure connection (SSL) box underOutgoing mail (SMTP): heading 3. Click OK

9. In the E-Mail Accounts window, click Next


Click Finish

Update Existing Configuration 1. Launch Outlook 2. Click on Tools, then select E-mail Accounts...

3. Click on Change... (Make sure that the mail server in question is highlighted; if not, left click on it once)

4. Click on More Settings ...

5. Select the Outgoing Server tab at the top of the Internet E-mail Settings window 1. Place a check in front of My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication 2. Select Use same settings as incoming mail server 3. Click on the Advanced tab at the top

6. With the Advanced tab selected at the top of the Internet E-mail Settings window: 1. Place a check in the This server requires a secure connection (SSL) box under Incoming Mail (POP3): heading (the Port Number automatically changes to 995) 2. Place a check in the This server requires a secure connection (SSL) box underOutgoing mail (SMTP): heading 3. Click OK

7. Click Finish

How to setup Microsoft Outlook 2007?

Open Microsoft O

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Make sure that you like the settings sh screenshot. The following are th Your Name: Your Name (eg. E-mail Address (eg.john@test.c Incoming mail mail.domain.tld

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Click the 'OK', 'Nex 'Finish' buttons and you should be able and receive email.


If you can receive e cannot send email a exactly as shown ab outgoing mail (SMT of 25 to 1025. To do this: Click on the 'Edit' m 'Mail Servers' sub-c Change the 'Outgoin from 'Replace with:mail.your_we 'Replace with:mail.your_we Background Reaso In order to combat s Service Providers external servers o customers using th ISP's mail server. to spam, the idea ISP's mail server t caught very quick accordingly. Real mail servers have options (ie. not be than 100 people a usually residentia opened an alterna send mail using o the ISPs do not bl port 1025.

How to setup Microsoft Outlook 2010?

Once you have successfully configured an email account in Outlook 2010 and want to view the accounts settings or properties, then here are the simple steps you can follow. In Outlook 2007, the account settings could be launched from the Tools > Account Settings option, while in Outlook 2010, you simply hit the Office button(or File) and click the Account Settings button.

It will display the Account Settings window with Email tab open, if you have configured multiple accounts then all of them will be listed here. You will see the tabbed interface here, by clicking any particular tab you will see its relevant settings for the selected account.

Under the tabs, you will see plenty of useful options, the New option lets you configure a new email account, the Repair option is used to repair the Outlook 2010 settings (you often need to perform this operation if your email repository size is in GBs), the Change option lets you modify the settings of any particular email account. If you have configured multiple accounts in Outlook 2010 then you can set any particular account as your default by selecting that account and hitting the Set as Default option. TheRemove option deletes any particular email account. At the bottom of the above displayed window, you will see the path of the data file. This data file is used to restore your emails, in the case of any disaster situation. Lets explore more into the Email settings, hit the Change button and it will launch the wizard from where you can view/modify your configured email account settings. At the very first step, you will see User Information, Server Information (Server Type, Incoming and Outgoing Server) and Logon Information( Email account and password).

For more settings of your email account, click the More Settings button and anew dialog window will open. Now, under the General tab you can specify the name that appears on the previous menus listing, as well as your organization name and your reply email address.

Under the Outgoing Server tab, you can instruct Outlook 2010 to use authentication when sending emails. When connecting through another service provider, you will want to have this checked. Otherwise it is unnecessary. The Connection tab lets you specify how Outlook 2010 will connect to the internet.

Once you have successfully configured an email account in Outlook 2010 and want to view the accounts settings or properties, then here are the simple steps you can follow. In Outlook 2007, the account settings could be launched from the Tools > Account Settings option, while in Outlook 2010, you simply hit the Office button(or File) and click the Account Settings button.

How to setup Outlook 2010

It will display the Account Settings window with Email tab open, if you have configured multiple accounts then all of them will be listed here. You will see the tabbed interface here, by clicking any particular tab you will see its relevant settings for the selected account.

Under the tabs, you will see plenty of useful options, the New option lets you configure a new email account, the Repair option is used to repair the Outlook 2010 settings (you often need to perform this operation if your email repository size is in GBs), the Change option lets you modify the settings of any particular email account. If you have configured multiple accounts in Outlook 2010 then you can set any particular account as your default by selecting that account and hitting the Set as Default option. TheRemove option deletes any particular email account. At the bottom of the above displayed window, you will see the path of the data file. This data file is used to restore your emails, in the case of any disaster situation. Lets explore more into the Email settings, hit the Change button and it will launch the wizard from where you can view/modify your configured email account settings. At the very first step, you will see User Information, Server Information (Server Type, Incoming and Outgoing Server) and Logon Information( Email account and password).

For more settings of your email account, click the More Settings button and anew dialog window will open. Now, under the General tab you can specify the name that appears on the previous menus listing, as well as your organization name and your reply email address.

Under the Outgoing Server tab, you can instruct Outlook 2010 to use authentication when sending emails. When connecting through another service provider, you will want to have this checked. Otherwise it is unnecessary. The Connection tab lets you specify how Outlook 2010 will connect to the internet.

The Advanced tab lets you control the port and encryption settings for your account.

Outlook 2010 represents the most powerful and intuitive email client software with a rich set of features. Even though these settings could be found in Outlook 2007 as well, Microsoft has indeed improved Outlook 2010 to be more user friendly. Enjoy!

The Advanced tab lets you control the port and encryption settings for your account.

Outlook 2010 represents the most powerful and intuitive email client software with a rich set of features. Even though these settings could be found in Outlook 2007 as well, Microsoft has indeed improved Outlook 2010 to be more user friendly. Enjoy!

How to Set up Outlook express

Applies to: Grid System Instructions for Setting Up Outlook Express 6 Open Outlook Express and choose Tools from the top menu:

Now click Accounts, which will bring up the Accounts Window:

If you need to change an Outlook Express profile that is already set, skip to here. Otherwise, if you are setting up a new mail profile in Outlook, click the Add button, and then click Mail:

Now you will see the wizard for adding a new profile, and the first thing it will ask you for is a Display Name:

After you enter a proper name like "John Jones", click Next. Now enter the email address that you want as the return address on all your outgoing mail like: Then click Next. The next item asks what type of server your incoming mailserver is. If your are not sure whether you want POP3 or IMAP, please go here here.

Now enter your Incoming Mailserver in the next field, which is: Now enter an Outgoing Mailserver. The Outgoing Mailserver should be the outgoing mailserver provided by your ISP where you get your own internet connectivity. You will need to contact your ISP and ask them what this setting should be. Usually it is something like: After inputting Incoming and Outgoing mailservers, click Next. Now you will be asked for an Account Name and Password. Enter your Modwest Mailbox Login Name (not email address) and Password here exactly as you did when creating mailboxes in your Control Panel or when you first signed up for hosting (your FTP username is also a Mailbox Login Name). If you forgot the mailbox login names, you can see a list of them in your Mailboxes & Settings in OnSite. A mailbox login name looks like: jones2 not Also on this screen, check the "Remember Password" box for your convenience. Leave the checkbox for SPA unchecked. Now click Next. Now click Finish. That process will create a mail account profile in the Accounts window:

If you already had a mail profile setup in Outlook, or if you just finished setting one up as described above, then click the account that appears in the Accounts window above. Now click the Properties button on the right. That will bring up the General tab of the Properties Window:

From the General tab as shown above, click the Servers tab:

How to setup Windows live Email

1. If you use Windows Live Messenger or other Windows Live services, you may see a message asking if you want to sign in using your Windows Live ID. Click No. If this is the first time you've opened Windows Live Mail 2011, the Add your email accountswindow will appear automatically (continue to step 2). Otherwise, go to the Accounts tab and click the Email button on the toolbar.


Fill in your account details (see below the screenshot if you need help with this).

Email address: Enter the address you're setting up, this could be a Plusnet address ( or a hosted domain address ( Password: Enter the password for the email address you're setting up (I don't know what this is) Display Name for your sent messages: Enter your full name (or the name you'd like people to see when you send them email from this account) When you've done this, click Next.


Fill in your mail server addresses and email username (see below the screenshot if you need help with this).

Incoming Server information: Server Type: Choose POP or IMAP for the Incoming e-mail server type (I don't know what to choose) Server address: For POP, this is, for IMAP this is (the port number will be filled in for you so leave this as it is) Authenticate using: Make sure this says Clear text Logon user name: Enter the email username for the address you're setting up (I don't know what this is) Outgoing server information Server address:

Click Next to continue.


That's all you need to do, click Finish.


Your mail account is now ready to use. Click Send/Receive (it's on the right side of the Home tab) or press F5 on your keyboard and your email will be downloaded to your Inbox.

That's all you need to do. If you have any questions about your email service or you experience any problems, please see the Related Articles at the bottom of the page.

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