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Common Internet Service Providers (ISP) Settings

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

AOL AT&T Wireless AT&T Worldnet Cableone Charter Cingular Comcast Earthlink FastMail GMail GoDaddy InsightBB MobileMe Mindspring MSN/Hotmail Network Solutions SBC Global (via Prodigy) SBC Global (Yahoo Powered) SprintPCS Utopia Systems Yahoo Mail

This information requires (for IMAP capability) that you have SnapperMail Enterprise edition installed on your device. In your SnapperMail server account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

IMAP Server: Username: your AOL screen name Password: your AOL password SMTP Server: Username: your AOL screen name Password: your AOL password

Tap the "More?" button in the server account settings. In that window, enter the following:

IMAP4 SETTINGS: Use Port:143 SMTP SETTINGS: Use Port:587

AT&T Wireless
1. 2. Make sure that after you establish your mMode account, you pick your own username so that you get a "" style email address. This will be your second "" email address, the first being [your-cellphone-number] To configure SnapperMail to send email using AT&T Wireless' POP3 server, go to your Server Account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server). Enter the following for the Incoming Mail settings: o POP3 Server: Username: [] Password: [your mMode password] To configure SnapperMail to send email using AT&T Wireless' SMTP server, go to your Server Account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server). Enter the POP3 setting as per your ISP's instructions and enter the following for the Outgoing Mail Server: SMTP Server: Username: [your mMode username] Password: [your mMode password] AT&T wireless will refuse authentication unless your email address is the same as your mMode email address: o In your SnapperMail Account settings under Identity (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts > (choose account) -> Identity), enter your mMode email address, i.e. o If you want replies to go your normal email address, enter it in the "Reply To" area (Menu > Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Identity -> Reply To). AT&T Wireless appears to have quietly rolled out a new SMTP server. If the configuration in #3 and #4 above does not work for you, please try the following: o SMTP Server: Username: [leave blank, "optional"] Password: [leave blank, "optional"] NOTE: This server is only usable for devices on the ATTWS network, and according to some users it may no longer be available. 7. Another new AT&T Wireless server appears to have been rolled out or it will be soon. If none of the above configurations work for you, please try the following: o SMTP Server: Username: [leave blank, "optional"] Password: [leave blank, "optional"] NOTE: This server is only usable for devices on the ATTWS network. - do not append "" NOTE: AT&T Wireless is supposedly coming to "end of life" due to the merger with Cingular. Here is a link to the Cingular settings.

3. 4. 5.


AT&T Worldnet
These instructions require that you have the Premier or Enterprise edition of SnapperMail version or higher. Prior 2.x versions will still work, but the Secure: dropdown list is slightly different as noted. In your SnapperMail server account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

POP3 Server: Username: (make sure you use upper/lower case, and replace "Anywho"

with your user ID) Password: [your email password] SMTP Server: Username: Anywho (do not type, use upper/lower case, and replace "Anywho" with your user ID) Password: [your email password]

Tap the "More?" button in the server account settings. In that window, enter the following:

POP3 SETTINGS: Use Port 995 Uncheck: Use APOP Authentication Secure: Always require SSL Check: Always trust certificate SMTP SETTINGS: Use Port 465 Check: POP before send (or uncheck it, whichever way works for you) Secure: Always require SSL Check: Always trust certificate

Note: Secure: dropdown list for SnapperMail version 2.x series prior to will read "Always secure (wrapped port)" and "Always trust server."

In your SnapperMail server account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

POP3 Server: Username: your email username Password: your email password SMTP Server: Username: your email username Password: your email password

In your SnapperMail server account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

POP3 Server: Username: your full Charter Email address Password: your email password SMTP Server: Charter's SMTP server is apparently unavailable outside their network. You'll have to use an alternate SMTP server such as the one your cellular carrier provides.


These instructions assume you have SnapperMail version or higher. Prior 2.x versions will still work, but the Secure: dropdown list is slightly different as noted. In your SnapperMail Server Account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), use the information below: For your incoming mail you may either use a POP3 compatible email account with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) of your choice, or you can use your mmode account. No matter what, outgoing mail must go through the mymmode server. Start SnapperMail and either click on Accounts -> New Account.. Or Accounts -> Edit Accounts? (to change an existing account). You will be creating or editing a POP account. Do NOT enter the [] - they are used to hold a description of what information you need to enter.

Identity tab: - Your name: [your name] - Email address: [your POP3 mail name] or [mmode_username] (not!) - Reply to address (optional): [leave blank] Server tab - Incoming Mail: - POP3 Server: [your ISP's POP3 server] or - Username: [your POP3 mail account or mmode login name] - Password: [your POP3 or mmode password] Outgoing mail: - SMTP Server: - Username: [your mmode username] - Password: [your mmode password]

Click on the 'More?' button on the lower right of the screen, then set:

POP3 Settings: - Use Port: 110 SMTP Settings: - Use Port: 25 - Secure: Use TLS if supported - Check: Always trust certificate

Note: Secure: dropdown list for SnapperMail version 2.x series prior to will read "Secure if available" and "Always trust server." Rules tab: See the Snappermail manual for details on each of these features as they are your choice. Under 'More rules?', BCC a copy of outgoing mail to your POP3 email address so that you have a record of what you sent from Snappermail. Alternate SMTP Settings (if the above information does not work):

Outgoing mail: - SMTP Server: - Username: [leave blank] - Password: [leave blank]

In your SnapperMail Server Account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

POP3 Server: Username: [your Comcast username] (only the part before the "@" character, not your whole Email address) Password: [your Comcast password] SMTP Server: Username: [your Comcast username] (only the part before the "@" character, not your whole Email address) Password: [your Comcast password]

In your SnapperMail Server Account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

POP3 Server: Username: [your Earthlink username] Password: [your Earthlink password] SMTP Server: Username: [your Earthlink email address] Password: [your Earthlink password]

- instead of your username such as "foobar" this should be your full email address e.g.

These instructions assume you have SnapperMail version or higher. Prior 2.x versions will still work, but the Secure: dropdown list is slightly different as noted. In your SnapperMail Server Account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

IMAP Server: Username: [your FastMail email address] Password: [your FastMail password] POP3 Server: Username: [your FastMail email address] Password: [your FastMail password] SMTP Server: Username: [your FastMail email address] Password: [your FastMail password]

For unsecured connections (without SSL), just accept the default port numbers (on the "More?" button screen). If SMTP port 25 has been blocked by your carrier,tap on the "More?" button and change the SMTP port to 26. - instead of your username such as "myname" this should be your full email FastMail address e.g.,,, etc. - POP3 access requires "full membership" status or above - SMTP access requires "membership" status or above - IMAP requires SnapperMail Enterprise Edition.

If you'd like to make your connection secure with SSL (requires SnapperMail Premier orEnterprise Edition, tap the More? button on the bottom of the Server page in the account settings. Then set the following according to Email protocols you are using:

POP3 Settings: - Use Port: 995 - Secure: Always require SSL - Check: Always trust certificate IMAP Settings: - Use Port: 993 - Secure: Always require SSL - Check: Always trust certificate SMTP Settings: - Use Port: 465 - Secure: Always require SSL - Check: Always trust certificate

Note: Secure: dropdown list for SnapperMail version 2.x series prior to will read "Always secure (wrapped port)" and "Always trust server."

1. These instructions require that you have the Premier or Enterprise edition of SnapperMailversion or higher. Prior 2.x versions will still work, but the Secure: dropdown list is slightly different as noted. Also, if you are not using Gmail's "recent mode" you can only download messages via POP3 to one Email client program. To access your Gmail account using POP3, log into your Gmail account with your web browser, go into Settings, select the "Forwarding and Pop" link, and under POP3 Download, enable the type of POP3 access you want. For POP3, in your SnapperMail server account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following (see "Note 2" below for Gmail's "recent mode" information: o POP3 Server: Username: your full Gmail email address Password: your Gmail password o SMTP Server: Username: your full Gmail email address Password: your Gmail password IMPORTANT: Tap the "More" button at the bottom of the screen.

2. 3.

POP3 Settings: - Set the "Secure" dropdown to "Always require SSL" - Use Port 995 (this port number should automatically be set when you select the SSL option listed on the line above) - Leave the other checkboxes unchecked.

Note: Secure: dropdown list for SnapperMail version 2.x series prior to will read "Always secure (wrapped port)." 4. 5. To access your Gmail account using IMAP, log into your Gmail account with your web browser, go into Settings and click on the appropriate links to access and activate IMAP. Again, this is not available in all Gmail accounts yet, so the links may not be there. For IMAP4, in your SnapperMail server account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

o o

IMAP4 Server: Username: your full Gmail email address Password: your Gmail password SMTP Server: Username: your full Gmail email address Password: your Gmail password

IMPORTANT: Tap the "More?" button at the bottom of the screen.

IMAP4 Settings: - Set the "Secure" dropdown to "Always require SSL" - Use Port 993 (this port number should automatically be set when you select the SSL option listed on the line above) - Leave the other checkboxes unchecked.

Note: Secure: dropdown list for SnapperMail version 2.x series prior to will read "Always secure (wrapped port)." For SMTP settings, you can use either "Set" of SSL security settings below regardless of using POP3 or IMAP4 for incoming Email. There is no mention to the word "Set" anywhere in the SnapperMail interface. These are merely two different ways that you can configure SnapperMail to send Email using Gmail's server. Simply choose the set below that you want to use, but do not mix the settings together between both sets.

SMTP SETTINGS "More?" Set #1: - Set the "Secure" dropdown to "Use TLS if supported" - Use port 587 (you will have to manually set this port number) - Leave the other checkboxes unchecked. SMTP SETTINGS "More?" Set #2: - Set the "Secure" dropdown to "Always require SSL" - Use port 465 (this port number should automatically be set when you select the SSL option listed on the line above) - Leave the other checkboxes unchecked.

Note: Secure: dropdown list for SnapperMail version 2.x series prior to will read "Secure if available" for set #1 or "Always secure (wrapped port)" for set #2.

NOTE: Some people have reported that SnapperMail suddenly stops downloading messages from Gmail using POP3, or it downloads erratically. This is usually a problem with Gmail's POP3 server, not with SnapperMail. You should login to your Gmail account using a web browser. Go to the Settings (or Options) page, shut off the POP3 option and accept the change. Then go back into the Settings page again, turn the POP3 option back on and accept the change. People have reported back to us that this usually works to get Gmail's POP3 server working properly for them again. Note 2: Using Gmail POP3 on mobile or multiple devices ? If you're accessing your Gmail using POP3 from multiple clients, Gmail's "recent mode" makes sure that all messages are made available to each client, rather than only to the first client to access new mail. Recent mode fetches the last 30 days of mail, regardless of whether it's been sent to another POP client already. To do this, replace '' in your POP client settings with ''.

In your SnapperMail server account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

POP3 Server: Username: your entire GoDaddy Email address (i.e. or Password: your GoDaddy password On the "More?" screen, leave all the checkboxes unchecked (all SnapperMail editions) and select "No SSL security" (Premier/Enterprise editions). SMTP Server: Username: your entire GoDaddy Email address (i.e. or Password: your GoDaddy password On the "More?" screen, leave all the checkboxes unchecked (all SnapperMail editions) and select "No SSL security" (Premier/Enterprise editions). If you have trouble using the SMTP server, try setting the port number to 3535 on the "More?" screen.

If you have difficulty setting up and/or using the GoDaddy SMTP server (i.e. you get a "501 Authentication failed" message), you may have to set up the relay configuration in your GoDaddy account. The following links provide information on what the relay is and how to set it up:

What is SMTP Relay? How Do I set up SMTP Relay?

These instructions require that you have the Premier or Enterprise edition of SnapperMail version or higher. Prior 2.x versions will still work, but the Secure: dropdown list is slightly different as noted. In your SnapperMail server account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

POP3 Server: Username: [your whole InsightBB Email address] Password: [your InsightBB password] SMTP Server: Username: [your whole InsightBB Email address] Password: [your InsightBB password]

Tap the "More?" button in the server account settings. In that window, enter the following: POP3 SETTINGS:

Use Port 995 Check: Use APOP Authentication Secure: Always require SSL Check: Always trust certificate SMTP SETTINGS: Use Port 465 Secure: Always require SSL Check: Always trust certificate

Note: Secure: dropdown list for SnapperMail version 2.x series prior to will read "Always secure (wrapped port)" and "Always trust server."


For POP3 access, in your SnapperMail Server Account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

POP3 Server: Username: [your username] (only the part before the "@"). So if your Email address is "" or "", only enter "user" (without the quotes). Password: [your password] SMTP Server: Username: [your username] (only the part before the "@"). So if your Email address is "" or "", only enter "user" (without the quotes). password: [your password]

If you want to set up SnapperMail to use IMAP (instead of POP3) for connecting to your account, you can do that as well. IMAP capability requires that you have SnapperMail Enterprise edition installed on your device. In your SnapperMail server account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

IMAP Server: Username: [your username] (only the part before the "@"). So if your Email address is "" or "", only enter "user" (without the quotes). Password: [your password] SMTP Server: Username: [your username] (only the part before the "@"). So if your Email address is "" or "", only enter "user" (without the quotes). Password: [your password]

IMPORTANT: Tap the "More" button at the bottom of the screen.

For IMAP4 Settings: - Secure: Always require SSL - Accept the defaults for all of the other gadgets. For SMTP Settings: - Secure: Always require TLS - Check: Always trust certificate - Set the port number to 587. - Accept the defaults for all of the other gadgets. It has been suggested by some users to activate the "Sync unread mail only" checkbox in the Edit Accounts "Rules" tab for best performance.

Note 1: Secure: dropdown list for SnapperMail version 2.x series prior to will read "Always secure (wrapped port)" and "Always trust server." Note 2: Secure: dropdown list for SnapperMail version 3.x series will read "Always trust certificate."

In your SnapperMail Server Account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

POP3 Server: Username: [your full Mindspring email address] Password: [your Mindspring password]

In your SnapperMail Server Account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

POP server: Username: [Your Windows Live ID, for example] Password: [The password you usually use to sign in to Hotmail or Windows Live] SMTP Server: Username: [Your Windows Live ID, for example] Password: [The password you usually use to sign in to Hotmail or Windows Live]

IMPORTANT: Tap the "More" button at the bottom of the screen.

For Pop Settings: - Secure: Always require SSL - Accept the defaults for all of the other gadgets. For SMTP Settings: - Secure: Always require TLS - Accept the defaults for all of the other gadgets.

Network Solutions
In your SnapperMail server account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

POP3 Server: mail.your domain (where "your domain name" is replaced by the actual name of your owned domain) Username: your full Email address (i.e. Password: (your Network Solutions email password) SMTP Server: smtp.your domain (where "your domain name" is replaced by the actual name of your owned domain) Username: your full Email address (i.e. Password: (your Network Solutions email password)

Additional settings:

POP3: Use Port 110 Uncheck Use APOP Authentication Check No SSL SMTP: Use Port 25 Uncheck POP before send Check Secure if Available Check Always Trust Server

SBC Global (via Prodigy)

In your SnapperMail Server Account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

POP3 Server: Username: [your SBC Global email address] Password: [yourpassword] SMTP Server: Username: [your SBC Global email address] Password: [yourpassword]

- instead of your username such as "foobar" this should be your full email address e.g.

SBC Global (Yahoo Powered)

In your SnapperMail Server Account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

POP3 Server: [see table below] Username: [your email address] Password: [your password] SMTP Server: [see table below] Username: [your email address] Password: [your password]

Email Address POP3 Server SMTP Server The AT&T setup uses SSL. This requires that you have the Premier or Enterprise Edition of SnapperMail. In the "Server" tab, tap the "More?" button at the bottom. For SnapperMail version and higher, configure the SSL setting to "Always require SSL" for both POP3 and SMTP. For versions of SnapperMail prior to, the gadget selection will be labeled as "Always secure (wrapped port)."Set the port numbers to 995 for POP3, and 465 for SMTP.

1. Set an EMAIL password for your Sprint account: o Go to Sprint's web site at o Log onto your "My PCS" using your SprintPCS username and password. Unless you have previously changed it, your password is the last four digits of your social security number. o Click on "Wireless Web passcode" link in the Phone Access section on the lower-left corner of the page.



Follow the on-screen prompts to enter a new password. Note that you will need to have your phone on and in a coverage area for the password to be reset on your phone. Write down your new password for future reference, as you will need this information to setup SnapperMail on your handheld device. In your SnapperMail Account settings under Server (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following: o SMTP Server: Username: [your Sprint username] Password: [your EMAIL password you set in step 1 above] Sprint will refuse authentication unless your email address is the same as your SprintPCS Vision email address: o In your SnapperMail Account settings under Identity (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts > (choose account) -> Identity), enter your SprintPCS email address, i.e. o If you want replies to go your normal email address, enter it in the "Reply To" area (Menu > Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Identity -> Reply To).

- Enter the portion of your SprintPCS Vision email address before the "@" here. So, if your address is, your username would be myname. Some users have reported that entering only the username part does not work. If it does not work for you, please try entering your entire SprintPCS Vision email address. Alternate information: Sprint complicates things by having three passwords - the account management password, the Vision password, and the e-mail password. This may help you: On the Sprint PCS web site, there is a 'Preferences' link by the compose msg function. Under the preferences, you can set up an e-mail password. THIS is the password that is assigned to the SMTP and POP servers in SnapperMail.
In your SnapperMail server account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

POP3 Server: Username: your username only (without the "") Password: your password Port: 110 Use APOP Authentication is unchecked No SSL security SMTP Server: Username: your full Email address with "" Password: your password Port: 25 POP before send is checked No SSL security

Utopia Systems
In your SnapperMail server account settings (Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

POP3 Server: Username: your Utopia Systems username Password: your Utopia Systems password SMTP Server: Username: your Utopia Systems username Password: your Utopia Systems password
The technical writer(s) at have created some excellent documentation for their users. They can be found at the following URLs (requires Acrobat Reader):

SnapperMail Setup Guide SnapperMail User Guide

For quick reference, here are the main settings. In your SnapperMail server account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following:

POP3 Server: Username: [your entire email address, using all lower case] Password: [your email password] IMAP4 Server: Username: [your entire email address, using all lower case] Password: [your email password] SMTP Server: Username: [your entire email address, using all lower case] Password: [your email password]

SSL Secure Server Settings (Requires SnapperMail Premier or Enterprise): 1. Replace the above server names with the following secure server name: o POP3 Server: IMAP4 Server: SMTP Server: Tap the "More?" button. o POP3 Settings: Use Port: 995 Secure: Always require SSL Check: Always trust certificate o IMAP4 Settings: Use Port: 993 Secure: Always require SSL Check: Always trust certificate o SMTP Settings: Use Port: 465 Secure: Always require SSL Check: Always trust certificate


Note: Secure: dropdown list for SnapperMail version 2.x series prior to will read "Always secure (wrapped port)" and "Always trust server." IMAP4 Requires SnapperMail Enterprise. If you have trouble sending messages, tap the More button (Account Settings, Server tab) and change the SMTP port to 587. Also, some ISPs do not allow third-party SMTP servers. In that case, you will need to use your ISP?s SMTP settings.

Yahoo Mail
1. 2. For SnapperMail to work with your Yahoo account you must have the POP access service (Mail Plus) activated. More info can be found at In your SnapperMail Server Account settings (Menu -> Accounts -> Edit Accounts -> (choose account) -> Server), enter the following: o POP3 Server: Username: [your Yahoo username] Password: [your Yahoo password] o SMTP Server: Username: [your Yahoo username] password: [your Yahoo password]

If you experience difficulty with the above settings, first try activating the "POP before Send" checkbox in the Server SMTP Settings. Also, if you use the Premier or Enterprise Edition of SnapperMail, make sure that the SSL settings on the SnapperMail account "Server" page (tap the "More..." button at the bottom) are set to "No SSL security".

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