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1. Xmas Holidays Every day, you...

- get up very late - have no more breakfasts but only brunches - think and worryonly about stupid things - don't know what day of the week is - hang about the home like a zombie - or spend all the day talking with your bestfriends on FB: you are so tired to go out lol - go out at half past two and come back at eight, just to say "Yeahhh I'm on holidayyy! I can do it!" - DON'T lose weight BUT on the first days, you... - say everytime "Let's finish immediately every single fuckin' homework, babe!" - answer back "Butt... It's a very good day to go out, isn't it? - wake up at 6 o'clock because of the fuckin' daily routine! - force yourself to stay awake because "It's holiday! I'm not going to go to bed before 2 a.m.!" - look forward eating the whole Pandoro...! ...And on last days, you will... - find yourself in front of the homework of every subject halfmade or... NOT MADE AT ALL! - get stressed - have increased your gossip culture but not your scolastic one (aww!) - feel bad - not be able to stop thinking about stupid things - have discovered that mascarpone make you fatten! (argh!) - get up every day more and more stressed, thinking about your 6 o'clock clock alarm waiting for you - start to cry withouth a reason in detail - try to become happy thinking "Hey! I'll meet my classmates again!" - discover that meeting your class during a pizzata could be very more nice! YEAH!

2. Dialogue 1 A) Hello B) Hello. Is that Tom Cruise? A) Speaking. B) Ohh! Hi Tom! This is Giulia. A) Oh, Giulia! I've missed you since the end of summer holidays! B) Well, me too... A) What's up, darling? How are you? B) Oh, I'm fine thanks. Well, Tom my friends would like to meet and know you. Why don't you come here in Verdellino? ...And than you will go to my school by bus... A) Oh, yes, great idea honey! B) Catch the first plan to Milan, than I'll explain to you everything! A) OK. But do your parents agree? B) Yes, I think so... You have only to sign autographes and spend some time talking about something... A) Fine. B) ...only in this way, they will forget I haven't asked at all their permession. A) So, we will meet in the airport. Love you, Giulia. B) Me too! Bye Tom! Don't be late!! 3. Riddle That was such a nice day. The sun was high in the sky, bright and shining. I felt so good in my yellow Dolce&Gabbana dress... "Oh shit", I thought when I saw other girls wearing my same dress... "What a shame! Damn it!" But suddenly I saw a man walking forward us. "Meee! Me! Choose me!" I screamed but he couldn't hear me. Finally he chose me. I was so happy! "I'm the prettiest of these girls!" I thought but... He STRIPPED me. "What the fuck are you doing????" He didn't take notice of my beggings and bite my head. I couldn't escape. I died cursing him. Fuck! [Who am I? A baaaaanana!] 4. FCE, writing part It was a dark and stormy night and I was reading a book. It was so boring and old, maybe it was the reason why my teacher has assigned it to my class. Five minutes were passed and I was already bored. So, I decided to close it, without leave any bookmark in it. I went to the living room. The storm raging outside made seem the room very quiet and cold. I hate storms. I'm afraid of thunder and blinding light of lightings. So that night I made my husband promise to be with me. Unfortunately he couldn't because he had to be in his office to finish a job. When I was thinking about that the light went off. Fuck! At the same moment I heard a noise. And all that I remembered is that my heart stopped beating when I saw an outline of a big bear, trying to enter to my home! "Oh my god!" I screamed "I haven't lock the door!" "Rawr" he answered. And I died.

5. Dialogue in Chemists A) Good morning! B) morning! A) Can I help you? B) Oh yes please. I'm looking for some grease for my formless hair. A) Hmm... You are very lucky, sir, we received some beauty products just yesterday! B) Amazing! Well, I was looking for a glittering and modeller type of grease. ...One that could make the most of my three greying hair. A) Oh yeah yeah! I see. Just a second, I will go on hand. [AFTER 40 MINUTES OF EAGER WAIT, THE SHOP ASSISTANT COME BACK, HOLDING ON AN INFINITY OF DIFFERENT PRODUCTION] A) Well, it's only the bare necessities. B) Hm... Are you sure... it's really necessary?? A) Of course, honest man. Now I'm going to show you everything in detail. Let's start with this special shampoo for greying hair. It has to be taken with this particular hair conditioner. ...JUST THINK: it's used by the very famous hairdresser Jukami Huyer!! B) Oh yes yes... Hukari Puyr? Probably, I have already heard this name anywhere. A) Hm a kind of. By the way, OBVIOUSLY, after this practice of washing, the hair must to be make stronger with this detailed sandalwood scented hairspray. B) Aha. A) NOW let's talk about the problem of you greying hair: with these unusual black lipstick you are going to look like a sweet seventeen! Trust me! B) Oh that's all so... SUPERSONIC! A) And it isn't the end, sir! B) ...Oh... well fantastic... A) Here you are this matchless grease made of a special spittle: spittle of whales! It gives you the most twinkling look to your hair! It's suggested by Jukami Huyer, too! B) Uff... Again? A) Yeah! Again! Well, dear friend I'm sorry but that's all! B) Oh don't worry, after all I have come here only for some grease. A) Oh come on, why don't you buy anything else? I'm going to give you as present a photo of Jukami Huyer with his autograph! B) Ok. So I'm going to buy the grease and... Haven't you got any cream to prevent corns? A) Sure! I'm going to look for it on hand! We have got a lot of products for this little problem! B) ...Oh...

6. Dialogue A) Hi Wilma! B) Oh hello Wilfred! A) Hey darling, what's the matter? Why are you sighing that way? B) Oh, Wilfred, it's a long story... *sigh* A) Well, I like long stories! B) I think you won't like mine... A) Well, how could you know it? Just start to tell me! B) You are so tenderly stubborn, sweet friend of mine! A) ...So? B) Well, I am so sad because my little, pretty, nice and cute dog has disappeared! A) Oh what a drag! What does he look like? B) Hmm first, my dog is a SHE! She is a very friendly one, her favourite food is smoked salmon, fillet and she eats also maron glaces! A) Oh yeah I see... But, Wilma, could you decribe it... OPS I mean HER... Well, could you describe her physically? B) Of course, Wilfred. Her name is Faustina. She has got blonde coat, her eyes are violet and ...very seductive *sigh* A) Well, Wilma, I'm going to be late at work! I hope you will find your Fausta! B) OK thanks. By the way her name is Faustina with INA! *sigh sigh* [dovevamo usare l'aggettivo "STUBBORN"] 7. Dialogue A) Mommy, could you help me to write the letter to S.ta Claus? B) Sure, princess! What do I have to write? A) Well, just to begin I think it's betten fill the first lines with stupid congratulations for him, his goodness of heart, how open-handed he is and others... B) Hm... A) After, I will add a long paragraph, of 120 or 150 words, where I'm going to tell him that I have behad arrogantly all this year long. B) And aren't you going to ask him any presents...? A) What nosense! SURE that I am, mum! B) Oh, it's a very stupid question, I know darling! A) But I have a little problem... B) ...What problem? A) ...Do you think that 173 presents will hurt his old stupid back?

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