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Satanism and the Satanic Panic

History always repeats itself and this point is being proven once again. The only thing they can get me for is running a funeral parlor without a license. John Wayne Gacy

Perception is reality and interpretation is left up to the individual. Often an individual will see a situation differently than another and this may lead to conict. Since disinformation is a great tool for gaining strategic advantage, one must always evaluate the information against the motives. To quote Dr. Hannibal Lector, you must ask What is it in itself. Disinformation is distributed intentionally while knowing the information if false. Misinformation is different because it is thought to be true by the distributor.The phenomena of the Satanic Panic was wildly popular during the 1980s when everyone and everything was examined for any sign of Satanism or Satanic symbols and meanings. Most of the Satanic Panic was created by xtian churches for religious reasons while many televangelist cashed in on the frightening effect created by the ghoulish and horrid stories revealed by so-called Satanic Ritual Survivors. These survivors were literally coming out from every conceivable place in the United States. Soon, even the Europeans were cashing in as well. Satanism became the hot topic of conversations with the graphic tales growing bloodier and more outlandish with every passing communication. Most intelligent people understood the whole thing was fabricated to sell books, music and collect offerings to ght the Satanists who were taking over the world!!!!! Does this sound familiar? Many of the leading experts on Satanism during the 80s were con men and shysters playing a shell game with unsuspecting sheep constantly bombarded by stories of abduction, rape, murderous ritualistic slaughter and inltration of government by the underground Satanic Society. Mike Warnke made a name for himself as an expert on the matter; after all, he claimed to have been a High Priest in a Satanic coven for years. Who better to scare the hell out of everyone. Does this also sound familiar?

Now, years later, we are witnessing the reemergence of the same phenomena that used fear and scare tactics over twenty years ago. It looks like the witch hunt or Satanist hunt is beginning again. I just wish the music was as good now as it was back then. Hail the King of the World; Lord Satan Aleister Nacht Related articles Satanic ( Those Dark Satanic Mills: The Moral Panic That Wont Die ( Sheriff Dart Pushes For New Dig For Gacy Victims ( Heres How College Students See the World [INFOGRAPHIC] ( John Wayne Gacys Nephew On Trial For Sexual Assault Of Child (

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