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15th, 2012 Present (12): 2009 o o o o 2010 o o o o o 2011 o o 2012 o

Andre Cote James Kim Kaleb Ruch Samantha Young Vass Bednar Anna-Maria Capella Adrienne Davidson Viola Dessanti Stacey McDonald Tiffany Blair Cayley Burgess Jacob Mksyartinian

Regrets (3): 2010: Jane Hilderman 2011: Brent Barron 2012: Jamie Foster

Part One: PPT Presentation on Formal Mentorship Program (Andre Cote) -- *Refer to document. Next steps on mentoring: Finalize documents Meet with administration Application process over 1-2 week period

Part Two: Governance Discussion (Kaleb Ruch) -- March 2012 Terms of Reference Launching (September 2012) not fully resolved Timely to have a discussion around how things are going Check in how things are going and how we can improve them Documents circulated: documents that the Student Union o Elements to consider for our own governance Constitution Elements within the Constitution Review proposal from last year (September 20 12)


AUGUST 15th, 2012 o Too much too soon? GENERAL COMMENTS TO START What we are doing well & what we are doing better? o Stacey: LIKE open for anyone to come participate in discussion Everyone is welcome to meetings o Stacey: BETTER more consistent participation from Committee Chairs Have an alternate Have a consistent representative at meetings Many people dont want to commit for the time o Kaleb: Try to always get new faces Increasing pool of people who want to contribute o Viola: Not fully adopt draft Working on a shadow model Point people meetings = Executive + anyone else CHALLENGES: getting a consistent follow through on volunteer commitment and counting on the same people over and over again for meetings WANT More representation from all the years and move vision forward o Andre: Student Union Kaleb: Not for content, but for framework of how we would go ahead o Vass: opportunity to orient new people and worry about alienating people that we are not Student Union 2.0 o Jacob: Establish more formality to the organization Association versus an informal network for sustainability How much are you not able to achieve people dont fulfill obligations with level of accountability Is there a lack of success because of engagement? o Viola would a formal document motivate people Conceptual discussion Structure Formal governance and accountability Tiffany not motivating Constitution is not a recruitment tool o Formal and informal understanding o Would not hurt to have things in writing o Kaleb and Finance and cheques o Helpful for transparency o Basic rules o Legitimacy What do we want to have in that governance framework? o Purpose statement o Membership o Roles and responsibilities of a leadership group and who is accountable Could include committee chairs


AUGUST 15th, 2012 May not be Q committees and network council structure 5-10 years Small leadership and a lot of committees high level of impact o Do we want to have an executive? o Defining meetings how often and who is required o Elections do we want them o Committee structure steering committee, do we want to have on o Financial obligations o How to amend things Chair concern o President o Chair o Co-ordination and serves the executive and the team and the point people co-ordinates meetings, follows up on tasks o Co-ordinator o TEAM o A years time o Ambitious agenda robust constitution with a very clear organizational framework o Legitimacy of the organization o *Representatives from every year? Online library Only as rich as data we have (Jacob) helpful tools Adrienne o Executive is preferred to a Chair o Thats different than the committee heads o Committees drive work that gets done Separation between an executive o Committee chairs and leadership o POINT specific goals and objectives? Strategic thinking o GOVERNANCE GOALS Flexibility Body parts Have a head with a strategy and drive it through the year REPS from each year o Communications committee o Reaching out o Reaching out the executive Sub-committee Of engagement *most recent graduating year on the executive *Odd numbers not in Roberts Rules of order


AUGUST 15th, 2012 o The most recent year Who is on the executive o Voted on? o Elections? Are opt-in Nominating themselves Ready to commit Who is voting? Legitimacy and democratic process Membership or vote? Timing January is the AGM Invite current students Vote on the next years executive Minimum 2/3rds o Everyone congregate o Who wants to do it? Sam example: Alumni through MEC membership o Present themselves and then vote online for some period of time CHAIR o Manages the committee o Function of the committee is manage the machinery of the network and make sure the process happens and to chair and host meetings o Liaise with point people o NOT running the organizations, meetings open and decisions largely by consensus o Accountable Writing it into the document All votes are open to all members

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Clarify what we have heard and move forward -- - Executive or steering committee o Accountable o Make things work smoothly Constellation model of leadership o Different leadership initiatives can bubble up Responsibility versus accountability Of the general association Could be: events Book club Etc o Role of committee chair is open ended


AUGUST 15th, 2012 o Specific o And freedom to add on Members will drive what the executive is accountable for Strategic objectives Over calendar year Freedom to engage Steering committee for the organization Formalize student union relationship UTAA Executive would have steering committee roles independent External liaison

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NEED TO - - - - - FORMALIZE the objectives MEMBERSHIP ROLES AND RESPONIBILITIES HOW OFTEN ELECTIONS o May? o Need to adopt the constitution can do it informally o Can get amendments

Ideas for AGM - BIG event at end of October Middle or end of October First election at that meeting Lots of communication to people who arent here Sponsors for homecoming?

TO DO: 1. Jacob AGM and homecoming and sharing ideas 2. Amending formula


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