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Diagram 1.1 shows two similar glass containers, T and U. Each container has the same amount of food.

Container T has one rat but there are 5 rats in container Q. 1.1 T U . .

Diagram 1.1
Table 1 shows the result of the investigation after four days.

1 (a)

Table 1 Give one reason (inference) based on the information above.

(ID:1231161291264 /KLON/UPSR/2008/1(a))

The rats in container T get enough air The rats in container U did not get enough air The rats in container U did not get enough food The rats in container U did not get enough breeding mates [Top] (b) Write one observation on the condition of the rats in container U to support your answer in (a).(ID:1231161291716 /KLON/UPSR/2008/1(b)) There is one dead rat in container T Some rats died in container U There are no rats in container U The rats in container U are not active [Top] (c) The rat in container T is moved into a similar container,

R with ten other rats as shown in Diagram 1.2. The amount of food given is the same as in container T and U.

Diagram 1.2 Predict what will happen to the rats after 8 days.
(ID:1231161292015 /KLON/UPSR/2008/1(c))

All the rats die All the rats are still alive The rats lose weight -The number of rats increases [Top] (d) State one variables that is kept the same (constant).(ID:1231161292708 Condition of rats Amount of food The number of dead rats The number of rats alive

Diagram 2.1 shows two similar glass containers, P and Q. Each container has a small piece of leaf and is closed with a piece of nylon net. Container P contains one grasshopper but there are three grasshoppers in container Q

Diagram 2.1

Table 2 shows the result of the investigation after two days.

2 (a)

Table 2 Give one reason (inference) based on the information above.(ID:1230990582197


The grasshoppers in container P did not get enough breeding mates The grasshoppers in container Q did not get enough food The grasshoppers in container P did not get enough air The grasshoppers in container Q did not get enough water [Top] (b) Write one observation on the condition of the grasshoppers in container Q to support your answer in (a).(ID:1230990582558 /KLON/UPSR/2008/1(b)) There is one dead grasshopper in container P There is one dead grasshopper in container Q There are no grasshoppers in container P There are no grasshoppers in container Q [Top] (c) The grasshoppers in container P are moved into a similar container, R with a small piece of leaf added, as shown in Diagram 2.2. 5 more grasshoppers are added into container R.

Diagram 2.2 Predict what will happen to the grasshoppers after five days.(ID:1230990582879 All the grasshoppers are still alive The number of grasshoppers increases All the grasshoppers die There are no dead grasshoppers


[Top] (d) State one variable that was kept the same in this investigation.(ID:1230990583268

The number of dead grasshoppers Condition of animal Number of leaves The number of live grasshoppers

A researcher from Putra University has conducted a research on the number of animal Y in a forest. The result is recorded in Diagram 3.

3 (a)

Diagram 3 What observation can be made based on Diagram 3?(ID:1193236953312 The number of animal Y increases and decreases The number of animal Y decreases The number of animal Y increases The number of animal Y does not change

[Top] (b) What happens if this condition continues?(ID:1193236953446 Animal Y move to another habitat Animal Y will still be in the habitat Animal Y still reproduces Animal Y will become extinct [Top]


State one step to prevent this condition from happening.(ID:1193236953535 Destroy the habitat of animal Y Encourage the hunting of animal Y Establish a conservation centre for animal Y Open the habitat of animal Y to agriculture


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